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Tucker: war (civil/wwi) normalizes diktats over democracy Service: Comm believe that party/state overlap necessary to hold

soviet compound together in 1921 Conquest: Stal rises by manipulating political differences in comm leader to gain power Cohen: Buks commitment to NEP blinds him to Stalins threat Deutscher: Trot couldnt organize own faction b/c isolated at top of party after Lenin Daniels: Stalin uses circular flow of power, i.e. appoints local leaders who control the elections to natl bodies Fitzpatrick: Civil war Comm get Rus nationalism support (b/c of foreign intervention for Whites), then careerists join when Red victory imminent Manning/Thurston: Stakhanovite movement contributes to anti-management sentiment Lewin: Stalin didnt know consequence of plans on USSR (e.g. grain crisis response) Tucker: deliberate design to modernize, attempt to complete 1917 rev Barber: 5-year plan living standards so shot that even mid-30s recovery cant restore to pre1928 Ellman: collectivization shifts resources from rural to urban allowing industrialization success Millar/Hunter: collectivization was a disaster, no contribution to industrialization program Roberts: Stal/Litvinov genuinely attempted collective security, even after Munich Conference, only thought that Eng/Fra encourage Ger aggression against Rus ends attempt (collective security) Tucker: Attempt to maintain Rapallo link to Ger, West negotiations only to pressure Ger into signing agreement w/ USSR (Germanist) Haslam/Kennedy: Eng refusal to negotiate forces USSR into temp Nazi alliance by 1939 Ward: post-Molotov-Ribbentrop military action only defensive after West ignoring Nazi/Jap aggressoin Red Army involved in Manchukuo since 1937 Medvedev: Stalins trust of Hit after Mol-Rib almost collapses USSR (negative) Overy: Soviet planning was actually not-bureaucratic, good at adapting/organizing according to need Rigby: Stalin established a one-man terror that destroyed communist solidarity and trust, a break from trad oligarchal model Rittersporn: Stalin was unable to control local leaders, end of purges demonstrate their victory over him Fainsod: inefficient totalitarianism

Tucker: Stal purges b/c of mental illness/paranoia Deutscher: Fear of war, overthrow, provoke terror Getty: some factual basis to Stals supposed Trotskyist-Zinovievist plot Schapiro: Cheka (set up under Lenin) becomes NKVD then KGB, making Lenin accountable Carr: Lenin used terror, but never attempted to destroy party organs or justify single-party rule Stalin used Lenins system to come to power, but was not logical continuation of Leninist rule Conquest: Marxism/early Bolshevism lays roots for terror (Bols purge, invoke traitors/class enemies) Deutscher/Medvedev: Stals terror distinct, violence against party members, Lenin never tried to force opponents to recant/confess Wood: None of Lenins writings condone large-scale terror, distinguish between war/peacetime use

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