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Thanks to Blinky123 for the original version: HOW TO FOR USING GENDT08 WITH A 301.doc

This document explains how to prepare an IRD and ROM10 card image using private numbers for CEMU emulation software. It is recommended to try this only if you have been successful in getting your system up and running 100% with public numbers first. The illustrations used show public numbers. Stuff you will need: Software Gendt08 3.3 jKeys 2.x FlashEdit 2.x Hardware JTAG Reader/Writer

There are 2 things that need to be prepared before you start. 1 Your TSOPs firmware must be at the latest revision, your original IRD numbers and Box Keys are on them and you have a back-up of both U22 and U23 TSOPs. Use jKeys and a JTAG to backup your TSOPs. 2 Your rom10 image (Dish.bin or Bev.bin) must be a working image. Start with one you are sure works with public numbers.

Open Gendt08 v3.3, your screen should look like this.

Prepare for SK mode.

Select Use IRD Secondary Key Uncheck FF out old Ird Number/Boxkeys

Load Flash 1 - U22 TSOP

Click the folder button and locate your TSOPs. Open Flash 1 - U22 first.

Load Flash 2 - U23 TSOP

After loading Flash 1 U22 you now have a second Filename box. Click the folder button and load Flash 2 U23.

TSOPs Loaded

If the App checksum is red click on the Fix button to correct it.

Verify that your IRD Number and Box Keys are correct.

You are now ready to open your ROM10 image.

Click on the Card Information tab.

ROM10 image

Select Rom10 Click on the folder icon to select your .bin file.

Locate your .bin image.

Change Files of type: to Binary image. Find your Bev.bin or Dish.bin and click Open.


Your .bin image is now opened in Gendt08.

Enter your Cam ID. Edit to your Zip Code and Time Zone if you like. It isnt necessary as this info is in the CEMU.cnf/.ini file. It is not necessary need to change the keys. Ignore any other info.


Now Gendt08 is ready to do its magic.

Click on the Calc SK button at the bottom.


Save Card Image by clicking Save Card.

Change Save as type: to Binary image. Give it a name you will remember. Ex: BevPriv.bin or DishPriv.bin

Save Flash 1 U22 Tsop by clicking Save Tsop. Give it a name you will remember. Ex: Flash 1 U22 SK Private.bin Repeat for Flash 2 U23 Tsop. Ex: Flash 2 U23 SK Private.bin DO NOT overwrite your original TSOP files, you may need them some day. You should also save keys as they may come in handy down the road. Just click the Save Keys button and save the file with your TSOPs and card image. The key patch can be used to patch a .bin later. You can now close Gendt08. Now remember where you saved these files.


GETTING YOUR RECEIVER (IRD) READY Open your new TSOPs in FlashEdit Click CRC to make it green if necessary. Create a virgin EEPROM You do not need to resave the TSOPs. Using jKeys with your JTAG connected to the IRD. Erase Flash 2-U23 - 3 times and write new U23. Erase Flash 1-U22 - 3 times and write new U22. DO NOT erase both at once, do one at a time. Write new virgin EEPROM. Congratulations, your receiver (IRD) and .bin file are now married!

Now take all of these files, original TSOP, new TSOP, ROM10 and this How-To and burn them to CD. Put the CD in a paper sleeve and tape it to the bottom of the IRD.

Good luck Angus_NB


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