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A chemistry professor decided to teach his students a different lesson one day.

Holding a glass of water in his hand, he asked the students, How much do you think this glass of water weighs? 500 grams! came a voice from the back. 600, said another student. I dont really know! said the professor, holding the glass up to make sure everyone could see it. And unless we weigh it, we wont know. With the glass still in his outstretched hand, the professor continued, What will happen if I hold it like this for a few minutes? Nothing! came the reply. Right, and if I hold it for an hour like this, what might happen? Your hand will begin to hurt, said a student. Indeed. And what would happen if I held the glass in my hand like this for 24 hours? You would be in tremendous pain, said one student. Your hand will probably go numb, said another. Your arm will be paralysed and well need to rush you to the hospital! said a student on the last bench. True, said the professor. But notice that through all this, the weight of the glass did not change. What then causes the pain? The class went quiet. The students seemed puzzled.What should I do to avoid the pain? asked the professor. Put the glass down! said a student. Well said! exclaimed the professor. And thats a lesson I want you to remember. The problems and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. But think about it a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralysed incapable of doing anything. Its important to remember to let go of your problems. Remember to put the glass down!


Link http://spusht.blogspot.com/2011/06/inspirational-story-put-glass-down.html

A good story...lots of truth in it, but, sadly, our world, which is now run by the wealthy 1%, is not yet ready to understand it. Most Republicans wouldn't get it at all. "All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man does not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." -- Chief Seattle


A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package.

What food might this contain?' The mouse wondered - - he was devastated to discover it

was a mousetrap.

Retreating to the farmyard,

the mouse proclaimed the warning :

There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!'

The chicken clucked and scratched,

raised her head and said,

'Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence

to me.

I cannot be bothered by it.'

The mouse turned to

the pig and told him,

'There is a mousetrap in the house!

There is a mousetrap in the house!'

The pig sympathized, but said, I am so very sorry, Mr.Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray.

Be assured you are in my prayers.'

The mouse turned to the cow and said 'There is a mousetrap in the house!

There is a mousetrap in the house!'

The cow said, 'Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin

off my nose.'

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap . . . alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout

the house -- like the sound of a mousetrap catching

its prey.

The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.

The snake bit the farmer's wife.

The farmer rushed her to the hospital

and she returned home with a fever.

Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main


But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock.

To feed them, the farmer

butchered the pig.

The farmer's wife did not get well;

she died.

So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them. The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.

So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you,

remember ---when one of us is threatened,

we are all at risk.

We are all involved in this journey called life.

We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra

effort to encourage one another.


REMEMBER. . . . .
http://www.successconsciousness.com/index_000022.htm http://www.scoop.it/t/stories-myths-parables-of-inspiration

Thomas Alva Edison The Failed Inventions

Thomas Alva Edison held 1,093 patents for different inventions. Many of them, like the lightbulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera, were brilliant creations that have a huge influence on our everyday life. However, not everything he created was a success; he also had a few failures. One concept that never took off was Edison's interest in using cement to build things. He formed the Edison Portland Cement Co. in 1899, and made everything from cabinets (for phonographs) to pianos and houses. Unfortunately, at the time, concrete was too expensive and the idea was never accepted. Cement wasn't a total failure, though. His company was hired to build Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. Thomas Alva Edison assistant W.K.L. Dickson's attempt at a sound film circa 1895.

Thomas Alva Edison sits between two phonograph cabinets, one of which is made of concrete circa 1912 Thomas Alva Edison History - Inventions Cylinder Phonograph Disc Phonograph Electricity & the Lightbulb Kinetophone Kinetoscope Film Projectors Motion Pictures Failures All 1,093 Patents (Slow DL)

From the beginning of the creation of motion pictures, many people tried to combine film and sound to make "talking" motion pictures. Here you can see to the Thomas Alva Edison left an example of an early film attempting to combine History - Biographies sound with pictures made by Edison's assistant, W.K.L. Genius of Menlo Park Dickson. By 1895, Edison had created the Kinetophone- Edison Biography -a Kinetoscope (peep-hole motion picture viewer) with a Timeline The Muckers phonograph that played inside the cabinet. Sound could be Thomas Alva Edison - Main Page heard through two ear tubes while the viewer watched the images. This creation never really took off, and by 1915 Edison abandoned the idea of sound motion pictures. Ads

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Thomas Alva Edison sitting at the door of the oremilling plant in New Jersey circa 1895 The greatest failure of Thomas Edison's career was his inability to create a practical way to mine iron ore. He worked on mining methods through the late 1880s and early 1890s to supply the Pennsylvania steel mills' demand for iron ore. In order to finance this work, he sold all his stock in General Electric, but was never able to create a separator that could extract iron from unusable,

low-grade ores. Eventually, Edison gave up on the idea, but by then he had lost all the money he'd invested.

The greatest rainmaker of modern times. For more than 30 years he practiced his art and won a name for himself by filling lakes, saving crops, and breaking droughts, from the Yukon to Guatemala. He offered to clear London of its fog and to water the Sahara. But the scene of his most spectacular achievement was San Diego, California.
By January 5 there was already rain at the reservoir. By January 10 heavy, almost continuous rain fell throughout the county. Then the downpour began in earnest and continued for 10 days.

http://u.nu/7a4h5 To the inhabitants of San Diego, it seemed the rains would never end. As torrents of water rushed through the streets, business stopped and all normal life was suspended. Highways were closed and rail connection flooded. The telephone and telegraph were cut off. Rivers overflowed their banks, washing away houses and barns.

http://u.nu/8y4h5 There was a brief respite. For a few days the sun shone weakly through the clouds, and repair work began. But on January 26 the storm returned. At Morena Dam rain fell heavily and steadily all day. By midnight the level of the lake was rising at the rate of two feet per hour. It finally stopped just five inches from the top of the Dam, and disaster on a massive scale was averted.

http://u.nu/7s4h5 Great Flood: Member of the town council of San Diego, California, got more than they bargained for when they agreed to let Charles Hatfield make enough rain to fill the local reservoir. The resulting downpour led to widespread flooding and devastation. Wall of Water

http://u.nu/565h5 Other districts were less fortunate. The nearby Lower Otay Dam disintegrated, releasing a wall of water 40 feet high. The water plowed 12 miles to the sea, demolishing everything before it.

http://u.nu/8c5h5 Altogether, an estimated 50 lives were lost, more than 200 bridges were washed away, and miles of track were destroyed; trains were halted for 32 days. The floods left scars on the mountains and hills for years, and in some places the landscape was changed permanently.

http://u.nu/7h5h5 There was no doubt in Hatfields mind that he had lived up to his promise to fill the Morena Reservoir. But when he went to claim his money, the city council refused to pay. Hatfield had proceeded on the basis of an oral agreement without a signed, legal contract. Now the council was maintaining that the deluge was an act of God, unless Hatfield could provide evidence that he was the responsible. And, of course, Hatfield could never prove that it was he who had brought forth the rain.

http://u.nu/5u5h5 Many people thought that Hatfield had been treated unfairly, although the episode did much to enhance his reputation as King of the Cloud Compellers. He filed a suit against the city, but did little to pursue it; it was finally dismissed in 1938 for lack of prosecution.

http://u.nu/6y5h5 But the city of San Diego remembered Hatfield for years to come in 1948, when they hired a cloud seeder to make it rain, they took out substantial damage insurance.

Read more: http://socyberty.com/history/hatfield-the-rainmaker-the-man-who-courtednature/#ixzz1oECJ1XzC So you think you know Albert Einstein: the absent-minded genius who gave us the theory of relativity (two of them, in fact, special theory and general theory of relativity), but did you know that Einstein was born with such a large head that his mother thought he was deformed? Or that Einstein had a secret child before he was married? Read on for more obscure facts about the life of the worlds smartest genius:

1. Einstein Was a Fat Baby with Large Head

When Alberts mother, Pauline Einstein gave birth to him, she thought that Einsteins head was so big and misshapen that he was deformed!

As the back of the head seemed much too big, the family initially considered a monstrosity. The physician, however, was able to calm them down and some weeks later the shape of the head was normal. When Alberts grandmother saw him for the first time she is reported to have muttered continuously "Much too fat, much too fat!" Contrasting all apprehensions Albert grew and developed normally except that he seemed a bit slow. (Source)

2. Einstein Had Speech Difficulty as a Child

Earliest Known Photo of Albert Einstein (Image credit: Albert Einstein Archives, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) As a child, Einstein seldom spoke. When he did, he spoke very slowly indeed, he tried out entire sentences in his head (or muttered them under his breath) until he got them right before he spoke aloud. According to accounts, Einstein did this until he was nine years old. Einsteins parents were fearful that he was retarded of course, their fear was completely unfounded!

One interesting anecdote, told by Otto Neugebauer, a historian of science, goes like this: As he was a late talker, his parents were worried. At last, at the supper table one night, he broke his silence to say, "The soup is too hot." Greatly relieved, his parents asked why he had never said a word before. Albert replied, "Because up to now everything was in order." (Source) In his book, Thomas Sowell [wiki] noted that besides Einstein, many brilliant people developed speech relatively late in childhood. He called this condition The Einstein Syndrome.

3. Einstein was Inspired by a Compass

When Einstein was five years old and sick in bed, his father showed him something that sparked his interest in science: a compass. When Einstein was five years old and ill in bed one day, his father showed him a simple pocket compass. What interested young Einstein was whichever the case was turned, the needle always pointed in the same direction. He thought there must be some force in what was presumed empty space that acted on the compass. This incident, common in many "famous childhoods," was reported persistently in many of the accounts of his life once he gained fame. (Source)

4. Einstein Failed his University Entrance Exam

In 1895, at the age of 17, Albert Einstein applied for early admission into the Swiss Federal Polytechnical School (Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule or ETH). He passed the math and science sections of the entrance exam, but failed the rest (history, languages, geography, etc.)! Einstein had to go to a trade school before he retook the exam and was finally admitted to ETH a year later. (Source)

5. Einstein had an Illegitimate Child

In the 1980s, Einsteins private letters revealed something new about the genius: he had an illegitimate daughter with a fellow former student Mileva Mari (whom Einstein later married). In 1902, a year before their marriage, Mileva gave birth to a daughter named Lieserl, whom Einstein never saw and whose fate remained unknown: Mileva gave birth to a daughter at her parents home in Novi Sad. This was at the end of January, 1902 when Einstein was in Berne. It can be assumed from the content of the letters that birth was difficult. The girl was probably christianised. Her official first name is unknown. In the letters received only the name Lieserl can be found. The further life of Lieserl is even today not totally clear. Michele Zackheim concludes in her book Einsteins daughter that Lieserl was mentally challenged when she was born and lived with Milevas family. Furthermore she is convinced that Lieserl died as a result of an

infection with scarlet fever in September 1903. From the letters mentioned above it can also be assumed that Lieserl was put up for adoption after her birth. In a letter from Einstein to Mileva from September 19, 1903, Lieserl was mentioned for the last time. After that nobody knows anything about Lieserl Einstein-Maric. (Source)

6. Einstein Became Estranged From His First Wife, then Proposed a Strange "Contract"

After Einstein and Mileva married, they had two sons: Hans Albert and Eduard. Einsteins academic successes and world travel, however, came at a price he became estranged from his wife. For a while, the couple tried to work out their problems Einstein even proposed a strange "contract" for living together with Mileva: The relationship progressed. Einstein became estranged from his wife. The biography reprints a chilling letter from Einstein to his wife, a proposed "contract" in which they could continue to live together under certain conditions. Indeed that was the heading: "Conditions." A. You will make sure 1. that my clothes and laundry are kept in good order; 2. that I will receive my three meals regularly in my room; 3. that my bedroom and study are kept neat, and especially that my desk is left for my use only. B. You will renounce all personal relations with me insofar as they are not completely necessary for social reasons Theres more, including "you will stop talking to me if I request it." She accepted the conditions. He later wrote to her again to make sure she grasped that this was going to be all-business in the future, and that the "personal aspects must be reduced to a tiny remnant." And he vowed, "In return, I assure you of proper comportment on my part, such as I would exercise to any woman as a stranger." (Source)

7. Einstein Didnt Get Along with His Oldest Son

After the divorce, Einsteins relationship with his oldest son, Hans Albert, turned rocky. Hans blamed his father for leaving Mileva, and after Einstein won the Nobel Prize and money, for giving Mileva access only to the interest rather than the principal sum of the award thus making her life that much harder financially. The row between the father and son was amplified when Einstein strongly objected to Hans Albert marrying Frieda Knecht: In fact, Einstein opposed Hanss bride in such a brutal way that it far surpassed the scene that Einsteins own mother had made about Mileva. It was 1927, and Hans, at age 23, fell in love with an older and to Einstein unattractive woman. He damned the union, swearing that Hanss bride was a scheming woman preying on his son. When all else failed, Einstein begged Hans to not have children, as it would only make the inevitable divorce harder. (Source: Einstein A to Z by Karen C. Fox and Aries Keck, 2004) Later, Hans Albert immigrated to the United States became a professor of Hydraulic Engineering at UC Berkeley. Even in the new country, the father and son were apart. When Einstein died, he left very little inheritance to Hans Albert. More about Hans Albert: Obituary by UC Berkeley

8. Einstein was a Ladies Man

Einstein with his second wife and cousin, Elsa (Image credit) After Einstein divorced Mileva (his infidelity was listed as one of the reasons for the split), he soon married his cousin Elsa Lowenthal. Actually, Einstein also considered marrying Elsas daughter (from her first marriage) Ilse, but she demurred: Before marrying Elsa, he had considered marrying her daughter, Ilse, instead. According to Overbye, She (Ilse, who was 18 years younger than Einstein) was not attracted to Albert, she loved him as a father, and she had the good sense not to get involved. But it was Alberts Woody Allen moment. (Source) Unlike Mileva, Elsa Einsteins main concern was to take care of her famous husband. She undoubtedly knew about, and yet tolerated, Einsteins infidelity and love affairs which were later revealed in his letters: Previously released letters suggested his marriage in 1903 to his first wife Mileva Maric, mother of his two sons, was miserable. They divorced in 1919, and he soon married his cousin, Elsa. He cheated on her with his secretary, Betty Neumann. In the new volume of letters released on Monday by Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Einstein described about six women with whom he spent time and from whom he received gifts while being married to Elsa. Some of the women identified by Einstein include Estella, Ethel, Toni and his "Russian spy lover," Margarita. Others are referred to only by initials, like M. and L. "It is true that M. followed me (to England) and her chasing after me is getting out of control," he wrote in a letter to Margot in 1931. "Out of all the dames, I am in fact attached only to Mrs. L., who is absolutely harmless and decent." (Source)

9. Einstein, the War Pacifist, Urged FDR to Build the Atom Bomb

Re-creation of Einstein and Szilrd signing the famous letter to President Franklin Roosevelt in 1939. (Image credit: Wikipedia) In 1939, alarmed by the rise of Nazi Germany, physicist Le Szilrd [wiki] convinced Einstein to write a letter to president Franklin Delano Roosevelt warning that Nazi Germany might be conducting research into developing an atomic bomb and urging the United States to develop its own. The Einstein and Szilrds letter was often cited as one of the reasons Roosevelt started the secret Manhattan Project [wiki] to develop the atom bomb, although later it was revealed that the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 probably did much more than the letter to spur the government. Although Einstein was a brilliant physicist, the army considered Einstein a security risk and (to Einsteins relief) did not invite him to help in the project.

10. The Saga of Einsteins Brain: Pickled in a Jar for 43 Years and Driven Cross Country in a Trunk of a Buick!

After his death in 1955, Einsteins brain [wiki] was removed without permission from his family by Thomas Stoltz Harvey [wiki], the Princeton Hospital pathologist who conducted the autopsy. Harvey took the brain home and kept it in a jar. He was later fired from his job for refusing to relinquish the organ. Many years later, Harvey, who by then had gotten permission from Hans Albert to study Einsteins brain, sent slices of Einsteins brain to various scientists throughout the world. One of these scientists was Marian Diamond of UC Berkeley, who discovered that compared to a normal person, Einstein had significantly more glial cells in the region of the brain that is responsible for synthesizing information. In another study, Sandra Witelson of McMaster University found that Einsteins brain lacked a particular "wrinkle" in the brain called the Sylvian fissure. Witelson speculated that this unusual anatomy allowed neurons in Einsteins brain to communicate better with each other. Other studies had suggested that Einsteins brain was denser, and that the inferior parietal lobe, which is often associated with mathematical ability, was larger than normal brains. The saga of Einsteins brain can be quite strange at times: in the early 1990s, Harvey went with freelance writer Michael Paterniti on a cross-country trip to California to meet Einsteins granddaughter. They drove off from New Jersey in Harveys Buick Skylark with Einsteins brain sloshing inside a jar in the trunk! Paterniti later wrote his experience in the book Driving Mr. Albert: A Trip Across America with Einsteins Brain In 1998, the 85-year-old Harvey delivered Einsteins brain to Dr. Elliot Krauss, the staff pathologist at Princeton University, the position Harvey once held: after safeguarding the brain for decades like it was a holy relic and, to many, it was he simply, quietly, gave it away to the pathology department at the nearby University Medical Center at Princeton, the university and town where Einstein spent his last two decades. "Eventually, you get tired of the responsibility of having it. I did about a year ago," Harvey said, slowly. "I turned the whole thing over last year [in 1998]." (Source)

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