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2. a) Using complex vector notation write a position equation for the mechanism shown below. Be sure to s how the complex number,^ as vectbrs on the mechanism and to define all lengths and angles carefully.

b) Circle the variables in the posit ion equat ion. c) Determine the complex velocity equation for the mechanism. Circle any variables that appear in this equation that did not appear in the equation of part a).
d) Determine the complex acceleration equation for the mechanism. C h l e any variables that appear in this equation that did not appear in the previous equations.
e) Interpret the terms in the acceleration equation by writing below each one, A ~ etc. , ~

Position Equation:


Velocity Equation:

Accel. Equation:

Interpret Terms:

IUAME The p o s i t i o n , v e l o c i t y , and 1 l c c e l e r a t i o n equations a r e given f o r t h e mechanism i n t h e f i g u r e . I n t e r p r e t t h e terms i n t h e a c c e l e r a t i o n e q u a t i o n by w r i t i n g below each one, AAn, e t c .

P o s i t i o n Equation :

' jc

- j z e j@ - i j ej0

V e l o c i t y Equation:

i + aqjeje

= zo3eja

9 c c e l e r a t i o n Equation:


MAE 341

2. In the mechanism below, link 3 is a square plate and is guided by links 2 and 4; the slider is pivoted at point B at the center of the plate, and pivot A is located at the middle of one side of the square. Point 0 2 lies on the line traced by point B. For the configuration of the mechanism shown, link 2 is at right angles to the direction in which slider 4 moves. The link-lengths are A 0 2 = 2.683 cm. and A B = 6 cm. Link 2 drives the mechanism at a constant 20 radlsec CCW.

For labelings consistent with your Handbook of Linkage formulas, a partial analysis of the mechanism at the position shown gives:

x = 5.37 cm., w3 = 0, and x = - 53.67 cm./s. -(a) Calculate the linear acceleration of link 4 and of the point C on link 3; also obtain the angular acceleration of link 3. Show intermediate steps in your work.

0 = 90,

4 = -26.57",

Handbook of Linkage Formulas


i mag

Position: +

+ ja

= beie


Link 2 as d r i v e r



{a-b c i n s


x = b cos 8


(a-b s i n e ) '

bw, c o s 0 c cos $ bw, s i n ( $ - 8 ) COS$

X =


b a , s i n ( $-8)-bwicos ( $ - I ) - c u ~ cos $

L i n k 4 as d r i v e r

where P2




Upper s i g n f o r open c o n f i g u r a t i o n ; lower sign f o r crossed configuration

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