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Exposing Global Management Team


CNN MK‘d BETA Kitten Robin Meade & George HW Bush,Sr. Birthday Fun

Bush Sr. BETA Prog'md Sex-Slave/Human Laptop; MK leopard ID & Trigger; Eye-of-Horus (left eye)
wink; dissociative spiral necklace

intheknow7′s Channel

ITK7 Journal


ITK7GMT: Global Mgt. Team Structure

ITKEK7: MK Prog‘mg In Culture

ITKEK7 Certified Monarch Slaves


* * *

Guess who got to traumatize CNN Morning Express anchor Robin Meade? — crusty old Skull &
Bonesman, SMOM Knight, George HW Bush Sr., celebrated 85th birthday by skydiving
w/always sexed up news anchor-bot MK Kitty Robin Meade — another product of NSA-CIA
MK-Ultra Monarch Program Multiple finishing school ―Worldwide Pageant System‖ which
is FULL of Monarch Slaves in training for pedophiles global elite — former Miss Ohio 1992
and Native American, voted ―Sexiest Newscaster‖ by Playboy in 2004, has the most blatant
BETA Prog‘md Sex-Slave (Kitten) ALTERS in TV News today! – Robin‘s ―amped up‖ cat/kitten
alters were new prototype for army of MK-Beta‘s ―anchcor-bots‖ that infiltrated news studios,
especially Rupert Murdoch‘ s FOX News. The cast of NewsCorp‘s FOX-I-FIED Blonde MK‘s are ―fully
functional in all rooms‖ — uniform is short-skirt, high-heels, big-hair, lips pouted, backs

Robin suffers from a history of ―anxiety– common trait among Mind Kontrolled Slaves…

Each show opens (6-10am) w/Robin‘s Occult sun-worshiping trademark shout out…


Note: ―yellow brick road‖ in banner here:

George HW Bush Birthday Skydive — Aerial Trauma Reinforcement; his favorite

according to Cathy O‘Brien in ―Tranceformation of America‖

Grandpappy Bush exposed here Cathy states ole George loves to traumatize MK‘ Kittys by
―throwing them from helicopters‖ and playing ―The Most Dangerous Game‖– involves setting
MK‘d BETA Slaves loose in California forest to run from degenerate Grove patrons,
in deadly game of nude hide & seek — to the DEATH! The Grove locale for Annual
Megalomaniac Summer PEDO-Fest @Bohemian Grove, Monte Rio, California. Cathy also
witnessed Mr. ex-CIA Director, Knight of Malta GHWB whacked-out on heroin…
sodomizing her underage daughter Kelly…during electroshock treatment (WTF?)– also
exposed Mr. Halliburton (shoot your friends in the face) former VP Dick Cheney as regular
visitor/abuser of MK‘s at the Grove, where Jesuit-controlled elite gather annually in California
forest to: 1) pee on trees 2) worship a giant owl 3) don hooded cloaks and molest underage
MK‘d boys/girls, while having delusions of grandeur – just imagine the fun old George had
w/MK Kitty-Beta trained sex-slave Robin Meade on his 85th birthday?

* * *

Fr: ―Trance Formation of America‖ – Cathy O‘Brien MK Survivor (Victim)

pg. 157. ―Bush…knelt on one knee in front of [Cathy's daughter] Kelly in order to talk to
her on her level…using his best Mr. Rogers voice he said ―Come here, Little One. I want to
ask you something…

The Most Dangerous Game

pg. 194-195―Hyper from drugs, Cheney and Bush were eager to hunt their human
prey…they greeted me with the rules of the game, ordered me to strip naked despite the
cold December winds…Kelly‘s life became the stakes, as usual, which resurrected my
natural and exaggerated programmed maternal instincts. Tears silently ran down my
cheeks as Bush told me, ‗If we catch you, Kelly‘s mine. So run, run as fast as you can. I‘ll
get you and your little girl, too…I will.‘ [a reference to Wiz of OZ fear codes "and your
little "dog" too ]

[According to Cathy, he did. Brutally. Again.]

MK‘d Beta Sex Kitten Robin Meade – MORNING SUNSHINE !





CLICK HERE for blatant on-screen Occult-Masonic Numerology

Forget the tongue; note Occult numerology (1+5) = (6); (6) leaves on necklace, last one is
time 7:49 — IN YOUR FACE! (crawls on broadcasts often contain hidden messages for

* * *

BUSH SYNDICATE: satellite family orbiting Global Mgt. Team –13 Jesuit controlled-
Illuminati Dynastic Bloodlines along w/ Jesuits, SMOM Knights of Malta, Roman Papacy
(yes…who do you think helped smuggle the satanic mind control Dr.‘s, of Nazi officer core
out of Germany at end WW2?) & British Order of Garter/ Order of Bath — ruling earth
for centuries, grooming their inaudibility by parceling out crumbs – political
power/immense wealth, to loyal servants in Bush Syndicate…
Prescott & George HW Bush (Scherff)

BUSH SYNDICATE Political Posts: UN Ambassador, Chmn GOP, envoy to China, Dir. CIA (DCI),
Vice Pres., Governor‘s Florida/Texas (sons); POTUS Bush Jr./Sr.

BUSH SYNDICATE Corporate Assets: co-mingled w/Zionist Rothschild Dynasty Shell Oil Co
through Pennzoil — the (Z) in Pennzoil is for Bush asset Zapata Oil Co., merged w/Penn Oil
Co., and as Director of Carlyle Group, Bush Syndicate had holdings co-mingled w/ Bin-
Laden Syndicate in Zapata Oil company

Pres. Eisenhower & Prescott Bush, Mgr. Dir. Brown Bros. Harriman (BBH); This murderous-bloodsucker
helped fund Nazi empire is directing POTUS what to sign!

Prescott Bush Grandsons: Marvin Bush previous CEO/owner (now defunct) Securacom —
contract holder for security of WTC complex, United Airlines and Dulles Intl. Airport; No
wonder Bush Jr. shut down 9-11 Senate investigation…classic ―fox in hen house‖ Neil
Bush got millions in taxpayer funds via gov‘t Small Business Loan for risky oil & gas exploration, also
linked to S&L scandal during Clinton regime – currently Chrmn/CEO Nexus Energy Jeb Bush
oversaw election fraud as Florida Gov. of Florida during 2000 installation of Idiot-In-Chief Bush, Jr by
Masonic Supreme Court –more Bush Snydicate criminal hyjinks…


Skull & Bones/Yale University



George HW Bush (Scherff) Yale University, Skull & Bones

George HW Bush (Scherff) left of clock; note Nazi "death skull" Didn't you know Nazi's wear other
uniforms, like blue suits, white shirts, red ties and say "God Bless America" often...

Note: FASCES (=root world of FASCIST) IN YOUR FACE!

take a closer look…

bundle of sticks, bound together by cords and fastened by an ax

I know you‘ve seen this before…

Lincoln Memorial

another angle… see how they‘ve been


anything familiar?

Third Reich Funded by Zionist Rothschild/Rockefeller Dynasties:w/help of Prescott Bush,

Managing Director of…

Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) 140 Broadway, New York

Brown Brothers Harriman Hq; oldest private investment bank in world; note Masonic red "circled

Prescott Bush, Managing Dir. Brown Bros. Harriman partnered w/Hitler‘s banker, Fritz
Thyssen to create shell company for American investment in profitable Nazi empire —
many U.S. corporations lined their pockets w/Nazi loot via German subsidiaries – IBM
manufacturer of ‖punch cards‖ used to count those subjected to abominable Sigmund
Freud/Tavistock/ Himmler/ Mengele (Dr. Green a.k.a. Angel of Death) Mind Kontrolle
experiments, in Nazi death camps, where Human Sacrificial Rites under Jesuit direction
were performed. IBM, Ford Motor Corp, I.G. Farben & Standard Oil (Rockefeller Dynasty)
among other American corporations, helped fuel Nazi War Machine…

Bush Syndicate Exposed: Union Bank Corp indicted under ―Trading With The Enemy Act‖

Senator Prescott Bush interview pt 1

Senator Prescott Bush interview pt 2

More on Bush Syndicate & Trading With Enemy Act

―Unauthorized Biography of George HW Bush‖

by Webster Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin

SMOM Knight George HW Bush; MK Programmer/Handler

Is George Herbert Walker Bush Even Who He Says He Is?

Poppy Bush flashes double Baphomet (devil horn) Sign in mid-air while skydiving (2:37)

Bush Family Fortunes – excellent (6) Part Series (auto loading)

Bohemian Grove: 2,700 acre campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte
Rio, California 95462 — Global Management Team gathers annually to indulge in occult
hedonistic antics under military guard — Jesuit planned wars (Crusades), population
reduction (sustainable development ) global divide/conquer schemes, Big Oil-Arms-
Narcotics mega profits always on agenda — more on Bohemian Grove, Global
Megalomaniac Camp Ground



* GHW Bush MK‘d BETA Sex Slave/Human Laptop *


(20 sec) ― Trance‖

– Co-host says ―wipe the drool‖

Another Singing BETA Prog‘md Mind Control Slave ex-Pageant Winner…

MK‘s are pruned like roses from a garden (except ―garden‖ is most likely a deep
underground military installation D.U.M.B.) — most beautiful and talented are chosen as
―change agents‖ for molding masses to Global Mgt Team social alchemy goal of One World
Mind Control Order. CNN Robin Meade, yet another poor soul, subjected to years of
electroshock torture, triggering ―alters‖ to be commanded by sinister prog‘mrs/handlers,
and of course performing sex acts that would make hardcore porn-bots blush. Films sold
on underground porn market, shown ―on-line‖ over ―encrypted streams‖ — there are
massive databases containing porn w/your favorite celebrities, athletes, political figures.
MK‘s are shuttled between secure military bases, connected via deep underground
tunnels, traveling on MagLev high-speed rail — built during 1950′s w/ NSA-CIA ―black
budget‖ off-balance sheet funds…‖national security‖ indeed!

USAF tunnel boring machine (clears 7mi per day solid rock)

―There‘s No Place Like Home‖ ( Wiz of OZ =‖Dorothy Prog‘mg‖)

(see banner top of screen @ 0:22)

Robin gives shout out to John Hughes MK Prog‘mr and director of many children‘s films
loaded w/MK prog‘mg; died suddenly of heart attack, Aug-09, while walking in Manhattan,
possibly self-destruct Omega Prog‘rm (?)

MK-Ultra Monarch Prog‘md BETA Sex Slave (Kitten) ROBIN MEADE


MK leopard ID & Trigger; spiral (disorientation) amulet
MK emerald "Go Kitty" green; dissociative spirals @"The Bank" nightclub in Vegas; staffed w/MK's; alot
of MK'd TigerWoods BETA's work here...
MK'd Robin Meade @CNN "dissociative" studio displaying her assets; Emerald "Go Kitty" green on the
box; mirrored (duality) flooring; TV studios, movie sets are designed w/MK triggers (reinforcement)
Former Miss Ohio; BETA Prog'md; black/white duality -- "Morning Sunshine!"

MK BETA Kitten Robin Meade (pre-skydive) interview w/Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones; SMOM
Knight, MK Prog'mg/Handler (PEDOPHILE) George HW Bush Sr. (Monarch Yellow/Black motif)
Robin present to service Bush males on command as BETA Sex Kitten

Robin Meade billboard Wiz of Oz ―Dorothy‖ Prog‘mg note: ―Yellow Brick Road‖
CNN MK BETA Kitten Robin Meade "Oz" Prog'mg; "yellow brick road sign"

MUST SEE MK (Mind Kontrolle) Ultra Prog‘mg Modes ID: ―I Gotta See It‖

more Morning Sunshine!

You Tube MK-Ultra Monarch Prog Survivors Cathy O‘Brien & Brice Taylor

NSA/CIA/Mossad MK-Ultra Global Management Team Exposed!

Global Mgt Team agenda for SMOM Knight George HW Bush‘s son, the Idiot-In-Chief was
1) usher in police state via false-flag 9-11 Fear-Based Trauma Op 2) set up apparatus for
―soft dictatorship‖ (Homeland Security Dept [Vaderland in German] ) for Zbig Brzezinski
‗s MK‘d multi-racial boy wonder Mr. Yes He Can! O-Man (controlled asset) to inherit, after
handing trillions to Zionist Rothschild/Rockefeller banking cartel using Heinz (Henry)
Kissinger‘s latest distraction tools, Mrs. Red Pumps & Palms, Alaskan Beta -Sex Slave
Sarah-You Betcha Palin (& family) – stage managed by neo-Nazi twins Karl Rove & Roger
Ailes, using Bilderberger Rupert Murdoch‘s News Corp empire…

* * *

*GEORGE H. SCHERFF (aka Prescott Sheldon Bush, Mgr. Dir. Brown Brothers Harriman,
indicted under Trading With Enemies Act) & SON GEORGE H. SCHERFF Jr. (aka George
Herbert Walker Bush, 41st POTUS)

Hey America…meet the SCHERFF‘S and friends (circa 1938). Holding Mother Scherff‘s
hand at left is MARTIN BORMANN. In front is REINHARDT GEHLEN. In back is JOSEPH
MENGELE, to his right is SKORZENY as a young man. Center right (in German Navy
uniform) is GEORGE H. SCHERFF JR. & father GEORGE H. SCHERFF, Sr. Bormann
became Hitler‘s 2ND in command. Reinhardt Gehlen was a Chief SS Officer & assassin,
smuggled out of Germany under Operation Paperclip via Vatican Ratlines. Skorzeny was
Hitler‘s bodyguard and SS spy/assassin; came to U.S. after WW2 under Project Paperclip.
Skorzeny and GHW Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) Intel w/ OSI to form CIA
w/‖Wild Bill‖ Donovan and Allen Dulles. These sadistic agents were part of CIA Mind
Kontrolle Programming Project ULTRA. SS Officer/physician Joseph Mengele (sadistic
―Angel of Death‖ aka Dr. Green of Auschwitz) escaped Germany to South America after
WW2. George H. Scherff, Jr., installed as 41st POTUS George HW Bush & George H.
Scherff, Sr., was Nicola Tesla‘s ―trusted assistant.‖

(Otto Skorzeny Deathbed Confession)

Bush Family Fortunes (VIDEO)

Additional Resources:

Thanks For The Memories – Brice Taylor (copyrighted) is MK-Ultra Monarch survivor (victim) was Henry
Kissinger‘s Personal Beta Sex Slave & Human Laptop — written in narrative form, paints picture connecting dots
between top-level players in Hollywood, Music Industry, Sports, Banking-Corp, Behavioral Sciences
Industry, Military-Industrial-Apparatus, Political Realm, Religious leaders & Occult world engaging in
abominable acts involving children for the sole purpose of creating DID (formerly MPD) human robots for
elites. Brice Taylor ―names, names‖ …WARNING! her account of ―our leaders‖ off -camera behavior is shocking
and revolting. I‘m ex-military, well traveled and thought I‘d been desensitized, at times I could barely get through
a page! this material is NOT for children, and should be treated accordingly…

Bloodlines of The Illuminati – Fritz Springmeierbrilliant expose on (13) Ruling Bloodline Dynasties

Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Illuminati Mind Controlled Slave Vol. 2– Cisco
Wheeler (survivor) & Fritz Springmeier (now jailed on false charges) exhaustive treatise on horrors of NSA-CIA
protected/Nazi inspired MK-Ultra Monarch Prog

Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula – Cisco Wheeler & Fritz Springmeier

Tranceformation of America – Cathy O‘Brien & Mark Phillips (de-programmer)

Robin Meade Tandem Jump w/GHWB

+ + +

May His Countenance Always Shine Upon Thee

Be Well & Stay Vigilant


Filed under MK-Ultra Monarch Programming, Uncategorized

Tagged as beta programming, bohemian grove, brown brothers harriman, cathy o'brien, china lake, cia,
cnn headline news, disney, electroshock, fritz thyssen, george hw bush, george scherff, ig farben,
illuminati, jeb bush, marvin bush, masonic, mengele, miss ohio 1992, mk ultra, monarch program,
morning express, neil bush, new world order, nwo, otto skorenzy, pageant system, prescott bush, robin
meade, rockefeller, rothschild, skull & bones, teri hatcher, the bank nightclub, tranceformation of
america, union bank corp, yale university, zionist

36 Responses to CNN MK‘d BETA Kitten Robin Meade & George HW Bush,Sr.
Birthday Fun
1. Whatever

09/06/2011 at 6:51 PM (Edit)

Interesting that Mead is a strong fermented drink made from honey.

Rate This


o intheknow7

09/06/2011 at 8:34 PM (Edit)

Yes indeed…

Rate This


2. Pingback: Mind Kontrolle For The Masses: Paneum Et Circenses & Doll Worship (VIDEO) |
intheknow7's Blog (Edit)
3. Pingback: Monarch Butterfly (Danaus Plexippus) | intheknow7′s Blog | TRUST CHRIST OR GO
TO HELL! (Edit)
4. Vi Leusink

04/08/2011 at 11:34 AM (Edit)

Hi there. I just want to drop you a brief note to verbalize my thankfulness. I‘ve been following
your web site for couple of days and have picked up a lot of good information as well as
appreciated the way you‘ve built your web site. I am going to build my own blog site but I think
it‘s too basic and I need to focus more on certain issues.


o intheknow7

04/08/2011 at 11:54 AM (Edit)

Tx…basic is good for a start, sometimes loading up on bells & whistles initially, locks you
in as your needs and tastes change…


5. mrboz

02/19/2011 at 7:50 PM (Edit)

Stumbled across this alarmingly-blatant ‗MK Kitty‘ escort service? website while searching for
something else.




o intheknow7

02/19/2011 at 8:05 PM (Edit)

wonder if they have a BYOE (bring your own electricity) policy?


6. Pingback: Bob Hope & U.S.O. Monarch Slave Troupe: Over 40yrs of MK-Ultra Pimpin (VIDEO) |
intheknow7's Blog (Edit)
7. Vintage Lighters

02/01/2011 at 2:12 AM (Edit)

One more time, an amazing article, thank you

Rate This


8. Una Isle

01/18/2011 at 11:41 PM (Edit)

PPT search engine


9. Maggie Romanek

01/09/2011 at 9:33 PM (Edit)

Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I‘m impressed! Extremely useful info
particularly the last part I care for such info a lot. I was seeking this particular information for
a long time. Thank you and good luck.


10. sapien bookcase

01/08/2011 at 2:55 AM (Edit)

I love Robin Meade!!! I used to watch her every morning during breakfast – such a great way to
start the day! Keep up the good work.


o intheknow7

12/27/2010 at 11:33 AM (Edit)

Tx Much! I try to stay w/topics I know and care about. I try to provide more than a few
references to safeguard against getting ―too out there‖ (opinionated) and can defend the
content. I started this endeavor to pour out what I felt had been deposited…in doing so I
found myself being re-filled


11. Pingback: MK-Ultra Monarch Prog‘mg Modes ID: ―I Gotta See It‖ | intheknow7's Blog (Edit)

12. Yesenia Cwik

12/07/2010 at 2:21 PM (Edit)

Good stuff, nice to see some original thought on a blog for a change.


13. Pingback: Animal Skins: BETA Sex Kitten Prog‘mg Reinforcement (VIDEO) « intheknow7's Blog

14. zeegee

10/23/2010 at 7:22 AM (Edit)

i watched the trance video of robin and noticed that as she is coming out of the trance the
scrolling headline news bottom of the screen went from normal to high speed and blurred. that is
easy to see but i also watched it stop and start extremely slow motion and was surprised at what i
saw. i took freeze framed screen shots of the strange way her eyes shift slightly toward the camera
and signs of a smile start to show on her face. the change in her eyes sent a chill up my spine. and
also notice if anyone does this notice in the very beginning just before she comes up on screen the
words news turn into a while light. go slow motion over this and take a look i would appreciated if
i could get your perception of what you see. you can get a free screen shot caption at screen
hunters to take pix i did because i had to figure this out. i had never seen anyone that tranced out
before in my life. my friends and i were thinking this is just too weird why is cnn letting this
happen? now after reading this site i‘m wondering what she did to piss off her controllers who
decided to make her look like she has some sort of brain function problem maybe like epilepsy.
one of my friends suggested that but after watching this slow motion there is a point where her
eyes look sheer evil. any way good site here thanks for sharing it.


15. Pingback: Is Media Boycott Right Thing To Do? - Christian Forums (Edit)

16. intheknow7

09/27/2010 at 3:47 PM (Edit)

ATTN: NEW 4shared account for Global Management Team (ITK7GMT)

w/DOWNLOADABLE PICS/VIDEOS for:Jesuits (SJ), SMOM Knights of Malta, Steering
Commitees, MK-Ultra Prog‘mg Centers, Chivalric Orders, Rothschild & Rockefeller Dynasties,
Bush Syndicate, Unified Military Command, Occult Gov‘t Seals, Masonic Grips & Hand Signs,
Media Barons, MK‘d Sarah L. Palin (Henry Kissinger Prog/Handler), Occult logos and more…

Let‘s look into the EYE that‘s always looking at us, from the back of their worthless fiat
currency, from GPALS, 2-way FLATSCREENS everywhere and their built-in backdoor
technology we‘re hooked on. You have no idea how amused they are to see us staring into our
PDA/GPS devices. They‘ve snared us in an electronic web of tracking and surveillance!
We‘re determined to help readers see into this cabal that HIDES IN PLAIN SIGHT, EVER
CONCEALING and NEVER REVEALING by shining the spotlight on them…

Be sure to subscribe to this account for folder updates!


17. dirtygurl

08/24/2010 at 5:34 PM (Edit)

arghhhh subjected to sleeping with old man bush, i‘ll take the electroshock!


o intheknow7

08/25/2010 at 1:42 PM (Edit)

Ha Ha! Check out 50yrs of MK-Beta Sex Slaves on this blog; I posted a YouTube of
GHWB Sr. old school pimpin‘ caught double-slappin‘ MK‘d Terri Hatcher‘s butt, mid-day
in a parking lot…


18. aimee curry

07/04/2010 at 9:56 PM (Edit)

Dear gentle readers,

While everything that these powers that be do is completely despicable in every sense of the word.
The real force behind them is Satan. He has come into the world to steal, kill and destroy. He has
been around since the Garden of Eden. God is in control, he is aware of all the evil that is being
done. When everything is said and done and his hour comes. All of these people will be gathered
up cast in to a lake of fire. No one is to fear or give head to any of their craft devices; they have
been plotting and scheming from the beginning. Take the Tower of Babel. That was another one
of their ―fool proof plans‖ It never came to fruition. God allowed them to be wise in their own eyes
for a while then he destroyed the tower, he scattered the people‘s and confused the languages.
They will never win, the very highest of these global elites are themselves just unwitting pawns
themselves in a script that existed before the world began. If you have never read the bible let me
tell you how the story ends. They are defeated, they already have been they just don‘t get it, at
least not yet anyways. Read the Bible, Worship the one true living God, Keep the Sabbath holy. Do
everything in your power everyday to love, and be as good and helpful and supportive of everyone
you can. Let‘s make this ―heaven on earth‖ in our own little ways every single day to everyone that
our own lives touch until Jesus Christ returns and defeats all of this. He will, he really will.


o intheknow7

07/04/2010 at 10:55 PM (Edit)



19. Pingback: Mr. President, Whose Team Are You On? Who Are Your Masters? (VIDEO) «
intheknow7's Blog (Edit)
20. Pingback: Rothschild Up Against God : Sins Of Old Age – Covetousness! Beware Of Palin! «
Political Ape (Edit)
21. Pingback: Anatomy of Sarah L. Palin (more VIDEO/PICS) « intheknow7's Blog (Edit)
22. Pingback: Speaking With One Voice: Rothschild Funded Nazi-Mind Science Controls Media «
intheknow7's Blog (Edit)
23. Pingback: Jesse Jackson & Sarah Palin ―Hook-Up‖ during Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) at
Sheraton Hotel, NY « intheknow7's Blog (Edit)
24. Pingback: Kissinger, Palin, Mengele…How Deep Does The Rabbit Hole Go? Monarch Mind
Control & Global Management Team Pt. 1 « intheknow7's Blog (Edit)

25. miragin

01/10/2010 at 1:46 AM (Edit)

I‘ve been cheated and mistreated.. Seems like a pretty apt song for Ms Meade to be singing ..
Wonder who chose the song for her ? ..


o intheknow7

01/10/2010 at 2:57 AM (Edit)

major understatement ―mistreated‖…

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