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Name :Nia Rizki Zahara Class NPM : 1EA26 : 15211154

Chapter I
A. Understanding of Tenses The word TENSES comes from the word TEMPUS (Latin) which means time, and obtained through the french language is Temps.Tense is a verb form in the grammar that shows the occurrence of an act or event and the stage of completion (1 Jam Mahir Menguasai 16 Tenses, Anne Juwita) In English, tenses mean time. Tenses indicate action, activity, action time now, past or future. Tense is the verb form changes in grammar that indicates an event or act in accordance with the time or events. ( Buku Cara Cepat Menguasai Tenses & Grammar, Risa Agustin, Spd. S. Rina Tofani) Tenses is a form of the verb in English which changes depending on the timing and nature of certain events in a sentence context. Indonesian does not have tenses (time change) as in English. Good for yesterday, today and tomorrow, the verb form used in the Indonesian language has not changed. (Cepat Menguasai 16 Tenses,Muhamad Ridwan,S.Pd.,M.Pd)

Chapter II


Kinds of Tenses 1. PRESENT TENSE ( Waktu Sekarang) 1.1 Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang Sederhana) 1.1.1 Used to declare an action or event that is performed repeatedly or act which has become a habit. 1.1.2 Used to declares a general truth (general truth). What is meant by the general truth is that everything is true or consistent with the fact that there is in the present, past and may in the future.. 1.1.3 Used to declare routine or daily 1.1.4 Used to declare or show an action of planned will be done in the near future Rumus (+) : S+V1+O/C (-) : S+Do/Does+Not+O/C (?) : Do/Does+S+V1+O/C Ket

I Yo They We She He IT



1.2 Present Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sekarang) 1.2.1 Used to declare the idea that something had happened at now 1.2.2 Used to declare the event or action that is still going on now. 1.2.3 Used to declare something that happens or does not happen in the near future 1.2.4 Used to declare a deed that happened repeatedly or deed that seemed to occur continuously Rumus : (+) : S+Be+V1+ing+ O/C (-) : S+Be+Not+V1+ing+ O/C (?) : Be+S+V1+ing+O/C

1.3 Present Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Sekarang) 1.3.1 Activities or actions begins in the past and was completed at the time of speaking 1.3.2 Activities or actions taken in the past that are not specified the time but due to the action can still be felt today 1.3.3 Personal Experience of having experienced, or have not experienced an event that is not specific 1.3.4 This Tenses can also be used to express a change of events, or actions during a specific time period (+) : S+Have/Has+V3 (-) : S+Have/Has +Not+V3 (?) : Have/Has+S+V3 I Yo They We She He IT



1.4 Present Perfect Continues Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Sekarang) 1.4.1 Declare the action or activity that began in the past but still continues to this day 1.4.2 The activities have been stopped or just stopped (+) : S+Have/Has+been+Ving (-) : S+Have/Has +Not+been +Ving (?) : Have/Has+S+Been+Ving

Past Tense (Waktu Lampau) 2.1 Simple Past Tense (Waktu Lampau Sederhana) 2.1.1 The incident occurred in the past and has finished in the past 2.1.2 Used to sort the events that occurred in the past 2.1.3 Used to express duration of time that occurred in the past 2.1.4 Habits done in the past Rumus: (+) : S+be+Was/Were+O/C (-) : S +be+Was/Were+Not+O/C (?) : be+Was/Were+S+O/C


I Yo They We She He IT



2.2 Past Continues Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Lampau) 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 Rumus: The events or actions that occurred / took place in the past, when other actions that occur or do Two of events took place at the same time in the past An event that occurs at a specific time (specific) in the past (+) : S+Was/Were+Ving (-) : S+Was/Were+Not+Ving (?) : Was/Were+S+O/C

2.3 Past Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Lampau) 2.3.1 Events or actions have occurred in the past before another event or action occurred 2.3.2 Events or actions begins in the past and takes place in this period.. (+) : S+Had+V3 (-) : S+Had+Not+V3 (?) : Had+S+V3

2.4 Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Lampau) 2.4.1 Events or actions that happened in the past and is still going on at other times during that 2.4.2 Events or actions that happened in the past before another incident took place at that time.. (+) : S+Had+been+Ving (-) : S+Had+Not+been+Ving (?) : Had+S+been+Ving

FUTURE TENSE (Waktu Yang Akan Datang) 3.1 Present Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Sederhana) 3.1.1 Used for something that is not planned in advance 3.1.2 Used to predict anything in the future 3.1.3 Expressing about the plans to do in the future and planned (+) : S+shall/will+V1 (-) : S+shall/will+not+V1 (?) : Shall/will+s+V1

3.2 Future Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Akan Datang) 3.2.1 Used to declare an event or action that will be taking place at a certain time in the future 3.2.2 Used to declare an event that will be done or will happen in the future, but the act was not a planned thing 3.2.3 Used in interrogative sentence replace the present future with the intention that the question has become more subtle or more polite


(+) : S+shall/will+be+Ving (-) : S+shall/will+not+be+Ving (?) : Shall/will+s+be+Ving

3.3 Present Future Prefect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Akan Datang) 3.3.1 Used to declare an event or action that would have occurred or will have completed a certain time when the future 3.3.2 Used to declare an event or action that would have occurred would have been completed or when other events occur in the future 3.3.3 Used to declare an act that has been going on the days before and doing so could have been completed to a certain time when the future or when other events occur in the future 3.3.4 Used to declare an estimate or a possibility that an event or action will occur or will have been completed at the future. (+) : S+shall/will+have+been+Ving (-) : S+shall/will+not+have+been+Ving (?) : Shall/will+s+have+been+Ving 3.4 Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Akan Datang) 3.4.1 Used to declare an event that would have been taking place at a time when some in the future 3.4.2 Used to declare an event or action that would have been in progress for a while a certain time when the days are going or when another event occurs in the future. Rumus: (+) : S+shall/will+have+V3 (-) : S+shall/will+not+have+V3 (?) : Shall/will+s+have+V3

PAST FUTURE TENSE (Akan Datang Di Waktu Lampau) 4.1 Simple Past Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang di Waktu Lampau) 4.1.1 Used to declare an event or action that will happen or be done in the past, but the act was not to be carried out in any way 4.1.2 Used to declare an event or act occurring or done repeatedly or has become a habit in the past (+) : S+Should+V1 (-) : S+Should+not+V1 (?) : Should+S+V1

4.2 Past Future Continuous Tense (Waktu Akan Sedang Terjadi di Waktu Lampau) 4.2.1 Used as the past tense of the Future Present Continuous tense to express an event that will atauperbuatan ongoing or will be doing at any given time in the future 4.2.2 Used with the main clause in the form of simple past tense to express an action that will be taking place at a time when some in the past, or to express a suspicion or an expectation of an event or action that will be taking place at a time when some in the past 4.2.3 Used to declare seseuatu thing or act which should not happen or be done in the present, but in reality things or actions that happens (+) : S+Would+be+Ving (-) : S+Would+Not+be+Ving (?) : Wouls+S+be+Ving

4.3 Past Future Perfect Tense (Waktu Akan Selesai di waktu Lampau) 4.3.1 Used to declare an event or action that would have happened or would have done a certain time when in the past 4.3.2 Used to declare an event or action that would have happened or would have done before or when other events happens at a time when that will come in the past (+) : S+Should/Would+have+V3 (-) : S+Should/Would+Not+have+V3 (?) : Should/Wouls+S+have+V3

4.4 Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Yang Sudah Berlangsung Pada Waktu Lampau) 4.4.1 Used to declare an event or action that would have been taking place at a time when that will come in the past. (+) : S+ Would+have+been+Ving (-) S+ Would+Not+have+been+Ving (?) : Would+S+have+been+Ving

Chapter III


Examples of the use of tenses 1.1 Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang Sederhana) 1.1.1 Ms.Ana sometimes teaches english in the afternoon 1.1.2 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west 1.1.3 She goes to school everyday 1.1.4 My father by the 4.30 train this afternoon 1.2 Present Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sekarang) 1.2.1 My brothers are wathicng television now 1.2.2 Mr.David is writing a novel 1.2.3 We are visiting him tonight 1.2.4 My grandfather is always losing his walking stick 1.3 Present Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Sekarang) 1.3.1 I have studied English 1.3.2 I have seen Bali 1.3.3 I have been to jakarta 1.3.4 They have grown since the last time i saw you 1.4 Present Perfect Continues Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Sekarang) 1.4.1 You Have been waiting here for two hours 1.4.2 We have been living in jakarta since 1970 2.1 Simple Past Tense (Waktu Lampau Sederhana) 2.1.1 I saw a movie yesterday 2.1.2 I finished work, wailed to the beach, and found a nice place to swim 2.1.3 I lived in Bandung for two years 2.1.4 He Played the piano 2.2 Past Continues Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Lampau) 2.2.1 I was reading an interesting book when the light went out 2.2.2 Rina was sleeping while Suryo was cleaning the apartment 2.2.3 They were watching television an nine oclock kast night 2.3 Past Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Lampau) 2.3.1 I had never seen such a beautiful bech before i went to pengandaran 2.3.2 I did not have any money because i had lost my wallet 2.3.3 Ambar had gone to the store before she went home 2.4 Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Lampau) 2.4.1 They had been talking for over an hour before tomy arrived 2.4.2 Jason was tired because he had been jogging 3.1 Present Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Sederhana) 3.1.1 We will see what we can do to help you 3.1.2 it will rain tomorrow 3.1.3 I am going to repair the radio tomorrow

3.2 Present Future Prefect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Akan Datang) 3.2.1 My Brother will be playing tennis at nine tomorrow morning 3.2.2 She will be helping dina tomorrow 3.2.3 What will you be doing tomorrow morning 3.3 Present Future Prefect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Akan Datang) 3.3.1 Everyone will have been here by tomorrow morning 3.3.2 I shall have gone to bed by the time my parrents come home 3.3.3 He will have finished reading the novel by the end of this month 3.3.4 I suppose they will have finished the work by the end of this week. Its a very difficult thing to finish quickly 3.4 Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Akan Datang) 3.4.1 We will have been attending the english course here for six months by next month. 3.4.2 We shall have been studying for two hours before our father comes from the office

4.1 PAST FUTURE TENSE (Akan Datang Di Waktu Lampau) We would come his house but it rained very hard that night When I was a child, my grandfather would tell me a war story before i went to bed 4.2 Past Future Continuous Tense (Waktu Akan Sedang Terjadi di Waktu Lampau) 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 He woud be reading the novel from secen to ten last night He was sure his friends would not be discussing the problem at eight to ten thet day They shouldnt be sitting here chatting. They should be attending the math class now 4.1.1 4.1.2


Past Future Perfect Tense (Waktu Akan Selesai di waktu Lampau) 4.3.1 4.3.2

He would have built the house by july last year I Would have enterned the SMU before my older brother graduated from university three years ago. 4.4 Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Yang Sudah Berlangsung Pada Waktu Lampau) 4.4.1 My sister would have been working in that company for two years by the time i entered the university five years ago

Reference (Cepat Menguasai 16 Tenses,Muhamad Ridwan,S.Pd.,M.Pd) (1 Jam Mahir Menguasai 16 Tenses, Anne Juwita) Buku Cara Cepat Menguasai Tenses & Grammar, Risa Agustin, Spd. S. Rina Tofani)


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