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1Testimony of Fabienne Dear brothers and sisters, it is for me a joy to be able to share with you the marvels that

God has done for my poor soul. For those who are interested, you can read on my web site the five books I have written concerning my conversion and that obtained the

imprimatur and the nihil obstat of the Archdiocese of Paris. You will also find the interview with Mgr. Ren Laurentin, prelate of our Holy Father Benedict XVI. I will attempt to give you my testimony by reading it because I cannot give it by heart since I have some problem with my memory

. I am Catholic and my family is practicing the faith. However during my youth I did not practice, neither did my parents. My father would leave home every weekend to play bocce ball and my mother remained at home. As there was no faith in the home and that my mother did not pray,

Satan got a hold of my family. My father, ignoring the Word of God, would go out every weekend and the consequence was that the blessing of God removed itself from our lives and I began leading a life of complete debauchery

Later on, my mother began to go to a prayer group and prayed a lot for my conversion and that of my sister and my father and then they returned to the Church and the blessing of God returned to our family. Mother prayed so much for me that Our Blessed Lady heard her supplication and I was personally called by the

Blessed Virgin Mary to make a first pilgrimage to Medjugorje, which helped me to return to the Truth. In 1996, when I was far from the Church and the sacraments, God visited me and told me that he would like that we fear him. This fear, dear brothers and sisters, is not the fear of

God but it means that we must fear offending him, in other words we must not want to sin because every sin makes Jesus of Love suffer. And there, also, he showed me where my soul was. My spirit found itself as if I were lost in the Universe, and God showed me the Beast,

in other words Satan, as he is described in the Book of Revelation, with a lions head. By the power of the Holy Spirit, in an instant, I understood that my soul was lost and that it was emprisoned in the Beast! So before the horror of this vision, I cried out to God and He answered me that he would accept my

penance. From this moment on, God granted me the freedom of either saving myself by partaking of the sacraments and returning to the Church with all my heart, or to be damned for all eternity. Following this He asked me to leave him decide of my eternal salvation. I

therefore had to abandon my own will and submit to the divine will. I submitted all of that to my first spiritual Father and before returning home, God asked him me to be a witness of His mercy, which my spiritual Father confirmed and soon after, God of love told me: Listen

to my word, observe my commandments and observe my Sabbaths! I had to acknowledge that I was not reading the Bible and that I knew none of the commandments. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the

house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them. (Exodus 20, 2-5)

It is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him. (Mt. 4, 10) You know, I worshiped my physical self. I would go to see beauticians, I bought expensive creams, very expensive clothing, and I took dream vacations. Plastic surgery, etc... So

God told me: Be fulfilled. And then I had many idols of the New Age. So Jesus told me: You worship Satan. I had to humbly acknowledge that I did not adore God, the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I practiced fortune telling with all kinds of cards, tarots, pendulum, healing through colours, astrology, spiritualism, (ouija, round table, automatic writing) numerology, white magic and most of the New Age techniques and I even joined the Rosicrucians AMORC (Ancient and

Mystical Order of the Rosicrucians. (AMORC) is mentioned in the reports concerning the sects: No. 1687 - June 10, 1999). The devil kept me in error with reincarnation and belief in karma. I knew a guru who opened two chakras for me. The chakra of the heart and the

chakra of the 3 eye. Chakras are centers of energy that are distributed along the spine and these centers open when we practice certain techniques such as yoga, reiki, transcendental meditation and then the demons enter, which brings on an infestation of impure spirits.


So, God, in his infinite mercy told me: No longer sell your soul to the devil, no longer betray me but glorify me, honour me and give me praise. Recently I learned that the guru had died and was in hell. Already, a few years ago, while he was alive, Our Blessed Lady had told me

that this guru was too filled with pride and she had told me to remain far from this false prophet. Heaven had asked me to not judge him, even though he had opened the chakras. So I asked the Blessed Virgin why and she said that he was in hell because he did not regret his sins. If he had only confessed them and had

repented he would maybe now be in heaven. But that was his freedom and God respected his freedom of choice. God also allows me presently to hear his hatred. And I assure you that it is great! Hate is a sin that leads the soul into hell. At the beginning, I suffered

knowing that he was lost. So I felt sorry for him. And when I was felling sorry for him, he manifested himself inwardly to me while insulting me. You know, dear sisters and brothers, the damned do not want to have anything to do with us and they refuse our help. In this battle between

heaven and hell, God allowed me to hear inwardly the underhanded tricks of hell: those of Satan and of this guru. In fact, I heard how he was harassing me inwardly each time I did work for God. It was a great martyrdom. And on that same occasion I heard him speaking to the Blessed Virgin. He calls her Mary.

He told her that he would destroy me and kill me. Moreover, he often immerses me in fear. So I must always resist with the Word of God Jesus, I trust in you. The Blessed Virgin told me that we must resist the spite of Satan. If only you knew how shrewd he is! You

know, dear brothers and sisters, each second we receive the suggestions of the Holy Spirit, but also the suggestions of the devil. The Blessed Virgin, while instructing me, taught me to resist the diabolical suggestions, but I would often succumb before the power of Satans energies. So I asked the Blessed

Virgin, especially Our Lady of Mount Carmel, for her precious help so that she will protect me in each delicate situation. God allowed me to know the action of the spirit of evil in a soul. God showed me inwardly, through the power of the Holy Spirit, how Satan was acting in me, as he does in everyone. He

relentlessly attacks the heart of men, he immerses the soul in lethargy and removes from the soul the Word of God as best as he can. That is why it is important to fast at least once a week. When we fast, the devil is blinded and the Holy Spirit can pour more light within us. When we do not do penance,

when we do not pray, we do not fast, then the devil darkens our intelligence and little by little he drags it with him into the abyss. Sometimes, I heard the devil tell me: You are mine. But the Blessed Virgin would tell me: When you die, I will bring you to Paradise.

Always in the first commandment, the Holy Spirit showed me that I was not observing it. In fact, in many instances God asked me to not judge, to not condemn. So I often took myself for God, I judged my neighbour

and sometimes I condemned him. So much that each time I took myself for God, the devil would arise in my heart and helped me to judge and condemn my neighbour. So much so that each time that I judged or condemned someone, my soul descended to the deepest of the abyss. Then Jesus

told me: keep yourself away from judging somebody. Now, dear brothers and sisters, when something is not going well with someone, I say: It is God who judges. God taught me to say that. Each time that I judged or condemned someone I had

to confess it. Each time that I judged someone, my soul was judging itself and I was beginning to see in myself everything that was not going well. Now I pray systematically for the person and my soul finds its peace once more. God says: You will love your

neighbour as yourself. We really have to refuse the temptations to judge and condemn. Yes, dear brothers and sisters, we have to remain LOVE for our neighbour, for ourself. And love means PRAYER and CHARITY. God also asked me to no

longer punish anybody. Why, because each time that I punished somebody, my soul was punishing itself also. You know, God created us in his image, so we have to be all-loving, as he on the cross. The Holy Spirit also showed

me that I was betraying the first commandment of Gods law. Why?? Because I often accused my brothers. So He told me: You are an accusing soul. Being an accuser, I had to change myself in order to start defending the souls and not accusing them. In fact, I played the role of

Satan, so much so that God showed me that I was accusing myself also before Him. So He told me: Do not accuse yourself before Me. You see, I had so many innner wounds that I could not get myself to love my neighbour. So the spirit of evil would enter my wounds and poison them. It always

showed me the evil in creatures while heaven was showing me the good. The work of the devil is to destroy the creature and to keep it away from the Church in order to bring its loss. As Satan had penetrated my wounds, the Holy Spirit showed me that I was insulting inwardly. It was my suffering. So the

Blessed Virgin Mary told me: If you insult, Satan will destroy you. And God allowed Satan to tell me: I will all ruin your efforts (he meant my apostolate) and then he told me: My hatred will kill you. And one day, while evangelizing in Canada,

after having made waves during a conference, he came to tell me: Dont be afraid of me. You know that I am not afraid of him! 2 commandment - You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God. (Ex. 20, 7) It was said to our


forefathers: You will not swear falsely... Well, I tell you to not swear at all. (Mt. 5, 33-34) So I can tell you that often, I used the name of God in vain, while that name is sacred. Besides, I often pronounced useless words filled with

dubious humour. So the Blessed Virgin asked me to be silent and in her kindness she asked me to be inwardly silent. You see, I internally spoke to myself unceasingly and I joked too much with my neighbour and even with God. So much so that God the Father asked me to keep silent with Him, in the sense

that I was to stop every word that did not bear a message of charity and love. God showed me in an interior vision that all my thoughts and words that were not love and to which I adhered came from the Beast and for each thought and word that I had

presented without any basis, my soul was in the bottom of the abyss, linked by devils in chains of hatred. That is why heaven asked me for interior silence. It is true that Saint Faustina, when she visited hell, saw souls of religious who were there because they did not

maintain silence. You understand dear brothers and sisters, why I often confess my idle words, when that happens. And after having gone to confession and having done the penance in reparation for my sin, I offer to God all my thoughts and words with their causes, their choices

and their consequences. God had arise from my interior all my evil thoughts and he made me hear them. I had forgotten these things because I had pronounced them years ago. 3 commandment: Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy. For


six days you shall labour and do all your work. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God: you shall not do any work. (Ex. 20, 8-10) The Sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the Sabbath; so the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath. (Mk.

2, 27-28) I had it all wrong about Sunday! I did not go to mass and I worked that day, while it is a day of complete rest. By keeping away from the Church and holy mass, the devil had won everything

because each time a soul participates in the mass, it participates in a tiny way in the redemption of its own soul. Just as when it prays because a soul that prays saves itself. And why does it save itself? Well, because it is in contact with God and God takes care of it as soon as it turns towards Him with trust.

4 commandment - Honour your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. (Ex. 20, 12) The Lord Jesus himself reminded us about the power of commandment of God. The apostle teaches: Children, obey your


parents, in the Lord: that is just. Honour your father and your mother, such is the first commandment to which is attached a promise so that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth (Eph. 6, 1-3). So there, I had to acknowledge that during my youth, I never honoured my

parents, I did not obey them and later, when I began leading a life unworthy of the gospel, I turned away from my family and no longer bothered about it. However, after a trip to Medjugorje, the Holy Virgin began speaking to me and asked me to take care of my own, which is what I did.

5 commandment - You shall not murder. (Ex. 20. 13) You learned that it was said to our forefathers: You shall not murder; and whoever murders shall be liable to judgement. But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother..... shall be liable to


judgement. (Mt. 5, 21-22) And so, there, I told myself: Fabienne you did not kill anybody. But the Holy Spirit, who gave me a great light, showed me that I was killing myself. But how? By smoking two packages of cigarettes a day, by taking soft drugs, by drinking a lot of alcohol, by taking the pill.

I was giving my body a lot of poison. Then I also understood that I had killed other people, not physically but morally by getting angry against them and also by attacking them with uncharitable words and sometimes very severe ones. And I also killed my soul

each time that I watched xrated movies, or frightful or violent movies. Each time, my soul was transported to the abyss. When returning from Medjugorje one day, I tried to turn on the television and right away the Blessed Virgin asked me to resist Satan. So I decided to no longer watch television and I offered it as

a sacrifice to the Blessed Virgin and I assure you that I do not regret it.

So God showed me my soul, in sulphur, like a Judas and at this time, after 15 years of intense purification, now living in chastity, poverty and

obedience, I still see myself in an interior vision, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, as a Judas. And then God showed me my angry outbursts. I could see them interiorly as being dark red, with the face of Satan at their head. He showed me that my evil words, my evil laughs had

brought my soul to the deepest of the abyss. But through the grace of confession, the Lord was showing me that his Precious Blood was extinguishing the flames that the justice of God had lit in me because of my disobedience to the law of God. So God told me: DEFEND MY LAW. I

CONSECRATED YOU TO SERVE ME. As I had taken a lot of drugs, I was destroyed and God, in his infinite mercy told me: I created you with my hands. Respect your body. When I realized how great of a sinner I was, I told

myself: But, my poor Fabienne, all the money you put in your cigarettes and other superfluities, you could have used it to feed the poor. And it was one of the reasons for which I was in the abyss. I had ignored the needy. The Holy Virgin made me the following reproach: You do not like to share. Its true, I kept

everything for myself. The Holy Spirit continued to help me make a good examination of conscience on the commandment of God You shall not murder and it was then that I became aware that I had participated in a murder. Yes, one day I brought a friend to have an abortion.

She needed someone to take her there. I do not know if you know what happens during an abortion but it is awful. The embryo is torn apart. They rip off his head, his feet, his arms. Abortion is murder. So I cried and later I told God: My God what can I do to make up for this great

offense! And it is then that I decided to pray a lot to counteract abortion. That is why I will speak to you in a little while about the Rosary of the Unborn Child that obtained the approval of a Bishop in Ireland. Lord, all these millions of dead and these doctors who are not even conscious

of the evil that they are doing. So I remembered that one day the Lord asked me at 3.00 p.m. to implore his mercy for the souls. That I do every day along with my rosary and my Stations of the Cross before Lauds and Holy Mass.

6 commandment - You shall not commit adultery. (Ex. 20, 14) You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart, (Mt. 5, 27-28)


So I will tell you my personal story because I lived in adultery, adultery which is a mortal sin according to the C.C.C. 1856. I wanted to know what my status would have been if I had died with such a sin on my soul? and I read in the

C.C.C. 1035 that the souls of those who die in the state of mortal sin immediately descend after death to hell, where they suffer the pains of hell, the eternal fire. Here is my experience. I was married civilly on September 6, 1997 with a divorced man who had received the sacrament of

matrimony 14 years beforehand and his wife had left him for one of his friends. She had left the children with him. The day after my wedding, Jesus of Love came to visit me, while I was alone in my room. He asked me to obey him, to follow him and he made me enter another

room. So I cried because I was despondent to have to separate physically so quickly from this man with whom I had just made a covenant. I married to have a child, but God made me know that he knew all my thoughts and He told me: it is forbidden to procreate! So there, everything

crumbled and with a severe tone He told me: I ask for reparation. Your sin offended me. You know, dear brothers and sisters, that at that moment of my life, I did not know that the law of God did not allow for two beings to live together without being married in the

Church. It is true that it is written Unity of the flesh will only happen in marriage. I who had committed adultery with married men, I who had lived in cohabitation! I was cheating God without really knowing it! And God even told me that it was forbidden

to think about the flesh before marriage. God, in order to help me better understand that my sin offended him began to show me my soul in the abyss and I saw many demons that were approaching me with a hateful expression and eyes popping out of their orbit!

So I told myself: If the mercy of God comes to save me, then I need to obey and to listen to Jesus. And the next day, I went to find my confessor who asked me to listen to Jesus because what he was asking of me was in conformity with the teaching of the Catholic Church.

Once at home, Jesus of Love told me: I am calling you to holiness, I am calling you to love me. So I told myself that I could not remain for long in this situation of living as brother and sister and God confirmed it two years later by telling me: a hypocritical

soul can no longer move forward. It is true! I was hypocritical because I remained with a man as brother and sister, a man who, before God, was the husband of another person. For the two years when we tried to share this life in community, I asked myself many questions concerning

my future. Every afternoon I would go to a church in Marseille where I lived and I would remain near the tabernacle where God would speak to me. Then I would make the Stations of the Cross. I had been inspired to do that for the deliverance of the holy souls of purgatory for whom God asked me to continue

this work of mercy. With all the love that God had placed in my heart, I wanted to pray for all the souls and even for those that are in hell. But God told me: No. Purgatory is the mercy of God and hell is His justice. God is God dear brothers and sisters! It is useless to pray for a

damned soul, who anyway will have nothing to do with our prayer. So I asked the Lord: why there are souls in hell? Is it you who condemn them Lord? And God answered: These souls condemned themselves. And he showed me that I was also condemning myself and he

told me: Do not condemn yourself! You have my mercy, but no longer betray me. So he showed me the flames of hell. A fire that was very large, immense and worse than a forest fire. Yes, this fire represents the anger of God towards

certain souls who refused to approach the Church and believe in Jesus, the Son of God. So why was I condemning myself? Well because I had listened to Satan, the Father of lies, for too many years, so much so that one day the devil told me that he had condemned me to the

pain of hell. For a few years, it was awful, I could no longer feel love. I only felt hatred, this hatred of hell that had infiltrated itself in me because of my disobedience to the commandments of God, especially for everything that pertained to esoterism. And as I was in the bottom of the abyss I felt this hatred

so strongly that I could no longer love sincerely. I had become hypocritical, mocking and hateful! So I cried out to God and I begged him to have his Holy Tenderness transform me! God who saw my contrition firstly asked me to

acknowledge my sins by making a good confession to a priest. The admission of all my sins saved me and after the confession, God in his infinite goodness told me that my sin was erased and the Blessed Virgin Mary let me know that if I wanted to save myself I had to listen to her. So I began listening to all her good

advice that was being given to lead me to holiness! Then the Lord told me, after my repentance: I will heal you. It is true brothers and sisters that God heals those who return to him. His infinite mercy is without limit as soon as we once more obey his commandments. You see, my story of a

couple living in continency, in chastity, showed the example to many divorced and remarried couples who repented because of my testimony! And couples like me, who did not have children, separated and others who were divorced and remarried who had children accepted to live as brothers and sisters while

taking good care of their children. What God can do in souls to save them is marvelous! So I told the Lord: What can I do Lord to help you save adulterous couples? The Lord asked me to do all I could for the work of His mercy and I began by spreading the chaplet of

Divine Mercy everywhere. When I was still married civilly, one day I wrote to the Vatican to enquire about cases of nullity of marriage and the Vatican told me that I had to have a reason that was valid and serious for that. I acknowledge before God that I had no right to this nullity since both were

consenting at the moment of the sacrament. So, in order to be right with God, I renounced this request. However if I had earned this request, I would have been accountable to God on the day of judgement, because we are all responsible for the acts that we commit. Each act has a consequence in our life.

However, there are cases of nullity that are really valid and it is the Church that decides in each case, but for all cases, God will reveal the truth when the soul will appear before him. In 1987, already John Paul II had denounced the excessive number of marriage annulments: he said it was a scandal that

threatened to destroy the value of Christian marriage. He denounced the excessive and nearly automatic proliferation of declarations of nullity, under the pretext of immaturity or psychological weakness of the spouses. A true incapacity of spouses is exclusively justified through a grave anomaly

concerning the ability of comprehension the Tridentinand will of the subjects, he said. Dear brothers and sisters, before the horror of my sins, I asked myself how I could find peace and it is then that heaven told me in two instances: you will have peace at the end of

numerous masses. So I had many trentine masses (30 masses) celebrated for my soul and I understood that what God had united through the sacrament of marriage, nobody could separate it. And I understood to which extent divorce does not break up the sacrament and I who believed that the man with

whom I had made the covenant was free after his divorce! What an abomination in the eyes of God! Later, when God the Father told me: Do not sin any more I understood to which point his mercy had forgiven me because I had repented, but I also understood, woe

to me if I continued to sin. And God showed me that I had to follow the example of Mary Magdalen by doing penance for my past life. Dear brothers and sisters, that for which I suffered much inwardly and that caused a great wound in my soul, is to have seen the suffering of the children of the man with whom I had

made a covenant. I had much trouble forgiving myself for having somewhat been the cause of their suffering since their real parents were separated. In reparation and out of love, I pray for them every day, for their salvation because neither their father nor their mother prays. And it is very sad. The Lord did not give

me children to raise but he gave me a spiritual motherhood! This motherhood is even more fruitful! 7 commandment - You shall not steal. )Ex. 20, 15) You will not steal. (Mt. 19, 18)


At the age of 15, my soul began to die spiritually. I entered a boarding school in Montpellier to study in Tourism. My parents were poor and they had bled themselves to pay for my studies. My mother did not want me to end up like her: doing house cleaning. But I, ungrateful one, I began to no longer study but to go

out every Wednesday afternoon and meet men, steal in the stores, and play all sorts of tricks! And I can assure you that it was only Jesus who healed me of the urge to want to appropriate for myself many things that were not mine. The Holy Spirit also gave me another enlightenment

about theft and I became aware to what degree I had robbed God of the time that I owed Him, that time often spent watching evil, bad, violent and pornographic movies. I had become a great thief! 8 commandment - You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.


(Ex. 20. 16) It was said to our forefathers: You shall not swear falsely, but carry out the vows you have made to the Lord. (Mt. 5, 33) I must admit that I was not being able to keep the promises I had made to God, that of living chastely

after my conversion. After my divorce, a few years later, I knew a man with whom I got engaged in the Church and we lived chastely. He and I were free before God to get married. But, God annulled my marriage two months before the celebration, so much the more that he had told me a few years before:

I WANT YOU BODY AND SOUL. You know that if we do not respect the promises that we make to God, we cannot enter the Kingdom. God had told me that he hated unfaithfulness and then the Blessed Virgin, who is of great spiritual help for my soul, gently reminded me

that I had to observe what I had promised God, which I did, and I infinitely thank the Blessed Virgin for taking good care of my soul. God then saw my despair because I could not get myself to live alone and I always needed a companion! So the Lord Jesus told me in his infinite

love: Offer your suffering to me. And so I can assure you that from a great despair I moved on to hope. God healed me bit by bit and many times he had me rest in his Divine Heart. When God takes you in the depth of his Heart, you have the impression that you will melt so exquisite is his tenderness. If you only

knew how Jesus is good, how he is sweet, how he is tender! If you only knew the gift of God!!! 9 commandment - You shall not covet your neighbours house; you shall not covet your neighbours wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that


belongs to your neighbour. (Ex. 20, 17) ... everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Mt. 5, 28) I can tell you that I envied material goods. Moreover, before my encounter with

Jesus of Love, I lived only for money and not for love. Now, I live but of Love for the salvation of the souls and I go around the entire world to evangelize out of love for my tender Jesus. 10 commandment - You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour. (Ex. 20, 17).


Neither shall you desire your neighbours house, or field, or male of female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour. (Deut. 5, 21) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Mat. 6, 21)

Before my conversion, it often came to me to desire the goods of others and to look at and want the husband of others, but Jesus taught me to repent, to lower my gaze before men and he told me: flee from men and flee the world, which meant the spirit of the world, because I have to live in the world

without being of the world! And then I wanted to tell you that I was attracted by any flesh, even that of women and if I did not fall into carnal acts, I who spent evenings in homosexual bars, it is because of divine protection. So God told me: begin to love sincerely; that is why I have been living in

chastity for the last 15 years. I lived of the flesh and I was damned, now I live in the Spirit. God let me know how much he loves his priests and he asked me to have reverence for them. I pray every day for their protection because the devil wants to engulf them all in

himself. God let me know that he needs missionary priests! So every day I repeat Jesus Mary I love you, save souls, save those who are consecrated. When I knew the Jesus Mary I love you, save souls prayer, I learned that God had told Sister Consolata Betrone that every act of love decided the eternal

salvation of a soul. What joy dear friends, a soul saved for each time that we recite Jesus Mary I love you, save souls. In conclusion I would tell you that I gave all my old choices and their consequences to God. It took ten sacraments of the sick to resurrect me,

especially for having opened my chakras. I owe my liberation to Saint Michael the Archangel who loves little souls and to the Blessed Virgin who, after having freed me from numerous demons, did marvels for me since I had been imposed the scapular of Our Lady of Mount CARMEL and since I made

a covenant pact with her in the MRI fraternity of the universe. She told me one day: MY DEAR CHILD, GIVE ME YOUR NOTHINGNESS, GIVE ME EVERYTHING, I LOVE YOU. I AM YOUR MOTHER AND I WANT TO LEAD YOU ON THE ROAD


SO MUCH. For many years, she has given me so much spiritual advice that I do not quite know what to do to thank her. I pray the rosary every day, because Jesus promised me that the rosary would save me. I also wanted to tell you that

for years, I felt an interior martyrdom. I did not feel loved by the Lord and I told him. He then answered me: you cannot even imagine how much I love you. Meditate on My Passion. And there, before the thousands of wounds that he suffered during his sorrowful passion, I bowed with love and I told myself: I

will respond to His call. He who asked me to offer my life to him, I offered it to him with a joyful heart even moreover that He told me: My Holy Wounds will save you. At the present time, what does Jesus of Love ask of me: He asks me to think only of him and to busy

myself with loving only Him. God wants the love of all of our hearts! You know, I owe everything to God who took my dark soul and made it whiter than snow. Dear brothers and sisters, when the Book of Life will open for each one of you,

you will be subjected to the same examination of conscience as me, it is why I invite all of you to be in the state of grace with God who is all love and mercy as soon as we repent! Dear brothers and sisters, the time of the Warning is approaching. God asked me to awaken my brothers

because he wants to save you all! We have to prepare and be in the state of grace so as to not be frightened by the state of our soul when we will appear before God. Dear brothers and sisters, after having gone to confession, give without

ceasing: cause, choices and consequences for all your faults and refuse temptation at all cost. And then ask the Blessed Virgin to help you in all your temptations. Invoke her as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, come to my help. She will help you to acquire

the cardinal virtues (TEMPERANCE, FORTITUDE, PRUDENCE AND JUSTICE) and the theological ones (faith, hope, charity) She will beseech the Holy Spirit to grant you his 7 gifts: + WISDOM + INTELLIGENCE + COUNSEL + FORTITUDE

+ KNOWLEDGE + PIETY + FEAR OF GOD SHE WILL HELP YOU TO OBSERVE THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND OF THE CHURCH: Keep holy Sundays and the feasts of obligation, and participate at mass.

- Confess and receive communion at least once a year, at Easter. Fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. (ON THAT TOPIC, JESUS ONE DAY ASKED ME TO BE CAREFUL NOT TO EAT TOO MUCH DURING LENT, I, WHO CLAIMED TO BE CATHOLIC AND


WORKS OF MERCY. - feed the starving - give drink to those who thirst - clothe the naked - greet the strangers and the needy - visit the sick - preach the Good News to the prisoners and captives bury the dead

SHE WILL HELP YOU TO DO SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY SUCH AS: - teach the ignorant - correct those who hurt their neighbour - affirm those who doubt - comfort the afflicted - endure injuries with patience - forgive offenses and wrongdoing

- pray for your neighbour SHE WILL HELP YOU TO LIVE THE 8 BEATITUDES: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are the afflicted, for they shall be consoled. Blessed are those who

hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for

righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven. (Mt. 5, 3-11)

SHE WILL HELP YOU FIGHT THE 7 CAPITAL SINS THAT EACH OPEN A GATE TO HELL: 1. Pride 1. Humility 2. Greed 2. Detachment 3. Chastity 4. Charity (solidarity) 5. Temperance




SHE WILL HELP YOU TO HAVE TRUE REPENTANCE THAT COMES WITH CONTRITION, CONFESSION AND REPARATION. When we make up for our sins on earth, we can avoid purgatory and even go directly to heaven.


I choose you, today, O Mary, in the presence of the entire Celestial Court for my Mother and my Queen. I entrust and consecrate to you, in total submission and love, my body and my soul, my interior and exterior

goods, and the worth itself of my good actions past, present and future, leaving to you a total and full right to dispose of myself and all that belongs to me, without exception, according to your good pleasure,

for the greatest Glory of God, in time and in eternity. Amen Saint Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort May God bless you all abundantly and may He fill you with His Divine Peace and take you into His

Divine Heart, ocean of joy and of love, and may he teach you to become total love for yourself. Praised be Jesus Christ ! AMEN


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