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Programme fundedby the EUROPEAN UNION CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism Joint Operational

Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 GRANT APPLICATION FORM Reference: 2nd call for proposals, Restricted call for proposals Deadline for submission of Concept Notes 30th of January 2012 (first step) For economical and ecological reasons, we strongly recommend that you submit your files on paper-based materials (no plastic folder or divider). We also suggest you use double-sided print-outs as much as possible. Title of the action: Number and title of the priority Number and title of the measure Location(s) of the action: Name of the applicant Nationality of the applicant1 Entrepreneurship for transborder cooperation Priority 3 People-to People cooperation 3.2 Educational, social and cultural exchanges Romania, Suceava County, Suceava Town Republic of Moldova, Chisinau town Ukraine, , the oblast of Chernivetska, Herta district, Petrasivca village Spiru Haret National Computer Science College, Suceava Colegiul National de Informatica Spiru Haret Suceava Romanian Dossier No

(for official use only)

The statutes must make it possible to ascertain that the organisation was set up by an act governed by the national law of the country concerned. In this respect, any legal entity whose statutes have been established in another country cannot be considered an eligible local organisation. The international organisations does not have to fulfil the nationality requirements (see also sections and of the Guidelines for applicants) Page 1 of 44

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Ongoing contract / Legal Entity file number (if available)2 Legal status3

NA Public institution Scoala de Cultura Generala de Gradul I-III Petrasivca Institutie publica, nationalitate ucrainiana General School of Grade I-III, Oblast Chernivetska, Herta District, Petrasivca Village, Ukraine Colegiul Financiar- Bancar, Chisinau, institutie publica, nationalitate Moldoveana Financial-Banking College, Chisinau, Public institution, Moldavian nationality


CONTACT DETAILS OF THE APPLICANT FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS ACTION: Postal address: Zorilor street, no. 17, 720238 Suceava county, Romania Telephone number: (fix and mobile) [Country code + city code + number] Fax number: [Country code + city code + number] Contact person for this action: Contact persons email address: Website of the organization


+40230512603 Virginel Iordache virginel.iordache@yahoo.com www.cni-sv.ro

Any changes in the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and in particular e-mail, must be notified in writing to the Joint Technical Secretariat. The Contracting Authority or the Joint Technical Secretariat will not be held responsible in case it cannot contact the applicant.

2 3 4

If an applicant has already signed a contract with the European Commission and/or has been informed of the Legal Entity file number; if neither of this apply, indicate N/A Check carefully Section 2.1.1 Eligibility of applicants: who may apply? of the Guidelines for grant applicants. E.g. non profit making, governmental body, public institution, public administration, public bodies, international organisation Add as many rows as partners Page 2 of 44

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PART A. CONCEPT NOTE................................................................................................5

1. INSTRUCTIONS FOR DRAFTING OF THE CONCEPT NOTE..........................................................5
1.1 SUMMARY OF THE ACTION (MAX. 1 PAGE)..........................................................................................................5 1.2 RELEVANCE AND THE CROSS BORDER IMPACT OF THE ACTION (MAX. 5 PAGES)....................................6 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION (MAX. 4 PAGE) ..................................................................................................16

2. CHECKLIST FOR CONCEPT NOTE.....................................................................................................18 3. DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT FOR CONCEPT NOTE......................................................19 4. PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT ...............................................................................................................20 5. ASSESSMENT GRID FOR THE CONCEPT NOTE..........................................................................................................21

PART B. FULL APPLICATION FORM.............................................................................22

1. GENERAL INFORMATION..................................................................................................................22 2. THE ACTION............................................................................................................................................22
2.1 BUDGET OF THE ACTION, AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY AND OTHER EXPECTED SOURCES OF FUNDING.........................................................................................................22 2.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION........................................................................................................................23 2.3 OTHER FUNDS ADDRESSED WITH THIS PROJECT ....................................................................................28

6. THE APPLICANT......................................................................................................................................29
3.1 IDENTITY...............................................................................................................................................................29 3.2 PROFILE.................................................................................................................................................................29 3.3 CAPACITY TO MANAGE AND IMPLEMENT ACTIONS................................................................................30 3.4 LIST OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD / COMMITTEE OF YOUR ORGANIZATION ..............................33

4. PARTNERS OF THE APPLICANT PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTION.......................................33

4.1 IDENTITY...............................................................................................................................................................33 4.2 CAPACITY TO MANAGE AND IMPLEMENT ACTIONS (1 PAGE PER ACTION, FOR ALL THE PROJECT PARTNERS)....34 4.4 PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT..............................................................................................................................36

5. ASSOCIATES OF THE APPLICANT PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTION..........................................................................................................38 6. CHECKLIST FOR THE FULL APPLICATION FORM.............................................................................................39 7. DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT................................................................................................41 8. INDICATORS ...........................................................................................................................................................................43 9. ASSESSMENT GRID OF THE FULL APPLICATION FORM ...........................................................................................................................................................................43

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1. INSTRUCTIONS FOR DRAFTING OF THE CONCEPT NOTE There is no specific template for the Concept Note but the applicant has to ensure that the text of its concept note: Does not exceed 10 full pages (A4 size) of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins; Responds, in the same sequence, to the headings listed below. It is expected that the size of each section will reflect the relative importance of each heading (ref max scores in the Evaluation Grid and in the Guidelines). The evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the evaluation grid and it will be based solely on the information provided by the applicant in the concept note. Is drafted as clearly as possible to facilitate its assessment.

Please note that, when assessing the Concept Note, the Evaluation Committee will only consider the first 10 pages. Moreover, all the information requested by the published instructions for drafting of the Concept Note must be provided. Consequently, the non-observance of the maximum number of pages requirement may conduct to the rejection of the application. 1.1 SUMMARY OF THE ACTION (max. 1 page) Please complete the table below, which should not exceed 1 page. Title of the action Aim of the priority addressed by the action Location(s) of the action Total duration of the action Amount of requested EU contribution Objectives of the action Entrepreneurship for transborder cooperation To promote greater interaction between people and communities living in the border areas Romania, Suceava County, Suceava town Republic of Moldova, Chisinau town Ukraine, the oblast of Chernivetska, Herta district, Petrasivca village 18 months 130000 EUR Overall objective(s): Proiectul contribuie la dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenoriale printr-un program integrat de pregtire i sprijin, n vederea creterii nivelului de rela ionare i comunicare transfrontalier. Specific objective(s): nfiinarea Cercului de Promovare Transfrontalier a Educaiei Antreprenoriale i de Informatic Managerial i implementarea unui program continuu de informare a viitorilor absolveni. Dezvoltarea competenelor antreprenoriale i manageriale pentru oferirea unui mediu adecvat dezvoltrii parteneriatelor colare n zona de grani mbuntirea competenelor de comunicare ntr-o limb de circulaie internaional pentru construirea unor reele virtuale de schimb de idei privind promovarea spiritului antreprenorial n regiunile de grani. Dezvoltarea potenialului de creativitate i inovare a unor abiliti practice de utilizare a instrumentelor informatice 60 elevi, cu varste cuprinse intre 13 si 17 ani cate 20 elevi din fiecare tara participanta la proiect Aproximativ 1500 elevi apartinand celor trei scoli participante la proiect Aproximativ 10.000 elevi din Orasul Suceava, Orasul Chisinau si satul Petrasivca Aproximativ 100 cadrele didactice din cele trei scoli participante Cadre didactice din Orasul Suceava, orasul Chisinau si satul Petrasivca.

Target group(s)5 Final beneficiaries6

5 6

Target groups are the groups/entities who will be directly positively affected by the project at the Project Purpose level. Final beneficiaries are those who will benefit from the project in the long term at the level of the society or sector at large.

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Estimated results7


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Parintii elevilor implicati in proiect. Membrii autoritatilor locale Functionarea Cercului de Promovare Transfrontalier a Educaiei Antreprenoriale i de Informatic Managerial si oferirea unui program continuu de informare a viitorilor absolveni. Construirea unor reele virtuale de schimb de idei privind promovarea spiritului antreprenorial n regiunile de grani. Realizarea unui manual de schimb de bune practici, necesar colaborarii trilaterale intre elevi Dezvoltarea de practici inovatoare n domeniul educaiei precum i transferul acestora, de la o ar participant catre celelalte tari participante in proiect. Dezvoltarea coninuturilor antreprenoriale pe baza tehnologiei informaiilor i comunicrii si a limbii engleze ca limba de comunicare internationala si dezvoltarea de legturi i activiti cu elevi din statele participante pentru a promova integrarea spiritului antreprenorial n regiunile de granita. Liceenii vor avea posibilitatea s fac un plan de afaceri, s nfiineze i s conduc imaginar o afacere proprie care sa cuprinda regiunile de granita. Elevii vor dovedi n cadrul atelierelor de lucru c pot forma o echip unit, chiar dac membrii acesteia nu provin din aceeai tara. Rivalitile vor lipsi aici, iar socializarea va fi atu-ul forte. Pe termen lung, n ceea ce privete cooperarea, importana sa const n schimbarea de atitudine. Cu alte cuvinte, educaia produce atitudini antreprenoriale i i pregtete pe tineri pentru viaa de dup coal. Educaia antreprenorial se va baza pe o abordare de nvare prin practic, cu accent pe experien i aplicare n contextul unei afaceri imaginare. Prin urmare, grupul tinta va ncepe s adopte o gndire antreprenorial necesara interactiunii viitoare transfrontaliere. 1. Constituirea echipei de implementare a proiectului. 2. Derularea procedurilor de achiziie de bunuri si servicii. 3. Organizarea campaniei de promovare a proiectului. 4. Infiintarea Cercului de Promovare Transfrontalier a Educaiei Antreprenoriale i de Informatic Managerial 5. Realizarea paginii web 6. Curs de educatie antreprenoriala 7. Sesiune de formare IT 8. Ateliere de lucru online 9. Curs de Basic English for Business. 10. Be creative! Concurs de Informatica Manageriala si Antreprenoriat 11. Diseminarea rezultatelor. 12. Evaluarea proiectului.


RELEVANCE AND THE CROSS BORDER IMPACT OF THE ACTION (max. 5 pages) 1.2.1 Relevance to the objectives/sectors/themes/priority of the call for proposals Please provide all the following information: a) Describe the relevance of the action to the objective(s) and priority (ies) of the Call for proposals. n scopul dezvoltrii relaiilor de cooperare i al mbuntirii integrrii transfrontaliere dintre regiunile de grani, Colegiul Naional de Informatic Spiru Haretdin localitatea Suceava, judetul Suceava, Romnia, intenioneaz s deruleze un proiect de parteneriat cu tema Entrepreneurship for transborder cooperation, Prioritatea 3, aciuni People to People. n vederea reuitei proiectului propunem realizarea de activiti pentru elevi, care, prin implicarea efectiv a beneficiarilor vor duce la ntrirea domeniului operaional al cooperrii transfrontaliere. Am selectat o serie de activiti cu impact pe termen mediu i lung n dezvoltarea cooperrii transfrontaliere legat de mediul local i educaie precum: sesiune de instruire pentru elevi in domeniul

Results are the tangible products/ services delivered as a consequence of implementing a project.

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educaiei antreprenoriale, sesiune de intruire IT pentru implementarea afacerilor prin retele virtuale de comunicare precum si sesiune de Basic English for business. Prin aceste aciuni urmrim instituirea unor relaii de cordial vecintate, elevii i cadrele didactice din cele dou regiuni s se cunoasc, s lucreze mpreun i s participe regulat la activiti comune. Proiectul urmrete s stimuleze creativitatea i gndirea liber a elevilor, s ncurajeze folosirea tehnologiilor informaionale ca mijloc de informare i cunoatere reciproc i s formeze competene favorabile integrrii profesionale ulterioare. Tinerii sunt actorii eseniali n realizarea progresului social i economic, fapt recunoscut n contextul strategiei de la Lisabona i care este luat n considerare pe scar din ce n ce mai larg n punerea n aplicare a Pactului european pentru tineret.Cursurile de formare initiala de nalt calitate pot duce la dobndirea de ctre elevi a unor competene valoroase prin participarea la stagiile de instruire practic n domeniul antreprenoriatului, IT si limba englez, n cadrul unor parteneriate scolare internationale. Astfel, imbunatatirea calitatii i cresterea volumului cooperrii ntre instituiile sau organizaiile care ofer oportuniti de nvare trebuie sa devina o prioritate. Scopul acestei proiect nu este nfiinarea unei firme sau formarea de tineri manageri. El urmrete n schimb s fac posibile atitudinile antreprenoriale i spiritul antreprenorial ntr-un context educaional international, concentrndu-se pe dezvoltarea caracteristicilor i calitilor antreprenoriale personale. Prin urmare, obiectivul principal al acestei activitati este acela ca grupul tinta s interactioneze si sa nceap s adopte o gndire antreprenorial necesara interactiunilor transfrontaliere viitoare . to encourage the use of technology as a means for mutual information and knowledge and to form skills with a view to an accessible professional integration. Young people are the key actors in achieving social and economic progress, a fact recognized in the context of the Lisbon strategy and which is taken into account on a larger extent in implementing the European Pact for the youth .The high quality courses for innitial training can lead to the acquisition by students of valuable skills by participating in practical training stage in entrepreneurship, IT and English language, within international schools partnerships. Thus, improving the quality and increasing the volume of cooperation between institutions or organizations providing learning opportunities must become a priority. The purpose of this project is not to set up a company or training of young managers. It aims to develop the entrepreneurial attitudes and spirit within an international educational context, focusing on developing entrepreneurial characteristics and personal qualities. Therefore, the main objective of this activity is that the target group should interact and begin to adopt an entrepreneurial thinking necessary for future crossborder interactions.


Describe the relevance of the action to the specific themes/sectors/areas and any other specific requirements indicated in the guidelines of the call, such as cross border partnership, local ownership, cross border impact etc. Proiectul nostru isi propune sa faciliteze dezvoltarea de practici inovatoare n domeniul educaiei precum i transferul acestora de la o ar catre celelalte tari participante in proiect. Ne propunem sa sprijinim dezvoltarea coninuturilor antreprenoriale i a practicilor inovatoare pe baza tehnologiei informaiilor i comunicrii si limba englez sa dezvoltam legturi i activiti cu elevi din statele participante pentru a promova activittilor pe termen mediu si lung care vor duce la o bun cooperare transfrontalier. Participnd la acest proiect, grupul tinta va contientiza c antreprenoriatul include, n ultim instan, orice idee din care poi s-i suplimentezi aspiraiile, iar munca n echip poate descoperi, n fiecare component al ei, unele caliti nebnuite. Liceenii vor avea posibilitatea s fac un plan de afaceri, s nfiineze i s conduc imaginar o afacere proprie care sa cuprinda regiunile de granita. Elevii vor dovedi n cadrul atelierelor de lucru c pot forma o echip unit, chiar dac membrii acesteia nu provin din aceeai tara, rivalitile vor lipsi iar socializarea pe termen lung va fi atu-ul forte. Pe termen lung, avantajul educaiei antreprenoriale const n schimbarea de atitudine comparativ cu educaia tradiional. Cu alte cuvinte, educaia produce atitudini antreprenoriale i i pregtete pe tineri pentru crearea de oportunitti de afaceri desfsurate n cooperare tranfrontalier. Our project aims to facilitate the development of innovative practices in education and their transfer from one country to other countries participating in the project. We intend to support the development of entrepreneurial contents and innovative practices, based on information and communication technology and English, to develop links and activities with students from the participating countries to promote medium and long term activities that will lead to better crossborder cooperation

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By participating in this project the target group will realize that entrepreneurship includes, ultimately, any idea out of which you can supplement your aspirations while teamwork can find in every component of it, some unsuspected qualities. High school students will be able to make a business plan, establish and run their imaginary business ecompassing border regions. The pupils will prove during workshops that they form a united team although its members come from different countries, without any rivalry, while long term socialization will be a benefit. In the long term the benefit of entrepreneurial education is to change the attitude compared to traditional education. In other words, education produces entrepreneurial attitudes and prepares young people to create business opportunities developed in cross-border cooperation .

c. Describe which particular expected results mentioned in the guidelines of the call (Annex L Priority indicators) will be addressed. Ca i rezultate aeptate vom avea functionarea Cercului de Promovare Transfrontalier a Educaiei Antreprenoriale i de Informatic Managerial, oferirea unui program continuu de informare a viitorilor absolveni si construirea unor reele virtuale de schimb de idei privind promovarea spiritului antreprenorial n regiunile de grani. Vom creste astfel numarul de elevi implicati in initiative de cooperare transfrontaliera in domeniul educatiei antreprenoriale. Se va realiza un manual de schimb de bune practici, necesar colaborarii trilaterale intre elevi. Se vor dezvolta practici inovatoare n domeniul educaiei precum i transferul acestora, de la o ar participant catre celelalte tari participante in proiect, astfel vom creste numarul de evenimente educationale comune celor trei ari participante la proiect.Vom pune accent pe dezvoltarea coninuturilor antreprenoriale pe baza tehnologiei informaiilor i comunicrii si a limbii engleze ca limba de comunicare internationala si dezvoltarea de legturi i activiti cu elevi din statele participante pentru a promova integrarea spiritului antreprenorial n regiunile de granita. Liceenii vor avea posibilitatea s fac un plan de afaceri, s nfiineze i s conduc imaginar o afacere proprie care sa cuprinda regiunile de granita. Elevii vor dovedi n cadrul atelierelor de lucru c pot forma o echip unit, chiar dac membrii acesteia nu provin din aceeai tara. Rivalitile vor lipsi aici, iar socializarea va fi atu-ul forte. Pe termen lung, n ceea ce privete cooperarea, importana sa const n schimbarea de atitudine. Cu alte cuvinte, educaia produce atitudini antreprenoriale i i pregtete pe tineri pentru viaa de dup coal. Educaia antreprenorial se va baza pe o abordare de nvare prin practic, cu accent pe experien i aplicare n contextul unei afaceri imaginare. Prin urmare, grupul tinta va ncepe s adopte o gndire antreprenorial necesara interactiunii viitoare transfrontaliere. Este important ca elevii s devin contieni de etapele necesare prin care se ajunge de la o problem la o soluie viabil i c ideile lor pot aduce schimbri importante n societate. Activitatile angajeaz elevii n situaii cu semnificaii practice, sociale, si economice si deplaseaz accentul de la "a nva despre", la "a ti cum". Intentionam s ne ntlnim i s lucrm ntr-o atmosfera calm, destins, care s confirme imaginea educaiei privit ca vocaie a ntlnirilor admirabile, s imprimm ntlnirilor noastre un caracter interactiv, un climat de dezbateri ntre egali. Astfel, prin descoperirea unor ci de comunicare i colaborare transfrontalier n vederea dezvoltrii, promovrii proiectelor comune i implementrii afacerilor n echip, utiliznd facilitile de partajare a resurselor IT, tinerii vor fi motivai s aleag ara lor ca loc de mplinire, de performan i de succes n via. Se dorete ca acest proiect s fie un un sprijin pentru dezvoltarea de reele virtuale de comunicare i colaborare n vederea pregtirii tinerei generaii pentru a reui n economia de pia real. Societatea informaional este o stare de fapt a prezentului. Depinde de fiecare ct de repede se va integra. Modernizarea i perfecionarea constituie o necesitate obiectiv a tuturor celor care doresc s reueasc n economia de pia. Rolul sistemelor informaionale in acest sens devine esenial ca surs de documentare i acces la informaie pentru toi cei angrenai n proiect.

As an expected result we will have the Center for Cross-Border Promoting of Entrepreneurial education and of Information Management, providing a continuous information program for the future graduates as well as creating virtual networks for exchanging ideas regarding promoting entrepreneurial spirit across border regions. We will increase the number of students involved in cross-border initiatives in entrepreneurship education. A manual of best practices exchange will be edited, necessary for the trilateral cooperation among students. Innovative practices in education will be developed as well as their their transfer from one participating country to the other countries participating in the project, so we will increase the number

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of educational events common to the three countries participating in the development of the project.We will focus on developing entrepreneurial characteristics based on information technology, communication and English as the language of international communication and development of links and activities with students from participating states in order to promote the integration of entrepreneurship within the border regions. High school students will be able to make a business plan, establish and run their own imaginary business encompassing border regions. Students will be able to prove during workshops that they can form a united team, even if its members do not come from the same country. Rivalries will be missed here, and socialization will be an outstanding benefit. In the long run, in terms of cooperation, its importance lies in the change of attitude. In other words, education produces entrepreneurial attitudes and prepares young people for life after school. Entrepreneurship education will be based on learning by doing approach, with emphasis on experience and application in the context of an imaginary business. Therefore, the target group will begin to adopt a cross-border entrepreneurial thinking which is necessary for future cross-border interaction . It is important that students become aware of the necessary steps which go from a problem and ends with a viable solution and that their ideas can make important changes in society. These activities engage students in situations with practical , social, and economic significance and move the emphasis from "learning about" to "knowing how". We intend to meet and work in a calm, relaxed atmosphere which should confirm the image of education as " vocation of admirable meetings", to imbue our meetings with an interactive character, a climate of debate between equals. Thus, by discovering new ways for cross-border communication and collaboration with a view to develop, promote mutual projects and "implementation" team business using IT resource sharing facilities, young people will be motivated to choose their country as a place of fulfillment, performance and success in life. This project is intended to be a support for the development of virtual networks of communication and collaboration in order to prepare the younger generation to succeed in the real market economy. The information society is a fact of the present time. It depends on how quickly each will fit. Modernization and improvement are objective necessities for all those who wish to succeed in a market economy. The role of information systems in this regard is essential as a source of documentation and access to information for everyone involved in the project.

d) Indicate how the project pursues to create basis for effective cross border cooperation by putting into
practice at least two of the following cross border cooperation criteria: joint project development, joint project implementation, joint staffing, and joint financing. Proiectul are ca scop principal cooperarea transfrontalier iar aceasta cooperare este pus n practic prin faptul c proiectul este realizat n comun de ctre toi partenerii iar activitile au avut ca i punct de pornire nevoile i constrngerile membrilor grupului int din fiecare ar participant la proiect. In urma chestionarului aplicat in cele trei scoli participante, am concluzionat ca elevii au putine cunostinte despre modul cum pot crea si dezvolta relatii de comunicare si cooperare cu tineri e aceesi varsta cu ei din tari vecine. In regiunea eligibila pentru program din Ucraina, nu se studiaza limba engleza, existand din start un punct slab in posibilitatea de comunicare transfrontaliera. In plus, elevii ucrainieni si elevii moldoveni nu au ca disciplina de studiu in programa scolara educatia antreprenoriala, deci se simte nevoia instruirii lor in scopul cooperarii in cadrul diferitelor grupuri pentru rezolvarea unor probleme teoretice si practice specifice unui mediu economico-social in schimbare. n cursul derulrii proiectului, aplicantul va coordona ntregul process iar partenerii vor fi implicati n implementare nc de la nceputul proiectului, participand activ atat la activitatile de promovare a proiectului in cele trei zone tinta, cat si la toate activitatile destinate grupului tinta. Vor exista legturi strnse ntre cele trei tri participante, avand in vedere ca echipele de elevi din grupul tinta sunt mixte, alcatuite din elevi din fiecare tara participanta. Aplicantul va avea grij ca activittile s fie coordonate corespunztor iar calendarul s fie respectat in toate cele trei tari participante la proiect. Astfel, n Ucraina si Republica Moldova vor exista cte un coordonator de activitti elevi. Echipele sunt mixte-trilaterale iar unele activitti se defsuroar n fiecare dintre cele trei tri. Relationarea membrilor echipelor de va face online, prin partajarea resurselor. Bugetul proiectului

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va fi mprtit ntre cei trei parteneri, asigurndu-se astfel baza material necesar desfsurrii n bune conditii a activitatilor, n toate cele trei tri participante.

The project aims primarily at cross-border cooperation and this cooperation is put into practice by the fact that it is carried out jointly by all partners and activities have had as a starting point target group needs and constraints of each country participating in the project. Following the questionnaire applied in the three participating schools, we concluded that students have little knowledge on how to create and develop communication and cooperation relationships with young people of their age from neighboring countries. In the region which is eligible for the program in Ukraine, pupils is not studied, which means there is a weak point regarding cross border communication. In addition, both Ukrainian and Moldavian students do not study entrepreneurial education within their curriculum, so they need to be trained in order to cooperate within various groups to solve practical and theoretical issues which define the changing socio-economic environment. During the project, the applicant will coordinate the entire process while the partners will be involved in project implementation from the beginning, participating actively in promoting both the project activities in the three target areas as well as in all activities for the target group. There will be close links between the three participating countries, taking into account that the teams of students from the target group are mixed, made up of students from each participating country. The applicant will make sure that activities are properly coordinated and the timing is monitored in all three countries participating in the project. Thus, in Ukraine and Moldova, there will be one coordinator of studentsactivities. The teams are mixed, trilateral, and some activities take place in each of the three countries. The contact between team members will be online by sharing resources. The project budget will be divided among the three partners, thus ensuring the materials which are necessary to carry out properly the activities in all three participating countries.


Please explain what are the benefits foreseen at the level of the cross border area, what changes they will support and how they will contribute to the projects specific objective(s). Toate aciunile propuse sunt realizabile i vor avea un puternic impact afectiv, contribuind la apropierea elevilor, familiilor acestora, cadrelor didactice, comunitilor locale. Impactul proiectului se va releva prin optimizarea schimbului de experien dintre regiunile de grani. Ceea ce face ca acest tip de educaie s fie foarte eficient este faptul c se bazeaz pe activiti i experiene pe langa o abordare teoretic. Educaia antreprenorial se va baza pe o abordare de nvare prin practic, cu accent pe experien i aplicare n contextul unei afaceri imaginare. Activitile proiectului duc la creterea nivelului de implicare a elevilor ncurajndu-i pe acetia s pun ntrebri, s accepte provocri, s exploreze noi idei, s fie inovativi i creativi i s comunice. De maxim importanta este functionarea permanenta a Cercului de Promovare Transfrontalier a Educaiei Antreprenoriale i de Informatic Managerial si a unui program continuu de informare a elevilor si a viitorilor absolventi de liceu. Aceast platform va oferi acces la informaii actualizate, utile att celor care doresc s se documenteze i celor care caut oportuniti de educaie antreprenorial. Scopul acestei proiect nu este nfiinarea unei firme sau formarea de tineri manageri. El urmrete n schimb s fac posibile atitudinile antreprenoriale i spiritul antreprenorial ntr-un context educaional international, concentrndu-se pe dezvoltarea caracteristicilor i calitilor antreprenoriale personale. Prin urmare, ne propunem ca grupul tinta s interactioneze si sa nceap s adopte o gndire antreprenorial necesara interactiunii viitoare transfrontaliere. Realizarea unui manual de schimb de bune practici, necesar colaborarii trilaterale viitoare intre elevi sau viitori absolventi de liceu si oferirea de sprijin informational permanent doritorilor de informatii din domeniul antreprenoriatului, IT-ului si limbii engleze vor duce la ndeplinirea obiectivelor proiectului.

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In exceptional cases when an organisation located outside the Programme area is involved as a partner in the project, please justify the necessity of including it in the project NA

All the actions are feasible and have a strong emotional impact, helping to bring students together, their families, teachers, local communities. The project will be revealed by optimizing the exchange of experiences between the border regions. What makes this type of education to be very efficient is that it is based on activities and experiences in addition to a theoretical approach. The entrepreneurial education will be based on learning by doing approach, with emphasis on experience and application in the context of an imaginary business. The activities within this project will increase the involvement of students, encouraging them to ask questions, accept challenges, explore new ideas, be innovative and creative and to communicate. It is vital that the Center for Cross-border Promotion of Entrepreneurship Education and Computer Science Management permanently carries on its activity. It is also important that an ongoing program with a view to inform prospective students and high school graduates is also in operation. This platform will provide access to updated information, useful both to those who want to find information and those seeking opportunities for entrepreneurship education. The purpose of this project is not set up a company or training of young managers. It aims to create entrepreneurial attitudes and an entrepreneurial spirit at the same time within an international educational context, focusing on developing entrepreneurial characteristics and personal qualities. Therefore, our aim is that the target group should interact and start adopting a cross-border entrepreneurial thinking which is required for further cross-border interaction. Making a manual of best practices exchanges for future trilateral cooperation between students and future high school graduates as well as providing information permanently to those seeking informational support of entrepreneurship, the IT and the English language will lead to carry out the objectives of the project. In exceptional organization located outside year Cases When the Programme area is involved as a partner in the project, please justify the necessity of it in the project Including NA

1.2.2 Relevance to the particular needs and constraints of the target country/countries, region(s) and/or relevant sectors (including synergy with other EU initiatives and avoidance of duplication) Please provide all the following information: a) Identify clearly the specific pre-project situation in the target country/countries, region(s) and/or sectors (include quantified data analysis where possible and make reference to official data). Colaborri ntre diverse instituii din judeul Suceava, Chisinau si Cernauti au existat ncepnd cu anul 1990, dar acestea au vizat adultii si nu au implicat direct sectorul nvtmntului preuniversitar. Se simte nevoia contactului direct, socializrii, cunoaterii i interacionrii n diverse activiti ntre elevii romni, ucrainieni si moldoveni, contacte ce rmn de cele mai multe ori la nivel de demers. Proiectul de fa i propune s intre ntr-o nou etap de colaborare la nivel educaional colar n vederea realizrii de activiti educative cu impact transfrontalier. Toate aciunile propuse sunt realizabile i vor avea un puternic impact afectiv, contribuind la apropierea elevilor, familiilor acestora, cadrelor didactice, comunitilor locale. Impactul proiectului se va releva prin optimizarea schimbului de experien dintre regiunile de grani, iar impactul profesional se va releva prin implicarea personalului didactic specializat n formarea unor competene de utilizare a computerului si a umei limbi de circulatie internationala ca mijloc de comunicare i n acelai timp de formare de viitori antreprenori. Exista parteneriate pentru promovarea antreprenorial n Romnia, dar acestea

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au avut drept scop principal sustinerea educatiei continue a adultilor n domenii diferite: IT, limbi strine, lobby si consiliere referitoare la dezvoltarea creativittii/ personalittii antreprenorilor si managerilor de top. Alte cursuri au vizat accesul somerilor si a persoanelor n vrst la locurile de munc vacante prin dobndirea calificrilor necesare pe piata muncii prin oferirea de programe de consiliere si formare profesional pentru nceperea unei afaceri. Au fost de asemenea consiliate persoane din mediul rural care doresc s initieze si s dezvolte activitti agroturistice, respectiv potentiali angajati ai unittilor de turism rural. S-a urmrit mbunttirea capacittii de dezvoltare a comunittii rurale din regiunea de granit prin dezvoltarea capacittii managerilor din zona rural de a accesa, folosi servicii si infrastructur de calitate pentru a mbuntti performantele propriilor afaceri, dezvoltarea legturilor transnationale ntre afacerile din mediul rural si oferirea de suport orientat ctre antreprenorii din mediul rural. Toate acestea au fost obiective specifice capabile s accelereze initierea n afaceri de succes si s mreasc competitivitatea IMM-urilor si a microintreprinderilor. Sesiunile de instruire au fost axate n general pe dou teme principale: dezvoltarea competentelor manageriale si dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenoriale, aborbnd aspecte concrete de management, dezvoltarea afacerilor de marketing, vnzri, resurse umane si legislatii.

Collaboration between different institutions in Suceava County, Kishinev and Chernovtsy have existed since 1990, but they were aimed at adults and were not directly involved in school education sector. There is a need for direct contact, socialization, knowledge and students interaction in various activities between Romanian, Ukrainian and Moldovan pupils, contacts that remain mostlyat level approach. This project aims to enter a new stage of cooperation in school education level in order to carry out educational activities with transboundary impacts. All the actions are feasible and will have a strong emotional impact, helping to bring students together, their families, teachers, local communities. The project will be revealed by optimizing the exchange of experiences between border regions and the professional impact will reveal the involvement of specialised staff in creating abilities to use computers as well as a foreign language worldwide spoken as a means of communication and at the same time training future entrepreneurs. There are partnerships to promote entrepreneurship in Romania, but they are mainly aimed at supporting the continuing education of adults in different areas: IT, foreign languages, lobby and counselling regarding the development of top managers personality and creativity. Other courses aimed at the acees of the unemployed and older people to job vacancies through acquiring qualifications on labor market by providing counseling and training programs for starting a business. People from rural areas ,who want to initiate and develop rural tourism activities were also counselled,which means the potential employees from the rural tourism units. The purpose of these actions was the improvement of rural community development within the border region by developing the capacity of rural managers to access, use quality services and infrastructure to improve their business performance,the development of transnational links between businesses in rural areas and providing targeted support by entrepreneurs in rural areas. All these were specific objectives capable of accelerating the initiation into successful businesses and to increase the competitiveness of SMEs and microenterprises. The training sessions were focused generally on two main themes: developing managerial skills and entrepreneurial skills, approaching specific aspects of management, business development marketing, sales, human resources and legislation.

b) Provide a detailed analysis of the problems to be addressed by the action and how they are interrelated at all levels. Am identificat o serie de probleme pe care le considerm de o importan major n calea dezvoltrii tehnologiei informatiei i antreprenoriatului n Romnia si tarile partenere. n ceea ce privete palierul educaional, situaia actual a educaiei antreprenoriale n sistemul de nvmnt romanesc are o serie de elemente specifice. La nivel colar, exist cteva iniiative n acest sens, dar puine alternative. n ceea ce privete ciclurile primar i gimnazial, nu exist o contientizare a importanei educaiei antreprenoriale la clasele I-IV, iar pentru clasele V-VIII exist cteva programe care pot fi implementate n coli prin Curriculumul la Decizia colii sau ca activiti extracurriculare, dar nu fac parte din curricula de trunchi comun. n privina

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ciclului liceal, educaia antreprenorial este materie de studiu obligatorie n clasa a X-a (respectiv a XII-a n licee tehnice) i este predat de profesorii de economie. In Ucraina si Republica Moldova nu se studiaza Educatie antreprenoriala in sistemul preuniversitar de invatamant. In plus, in Ucraina, in zona eligibila vizata nu se studiaza nici limba engleza. Din randul obstacolelor structurale mentionam expunerea sczut a tinerilor la oportuniti de educaie antreprenoriala, cand ar trebui sa devina prioritare programele i aciunile educationale n acest domeniu. Un alt obstacol este lipsa legaturilor si a colaborarilor intre elevi din scoli si tari diferite, al numarul redus de activitati ce presupun interdisciplinaritate cu grad aplicativ pe domeniul IT, al limbii engleze si al educatiei antreprenoriale, lucruri necesare pentru a forma echipe cu abiliti ct mai diversificate.Obstacolele de metodologie didactica n calea dezvoltrii tehnologiei i antreprenoriatului se refera la lipsa partii practice, de implementare a unor proiecte, majoritatea se rezum la ntocmirea unui plan de afaceri nu pe pilotarea acestuia i pe activiti cu caracter practic.

We have identified a number of issues that we consider of great importance in the development of information technology and entrepreneurship in Romania and the partner countries. In terms of educational area, the current state of entrepreneurship education in the Romanian education system has a number of specific elements. At school level, there are some initiatives in this respect, but few alternatives. With regard to primary and secondary education, there is not an awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship education in grades I-IV, while for the V-VIII grades there are several programs that can be implemented in schools through the school curriculum or as extracurricular activities, but are not part of the common core curriculum. As far as the upper secondary education is concerned, the entrepreneurial education is a compulsory subject in the Xth grade (compared to the technical schools where it is compulsory in the XIIth grade) and is taught by teachers of Economics. In Ukraine and Moldova pupils are not studying entrepreneurship education in high school. In addition, in Ukraine, within the targeted eligible area English is not studied either. Among the structural obstacles we can mention the low exposure of young people to entrepreneurial education opportunities, in which case the educational programs and actions in this area should become a priority. Another obstacle is the lack of collaboration and connections between students from different schools and different countries, the limited number of interdisciplinary activities involving applications on IT, English language and entrepreneurial education, things needed to form teams with skills as various as posible.The obstacles regarding methodology which block the development of technology and entrepreneurship refers to the lack of practical side, the implementation of projects, most are limited to preparing a business plan, not conducting it, as well as practical activities.


Where the action is a continuation of a previous action clearly indicate how the proposed action is intended to build on the activities/results of this previous action; refer to main conclusions and recommendations of evaluations that might have been carried out. NA d) Where the action is part of a larger programme, clearly explain how it fits or is coordinated with this programme or any other planned project. Specify the potential synergies with other initiatives, in particular from the European Commission. NA e) In addressing the points above, refer to any significant strategies and action plans undertaken at national, regional and/or local level relevant for the action and describe how the action will relate to such plans. Provide reliable sources of information and if available, provide web links where the documents may be consulted. Conform Agentiei pentru Dezvoltare regionala NE, PDR Nord Est este instrumentul prin care regiunea isi promoveaza interesele in domeniul economic si social, reprezentand in acelasi timp contributia regiunii la elaborarea Planului National de Dezvoltare. Grupurile de lucru regionale au fost focalizate pe dezvoltarea mediului de afaceri si stimularea cresterii economice durabile, a parteneriatelor si spiritului antreprenorial. Exista parteneriate pentru promovarea antreprenorial n Romnia, dar acestea au avut drept scop principal sustinerea educatiei continue a adultilor n domenii diferite: IT, limbi strine, lobby si consiliere referitoare la

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dezvoltarea creativittii/ personalittii antreprenorilor si managerilor de top. Alte cursuri au vizat accesul somerilor si a persoanelor n vrst la locurile de munc vacante prin dobndirea calificrilor necesare pe piata muncii prin oferirea de programe de consiliere si formare profesional pentru nceperea unei afaceri. Au fost de asemenea consiliate persoane din mediul rural care doresc s initieze si s dezvolte activitti agroturistice, respectiv potentiali angajati ai unittilor de turism rural. S-a urmrit mbunttirea capacittii de dezvoltare a comunittii rurale din regiunea de granit prin dezvoltarea capacittii managerilor din zona rural de a accesa, folosi servicii si infrastructur de calitate pentru a mbuntti performantele propriilor afaceri, dezvoltarea legturilor transnationale ntre afacerile din mediul rural si oferirea de suport orientat ctre antreprenorii din mediul rural. Toate acestea au fost obiective specifice capabile s accelereze initierea n afaceri de succes si s mreasc competitivitatea IMM-urilor si a microintreprinderilor. Sesiunile de instruire au fost axate n general pe dou teme principale: dezvoltarea competentelor manageriale si dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenoriale, aborbnd aspecte concrete de management, dezvoltarea afacerilor de marketing, vnzri, resurse umane si legislatii. In aceste conditii, formarile nu au fost orientate spre tineri de liceu, acestia neavand acces la astfel de cursuri. Formarile anterioare s-au desfasurat la nivel regional, cu o slaba colaborare transfrontaliera intre participanti.Romania are cea mai mica rata de participare la formarea continua comparativ cu media tarilor UE, conform PND si Indexului ELLI (European Lifelong Learning Indicators) pe 2010. In documentul PRAOIS NE se specifica clar ca la nivel de regiune, exista un numar insufient de cabinete de orientare profesionala, ceea ce duce la accentuarea somajului; prin implementarea acestui proiect vom Infiinta Cercul de Promovare Transfrontalier a Educaiei Antreprenoriale i de Informatic Managerial si vom consilia grupul tinta, orientandu-i s fac posibile atitudinile antreprenoriale i spiritul antreprenorial ntr-un context educaional international. Aproape o treime dintre romani isi doresc sa inceapa in urmatorul deceniu o activitate pe cont propriu, reiese dintr-un studiu al Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC). Prin cursurile de dezvoltarea competentelor si abilitatilor specifice de antreprenoriat, proiectul vine in rezolvarea acestei probleme. Prin cursurile de IT si limba engleza, proiectul suporta costurile de formare, orientand pe piata absolventi pregatiti in conformitate cu cerintele unei economii in schimbare. In concluzie, proiectul Entrepreneurship for transborder cooperation isi propune sa abordeze parteneriatul educational preuniversitar la nivel transfrontalier cu impact pe termen mediu si lung asupra tinerei generatii, avand in vedere si ca aceasta devine mai tarziu formator de opinie, diseminand informatiile colectate si asimilate in decursul instruirilor la nivel local si regional. Relevanta proiectului este demonstrata de: - proiectul raspunde necesitatilor identificate in PND si continua linia deschisa de Romania prin participarea la Strategia Europeana de Ocupare revizuita, prin faptul ca faciliteaza accesul la programele de formare - proiectul vine in intampinarea cerintelor PND prin care se doreste dezvoltarea abilitatilor si competentelor comunicationale si de IT. Valoarea adaugata a proiectului : Prin abordarea complexa si globala a problematicii comunicarii si relationarii transfrontaliere, proiectul aduce plus de valoare si imbunatateste oferta de piata in acest domeniu, deoarece conform PND, Centrele Regionale de Formare sunt putine, iar unitatile care furnizeaza educatie nu sunt implicate in formarea antreprenoriala, de IT si limba engleza a tinerilor de liceu. Prin acest proiect beneficiarii vor participa la programe de formare construite pe competente comune mai multor ocupatii, ceea ce le va creste adaptabilitatea si flexibilitatea pe piata muncii Se realizeaza initierea in utilizarea IT, in conformitate cu linia directoare pentru ocupare care prevede Adaptarea sistemelor de educatie si de instruire la noile cerinte de competenta ale pietei. Proiectul este in conformitate si cu directiile de dezvoltare a pietei muncii identificate de cercetari citate in Strategia Europeana pentru Ocupare, pentru ca prin dezvoltarea de competente comune mai multor profesii creaza beneficiarilor premisele de a identifica noile ocupatii (new skills for new jobs). f. Where the project innovates and is not framed in a national/regional strategy or action plan, indicate the added value of the project from the perspective of programme objectives and complementarity with the national and regional strategies. 1.2.3 Describe and define the target groups and final beneficiaries, their needs and constraints and how the action will address these needs Please provide all the following information, indicating reliable sources: a) Include a description of each target groups and final beneficiaries (quantify where possible), including criteria for their selection. Grupul tint al proiectului este alctuit dintr-un numr de 60 de elevi, cu vrsta cuprins ntre 13-17 ani, cte 20 elevi din fiecare tar participanta la proiect. In urma unui chestionar, care va cuprinde ntrebri legate de nevoile de dezvoltare personal, vor fi selectati elevii care justific n mod corespunztor motivaia de a participa n cadrul proiectului. Vor avea prioritate, n procesul de selecie, elevii care dau dovada de

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disponibilitatea de a participa la toate activitatile destinate grupului tinta.In cadrul unei intalniri cu elevii se vor prezenta tema, obiectivele i activitile proiectului, condiiile de selectare a grupului int pentru proiect, lectorii care vor susine seminariile pregtitoare precum i oportunitatea deosebit de a participa la aceste evenimente, al cror coninut vine s completeze cunotintele dobndite n cadrul colii. De rezultatele acestui proiect, vor beneficia aproximativ 1500 elevi apartinand celor trei scoli participante la proiect, circa 10.000 elevi din Orasul Suceava, Chisinau si satul Petrasivca, proximativ 100 cadrele didactice din cele trei scoli participante, cadre didactice din Orasul Suceava, Chisinau si satul Petrasivca, parintii elevilor implicati in proiect si membri ai comunitatilor locale. Larga diseminare a rezultatelor este posibila datorita concursului Be creative ! , a conferintelor, cercurilor metodice si a altor intalniri de lucru care au loc periodic in sistemul de invatamant.


Identify needs and constraints of each target groups and final beneficiaries. Colaborri ntre diverse instituii din judeul Suceava, Chisinau si Cernauti au existat ncepnd cu anul 1990, dar acestea au vizat adultii si nu au implicat direct sectorul nvtmntului preuniversitar. Se simte nevoia contactului direct, socializrii, cunoaterii i interacionrii n diverse activiti ntre elevii romni, ucrainieni si moldoveni. Legaturile de prietenie dezvoltate la varsta adolescentei pot deveni un bun inceput pentru viitoarele relatii de colaborare si de afaceri. Proiectul de fa i propune s intre ntr-o nou etap de colaborare la nivel educaional colar n vederea realizrii de activiti educative cu impact transfrontalier. Toate aciunile propuse sunt realizabile i vor avea un puternic impact afectiv, contribuind la apropierea elevilor, familiilor acestora, cadrelor didactice, comunitilor locale. Impactul proiectului la nivel de comunicare si relationare se va releva prin optimizarea schimbului de experien dintre regiunile de grani si a informarii viitorilor absolventi in problematica antreprenoriatului, iar impactul la nivel de formare se va releva prin implicarea personalului didactic specializat n formarea unor competene antreprenoriale, de utilizare a computerului si a unei limbi de circulatie internationala ca mijloc de comunicare i n acelai timp de formare de viitori antreprenori. Dezvoltarea spiritului antreprenorial se nscrie ntr-o zon relativ tanara, nedezvoltata a nvmntului romnesc, ucrainian si moldovenesc care ine de introducerea tehnicilor europene moderne n sistemul de nvmnt, astfel nct domeniul este relativ greu de explorat. Elevii romani studiaz doar vag aceast disciplin i de aceea s-a simit nevoia de a mbunti cunotinele de antreprenoriat pentru a-i pregti pentru o pia a muncii. In plus, elevii ucrainieni si moldoveni nu studiaza aceasta disciplina in scoala. IT-ul este o disciplin relativ nou dar care s-a dovedit extrem de folositoare. ntr-o lume mereu n schimbare, n care internetul i calculatorul joac un rol extrem de important, cunotinele de IT nu trebuie s lipseasc din viaa unui tnr. Tinerii au nevoie de aceste cunotine pentru viaa de zi cu zi dar i pentru a-i pregti pentru viitor. Limba engleza este cea mai importanta limb din punct de vedere al comunicrii, ntrucat este cunoscut, cel putin la un nivel de baza, de aproape o treime din populaia globului. Este limba internaional de baz n comert, afaceri, comunicaii, divertisment, informatic i n internet. Este cea mai predat limba din lume, cunoaterea limbii engleze fiind o necesitate n multe sectoare i domenii de activitate. Antreprenoriatul si limba englez nu sunt studiate n Ucraina. Limba englez i IT-ul sunt studiate n Republica Moldova, dar n mic msur. In plus, tinerii din cele trei ri nu au avut posibilitatea de a mbina antreprenoriatul, IT-ul i limba englez ntr-un singur proiect. Ucraina i Republica Moldova nu sunt membre ale Uniunii Europene i poate de aceea, deschiderea lor spre antreprenoriat, IT i limb englez a fost diminuat. c) Demonstrate the relevance of the proposal to the needs and constraints of the target groups and final beneficiaries. Tinerii din grupul int vor avea de ctigat deoarece toate activitatile destinate lor vor duce la formarea unei echipe unite, grupul tinta va interactiona si se vor crea oportunitati de colaborare pe termen lung, avad in vedere ca varsta este propice legarii prieteniilor de durata. Proiectul va duce la mbogirea cunotinelor legate de antreprenoriat, IT i limb englez, iar grupul tinta va da dovad de spontaneitate i naturalee, creativitate i imaginaie. Mult mai mult, membrii grupului tinta vor avea posibilitatea de a interactiona, astfel crescand numarul de evenimente educationale comune celor trei tari participante la proiect.i s aleag ara lor ca loc de mplinire, de performan i de succes n via d. Explain any participatory process ensuring participation of the target groups and final beneficiaries. Proiectul urmrete crearea unei baze pentru cooperarea transfrontalier efectiv deoarece este creat mpreun de toi partenerii, este implementat mpreun, echipa de implementare i bugetul sunt comune. La analiza de nevoi si constrangeri au participat toate cele 3 ri partenere, fiecare ar a analiza nevoile i prioritile elevilor i s-a ajuns la concluzia c acetia au nevoie sa comunice si sa relationeze, in acelasi timp s-i mbunteasc cunotinele ce tin de o economie in schimbare, avand in vedere ca in Ucraina si Republica Moldova nu se studiaza educatia antreprenoriala. Activitile proiectului vor fi derulate i coordonate mpreun, managerul proiectului va avea grij ca activitile s se desfoare conform calendarului iar activitile proiectului s ating obiectivele proiectului.In echipa de proiect din Ucraina i Republica Moldova

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vor exista cte un coordonator al activitatilor elevilor, care vor asigura participarea grupului tinta la toate activitatile destinate lui. 1.2.4 Particular added-value elements Indicate how the proposal contribute to promotion or consolidation of public/private partnerships, innovation and best practices, or other cross-cutting issues such as environmental issues, promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities, needs of disabled people, rights of minorities and rights of indigenous people. Manualul de bune practici, ca rezultat final al proiectului va reprezenta cea mai buna metoda de diseminare la scara larga a rezultatelor proiectului, in acelasi timp reprezentand abecedarul oricarui viitor antreprenor. Activitatile destinate grupului tinta au fost in asa fel gandite/structurate astfel incat sa permita accesul egal al ambelor genuri. Proiectul promoveaza oprotunitati egale de dezvoltare pentru toti membrii grupului tinta si pentru toate tarile participante la proiect, avand in vedere ca activitatile destinate sunt relativ noi si greu de explorat pentru elevii din tarile partenere. in urma chestionarului aplicat in cele 2 scoli partenere am constatat cu uimie ca elevii nici macar nu au auzit de educatia antreprenoriala. 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION (max. 4 page) Please provide all the following information: a. Background to the preparation of the action. Spiritul antreprenorial se refer la capacitatea unei persoane de a pune ideile sale n practic. Programele i modulele antreprenoriale ofer elevilor instrumentele necesare pentru a gndi creativ i pentru a putea soluiona problemele ntr-un mod eficace. Antreprenoriatul este inclus n programele naionale de nvmnt in majoritatea rilor europene. Cu toate acestea, programele i activitile vizate pot fi foarte diferite n ceea ce privete intensitatea i eficacitatea. In Ucraina si Republica Moldova nu se studiaza educatia antreprenoriala in scoala. De asemeni, in Ucraina, in regiunea tinta, nu se studiaza limba engleza. n orice caz, percepia general este c persist un deficit care trebuie eliminat. Unele dintre motivele principale ale acestui deficit identificat sunt urmtoarele: participarea elevilor este limitat, metodele de predare nu sunt eficace, elementul practic al antreprenoriatului lipsete, antreprenoriatul nu este legat de materii de studiu sau de profesiuni specifice. Prin urmare, n pofida unor date ncurajatoare, se pare c asimilarea i eficacitatea educaiei antreprenoriale n colile europene sunt nc departe de a fi pe deplin satisfctoare. Este urgent mbuntirea acestui domeniu. Metodele de predare cel mai des folosite sunt cursurile, chiar dac exist o gam larg de instrumente pedagogice, n general, se pare c exist un decalaj ntre metodele de predare considerate ca fiind cele mai eficace i cele care sunt folosite n prezent. Nu toi profesorii opteaz pentru metode active de predare cum ar fi simulrile computerizate i jocurile de afaceri, ntreprinderile nfiinate de elevi, activitatea n cadrul proiectelor i activitatea n echip i stagiile de practic. O alt problem este legat de lipsa unei modaliti interdisciplinare de a lucra cu proiecte concrete. Proiectul are rolul de a contribui la schimbul de bune practici, experiene i metode, de a mri gradul de sensibilizare i de a monitoriza i analiza comparativ activitatile grupului tinta.


Describe the objectives of the action. (Elaborate here on the objectives mentioned in the table in section 1.1 above.) nfiinarea Cercului de Promovare Transfrontalier a Educaiei Antreprenoriale i de Informatic Managerial i implementarea unui program continuu de informare a viitorilor absolveni Acesta va oferi acces la informaii actualizate, utile att celor care doresc s se documenteze i celor care caut oportuniti de educaie antreprenorial. Scopul acestei Cerc nu este nfiinarea unei firme sau formarea de tineri manageri. El urmrete n schimb s fac posibile atitudinile antreprenoriale i spiritul antreprenorial ntr-un context educaional international, concentrndu-se pe dezvoltarea caracteristicilor i calitilor antreprenoriale personale. Prin urmare, ne propunem ca tinerii s interactioneze si sa nceap s adopte o gndire ntreprenorial necesara interactiunii viitoare transfrontaliere. In cadrul acestui sediu vom pune la dispozitia elevilor materialele necesare informarii, cum ar fi manualul de schimb de bune practici, necesar colaborarii trilaterale viitoare intre elevi sau viitori absolventi de liceu si oferirea de sprijin informational online doritorilor de informatii din domeniul antreprenoriatului, IT-ului si limbii engleze. Dezvoltarea competenelor antreprenoriale i manageriale pentru oferirea unui mediu adecvat dezvoltrii parteneriatelor colare n zona de grani - spiritul antreprenorial, conditiile desfasurarii activitatii antreprenoriale, planul de afaceri, eecul ca treapt spre succes, avantajele i riscurile antreprenoriatului, resursele necesare derulrii unei afaceri, modalitile de finanare ale afacerii - sunt doar cteva dintre tematicile abordate n acest curs. n cazul acestor cursuri, finalitatea const n dobndirea unui spirit

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antreprenorial. Elevii vor utiliza competentele obtinute in urma proiectului in stabilirea de legaturi cu alti elevi din tarile partenere, crescand astfel numarul parteneriatelor scolare educationale transfrontaliere. mbuntirea competenelor de comunicare ntr-o limb de circulaie internaional n scopul facilitrii construirii unor reele virtuale de schimb de idei privind promovarea spiritului antreprenorial n regiunile de grani. Activitatea Basic English for business propune sa promoveze o interactiune intre oamenii si comunitatile din zona granitelor. Limba engleza este o limba de comuncare internationala, si chiar daca limba de comunicare intre parteneri este limba romana, cunostintele de limba engleza acumulate pe parcursul proiectului ii vor ajuta pe tineri in conceperea si dezvoltarea unei afaceri proprii. Participantii la aceasta activitate vor lucra individual si in echipe, iar acest lucru va duce la o dezvoltare armonioasa intre membrii tuturor tarilor participante. La sfarsitul activitatii, tinerii vor fi capabili sa se exprime in limba engleza la un nivel mediu, vor dezvolta relatii de prietenie, vor putea accesa pagini de internet si alte documente in limba engleza pentru a-si imbogati cunostintele de antreprenoriat si IT. Se stie, de asemenea, ca majoritatea informatiilor de pe internet sunt in limba engleza si ca tinerii au nevoie de un vocabular de baza pentru a se descurca la calculator.Dezvoltarea potenialului de creativitate i inovare a unor abiliti practice de utilizare a instrumentelor informatice Proiectul i propune dezvoltarea potenialului de creativitate i inovare, formarea unei gndiri antreprenoriale, a unor abiliti practice de utilizare a instrumentelor informatice n scopul mbuntirii nivelului de relationare internationala. Sistemul informatic este suportul propus de acest proiect pentru acordarea de consultan online pentru implementarea proiectelor de afaceri pe care le vor realiza elevii din grupul int, pe baza competenelor dobndite n sesiunea de instruire IT. Astfel, prin descoperirea unor ci de comunicare i colaborare transfrontalier n vederea dezvoltrii, promovrii proiectelor comune i implementrii afacerilor n echip, utiliznd facilitile de partajare a resurselor IT, tinerii vor fi motivai s aleag ara lor ca loc de mplinire, de performan i de succes n via. Se dorete ca acest proiect s fie un un sprijin pentru dezvoltarea de reele virtuale de comunicare i colaborare n vederea pregtirii tinerei generaii pentru a reui n economia de pia real. Societatea informaional este o stare de fapt a prezentului. Depinde de fiecare ct de repede se va integra. Modernizarea i perfecionarea constituie o necesitate obiectiv a tuturor celor care doresc s reueasc n economia de pia. Rolul sistemelor informaionale in acest sens devine esenial ca mijloc de proiectare i dezvoltare a unei afaceri, ca surs de documentare i acces la informaie pentru toi cei angrenai ntr-un proiect. Evoluia tehnologiei informaiei i dezvoltarea sistemului de comunicaii induc noi abordri i noi tehnici de comunicare, colaborare, elaborare i promovare a proiectelor. Tehnologia informaiei i comunicaiilor nu constituie doar un dispozitiv media ci mai ales un mijloc al deschiderii ctre resursele din ntreaga lume. Sesiunea de instruire IT urmrete nu doar modelarea aptitudinilor, dezvoltarea deprinderilor de utilizare a calculatorului, ci mai ales stimularea imaginaiei i creativitii grupului int n proiectarea unei afaceri i utilizarea tehnologiei informaionale n scopul mbuntrii succesului n economia de pia. Educaia bazat pe noile tehnologii ale informaiei i comunicaiilor susine caracterul interdisciplinar al nvmntului i contribuie la dezvoltarea performanei colare, venind astfel n ntmpinarea schimbrilor inerente ce au loc n societate. Afacerile transfrontaliere dezvoltate astfel, vor contribui la motivarea tinerilor intelectuali s rmn n ar. Vor ncuraja tinerii s aleag ara lor ca loc de mplinire, de performan i de succes n via. In concluzie, proiectul contribuie la dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenoriale printr-un program integrat de pregtire i sprijin, n vederea creterii nivelului de relaionare i comunicare transfrontalier. c. Describe the key stakeholders groups, their attitudes towards the action and any consultation undertaken with them. In urma evaluarii chestionarului aplicat in cele trei scoli, psihologul scolii a tras urmatoarele concluzii: elevii isi doresc sa comunice dar nu au oportunitati de intalnire in cadru organizat. Elevii isi doresc sa invete sis a impartaseasca opinii si experiente, dar nu au posibilitatea de a se intalni si de a relationa cu tineri de aceeasi varsta din alte tari. Elevii sunt preocupati de viitorul lor, de cantitatea si mai ales de calitatea informatiilor acumulate de-al lungul scolii, sunt preocupati de viitorul lor, si de cautarea unor oportunitati de dezvoltare personala, care sa le asigure succesul in viata. Elevii sunt interesati si foarte entuziasmati de posibilitatea participarii la un astfel de schimb educational transfrontalier, fiind convinsi de faptul ca acesta le va aduce posibilitatea de a lega noi prietenii, de a comunica pe probleme comune tinerei generatii. d. Provide brief information on the type of activities foreseen and specify related outputs and results, including a description of linkages/relationships between activity clusters. e. Indicate a broad timeframe for the action and describe any specific factor that has been taken into account. Timp larg

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f. In exceptional cases, when projects can take place partially in regions other than those defined by the
programme area, please explain why is this necessary for achieving projects objectives NA

2. CHECKLIST FOR CONCEPT NOTE Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 Priority 3 People to people cooperation 2nd Call for proposals ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Name of the applicant Country and date of registration Legal Entity File number 8 Legal status 9 Partner 1
8 9

[To be filled in by the applicant] [in English and in the national language]

Name [in English and in the national language]:

If the applicant has already signed a contract with the European Commission E.g. non profit making, governmental body, international organization, public body, etc.

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Partner 2 [Add as many rows as partners]

Country of registration: Legal status: Name [in English and in the national language]: Country of registration: Legal status:

Before sending your Concept Note, please check that each of the following points is complete and respects the following criteria Title of the Proposal: PART 1 (ADMINISTRATIVE) 1. The instructions for concept note, published for this call for proposals, have been followed: max. 10 full pages, (A4 size) of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins? 2. The Declaration by the applicant has been filled in, signed, stamped, dated and is enclosed? 3. The partnership statement(s) signed stamped and dated by each partner is /are enclosed? 4. The proposal is typed and is in English? 5. One original and 4 copies are included? 6. An electronic version of the concept note (CD-ROM) is enclosed? 7. An electronic copy of the national/strategies, action plans, relevant for the project is enclosed, or a web link was provided? PART 2 (ELIGIBILITY) 8. The applicant and partner(s) organisations are located in the programme area, or participation of a partner located outside the programme area is motivated in the concept note? 9. The entire action will be implemented in the eligible area of the programme, or When part of the action will take place in regions other than those defined by the programme area, a duly justifications was provided by the applicant in the concept note ? 10. The duration of the action is between 6 months (the minimum allowed by this Call) and 18 months (the maximum allowed by this Call)? 11. The requested EU contribution is between 30,000 EUR (the minimum allowed by this Call) and 150,000 EUR (the maximum) allowed by this Call)? 12. The present Checklist and the Declaration by the applicant are filled in and sent with the Concept Note? 3. DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT FOR CONCEPT NOTE

To be filled in by the applicant YES NO

The applicant, represented by the undersigned, being authorised signatory for the applicant, and in the context of the present application, representing any partners in the proposed action, hereby declares that a) The applicant has the sources of financing and professional competence and qualifications specified in section 2 of the Guidelines for Applicants; b) The applicant undertakes to comply with the obligations foreseen in the partnership statement of the grant application form and with the principles of good partnership practice; c) The applicant is directly responsible for the preparation, management and implementation of the action with its partners, and is not acting as an intermediary; d) The applicant and its partners are not in any of the situations excluding them from participating in contracts which are listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions (available from the following Internet address)

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http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/procedures/implementation/index_en.htm Furthermore, it is recognized and accepted that if we participate in spite of being in any of these situations, we may be excluded from other procedures in accordance with section 2.3.5 of the Practical Guide; e) The applicant and each partner are in a position to deliver immediately, upon request, the supporting documents stipulated under section 2.4 of the Guidelines for Applicants; f) The applicant and each partner are eligible in accordance with the criteria set out under sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants;


If recommended to be awarded a grant, the applicant accepts the contractual conditions as laid down in the Standard Contract annexed to the Guidelines for applicants (annex IIA); h) The applicant and its partners are aware that, for the purpose of safeguarding the financial interests of the European Union, their personal data may be transferred to internal audit services, to the European Court of Auditors, to the Financial Irregularities Panel or to the European Anti-Fraud Office. Signed on behalf of the applicant Name Signature and stamp Position Date

STATEMENT 1 0 I hereby certify that the [insert the name of the organization that fills in the partnership statement in English and in national language] commits itself to the operation. I confirm that no expenditure related to the activities foreseen to be implemented in the above mentioned project by [insert the name of the organization that fills in the partnership statement - in English and in national language] has been funded by any other EU programme. I have read and approved the contents of the concept note submitted to the Joint Managing Authority (the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism from Romania). I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice. Signed on behalf of the Partner [insert the name of the organization that fills in the partnership statement in English and in national language]: Name11: Organisation: Position:


To be multiplied and filled in by each project partner. This parnership statement must only be filled in by project partners.It is not necessary for the Applicant to sign a partnership statement.


Legal representative of the organization

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Signature and stamp: Date and place:

5. ASSESSMENT GRID FOR THE CONCEPT NOTE (For the use of the Contracting Authority only) YES 1. The submission deadline has been respected? 1. The Checklist has been duly completed? The administrative verification has been conducted by: Date: DECISION 1: The Committee has decided to evaluate the Concept Note after having passed the Administrative Check. The evaluation of the Concept Note has been conducted by: Date: DECISION 2: The Committee has decided to recommend evaluating the full application form. NO

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Only to be completed by the applicants who receive an invitation to submit a full application (at the time of the invitation) For economical and ecological reasons, we strongly recommend that you submit your files on paper-based materials (no plastic folder or divider). We also suggest you use double-sided print-outs as much as possible. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-the Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 the 2nd Call for proposals [in English and in its national language]

Reference of the Call for proposals Title of the Call for proposals Name of the applicant N of the proposal 12 Title of the action13 Location of the action N and title of the Priority N and title of the Measure

[country (ies) / region(s)/ localities that will benefit from the action] Priority 3 People-to-people cooperation [Please choose and delete those which are not applicable:] 3.1 Local and regional governance, support to civil society and local communities 3.2 Educational, social and cultural exchanges


2. THE ACTION 1 4 BUDGET OF THE ACTION, AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY AND OTHER EXPECTED SOURCES OF FUNDING Fill in Annex B to the Guidelines for applicants to provide information on: The budget of the action (worksheet 1), for the total duration of the action and for its first 12 months, at project level and for each project partner, including the applicant AND, Justification on the budget (worksheet 2), for the total duration of the action AND, Amount requested from the Contracting Authority and other expected sources of funding for the action for the total duration (worksheet 3). For further information see the Guidelines for grant applicants (sections 1.4, 2.1.4 and 2.2.5).

The proposal number as allocated by the Contracting Authority and notified to the applicant at the time of the Concept Note opening and administrative check. 13 As notified by the evaluation committee at the end of the 1st step. 14 The evaluation committee will refer to information already provided in the Concept Note as regards objectives and relevance of the action.

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Please note that the cost of the action and the contribution requested from the Contracting Authority have to be expressed in EUR, using two decimals.. Please mention here the contributions in kind to be provided (please specify), if any (maximum 1 page). However, please note that contributions in kind are not considered actual expenditure and are not eligible costs. Contributions in kind may not be treated as co-financing by the applicant. The budget includes the budget lines for the whole actions well as the division of funds between the partners. Please fill in Annex B (worksheets 1, 2 and 3) for the total duration of the action and for its first 12 months. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION 2.2.1 Description of the action and its effectiveness (max 14 pages) Provide a description of the proposed action, including all the information requested below: Making reference to the overall objective(s) and specific objective(s), outputs and results described in the concept note, elaborate on specific expected results indicating how the action will improve the situation of the target groups and final beneficiaries as well as the technical and management capacities of target groups and/or any local partners. Indicate in particular foreseen publications. Making reference to the overall objective(s) and specific objective(s), outputs and results described in the concept note, identify and describe in detail each work package to be undertaken to produce results, justifying the choice of the activities and specifying the role of each partner (and associates, or contractors) in the activities. In this respect, the detailed description of activities must not repeat the action plan (to be provided in section 2.2.3 below) but demonstrate coherence and consistency in the project design. In order to facilitate the management, Applicants are asked to divide the joint Action into maximum 5 thematically diversified components, Groups of Activities. A Group of Activities (GAs) is interlinked thematically in the project. Groups of activities should be broken down into activities, in order to make them sufficiently simple to be organized and easy to manage, but please make sure that you do not get into too much detail: the breakdown should stop as soon as the planner has sufficient detail to estimate the time and resources required, and the person responsible for actually doing the work has sufficient instructions on what has to be done. Make sure that you do not omit essential activities and/or tasks, like project management and communication/publicity activities. The description under GAs must be as precise as possible to deliver a clear picture of the planned activities and their outputs and results, to allow for proper assessment of the relevance and necessity of the Action, as well as its cost-effectiveness and cross-border impact. The first GA must always contain information about the overall project management, coordination and communication (internal and external communication) in the context of the action, while a separate GA should deal with the visibility actions related to the action. The remaining GAs (up to 3 thematic GAs) will be defined by the Action. First, the Action must define the titles of the GAs, describe their aim and purpose (justification), and then provide the description of the GAs as defined below in the GA tables.


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GROUP OF ACTIVITIES 1: Aim and purpose of the GA (general description of the GA) Activity 1.1 Total duration of the activity Aim(s) and short description of the activity Responsible partner Involved partners Evolution per quarter months 1-4 months 5-8 months 9-12 months 13-16 months 17-18 Activity 1.2 Total duration of the activity Aim(s) and short description of the activity Responsible partner Involved partners Evolution per quarter months 1-4 months 5-8 months 9-12 months 13 - 16 months 17 - 18 GROUP OF ACTIVITIES 216 Activity 2.1 Total duration of the activity Aim(s) and short description of the activity

Project management, coordination and communication To ensure proper project implementation15 To ensure that the project will achieve the expected results and objectives, while complying with the contract provisions and the requirements of the programme. Organisation of project team meetings months 1-18 To ensure proper communication and coordination between the members of the project implementation team and between project partners . applicant partner 1 and 2 Target group(s) Outputs Results NA 2 PT meetings a well managed project NA 1 PT meeting a well managed project NA 2 PT meetings a well managed project NA 1 PT meeting a well managed project NA 2 PT meeting a well managed project

Target group(s)



Please note that the texts highlighted in gray colour are provided only as examples and remember to delete them in the final version of the Grant Application Form. The information must be consistent with the contents of the Logical Framework and of the Budget 16

To be multiplied for the necessary number of Group of activities

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Responsible partner Involved partners Evolution per quarter months 1-4 months 5-8 months 9-12 months 13 - 16 months 17 - 18 Activity 2.2 Total duration of the activity Aim(s) and short description of the activity Responsible partner Involved partners Evolution per quarter months 1-4 months 5-8 months 9-12 months 13 - 16 months 17 - 18

Target group(s)



Target group(s)



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Methodology (max 4 pages)

Describe in detail: a) the methods of implementation and reasons for the proposed methodology (including a justification for the project duration);


where the action is the prolongation of a previous action, explain how the action is intended to build on the results of this previous action. Give the main conclusions and recommendations of evaluations that might have been carried out;


where the action is part of a larger programme, explain how it fits or is coordinated with this programme or any other possibly planned project. Please specify the potential synergies with other initiatives, in particular from the European Union;

d) e) f)

the procedures for follow up and internal/external evaluation;

the role and participation in the action of the various actors and stakeholders (partner(s), target groups, local authorities, etc.), and the reasons for which their roles for the project; the organisational structure of the team proposed for the implementation of the action (by function: there is no need to include the names of individuals)

Please fill in the table below and give information about the structure of the project team (e.g. project coordinator, financial manager etc.) and indicate the degree of involvement of each partner. Project team17 Function Project manager Financial manager 1 Project coordinator Financial manager 2 Full time x x x Part time Partner Applicant Applicant Partner 1 Partner 1

If the case may be, please describe other relevant human resources that might also contribute to implementation of the project (e.g. volunteers, associated organizations, networks) the main means proposed for the implementation of the action by the applicant and its partners Please give details on: q offices, equipment, materials and supplies to be provided by the applicant and its partners from their own resources E.g. Applicant office room (20 sqm) fully operational, 1 PC with internet connection to be used by the project team, 1 copy machine, 1 car to be used for the project Partner 1 office room (50 sqm), 2 PCs to be used by the project team Partner 2 2 photo cameras to be used for the project


q offices, equipment, materials and supplies to be purchased or rented for the project, during its
implementation E.g. Applicant 1 location to be rented for training activities (GA 2), 2 PCs, 2 copy machines Partner 1 1 car to be rented for the project (documentary activities) Partner 2 office room (15 sqm) to be rented for the project, 3 PCs


the attitudes of all stakeholders towards the action in general and the project activities in particular

Please note that the texts highlighted in gray color are provided only as examples and remember to delete them in the final version of the Grant Application Form. The information must be consistent with the contents of the Logical Framework and of the Budget

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i) j)

the justification for developing part of the activities of the project outside the programme area (if the case) the planned activities in order to ensure the visibility of the action and the EU funding. Duration and indicative action plan for implementing the action (max 4 pages)


The duration of the action will be [X] months. Applicants should not indicate a specific startup date for the implementation of the action but simply show "month 1", "month 2", etc. Applicants are recommended to base the estimated duration for each activity and total period on the most probable duration and not on the shortest possible duration by taking into consideration all relevant factors that may affect the implementation timetable. The activities stated in the action plan should correspond to the activities described in section 2.2.1. The implementing body shall be either the applicant or any of the partners, associates or subcontractors. Any months or interim periods without activities must be included in the action plan and count toward the calculation of the total estimated duration of the action. The action plan for the first 12 months of implementation should be sufficiently detailed to give an overview of the preparation and implementation of each activity. The action plan for each of the subsequent years may be more general and should only list the main activities foreseen for those years. To this end, it shall be divided into six-month interim periods (NB: A more detailed action plan for each subsequent year will have to be submitted before receipt of new pre-financing payments, pursuant to Article 2.1 of the General Conditions of the grant contract). The action plan will be drawn up using the following format: Semester 1 Activity/Month GA 1 example 18 Preparation Activity 1.1 (title) Execution Activity 1.1 (title) Preparation Activity 1.2 (title) Etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 YEAR 1 Semester 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 Implementing body

YEAR 2 Semester 1 Activity/Month s GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 Etc.


Semester 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Implementing body

Please note that the cells highlighted in gray color are provided only as examples and remember to delete them in the final version of the Grant Application Form. The information must be consistent with the contents of the Logical Framework and of the Budget

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Sustainability (max 3 pages)

Provide all the information requested below:


Describe the expected impact, especially the cross border impact of the action with quantified data where possible, at technical, economic, social and policy levels (will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods, etc.?).

b) Describe a dissemination plan and the possibilities for replication and extension of the action outcomes
(multiplier effects), clearly indicating any foreseen dissemination channel.


Provide a detailed risk analysis and contingency plan. This should include at least a list of risks associated with each group of activity proposed, accompanied by relevant mitigation measures. A good risk analysis would include a range of risk types including physical, environmental, political, economic and social risks. d) Describe the main preconditions and assumptions during and after the implementation phase.

Explain how sustainability will be secured after completion of the action. This may include aspects of necessary follow-up activities, built-in strategies, ownership, communication plan etc. In doing so, please make a distinction between the following dimensions of sustainability: Financial sustainability (financing of follow-up activities, sources of revenue for covering all future operating and maintenance costs, etc.); Institutional sustainability (including structures that would allow the results to continue to be in place after the end of the action, capacity building, agreements and "ownership" of action outcomes); Policy level sustainability, where applicable (including what structural impact of the action have - e.g. will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods, etc.); Environmental sustainability (what impact will the action have on the environment have conditions put in place to avoid negative effects on natural resources on which the action depends and on the broader natural environment). 2.2.5 Logical framework Please fill in Annex C to the Guidelines for applicants, if the requested grant is over EUR 100,000). For further explanations about how to fill in the Logical Framework, you can consult Project Cycle Management available at http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/multimedia/publications/publications/manuals-tools/t101_en.htm 2.3 OTHER FUNDS ADDRESSED WITH THIS PROJECT Has the project applied to other funds for support to all or some of the activities proposed under this call (e.g. national funds, EU funds: Phare CBC, other ENPI programmes, Structural Funds)? If YES, please specify within which programme and provide details of its scope and of its timeframe.




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6. THE APPLICANT Name of the organisation 3.1 IDENTITY The applicants contact details for the purpose of this action Legal Entity File number 19 Abbreviation Registration number (or equivalent) Date of Registration Place of Registration Official address of Registration Country of Registration County (Oblast) District Town/ Village/ Commune E-mail address of the organisation Telephone number: [Country code + city code + number] Fax number: [Country code + city code + number] Website of the organisation Information under this point need only be given in cases where there have been modifications or additions as compared to the information given in the Concept Note form. Any changes in the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and in particular e-mail, must be notified in writing to the Joint Technical Secretariat. The Contracting Authority or the Joint Technical Secretariat will not be held responsible in case it cannot contact the applicant. 3.2 PROFILE Legal status Profit-Making NGO Value based20 [in English and in the national language]

19 20



Yes No Yes No Political Religious Humanistic Neutral Yes, parent entity:

If the applicant has already signed a contract with the European Commission
Please choose only one set of values.

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linked entity?



(please specify its EuropeAid ID:) Yes, controlled entity(ies) Yes, family organization / network entity21 No, independent

3.2.1. Category Category22 Public Administration International Organisation Local Authority Implementation Agency University/Education Research Institute Foundation Association Media Network/Federation Professional and/or Industrial Organisation Trade Union Cultural Organisation Other (please specify)

3.2.2 Sector (s) Please specify the Sector to which your organisation belongs, as defined in its statutes (or equivalent document). 3.2.3.Target group(s) All Children (less than 18 years old) Young people Community Based Organisation(s) Consumers Disabled Drug consumers Educational organisations (school, universities) Elderly people Illness affected people Local authorities Migrants Non-Governmental Organisations Professional category Research organisations/Researchers SME Students Victims of catastrophes Women Other (please specify): .. 3.3 CAPACITY TO MANAGE AND IMPLEMENT ACTIONS 3.3.1
21 22

Experience in donor funded projects in the same or similar sector(s)

E.g. confederation / federation /alliance Please specify the Category to which your organisation belongs (ONE CHOICE ONLY);

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Please provide a detailed description of actions managed by your organization over the past seven years and indicate the role of your organization (maximum 1 page per action). This information will be used to assess whether you have sufficient experience of managing actions of a comparable scale to the one for which the present grant is being requested. Project title:23 Sector: Location of the action

Cost of the Action (EUR)

Objectives and results of the action

Please indicate the role of your organization in the project: Lead partner or partner

Amount contributed [EUR] and donor24

Duration (from dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy)

3.3.2 Financial and human resources of the applicants organization Financial data Please provide the following information, if applicable, on the basis of the profit and loss account and balance sheet of your organisation, amounts in thousands Euro 25 . Turnover or equivalent Net earnings or equivalent Total balance sheet or budget Shareholder s equity or equivalent Medium and long-term debt Short-term debt (< 1 year)

Year N26 N-1 N-2 Financing Source(s) Please tick the source(s) of the revenues of your organisation and specify the additional information requested. Year N N N N N N N
23 24 25 26

Source EU Commission Member States Public Bodies Third Countries Public Bodies United Nations Other international Organisation(s) Private Sector Members fees

Percentage (total for a given year must be equal to 100%)

Number of fee-paying members (only for source = Member's fees) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Please insert as many tables as necessary: one for each project.

If the donor is the European Union or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. If your project will be selected, these financial data will be checked and they should correspond to the amounts indicated here. N = previous financial year

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Year N N N-1 N-1 N-1 N-1 N-1 N-1 N-1 N-1 N-1 N-2 N-2 N-2 N-2 N-2 N-2 N-2 N-2 N-2

Source Other (please specify) Total EU Commission Member States Public Bodies Third Countries Public Bodies United Nations Other international Organization(s) Private Sector Members fees Other (please specify) Total EU Commission Member States Public Bodies Third Countries Public Bodies United Nations Other international Organization(s) Private Sector Members fees Other (please specify) Total

Percentage (total for a given year must be equal to 100%)

Number of fee-paying members (only for source = Member's fees) N/A






N/A Number of staff Please tick one option for each type of staff. Type of staff Full time Number of staff < 10 > 10 and < 50 > 50 and < 100 > 100 N/A < 10 > 10 and < 50 > 50 and < 100 > 100 N/A

Part time

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On the board since

4. PARTNERS 2 7 OF THE APPLICANT PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTION This section must be multiplied and completed for each partner organisation within the meaning of section 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants. Any associates as defined in the same section need not to be mentioned. You must make as many copies of these tables as necessary to create entries for all the project partners. 4.1 IDENTITY Partner x [in English and in the national language]

Full legal name Date of Registration Place of Registration Legal status28 Official address of Registration29 Country of Registration Region County/ Oblast District Town/Village/Commune Contact person Telephone number: [country code + city code + number]

27 28 29

This section must be multiplied for each partner. E.g. non profit making, governmental body, international organisation If not in one of the countries listed in section 2.1.1 of the Guidelines, please justify its location

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Fax number: [country code + city code + number] E-mail address Number of employees Other relevant resources Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role in the implementation of the proposed action History of cooperation with the applicant Role and involvement in preparing the proposed action Role and involvement in implementing the proposed action Financial Data: Please provide the following information, if applicable, on the basis of the profit and loss account and balance sheet of your organisation, amounts in thousand Euros 30 Turnover or equivalent Net earnings or equivalent Total balance sheet or budget Shareholder s equity or equivalent Medium and long-term debt Short-term debt (< 1 year)

Year N31 N-1 N-2 4.2

CAPACITY TO MANAGE AND IMPLEMENT ACTIONS (1 page per action, for all the project partners) 4.2.1 Experience in donor funded actions, in the same or similar sector(s) (max.1 page per action)

Please provide a detailed description of the actions managed by your partners over the past three years. This information will be used to assess whether the partnership has sufficient experience of managing actions of a comparable scale to the one for which the present grant is being requested.

30 31

If your project will be selected, these financial data will be checked and they should correspond to the amounts indicated here. N = previous financial year

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Project title: Sector: Location of the action

Cost of the Action (EUR)

Objectives and results of the action

Please indicate the role of your organization in the project: Lead partner or partner

Amount contributed [EUR] and donor32

Dates (from dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy)


JUSTIFICATION OF THE ELIGIBILITY OF PARTNERS LOCATED OUTSIDE THE PROGRAMME AREA For partners located outside the programme area (core area and adjoining regions) please fill in the table below with the required information: Explain why the project objectives cannot be achieved without this partner participation OR Demonstrate by making reference to legal acts that this partner: a) either is a central/national public sector body who has exclusive competence in the field covered by the Action and/or in the geographical area and its legal competences extends to the programme area; b) or is an international organisation

Explain how the proposed Action will be made for the full benefit of the programme area

IMPORTANT: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided in section 4.4.


If the donor is the European Union or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. Page 35 of 44

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PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT33 A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by the Contracting Authority (the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism). To ensure that the action runs smoothly, the Contracting Authority requires all partners to acknowledge this by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below.


Our organization has read the application form and understood what our role in the action will be before the application is submitted to the Contracting Authority.


Our organization got acquainted with the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013, read the Guidelines for Grant Applicants and the standard grant contract and understood what our respective obligations under the contract will be if the grant is awarded. We authorize the applicant to sign the contract with the Contracting Authority and represent us in all dealings with the Contracting Authority in the context of the action's implementation.

c) Our organisation has sufficient human, financial and administrative capacity to implement the share of
the Action as described in the Grant Application Form. Our organisation will be able to maintain sufficient financial liquidity to sustain implementation of the Action. d) The activities that our organisation will carry out in the Action are in line with the Community and national legislation and policies and with the rules of the Programme, in particular, on requirements for public procurement, environmental impact and sustainable development, equal opportunities, and nondiscrimination. e) We are aware of the applicants obligation to consult our organisation and other partners regularly and keep us fully informed of the progress of the Action.


We have agreed with the applicant that he is obliged to send us copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to the Contracting Authority.


We are aware that proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be agreed by the partners before being submitted to the Contracting Authority. Where no such agreement can be reached, the applicant must indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the Contracting Authority.


We are aware that where the Beneficiary does not have its headquarters in the country where the action is implemented, the partners must agree before the end of the action, on an equitable distribution of equipment, vehicles and supplies for the action purchased with the EU grant among local partners or the final beneficiaries of the action.


We are aware of our obligation to sign a Partnership Agreement specifying the partners tasks and obligations in the project, before the Applicant is signing the Grant Contract with the Contracting Authority. j) Our organisation will keep available all documents related to the Action in accordance with the programme requirements on the availability of documents.

k) Our organization will assume responsibility in the event of any irregularity in its own declared expenditures, and will repay the beneficiary the amounts unduly received/paid.

l) Our organisation will inform the public about Community assistance received from the Programme to
implement the Action in compliance with the visibility rules of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-republic of Moldova 2007-2013. Please choose one of the following and delete those which are not applicable:


Please remember to multiply and fill in by each project partner Page 36 of 44

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q Our organisation is not entitled to recover any paid VAT (Value Added Tax) by whatever means, and therefore all Action related expenditure to be reported will include VAT. q Our organisation is entitled to recover any paid VAT (Value Added Tax), and therefore all Action related expenditure to be reported will not include VAT. q Our organisation is entitled to partially recover the paid VAT (Value Added Tax), and therefore the respective Action related expenditure to be reported will not include VAT. For the partially nonrecoverable paid VAT (Value Added Tax) by whatever means, the respective Action related expenditure to be reported will include VAT. I hereby certify that the [insert the name of the organization that fills in the partnership statement in English and in national language] commits itself to the operation and intends to provide and spend EUR [insert amount] as (national) co-financing to the project during its implementation, as well as any ineligible expenditure or any other costs related to the project implementation. This commitment is backed by the decision of the empowered bodies, available at request. I confirm that no expenditure related to the activities foreseen to be implemented in the above mentioned project by [insert the name of the organization that fills in the partnership statement - in English and in national language] has been or will be funded by any other EU programme. I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the Contracting Authority. I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice. Signed on behalf of the Partner [insert the name of the organization that fills in the partnership statement in English and in national language]: Name34: Organisation: Position: Signature and stamp: Date and place:


Legal representative of the organization

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5. ASSOCIATES OF THE APPLICANT PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTION This section must be completed for each associated organisation within the meaning of section 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants. You must make as many copies of this table as necessary to create entries for more associates. Associate 1 Full legal name Country of Registration Legal status35 Official address Contact person Telephone number: [country code + city code + number] Fax number: [country code + city code + number] E-mail address Number of employees Other relevant resources Experience of similar actions, in relation to role in the implementation of the proposed action History of cooperation with the applicant Role and involvement in preparing the proposed action Role and involvement in implementing the proposed action Relevance and added value of the associates


E.g. non profit making, governmental body, international organisation

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6. CHECKLIST FOR THE FULL APPLICATION FORM Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 Priority 3 People to people cooperation 2nd Call for proposals ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Name of the Applicant Country and date registration Legal Entity File number 36 Legal status37 Partner 1 Partner 2 NB: Add as many rows as partners To be filled in by the applicant of

Name: Country of registration: Legal status: Name: Country of registration: Legal status:

Before sending your proposal, please make sure that each of the following items is checked yes. Discrepancies between the Checklist that you have filled in and the content of the Grant Application Form may lead to the rejection of your application.

36 37

If the applicant has already signed a contract with the European Commission E.g. non profit making, governmental body, international organisation

Grant application form for Priorities 1 and 2

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BEFORE SENDING YOUR PROPOSAL, PLEASE CHECK THAT EACH OF THE FOLLOWING POINTS IS COMPLETE AND RESPECTS THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: Title of the Proposal: [indicate the title] PART 1 (ADMINISTRATIVE) The correct grant application form, published for this call for proposals, has been used and filled in? The Declaration by the applicant has been filled in, signed, stamped and included in original? Each partner has completed and signed a partnership statement and the statements are included in original? The proposal is typed and is in English? One original and four copies are included? An electronic version of the project (CD-Rom) is enclosed and the CD- Rom includes the Full application form, Annex B Budget of the action and, if the case, Annex C Logical framework (if the requested grant is over EUR 100,000)? The budget is using the template published for this call for proposals, is expressed in EUR with 2 decimals and is enclosed? If necessary, the logical framework has been completed and is enclosed? 9. Environmental information (Annex F) has been completed and is enclosed? 10. Job descriptions for the key permanent staff are enclosed ?

To be filled in by the applicant Yes No

11. Legalized mandates of delegation from the legal representatives of the applicant and partners are attached in original, if the case may be? PART 2 (ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION) 2. The duration of the action is between 6 months (the minimum allowed by the call) and 18 months (the maximum allowed by the call)? 3. There is at least one partner from Romania and one partner from Ukraine or Republic of Moldova? 14. The applicant and partner(s) organisations are located in the programme area or participation of a partner located outside the programme area is fully justified in the full application form, in section 4.3? 5. The requested contribution is between 30,000 EUR (the minimum allowed by the call) and 150,000 EUR (the maximum allowed by the call)? 6. The EC requested contribution has not been modified by more than 20% of the total eligible costs as provided in the Concept Note (the maximum percentage allowed)? 7. The EC requested contribution is equal to or lower than 90% of the total eligible costs of the action?

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7. DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT The applicant, represented by the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of the applicant, in the context of the present call for proposals, representing any partners in the proposed action, hereby declares that: a a) the applicant has the sources of financing and professional competence and qualifications specified in section 2 of the Guidelines for Applicants; b b) the applicant undertakes to comply with the obligations foreseen in the partnership statement of the grant application form and with the principles of good partnership practice; c c) the applicant is directly responsible for the preparation, management and implementation of the action with its partners, and is not acting as an intermediary; d d) the applicant and its partners are not in any of the situations excluding them from participating in contracts which are listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions (available from the following Internet address: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/procedures/implementation/index_en.htm. Furthermore, it is recognised and accepted that if we participate in spite of being in any of these situations, we may be excluded from other procedures in accordance with section 2.3.5 of the Practical Guide; e e) the applicant and each partner are in a position to deliver immediately, upon request, the supporting documents stipulated under section 2.4 of the Guidelines for Applicants.; f f) the applicant and each partner are eligible in accordance with the criteria set out under sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants; g g) if recommended to be awarded a grant, the applicant accepts the contractual conditions as laid down in the Standard Contract annexed to the Guidelines for Applicants (annex IIA); h h) the applicant and its partners are aware that, for the purposes of safeguarding the financial interests of the EU, their personal data may be transferred to internal audit services, to the European Court of Auditors, to the Financial Irregularities Panel or to the European Anti-Fraud Office. The following grant applications have been submitted (or are about to be submitted) to the European Institutions, the European Development Fund and the EU Member States in the last 12 months: [list only actions in the same field as this proposal] The applicant is fully aware of the obligation to inform without delay the Contracting Authority to which this application is submitted if the same application for funding made to other European Commission departments or European Union institutions has been approved by them after the submission of this grant application. The applicant is aware that the partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by the Contracting Authority (the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism). In this respect, the principles of good partnership practice set out below are acknowledged and agreed.


The applicant understood what his role in the action will be before the application is submitted to the Contracting Authority.


The applicant read the standard grant contract and understood what his respective obligations under the contract will be if the grant is awarded. He is authorized by the project partners to sign the contract with the Contracting Authority and to represent them in all dealings with the Contracting Authority in the context of the action's implementation.


The applicant shall consult with its partners regularly and keep them fully informed of the progress of the action.

d) e)

The applicant will forward copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to the Contracting Authority to his project partners. Proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) will be previously agreed with all the project partners before being submitted to the Contracting Authority. Where no such agreement can be reached, the applicant must indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the Contracting Authority. f) Where the Beneficiary does not have its headquarters in the country where the action is implemented, the partners must agree before the end of the action, on an equitable distribution of equipment, vehicles and supplies for the action purchased with the EU grant among local partners or the final beneficiaries of the action.
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The applicant is aware of his obligation to sign the Partnership Agreement stating the tasks and obligations in the project, before the signature of the Grant Contract with the Contracting Authority. It is hereby certified that the [insert the name of the organization] commits itself to the operation and intends to provide and spend EUR [insert amount] as (national) co-financing to the project during its implementation, as well as any ineligible expenditure or any other cost related to the project implementation. This commitment is backed by the decision of the empowered bodies, available at request. Signed on behalf of the applicant Name Signature and stamp Position Date

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8. INDICATORS The project will contribute to the achievement of the following programme indicator(s). Please, indicate by number the indicators that your project is contributing to (results and outputs). Indicate 1 each time your project is addressing a Result indicator. PRIORITY 3 RESULT 1: Number of projects supporting common planning initiatives, exchange of experience, cooperation networks OUTPUT 1: Number of bodies involved in cooperation initiatives RESULT 2: Number of projects creating permanent social and cultural exchanges OUTPUT 2: Number of joint cultural events/networks promoting regional CBC identity, including awareness campaigns for environmental protection in the area RESULT 3: Number of projects fighting against organised crime, people trafficking in the border area OUTPUT 3: Number of trainings/meetings for professionals OUTPUT 4: Number of information campaigns for citizens and rehabilitation courses for victims of people trafficking RESULT 4: Number of projects creating activities for young population in the area OUTPUT 5: Number of exchanges and joint events for young people OUTPUT 6: Number of trainings/meetings for professionals Number



(To be used by the Contracting Authority or the Evaluation Committee) YES OPENING AND ADMINISTRATIVE CHECK 1. The submission deadline has been respected 2. The application form satisfied all the criteria specified in part 1 of the Checklist of the application form (Section 6 of Part B of the Grant application form). DECISION 1: The evaluation committee decided to evaluate full application after having passed the administrative check. The administrative verification has been conducted by: Date: EVALUATION OF THE FULL APPLICATION FORM DECISION 2: A. The Committee has recommended the proposal for Eligibility verification after having been provisionally selected within top ranked second proposals within the available financial envelope B. The Committee has recommended the proposal for Eligibility verification after having been put on the reserve list according to the top ranked scored proposals The evaluation of the proposal has been conducted by: Date: ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION 1. The application form satisfied all the criteria specified in part 2 of the Checklist of the application form (Section 6 of Part B of the Grant application form).
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2. The supporting documents listed hereunder, submitted according to the Guidelines (Section 3.3.1), satisfy all the eligibility criteria of the applicant and its partner(s): a. The statutes or articles of association of applicant and all partners b. Certificates of Fiscal registration/ Certificate of tax payer registration for the applicant and all partners c. Certificate proving the fulfilment of the obligations relating to the payment of debts to the consolidated state budget d. Certificate proving the fulfilment of the obligations relating to the payment of debts to the local budget or, when not available, the self-declaration signed by the legal representative-for applicant and all partners e. The Legal Entity Sheet (see annex D of the Guidelines for Applicants) is duly completed and (for international organisations only) is accompanied by the letter of accreditation or a bilateral agreement -for the applicant f. The self-declaration, stating that documents proving ownership/ concession/ rent over the facilities are available and may be provided before signing the grant contract for the applicant and/or partner(s), as the case may be g. The declaration on compliance with state aid regulations (only for Romanian applicants and partners) The assessment of the eligibility has been conducted by: Date: DECISION 3: The Evaluation Committee has selected the proposal for funding after having verified its eligibility according to the criteria stipulated in the Guidelines for applicants.

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