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Divorce in the Philippines Divorce is a serious thing to do . It needs a long time to think about this issue.

Divorce in the Philippines is planning to take over Filipino values and culture. We are not implementing this law, It is not the answer to the growing violence against women and children, It gives a wider path to domestic problems, It gives a wider path for immorality and marital infidelity. Most divorce advocates gives emphasis on the growing children and women abuse. But I really do not see it as a solution for these problems. In fact it extends to the growing problem of immorality and sexually related diseases and problems such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually related diseases. And I believe that you will agree with me that these problems are a threat to women, children and even family. But why? Simply because people were given the so-called choice and chance to change while the fact is, it is where the so-called rights is abused. It is where many people make use of the right and abuse it for their own self-centered selfish quest for happiness and will only bring them to the same situation again and again and again. Thats why you will see people divorced not just once, nor twice, but multiple times.As I mentioned earlier this right has proven to be easily abused. And we are not actually giving people a solution to their problems, but a chance to repeat the same mistakes. Divorce is like a medicine but an unrecommended one.For example, there is a an abusive husband who have been divorced by his wife. This husband will then just look for another woman to abuse. While the woman if shes the one having some problems, she will just look for another guy and if things will not get well, all she has to do is to apply again for divorce.Immorality. I guess this is not so much in nowadays. Its something that most people dont want to talk about except those that are of the religious sectors and religious people. I hate to say this but the Philippines have a steep moral degradation and that is why most of these divorce proponents put forward a silly solutions for various problems. But there's some advantages of having divorce a second chance for a happier life, a second chance for a non-violent life, and a second chance to be happy. Divorce is definitely not a true medicine nor a solution to the growing domestic problems. I see it just like illegal drugs which may have a little benefit of easing the pain of the patient. But in most cases, it is an addictive medicine that can kill and destroy life and relationships. But the answer of these are Fear of God and teach Morality Morality and Morality. If we have the fear of God and we understand what morality means, then we understand the real answer to the growing problems related to violence against women and children. YLLENIE JEAN SINAG EROJO HOSM 10 C 5:15-6:30 PM

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