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Honors Biology: Unit 0 Day 3

Do Now:
1. What type of student do you think colleges look for? Describe the behaviors and actions of that student in the lines below. You must fill up ALL 12 LINES! ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________

BrEaK it down!

1. Todays objective.
SWBAT explain the purpose and importance of classroom policies and procedures in order to promote a more academic community and help us reach our big goal.

2. What does this mean 3. How will you be in your own words? assessed at the end of class?

4. What is a real world application of this information?



Say Something #1: Person A: What are three procedures we use in Biology class?

Person B: How do these procedures help build an academic community in class?

Part 2: Article Adapted from The Ideal Student Colleges Want by Xandri Gerris
As you read the article below, annotate the text by writing questions you have or points that you think are important on the side of the article.

Annotation Steps Underline key words and write what you know Circle words you dont know and try to define with context clues Make connections to prior

knowledge During their high school career, students may begin to question the importance of a college education. They might find themselves asking, "Why is it important to go to college?" The answer is that, more than ever, attending college provides opportunities that are not accessible to people who do not attend college.

Attending college is crucial to attaining success in life. But getting accepted into college gets more and more difficult each year. So, we ask the question, what is it that colleges want in their students? What kind of person do colleges want? Here's a list of 6 basic things colleges want their applicants to be. Passionate: Colleges want people that are passionate about something. Something they couldn't possibly get enough of. Physics, graphic design, even cheese. What are you passionate about? What could you devote your life on? Colleges look to see if you are passionate about anything. That's why it's important to explore now. Be open to anything, even if it seems "geeky" "crazy" or "strange because you may end up loving it. I believe everybody has something they can love Its just your job to figure out what that is! Find something you are passionate about that feels right and fits into your principles. Only you can find your passion! Creative: Universities and colleges are always looking for creative personalities. Some people may be artistic, but that seems to get people thinking only along the lines of art. People can be creative in other aspects. New ideas in the fields of math, science, literature, English, and society are creative too. Think in a different way, outside the box, etc. That's what colleges look for. The easiest way is to find an art form, or self-expression of some kind. When I say art form, I don't mean just paint, clay, or graphics. Poetry, photography, dancing, acting, writing and music are all forms of art. Everybody



has a way of expressing themselves in the right hemisphere of their brain. Max Planck and Albert Einstein, great physicists, were also very musical. Creativity is anything you make up with your own mind. It's what colleges are always on the prowl for. Involved: Anybody who was ever famous was either one of the rare people chosen by luck, or somebody who put himself or herself out there. Since most of us can't depend on luck, we have to put ourselves out there and experience everything we can. Colleges look to see if students have tried to experience new things and be seen clubs, summer internships, sports, community service! Dont just stop there - how about creating solutions to problems you see? Getting passionate about something and doing something about it? This is how people are successfulthey are willing to get involved and be seen. Dedicated: Colleges look for perseverance. People who don't give up. After all, they don't want their students to just give up themselves. The best way to show you are dedicated is to do well in school. Any long-term commitment in which you succeed is a show of commitment. Perhaps doing amazingly well in piano, or scoring tons of points for your basketball team. Anything that you don't give up on and stick through reflects well and you and your college application process. Directed: Ah, the quality that gets a lot of college applicants. No, it's not enough to be dedicated, involved, creative, and passionate. You also have to be directed. You need to know where you want to go and what you want to do. Colleges don't expect you to know exactly what you are doing, in fact that's a bit of a turn off, but they want to know what you would like to do and why, why, why. They want somebody who knows themselves and where they want to go and can prove they are strong on a few paths. They want proof that you are into what every you are into, so don't think you can fake it. Responsible: In order to be successful in college, you will have so many different responsibilities! Your classes will be harder and you might have a job or become involved in different campus activities. You also wont have your parents or teachers around to give you the same amount of support or direction! As a result, you need to be able to take care of yourself. Colleges want students who can handle responsibility by being organized, self-driven and able to handle challenges. In summary: Be industrious, as Benjamin Franklin advises. Use every moment you can in high school to develop into a person who is passionate, creative, involved, dedicated, directed and responsible. Do everything you can now so that come senior year, youve ready and confident when you apply to college.

Say Something #2: Person A: What is the main idea of the article?

Person B: Do you agree or disagree with the article? Why?



In your tables, make a poster for one of the 6 College Success Characteristics that you are given. Your poster should address how you can exemplify that characteristic in class to create a more academic community. You must include 3 or more procedures from Biology class!

Criteria for Success

*In my group, I must Reread the appropriate portion of the article. Actively discuss with my team how a biology student can exemplify the given characteristic in class (dont forget to include 3 or more class procedures!). Equally contribute to my teams poster. Stay focused and on the task at all times. Use my 6-inch voice with my team members. Listen respectfully to my classmates during presentations.
How did I do?


[_________%/100%] [_________%/100%] [_________%/100%] [_________%/100%] [_________%/100%]

PROCEDURES REVIEW: List some procedures you follow in Biology class: What first 5 things do you do when you enter class?

What are the last 5 things you do when you leave class?

Where do you keep all your materials (Do Nows, notes, homework?) How should they be organized?

If you are absent, what should you do when you miss class?



1. Explain 2 characteristics that colleges look for when choosing their students.

2. When the announcements come on Daniel and Brianna start talking about their plans for after school. Then Christal and Asia join in the conversation. Pretty soon, nearly 75% of the class is talking. Why is this a problem?

3. Francis and Noel decide to not do their homework. What is the short-term consequence of this? What will be one long-term consequence?

4. Brandons binder is a hot mess. Papers are all over the place, there are no dividers, and he cant remember where his notes are. How can Brandon better organize himself for the quarter so that he gets the grades he wants- an A?



1. Explain 2 characteristics that colleges look for when choosing their students.

2. When the announcements come on Daniel and Brianna start talking about their plans for after school. Then Christal and Asia join in the conversation. Pretty soon, nearly 75% of the class is talking. Why is this a problem?

3. Francis and Noel decide to not do their homework. What is the short-term consequence of this? What will be one long-term consequence?



4. Brandons binder is a hot mess. Papers are all over the place, there are no dividers, and he cant remember where his notes are. How can Brandon better organize himself for the quarter so that he gets the grades he wants- an A?

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