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Space and volume

I noticed something recently about space. Some call it outer-space. When we

discuss space we refer to each object in space as a mass. Think about this. If you
ask how big is the sun in space, most would say it has a specific mass. That is
where I got an idea about motion, time elapsed of said motion, and volume. Why
volume. Simple. What is space defined as… length x width x height… basically, 3
dimensions. So why we say how big is something in space do we always define it in
mass? I mean do we mean to talk about density (m/v) or space itself.
So I guess my odd look at space takes a literal look at it. If space is defined in
3 dimensions how big is the universe really? And of that total space, how much
space is displaced by mass? Or should I say the volume of said mass? I mean its
like comparing apples to oranges. Mass and volume unless we mean density.
I guess what matters is there is the total volume of space and the total amount of
space we occupy in it. Does it really matter how much mass the volume contains? A
one cubic inch square of lead takes up the same amount of space as a one inch
cubic square of aluminum. The volume is the same. I guess that’s where I look at
things a little differently. An object in space controlled in a gravitational
orbit would have an interaction with a second object , a star, for example. But
overall does this effect the volume of the total space? Of course not. So why is
it important?
In time I can explain. If we are to travel in space in a “spaceship” , does this
ship have enough mass to really be effected by gravity. Not really. The effect is
small as the mass is small. Also the volume is small. We are like a mosquito on a
whale. We , in our spaceship, are barely noticed. But we have the ability and
knowledge to use this gravity to propel ourselves through space if we control our
proximity to mass. Using motion.
How far we travel will be an elapsed time of how long we travel at a given motion.
Our mass is related to how much motion we will have and by gravitational strength.
Correct? So why is volume so important? I have heard this phrase many times. The
fabric of space. The earth, for example, cuts through this fabric a it orbit’s the
sun so how is that fabric affected? By its mass? No I say its size, its volume.
So in my theory of the motion and gravity relationship volume becomes a factor to
take into consideration. I think we are having an effect on space relating to
volume. How big an effect is determined by volume. Volume in motion for an elapse
period of time. Space-time and motion. Is it another dimension? I don’t know. But
I will say this. A bullet fired from a gun has mass, volume, motion, and time
traveled, how fast it gets to its target is determined by the energy which put it
in motion. But the “hole it leaves” in its target is most definitely related to
I guess I have made a leap of faith by believing in the fabric of space. I cannot
believe space is an empty void. Matter/ antimatter. We know they both exist.
Space I believe is a wall that separates an protects us from annihilation. The
outermost edges of the universe are these walls… and as we travel we will find
someday like in a living cell, the walls protect and contain us. And there is a
substance like water here on earth that we are just too close to, to define. But
we can see its effect and theorize. But can we believe it.

We have discovered the power of the atom in out lifetime and we refuse to believe
what is there. We know the reason the atom vibrates. Because the electron is in an
elliptical pattern. But do we truly see that electron as energy that when it
reaches it maximum point of distance as turning, because it is actually bending
back to where it began. Speed of light squared. And the vibration of the nucleus.
Two motions. The electron is tearing through the fabric of space at the speed of
light and back in a time elapsed that is impossible. Speed of light squared. The
end of that electrons universe is protecting it from annihilating itself.
Existence. Its mass and its motion determine energy. Its volume at that speed is a
path that never closes. It leaves a hole in the space-time fabric that is
constant. (It will allow us to maybe someday realize that matter can be in co-
existence with antimatter on a sub-atomic level.)
I would say my theory which is volume x motion squared x time(elapsed) = energy =
mass x speed of light squared may be ludicrous. But I need to know how big is
that path that electron is leaving. What is the nature of our very existence. It
seems the actual path would be quite small as it appears that the answer to this
equation seems to be the dimension of space to the fourth power divided by the
mass. Yes density is mass divided by volume. And my theory would state that space
to the fourth power or volume to the fourth power divided by mass is a small
number. The opposite of density with an added dimension from motion. And this
added dimension it this equation baffles me yet it somehow makes me think to
travel the speed of light squared is impossible or is it. So why can’t there an
extra dimension from motion or is it impossible? I have a to ponder that electron
and the path/hole it is leaving which I think would have a tendency to close in
most cases but that electron is moving so fast it is arriving back to the spot it
was just in just as that path/ hole is about to close. Pulsing the very nature of
the universe in the universe and the next one. Crazy.

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