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COLLEGE OF EDUCATION INTERNSHIP FINAL ASSESSMENT FOR 402.15 Kelsey Graff 5 December 2011 Langham Elementary School Box 350, Langham, Saskatchewan S0K 2L0 School Phone: 283-4455 Co-operating Teacher: Judy Richards Teaching grade: one CO-OPERATING TEACHERS ASSESSMENT Kelseys internship took place in a rural school 30 km from Saskatoon with a student population of 154 in grades K-5. Kelsey taught all subjects in a grade 1 classroom with 18 students (10 boys and 8 girls). There were 2 full-time Educational Associates in the room. Apart from the normal range of student abilities and backgrounds, three students had Personal Program Plans; one student was developmentally delayed, one was autistic, and one had severe focusing issues. In addition, there was one EAL student. About one third of the students lived in the country and two thirds in town. There was a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds in the classroom. Kelsey has had a very successful internship experience. She arrived in August with previous experience working with children through summer employment with the Saskatoon Recreation Department, a willingness to learn and to work hard, and a friendly, caring, respectful manner towards students and staff. During the next 16 weeks, she developed a strong teacher identity, a positive relationship with her students, and a clear understanding of what it meant to be a successful and competent teaching professional. Kelsey demonstrated excellent organizational skills and her lessons and units were varied, well planned and age-appropriate. It was evident that she enjoyed working with children and got great satisfaction from their successes. She was reflective and thoughtful in her practices, which was instrumental to her growth in all areas of the internship program. It has been a pleasure to watch Kelseys confidence grow and to watch her teaching skills develop. I am confident that Kelsey has a wonderful future ahead of her as a member of the teaching profession.


COLLEGE OF EDUCATION INTERNSHIPASSESSMENT Signature page I, Kelsey Graff, have carefully read and discussed this evaluation with my co-op teacher and internship facilitator. Date: 5 December 2011 _______________________________________________________________________ Intern's Signature Intern's Student Number Permanent Address and Phone _______________________________________________________________________ Co-op Teacher's Signature Principal's Signature Internship Facilitator Signature Judy Richards Cooperating Teacher's Name Audrey Kampen Principal's Name Edwin Ralph Internship Facilitator Name

__________________________ Co-op Teacher's Signature

Judy Richards Cooperating Teacher's Name


The teacher candidate, Kelsey Graff, has achieved in the following areas:

1. Support broad areas of student growth by providing varied and constructive learning opportunities
Demonstrated proficiency and growth: Kelsey worked hard to ensure the participation and success of all students. She always chose a variety of students to answer questions and went over new vocabulary when reading or introducing a new topic. Getting to know the students allowed Kelsey to become aware of their academic, personal and social strengths. She discovered what interested and motivated them and recognized when something was wrong. Kelsey analyzed the classroom environment and made changes to enhance student engagement by moving students so they could see the smart board more easily and changing desk arrangements as necessary to facilitate classroom management. She also recognized the need for students to move from one part of the classroom to another and to not sit in one spot for too long. Kelsey provided opportunities for students to demonstrate understandings in various ways such as answering questions during discussions, drawing pictures, doing assignments, acting out Aboriginal stories, having an oral test on the five senses in Science, and demonstrating throwing and catching skills in Physical Education. Kelsey monitored student behavior and performance through observation and review of class work. 2. Affirm dignity and respect for individuals (students, families, colleagues) Demonstrated proficiency and growth: Kelsey treated the students with respect, paid attention to their concerns, celebrated their successes, and let them know that she cared about them as individuals. Kelsey made a point of recognizing birthdays and special events in students lives, listening to what they wanted to share, and modeling appropriate social skills. Kelsey led students to the correct answer, instead of telling them that they were wrong. She avoided singling out specific students who needed more support, for example, the EAL student. Kelsey was at all times friendly, courteous and respectful with students, parents and colleagues, demonstrating self-control and tact. Kelsey was always professional in her dealings with the two classroom educational associates.

3. Strive to support social justice and ecological responsibility

Demonstrated proficiency and growth: Kelsey understood the importance of classroom routines and expectations and encouraged their use through positive reinforcement and correction when required. She taught and modeled specific social skills. Kelsey dealt with conflicts on the playground and in the classroom in a positive manner, having the students use I messages when appropriate. Kelsey encouraged students to think in terms of other peoples needs and feelings and the needs of the group. She encouraged the students to listen to their friends words as well as to read their faces and emotions. Kelsey recognized that students come from a variety of home situations that may have an impact on the students ability to learn. To help ameliorate this situation, she maximized people resources at school through the use of peer reading, parent-reading, care partners and peer support with spelling and other subjects. Kelsey assisted students in developing critical insights into current issues by discussing healthy eating, bullying, the meaning of Remembrance Day, acceptance of others, safety, and Aboriginal culture. She helped students understand the many languages and peoples in the world by saying hello in a different language each day. Kelsey encouraged recycling of paper and juice boxes in the classroom and used empty coffee containers, tin cans and toilet paper tubes in various craft projects.

4. Develop as a critical reflective practitioner who connects practical and theoretical knowledge
Demonstrated proficiency and growth: Kelsey was an extremely reflective practitioner throughout her internship. She continually reflected on her teaching experiences and used these reflections to improve her skills. For example, Kelsey re-taught a math lesson on translating patterns when it was apparent that the students had not grasped the concept. She recognized that a visual art activity, making dream catchers, was too difficult for grade one students and reflected on how she would teach it differently another time. Kelsey consistently requested feedback from her cooperating teacher and incorporated suggestions into her teaching practices. During the mid-term assessment discussions, Kelsey identified a list of personal and professional goals, and systematically and successfully worked through it during her full-time teaching. Kelsey adjusted her teaching units to better meet the students needs, interests and level of understanding. For example, she spent more time on numbers 1-20 than the Math Makes Sense Program she was using suggested because the students were not ready to move on. Kelsey was aware of different learning styles and used a variety of visual, tactile, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities in her lessons. Animated Literacy was a good example of this. Kelsey worked hard to understanding curricular expectations, and often did further research when she felt she had insufficient knowledge to teach a subject effectively. Kelsey used ideas from courses taken at university to develop a cross-curricular Aboriginal unit featuring Language Arts, Visual Art, Music and Drama.

5. Create a positive community in the classroom and school

Demonstrated proficiency and growth: Kelsey worked well with other staff members; she helped with the cross-country team and the creative writing club, participated as an actor in a school assembly, and was one of the recording secretaries at weekly staff meetings. Kelsey prepared and led the class in their song at the Christmas Concert and played the piano during rehearsals. Kelsey was able to teach co-operatively with the classroom teacher and the two educational associates. She often divided the class during Language Arts and had them each take a small group while she worked with another group. Kelsey was present at parent-teacher interviews and all PPP meetings. She responded to questions from parents on several occasions. Kelsey attended the evening event that showcased various clubs and activities available in the local community. She attended all school staff social functions. Kelsey attended professional development opportunities provided by the school division and the school. Kelsey joined the entire school in walks around the community to promote fitness and a sense of community. She participated in a care partner activity with a grade five class which involving making a Halloween craft.

6. Build instructional competence and strong teacher identity

Demonstrated proficiency and growth: Unit planning, lesson planning and organizational ability were definite areas of strength for Kelsey. She began her planning with the Saskatchewan curriculum documents and developed well thought-out, age appropriate, engaging lessons that taught to curricular outcomes and indicators. The units she developed included: Aboriginal Culture in Art, Numbers 1-20 in Mathematics, Throwing and Catching in Physical Education, the Five Senses in Science, and Remembrance Day in Social Studies. Lessons were always prepared and materials and equipment were always ready when needed. Lessons were interesting and varied and Kelsey brought in many items to taste, smell, hear, and feel during her unit on the five senses which enhanced the students learning experiences and engaged their interest. She recognized that the students were very engaged when the smart board was used and found numerous on-line resources. Animated Literacy was an example of a program successfully used by Kelsey that addressed individual needs and learning styles through teaching to all modalities. Kelsey used a variety of teaching methods including brainstorming, computer and smart board assisted instruction, concept attainment, demonstration, discussion, drill and practice, inquiry, peer tutoring, role-playing, simulation, synectics, and talking circles. She was willing to try new things and to take risks to develop her teaching repertoire. Kelsey learned to speak slowly and clearly and to break skills and concepts into smaller steps. Kelseys classroom management skills improved as she gained confidence. The students began to recognize her as their leader and to follow her instructions. She learned to gain the students attention before beginning the lesson and how to make transitions go more smoothly by giving clear and specific instructions. Kelsey was firm when required while still respecting the students dignity and self-esteem. She used verbal positive reinforcement as well as checkmarks, happy faces and stickers. Kelsey was involved in creating the behavior and academic development report cards. She created assessment tools to evaluate student understanding in the units she taught including checklists, oral tests, review of student work, and observations.

TEACHER CANDIDATES SELF-ASSESSMENT INCLUDE INDICATORS OF PROFICIENCY, GROWTH AND FUTURE GOALS My internship experience has truly taught me what it takes to be a teacher. I have learned so much and now believe strongly that learning is doing. I really connected with my grade one students and learned a lot from them. My coopering teacher has given me critical knowledge in the profession, which I will take with me throughout my career. In regards to my some of my strengths, I believe that I have demonstrated proficiency and growth in affirming the dignity and respect for individuals such as the students, their families and my colleagues. I have always been a very caring person and to do the opposite would not be in my nature. I take the time to greet the students at the door, inquire about their lives outside of school, and always take their feelings into consideration if they have not done something correctly. If I feel that I have hurt a students feelings in any way I always try to make an effort to apologize to them. As for the students families and my colleagues, I always try to great everyone with a smile or a hello. I believe, as well, that I have shown proficiency and growth in being a critical reflective practitioner who connects practical and theoretical knowledge. I am always thinking about how my lessons went what went well or what I could improve next time. I actively seek out feedback and advice from my cooperating teacher who always gives me her constructive opinions. I am actively practicing putting my theoretical and practical knowledge together and am always seeking to learn more. I consider myself very organized in my planning and in my teaching. Organization has always been a major strength of mine. I also believe that I have shown proficiency and growth in using a variety of teaching methods and assessment tools. This is very important because it incorporates all of the unique learning styles of my students. I have also set some future goals for myself to work towards throughout my teaching career. I want to become more efficient at classroom management and gather more tools and experience in order to do so. I would also like to become more familiar with the curriculum documents in more grade levels so that I know more about where my students should be at and where they are headed after I am done teaching them. This would also help to develop my confidence in the subject matter that I am teaching. I trust that these goals will be reached with more life experience and my desire to learn more from colleagues and other resources.

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