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1 2 3 Bacteria and cyanobacteria Smaller diameter The genetic materials, circular double staind of DNA are not surrounded by double membrane nuclear envelope. ( nucleoid )

Protoctists ,fungi,plant and animals Larger diameter The genetic materials ,DNA are surrounded by double membrane nuclear envelope. The DNA are associated with the histone to form chromosome. Circular DNA present in mitochondria and chloroplast.

3 4

Plasmid present. (plasmid is the small circular DNA) Few organelles .No double membrane-bound organelles.

6 7

Mesosome in bacteria and plasma membrane of cyanobacteria contain respiratory enzyme . no mitochondria. No mitosis and meiosis. No spindle formation. Ribosome smaller .70 types. As free particles in cytoplasm.

Plasmid absent. Many organelles .Presence of double membrane-bound organelles ( mitochondria ,nucleus,and chloroplast) Presence of mitochondria as site of cellular respiration Mitosis and meiosis occur. Spindle formation occur. Ribosome bigger . 80 types. As free particles in cytoplasm and also attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

8 9

Rigid cell wall with murein ( peptidoglycan)

Certain protokaryotes are photoautotroph. The photosynthetic membranes are not stacked into grana. Absent of chloroplast. 10 Flagella . If present , contain flagellin and lack microtubules.

Cell wall of plant with cellulose ,cell wall of fungi with chitin ,animal does not have cell wall Thylakoid are stacked into grana in the chloroplast.

Flagella . If pesent ,have 9+2 arrangement of microtubules. (9+2 arrangement means 9 fused microtubules centered around two single microtubules as diagram shown below.)

11 Some prokaryotic cell contain enzymes which fix the atmospheric nitrogen for use in amino acid synthesis.

No enzyme which fix the atmospheric nitrogen.

Animal cell

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

No cell wall No plasmodesmata and pits With flagella and cilla No chloroplast With centrioles which form spindle fibre during meiosis and mitosis. Small vacuole Nucleus often central, cytoplasm throughout the cell. Glycogen granules as carbohydrate storage.

Cell wall made up of cellulose With plasmodesmata and pits . Without flagella and cillia With chloroplast. Without centrioles Big permanent vacuole. Nucleus and cytoplasm normally peripheral. Starch granules as carbohydrate storage. Bigger No lysosome.

9 Smaller 10 Lysosome present

Cell components
1. Membrane


Phospholipid bilayer Polar hydrophilic end .point outward . attractive to aqueous surrounding.

Non-polar hydrophobic end . repelled the aqueous surrounding .point inward. Attracted by one another by hydrophobic interaction and VDW interaction.


Cholesterol - are found between the phospholipid molecules. -stabilise the membrane structure and regulate the fluidity of the membrane.


Cytoskeleton - Intracellular protein fillament which support the membrane. Membrane fluidity - Phospholipid molecules and some protein molecules are free to move laterally or change their place ,thus giving the membrane its fluidity. - Proteins are scattered in the fluid phospholipid bilayer ,giving a mosaic apearance and have different structure and function. - Unsaturated fatty acids have double bond which form kinks .prevents the phospholipid from geting close to each other ,thus increase the fluidity and promote the movement of phopholipid bilayer. - The fluidity increase when temperature increase.


2. Cell wall i. Rigid cell wall give the plant cell a fixed shape ,protect the plant and give the mechanical strength. ii. Cell wall have pits ,enable the cyotoplasmic strands (plasmodesmata) to pass through connecting cytoplasm of one cell and adjacent cell. iii. Primary cell wall laid down during cell division. Extra layer are later secreted inside the surface of the primary wall and form secondary cell wall. iv. Primary cell wall Secondary cell wall Made up of celulose microfibrills which loosely The cellulose microfibrills are more compact. arranged . They are arranged in sucessive layers and in The microfibrills are embedded in an amorphous different angles. matrix of hemicelluloses, calcium and magnesium The cell wall of tracheid and xylem cell is thickened pectate. by lignin, the mechanical strength and support are Thus , there are spaces in between the beinng increased. microfibrills . The suberin in cork cell and cutin on epidermal The cell wall is permeable to the water and solutes surface reduce the evaporation of water and the entry of pathogens. *cellulose microfibrils are having high tensile strengh ,able to prevent the plant cell from bursting when the osmotic pressure increase due to the entry of water into the cell via osmosis. v. Middle lamella pectin layer which contain calcium and magnesium join the adjacent cell together.

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