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Assignment of INT-884

Submitted tosubmitted byPradeep kumar nancy

Reg no-hahahaha

Q1.There are different types of model which are used to model a system.Justify your answer with the help of suitable examples. Ans-models will first be separated into physical and mathematical model. Physical mpdel are of two typesStatic and dynamic. Static physical models-the best known examples of physicl models are scale models.it provide a simple way of determining the exact measurements of the plates covering the hull,rather than having to produce drawing of the complicated,three dimensional spaces.scale model are udes in wind tunnel and water tanks.somtimes the physical model means of solving equations with particular boundary condition.

Dynamic physical modelThese rely upon an analog between the system being studied and some other system of a different nature ,the analogy ususly depending upon an underlyning similarity in the forces governing the behavior of the system. Static mathematical modelthis static model gives the relationship between the system attributes when the system is in equilibrium. The complete market model can be written mathematically as follow: Q=a+bp S=c+dp S=Q Dynamic mathematical modelIt allow the the changes of the system attributes to be derived as a function of time.

Q2.Determine three or four of the principle entities, attributes and activities to be considered if you have to simulate the operations of (a) A cafeteria (b)A Barber shop Q3.A woman does her shopping on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If it is fine, she walks to the store; otherwise she takes a bus. She always takes the bus home. On Tuesdays, she visits her daughter, travelling there and back by bus. Assuming that information is available about the day of week and the state of weather, draw a flow chart of her movements.

Q4.In simulation, there is a method that is used to evaluate an integral of a single variable.Justify your answer and explain such method with an example. Ans-a particular numerical ethod, called the Monte Carlo Method,consist of experimental sampling with random numbers. Eg- the integral of a single variable over a given range corresponds to finding the area under the graph representing the function. Suppose the function,f(x) is positive and has a lower and upper bound a and b.suppose the function is bounded above the value c. The use of MC methods to model physical problems allows us to examine more complex systems than we otherwise can. Solving equations which describe the interactions between two atoms is fairly simple; solving the same equations for hundreds or thousands of atoms is impossible. With MC methods, a large system can be sampled in a number of random configurations, and that data can be used to describe the system as a whole. Monte carlo technique is a computational technique applied to static model.

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