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The Fountain of Youth

Warming up exercises
The entire circulation and economy of the energy in the human body-system are centred on the seven centres called Chakras that govern over all the forms of energy that enliven a human being. They are regulators and coordinators of the flow of the various energies and at the same time act as genuine antennas for the energy exchange between man and the Universe, or between different human beings. The 7 Chakras are placed outside the physical body, and therefore may be perceived only by clairvoyance, or partly by certain sophisticated hi-tech devices. The 7 Chakras functional description in order is:
1. MULADHARA, at the lowest tip of the spine, and in the area of the perineum;


3. 4. 5. 6.


connected with the lowest, and most dense (or heavy, gross, slow vibrating) forms of energy, symbolically called the Earth-energy, related with the vitality of the being, the energy-battery of the human radio-set. Here are the premises of the mysterious energy Kundalini, the potential of cosmic fusion. SVADHISTHANA, three breadths of finger above the root of the penis for men, and clitoris for women; connected with the Water and Moon energies, and the instincts and their accompanying emotions, the mass-consciousness. MANIPURA, at the level of the navel, connected with the Fire, and solar energies, and dynamism, ambition, ego, expansion, will. ANAHATA, in the middle of the chest, corresponding to the Air energies, and to the affective and aesthetic feelings. VISHUDDHA, in the area of the neck, connected with the energy of the Ether (or Akasha Tattva), and with the intellectual intuition, and purity. AJNA, in the middle of the forehead, also called the third eye connected with the Macrocosmic mental energies, and the extraordinary capacities of the mind, telepathy, clairvoyance, hypnosis, etc. SAHASRARA, over the top of the head, allowing the opening towards the Supreme Absolute, and granting the condition of wisdom and Enlightenment. THE WARMING UP EXERCISES

It is very important to perform these exercises in the beginning, every time when you attempt to perform the Yogic (Youth) techniques that you use for your training; this will guard you from unexpected and undesirable accidents and harm. The Initial awareness: First, let your consciousness take hold of your being. Shift from the street-consciousness, to a calm mood, removing for the period of the training all the unnecessary, secondary, evil, or obsessive thoughts, and replacing them with aspiration and a positive mood of search of the beneficial, superior, and universally valid accomplishments.

Exercise 1

Roll the head very slowly, and amply, with eyes closed and attention focused in the area of the throat-chakra (Vishuddha). Afterwards note the state of activation of this centre of force, and the mind becoming dynamic.

Exercise 2 Perform 5 hast double-movements of the head: 2 twisting to the left, 2 twisting to the right, 2 bending diagonal-backwards left, 2 bending diagonalbackwards right, 2 movements backwards. Keep the attention focused upon the movement, and afterwards try to feel the fine vibrations in the area of the nape, arousing of the latent potential of the mind, and simultaneously the very fine vibrations in the area of the top, arousing of Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra), and lucidity.

Exercise 3 Move the head laterally (to the sides), as ample as possible, keeping the attention focused in the middle of the forehead. Afterwards, note the fine vibrations in this area, arousing of the mental command centre (Ajna Chakra), increased mental insight power, as well as free circulation of the energies through the neck, unity between the mind and the rest of the being.

Exercise 4 Flex the spine laterally, by moving one shoulder upwards and the other downwards. Keep the head and pelvis steady, and focus the attention upon the movement. Note afterwards the vibrating points along the spine, deep internal massage, and the healing of the possible sore zones (by focusing your energy upon them)

Exercise 5 Stand with feet apart, in angle, and with hands supported firmly and press on the thighs, as close as possible to the pelvis. Stretch perfectly the arms to be able to press down the thighs. Exhale through the mouth, inhale through the nose, and remain so, with the lungs filled up, concentrating upon the stream of cosmic energy running downwards through the spine (all the way until the root-chakra). Exhale through the mouth, come to the normal standing position and relax. Repeat the exercise at least three times. Note the flexibility of the spine, the expansion of the rib cage, and the revitalization and rejuvenation of the entire body, irradiating from the spine.

Exercise 6 Massage the spot under the breastbone with the thumbs of each hand, by turns as deep as possible. Massage clockwise with the right thumb and counter clockwise with the left thumb. Concentrate on the massaged point, afterwards note the relaxation, energizing, and purification, and purification in the abdominal area, and then expel of some toxic energies at the level of the massaged point.

RITE NUMBER 1 The first rite is a simple one. You do it for speeding up the chakras. You stand erect with the arms outstretched, horizontal parallel to the floor. Now, spin around until you become slightly dizzy. It is very important that you spin from left to right. It is a natural phenomenon, which spin in a clockwise motion in the northern hemisphere (e.g. whirlpools and tornadoes) and spin in counter-clockwise direction in the southern hemisphere. Therefore, in the southern hemisphere, it is probably correct to perform rite number one by spinning counter-clockwise (i.e. right to left). Rite number 1 At first, most adults will be able to spin around only about half a dozen times before becoming quite dizzy. As a beginner, you should not attempt do more. If you feel like sitting down to recover from dizziness, then, you should do just that. To begin with, practice the rite only to the point of slight dizziness. However, with time as you practice all five rites, you will be able to spin more and more times with less dizziness. In order to lessen dizziness, you can do what dancers and figure skaters do. Before you begin to spin, focus your vision on a single point straight ahead. As you begin to turn, continue holding your vision on that point as long as possible. Eventually, you will have to let it leave your field of vision, so that your head can spin on around with the rest of your body. As this happens, turn your head around very quickly, and refocus on your point as soon as you can. This reference point enables you to become less disoriented and dizzy. The dervishes have a very beneficial effect by spinning a long time but they have also a devastating one. The excessive spinning over stimulates some of the chakras, so that they are finally exhausted. This has the effect of first accelerating the flow of vital life energy and then blocking it. This building up, and then tearing down action, causes the dervishes to experience a kind of psychic rush, which they mistake for something spiritual or religious. The proper way to do it is do it about a dozen times or so, just enough to stimulate the chakras into action. RITE NUMBER 2 In rite number, two, one first lies flat on the floor, facing up. It is best to lie on a thick carpet or some sort of padded surface. It is solely for insulating the body from the cold floor. Once you have stretched out flat on your back, fully extend your arms along your

sides and place the palms of your hands against the floor, keeping the fingers close together. Then, raise your head off the floor, tucking the chin against the chest. As you do this, lift your legs, knees straight, into a vertical position. If possible, let the legs extend back over the body, toward the head; but do not let the knees bend. Then, slowly lower both the head and the legs, knees straight, to the floor. Allow all the muscles to relax, and then repeat the rite. With each repetition, establish a breathing rhythm: breathe in deeply as you lift the legs and head; breathe out fully as you lower them. Between repetitions, while you are allowing the muscles to relax, continue breathing in the same rhythm. The more deeply you breathe the better. If you are unable to keep the knees perfectly straight, then let them bend as much as necessary. However, as you continue to perform the rite, attempt to straighten them as much as you possibly can. Rite number 2 RITE NUMBER 3 You practice the third rite right after rite number two. It is simple. You need to kneel on the floor with the body erect. Place the hands against the thigh muscles. Now, incline the head and neck forward, tucking the chain again the chest, then throw the head and the neck back as far as they will go, and at the same time lean backward against the spine. As you arch, you will brace your arms and hands against the thighs for support. After arching, return to the original position, and start the rite all over again. You should establish a rhythmic breathing pattern. Breathe in deeply as you arch the spine. Breathe out as you return to an erect position. Deep breathing is almost beneficial, so take as much air into your lungs as you possibly can. Rite number 3

RITE NUMBER 4 First, sit down on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and your feet about 12 inches (30 cm). With the trunk of the body erect, place the palms of your hands on the floor alongside the buttocks. Then tuck the chin forward against the chest. Now, drop the head backward as far as it will go. At the same time, raise your body so that the knees bend while the arms remain straight. The trunk of the body will be in a straight line with the upper legs, horizontal to the floor; both the arms and lower legs will be straight up and down, perpendicular to the floor. Then, tense every muscle in the body. Finally, relax your muscles as you return to the original sitting position, and rest before repeating the procedure. Again, breathing is important to this rite. Breathe in deeply, as you rise up the body. Hold your breath as you tense the muscles, and then breathe completely as you come down. Continue breathing in the same rhythm as long as you rest between repetitions. Rite number 4

RITE NUMBER 5 When you perform the fifth rite, your body will face down to the floor. Support the body by the hands, palms down against the floor, and the toes in a flexed position. Throughout this rite, the hands and feet should each be spaced about two feet (60 cm) apart, and keep the arms and legs straight. Start with your arms perpendicular to the floor, and the spine arched, so that the body is in a sagging position. Now, throw the head back as far as possible. Then, bending at the hips, bring the body up into an inverted V. At the same time, bring the chin forward, tucking it against the chest. Return to the original position, and start the rite all over again. Rite number 5

RITE NUMBER 6 Stand straight up and slowly let all of the air out of your lungs. As you do this, bend over and put your hands on your knees. Force out the last trace of air, and then, with the lungs empty, return to a straight up posture. Place your hands on your hips, and press down on them. This will push your shoulders up. As you do this, pull in the abdomen as much as possible, and the same time raise the chest. Now, hold this position as long as you possibly can. When you are finally forced to take air into your empty lungs, let belly down and let the air come into the lungs through your nose. When the lungs are full, exhale through the mouth. As you exhale, relax your arms, letting them hang naturally at your sides. Then take several deep breaths through the nose and exhale through the mouth. About three repetitions are required for most people to redirect sexual energy, and turn its powerful force upward. The

difference between a person who is healthy and vital and the one who is a superman or a superwoman is as follows. The former channels vital life force into sexual energy, while the latter turns this force upward to create balance and harmony through all of the seven chakras. That is why a superman or superwomen grow younger and younger day-by-day and moment-by-moment. He or she creates within himself or herself the true Elixir of Life

Rite number 6

The Diet Lamas from Tibet use eggs, butter and cheese in quantities sufficient to serve certain functions of the brain, body and the nervous system. However, they do not eat flesh, because who is practicing rite number 6, seem to have no need of meet, fish or poultry. A good diet consists of good, wholesome food, but as a rule, it consists of only one item of food at a meal. That in itself is an important secret of health. When one eats just one kind of food at a time, there will be no clashing of foods in the stomach. Foods clashes in the stomach because starches do not mix well with proteins. For example, if bred, which is a starch, you eat with proteins such as meats, eggs or cheese, a chemical reaction is set up in the stomach. It not only can cause gas and immediate physical distress. Over time, it also contributes to a shortened life span and a lesser quality of life. You can eat sometimes only bred alone! At other times, we eat only fresh vegetables and fruits! So try to eat only just dark bred or Just one kind of fruit or Have a meal of just one vegetable. Here it suggests keeping starches, fruits, and vegetables separate from meats, fish and poultry at your meals. It is all right to make a meal of just meat. In fact if you whish you can have several kinds of meat in one meal. It is all right to eat butter, eggs and cheese with a meat meal, or dark bred and, if you whish, coffee or tea. However, you must not end up with anything sweet or starchy no pies, cakes or puddings. Butter seems to be neutral. You can eat either with a starchy meal or with a meat meal. Milk agrees better with starches. Coffee and tea you take always black, never with cream, although a small amount of sweetening will do no harm. Eating eggs is special. Eat the whole egg, only when you perform a very hard manual work. Then you might eat a whole egg soft boiled; otherwise eat egg yolks, discarding the whites. The egg whites utilize only by the muscles and should not eat unless you exercise the muscles. The common hen eggs contain fully half of the elements required by the brain, nerves and organs of the body. It is true that you need these elements only in a small quantity, but they must be included in the diet if you are to be exceptionally robust and healthy, both mentally and physically. Eating slowly is not for the good manners, but for masticating your food more thoroughly. Mastication is the first important step in braking down food so it can be assimilated by the body. Everything one eats digest it in the mouth before it digests in the stomach. If you gulp down food, passing this vital step, it is dynamite when it reaches the stomach. Protein foods like meat, fish, and poultry require less mastication than complex starches. It is just as well to chew them thoroughly anyway. The nourishment is proportional with the degree of mastication. This means that when you masticate your food thoroughly you reduce the amount of necessary food, and often you reduce it by half.

You produce wonderful results in diet, taking the right food, the right combinations of food, the right amount of food, and the right method of eating. All these will help you to reduce weight if you are overweight, or to gain weight if you are underweight. Just keep in mind the following five steps about food: 1. Never eat starch and meat at the same meal, though if you are strong and healthy, it need no cause you too much concern now. 2. If coffee bothers you, drink it black, using no milk or cream. If still bothers you, eliminate it from your diet. 3. Chew your food to a liquid, and cut down the amount of food you eat. 4. Eat raw egg yolks once a day, every day. Take them either just before or after meals no during the meal. 5. Reduce the variety of foods you eat in one meal to a minimum. THE VOICE The fifth chakra at the base of the neck governs the vocal cords, and it has a direct connection with the first chakra in the bodys sexual centre. Of course, all the chakras have common connections, but these two are, in a manner of speaking, geared together. What affects one affects the other. As a result, when a mans voice is high and shrill, it is an indicator that his sexual vitality is low. If the energy in this chakra is low, you can bet that it is lacking in the other six as well. Now all that is necessary to speed all the others is to practice the five rites. There is another method, which men can use to help speed up the process. It is easy to do. All that is required is the will power. You simply need to make a conscious effort to lower your voice. Listen to yourself speak, and if you hear yourself becoming higher and shriller, adjust your voice to a lower register. Listen to men who have good, firm speaking voices, and take note of the sound. The whenever you speak, keep your voice down in that masculine pitch as much as possible. A very old person will find it quite a challenge, but the reward is that it does bring excellent results. Before long, the lowered vibrations of your voice will speed up the chakra in the base of your throat. That, in turn, will help to speed up the chakra in the sexual centre, which is the bodys doorway to vital life energy. As the upward flow of this energy increases, the throat chakra will speed up still more, helping the voice to go still lower, and so on. There are young men who appear to be robust and virile now, but who, unfortunately, will not remain that for long. That is because their voices never fully matured, and remained rather high. These individuals, as well as the older ones I have been talking about, can get wonderful results by consciously making the effort to lower their voices. In a younger person, this will help to preserve virility, while in the older one it will help to renew it. Whenever you are by yourself, or there is sufficient noise to drown your voice so you will not disturb others, practice saying in a low tone, partly through the nose, Mimm Mimm Mimm Mimm. Repeat it again and again, lowering your voice in steps, until you have forced it as low as you possibly can. It is effective to do this first thing in the morning

when the voice already tends to be in a lower register. Then, make an effort to hold your voice in a low pitch for the rest of the day. Once you start making progress, practice in the bathroom so that you can hear your voice reverberate. Then try to get the same effect in a larger room. When the vibration of your voice is intensified, it will cause the other chakras in the body to speed up, especially the first one in the sexual centre and the sixth and seventh in the head. In older women, the voice can also become high and shrill, and they tone it down in this same manner. Of course, the women should not attempt to lower their voices to the point of sounding masculine. In fact, it would be beneficial for a woman, whose voice is abnormally masculine to attempt to raise her voice pitch, using the method already described. The Lamas chant in unison, sometimes for hours, in a low register. What is important here is not the chanting itself, or the meaning of their words. It is the vibration of their voices and its effect on the seven chakras. Thousands years ago, the Lamas discovered that the vibratory rate of the sound Oh-mmm is specially powerful and effective. Both men and women will find it highly beneficial to chant this sound at least several times each morning. It is still more helpful to repeat it again throughout the day whenever you can. Fill your lungs completely with air, standing erect, slowly expel the full breath to create one Oh mmm sound. Divide it roughly half-and-half between the Ohhh and the Mmmm Feel the Ohhh vibrate through the chest cavities and the Mmmm vibrate through the nasal cavities. Use this simple exercise, which helps greatly to align all of the seven chakras, and will be able to feel its benefits almost right from the very start. Do not forget, it is the vibration of the voice that is significant, not the act of chanting, or the meaning of the sound. If an older person truly wants to grow younger, he/she must think, act and behave like a younger person, and eliminate the attitudes and mannerism of old age. The first think to pay attention to is your posture. Straighten up! When you first start doing the rites you look like a question mark, but as vitality will begin returning, your spirit will improve. That is fine, but do not stop in the middle of the road now. Think about your posture as you go about your daily activities. Straighten your back, throw your chest out, pull in your chin, and hold your head high. Right away, you have eliminated 20 years from your appearance, and 40 years from your behaviour. Also, get rid of the mannerisms of old age. When you walk, know first where you are going; then start out and go directly there. Do not shuffle; pick up your feet and stride. Keep an eye on the place where you are going, and the other on everything you pass. In order for you to achieve this kind of miracle, you must first desire to do so. You must then accept the idea that is not only probable, but also certain that you will. Once you fully embrace the wonderful reality that you can indeed become younger in appearance, health, and attitude, and once you energize that reality with focused desire, you have already taken your first drink of the healing waters of the Fountain of Youth


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