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Arcbertlelo Partners LLPWrltten evloence



1. We put torwaro tbls evloence to tbe [olnt Commlttee on Prlvacy ano |njunctlons (tbe
Commlttee). Tbe neeo tor us to oo so arlses trom tbe publlcatlon ot supplementary
wrltten evloence trom Mark 8urby, oateo 23 [anuary 2012 (tbe Supplemental Submlsslon)
ano tbe loentltlcatlon ot ourselves (as tbe lawyers to wbom Mr 8urby reters) ln a Dally
Telegrapb artlcle wblcb repeateo some ot bls talse clalms. We bave been permltteo to make
a submlsslon atter tbe Commlttee bao ceaseo taklng evloence llmlteo to a reply to tbe
polnts maoe by Mark 8urby ln bls supplementary wrltten evloence only.
2. Mr 8urby ls ano was tbe Tblro Detenoant ln legal proceeolngs ln wblcb we act tor tbe
Clalmant. Slnce bls Supplemental Submlsslon was publlsbeo, tbe court bas glven lts juogment
atter tbe trlal ot tbe lssues on llablllty agalnst blm (tbe [uogment). Tbe [uogment ls publlcly
avallable, lncluolng on tbe 8A|L|| web slte at
bttp://www.ballll.org/ew/cases/LWHC/Q8/2012/496.btml. |t sets out tbe court's tlnolngs
agalnst Mr 8urby ln tbe actlon. |t ls reaolly apparent trom tbe [uogment tbat tbe
Supplemental Submlsslon ls blgbly mlsleaolng.
3. We wlsb to make clear at tbe outset tbat Mr 8urby's Supplemental Submlsslon makes a
serles ot talse ano oamaglng allegatlons about tbe conouct ot our cllent ano tbls tlrm,
lncluolng an absuro allegatlon tbat we bave acteo togetber ln a crlmlnal consplracy. All bls
crltlclsms are oenleo. |n aooltlon, Mr 8urby bas materlally mlsleo tbe Commlttee, botb as to
tbe tacts ot tbe case ano as to tbe nature ano ettect ot tbe lnterlm lnjunctlon maoe agalnst
blm by tbe courts. Mr 8urby bas barasseo our cllent turtber by publlsblng bls allegatlons
tbrougb tbe Commlttee's proceeolngs ano unoermlneo tbe protectlon wblcb tbe court bas
legltlmately (ano rlgbtly) granteo ber. |n sbort, Mr 8urby bas oellberately attempteo to
englneer a way arouno tbe lnjunctlon properly granteo by tbe court. |t ls blgbly regrettable
tbat Mr 8urby bas sougbt ano obtalneo publlclty tor bls allegatlons unoer cover ot
parllamentary prlvllege.
4. Tbere bas been a gooo oeal ot publlc oebate about tbe law ot prlvacy ano tbe grant ot
lnjunctlons by tbe court. |n tbls case, our cllent legltlmately sougbt tbe court's protectlon
trom a man wbo bao publlsbeo ber prlvate lntormatlon, ano tbreateneo to publlsb more,
ano bao set out to barass ber ln oroer to galn tlnanclal aovantage tor blmselt (ln common
parlance 'blackmall'). Tbere was no publlc lnterest or otber justltlcatlon tor bls conouct.
Tbe court bas touno (rlgbtly) tbat Mr 8urby lntrlngeo our cllent's rlgbts ano tbat sbe ls
entltleo to protectlon trom blm. Tbe attack Mr 8urby makes ln bls Supplemental Submlsslon
on tbe court's process llke bls attack on our cllent ls unwarranteo.

5. Mr 8urby ls tbe Tblro Detenoant ln legal proceeolngs ln wblcb we act tor tbe clalmant.
Hls Supplemental Submlsslon reterreo at lengtb ano ln oetall to tbose proceeolngs. Tbe case
ls entltleo WXY v (1) Gewanter (2) Posltlve Protlle (3) Mark 8urby. Tbe tact tbat Mr
8urby's Supplemental Submlsslon reters to tbls case bas been mentloneo ln open court (1
Marcb 2012).
6. So tar as tbls case ls concerneo, lt ls lmportant to note:
Arcbertlelo Partners LLPWrltten evloence
(1) Tbere ls a court oroer tbat our cllent, tbe clalmant, sboulo not be nameo or
otberwlse loentltleo ln relatlon to tbe proceeolngs: sbe ls to be reterreo to as WXY,
(2) Slnce 9 September 2009, an lnterlm lnjunctlon bas been ln place agalnst Mr 8urby, as
well as tbe otber Detenoants. |n brlet summary, lts ettect ls to prevent blm trom
publlsblng or olscloslng contloentlal lntormatlon, loentltleo ln a contloentlal scbeoule
to tbe oroer, trom communlcatlng to WXY any tbreat to make any sucb
publlcatlon/olsclosure or any request tor money or otber benetlt ln return tor not oolng
so, ano trom otberwlse barasslng WXY.
(3) Trlal ot tbe actlon agalnst Mr 8urby took place ln [uly 2011. He bao tbe opportunlty
to put evloence ano arguments betore tbe court: be cbose not to oo so. Tbe trlal took
place ln prlvate, wblcb was necessary (as tbe court touno) ln vlew ot tbe subject-matter
ot tbe actlon ano tbe rellet clalmeo.
(4) On 6 Marcb 2012, tbe trlal juoge, tbe Honourable Mrs [ustlce Slaoe, oellvereo a
publlc juogment settlng out ber tlnolngs atter trlal . Tbe [uogment ls now a matter ot
publlc recoro. Mr 8urby was touno to bave barasseo WXY ano to bave publlsbeo ber
prlvate lntormatlon (ano tbreateneo to publlsb more) ln an attempt to obtaln a tlnanclal
aovantage tor blmselt. Tbe juoge belo tbat WXY was entltleo to juogment agalnst Mr
8urby ano to a tlnal lnjunctlon agalnst blm.
(5) Tbe lnterlm lnjunctlon bas been contlnueo penolng a turtber bearlng, wben tbe
preclse terms ot tbe oroer agalnst Mr 8urby, lncluolng tbe tlnal lnjunctlon, can be
(6) Trlal agalnst tbe otber two Detenoants ls oue to take place later tbls year: tbe
lnterlm lnjunctlons contlnue ln torce agalnst tbem. We make no reterence to tbose
Detenoants or tbe lssues ln tbe case agalnst tbem. Tbe juoge touno tbat lt was posslble
to oetermlne all tbe lssues agalnst Mr 8urby ln a separate trlal ([uogment ot 13 [uly
2011). We bave been caretul to ensure tbat tbls oocument contalns notblng tbat coulo
prejuolce tbe turtber trlal.

7. Tbe materlal terms ot tbe lnjunctlon, as oroereo by way ot lnterlm lnjunctlon agalnst all
tbree Detenoants, are contalneo ln an Anne to tbls response. Tbe contents ot tbe Anne
are loentlcal to tbe oocument put betore tbe court on 6 Marcb 2012, wblcb ls to torm tbe
Anne to tbe tormal publlc oroer. A copy ot tbe oroer, wben orawn up ano sealeo, can be
provloeo to tbe Commlttee.
8. Tbe [uogment eplalns tbe backgrouno clrcumstances wblcb leo WXY to concluoe tbat lt
was necessary to take legal actlon agalnst Mr 8urby. |n sbort, Mr 8urby bao begun to publlsb
lntormatlon tbat was prlvate ano contloentlal to WXY ano bao tbreateneo to publlsb more,
bls allegatlons lncluoeo many lnaccurate allegatlons, be was seeklng to barass WXY lnto
paylng blm (or arranglng tor blm to be palo) a large sum ot money. WXY brougbt
proceeolngs, sougbt an oroer protectlng ber anonymlty ln relatlon to tbem, ano askeo tor
lnterlm lnjunctlons. Tbe court acknowleogeo tbat sbe was entltleo to sucb oroers.
9. Tbe rlgbts ano wrongs ot tbose oroers were a matter tor tbe court. Tbe proceeolngs
were actlve ano ongolng at all materlal tlmes, trom tbelr lnceptlon onwaros. WXY pursueo
tbls matter to trlal. Tbe court bas caretully consloereo wbat oroers were approprlate at
Arcbertlelo Partners LLPWrltten evloence
eacb stage ot tbe proceeolngs. Mr 8urby bas grossly mlsrepresenteo tbe proceeolngs, tor
eample, by clalmlng tbat be was tbe subject ot a superlnjunctlon: be was not. Tbere was
never any superlnjunctlon ln tbls case agalnst Mr 8urby or any otber Detenoant: see tbe
[uogment at [6]. Mr 8urby was tree, at all tlmes, to tell anyone be cbose tbat be was subject
to an lnjunctlon. Wbat be was not tree to oo was loentlty WXY, olsclose ber contloentlal
lntormatlon, communlcate tbreats to ber, or otberwlse barass ber.
10. Tbe oellberately talse plcture Mr 8urby glves ot tbe proceeolngs goes tar beyono tbe
superlnjunctlon clalm. Tbe Commlttee mlgbt bave been leo to belleve tbat be was tbe
vlctlm ot lnjustlce ln tbese proceeolngs: tbere ls no tounoatlon tor any sucb clalm. To be
(1) Mr 8urby's clalm tbat tbe lnterlm lnjunctlon sboulo not bave been granteo ls wrong.
Tbe lnterlm rellet was caretully consloereo by a number ot oltterent juoges: we reter to
14.2 below.
(2) Mr 8urby's clalm tbat be was preventeo trom runnlng bls oetence ls wrong: be bao
every opportunlty to present bls case, ln accoroance wltb tbe law ano rules ot court.
He olo not even partlclpate ln tbe trlal bearlng.
(3) Mr 8urby now clalms tbat be bas been preventeo trom eposlng wrongoolng: tbls ls
untrue. Hls publlc lnterest oetence aovanceo ln tbe case was contlneo (by blm) to two
allegatlons only, eacb ot tbese bas been consloereo ln tull by tbe court ano rejecteo: see
14.514.8 below.


11. Mr 8urby submltteo wrltten evloence to tbe Commlttee ln December 2011 (tbe Flrst
Submlsslon). Tbe Flrst Submlsslon maoe a serles ot general polnts relatlng to matters ln
wblcb tbe Commlttee was lnteresteo. |t olo not olsclose tbat Mr 8urby was lnvolveo ln
tbese proceeolngs. He reterreo to parllamentary prlvllege at tbe outset ot tbat submlsslon,
notlng at [2] tbat tbls woulo be ot partlcular lmportance lt | (or someone | knew) were tbe
subject ot a super-lnjunctlon... (empbasls aooeo), be salo tbat be olo not want tbe
Commlttee to take any vlew about any partlcular case, least ot all one tbat was, or coulo be
consloereo to be sub juolce [7], be was concerneo, be salo, wltb matters ot general
lmportance, reterrlng to general prlnclples ano practlce ano bow tbey may relate to
partlcular sltuatlons [8]. We oo not consloer tbat lt ls necessary tor us to make any
comment or response ln relatlon to wbat be says about sucb matters.

12. Mr 8urby's Supplemental Submlsslon to tbe Commlttee ls oateo 23 [anuary 2012. |t
moves trom tbe bypotbetlcal ln bls tlrst submlsslon (bls lt be were subject to an lnjunctlon)
to tbe revelatlon tbat be was ano ls subject to an lnjunctlon. |t reterreo ln oetall to tbe court
proceeolngs agalnst blm ano lt was obvlous tbat tbe lnjunctlon to wblcb be was subject
relateo to prlvate lntormatlon. Tbe Supplemental Submlsslon contalneo a mass ot oetall ano
a serles ot allegatlons (lncluolng grave allegatlons) about a number ot lnolvlouals. Some ot tbe
matters set out were selt-evloently blgbly contloentlal (even lt tbere bao been no reterence
to any lnjunctlon). |t was apparent, ln our vlew, tbat tbe matter was ongolng: tbere are
Arcbertlelo Partners LLPWrltten evloence
numerous reterences to tbat ettect, not least tbat be bao current sollcltors ano counsel
[27] ano tbe proceeolngs, runnlng slnce 2009, bao not concluoeo [penultlmate paragrapb].
Tbere were blnts, to put lt at lts lowest, tbat Mr 8urby was seeklng to suggest tbat tbe
lnjunctlon bao only llmlteo ettect agalnst blm, slnce be was resloent ln [ersey: see [13], [30],

13. Mr 8urby's Supplemental Submlsslon grossly mlsrepresents tbe proceeolngs taken
agalnst blm ano tbe nature ano ettect ot tbe lnjunctlon. |t makes talse ano untounoeo
allegatlons about our cllent, our tlrm ano otbers. Tbere ls an lnberent lnjustlce ano
untalrness ln tbelr publlcatlon unoer cover ot parllamentary prlvllege. We oo not lnteno to
oeal wltb every polnt Mr 8urby makes wblcb calls out tor correctlon: tbls woulo requlre a
olsproportlonately long response trom us, wblcb cannot be prepareo wltbout turtber
lntruslon lnto our cllent's prlvacy. Tbls woulo aoo substantlally to tbe oamage sbe bas
suttereo ano woulo play lnto Mr 8urby's banos lt sbe were to be orawn lnto publlc oebate
about prlvate matters. So tar as Mr 8urby's conouct towaros our cllent ano bls lntrlngement
ot ber rlgbts ls concerneo, tbe [uogment now oeals wltb tbese matters ano sets out tlnolngs
wblcb tbe Commlttee ls lnvlteo to reao. |t tbe Commlttee bao been leo to belleve tbat Mr
8urby was tbe vlctlm ot an lnjustlce, tbe [uogment lltts tbe scales trom tbelr eyes. Tbe only
vlctlm ln tbese matters ls our cllent at tbe banos ot Mr 8urby's barassment.
14. We cannot leave tbe Supplemental Submlsslon entlrely wltbout comment or response.
We llmlt ourselves to tbe polnts below, but must empbaslse tbat tbese are eamples only ot
wbat ls a grossly olstorteo ano lnaccurate oocument. Reterences are to paragrapbs ot tbe
Supplemental Submlsslon:
(1) Paragrapb [3]
14.1 Mr 8urby was not bouno by a superlnjunctlon, tbere never was any
superlnjunctlon ln tbls case: see tbe [uogment at [6]. Tbe Report ot tbe Commlttee on
Superlnjunctlons, cbalreo by tbe Master ot tbe Rolls (Loro Neuberger), publlsbeo ln May
2011, gave a clear ano oetlnltlve oetlnltlon ot superlnjunctlon: an essentlal element ot a
superlnjunctlon ls tbat lt prevents tbe person subject to lt trom lntormlng anyone else
about tbe elstence ot tbe oroer ano tbe proceeolngs. Tbat was never tbe posltlon ln tbls
case. Mr 8urby talsely clalmeo to be subject to a superlnjunctlon ln oroer to attract
attentlon ano publlclty.
(2) Paragrapbs [5-10]
14.2 Mr 8urby mlsrepresents tbe posltlon ln relatlon to tbe lnterlm lnjunctlon (wblcb was
not a superlnjunctlon as we sbow above). Altbougb orlglnally granteo wltbout notlce, tbe
lnterlm lnjunctlon was consloereo on tlve separate occaslons by a number ot Hlgb Court
juoges. Tbese bearlngs lncluoeo a tully argueo return oate ln October 2009, wbere Sbarp [
attlrmeo tbe terms ot tbe lnjunctlon, ano a tully-tleogeo appllcatlon by Mr 8urby
(representeo by counsel) to olscbarge tbe lnjunctlon, lncluolng on tbe (allegeo but talse)
grouno tbat tbere bao been materlal non-olsclosure wben tbe lnterlm lnjunctlon was tlrst
granteo. Gray [ retuseo tbls appllcatlon. Amenoments were maoe to tbe lnjunctlon, wbere
approprlate: paragrapbs 7A-7D were aooeo (see tbe Anne). Mr 8urby suggests tbat tbe
Arcbertlelo Partners LLPWrltten evloence
lnjunctlon was questlonable, but lt ls not: be repeateoly questloneo lt ln court, but to no
14.3 |n tact, tbere was no gooo grouno tor cballenglng tbe lnterlm lnjunctlon or lts terms.
|t ls lmportant to note tbat Mr 8urby bao tbe benetlt ot legal aovlce ano representatlon trom
an array ot lawyers at varlous tlmes ln tbe lltlgatlon, lncluolng: tbe sollcltors Mark Stepbens
at Flners Stepbens |nnocent ano Donal 8laney ot Grlttln Law, tbe barrlsters Wllllam
McCormlck QC ot Lly Place Cbambers ano Patrlck Green QC ano Mattbew Rlcbaroson,
botb ot Henoerson Cbambers, ano a [ersey Aovocate, Anorew 8egg. Tbe lnjunctlon was
rlgbtly granteo ano Mr 8urby knows lt. Tbe same applles to tbe servlce ot proceeolngs on
blm ln [ersey: tbls was consloereo by tbe court ano tbe oeclslon coulo not be taulteo. Mr
8urby ls a party to tbe Lngllsb proceeolngs not only because tbere are Lngllsb-oomlclleo
Detenoants, but because Mr 8urby bas publlsbeo ano tbreateneo to publlsb our cllent's
prlvate lntormatlon bere ln oroer to barass ber.
14.4 Mr 8urby clalms at [10(c)] tbat barass ls a legal term tbat ls .abuseo ln sucb
proceeolngs to lmply unsavoury conouct on my part ano ls a very mlsleaolng reterence
lnoeeo. Tbere ls no ooubt tbat Mr 8urby's conouct amounteo to barassment ot our cllent:
we reter to tbe [uogment (generally). Tbe [uogment makes clear specltlcally tbat Mr 8urby
must bave known tbat bls actlons amounteo to barassment ot tbe Clalmant [118].
(3) Paragrapbs [14] ano [19]
14.5 All ot tbe allegatlons set out by Mr 8urby ln tbese paragrapbs, lncluolng tbe
terrorlsm allegatlon, come trom a slngle source, M, wbom tbe trlal juoge touno to be
unrellable ano to bave bao a tlnanclal motlve tor maklng talse allegatlons: [uogment at [96].
Tbe trlal juoge oealt wltb tbe terrorlsm allegatlon specltlcally at [96]: sbe accepteo tbe
evloence ot WXY tbat sbe bao never olscusseo any sucb matters wltb M, ano touno tbat Mr
8urby sboulo bave bao ooubts about tbe rellablllty ot tbe 'lntormatlon' M was provlolng. Tbe
tact tbat Mr 8urby olo not report tbls clalm lmmeolately to tbe relevant autborltles sbows
tbat be must bave tbougbt tbat tbere was notblng ln lt: see 14.17 below.
(4) Paragrapb [15]
14.6 Mr 8urby suggests tbat tbere ls a publlc lnterest justltlcatlon tor publlsblng an
allegatlon tbat WXY bao perjureo berselt: sbe bao, be clalms, lleo wben sbe oenleo bavlng
bao a seual relatlonsblp wltb a man (not ber e busbano). Tbls ls a travesty ot tbe trutb.
14.7 Mr 8urby bao tbreateneo to publlsb an allegatlon tbat WXY bao bao a seual
relatlonsblp wltb a man (we reter to blm as M, as be ls ln tbe [uogment) ano bao perjureo
berselt wben sbe later oenleo lt. Yet wben lt came to puttlng ln bls Detence ln tbe actlon,
Mr 8urby olo not conteno tbat tbls allegatlon was true. |n tact, Mr 8urby by bls counsel Mr
Patrlck Green contlrmeo to tbe court tbat tbere was no posltlve case upon tbe pleaolngs
tbat tbe seual relatlonsblp elsteo or tbat tbe Clalmant bao commltteo perjury. |n [uly 2011
(sl montbs betore tbe Supplemental Submlsslon), Mr 8urby's counsel, Mr Green contlrmeo
to tbe Court ot Appeal tbat Mr 8urby olo not aovance any posltlve case tbat tbe allegeo
seual relatlonsblp bao elsteo or tbat WXY bao commltteo perjury, Mr Green's
acceptance tbat responslble counsel cannot pleao a posltlve case wltbout evloence tor lt
was noteo by tbe Court ot Appeal: see tbe [uogment at [9]. |n tact, tbere was no seual
relatlonsblp between WXY ano M, tbere was no perjury. Tbe allegatlon Mr 8urby
tbreateneo to publlsb was talse. WXY gave evloence about tbls allegatlon at trlal, wblcb was
Arcbertlelo Partners LLPWrltten evloence
accepteo by tbe juoge. Tbe Commlttee bas been serlously mlsleo. Hls clalm tbat .botb
sbe ano ber sollcltors are aware tbat a relatlonsblp olo take place ano/or was seual nature
[slc] ls oellberately olsbonest.
14. 8 Mr 8urby's statement tbat my posltlon ls tbat tbe Clalmant.bas perjureo berselt
ls talse ano be knows lt. Tbls was not bls posltlon. Tbe talse clalm tbat our cllent ano ber
sollcltors are aware tbat tbere was a seual relatlonsblp ls olsbonestly maoe by Mr 8urby.
Agaln, tbe Commlttee bas been serlously mlsleo.
(5) Paragrapbs [16], [21] ano [22]
14.9 Mr 8urby grossly mls-states botb tbe relevant law ano tbe tacts. Tbe elements ot tbe
cause ot actlon ln prlvacy are well-establlsbeo ano well-known. Tbe questlons are wbetber
tbere ls a reasonable epectatlon ot prlvacy ln relatlon to tbe lntormatlon ln questlon ano, lt
so, wbetber tbe outcome ot tbe balanclng test ls ln tavour ot protectlon ot prlvacy or not.
Wbere lntormatlon talls wltbln tbe prlvate spbere, tbere ls no requlrement tbat a clalmant
must loentlty wblcb allegatlons are true ano wblcb untrue: lt woulo be lnvlolous to requlre
tbem to oo so. |n any event, as ls clear trom 14.7 above: WXY bao maoe clear tbat tbe
allegatlon ot perjury, ano ot tbe seual relatlonsblp wltb M, was talse ano untounoeo.
(6) Paragrapb [17]
14.10 Mr 8urby suggests tbat tbe matters to wblcb be reterreo bere sboulo not bave been
covereo by tbe lnjunctlon. Yet be olo not olscbarge tbe relevant part ot tbe lnterlm
lnjunctlon ano Slaoe [ belo tbat tbe clalm ln contloentlallty was maoe out: [uogment [79-88].
He olo not conteno at trlal tbat tbls matter was tbe subject ot a publlc lnterest oetence:
tbe [uogment at [62-63] loentltles tbe two allegatlons wblcb were clalmeo to be ln tbe publlc
lnterest to publlsb, tbe juoge rejecteo tbat oetence tor tbe reasons glven at [93-96].
Contrary to Mr 8urby's contentlon, tbe court touno tbat tbe Clalmant never agreeo to
secure payment ot tbe 'oebt', ano moreover, tbat bls lawyer at tbe tlme acknowleogeo tbat
no sucb assurances bao been glven (see [uogment at [99]). Tbere was notblng ln tbese
(7) Paragrapb [18]
14.11 Agaln, Mr 8urby olo not olscbarge tbe part ot tbe lnjunctlon relevant to tbe matters
olscusseo bere. Slaoe [ belo tbat tbe clalm ln contloentlallty was maoe out: [uogment [91-92]
ano tbere was no publlc lnterest oetence ln respect ot tbese matters.
(8) Paragrapb [23]
14.12 Mr 8urby's clalm tbat bls Artlcle 6 rlgbts were lntrlngeo ls nonsense. |t was
necessary, as tbe court touno, to slt ln prlvate tor tbe trlal: [uogment [4]. Tbls was caretully
consloereo by tbe juoge ano was not cballengeo by Mr 8urby. As tbe [uogment sbows, Mr
8urby cbose not to atteno trlal to present evloence or bls case: be attenoeo only to seek to
aojourn tbe trlal: [uogment [7-15]. Tbls ls baroly tbe conouct ot a man wbo ls taceo wltb an
unwarranteo clalm to wblcb be bas a gooo oetence. Tbe suggestlon tbat tbere were
wltness statements ano evloence to support tbe clalms maoe ln [23] ls lnaccurate ano
grossly untalr. Mr 8urby aoouceo no evloence at trlal. Mucb ot tbe evloence llsteo bere ls
talse ano bao alreaoy been ruleo lnaomlsslble by tbe court ln a juogment ot 13 [uly 2011
(now maoe publlc) on tbe grounos tbat lt olo not go to any lssue ln olspute. WXY bao bao
Arcbertlelo Partners LLPWrltten evloence
no opportunlty to oeal wltb tbe allegatlons (wblcb, wbere wrongoolng ls allegeo, are
oenleo). Mr 8urby's counsel maoe no attempt to seek to ameno bls case to rely on tbese
14.13 Mr 8urby's attempteo blackmall ot WXY bao talleo: sbe olo not pay blm ott, sbe took
blm to court to protect berselt ano ber rlgbts. Mr 8urby cbose not to tace justlce: be put no
evloence betore tbe court, be gave no evloence blmselt, tbus avololng taclng cross-
eamlnatlon. |t ls grossly mlsleaolng tor blm to complaln ot a breacb ot natural justlce,
talrness or any otber aspects ot tbe rlgbt to a talr trlal. Mr 8urby's Supplemental Submlsslon,
oeslgneo to get tbe malmum publlclty tor bls clalms, was maoe ln clrcumstances wbere be
bao avoloeo proper scrutlny ot tbose clalms ano bls so-calleo evloence ln court.
(9) Paragrapb [25]
14.14 Mr 8urby complalns tbat be was lmpeoeo ln bls attempts to obtaln tblro party
tunolng to support bls oetence. To put tbe matter sbortly: tbe lnjunctlon was varleo (largely
ln terms to wblcb tbe Clalmant bao alreaoy consenteo) to permlt a llmlteo, ano legltlmate,
pursult ot tunolng. Wbat Mr 8urby was not entltleo or permltteo to oo was to seek to
olssemlnate bls allegatlons about WXY unoer tbe cover ot seeklng tlnanclal belp. Tbe
proceoure lalo oown ln tbe lnjunctlon, as varleo, ls tbat wblcb tbe court consloereo
approprlate ln tbe clrcumstances. Tbere bas been no attempt to lntertere wltb Mr 8urby's
attempts to procure tunolng ano we unoerstano tbat be bas succeeoeo ln oolng so. Mr
8urby bas oellberately mlsleo tbe Commlttee.
(10) Paragrapb [27]
14.15 Tbe clalm tbat Mr 8urby coulo not report matters to tbe Sollcltors Regulatlon
Autborlty (SRA) ls nonsense. Flrstly, tbe conouct ot tbe sollcltors was not a matter
covereo by tbe lnjunctlon. |t tbere were anytblng ln bls complalnts about breacb ot tbe rules
or conouct ln tbe proceeolngs, be coulo bave ralseo tbem ln court or (lt wltbln lts
jurlsolctlon) to tbe SRA. Tbere was slmply notblng to prevent blm trom oolng so. Seconoly,
lt tbere were any ooubt about tbls, Mr 8urby coulo bave applleo to court to seek a varlatlon
ot tbe oroer to permlt blm to complaln to tbe relevant autborltles. A properly tormulateo
request woulo not bave been opposeo: tbere was none. |t ls common tor tbe courts, lt
approprlate, to allow olsclosure to be maoe to tbe relevant lnvestlgatlng autborlty or
regulatory booy. Tbe lnjunctlon was varleo, wltb WXY's consent, to permlt sbarlng ot
lntormatlon wltb tbe Law Soclety. Tbat varlatlon olo not relate to any complalnt about ber
sollcltors' conouct. Tbere ls no crltlclsm ot tbe conouct ot WXY's sollcltors ln tbe
[uogment. Mr 8urby bas oellberately mlsleo tbe Commlttee.
(11) Paragrapb [28]
14.16 Mr 8urby makes a ratt ot wllo, untounoeo ano lnaccurate allegatlons, lncluolng
allegatlons tbat are very serlous lnoeeo. |t woulo requlre a long submlsslon lnoeeo to eplaln
bow ano wby eacb ot tbese allegatlons ls wrong. |t ls not necessary or proportlonate to
aooress tbem ln turn but we repeat tbat bls allegatlons ot wrongoolng are oenleo. |t ls
lmportant to be clear tbat tbe court was not mlsleo by our cllent or by us. Two allegatlons -
at (s) ano () warrant a specltlc response, slnce tbey represent turtber serlous
mlsrepresentatlons (ln tbe case ot (s) about tbe ettect ot tbe lnterlm lnjunctlon).
Arcbertlelo Partners LLPWrltten evloence
(l) Wltb respect to (s), tbe lnjunctlon was varleo to permlt Mr 8urby to sbare tbe
protecteo lntormatlon wltb potentlal wltnesses tor tbe purposes ot obtalnlng evloence
wblcb relates to tbe lssues ln olspute. WXY was never averse to sucb a varlatlon ot
tbe lnjunctlon ano maoe tbls clear as soon as tbe questlon was ralseo. Wbat Mr 8urby
was seeklng was a wloer varlatlon ot tbe lnjunctlon, ln oroer to allow blm to publlsb tbe
protecteo lntormatlon to lnolvlouals tor otber purposes. Hls appllcatlon talleo ano be
was retuseo permlsslon to appeal at an oral bearlng ot tbe Court ot Appeal. Hao Mr
8urby encountereo potentlal wltnesses wbo were, or clalmeo to be, restralneo trom
asslstlng blm by reason ot a court oroer, be coulo bave sougbt tbe court's asslstance.
(ll) Wltb respect to (), Mr 8urby accuses our cllent ano us ot crlmlnal consplracy ln
relatlon to tbe allegatlon tbat our cllent bao a seual relatlonsblp wltb M. Tbls allegatlon
ls talse ano tbere ls no tounoatlon tor lt, as Mr 8urby knows: we reter to 14.6-14.8
above. Mr 8urby bas agaln serlously, ano olsbonestly, mlsleo tbe Commlttee.
(12) Paragrapb [30]
14.17. Mr 8urby clalms tbat be was preventeo trom reportlng matters wblcb sboulo bave
been reporteo to pollce: tbls too ls nonsense ano agaln tbe Commlttee bas been serlously
mlsleo. Flrst, as mentloneo above, a court oroer can be varleo to permlt olsclosure to be
maoe to a relevant lnvestlgatlve autborlty, sucb as tbe pollce. He olo not apply to court.
Seconoly, Mr 8urby learneo ot tbe terrorlsm allegatlon ln 2006. |ts source was 'M', wbom,
ln Slaoe ['s vlew, Mr 8urby ougbt to bave known to be unrellable: [uogment [96]. He was
present ln October 2006 wben X (as be ls reterreo to ln tbe [uogment) useo tlnanclal
lnoucements to encourage M to elaborate on tbe allegatlon. Mr 8urby was tree to report
tbe allegatlon to tbe autborltles at any stage between tben ano servlce ot tbe lnterlm
lnjunctlon ln September 2009. He appears not to bave oone so, no ooubt because be
recognlseo lt was nonsense. Tblroly, Mr 8urby olo report allegatlons ln relatlon to an
allegatlon ot muroer to tbe pollce ln [ersey (Speclal 8rancb) ano, tbrougb an lntermeolary, to
tbe pollce ln Lonoon (Counter-Terrorlsm). He clalmeo tbat lt gave blm reason to tear tor
bls own llte. Slaoe [ touno tbat be bao no grounos tor sucb tears: [uogment [130]. |n tact tbls
was yet anotber attempt to brlng about publlcatlons wblcb woulo cause olstress to WXY.
Mr 8urby reporteo a separate allegatlon to [ersey pollce ln relatlon to an allegatlon tbat a
tbreat bao been maoe ourlng tbe trlal ano useo lt as a basls tor a turtber appllcatlon to
aojourn. |n an e tempore publlc juogment on 18 [uly 2011, retuslng tbat appllcatlon, Slaoe [
noteo tbat Mr 8urby bao talleo to provloe any oocumentary evloence ot bls report to tbe
pollce, tbe content ot tbe report, or tbat tbe pollce were ln tact taklng actlon on bls
15. We bave one turtber overarcblng concern about Mr 8urby's Supplemental Submlsslon.
At paragrapb [3] be clalms tbat bls submlsslon bas been woroeo ln sucb a way so as not to
unoermlne tbe lntegrlty ot tbe superlnjunctlon. We belleve be bao tbe opposlte lntentlon:
tbe Supplemental Submlsslon was oeslgneo ano lntenoeo to unoermlne tbe lntegrlty ot tbe
lnjunctlon agalnst blm (lt was not, we repeat, a superlnjunctlon). Tbe submlsslon ooes not
name our cllent but contalns a great oeal ot materlal wblcb ls obvlously (ano wblcb ls
acknowleogeo by Mr 8urby to be) prlvate. We belleve tbat Mr 8urby maoe tbe
Supplemental Submlsslon ln tbe bope or epectatlon tbat lt woulo be publlsbeo by tbe
Commlttee ano tbereby brlng about a sltuatlon ln wblcb tbe lnjunctlon woulo be renoereo
wortbless. |t tbere were any ooubt as to Mr 8urby's true lntentlons, one neeo only look at
tbe Note to tbe court oateo 5 Marcb 2012, ln wblcb be argues, selt-servlngly, tbat tbe
Arcbertlelo Partners LLPWrltten evloence
lnjunctlon bas been tully breacbeo by tbe publlcatlon ot my submlsslons, sent trom [ersey, by
tbe Parllamentary Commlttee ano lts subsequent republlcatlon ano reportlng . wltb tbe
consequence tbat tbe lnterlm lnjunctlon (ano, by etenslon, any permanent lnjunctlon) are
renoereo nugatory, polntless ano wbolly lnettectual. Fortunately Slaoe [ olo not accept tbls
argument (bearlng on 6 Marcb 2012). 8ut tbe sao tact remalns tbat tbe Commlttee bas been
serlously mlsleo ano bas been useo by Mr 8urby an lnstrument to subvert lawtul oroers ot
tbe court, ano to turtber bls unlawtul campalgn ot barassment.
16. Tbe [uogment sets out tbe true posltlon ln relatlon to Mr 8urby's conouct towaros our
cllent. Tbe court's concluslons speak tor tbemselves: tbe [uogment sboulo be reao ln tull.
Tbe Supplemental Submlsslon grossly mlsrepresents tbe clrcumstances ot tbe clalm, tbe
court process ano tbe conouct ot our cllent ano otbers (lncluolng our tlrm). |ts publlcatlon
causes olstress to our cllent. Tbe [uogment makes plaln tbat Mr 8urby sougbt to obtaln
money trom our cllent tbrougb tbreats ot publlcatlon (ln common parlance: blackmall) ano
barasseo ber. Tbe court touno tbat our cllent's rlgbts are wortb protectlng. Tbe tlnolngs ot
tbe court are some consolatlon to our cllent ln tbe tace ot Mr 8urby's unwarranteo attacks
upon ber.

17. Ot necesslty, tbls submlsslon bas been prepareo unoer consloerable pressure ot tlme.
We bave not oealt wltb every polnt maoe by Mr 8urby, but tbls ls not an aomlsslon tbat any
polnt we bave omltteo bas any torce tbey oo not. Mr 8urby bas serlously mlsleo tbe
18. We oo not belleve tbat Mr 8urby ls a creolble source ot evloence tor tbls Commlttee
ln relatlon to our cllent or ber proceeolngs agalnst blm. Wbat be says ln bls Supplemental
Submlsslon sboulo be olsregaroeo entlrely
19. Mr 8urby's conouct bas been juogeo: tbe [uogment agalnst blm speaks tor ltselt. He bas
lntrlngeo our cllent's rlgbt to prlvacy, sougbt to blackmall ber ano bas barasseo ber. Tbe
lnterlm lnjunctlon was lntenoeo to protect our cllent. We bope tbat tbe tlnal lnjunctlon wlll
oo so.


As reterreo to ln paragrapb 3 ot tbe oroer, tbe terms ot tbe restrlctlon contalneo ln tbe
lnterlm lnjunctlon to wblcb tbe Detenoants remaln subject are as tollows:-
[1.] Pursuant to CPR 39.2(4) tbe proceeolngs sball be anonymlseo ano tbe Clalmant sball
only be reterreo to as WXY ln all court oocuments ano notlces ano ln open court.
[6.] Lcept as set out below, untll trlal or turtber oroer, tbe Flrst ano Secono
Detenoants wbetber by tbemselves, tbelr olrectors, servants, agents, employees or
bowsoever, sball not, ano tbe Tblro Detenoant sball not ln Lnglano ano Wales:
Arcbertlelo Partners LLPWrltten evloence
(a) Publlsb or olsclose to any person or lnstltutlon any ot tbe lntormatlon or allegatlons
set out ln Contloentlal Scbeoule 21,
(b) Communlcate to tbe Clalmant (olrectly or lnolrectly) any tbreat to make sucb
publlcatlon or olsclosure as set out at (a) above, or any request tor payment or otber
benetlt ln return tor not oolng so,
(c) Otberwlse barass tbe Clalmant.
[7.] Notblng ln tbls Oroer sball prevent a Detenoant trom maklng any communlcatlon to
a legal aovlsor lnstructeo ln tbese proceeolngs tor tbe purposes ot obtalnlng legal aovlce ln
relatlon to tbese proceeolngs, provloeo tbe Detenoant tlrst glves tbat legal aovlsor a copy ot
tbls Oroer, or trom olsclosure to a Court pursuant to paragrapb 8 ot tbls Oroer below. Tbe
Detenoants ano eacb ot tbem are restralneo trom glvlng a copy ot tbls Oroer or any
materlal serveo on tbem ln connectlon wltb tbls Oroer or tbese proceeolngs to anyone else
wltbout prlor permlsslon trom tbls Court.
[7A.] Tbe Tblro Detenoant may, wltb tbe prlor wrltten consent ot tbe Clalmant (sucb
consent not to be unreasonably wltbbelo or oelayeo), provloe to any potentlal lltlgatlon
tunoer or provloer ot atter tbe event lnsurance wbo bas requesteo tbe same trom tbe Tblro
Detenoant, oocuments tlleo ln ano lntormatlon relatlng to tbese proceeolngs, provloeo ln
eacb case tbat prlor to provlolng sucb oocuments or lntormatlon (but atter tbe Clalmant bas
glven wrltten consent to tbelr provlslon), tbe Tblro Detenoant sball seno to tbe organlsatlon
or person wbo bas maoe tbe request a copy ot tbls Oroer ano recelpt ot lt ls acknowleogeo.
[78.] Grlttln Law may olsclose oetalls ot tbls case, ln contloence, to tbelr current
protesslonal lnoemnlty lnsurers ano any legal aovlsers lnstructeo by tbemselves or tbelr
current protesslonal lnoemnlty lnsurers ln relatlon to tbe Clalmant's appllcatlon tor wasteo
costs, provloeo tbat, betore olscloslng sucb oetalls, Grlttln Law sball glve tbe lnsurer or legal
aovlser a copy ot tbls Oroer.
[7C.] For tbe purposes ot obtalnlng evloence wblcb relates to tbe lssues ln olspute ln
tbese proceeolngs (oetlneo by reterence to tbe partles' Statements ot Case), tbe Detenoants
ano/or tbelr sollcltors may provloe to any potentlal wltness oocuments tlleo ln ano
lntormatlon relatlng to tbese proceeolngs, provloeo ln eacb case tbat prlor to provlolng sucb
oocuments or lntormatlon tbe Detenoants ano/or tbelr sollcltors sball seno to tbe potentlal
wltness a copy ot tbls Oroer ano tbe potentlal wltness sball acknowleoge ln wrltlng tbat s/be
bas reao ano unoerstooo tbe lnjunctlon ano unoerstanos tbat s/be ls bouno by lts terms to
tbe same etent as tbe Detenoants, save tor tbe purpose ot speaklng to tbe Detenoants
ano/or tbelr sollcltors as a potentlal wltness.
[7D] Tbe Detenoants sball keep a copy ot eacb sucb letter ot acknowleogment, ano a
recoro ot eacb potentlal wltness to wbom sucb lntormatlon or oocuments bave been
provloeo, sucb coples ano recoro to be proouceo to tbe trlal juoge lt s/be so olrects.
[8] For tbe avoloance ot ooubt, tbe restralnts at paragrapb 6(a) above are lntenoeo to
ano oo cover olsclosures to tbe publlc tbrougb tbe meolum ot court proceeolngs anywbere
ln tbe worlo (or ln tbe case ot tbe Tblro Detenoant, ln Lnglano ano Wales), unless tbe court
ln questlon bas prevlously glven epress permlsslon (at a prlvate bearlng, on reasonable
notlce to tbe Clalmant's sollcltors, at wblcb tbls Oroer ls olscloseo to tbat court) tor tbe
lntormatlon or allegatlons to be put betore lt.

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