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Definition and Organization of a Civilized Society

The truest definition of civilization--a civilized society with a civilized government--is a world without war, for it has become unified by global democracy, not at the hands of a calculating minority, but by will of the People for a more perfect union, drawn together by ideas like those in the Declaration of Independence. The promise of civilization is the escape from the primal hunt, and the development of a society beyond, not against primal nature. A civilized government is well organized, having at its core the will of the people. No longer do its citizens have to struggle to survive, nor do they work tirelessly to obtain money/debt, which they must invest in a bank/racket, and no longer must they save those funds, or spend them on things that are necessary for their survival, thus restricting their available time and resources to experience the world in their own way. Simply put, if mankind were pitted against nature in competition to create perfection, nature would win every time. Therefore, the only way a more perfect union can be formed is to reference nature as an example. Using the body as an example for government, we can come to some evolutionary conclusions as to how a more perfect union can be formed. Like by feeding my body I feed every cell, and like every cells procession keeps me alive, civil government is kept alive by keeping its constituents self actualized. It is within the powers of government to reciprocate to its constituents as the foundation of its constitution, the way a body does to its cells: without reason or exclusion. Impartial communication of resources relative to needs regarding populations of people is therefore quintessential in civilized government. In other words, equality, because in the body no one fully functioning aspect of the body is given more power or resources than it requires to function. Given their contribution to society, the individual shall be rewarded with all the available necessities to aid their self-actualization: nourishment, clothing, shelter, transportation, information, and health care; all of these are the obligation of a truly civilized government to provide to its people for their participation in the process alone. In this premise, labor is considered taxation to civil government, and the first half of the exchange process regarding individual transactions between people. By imposing this obligation of reciprocity upon government, and by establishing a system of obliged reciprocation of goods or services between individuals with entitlements earned, the reason for wanting to work is changed, increased, and it eliminates the need for money as we know it. Also it stems an entirely different psychology to the world at large: instead of government as a leach or a curse, it is a blessing, and the people of the world are not competing with you, they are serving you just as you will serve them in return. It is a harmonious cycle, repeated by government as payment for its sustained creation by this process of collaborative individual effort. Participation in society and agreement with the laws and rules of society cause government and society to function. And when government as a system comes into adulthood it must be held to a higher standard than any individual man because it is an ideal of man, it is where man finds meaning and it should reflect the highest standard of maturity in mankind. Under dignified, civilized government the worlds resources are valued with the same respect an adult has for his or her god, freedom, or the lives of their

family. The importance of informing the public, through media, education, and the leadership of both private and public figures is therefore essential. The World Citizen is society, organized with conscious intent to organize itself. Government, given only the powers that citizens grant it, is a source of benefit to society, and can act only at the request of constituents collectively or individually to act at all. In a mature society, the worlds processes are valued as an adult does, with dignity, society, love, education, civilization, and government, and in maturity, acts to preserve and cultivate: Dignity, the conscious attention, combined with learning, that takes place in true gentle men, is necessary for a proper model for the father figure of the World Citizen, and for a general standard of decency; Society, being an abstraction of a collection of relationships and interactions to the literal mind, is in simple reality you and me having an interaction or making a transaction; Love, having the intent of others in mind, and cultivating that into a creative process; Education, taken seriously pays attention to the minds of the children, and their well understood potentials are pandered to through different methodologies, varying from school to school and teacher to teacher, the point being to cultivate the minds creative ability, and critical capacity; Civilization can be a promise of transcendence from the game of survival, and from the struggle of the hunt. To have a civilized society, first this measure of certainty must be met: that we are free, with liberty and life granted not from man, but from god; Government, or society organized with conscious intent, is in truth an evolutionary creature of nature, more complex than any of its parts or constituents, yet not beyond them; Evolution, of government or of species of life, is the cause of death, it is why death matters; it is why the process of life matters. Stagnancy is the only real death in anything. We have the money, the power the, medical understanding, the scientific know how, the community and the love, to create a kind of human paradise, but we are led by the least among us. It is through an understanding of these words above, not as ideas to be defined and memorized, but as experiential realities that each and every one of us should communicate to one another through example that we can create the conditions for such a paradise to exist.

The World Citizen Constitution condensed version Article 1 The Wise Council Section 1
An intercontinental Council, and such inferior councils as the People may ordain, will be established by the People of the continents of the world in order to manifest a voice of wisdom in public affairs and intelligence. Each of the seven councils will have nine members, and seven of those 63 members are selected and elected to represent a federal wise council at the peoples discretion or a unanimous vote of the seven council members. Members of the council will serve life terms of public service. Section 2

The power to establish public offices including but not restricted to education, systems of managerial oversight, public farms, and public events is hereby granted to the council at the peoples discretion. This condition may only apply for one hundred years of this governments existence. Section 3 Members of the council, once inducted, will be stripped of their right to the protection of law regarding assault and battery of and by the People.

Article 2 Wise Economy

Section 1 All forms of taxation by government are hereby unconstitutional. Resource based, the economy of the World Citizen shall be directed by the collective human will, and not by corporations or a few hundred in congress. Participation is the currency of the World Citizen. In the post-capitalist model, profit is redefined as observable human or world benefit. The profit motive, once redefined as observable human or world benefit instead of returns over expenditures, being a contributing member of society is important, not individual gain or selfish interest. Consequentially, the game is changed and so is technology from being designed obsolescent to being designed to last and to be more effective every time. Section 2 An office of managerial over site--for the purpose of evaluating observable human benefit--will be established by the wise council in order to justly compensate world citizens for value contributed to the World Citizen itself. In effect contributing to society is the first half of the exchange process between citizens, and a kind of taxation. Managerial officers, determining the citizen economy and personal abundance, will be paid by how generously but justly he evaluates human benefit to be worth. Audited by the council, the People are put directly in control of their own prosperity. Section 3 To become a citizen or a constituent of the World Citizen, first one must request to be evaluated for whatever contribution they claim to deliver to society. Once evaluated for four months a person is given the title of citizen; is granted identification in the form of a card, also a smart phone where available, and the rights of food, clothing, shelter, transportation, information, and health care. Once a citizen, one can choose to renounce citizenship and be returned to the status of person, with the same rights of life, liberty, and happiness as described in the declaration of independence, and can apply for citizenship at any time after it has been renounced.

Article 3 World Citizen

Section 1 The ratification of the conventions of seven continental States, will be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying. However,

establishing the conditions for the full application of this civil government, as described in article two, requires scientific and technical understanding of the reasons why not, along with cooperation of the people and citizens and education of the locals to reasonably establish those conditions. Therefore, civil government, like our species, requires the husbandry or cultivation of the earth and of mankind itself to survive and thrive. Section 2 All subsidiary states within intercontinental states are given sovereignty and autonomy to establish independent systems of government in agreement with the first two articles of this constitution. Section 3 Apportionment of the continental states will be determined by regional geology; no state can be larger than the united States of America, and no smaller than Japan. Apportionment of subsidiary states will be determined by density of population, current level of development, and cultural factors. States not represented by intercontinental state council will be represented by inferior councils at that the peoples discretion as described in article 3 section 2. Imagine a system of education that starts with the first day of the first grade: Homeroom 8:00-8:15, the homeroom teacher asks the children what they have learned while they were at home or during their previous day at school, and this done to refresh their memory and to cultivate enthusiasm for learning and self expression; Class 8:30-930, (Subject: Writing. Language: Spanish) the students, who have been educated in public or private preschool to learn several languages, including Spanish, are learning how to write in Spanish. This will be the only subject they will have on this particular day. Recess 9:3010:30, recess will consist of a variety of optional, spontaneous or ordered activities consisting of; farming and agriculture on the community farm located on the premises, culinary art or food prep, art, martial arts, yoga, meditation, and many more at the peoples discretion depending upon the age and degree of responsiveness of the children themselves. Class 10:45-11-45. Lunch 11:45-12:30. Class 12:30-1:30. Recess 1:30- 2:30. School ends. So you would have hour long class periods consisting of one subject, broken up by several recesses, and ending with an hour long recess. During recess the children are still learning, but indirectly so that learning is not work or perceived as such, instead learning is play, and the process of school is fun. Students are not trained to memorize information, and they do not jump through hoops in the form of tests or homework, rather they are encouraged to learn on the internet at home what they do not understand in class, and submit journal logs that detail their understanding of the subject material. In each class of the first through third grade, there will be a child psychologist to assist the teacher in explaining concepts to children that do not understand the material, and to ensure that there is no hostility or frustration in either the students or the teacher. Day two, Subject Arithmetic Language Mandarin etc.

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