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asked ques;ons: Pop-up Victory Garden

What is The Peterson Garden Project? The Peterson Garden Project (PGP) is a federal 501c3 not-for-prot organiza;on based in Chicago, Illinois. For more informa;on: www.petersongarden.org Our mission: To recruit, educate and inspire a new genera6on of home and community gardeners who want to gain control of their food supply, grow their own produce organically, and make urban food gardening the normnot the excep6on. How do you accomplish your goals? We provide educa;on, support and materials to teach people to grow their own food organically in an urban seKng. Part of our ac;vity includes the crea;on of Pop-up Victory Gardens so urbanites have a place to learn. What is a Pop-up Victory Garden? The original Victory Gardens of WW2 were created in all available open space including private property. When the war was over, these spaces reverted back to their intended use. A modern Pop-up Victory Garden is a similar concept unused privately owned urban space is converted to a community-based allotment garden where families and individuals can learn to grow their own food. The gardens all use organic methods and produce food only. Since we are not in a war;me situa;on, and most urban open land is highly desirable, a Pop-up Victory garden lasts only as long as the property owner makes it available which can be as li@le as two years.
To learn more about WW2 Victory Gardens, watch our founder LaManda Joys Library of Congress lecture on YouTube.

Who parBcipates in a Pop-up Victory Garden? Garden communi;es are made up of neighbors, volunteers, Illinois Extension Master Gardeners, local groups, city organiza;ons and others interested in becoming part of a garden community and growing their own food organically. Although the garden will be amazing, the community that develops is the real achievement. It takes a lot of people to create a healthy garden and, we can tell you from experience, it is ;me well spent.

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Frequently asked ques;ons: Pop-up Victory Garden

How does it work? The cost is $65 (addi;onal dona;ons are most welcome!) This provides a 4x8 raised bed (32 sq feet of growing area), lled with organic soil. The Peterson Garden Project also, through dona;ons from partners, provides tools and other supplies such as seeds and garden material when possible. We partner with Mather High School biology club to grow organic, heirloom vegetable starts which we sell at a plant sale in May. Gardeners are responsible for their own seeds, plants and garden supplies (other than soil, which is provided in the rst year of the garden). You can get these at PGP events like Seed Swaps and the Plant Sale, or at one of the many local garden centers. Educa;on is provided for gardeners who are unfamiliar with food growing using the Square Foot Gardening method which is a nice introduc;on to small space, urban gardening. Scholarships are available. When can I garden? Gardeners and volunteers will build the beds and ll them with soil over the course of 4-6 weeks star;ng in April. Once the garden is built, all gardeners go through an orienta;on class (1 hour) that tells them the basics of being a good ci;zen in the garden. Once all gardeners have been through the orienta;on, a combina;on will be provided and gardeners can come and go as they please. The garden season is from the opening of the garden through October or the rst frost (whichever comes rst). For liability reasons, we do not garden over the winter. Food Pantries 10-15 beds in each garden will be part of our Grow2Give program. This program is managed by volunteers and grows produce for a local food pantry of the gardens choosing. For 2012, we an;cipate dona;ng upwards of a (literal) ton of food to Chicago food pantries. Events Throughout the summer a series of community-planned events will happen in the garden from plotlucks to music nights to work par;es. We hope your garden becomes the center of your neighborhood and community and, together, you can learn the joy of growing food with others. Liability The primary gardener in each family will sign a hold harmless waiver that applies to their family, friends and any other guests that enter the garden. In other words, garden at your own risk. Pets We love pets but not in the garden for, obvious, sanitary reasons.

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