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FUTURE "Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; a blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day; and a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but tum aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known." (Deut. 11:26-28). The Lord' said, I set befo're you a blessing: Over here is a blessing and over there is a curse. No~ you have hold of the steering wheel and you can go either way you want, Yo', can't blame God with it; you can't blame the devil with it. You are the one who has the steering wheel of your life. Your future is in your hands. . If you plant okra, do you know what you will reap ? You will reap okra. If you plant tomatoes, you will reap toma. toes. But if you plant cockleburrs, you will grow cocklehurrs. It is just as natural as it can be; you are the one who plants it. Everyone is planting something. The Lord said, "I set these out there." He gave a long list in Deuteronomy 28. He said if you will obey the Lord, you will have these blessings. He will bless your crops, your children and all your livestock. He will defeat all your enemies. He will bless your storehouses and everything that your hand touches. He will bless your job. He will give you the rain in due season. You will loan but you shall not borrow. God wants to bless you financially, physically and spiritually. He said if you don't obey God, you would automatically reap these things: He said there will be a curse on our field, on your job, and on your children. Now how can you pray a blessing upon someone that God has cursed? Balaam said, "I cannot curse whom God has blessed." Lots of people want us to pray a blessing upon them after God has cursed . 1

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them. That is impossible, It is natural for you to reap corn if you sow corn, And it is just as natural for you to reap Johnson grass if you sow Johnson grass. It is a natural law. God says there will be a curse on your field, on your' job and your children, on your land and livestock. Y ou will be bound by cursing. A lot of people have got to the place they cau't talk without cursing. They ask the Lord to damn their p~w, damn their mule, damn their crop, damn their corn, their home, and their wife. Their crop washes away, their mule dies, and their wife takes cancer. God is just answering their prayer. Just what they ask God to do, that is exactly what God i~ doing, 1 have seen a lot of people who cannot live and witho.ut cursing. Every other word is a curse word. That is one of the things_ that will come on you. Some people '(ian''_talk to yo.Uten minutes without getting mad. That is a' curse' that comes upon people because they dieoberod 'get mad at everything they look at, ev~ tii'ey talk- about and everything they hear about, , ,They: get mad a~:people just -because they are people! P~ pI~'iike that are-miserable, They have a hell to go. to hell in. The Bible says everything that yo.Utouch will be cursed. Yo.Uwill be cursed with the pestilence. It gives a long list o.f them. Part of them are: 'I'uberculosis, fever,' arthritis, war, swo-rd and blasting (that, includt!8 the atomic bomb). 'The heavens over yo.U will be brass and the earth under ,yo.Uiron, You will be cursed with a drought, Rain will be .like powder (I guess that is a dust storm). Your children :" ill be killed in the war. Yo.U will have the itch, boils, w "cancer, insanity, blindness, heart attack; o.ppressio.n, cro.p failure and divo.rce. The Bible says ano.ther man will take yo.ur wife fro.m yo.u. Yo.ur property will be repossessed. Yo.ur ho.me will be taken o.ut from under you. Yo.u will lose your livestock. Yo.Uwill have high taxes, tribulatio.ns, hunger, thirst, nakedness, lo.ng drawn-out sickness and plagues. Your life will hang in the balance fo.r weeks. Yo.u will be


dissatisfied. AU the disease that is written in the book, and all the diseases that are not written in the book will come u~~n you. Some people say, "Why do.~s this drought come? Wliy does disease come?" God tells us exactly why they come. Because people think they can take their Iife in their own hand, take their steering wheel and run it anYway they want to. God says that you have to. run under the curse or the blessing. God has put them out there and you can't blame God if you go under the curse. Yo.Ucan't say that God did , it; you can't necessarily say the devil did it. You are the one ~ho does it. You have hold of the steering wheel. God woke me and 1 felt the power of God all around me. He said "You have your future in your hands." , Talking about the blessings, the little woman with the issue of blood, had her future in her hands. She didn't have to press through and touch the hem of Jesus' garment. Some people say, "What is to be will be if it never is, and you can't do anything about it." God says, "Prayer changes things." She had to. knock all the Pharisees, Sadducees, those that couldn't see and didn't want to. see, out of the way. She had to get ahead of the docto.rs, lawyers, all the doubters and pouters, and get up where the shouters were. She did this because she had her life in her hands. She could have died. She could have gone ahead and let that cancer kill her. , Sister Kelly could have gone ahead and not been prayed for. She could be in the grave today. But she had her future in her hands. Everyone has their future in their hand. The Bible says you can lengthen your life or shorten yo.ur life according to the way you live. He says, "Children obey your parents that your days may be long UPOJl the earth." Every child has his future in his hands. God sayn some people do.n't live out half their days. Bloody and deceitful men will not live out half their days. He said, if you live a certain way, "With long life will I satisfy you and give you my sa.lvation. 1 will be with you in trouble, I will delive~ you and honor 3


you. That woman pressed on through and touched the hem of Jesus' garment. She didn't have to do it, but she did. I didn't have to pray, seek God, fast, and keep on holding on to God, when I had osteomylitis, My friends died with it. They lost their legs. They had their bones taken out, and their bones scraped. They are all in their grave now, except one, and he has one leg cut off. He is about to have the other one cut off. Do you know what I did? I didn't have to do it, but I had my future in my hands. I took hold of the horns of the altar. I took hold of the promises of God. You say, "Suppose it is not the will of God for me to be healed? Suppose it is not the will of God for me to get the Baptism of the Holy Ghost? Friends, I hold the will of God here in my hand ... the Bible.

said, "This city will be destroyed in forty days." He didn't say maybe; he didn't say it might be destroyed. God said it. Jonah said it. Those people got down, fasted and prayed. They held their future in their hands. They didn't have to get down and pray. They didn't have to seek God, but they walked out under the blessing instead of walking under the curse. They walked out from under the curse, they walked under the blessing. Every man, every woman, every boy and girl holds their future in their hands. God has put it in your hands and you can do what you want with it. After people . get old they look back and say, "If only I had listened, and done it this way." It is too late then. They might get saved on their deathbed, but they played the fool. We went to pray for a man seventy-four years old that had cancer and was dying. He got saved. His life was given to the devil and his soul was given to Jesus. He took his own future in his hands and did what he wanted to do with it. Everybody will do what they want to with their future. Do you believe that Hezekiah would have died if he had . not prayed? The man of God went over there. He did not say maybe so; he didn't say he might do it. The man of God, went with a message from God and he said, "This is what the Lord told me to tell you: Set your house in order because you have to die and you cannot live." Do you know what Hezekiah did? He set his house in order, but that was not all. If people would get their house in order, they would change their future, A lot of people need to have their house set in order. Hezekiah didn't have to turn his face to the wall and cry. Hezekiah didn't have to pray and promise God that He could have all of his life. But he did. He changed the curse into a blessing. He had been disobeying God. He had done some things he should not have done. He let the enemy come in and take all the gold off the door knobs and get all the gold out of the temple. He tried to appease the enemy. You can't appease the enemy. You give


One time God laid himself in Moses' hands, God said, Moses leave me alone, let me destroy the children of Israel. And Moses said, "God, I'm not going to leave you alone. You promised to do this thing. Even if they did disobey you, I am going to pray and you are going to spare their lives." He prayed and God spared their. lives. I have seen my father lie down and let me bind him any way I wanted to. He just lay their and said, "Now, you tie my hands, tie my feet." He was strong and husky, but he let me tie him. God put Himself in Moses' hands one time. God said, "Leave me alone and let me do this." Moses said, "No sir, I have you in my hands, I have hold of the horns of the altar. I am going to hold you to your word." God spared all the children of Israel after He declared they would die. die. Jonah jumped out of the whales' stomach and ran through the city as hard as he could run-a three-day's journey. He 4

him an inch, and he will take a mile. The devil says, "Give me this, and 1will leave-you alone." You give him that and he won't leave you alone. That is what he told Hezekiah. Nebuchadnezzar came over and said, "Give me the gold off of the door knobs and I will leave you alone." In a few months he came back with his armies and said, "Give me the gold out of the temple and I will leave you alone. Give me the golden cups; give me the silver cups and I will leave you alone. Pretty soon he had robbed him. That is exactly what the devil is telling you. He will say, "If you win do this, I will leave you alone." But he will not leave you alone. You cannot afford to compromise with the devil. There are people right now who will get up and stomp the face of Jesus. In America in a dark room they will draw a picture and spit on Jesus' face. They curse Him and stomp Him. If you ask them why they are doing that they will say, "Well, Jesus is - merciful _and the devil is mean and trying to kill me. I am doing this so the devil won't kill me. I know Jesus will forgive me." You say, "I wouldn't do that at all." I have seen people who were too chicken-hearted to testify to divine healing, afraid they would have a trial the next day, afraid someone will persecute them. You cannot compromise with the devil. Hezekiah didn't have to do that. He could have compromised some more. But he stood up, looked the Lord right in the face and said, "Lord, I will live for you." He began to cry, pray and touched the heart of God. God spoke to this man of God, Isaiah, and said, "Go back and tell that king, I have heard his prayer and I have seen his tears; behold I will heal him and add fifteen years to his life," Hezekiah had his futuro in his hands. He didn't have to do that. God puts your future in your hand. They tried to g-et blind Bartimaeus to be quiet, All the religious people, eVL'l1 Jesus' own disciples said. "You arc making too much noise. Don't get so f:uw.ticul. Be quiet,

hold back. But he wouldn't be held back. He didn't have to press on past the props. He didn't have to press past the Pharisees and the Sadducees. He could have stayed back with the crowd, if he had wanted to. But he got ahead of the crowd. He got ahead of the critics, the doctors, the lawyers and all the people who didn't want him to serve God. He got ahead of those people who didn't want to get out and serve God. He got ahead of those nervous people who said, "You are making too much noise." And he cried that much louder and said, "Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy upon me." -After awhile, Jesus stopped and said, "What do you want me to do to you 7" Lots of people pray around the world three or four times and don't know for what they are praying. They never ask God for a thing, they pray six hours at a time and never ask God to do anything definite. You know, blind Bvrtimaeus didn't get a thing until he got specific about the thing. Jesus stopped. He had Jesus' attention, Jesus said, "What do you want me to do for you 7" He said, "That I might receive my sight." He hit the nail right on the head. If you will get down to something specific, and say, "I will not leave until I get the Holy Ghost:' you will get it! If you pray, "Lord, I would love to have the Holy Ghost, if it is your will," you are making God a liar. Here is the will of God-the Bible. It is the will of God to keep His word. Get specific about the things. Blind Bartimaeus didn't say, "I would like to be healed if _ it happens to be your will." That is the same thing as saying, "If you happen not to be lying about it, you can give it to me." God's will is this: "He forgiveth all thy iniquities and healeth all thy diseases." Do you remember- King David 7 He took his future in his own hands and went out and did something that he should not have done, followed the lust of the flesh, stole a man's 7

wife and had the man killed. He knew he would reap what he sowed. God sent a message to him and said the sword would never depart from his house as long as he lived. And as long as David lived, the sword never departed from his house. His own son, Absolom, took the throne away from him and drove him out in the wilderness. Another one of his sons raped his own daughter. You can go on and see what followed David the rest of his life. He was in war frqm then on. The Bible say these curses will come upon you. You will have children born cursed. The disease will visit them to the fourth and fifth generation. God didn't do it. You can't blame the devil with it. You took your future in your own hands. .Today there is set before you a blessing. There is set be- .. f~re .. ou-a curse. You can choose the one you want. You y can out under a blessing, or you can walk out under a curse. There is a' .bless~ngif you obey and curse if you do. not: Let's do' our best -each day to walk in obedience. Then a blessing follow us everywhere we go. All these blessings will overtake you and come upon you. I won't take time -to. number them all, but you can read the list for yourself in the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy.

unusual. When the devil gets smart, God gets smarter. When he thinks he has a blind man, Jesuacomes along and spits in the mud, mixes it, puts it on his eyes and tells him to go wash. That is not a very right-handed way to do it, it is? That sounds left-handed; spit, make mud, put it on a, blind man's eyes. Why, the religious people of His day said, "Lord, that isn't very hygienic. That is not too clean to do it like that." But Jesus knew what He was doing: He was getting them out of the rut of orthodoxy and out of the conventional paths of man-made opinions. And He was teaching them that God's ways are higher than our ways, and God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. When the devil thinks he has a deaf and dumb man bound forever in his clutches, Jesus comes along and spits on his tongue. Somebody, said, "But Jesus, Lamb of God, that doesn't look too clean." Why, the health department will get after you for taking such measures." It sounded left-handed. It was quite unorthodox. It wasn't too conventional. But that is the way my Saviour moved. We get too stereotyped. God is not bound by my ideas of religion. Religion gets in a rut easily, until we get so afraid of sensation that we go into stagnation, Either tho Pente'costal power is obsolete or it is absolute. Either is everything or it is nothing. Either it is something that goes beyond the boundaries of natural thinking, or it isn't any good. We have tried every natural thing in the world, but there comes a time when we have to get into the Spirit. When we get in there, sometimes God's ways, God's methods, God's plans, and the way God dispenses Himself to human beings, are just a bit unorthodox. As far as our thinking is concerned it is unusual. It is out of the beaten path of man-made religion. But God knows what He is doing. When He takes a little shepherd boy from the field, puts



_Just now ask the Lord to forgive you for all your disobedi;nce. Tell Him, -by His help you will follow where He leads you the rest of your -life.Then you can claim this promise: "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, anq it shall be done unto you". There is a lot of difference in standing at the fire and being filled with the fire. We think of the fire that fell on the. Day Pentecost in Acts 2, when cloven tongues like as of fire sat upon each of them. It was God moving in a lefthanded way. When evil gets entrenched, when wickedness '~oPles too big and gets out of hand, then God does the .-


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a slingshot into his hand, and tells him to stop along the babbling brook, pick up some stones and walk out to meet the giant face to face, it looks left-handed. It sounds out of the ordinary. But that is the way God moves. Some modernist, not long ago, said Goliath was just nearsighted. He forgot to bring his glasses along and didn't 'see the stone coming in time. I believe God directed David's hand. When God wants to make an ax head made of iron, to swim, He doesn't send a bunch ofdivers to the bottom of the lake to get it, but He sends a prophet with faith in his heart and a stick in his hands. He tells him, "Throw the stick upon the water and the iron ax head will float." It wasn't the stick, but it was, faith that God had spoken. It was just like a-little child's faith. Somebody said, "Look at that little sling-shot. Look at that small stone. -Look at that old stick in the prophet's hand." But somehow God belittles the great big modern methods of man. He, chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and to bring to naught the things which are. There was Jonah, who thought he was running from God. But God was on his trail all the way. They threw him overboard, the whale swallowed' him. One preacher said, "If the Bible said Jonah swallowed a whale, I would have believed it. I believe the Bible that much!" Someone said, "There is not a big enough fish to swallow Jonah." WeB, it was a whale of fish! It came along just at the right time. That prophet was down there full of seaweeds and whale saliva. He couldn't get any ventilation and he felt like he was in hell. Salt water was coming down there, no doubt, and all of that food was being digested. He said; "This isn't any place for me! Oh, out of the belly of hell 'cried I." It sounds left-handed, but it happened. He came out on dry ground. Three Hebrews were in the fiery furnace. Who is the fourth man walking in there? He is one like unto the Son of

Man. The king looked in and got his whiskers singed with fire, it was so hot. But not a smell of fire was on them while they were walking with Jesus in the midst of the fire. It sounds left-handed. Daniel said, "I refuse to bear the decree of the king. I refuse to compromise and eat the meat of the king. I refuse to let down my standards. I am going to hold out to the end. 1 will not be denied. The king said, "If you pray to that God, you are going into the lion's den." He prayed and they put him in. The king's conscience bothered him. He couldn't sleep; he tossed, got up early in the morning and came running to the lion's den. There was Daniel, fanning his face with the lion's tail. Oh king, live forever! When he moved in, old Leo took a seat in the corner and' said, "Daniel, the whole cage is yours." It sounds left-handed, but that is the way God moved. One time a whole crowd of people were hungry. Jesus said to a little boy down in front, "How many loaves and fishes have you?" "Not very many," "Come on and bring them." Somebody said, "That mean cruel Christ, taking the last lunch from that little boy's lunch pail. What kind of a Messiah is He?" But it was 'left-handed. It was unorthodox. It wasn't the way the Rabbi did it. It was out of the beaten paths of man-made religion. It was not conforming to their platitudes or creeds. It was God moving in the earth. Gideon thought he heard a voice. "Gideon, thou son of man." And he turned around and said, "No, that is not I. Nobody cares about a farmer. All 1 know how to do is to thresh wheat and to take care of the field and so forth!' God said, "Gideon," He turned around again and said, "No that can't be I. Surely 1 am hearing voices and it is all in my mind." But God said, "Gideon, thou son of man, I am going to me." He said, "I will. 1 will answer your fleece. 1 will con11


to raise you up. You are going to lay aside threshing instruments. I am going to put something else into your hands." Gideon said, "Lord, I am a farmer. You have to prove it to me." He said, "I will. I will answer your fleese. I will confirm it with signs and wonders following. I will prove to you in undeniable proof that I the Lord thy God am' speaking unto thee. I am going to raise you up, son of man, an unknown farmer that has no skill in the art of war. But I am going to teach you how to fight. I am going to be with you." It doesn't sound very right-handed, does it? It doesn't sound very conventional. It doesn't sound the way men would do it. But God said, "You are the one, not a big army captain, not someone that knew every tactic and strategy of war, but someone that was totally unlearned in the art of warfare. You are the one! If God be for you, who can be against you? I will raise you up, son of man. And I will give you a pitcher, a trumpet and a light, When you ery 'The sword of the. Lord and Gideon', you break your pitcher, shine your light, blow your trumpet, and tell the people to . do it too." Gideon said, "Oh Lord, there are just 32,000."God said, "That is too many." He came On down to ten thousand and God said that was too many. He came on .down to three hundred, and God said, "That is right. Go on out and prove that you will-be humble and lick up water like a dog," They went out. When a dog licks up water, he is always watching with one eye. He is looking to see if anyone is roming around. And God wanted those people to be watching all the time. That sounds left-handed. It doesn't sound like the right way to do it. But they obeyed God. Oh, the wisdom of God, how it passes our understanding! His judgments and His ways are past finding out. Naaman you say you want to be healed from leprosy? Your skin wants to be like that of a child again with that 12

.subtle softness of a baby? You can, if you will go down and dip in the muddy water. "Are not there many better. rivers? Are not there many finer streams. Isn't there a better way to do it? Would to God that the prophet would have come out and struck his hand over the leprosy and said, "Be healed." Instead, he tells me to go dip in that muddy water! It doesn't sound like the way the physicians of this day would do it. It sounds a little left-handed." But it was God's way and God demanded obedience, He said, "Go and do according to the Word of the Lord." He did, and he got healed.
When God asks you and me to do something that does not look the conventional way, the usual rut, it looks a little different; pick up that stick, pick up that slingshot, take that ball of mud and spit, go down to Jordan and dip in the old muddy water I Do what God said, regardless. You can't please everybody, anyway.

One time there W8:8 a man and he had a little boy.They had a mule. They were walking down the street and a man came along and said, "Look at that mule, he .couier carry you both." So the man and the little boy got en: the. mule. .Then another man came along and said, "That po(jr mule, look how "heavy a load he is carrying." Sothe man got o.ff and let the little boy ride. They went a little fart~r and passed another man who said, "Look at the little bOy up there. He ought to honor his elders, give that seat.to the . old man and let him sit on the mule." So the little boy said all right and got down and let the man ride .. When they . went a little farther, someone else came along and said, . . "Look at that great, big, husky, grown man making that little tiny, poor boy walk!" They .never could please everybody. Isn't that the truth? Somebody opened up a fish market and put up a sign that said, "Fresh Fish For Sale Today".. Someoue came along and said, "Well, you know it's not tomorrow.rtt's to13

day." So he took that part down and it read, "Fresh Fish For Sale". Someone else came along and said, "You know they are not stale, they are surely fresh." So he took that down and all he had left was, "Fish For Sale". Someone else came and said, "For Sale, why you know they are not giving them away." So he took that off. Someone else came along and all that was left was "Fish." They said, "My goodness. man, you can smell this place two blocks away, they know you are selling fish in here!' So he took the word. "Fish", down. The poor fool went out of business, trying to please his friends. He kept on taking every word down from the sign and lost his business, trying to make everybody happy. You can compromise with friends and make people think you are so-so, but say, just give up to God. If He wants to speak through you in tongues. let Him do it. "Oh, it sounds foolish that your tongue should speak out in another . language. it is only gibberish." Mary the mother of Jesus did, why don't you do it? What if God would raise up people that did what they used to do in all of these ways? God's ways are higher than ours. Where are the daring deeds of our fathers? Where is the experimental faith of the New Testament? We need more of Peter's shadows and Paul's handkerchiefs and Upper Room outpourings with speaking in other tongues! God is big enough to push back the Jordan, stand up the Red Sea, sober a drunken brawl, welcome a prodigal son back home and make the moon stand still in the valley of Ajalon and make the sun stand still. God is able to pack in to a tiny seed all the smell and color of a rose. God is able to take uncultivated soil; you look a few months later and smell the blossoms of the lily; God is able to wind up sixty-four miles of tubing and call it your kidneys; think of it, you have more tubing in your body called kidneys than the distance between Fort Worth and Dallas. If you took all the pipes

out of your stomach and stretched them straight across, you could walk from Dallas to Fort Worth, and beyond on them. ' God is able to put three hundred and thirty-eight thousand little optic nerves in your eyes, connect it to the sight center, and cause you to have sight and distinguish color in an instant. God is able to make a perfect piano in these ears, a perfect camera out of these eyes, and build the nose with all of those thousands of little hairy projectiles waving thousands of miles an hour. Why, if you didn't have those things in there you would sneeze every minute and sneeze yourself to death. God is able to make a thumb. That is a miracle! Look at your thumb. It is the master gadget of, creation. It is the wonder tool of the universe. How in the 'world could I play the guitar or hitchhike if I didn't have this thumb? It is right on the right place. Look at those fingernails . God knew where -to put them. If men had made the body, . they might have put the fingernails on the shoulder. How could you have scratched yourself if they were way up there. Sure. God put those fingernails in the right place. The Bible says we are wonderfully made. All you have to do is study the anatomy of the human body and you will stand back and say, "God. you are a God of miracles. No one has found out what sets the brain in order and makes it tick. If you find out, be sure to tell the brain surgeons, they want to know, too. If you find out how your throat swallows. how your stomach digests' the food, sends off the waste, collects the vitamins and nutrients, and puts it into the cells; how you get stronger as your cells multiply, then tell us. If you wait to eat until you find out, you will starve. Don't wait! Just go ahead and eat! You don't have to understand it. It is a miracle. God made it.



Do you ladies realize that when you go to the dime store and pick up a package of ten-cent seed, that you are holding a package of miracles in your hand? You go out and put them into the ground and watch them grow. Not a man in the world can do that. There isn't a scientific laboratory in the world that can mix the right ingredients together and grow a single blade of grass! Yet, people doubt God. People are praising science, but science can't grow a blade of grass, manufacture human life, or put a soul together. There is something beyond science; they can go only so far. That little heart beats three billion times in seventy years. It exerts that much energy in seventy years to lift twelve battleships twenty five feet off the ocean top. Look at those taste buds on the tip of your tongue. There are two hundred and forty of them. Why if you didn't have those things working right you couldn't tell the difference between pickles, strawberries, ice cream or pie. Your taster would get all mixed up; you would say, "What did I just eat 7" You wouldn't know what you ate. But God put those ~te buds there. We are wondrously made. Then, look at the salmon. That salmon is bred .and spawned in a little tributary and then it swims out to the .ocean and stays for five years. It comes back to the. spawning ground where it was first spawned. There 8ft . no signs along the way. There are no posts that say, "This way, Salmon, this is where you were spawned in that .stream." But that little salmon swims for five years out in the great ocean and comes back to the very stream where he was spawned five years before. God puts some- . thing inside him. Look at the homing pigeon. They have taken homing pigeons, put them. inside of a dark trunk, gone over a 16

hundred miles around and around in a circuitous route, turned loose the pigeon, and that pigeon made a bee-line right back where it started. God put some radar system in there. God put something in that salmon. We could study the fish, birds, plant life and all the stars. Look at the great Milky Way. It is filled with a hundred and fifty billion suns like ours with all the planetary systems revolving around it. There are millions of such galaxies of suns with their individual planetary systems, floating through space, exploding at thousands of miles an hour. Here is this world going around eleven hundred feet a second, twenty-two thousand . miles an hour, shooting through space. Then, little man looks up and shakes his fists at God and refuses to believe that He is still on His throne. He is still the God of miracles. There is nothing impossible with Him. Who but God could build an invisible wall around the sea to keep the ocean tides from engulfing mankind 7 Who but God could take a lustful, fiendish, cannibal, head-hunter . who decorates the walls of his hut with the fallen heads of his victims and convert him? A missionary goes and preaches the gospel of the cross; he gets saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. He takes down those heads, and starts to Jesus. It is happening all the time. Explain it to me! I remember when my Mom was healed of consumption. No one explained that, but she was. She is well today. There are a lot of things we don't understand. Explain electricity. Don't use your light bulb until you explain it. Walk in darkness in your house until you explain electricity, and then you can turn it on. Isn't that the way people are with God? They say, "Explain it, Lord, and then I will believe it." They go home and turn electricity on and don't understand it. Explain to me how food is converted into energy in your body. Explain the details of it. Break it down into its component parts. I know we know how, but who made itt

But you are not going to wait to eat until you understand it. You are going ahead and eating and it is going to make energy all the while. Brown seeds are planted in black dirt; they grow into a green shoot; there is a red root; it is white inside: you don't understand how it happens, but you eat radishes anyway! A brown cow eats green . grass and gives white milk; you make yellow butter out of it. You don't wait till you understand the process to eat it. Cows eat grass and grow hair; sheep eat grass. and grow wool; geese eat grass and grow feathers. Nicodemus said. "Lord, how does the new birth work?
If you can explain the new birth, I will be born again,"

Jesus said, "As the wind bloweth where it listeth and thou heareth the sound thereof and do not know where it comes from or goes, so is everyone that is born of the spirit." He got more mixed up! We will never understand the new birth or the power of the Holy Ghost. The invisible power produces visible results. Cancers, tumors and goiters melt by the touch of the Master's hand. Souls are saved from sin, transformed by the power of the gospel,' re- . deemed from: hell. I know the Holy Spirit is real. Put your finger in a live socket and you will feel electricity. Put your hand in the hand of Jesus and you will feel heaven's power. Yes you will? It is just as real and as powerful! When the power of God touches people, when they feel it, and shake under the power of God, right away people say it is fanaticism. Go touch the natural force of electricity, and see how you shake. Isn't it something how the devilish, rotten, carnal mind of humans can try to reduce the living power of God below the power of electricity and say you can't feel the vibrations of the Holy Ghost when He comes upon you and touches you? Do you want to know what is in hell that the devil does not want you to have, but God wants you to have? 18

A weeping spirit is one thing. The Bible said there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. If we will weep now, we won't weep then. If we fall upon the Rock now, we won't have the Rock fall upon us then. The second thing is a vision. The Bible says the rich man looked afar off and he saw Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham. God wants you to have a vision and be able to look afar off. The reason why people backslide today is because they look at the immediate temporary joys and pleasures of this life. They don't look beyond the suffering of the cross and see the joy that is set before them. God wants us to have a long-range vision now, and see heaven as our goal. We should not wait until we are in hell to get a long-range vision. The third thing in hell God wants you to have that the devil doesn't is a burden for lost loved ones. Remember the rich man said, "Please send Lazarus to tell my five brothers not to come into this place of torment." You will have a burden for lost loved ones there. There will be a consciousness to warn the world not to come where there is no water, and nothing to quench the thirst. Why don't we get this burden now? We need wisdom when we go out to win souls for Christ. I have known people who . walked up to some sinner and said, "Are you saved 1" A lot of times you have to win the person to you before you can win\ them to Christ. Don't put all the blame on the Lord. You have more to do with your future than you think you do. Don't think it is foolish to obey the leading of the Spirit. A natural man cannot receive the things of God. Get out of self and get into the Spirit. We can lengthen or shorten our life according to the way we live and obey the Lord. Renew your vow and follow the Spirit, regardless of whether you understand everything with your natural mind or not Dccide that you will be the man or woman thAt tiod wants you to be. 19

Nelson Douglas Do you know how people get things from God? They ask and He grants it. "Of whom the whole family of heaven and earth is named, that he would grant yOIi,according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened -with might by his spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with. all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and lleight; and to know the love of Christ which passethknowledge, that ye might be filled with all th~ fulness of GQd. Now unto him 'that is able to do exceeding abulldantly 'above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us," (Eph.3:15-20). That included you. He will do exceeding, abundantly above that which we ask or think. All that you have to do is just start thinking about it strongly. and it will come to pass. People will get down and pray for an hour and a half, and they migh~ as well have not prayed. When they get through, " they still don't believe it. They don't accomplish a thing in in the world. A believer is -a possessor. It we believe it, we po88e88 it. If we don't possess it, then we don't believe it. Yoli say, "I am -trying to believe it." That is the "trouble. Instead of believing we just try to believe it. If we will start believing thus sayeth the Word of God, we will have exceeding above that which we even ask or think. You can try to go to"town, but unless you ,get up and go to town, you will never getto town. You have to put it into -action. You have to put the Word into action and act upon it. Sometimes people pray all day long. When they get '"\,. ..~lllth they say, "Lord, if it be your will." You uiay as well not }luI'. You have already killed an entire day of pra,ying right thelo. It is God's will that people prosper,

and be in health even as their soul prospers. We don't have to live in poverty all of our lives. We don't have to be down in the valley. People carry burdens all the time. In the hills of Tennessee people would say, "Are you carrying the burden 7" Every time I turned around someone would come and say, "Have you got a burden 1" I would say, "No, I don't. What are you talking about 7" They said, "Well, we help carry one another's burden around here." I said, "You don't even have enough to carry a burden. You ought to learn the Word of God." We don't have to carry these burdens all time. People are living in the valley. If you think you have to live there, then you will live there. But if yoU:believe that you can live on a mountain top, you can live there. If you believe that you are a weakling, you are a weakling. You are just exactly what you believe you are. To be a Christian, you have to believe that -you are a Christian. -Sometimes people say,' "Someone told .me that I got it." When you get it, you will know that you got it. You will never have it until you believe it. One woman got -in_: the Holy Ghost line two different times. Baehtfme she pitt. "I want the Holy Ghost." We pJ:"ayed and she :beg~n 'too: speak in a heavenly language. The next time we had a line, she got in it again. I said, "Sister, what are you doing ill' . the iine?" She said, "I'm here to ,get the Baptis~ of the. Holy Ghost." I said, "Weren't you in the tine the other night?" She said, "Yes." I said. "Didn't youspeak in. tongues 1" She said, "I dont know. Something was happening to me." I said, "Well take it from me, you were speaking in a heavenly language." She Mid, "Well, I don't know whether I was or not." I said, "Get back in the -line!" Sbe needed to get back in the line. Why 1 Because she didn't: even believe her own experience. The devil will keep you living in constant doubt. He will make you doubt your fellow man. He will make you doubt the pastor, the song 21


leader and everybody in the church. Until you stop letting him make you doubt, you are going to live a defeated life. But a believer is a possessor. These signs shall follow them that believe. Some people try to cast out devils when they have devils. Some people try to pray the prayer of faith when they are sick and weak all the time. How can they pray the prayer of faith? If you are in a mudhole, you can't get someone else out. You have to be a believer in the Word. People say if Brother Grant would touch me, I believe I would be healed. If Brother Roberts touched me, I believe I would be healed. You don't believe any such thing! All you have to do is be a believer. You don't have to have a: hand laid on you every time. Just believe by His stripes you are healed, and you are healed the moment you believe it. If you did not believe that you were a born-again child of God, you would not be saved. The same believing that it took to get saved, is all the believing that you need to have to get healed and delivered. We make this thing so hard for people. I have heard them say, "Now, strain with everything in you." You don't have to strain, just say, "Lord. I believe you." People say, if they could just understand the Word of God. There is no place in the Bible where He said you could understand all of it but He said believe it. We have to learn how to believe God. When we learn how to believe God, we are a possessor of the thing which we believe Him for. Jesus said, "If thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth," (Mark 9:23). You have to be a believer before God can move in your behalf. "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son," (John 14 :13). He did not say He would think about doing it, or do it by and by, He said He would do it. Jesus is the Son of the Living God. His Name is the key that unlocks heaven.

His Name is the thing the devil flees from. His Name is the thing which it takes to get through to God Almighty. He is the Mediator, He was the Tester. He was the New Testament. Learn how to believe upon "Thus saith the Lord ... He said "Whatsoever," anything that you ask in His name, He will do it that the Father may be glorified in the Son. The anointing and the Name of Jesus can run every devil of hell out of existence. One can' put a thousand to flight. We can take that name of Jesus and start commanding devils to come out. People are afraid to use the name of Jesus, but the seventy said, "Master, the devil is subject to us through thy name." We use the name of Jesus and it brings deliverance. When we pray for the sick, we use the name of Jesus. When we go to the Father, we use the name of Jesus. Jesus said, "No man cometh unto the Father, except he comes by me." He has to go through Jesus to get to the Father. He said, "What-_ soever ye shall ask in my name, that will, I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." The Bible says it is the Father's good pleasure to give good gifts unto His children. If your earthly father and mother know how to give good things-unto you, then how much more does our heavenly Father in heaven know how to give good things unto us? When we get the anointing of God and take, the name of Jesus we can whip every devil in hell. We can take the name of' Jesus and slap him right in the face with it.

People say, "Lord, I wish you would please make t~e devil let me alone." Don't pray a prayer like that. That IS a prayer that God does not want to hear. Go~ wants to hear a prayer like this: "Lord, I surely made It rough on the devil today." One time is a crusade with Brother C. We were having the battle of our lives. We intended to have the victory. Brother C and I slipped off and started to pray. Suddenly the power of God fell, Brother C' jumped up and started 23


dancnig. I said. "Where is the devil?" He said. "Thats all right!' God gives us power and dominion over all the power of the enemy! All we need is the anointing of God and the name of Jesus. And whatsoever we shall ask Him in his name will He do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You have read of Estes Kefauver. the senator from Tennessee. One time I was near their home in a revival and they called me to pray for a lady. It was Senator Kefauver's mother. One of the preachers took me to her home. It was an old plantation home; an old fashioned home. It reminded me of days gone by. They led me into a huge room with a high ceiling and lying on. a big bed. with big headboards and high footboards, was a little, frail woman, grey headed. Her son was a senator for the United States from Tennessee, but that didn't matter with God. He could have been the President, and it still would not have helped. I walked over to the bed and asked her how she was. She was barely whispering. She could hardly talk. She told me how long she had been in that condition. I felt the anointing of God come upon me. I laid my hand over on her little brow and began to rebuke every sickness, disease, and devil of h~l1. I cursed him in the name of the Lord and commanded him to even get out of that house. I said, "I'm not going to let you stay in this house while I am here!' I believe t~t I ~ walk in a home and tell the devil to get out of It until I get ready to leave. Then, after I leave, it is up ~ t~e ot_her person. We can run out every devil of hell. It IS ~gh time that we get the anointing of God and really make It rough on him. That little, frail lady began to lift up her hands and praise the name of the Lord. Tears began to stream down her face. Suddenly she began to shout out. She was barely whispering when I went in. She said "Would you pray for my daughter?"' That was Senator Kefauver'S sister and she

was a sinner. I said: "Lady, lift your hands. Repeat this prayer after me." She repeated the prayer and when I laid my hands on her, big tears streamed down her face. She was praising the name of the Lord. I left that home with a skip and a dance, praising the name of the Lord. I told that devil he was defeated in Jesus' name. Just go ahead and ask the Lord. I dare you to ask Him. You can't do it: He will do it. Whatsoever you will ask! Ask Him, believe it, and it is yours! A little boy in Georgia said, "I wish I had a watermelon." A fellow said to him, "While you are wishing, why don't you wish for something big?" The little boy said, "All right. I wish I had a big, ole watermelon !" He wanted watermelon! Ask God for something. Believe Him for it, and thank Him for it. it is already yours by faith. Now faith is the - evidence of things that are not seen. Evidence says you have it. By faith this world was spoken into existence. By faith Abraham obtained a son. A believer is a possessor. When God told Abraham He was going to give him a boy, he believed Him. He told his wife, "You are going to have a Son." She believed Him. Abraham had a son by a bond woman, but God gave him a son by a free woman. to have a son." She believed him. Abraham bad a son by a bond woman, but God gave him a son by a free doman. She believed him. The Bible says in Romans 4, that Abraham staggered not at the promises of God through unbelief but he was strong in faith, giving praises. He said, , . -. " "My wife is ninety, and she IS gomg to have a son. If some woman announced that God had told her that she would have a child, you would say she was ready for the nut-house. You would not believe it. The Bible says "I will do a new work in the last days, that even though it be declared unto you, you will not believe it." If some woman 85 years old announced that she and her 95 year-old hus25

band were going to have a child, you would say, "I don't believe that. He is too old."
Do you know the reason the Lord wouldn't send Lazarus back from the dead when the rich man said, "I've got five brothers over there and 1 wart to warn them"? He said they had Moses and the prophets; if they didn't believe them, even if He sent one back from the dead, you still would not believe him. They would not believe it.

an~hing! When you get down to pray, have a definite obJ.ect.. If you can't remember, get a pencil and paper and write It down. You don't have to pray on your knees pray sitting if you want to. ' People pray like this: "Now, dear Lord, up in heaven, come down and bless me." Why, He is everywhere! You are at the feet of Jesus all the time. He lives on the inside. He has a kingdom, spiritual kingdom, set up in everyone of us that has the Holy Ghost Baptism. The Bible says to watch and pray. We have too many blind, ignorant people trying to shut their eyes and pray. They are just stumbling all over sin. That is the reason they are in sin, they are not watching where they are going and what they are doing. You can just start talking to God like you were talking to somebody else. You can say, "Lord, there are a few things I want to tell you today. I want to tell you some of my needs." You don't have to talk to Him like He was a good way off somewhere on the milky way, or maybe is busy with someone else. He is right there. Just talk to Him. Paul said He is an ever present help. People say, "I have been trying to find the Lord all day long." I don't have to try to find him. I have Him. He is an ever present help in the time of need.
A man asked me one day, "Do you know the devil has a number?" I said, "Sure, the devil has a number, do you know it?" He said, "Yes, 666." I said, "Did you know the Lord has a number T" He said, "He has?" I said, "Yes sir, every morning I get up and dial His Humber, 777. I say, "Lord, this is what I need today. I am turning in my order real early so I can gpt a delivery very soon." When you get through turning that order ill, the Lon! w il! whisper an-i say, "That's ail right. 1 have :\11 angel that is going to mak; a delivery .'OUt' W:lY. Expect. him. He is almost there now."

"And whatsoever you will ask in my name, I will do it." It pleased the Father to prove Jesus. Why? Because it was restoring God's family through the second Adam. It pleased the Father to bruise Him. Because through Jesus the vie-. tory was there. Through Jesus we obtained the blessings , of God, we obtained the inheritance that God has prepared for us. Some people say the Lord will supply your needs, but He won't supply your wants. The Psalmist David said, . "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." You say, "Well, if we receive these things, we win be : proud and lose out with God." God's people won't. God knows just exactly with how much He can trust you. God knows with what kind of ministry He can trust you. Some, times when people have a good ministry, it goes to their head and it isn't long until they are down in the rut. Why? . Because they have travelled too fast. God wants to take people and let them prove that they are capable of handling something for God. God will take us and use us for His glory and honor, but when we start to get selfish and want these things for ourself, then God is not pleased.

"If ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it." Some, when this sinks into their hearts, will say "For what should I ask Him?" They will get down on their knees and start praying: '''Lord, I have so many things I don't know what to begin to ask for. Lord, you know all my needs. Give me what you think I ought to have." Maybe you are not worth


When you get down to pray a prayer, believe that prayer. Don't let anything shake you or change your mind. Stand on it if all the devils in hell come against you. Believe what you pray, and you will have just exactly what you have asked Him for. A man came to a pastor of a church one day and said, "Pastor, 1 live just as good a life as you do. 1 pray just as much as you pray. 1 do everything for God that 1 can do." The pastor said, "I believe that." He said, "But Pastor, there is one thing 1 don't understand. You drive a Cadillac ' and 1 am --:d~ivinga Chevrolet!" The pastor stood there a minute and t\len said, "Did you pray about your car when you got it?" He said, "I most certainly did." The pastor said, "What did you ask the Lord for?" He said, "I asked Him for a Chevrolet." The pastor said, "Well, I asked Him for a Cadillac!" You only get from God what you ask. I' believe that you can claim something for God and stand on it and not be moveable about it, but stand firm, believe it, and God will grant the very desire of your heart. The Bible says let a man ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavereth is like a wave on the sea, tossed to and fro by every wind and doctrine. When you start believing in God all the devils in hell will come against you. You may say, I prayed about that and 1 never did get an answer. I don't believe you will either." I pray just as hardy as anybody else. 1 had hands laid on me. They told me that God would answer. 1 tried and there is no use in the world to try." That is an old doubter. That kind don't believe anything. They take all of their faith and wear themselves out trying not to believe. They are trying to find the impossible instead of trying to find the possible. They are trying to find the negative instead of the positive. If we will find the positive way, we can receive the very desires of our heart. He said, "If ye shall ask anything." He is talking to you. He is not talking to that group back nine hundred thousand years ago, but He is talking to everyone of us. Some say, 28

"Well, that is not for us." If that is not for you, salvation is not for you. You have to learn how to believe. I have gone to the hospitals and prayed for people. I would read the Bible to them. 1 said, "Himself took our infirmities and bare all of our sickness. By His stripes we are healed." They would say, "Oh, 1 believe that." I said, "You believe that?" "Yes, I believe it." Then 1 say, "Lady, Peter said by His stripes ye were healed." 1 told one lady, "You don't believe what the Bible says. She said, "Yes I do!" I said, "You don't do it! You don't believe it and there is no use you lying here and making yourself tell a lie. If you believed it, you wouldn't be in this bed. These signs shall follow them that believe." We have "believers" stuck over here in the hospital with their feet up in the air, saying, "I believe!" "I believe 1 am going to be here awhile! I believe I have a cancer because he has checked me and I believe exactly what he said." You say, "I believe the Word ,of God is the right thing, 1 believe it is the truth, 1 believe that it is God's Holy Word." Yet you will turn to the arm of man. Old Doctor Whoopindiddle tells you to take something every three hours, you say, "Yes, doctor, I'll do that thing." Every three hours you are watching that old clock. You will even set the clock so you will be sure you don't forget to take it, because you want to do everything that old -Doctor Whoopindiddle says. You say, "Old Doctor Whoopindiddle helped me out. I followed his prescription and I got my deliverance." Follow out the Word of God. The Bible says, "Lay hands upon the sick, they shall recover ~ These signs shall follow them that believe, in my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." Shall is a positive word. We need a lot of praying today. We need a lot less gossiping and a lot less running around. Get that old telephone stuck in the cellar somewhere, covered up with pillows until


you can't hear it. Get buried somewhere in an altar of prayer. Stay there and pray till you get old-time Holy Ghost salvation bubbling over in your soul. You need to believe God. A believer is a possessor. They have what they believe for. You say, "I believe I will get down to pray and and get the Lord in my midst." I can sit down and close my eyes and start believing that the Lord is there. I can believe it so strong that when I open my eyes, He is there. There are a lot of ways to pray. In the first church that I ever pastored, there was an angel o~ the Lord who appeared. I began to shout the praises of God and said, "Lord, what does this mean?" The angel spoke out to me and said, "I am an angel that is going to appear with you throughout your meetings, I am going to be with you. Many times the people won't see me, but you will see me, you will know when I am there." We closed the meeting and I went on to Baltimore, Maryland. We preached there for seven weeks and had a glorious time. One day I was in the radio room praying. I .had been fasting and seeking the face of God. As I was seeking the face of God, the Lord said, "Open your eyes." I opened my eyes and was looking straight in the face of the first angel that every appeared to me. A man coming to my church saw a tall figure as he rounded a curve. The man pulled up, stopped, and said, "Friend, would you like to ride up the road with me?" He just smiled, got in the car, sat down, closed the door, and never said a word. He said, "Would you like to go to - church with me?" The man just nodded his head "yes", and didn't say anything else. The man drove right up in front of the church and parked the car. The man did not say anything to the driver. This stranger got out of the car and walked inside the church. There was a c.rowd down 30

in front that always met around the altar and prayed awhile. I was standing in the middle of the people. Men were standing all around me. This stranger walked straight down the aisle, came straight to me, bypassed everybody, and stuck out his hand. I had a habit at that time of saying, "Say, friend, do' you love Jesus?" When I reached and took him by the hand I looked up into his eyes and said that. The most pleasant smile came over that face that you ever saw in your life. When I looked down at my hand, I couldn't even see it. My hand was completely covered because this hand was so huge. When I looked into his eyes, it looked like I was looking into the telescope of time. It looked as if I 'were looking into the future. I began to see sick bodies being healed. I could see the blind eyes opened. I began to see the crippled leap and run. I began to see the dead raised. I watched hunchbacks straighten up in the name of Jesus. That was one of the most happy times in all of my Christian experience. Service started. That being walked back four benches and sat down on the left hand side. God began to move in a gracious way that night. God began to heal as never before. At the end of the service when he started out of the building, my church clerk said to him, "Say, do. you have a place to stay tonight?" He just shook his head "No". He still had not said one word. The clerk said, "Just a moment, let me get the pastor. He w~Ugive you a place to stay if he has to give you his own bed." He came running in and said, "Brother Douglas, the person that is here tonight does not have a place to stay. Can we get him a place?" I said, "Certainly we can." I turned around, but he had just stepped out the door. I ran to the door, but he vanished right before my eyes. We searched all over . but he was not to be found. Everybody was wondering about it. lust a few nights later, God began to open the blinded eyes. I watched a hunchback straighten up in the name of Jesus. I watched the crippled leap out of the



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wheel chairs. I watched God begin to do things as I had never seen before. Why? Because I had a visitation from hiaven. I had asked for it and God had given me "the very desire of my heart That went on for several weeks. The news began to travel. They brought people from all over that section of the country. They began to come in and God began to heal. Cancers began to die. God began to set the captive free. People had blood poisoning. God began to heal.them. . People would even die. God began to raise the dead. . God raised a dead blue baby. It was dead. The breath had left her, but God resurrected that child. God began . to move in a most peculiar way. You have to pray and ask God for something and God will do it, I said, "Lord, I will do anything in the world. - Just give me a visitation from heaven. I had fasted. and sought the Lord. God let an angel come in. That angel began to travel and appear in my meetings. He was seen in 1961 in _Williamsport, M1Lryland, hen I preached an w " eight weeks revival. When I. ask God for something, I believe' that I am going to get it. I said, "Lord, I don't need to be fnillionaire as long as you are my banker, \as long as you give me enough to back up the checks." have a good bed, I don't need but one bed. I have a good ....tomobile. I don't need another one to set up and rust. .sk God for something and He will give you the desires ~f your heart. He said what things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Not maybe, not if or and, but "shall". I believe you can have the very desire of your heart, if you will learn how to believe God. All you have to do is be a believer. He said these signs shall follow them that believe. If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Your believing can change your future. Try it now. Only believe and you shall see the glory of God.

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