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What is an Adjective? An adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun or a pronoun. An adjective describes or modifies a noun.

Adjective lists that follow each topic are only partial ones. 1. Demonstrative adjective this, that, these, those are called demonstrative adjectives. They point out nouns. They always answer the question which one? In the following example, demonstrative adjectives are shown in color. Lets play this game and later watch that movie. Remember that this, that, these, those can also act as demonstrative pronouns in which case they are not followed by nouns (as demonstrative adjectives are), but take the place of nouns. In the following example, demonstrative pronouns are shown in color. Lets play this and later watch that. 2. Common adjective is just a simple, regular adjective. It describes a noun in a general way. sharp, flexible, hot, red, hidden, dripping, nice, huge. 3. Proper adjective is derived from a proper noun and is capitalized. Proper noun Proper adjective China Chinese California Mars Spain Christianity Japan Hollywood Californian Martian Spanish Christian Japanese Hollywood

Texas Texas Sometimes, as in last two examples, a proper noun does not change at all to become a proper adjective. Where an adjective goes in a sentence. Usually an adjective comes in front of the noun it is describing. The big balloon floated over the dark sea. An adjective can also come after a linking verb, like to be, and describe the subject of the sentence. In this case it is called predicate adjective. The balloon was dark. Possessive Adjectives - Adjetivos Posesivos

Se utilizan para indicar a quin pertenece el sujeto u objeto de la oracin. Van seguidos de un sustantivo (o una clusula nominal).

Possessive Adjectives
my your his her its our your their mi / mis tu / tus su / sus su / sus su / sus nuestro/a/os/as vuestro/a/os/as su / sus

Como se puede observar, son muchos menos que en espaol, ya que no se diferencian en singular o plural. Por ejemplo: my car mi auto my cars mis autos Sin embargo, debe prestar atencin cuando se refiere a la tercera persona, ya que en castellano se usa "su" en todos los casos, mientras que en ingls varan segn la persona. Nota adems que "your" puede referirse al singular (tu) o al plural (vuestro). my house your house his house her house its house our house your house their house Si se est hablando de una persona y se describe su casa, se usara his o her, segn el sexo de dicha persona. John lives in New York. His house is very big. Susan lives in New York. Her house is very big.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns - Adjetivos y Pronombres Demostrativos

Los adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos en ingls son muy fciles de aprender.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

this these that those

este / esta estos / estas ese / esa esos / esas

Cuando se utilizan como adjetivos, deben estar seguidos de un sustantivo. This calculator is very good. Esta calculadora es muy buena. These cars are very fast. Estos vehculos son muy veloces. Cuando se utilizan como pronombres, no estn seguidos de sustantivos (dado que justamente los pronombres sirven para reemplazarlos). This is a calculator. Esta es una calculadora. These are calculators. Estas son calculadoras. That is a desk. Ese es un escritorio. Those are desks. Esos son escritorios. Adjetives interrogatives
As their name suggests, interrogative adjectives are those adjectives that are used in questions. In Spanish, they take the same form as the interrogative pronouns, although only a few of the pronouns can be used as adjectives. Qu: Qu is the most common interrogative pronoun and can be used to mean either "what" or "which" while referring to a noun. Qu does not change with number or gender. Examples: Qu zapato quisieras? (What shoe would you like?) Qu equipo gan? (Which team won?) Qu personas van a salir? (What people are going to leave?) Qu coche prefieres? (Which car do you prefer?)

Indefinite Adjectives An indefinite adjective is an adjective formed from an indefinite pronoun. The most common indefinite pronouns are: all, any, anyone, anything, each, everybody, everyone, everything, few, many, nobody, none, one, several, some, somebody, and someone. When used as adjectives, these are known as "indefinite adjectives".

Examples: There are several in the safe room. (indefinite pronoun) There are several people in the safe room. (indefinite adjective) I have seen some in the cupboard. (indefinite pronoun) I have seen some cartridges in the cupboard. (indefinite adjective)

My job is very important to me and my friends, they have responsibilities to their wives, these things are a fundamental part of life, those troubles and triumphs of each of us, who we are, whose career started, people are going to have whe on our side, there are many questions we have, but everyone planting their destination, everyone has an ideal to meet and nobody can take it away


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