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Questions for the End-semester Examination Anatomy 1st year, MED Upper limb: 1.

Bones and joints of the pectoral girdle. Axioappendicular and scapulohumeral muscles. 2. Humerus. Glenohumeral (shoulder) joint. 3. The infraclavicular part of the brachial plexus. Axilla. 4. Muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the anterior compartment of the arm. 5. Muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the posterior compartment of the arm. 6. Cubital fossa. Elbow joint. 7. Bones of the forearm. Muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the anterior compartment of the forearm. 8. Bones of the forearm. Muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the posterior compartment of the forearm. 9. Structures in the anterior compartment of the wrist region. Carpal tunel. 10. Structures in the posterior compartment of the wrist region. Foveola radialis. 11. The proximal and distal radioulnar, and wrist (radiocarpal) joints. 12. Bones and joints of the hand. 13. Muscles, blood vessels, joints of the palmar and dorsal surfaces of the hand. 14. Blood and lymphatic vessels, and cutaneous innervation of the upper limb. Lower limb: 1. Bones, joints and ligaments of the pelvic girdle. 2. Gluteal muscles. Blood vessels and nerves of the gluteal region. 3. Subinguinal hiatus. Femoral canal. 4. Femur. Hip joint. 5. Muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the anterior and medial compartments of the thigh. 6. Femoral triangle. Adductor canal. 7. Muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the posterior compartment of the thigh. 8. Popliteal fossa. Knee joint. 9. Bones of the leg. Muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg. 10. Bones of the leg. Muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the posterior compartment of the leg. 11. Ankle joint. Medial and lateral malleolar regions. 12. Bones, joints and ligaments of the foot. Arches of the foot. 13. Muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the sole (plantar region). 14. Muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the dorsum of the foot. 15. Blood and lymphatic vessels, and cutaneous innervation of the lower limb. The trunk and the skull: 1. Vertebral column (bones, joints, ligaments, curvatures, movements) 2. Vertebrae. Craniovertebral joints. 3. Bones and joints of the thorax. 4. Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the back (with the exception of muscles of the nuchal region). 5. Parts of the cranium; calvaria, fontanelles, parietal bone. 6. Anterior cranial fossa. Frontal bone.

7. Middle cranial fossa. Sphenoidal bone 8. Middle cranial fossa. Temporal bone. 9. Posterior cranial fossa. Occipital bone. 10. External surface of the cranial base. 11. Temporal, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae. 12. Bones of the facial skeleton. Maxilla. 13. Bones of the facial skeleton. Ethmoidal bone. 14. Walls and openings on the walls of the orbit. 15. Nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses. 16. Mandible. Temporomandibular joint.

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