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Please read the entire Knee Exercises page before attempting the exercises further down the page. If you are experiencing knee pain, ask your doctor or physical therapist what exercises are appropriate. Exercises Can Prevent Injury Strengthening the muscles that support the knee with knee exercises is most important in protecting your knees from injury and knee pain. Weak or fatigued muscles cannot adequately support the knee joint or absorb shock before it gets to the knee and the extra stress placed upon the knee can cause injury to the structures of the knee. Strengthening exercises can make the muscles tight, so follow strength exercises with stretching exercises. Stretching the muscles that support the knee with knee exercises is also important in preventing injury. Flexible muscles are not as easily injured as tight muscles. Tightness of muscles connected to the knee can also pull the knee out of alignment. When doing stretching knee exercises, be careful to go slowly and not to overstretch. You do not want to tear a muscle. You need to increase the duration of your knee exercises gradually to avoid overuse injuries and knee pain. Be patient. You will see results. Strength must be built up gradually. When muscles, tendons or ligaments are stressed slightly beyond their limits, microscopic tears occur. This is normal, and as these tears heal the muscles actually become bigger, firmer and stronger. These microscopic tears must be given adequate time to heal or chronic problems can develop. Try not to exercise the same muscle groups two days in a row to give your body a chance to recover. Doing strengthening knee exercises three or four times a week is enough. Stretching knee exercises can be done more often. The goal is to prevent injury and knee pain, not cause it. Dont ignore pain. Pain is your bodys way of protecting you from hurting yourself further. It is not unusual to experience mild stiffness and aching of the muscles that lasts up to a day after exercising. But hardly being able to move for a few days after exercising means you have overdone it. Its difficult to know when to quit when you doing knee exercises. Often, the pain doesn't set in until a day or two later. It happens. If it does, you will have a greater understanding of your bodys limitations. When you have overdone your knee exercises. Rest is important for inflamed muscles/tendons. Applying ice wrapped in a cloth can help reduce inflammation and pain and speed up healing. See Treatment for Overuse Injuries. Knee pain should be completely gone before fully resuming your knee exercises program, however, lightly exercising the sore muscle may help decrease muscle soreness. 1

If you are currently experiencing knee pain or have a knee condition/injury and/or have a very limited range of motion, or are simply not sure which knee exercises are safe for you to do, see a physical therapist (physiotherapist). A doctor or physical therapist can assess your condition and give you a customized treatment / exercise plan. Main Muscle Groups Affecting Knee Stability Several muscle groups support the knee. The two main muscle groups that control knee movement and stability are the quadriceps and the hamstrings. THE QUADRICEPS is a four-part powerful muscle that run along the front of the thigh and attach to the front of the shinbone, just below the knee. The quadriceps control the straightening of the knees and movement of the kneecap. The quadriceps is used to extend the leg, and is essential for standing up, walking upstairs, walking uphill, and running. THE HAMSTRINGS are muscles that run make up the back of the thigh, and attach to the back of the shinbone, just below the knee. The hamstrings are used to bend the knee and are also needed when you are pushing against something. Other Muscles Affecting Knee Stability Other muscles that affect knee stability, to a lesser degree than the quadriceps and hamstrings are the calf muscles, the hip abductors located on the outer thigh, and the hip adductors located on the inner thigh. The body functions as a unit (remember - the hip bone's connected to the knee bone) and even muscles not near the knee can contribute to knee stability. The iliotibial band (fibrous tissue on the outer thigh, extending front the hip to below the knee) also affects knee stability. The glutes (back of hip muscles / buttocks) inserts into the thigh bone and iliotibial band and also help stabilize the knee. *It is important to do strengthening exercises for all the muscles that support the knee. For example, if you concentrate on strengthening exercises for the quads, and neglect strengthening exercises for the hamstrings a muscle imbalance can be created. Imbalances in Muscles Supporting the Knee A physical therapist (physiotherapist) can help determine if you have a muscle imbalance in the muscles supporting the knee and create a personalized exercise program. Imbalance of the quadriceps is common, especially in women - The quadriceps is divided into 4 divisions. If the inner division if weak, the stronger outer division tends to pull the kneecap toward the outer side of the leg. Tightness of the quads can also pull the knee towards one side so stretching as well as strengthening of muscles that support the knee is important. In some cases, the quadriceps is significantly stronger than the hamstrings. (The quadriceps should only be about 25% stronger than the hamstrings). This can cause 2

weakness of the knee. If this is the case, concentrating on strengthening exercises for the hamstrings, and stretching exercises for the quadriceps are very helpful. Top ^ Knee Exercise Samples If you have knee pain, see a physician or physical therapist before doing knee exercises. Your physician or physical therapist may recommend more or less of specific exercises. Warm Up First. Five minutes of light aerobic exercise such as walking or riding a stationary bike to warm up the muscles helps to prevent injury. Stretching or Strengthening Exercises First? Muscles tend to be tight after strengthening exercises so stretching after strengthening exercise may be more beneficial than stretching first. However it is largely a matter of personal preference - stretching and strengthening exercises can also each be done on separate days if desired. Some people prefer to do stretches both before and after strengthening exercises. If you have knee problems or pain, consult a physical therapist for an exercise plan customized for your needs. Remember to warm up for 5 minutes to prepare your self for any type of exercise. Keep Breathing throughout the exercises. Do not hold your breath. Knee Exercise Samples Knee Strengthening Exercises Balancing Exercises Knee Stretching Exercises

Strengthening Knee Exercises Note: If you are experiencing knee pain or have a knee injury or condition, ask your doctor or physical therapist what exercises are appropriate (safest and most effective) for you to do before performing knee exercises. How Often to do Knee Strengthening Exercises In general, any strengthening exercises should only be done about every second day or three times per week on non-consecutive days to allow healing and to avoid overuse injury. How Many Repetitions and Sets of Strengthening Exercises If you are a beginner to exercise, start with five repetitions of each exercise - or less if the exercise is difficult. If you do not have post exercise pain, slowly add a couple of repetitions each week until you reach 10 - 15 repetitions. To increase endurance add a second set of 10 -15 repetitions after you can handle one set. When two sets because easy to do, you can add a third. Rest about 30 seconds between sets. 3

*NOTE: There are several strengthening exercises to choose from for some muscles. Choose one per exercise session for a particular muscle group if you are a beginner just doing one set (unless instructed otherwise by your physician or therapist). If you have progressed to two or three sets, you can mix strengthening exercises for the same muscle group. Do not exercise the same muscle group on consecutive days. WARM UP first! Warming up with 5 minutes of low-impact aerobics, such as walking or riding a stationary exercise bike, increases blood supply to the muscles to help prevent injury. Quadriceps Strengthening Note: Only do one quad strengthening exercise on the days you exercise if you are doing no more than one set - with the exception of the quad strengthening contractions, which can be done additionally. See above How Many Repetitions and Sets. If you have progressed to doing two sets of quad exercises, you can pick two different quad exercises. Quad Strengthening Contractions: Duduklah di kursi. Bergerak maju sehingga Anda sedang duduk di tepi kursi. Memperpanjang kaki, tumit ke lantai.Jaga lutut lurus Kencangkan otot paha (atau lurus sepertimungkin jika Anda memiliki radang sendi.). Tahan selama10 hitungan. Bersantai untuk hitungan 3. Lakukan 10 kali.Anda dapat melakukan ini beberapa kali sepanjang hari.Anda dapat membangun hingga 2 atau 3 set 10 repetisipada suatu waktu. Quad Strengthening Leg lifts: Berbaringlah terlentang. Tekuk lutut kiri di sudut 90 derajat, menjaga kaki datar di lantai. Menjaga kaki kanan lurus,angkat perlahan-lahan sampai kaki kanan adalah ketinggianlutut kiri. Tahan selama 3 hitungan. Ulangi 10 kali. Beralihsisi. Bekerja sampai dengan 10 set 10 selama beberapa minggu.Safety Tip: Leg lift: Mengangkat kedua kaki pada waktu yang sama menyebabkan stres yang berlebihan pada punggung bawahsehingga hanya mengangkat satu kaki pada suatu waktu,kaki yang berbeda harus tetap sedikit ditekuk dengan kaki di lantai. Quad Strengthening Short-Arc Leg Extensions: Duduk atau berbaring di lantai. Tempatkan digulung handukbawah paha Anda untuk dukungan. Jauhkan Anda straight leg dan meningkatkan kaki Anda sekitar enam inci dari lantai. Tahan selama 5 detik. Perlahan-lahan lebih rendahkaki Anda, tekuk lutut Anda. Lakukan 10 kali. Beralih sisi. Quad Strengthening Knee Dips: Berdirilah dengan lutut sedikit tertekuk. Arahkan jari-jari kakiAnda lurus ke depan. Pastikan tempurung lutut Anda juga menunjuk lurus ke depan. Angkat salah satu kaki ke atas dan keseimbangan padakaki yang lain. Perlahanlahan rendah diri dan turun HANYAbeberapa inci. Jaga lutut kaki Anda menyeimbangkan sedikit menekuk. Lutut harus tetap menunjuk lurus ke depan.Jangan biarkan mereka berpaling ke dalam. Berdiri tegak,tidak bersandar tubuh 4

Anda ke satu sisi. Apakah 10 dips.Beralih sisi. Jika Anda merasa sakit di lutut Anda, mulailah dengan dipslebih sedikit.Quad Strengthening Partial

Squats: Berdiri. Jaga punggung lurus, lutut terpisah selebar pingguldan menunjuk lurus ke depan. Perlahan-lahan lebih rendahdan memindahkan bokong Anda ke belakang seolah-olah Anda sedang duduk di kursi (jangan menekuk lutut Andamelebihi sudut 90 derajat, jika 90 derajat adalah menekukterlalu sulit bahkan kurang). Tahan posisi selama 5hitungan. Apakah sepuluh jongkok. Hentikan jika Andamerasa sakit di lutut Anda. Safety Tips: Pastikan lutut Anda tidak melampaui jari-jari kaki anda ketika melakukan squat parsial. Menjaga berat badan Anda di belakang lutut Anda mengurangi tekananpada sendi lutut selama jongkok. Menekuk lutut melebihi 90 derajat (sudut kanan) tempat ketegangan berlebihan padalutut.Hamstring Strengthening Catatan: Hanya melakukan satu hamstring memperkuatlatihan pada hari-hari Anda berolahraga - jika Anda melakukan tidak lebih dari satu set. Jika Anda telah berkembang untuk melakukan dua set latihan hamstring,Anda dapat memilih dua latihan hamstring berbeda ataumelakukan yang sama dua kali. Lihat Berapa BanyakPengulangan dan Set di atas. Seated Hamstring Strengthening Contractions: Sit in chair, with knees bent to 45 degrees and heels on floor (toes lifted up). Don't move heels but pull back on them, digging heels into floor. You will feel tension in you hamstrings. Hold for count of 5 - 10 seconds. Relax for count of 3. Do 10 repetitions. Lying Hamstring Strengthening Contractions: Duduk di kursi, dengan lutut ditekuk sampai 45 derajat dan tumit di lantai (jari kaki terangkat). Jangan bergerak tumit tapi menarik kembali pada mereka, menggali tumit ke lantai.Anda akan merasakan ketegangan di paha belakang Anda.Tahan selama hitungan 5 - 10 detik. Bersantai untuk hitungan 3. Lakukan 10 kali.Hamstring Strengthening Curls: Berbaring pada perut. Tempatkan kaki kiri ke belakang tumit kanan. Perlahan-lahan tarik tumit kanan Anda ke arah pantat Anda - melawan dengan kaki kiri. Ini kontrak paha belakang. Tahan selama 10 hitungan. (Terus menekan kaki kiri dan tumit kanan terhadap satu sama lain) Tahan selama sepuluh hitungan dan relaks selama 3 hitungan. Lakukan 10 kali.

Berjalan mundur membantu untuk mengembangkan paha belakang. Ketika berjalan mundur, berat badan Anda didistribusikan lebih merata, sehingga lebih sedikit ketegangan pada lutut Anda.Other Strengthening Exercises for Knee Stability Hip Adductors (Inner Thigh) / groin muscle and inner quad muscle (VMO) Strengthening: Duduk di kursi, letakkan tangan di antara lutut, menekan bersamaan lutut. Tahan selama 10 hitungan. Bersantai untuk hitungan 3. Lakukan 10 kali. Berbaringlah di lantai di sebelah kanan bahu Anda, samping dan pinggul sejajar. Gunakan tangan kanan untuk menopang kepala Anda. Tempatkan tangan kiri di lantai di depan Anda untuk membantu menyeimbangkan diri. Tekuk kaki kiri dan membawanya ke lantai di depan Anda. Perlahan-lahan mengangkat kaki kanan sekitar 10 inci dari lantai kemudian, tahan sejenak, lalu perlahan turunkan kaki ke tanah. Angkat 10 kali di setiap sisi.Glutes Strengthening Backward leg swing: Hold onto back of chair for support. Swing leg back at a diagonal until you feel your buttocks tighten. Tense muscles as much as you can and swing leg back a couple more inches. Return leg to floor. Repeat 10 times. Switch sides. Do 10 repetitions. Repeat on other side. Strengthening the ankles and calves may help with pronation. Calf Raise (strengthens Calves and Ankles): Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Do not lock knees. Place one hand on wall to help with balance. Raise heels off the floor as high as you can and slowly lower to starting position. Do 15 repetitions. To increase difficulty, do this exercise on one foot at a time. This exercise can also be done with the balls of the feet on the edge of a stair (or other low platform) and the heels hanging over the edge Hold on to rail for support. Slowly lower the heels as far as your can - this stretches the calves Slowly raise heels as high as you can (stand on toes) Do 15 repetitions. Knee Exercise Samples ^. Top ^ Balancing Knee Exercises (Helps in knee stability)

Terus ke belakang kursi atau counter atas untuk dukungan.Berdiri di atas satu kaki selama satu menit. Beralih sisi. Seperti meningkatkan saldo Anda, gunakan satu tangan hanya untuk dukungan. Penggunaan berikutnya satu jari hanya untuk mendukung, maka kemajuan untuk membiarkan pergi, tapi menjaga tangan Anda dalam beberapa inci di atas kursi dalam hal Anda kehilangan keseimbangan.Jangan bersandar bagasi Anda ke satu sisi. Untuk meningkatkan kesulitan, menggeser berat badan ke bola kaki. Lutut Latihan Sampel ^. Atas ^ Knee Exercise Samples ^. Top ^ Stretching Knee Exercises Note: If you are experiencing knee pain or have a knee injury or condition, ask your doctor or physical therapist what exercises are appropriate (safest and most effective) for you to do. How Often to do Stretching Exercises In general, stretching exercises may be done daily but every second day or 3 times per week is enough. Stretching exercises are often prescribed twice per day or more by physical therapists for the treatment of knee pain, the specific exercises recommended depend on the cause of the pain. How Long to Hold a Stretch For stretching exercises, the stretch should generally be held for a total of about 60 to 90 seconds. Holding a stretch for 30 seconds only requires 2 or 3 repetitions. Some people prefer to do more repetitions of 5 or 10-second stretches or just one 60-second stretch. WARM UP before stretching with 5-10 minutes of low-impact aerobics (e.g. walking, stationary bike). Warmed up muscles are more responsive to stretches and less likely to tear. Stretches should be performed without any bouncing and in a slow & controlled fashion Calf Muscles Stretch: Untuk meregangkan otot betis kiri, melangkah mundur dengan kaki kiri, ke depan dengan benar. Tekuk lutut kanan (menjaga kaki kiri dan kembali dalam garis lurus seperti yang Anda bersandar ke depan) sampai Anda merasakan peregangan lembut di betis kiri. Jangan roll kaki ke samping.Jauhkan tumit datar, kaki ke depan. Tahan 30 detik. Ulangi pada sisi lain. Quad Muscle Stretch: Berdiri. Tekuk lutut kanan, ambil depan pergelangan kaki kanan dan membawa tumit ke pantat dengan tangan. Jaga lutut bersama-sama. Jangan melengkungkan punggung.Jangan biarkan kaki pergi ke samping. Titik lutut ke lantai.Kencangkan 7

bokong dan selipkan di bawah tulang ekor untuk meningkatkan regangan. Tahan selama 30 detik. Ulangi pada sisi lain. Hamstring Stretch: Standing position Jauhkan satu kaki di tanah, menempatkan satu kaki di kursi dengan kaki lurus. Membungkuk ke depan pada pinggul.Tahan selama 30 detik. Ulangi pada sisi lain. * Jangan mencoba menyentuh jari kaki seperti ini akan meregangkan punggung, dan tujuan dari latihan ini adalah untuk mengisolasi otot hamstring di kaki Anda yang sedang didukung oleh kursi. Duduk di kursi hamstring: Luruskan satu kaki, tumit tetap di lantai. Bersandar ke depan pada pinggul, menjaga punggung lurus. Jangan mencoba untuk menyentuh jari kaki. Tahan selama 30 detik. Ulangi pada sisi lain.Gluteal Stretch (also stretches lower back): Berbaring telentang. Tekuk lutut kiri. Pegang kaki kiri di belakang lutut / belakang paha dan tarik lutut ke arah dada.Tahan 30 detik. Beralih sisi dan ulangi. Glute Stretch II: Duduk di korsi Palang pergelangan kaki kiri di atas paha kanan (tepat di atas lutut kanan). Bersandar ke depan (membungkuk dari pinggul - jangan putaran belakang) sementara lembut mendorong sisi kiri dari lutut ke tanah sampai Anda merasakan peregangan lembut. Tahan selama 30 detik Iliotibial Band Stretch: Berdiri. Untuk meregangkan sisi kanan, kaki kanan belakang silang kaki kiri. Membungkuk dari tubuh, pinggul ramping ke kiri - mendorong pinggul ke kanan. Peregangan dirasakan pada pinggul kanan luar dan paha. Jaga kaki lurus kanan, lutut kiri sedikit ditekuk. Tahan selama 30 detik.Ulangi pada sisi lain.Hip Adductors (Upper Inner Thigh) Stretch: Berdiri: Langkah ke samping dengan kaki kanan. Tekuk lututkiri sedikit (tidak memperpanjang lutut melampaui jari) dan memindahkan kaki kanan Anda lebih lanjut ke kanan sampaiAnda merasakan peregangan di paha kanan bagian dalamAnda. Tahan peregangan selama 30 detik. Ulangi pada sisi lain. Posisi duduk: Duduk di lantai, kaki menyebar ke posisi V.Perlahan-lahan condongkan tubuh ke depan dari pinggulAnda, menjaga punggung lurus, sampai Anda merasakan peregangan. Tidak bouncing. Kemudian bersandar kepadakaki, kanan lalu kaki kiri. Tahan selama 30 detik. Hip Abductors (Upper Outer Thigh and outer Hip) Stretch: Duduk di lantai, kaki diperpanjang di depan Anda. Tekuk kaki kanan dan kaki tempat yang tepat di lantai di luarlutut kiri. Putar tubuh bagian atas ke kanan dan menggunakan siku kiri dengan lembut mendorong terhadap luar lutut kanan sampai Anda merasakan peregangan lembut di 8

pinggulkanan, bokong, dan punggung bawah. Tahan selama 30 detik. Ulangi pada sisi lain. Hip Flexors (front of hips) Stretch: Sesak di otot-otot ini dapat mempengaruhi alignment tulanglutut. Berdiri Latihan: Langkah ke depan dengan kaki kanan,tekuk lutut kanan (untuk meningkatkan regangan, mengambil langkah yang lebih besar). Jangan memperpanjang kakimelewati lutut. Jaga lutut kiri ditekuk sedikit dengan tumit dari tanah. Jaga punggung tegak. Hal ini meregangkan pingguldepan di sisi kiri. Dorong pinggul kiri ke depan untukmeningkatkan regangan. Tahan selama 30 detik. Ulangi pada sisi lain. * Dari semua latihan lutut di atas, memperkuat kontraksipaha depan mungkin latihan, termudah paling aman dan paling penting yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mencegahnyeri lutut dan cedera. Mereka yang memiliki kesulitan dalam latihan pas ke dalam jadwal mereka selalu dapat melakukan latihan ini sambil menonton televisi.

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