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Brycen Waters Professor Anthony Daly Internship Report weeks 6&7 March 5, 2012

These past two weeks in my internship have been dominated by the Peer Advisor/ Orientation Leader Tabling process, planning of the sophomore focus group, and planning of the leadership training series. The Peer Advisor/Orientation Leader Tabling process occurred last week and took place in the market place during the lunch and dinner times. I made a large banner to hang off the table to get the attention of students as they walked by and it proved to be a beneficial addition. I had also emailed the current Peer Advisors to ask for assistance in tabling and I got the help of 3 of them. A ton of PA and OL applications were made and all of them were given to hopeful students. We have seen a positive return rate of the applications and hopefully more will be coming as the week continues. Something useful that I have learned from this process is to always have a backup plan when it comes to asking for the assistance of other people. Some PAs did not show up for the shifts that they volunteered to help table, so most of them I ended up sitting for them as to not lose the chance of getting more applications out there. This was not a huge issue and for the most part this went all according to plan. Over the past two weeks I have also begun working on creating a sophomore focus group for the upcoming school year. Celia had asked me to come up with a list of challenges that students face as they enter and continue in college through their sophomore year. She asked me to base this off my own personal experience in being an incoming student and as a sophomore student. I came up with a solid list of challenges including deciding whether or not this is the

right school for you, deciding if you are pursuing the right major, adjusting to being away from home, roommate conflicts, losing track of a sense of a routine that was once prevalent in high school, dealing with the difficulty of work, and many more. I will be working more with Celia in the upcoming weeks with this portion of my internship. Finally, I have begun work on planning a leadership training series for student leaders here on campus. I have teamed up with fellow intern Megan Blocker with this project. We will both be training the students on different types of leadership skills. My part of the training series will attempt to help student leaders become more confident in the leadership roles. I have found through working with the various clubs and organizations on campus and by working with the two clubs that I am student advising this semester, that sometimes one of the biggest struggles for students to overcome when becoming members of an executive board is trusting in themselves and their leadership ability. I plan to teach them of the available resources that are available on campus that can strengthen their knowledge and understanding of how to effectively run their clubs. I have just begun working on this part of my internship this week and more information on its development is too come in the following weeks.

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