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Special interest groups = downfall of America Dad, bless his soul, used to state the title of this article

quite frequently. What he was saying by that was: lobby groups for special interest groups manipulate American politics effectively ripping the country apart 'at the seams'. He also questioned the effectiveness of these essays at raising awareness about problems in America. Let's try to form a comprehensive list of special interest groups: 1. Black / African-American 2. Hispanic / Spanish-speaking 3. Asian / Asian-decent 4. Gay / lesbian 5. Jew / pro-Israel 6. Pro-life 7. Pro-choice 8. Conservative 9. Liberal 10. MIC / Military Industrial Complex 11. Republican 12. Democrat That's enough for now.. We need to discuss each one and the respective validity whether or not we should allow that group to dominate American politics. One by one: 1. When I was a 'kid', Jesse Jackson was running for president. I knew he had 'no chance' but I still believed in the idea: a first black American president. Many of us 'cracker' were very excited by the idea. The fact Obama, a mixed affluent 'black dude', became president in my lifetime shows we have potential for positive change. The fact he's stonewalled about everything he tries shows we're not really ready for any black president. So on one side, 'we won' (those who believe in equality and freedom), but on another side, we lost. It's pretty sad. I love America for the supposed values we tout, but I HATE America for the racism and intolerance we still exhibit. The bumper sticker: Don't re-nig in 2012 says it all .. Since I'm officially a 'cracker', I cannot take advantage of affirmative action. So that bent in America only puts me at a disadvantage. I've had to live with this my entire working life. Should we allow it to continue? In another article, I've taken a stand and said NO but.. Considering how badly Obama is stonewalled, and if you take that as blatant racism, we need to favor African-Americans as much as we possibly can (even to my own 'cracker' demise). 2. Hispanics dominate regions like South Florida and southern California. It seems an unavoidable geographical migration from surrounding Spanish-speaking areas. There has been some effort to make Spanish a 'second language' in Florida.. But my father felt this would be a mistake. Every immigrant in his time and before HAD to learn English; they didn't have a choice. Why should the modern era be any different? English is the official language of the USA. Anyone residing in America or intending to reside here needs to learn English fluently. No exceptions. Just because Spanish-speakers dominate South Florida and southern California doesn't mean we should 'cater' to them in any way, shape, or form. American-Hispanics NEED to learn English fluently. Should we make this a law? Good question. If we require this of Hispanics, we need to require it from every group. 3. Asians in America don't follow their traditional Asian values of: respect, 'don't rock the boat', peace at all costs,.. There's this thing called the Asian Coalition. When I first heard about it, I was absolutely Disgusted. More divisiveness, more special interest lobbying, more destruction of America.. When will it end? With the destruction of America? 4. Gay-lesbians are Notorious for using political clout to further their agenda. The suicide of a gay






teen recently is a perfect example. They want to blame somebody non-gay. For the suicide of a gay teen. Why can't we blame the gay teen himself? Maybe he was depressed.. Maybe he was unstable.. Maybe he had self-worth issues that had nothing to do with the 'bully' who publicized his gay status. Why must we blame a non-gay and then create anti-bully laws specifically for gays? I myself was bullied when I was young. I had to simply grit my teeth and bear it. Deal with it gays and lesbians. It's a fact of American life. Stop trying to use your political clout to further your agenda. This will only rip America further apart. My favorite recent topic: Jews and Israel. Now of course, not all Jews are pro-Israel but I'd be willing to bet most are. Of any single 'special interest group', this group ALONE has the potential to destroy America by forcing their agenda to become an American agenda. Why? Because Israel is a destabilizing force in the region. Muslim nations see it as a threat and rightly so. Israel is bristling with nuclear weapons. Any serious provocation and they will use them. This becomes Armageddon and 'the end of the world'. All of this simply because Jews feel entitled to 'that land' in Israel .. As I recently proposed, we should put 'on the table' the idea of total Jewish withdrawal from Israel. This should be done from 'our side' (the West / America). This should NOT be proposed by Muslims. This shows 'good faith' to Muslim nations and a willingness to actually make progress .. Presently, because of Israel, America is a TARGET for Muslim nations. The more we 'buddy up' with Israel, the more of a target we are. Denial of this or insisting Jews have legal rights to Israel only creates a standoff we will never endure. Eventually, some Muslim nation will get/make nukes (not so puppet-like as Pakistan). And they will posture against Israel and America. We will never ever keep all Muslim nations from developing nukes. It's impossible. Eventually, we'll have to unilaterally disarm or wage nuclear war .. My point now is to avoid both scenarios: Jews evacuate Israel. Pro-life: my mother is. She's Catholic. I have a tendency to agree with her about the sanctity of life but not just human life ALL LIFE. If we protect human life as if it's sacred, so is ALL life. Just because we appear to be the 'most intelligent life' on the planet does not mean we're Special in any way, shape, or form. Human beings are simply 'intelligent' animals. Any 'soul' we have is based on superstition and myth. Now of course, I'm a spiritual person and believe ALL LIFE has some kind of 'life energy'; we could call it 'the force' or pretty much anything.. But.. To insist we are 'special' in some way, that we have a soul, that to abort a baby is 'sin' / against God, that's just plain childish idiocy .. Pro-life/Pro-choice is a distraction from more important issues above and below. Pro-choice: if you force me to take a stand, I side with these guys but.. NOT AT THE PRICE OF DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA. Too many times, we let our religion dictate our personal values.. Why? Because it's easier? Convenient? 'Safer'? If you can't think for yourself, you have no business dictating to others your religious dogma. Period .. Again, this is a distraction from more important issues above and below. Conservatives get a lot of airplay on TV and radio.. I suppose it has something to do with 'established money'. 'Old money' controls most things like media.. 'Old money' has a tendency to be conservative. But don't let that fool you about the majority of Americans. Most Americans are NOT conservative. It's just a vocal and affluent group .. There's this thing I call: the ruling elite. They represent conservatives: against change of any form .. As I've stated repeatedly, not all change is good. And, people who supposedly represent change (like Obama) sometimes kowtow to this group to 'stay in power'.. But it will be his undoing.. The more he caters to conservatives, the more he'll be seen as a two-faced liar (which he truly is). Obama will always be known as the 'first black president' but he should be known as: 'the first black two-faced lying president'. The banks / Wallstreet bailouts say it all .. In the end, conservatives and 'the ruling elite' days are numbered. Liberals, infamously labeled: bleeding heart liberals, balance conservatives but do this

destructively/divisively. At att, I was incorrectly labeled a 'bleeding heart liberal' by a co-worker friend who was a 'Confederate flag waver' himself. I loved our discussions.. They were very illuminating.. He made me really THINK about my values relating to my views of socialism in America .. What are we willing to support? Public health care? Presently and in the recent past, I'd say NO. Most Americans seem unwilling to support that level of socialism. Dad corroborated this .. My work friend also .. So.. the incessant struggle between conservatives and liberals will likely always be there as long as conservatives hold the power.. So what can we do to minimize the destructive aspects of this struggle? Good question .. My mother likes to bring in the solution: focus on our commonalities NOT our differences. If we forever focus on our differences, we'll always be 'at each others throats'. She's right .. This 'forever' problem will be with America for a long time.. The 'only' way around it (that I can see) is for us to realize every generation will have to deal with this problem.. That and focus on our commonalities. 10. The MIC is tied to item 5 and to item 8. Generally speaking, conservative 'old money' supports Israel and the MIC. This is a fact we cannot change. The best we can do is acknowledge the fact and 'move on' with our lives.. I've 'learned' that no amount of 'preaching' (as in through these articles) will change ANYthing.. The other day, I helped my brother move a mattress from a well-to-do Jewish home to mom's room. While in downtown Fort Lauderdale I saw: so many Mercedes, Lexis, BMWs, a Mercedes dealer,.. ^^ South Florida has MONEY. And do you think they care / pay attention to these articles [ha!] That's a JOKE. Money does not care about these articles or ideas. That much is CLEAR. ;) Awareness is obviously only part of the solution.. The real challenge is to get money to CARE. 11. and 12. As above, it seems 'Democrat vs Republican' has been a HUGE thing dividing our great country the greatest nation Earth has ever seen. Oh how the mighty have/will fall(en). We 'saw' the 'great' Roman Empire fall.. As I've written previously, there are several proposed explanations.. We don't need to rehash those here.. My point in this article is that IF we let these issues tear us apart, we will inevitably follow in the Roman footsteps regardless of the cause of the fall of Rome.. Regardless. So.. We need to STOP 'tearing at each other's hair/throats'. We need to STOP always trying to push our specific agenda. We need to be generous to our 'enemies' and GIVE more than 'once in a while'. ;) .. If we INSIST on our specific agenda, regardless of our position, we WILL tear America apart 'at the seams'. And the greatest country the Earth has ever known will implode. :( So let's not go that way, okay?

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