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Bullying Bullying is a serious case among teenagers as different people has defined it in a different way.

Bullying cases in varsities and schools has increased and sparkles to the mind of director Larry Clark to direct a movie in the name Bully. (Clark, 2001). Researchers define bullying as it is the systematic abuse of power (Peter K.Smith, 1994). It is typied by the bully and targets inequality of access to power. The power may derive from physical superiority (arising from relative size, strength or numerical out numbering) and from mental strength. Thus, bullying may be physically direct (for example, hitting, kicking or punching) or verbally direct (saying nasty things to a person) and it may be intentionally hostile (Pepler, 1991). It includes being sent nasty notes including via cellular phone and the Internet. It also includes indirect aggression characterized by its typically covert nature and use of third parties and involving, for example, gossiping, spreading malicious rumours and social exclusion (deliberately not allowing a person into a group. Similar concepts to indirect aggression are relational aggression and social aggression although these are more related to the consequences of the negative act and the intent to cause psychological damage. However, bullying may not always have the intended outcome of harm, hurt or injury. Intentionally or not, bullying may cause physical and psychological. Although has stressed that bullying is negative actions carried out repeatedly and over time, he has acknowledged that a single instance of serious harassment can be regarded as bullying under certain circumstances. In the teachers point of view, bullying is seen as combination of physical or mental and emotional. A research states clearly that bullying is defined or explained by most of the teachers as physical and verbal abuse and forcing people to do things they do not want to do (M.J, 1997). This last outcome is consistent nding that many teachers do not rate social exclusion by peers as a serious problem for those pupils who experience it.

In this bullying matter teenagers are the one who experience many problems. They are directly exposed to this problem in schools and varsities. A related difference between researchers and childrens denitions of bullying is that children typically focus on the more obvious and less subtle forms of bullying such as direct verbal and physical abuse and overlook indirect aggression and the repetitive and intentional aspects of bullying (Madsen, 2002, p. 49). However, teenagers more likely thinks that bullying is about fighting and using bad words. They do not see from other prospects as fighting and using bad words are the main issues or problems that occurs frequently in schools. To summaries this, it is strongly believed by the society that bullying involves a power imbalance and it includes direct physical and verbal abuse and social exclusion, which may induce long-term fear, be repeated overtime and be intentionally negative.

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