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Menstruation Is Not Normal Menstruation is not normal in a healthy woman. Menstruation is the hemorrhaging and flow of fresh blood.

Hemorrhaging, whether it occurs in the brain, eyes, lungs, uterus, is not normal. Anthropological studies on African women have verified that ancient African women did not menstruate. Holistic women follow natural breeding cycles. These natural breeding (mating) cycles have strict laws. Ancient African women did not have sexual intercourse while pregnant or breastfeeding, or menstruating. Breastfeeding traditionally lasted for three to five years. Intercourse while pregnant causes the body to alter its nutrient hormone level. This alters the ability to create healthy cells for the babys body. Sexual intercourse while a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding decreases the health of the unborn child. Excessive sexual intercourse and out-of-cycle sexual intercourse causes the woman to menstruate. Sexual intercourse at night is abnormal, out-of-cycle, and weakens the sex organs and health. No animal or insect that eats during the daylight hours has sex at night. Sex during daylight hours follows the Circadian rhythm of the body. Nighttime sex exploits the female emotionally and spiritually contributes to the hemorrhaging called menstruation. The vaginal discharge (not vaginal lubrication for sex) of the female causes menstruation. Vaginal discharge is very high in hormones, vitamins, and minerals. It is a highly concentrated mixture equal to the nutritional concentrations of semen. The nutrition that is lost due to this milky discharge causes the endometrium (uterus skin) tissue to lose its vitality and deteriorate. This cellular deterioration is known as hemorrhaging and is commonly called menstruation. All women do not have a moon cycle menstruation. Eskimo women menstruate on a sun (solar) cycle, every three years or more. Their menstruation is very light and not the gush of blood of todays hemorrhaging-menstruating women are experiencing. Menstruation that occurs among women that are on a natural diet are not holistic in sexual practices always occur on a solar (sun) period. Lunar (moon) periods are a new occurrence among females. Menstruation is the loss of fresh blood, not dis-ease blood. It was (and is) commonly believed among religions that the woman is purging herself of sinful blood. This myth is subconsciously promoted by women and men. It is not a biological or anatomical fact that hemorrhaging is normal or that this blood is sinful and unneeded-it is science mythology. In nature, menstruation amongst female animal occurs whenever the female is enslaved. Females such as wild wolves, bears, gorillas, goats, pigs, kangaroos, cats, monkeys, sheep, and other female mammalians (animals that breastfeed their babies milk) will menstruate when enslaved. Enslavement causes the behavior, hormonal level, and nutritional diet to be altered according to the needs of the enslavers. Female animals put in socially restricted and controlled behavior situations will menstruate, while the so-called (free) female animals do not menstruate. Aside from this, diet contributes to female menstruation. For example, female and male gorillas given a so-called modern diet (junk food, cooked food, and animal flesh) will masturbate, menstruate, become violent, have excessive sexual intercourse, and engage in homosexual activities.

Menstruation can be irregular, cramping, and of a long duration owing to manganese, iron, and calciums deficiency. A female, at any age with a brief episode of manganese deficiency can biochemically cause a menopausal episode. A fertile womans menopausal episode can be hours or a few days or duration. It usually goes unnoticed by young females because they still have a lunar period. Stressors (i.e. emotional, oppression, dietary, social, relationship, etc.) can cause hormonal imbalances and decrease oxygen and nourishing blood to the uterus and increase waste and carbon dioxide in the uterus. This weakens the uterus and contributes to menstruation-hemorrhaging. Hormonal imbalances caused by estrogen and steroid hormones in non-organic eggs, dairy, and meats causes the uterus to oxidize (deteriorate) and this contributes to infertility. The sperm has two frequencies and the ovaries (eggs) have two frequencies. They must both be the same frequency for fertilization. A weak uterus and ovaries have unstable frequencies. Hemorrhaging weakens the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Menstruation is not normal; however, menstruation is not necessarily caused by an abnormality in the woman alone; this unnatural condition is shared by men as well. Science teaches people to be aware that the womans brain (according to body weight) is larger and more convoluted that the mans brain. Women have two X chromosomes. The X chromosomes carry the genetic immunity factors while the Y chromosome does not. Men have one X and one Y chromosome. Womens eggs determine the below the waist characteristics (sex of the child). Mens sperm determine the above the waist characteristics (personality traits). Women have greater endurance capacity and fossil relics verify that women have three lobes on their thyroidthis increases cell growth and rejuvenation ability. Men have two lobes. Women have two generative (sex) centers in the brain and men have onethis increases intelligence states. The myths, lies, and bias in religion, science, and social institutions influence the way the female anatomy is interpreted. Men use menstruation to control women. And, at one time women who did not menstruate were murdered because was considered to be a witch. Menstruating women are in a weaker physical, spiritual, and mental state and are easier to dominate. In ancient African cultures, women who menstruated were isolated and given herbal medicine because menstruation was considered a problem and a dis-ease symptom of the village. Women were not isolated because they were sinful or evil, but because they were in a dis-eased condition and needed the dis-ease to be holistically corrected. The ancient Africans realized the menstruation was not normal and that it reflects a tribal or cultural disease. Today, it is simply a symptom of oppression. Menstruation has many aspects that affect the totality of peoples lifestyles. What is referred to as menstruation (really hemorrhaging) is a recent occurrence relative to ancient history. No anthropological research, or research from medical or veterinarian science can validate that hemorrhaging is normal for women. Menstruation is often justified by a cultures lunar zodiacal rationales. The zodiac concepts are a cultural language that varies in each culture. In African cultures, zodiac science, if applied to an individual, was applied at conception. In other words, the zodiac sign starts at conception, not birth. Ironically, 90% of all holistic African births occurred between May and June. Consequently, the other signs of the zodiac were rarely applied to Africans. Today, the majority of births in countries such as France, Germany,

Australia, Canada, America, etc. still occur during May and June. This further validates that a natural mating cycle still exists amongst humans. Africans followed a mating cycle of every three years and had classical menstruation that lasted a few hours or a day. It required no sanitary napkin. Tribes and cultures, which lost great numbers of people due to war and dis-ease, would increase sexual intercourse and have out-of-cycle sex to regain a population. However, this procreation was a temporary mating practice and abnormal. Excessive sexual intercourse always causes nocturnal emissions, prostate problems, impotency, and decreased thinking among men. Excessive sexual intercourse always causes menstruation (hemorrhaging) among women. In fact, women prostitutes have longer bleeding (menstruation-hemorrhaging) due to excessive sexual practices. In any case, the children conceived during non-mating cycles have behavior, emotions, thoughts, and spirituality that has adapted to biochemical oppression. Fruitarians and vegetarian women, normally, do not menstruate. If they do menstruate, it consists of two or more drops of blood (about the size of a pea) from the unfertilized egg. They lymph gland absorbs the non-fertilized egg atrophy (waste) and removes it out of the body. A blood flow (dead egg waste) or a few hours or up to three days is normal. In cultures where women were relegated inferior and sexually exploited by men he women did not menstruate. Menstruation is the loss of thirty times the amount of calcium found in systemic blood. Thus, the bone structure is smaller and degenerated due to menses. Healthy menstruation is the blood from the egg and the superficial endometrium tissue that the egg was attached to. It is a very light blood flow and lasts between a few hours to three days. A sanitary napkin may or may not be required for this healthy type of menstruation. Contemporary menstruation with a heavy blood flow that has to have a sanitary napkin is caused by the hemorrhaging of the uterus. In fact, menstruations definition in todays books is defined as hemorrhaging. In the booklet, Special Instructions to Women by H.E. Butler, menstruation and genital mucous discharge (leucorrhea) are indicated to be pathological (dis-ease) and it disappeared when women are in a socially non-exploitive sexual environment. In the book Regeneration for Women by K.S. Gutherie, M.D., menstruation is documented as the deterioration of the uterus, caused by a loss of vital nutrients in the mucous discharge. The cells lose their biochemical structure due to mucous discharge, deterioration, and hemorrhaging (called menstruation). Many (Western) religions say that menstruation is caused by the original female sin and that menstruation means to purge the body of sin. In Man and Woman by Havelock Ellis, the anatomical structure of women is scientifically verified to be superior to men.

The 9 Types of Menstruation: Types Causes 1. during menses with no discomfort before cycle. antibiotics, not enough raw food Cramping, nervous tension and pain Low estrogen can be related to Symptoms

the diet, etc. High progesterone (related to tender breasts and acne on cycle), liver distress. 2. Excessive bleeding. High estrogen (heavy flow two to three days), blood unable to clot (weak liver, kidney and/or adrenals) uterine fibroids, anemia, Thyroid problems, drugs, junk foods. 3. Bloating, swollen ankles, headaches, nervousness, premenstrual tension and/or nausea. Mineral imbalance (losing Calcium, Iron, etc.) Potassium. High Estrogen (caused by chocolate, caffeine, meat, eggs, dairy, processed soy), liver stress.. 4. ankles, headaches, nervousness and/or nausea. short period of heavy bleeding and edema, low Zinc, Manganese, and Magnesium. 5. nervous, dry mouth, digestion, sensitivity to light. Potassium, Low Estrogen. 6. Rapid heartbeat during menstruation, Loss of Iron, Iodine, Calcium and/or Cramps after PMS, Bloating, swollen High Estrogen can e related to a

Menstruation and fatigue, heavy or bearing down feeling in pelvic area, loss of energy, etc. Anemia, liver stress, amino acid imbalance (protein), stress (adrenal gland exhaustion).


No Menstruation-Amenorrhea. Mental, emotional and/or spiritual stress, athletic overtraining (low body fat), inadequate female gender-type exercise and/or spiritual dancing, anemia, high protein and saturated processed fat.

(not to be confused with classical-normal amenorrhea). 8. Pain. Endometriosis, ruptured follicle, fibroid, rheumatism, varicose Veins, clogged arteries and/or veins or the uterus and/or pelvic

area, waste congested in the uterus. 9. Hormone imbalance (mood swings, bone loss, hunger, etc.) related to heavy bleeding, Estrogen Imbalance (hormone produced by ovary follicle) related fibroids, cramps, breast lumps, low systolic blood pressure and pulse, aborted pregnancies, to heavy bleeding, fibroids, cramps, breast lumps, swollen ankles, bloated-swollen ankles during cycle, bleeding more than three days, swollen breasts, during cycle, antibiotics. Not enough raw food in the diet. vomiting and toxemia of pregnancy, premenstrual nervousness, edema, nausea, and Progesterone Imbalance (hormone produced by corpus lutetiumheadaches. egg) liver stress, excess estrogen. Menstruation Remedies Supplements Use Black Cohosh Hormone balance, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, cramps, estrogen deficiency Chaste (viitex) Hormone balance, breast discomfort, mood swings, menstruation problems Red Raspberry, Sqaw Vine Hormone balance Sqaw Vine Strengthens the uterus Cramp Bark Cramps Dong Quai Hormone balance, cramps, irregular cycle (do not use if bleeding is heavy) Shepherds Purse, Witch Hazel, White Oak Bark, Blessed Thistle, Alum Root Heavy bleeding Vitamin K Heavy bleeding

Gingko Bloating, swollen ankles, breast pain Dandelion Root, Yellow Dock Iron deficiency Ginger Root Edema, swollen ankles, bloating, digestion problems White Willow, Boswella Pain Feverfew Headache, Fever Yohimbe and Damiana combination, Testosterone tablets/gel, Dopa Bean, Tribulus Wild Yam Crme (Progesterone) Lack of sexual desire Licorice Root (Deglycyrrhiza for heart, sugar, or kidney problems) Energy, fatigue, regulates sugar Motherwort, Scullcap, St. Johns Wort Depression, nervous tension Fo-Ti, Ginseng, DHEA, Yohimbe combined with Damiana Fatigue Red Clover Hormone balance, hot flashes Flax, Primrose, Hemp, or Borage oil Heavy flow Beta carotene, MSM, Lysine and /or MSM crme/lotion Skin outbreak, Acne B Complex (family) Irritability, fatigue, mood swings Chromium and/or Vanadium Sugar and/or chocolate craving Catnip, Chamomile, Kava Kava, Passion Flower Nerve calmative Cats Claw, Feverfew, MSM Inflammation of uterus, endometriosis

Pregnenolone, progesterone crme/lotion PMS, menopause, infertility, emotional problems, mood swings, hair loss. Neded if

non-organic fruit, vegetables, meats, eggs, and dairy are eaten

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