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This demonstrates how the Response object works, and tests it at the same time.

>>> >>> >>> >>> from dtopt import ELLIPSIS from webob import Response, UTC from datetime import datetime res = Response('Test', status='200 OK')

This is a minimal response object. We can do things like get and set the body: >>> res.body 'Test' >>> res.body = 'Another test' >>> res.body 'Another test' >>> res.body = 'Another' >>> res.write(' test') >>> res.app_iter ['Another test'] >>> res.content_length 12 >>> res.headers['content-length'] '12' Content-Length is only applied when setting the body to a string; you have to set it manually otherwise. There are also getters and setters for the various pieces: >>> res.app_iter = ['test'] >>> print res.content_length None >>> res.content_length = 4 >>> res.status '200 OK' >>> res.status_int 200 >>> res.headers HeaderDict([('content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf8'), ('Content-Length', '4')]) >>> res.headerlist [('content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf8'), ('Content-Length', '4')] Content-type and charset are handled separately as properties, though they are both in the ``res.headers['content-type']`` header: >>> res.content_type 'text/html' >>> res.content_type = 'text/html' >>> res.content_type 'text/html' >>> res.charset 'utf8' >>> res.charset = 'iso-8859-1' >>> res.charset 'iso-8859-1' >>> res.content_type 'text/html' >>> res.headers['content-type'] 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'

Cookie handling is done through methods: >>> res.set_cookie('test', 'value') >>> res.headers['set-cookie'] 'test=value; Path=/' >>> res.set_cookie('test2', 'value2', max_age=10000) >>> res.headers['set-cookie'] # We only see the last header 'test2=value2; Max-Age=10000; Path=/' >>> res.headers.getall('set-cookie') ['test=value; Path=/', 'test2=value2; Max-Age=10000; Path=/'] >>> res.unset_cookie('test') >>> res.headers.getall('set-cookie') ['test2=value2; Max-Age=10000; Path=/'] Most headers are available in a parsed getter/setter form through properties: >>> res.age = 10 >>> res.age, res.headers['age'] (10, '10') >>> res.allow = ['GET', 'PUT'] >>> res.allow, res.headers['allow'] (['GET', 'PUT'], 'GET, PUT') >>> res.cache_control <CacheControl ''> >>> print res.cache_control.max_age None >>> res.cache_control.properties['max-age'] = None >>> print res.cache_control.max_age -1 >>> res.cache_control.max_age = 10 >>> res.cache_control <CacheControl 'max-age=10'> >>> res.headers['cache-control'] 'max-age=10' >>> res.cache_control.max_stale = 10 Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: The property max-stale only applies to request Cache-Control >>> res.cache_control = {} >>> res.cache_control <CacheControl ''> >>> res.content_encoding = 'gzip' >>> (res.content_encoding, res.headers['content-encoding']) ('gzip', 'gzip') >>> res.content_language = 'en' >>> (res.content_language, res.headers['content-language']) (['en'], 'en') >>> res.content_location = 'http://localhost:8080' >>> res.headers['content-location'] 'http://localhost:8080' >>> res.content_range = (0, 100, 1000) >>> (res.content_range, res.headers['content-range']) (<ContentRange bytes 0-101/1000>, 'bytes 0-101/1000') >>> res.date = datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) >>> (res.date, res.headers['date']) (datetime.datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC), 'Sat, 01 Jan 2005 12:00:0 0 GMT') >>> print res.etag

None >>> res.etag = 'foo' >>> (res.etag, res.headers['etag']) ('foo', 'foo') >>> res.expires = res.date >>> res.retry_after = 120 # two minutes >>> res.retry_after datetime.datetime(...) >>> res.server = 'Python/foo' >>> res.headers['server'] 'Python/foo' >>> res.vary = ['Cookie'] >>> (res.vary, res.headers['vary']) (['Cookie'], 'Cookie') The location header will try to absolutify itself if you have a request object attached. >>> res.location = '/test.html' >>> from webob import Request >>> res.request = Request.blank('/') >>> res.location 'http://localhost/test.html' >>> res.request = None >>> res.location '/test.html' >>> res.request = Request.blank('/') >>> res.location = '/test2.html' >>> res.request = None >>> res.location 'http://localhost/test2.html' There's some conditional response handling too (you have to turn on conditioanl_response):: >>> res = Response(conditional_response=True) >>> req = Request.blank('/') >>> res.etag = 'tag' >>> req.if_none_match = 'tag' >>> req.get_response(res) <Response ... 304 Not Modified> >>> res.etag = 'other-tag' >>> req.get_response(res) <Response ... 200 OK> >>> del req.if_none_match >>> req.if_modified_since = datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 1, tzinfo=UTC) >>> res.last_modified = datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 1, tzinfo=UTC) >>> req.get_response(res) <Response ... 304 Not Modified> >>> res.last_modified = datetime(2006, 1, 1, 12, 1, tzinfo=UTC) >>> req.get_response(res) <Response ... 200 OK> >>> res.last_modified = None >>> req.get_response(res) <Response ... 200 OK> Also range response:: >>> res = Response(conditional_response=True) >>> req = Request.blank('/')

>>> res.body = '0123456789' >>> req.range = (1, 5) >>> result = req.get_response(res) >>> result.body '1234' >>> result.content_range <ContentRange bytes 1-6/10> >>> tuple(result.content_range) (1, 5, 10) >>> # Now an invalid range: >>> req.range = (0, 20) >>> str(req.range) 'bytes=0-21' >>> result = req.get_response(res) >>> result.body '0123456789' >>> print result.content_range None That was easier; we'll try it with a iterator for the body:: >>> res = Response(conditional_response=True) >>> res.app_iter = ['01234', '567', '89'] >>> req = Request.blank('/') >>> req.range = (1, 5) >>> result = req.get_response(res) >>> # Because we don't know the length of the app_iter, this >>> # doesn't work: >>> result.body '0123456789' >>> print result.content_range None >>> req.range = (5, None) >>> result = req.get_response(res) >>> result.body '56789' >>> result.content_range <ContentRange bytes 5-*/10> >>> # If we set Content-Length then we can use it with an app_iter >>> res.content_length = 10 >>> req.range = (1, 5) >>> result = req.get_response(res) >>> result.body '1234' >>> result.content_range <ContentRange bytes 1-6/10> >>> # And trying If-modified-since >>> res.etag = 'foobar' >>> req.if_range = 'foobar' >>> req.if_range <IfRange etag=foobar, date=*> >>> result = req.get_response(res) >>> result.content_range <ContentRange bytes 1-6/10> >>> req.if_range = 'blah' >>> result = req.get_response(res) >>> result.content_range >>> req.if_range = datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) >>> res.last_modified = datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) >>> result = req.get_response(res)

>>> result.content_range <ContentRange bytes 1-6/10> >>> res.last_modified = datetime(2006, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) >>> result = req.get_response(res) >>> result.content_range Some tests of exceptions:: >>> from webob import exc >>> res = exc.HTTPNotFound('Not found!') >>> res.exception.content_type = 'text/plain' >>> res.content_type 'text/plain' >>> res = exc.HTTPNotModified() >>> res.headers HeaderDict([])

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