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Chapter 11 Key Terms 1. 2. Imperialism-The quest for colonial empires. Henry Cabot Lodge-American enthusiasm for oversea expansion.

3. Alfred Thayer Mahan-influential supporter with his widely read book The influence of sea power upon history. 4. 5. Kalakaua-king of Hawaii which Americans influence. Liluokalani-Queen of Hawaii who worked to return power to the native Hawaiians.

6. Sphere of influence-Region where a particular country has exclusive rights over mines, railroads, and trade. 7. 8. John Hay- Secretary of the States who introduced the open door policy. Open door policy-Gave all nations equal access to trade and investment in china.

9. Boxer rebellion-Revolt in which Chinese attacked foreigners in order to end foreign involvement in Chinas affair. 10. Subsidy-a government bonus payment of two cent per pound. 11. Matthew Perry-A commodore who was sent to change Japan mind to open trade in the west. 12. Jose Marti- A martyr for Cuban independence. 13. Valeriano Weyler- Sent to stop the revolt and started a camp which killed 200,000 Cubans. 14. William Randolph Hearst-Journalist who wrote about Cuban struggle. 15. William McKinley-A veteran of the civil war who refuse to fighting another, and is the reason why de Lome called the U.S weak and bitter. 16. USS Maine-U.S battle ship that exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898. 17. Teller Amendment-Resolution stating that the United States did not intend to take over and annex Cuba. 18. George Dewey- Commodore sent on a secret mission to attack the Philippines. 19. Emilio Aguinaldo-Leader of a rebellion army Filipino who has been fight for independence in Spain for two years.

20. Rough Rider-U.S cavalry unit in the Spanish American War led by Theodore Roosevelt. 21. Philippine Government Act-Federal law that established a governor and a two-house legislature for the Philippines. 22. Jones Act of 1916-U.S laws that gave Filipinos the right to elect both houses of their legislator. 23. Leonard Wood-Authorized construction of schools and sanitation system in Cuba. 24. Platt Amendment-Limited Cubas right to make treaties and authorized the United States to intervene in Cuban Affairs as it saw necessary. 25. Protectorate-Country dependent on another for protection. 26. Philippine Bunau- Varilla- sought for U.S support for the revolution. 27. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty-Agreement that gave the United States sovereignty over a 10 mile wide canal zone across the Isthmus of Panama. 28. Dollar Diplomacy-Policy of influencing Latin American affairs through economic influence rather than military force. 29. Foraker Act-U.S law establishing that Puerto Ricos governor and upper house be appointed by the United States and lower house be elected by Puerto Ricans. 30. Roosevelt Corollary-Stated that the United States would police affairs in the Western Hemisphere to keep Europeans from Intervening in the region. 31. Porfirio Diaz-took power of Mexico in 1877 and improve the economy condition greatly. 32. Emiliano Zapata-led a rebel army in the south for land. 33. Francisco Madero-Was an unlikely candidate to unify the various opposition forces. 34. Mexican Revolution-Struggle to end dictatorship that led to years of instability in Mexico in the early 1900. 35. Victoriano Huerta-Commanding general who seized control of the government and restored calm. 36. Francisco Pancho Villa-Major revolutionary army who fought Huerta. 37. Venustiano Carranza-One of the four major armies who continued to fight Huerta.

38. John J. Pershing-Was trying to enter Mexican territory almost causing war in Mexican territory to gain access in the city.

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