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‫عزيزتي الطالبة‪:‬‬
‫نتمنى لك عامًا دراسياً موفقًا مليئًا بالنجاح‪ .‬وفيما يلي تفصيل لبعض النقاط الهامة التي تشرح لك‬
‫عزيزتي الطالبة كيفية التعامل مع مادة اللغة النجليزية خلل العام الدراسي‪.‬‬

‫‪‬يتخلل العام الدراسي أربع اختبارات ( ‪ 4‬فترات )‪ ،‬اختبارين في كل فصل دراسي‪.‬‬
‫( الول والثاني خلل الفصل الدراسي الول \ الثالث والرابع خلل الفصل الدراسي الثاني )‬
‫‪‬ينقسم اختبار اللغة النجليزية إلى ورقة أولى و ورقة ثانية‬
‫‪‬الورقة الولى وتشمل‪ :‬الكلمات \ القواعد \ الوظائف اللغوية \ أسئلة الكتاب‬
‫‪‬الورقة الثانية وتشمل‪ :‬كتابة موضوع إنشاء \ قطعتين استيعاب \ التهجئة وعلمات الترقيم \ الترجمة‬

‫‪‬مجموع اختبار الفترتين الولى والثالثة ‪ 35‬درجة كالتالي‪:‬‬

‫الورقة الولى ‪ 18‬درجة ( ‪ 4‬كلمات \ ‪ 4‬قواعد \ ‪ 5‬وظائف لغوية \‪ 5‬أسئلة الكتاب )‬
‫الورقة الثانية ‪ 17‬درجة ( ‪ 5‬موضوع إنشاء \ ‪ 6‬قطعتين استيعاب \ ‪ 3‬تهجئة وعلمات ترقيم \‪ 3‬ترجمة )‬

‫‪‬مجموع اختبار الفترتين الثانية والرابعة ‪ 70‬درجة كالتالي‪:‬‬

‫الورقة الولى ‪ 35‬درجة ( ‪ 8‬كلمات \ ‪ 7‬قواعد \ ‪ 10‬وظائف لغوية \‪ 10‬أسئلة الكتاب )‬
‫الورقة الثانية ‪ 35‬درجة ( ‪ 10‬موضوع إنشاء \ ‪ 12‬قطعتين استيعاب \ ‪ 6‬تهجئة وعلمات ترقيم \‪ 7‬ترجمة )‬

‫‪‬تفصيل اختبار الورقة الولى‪:‬‬

‫•الكلمات‪ :‬وتشمل ‪ 3‬أنماط من السئلة‪ :‬أ‪ .‬اختيار من متعدد‬
‫ب‪ .‬إملء الفراغ‬
‫ج‪ .‬توصيل الكلمة ومعناها أو كتابة الضد ( العكس )‬
‫أو كتابة مشتقات الكلمة (فعل \اسم \صفة \ حال)‬

‫•القواعد ‪ :‬وتشمل ‪ 3‬أنماط من السئلة‪ :‬أ‪ .‬اختيار من متعدد‬

‫ب‪ .‬أزمنة أفعال ( تصحيح زمن الفعل بين القواس)‬
‫ج‪ .‬طبق القاعدة كما هو مبين بين القواس‬

‫•الوظائف اللغوية ‪ :‬وتشمل ‪ 3‬أنماط من السئلة‪ :‬أ‪ .‬توصيل العبارات بما يناسبها‬
‫ب‪ .‬حوار تستخلص منه عبارات وظيفية‬
‫ج‪ .‬ماذا تقول في المواقف التالية‬
‫أو تكملة حوار بعبارة من وظيفة محددة‬
‫( ضرورة استخدام عبارات الوظائف اللغوية )‬

‫•أسئلة الكتاب ‪ :‬تجيب على ‪ 5‬أسئلة من أصل ‪ 8‬أسئلة‬

‫ملحظة‪ :‬تشمل أسئلة القواعد والوظائف اللغوية جميع ما سبق درا ستة في المراحل السابقة‬
‫تابع تقسيم درجات مادة اللغة النجليزية للصف العاشر‬

‫‪‬تفصيل اختبار الورقة الثانية‪:‬‬

‫•كتابة موضوع إنشاء ( تقرير \ حوار \ رسالة \ تكملة قصة \ مقابلة ) يحدد النوع‬
‫في الختبار‬

‫•قطعتين استيعاب مقروء ( التأكد من الجابة على كلتا القطعتين)‬

‫‪o‬القطعة الولى وتشمل السئلة على‪ :‬أ‪.‬‬
‫اختيار من متعدد‬
‫ب‪ .‬حدد إذا كانت العبارة ( صحيحة ) أو ( خاطئة )‬
‫‪o‬القطعة الثانية وتشمل السئلة على‪ :‬أ‪ .‬اجب على السئلة التالية‬
‫ب‪ .‬على ماذا تعود الكلمات التي تحتها خط في القطعة‬

‫•التهجئة وتشمل على كتابة كلمات معينة بصورة صحيحة و الختصارات‬

‫والكلمات المطولة‬

‫•علمات الترقيم‪ :‬تضع الطالبة علمات الترقيم الناقصة في جملة محددة‬

‫•الترجمة وتشمل على‪ :‬أ‪ .‬ترجمة من النجليزية للعربية‬

‫ب‪ .‬ترجمة من العربية للنجليزية‬

‫‪‬درجة الشفوي في الفترتين الولى والثالثة ‪ 15‬درجة وتنقسم إلى‪:‬‬

‫أ ‪ .‬مشاركة ‪ 5‬درجات‬
‫ب‪ .‬دفتر التمارين ( المذكرة ) ‪ +‬كتاب التمارين ‪ 3‬درجات‬
‫ج ‪ .‬الواجبات المنزلية ‪ 3‬درجات‬
‫د ‪ .‬موضوع الطلقة اللغوية ‪ 4‬درجات ( يحدد بالتفاق مع المعلمة)‬

‫‪‬درجة الشفوي في الفترتين الثانية والرابعة ‪ 30‬درجة وتنقسم إلى‪:‬‬

‫أ‪ .‬مشاركة ‪ 10‬درجات‬
‫ب‪ .‬دفتر التمارين ( المذكرة ) ‪ +‬كتاب التمارين ‪ 6‬درجات‬
‫ج‪ .‬الواجبات المنزلية ‪ 6‬درجات‬
‫د‪ .‬موضوع الطلقة اللغوية ‪ 8‬درجات( يحدد بالتفاق مع المعلمة)‬

‫تـــــــوزيــــــــع الـــــــمـــــــنـــــهــــــج‪:‬‬

‫‪‬الكمية المقطوعة من المنهج خلل الفصل الدراسي الول هي‪ :‬من بداية الفصل الول إلى نهاية الفصل الرابع‬
‫‪‬الكمية المقطوعة خلل الفصل الدراسي الثاني هي ‪ :‬من بداية الفصل الخامس إلى نهاية الفصل الثامن‬

Unit one \ Lesson 1:
Word Definition Opposite Derivatives meaning
currently nowadays current
important \
prominent unknown
industry manufacturing industrial
increasing become more decreasing
demand need
level standard
arts and believes
culture cultural
of a society
political diplomatic politics
issue important topics
requirement need require
foreign stranger native foreigner
communicate information and communication
reservation booking reserve
broadcast sent by air
Why is English important?

Education ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Commerce ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Tourism ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

industry ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

media ………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Unit one \ Lesson 2:

Word Definition Opposite Derivatives Arabic meaning
improve get better worsen improvement

pick up Get

package things put together pack

humorous Comic serious humor

alternative choice \ option alter

apply for Request application

firm Company
institution school \ organization
offer Give

exposure being in contact with expose

intensive strong and deep

vacation Holiday

afford able to pay the price

1- What difficulties do you find in learning English?

2-How can you improve your English?

Listening ....................................................................................................
Speaking ....................................................................................................
Reading ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Writing ....................................................................................................

 Unit one \ Lesson 3:

Word Definition Opposite Derivatives Arabic
EFL English as a foreign language
accredited accredit
teenager person from 13-18 adult teenage
environment habitat \ surrounding
enthusiasm strong feeling of interest apathy
native person born in a country foreigner
express make known expression
last continue until
1- What does EFL stand for?

2- Why do some students join EFL summer schools?( benefits of joining EFL schools)

3- What information should you know before joining an EFL summer school?

Unit one \ Lesson 4:

Word Definition Derivatives Opposite Arabic
brochure booklet
placement a test to know your
enclosed put in an envelope enclose
attached linked attach detached
application form entrance form apply
peaceful quiet peace noisy
equipped supplied with what is equip \
needed equipment
spacious large small
critical judgmental criticism\
range variety
duration during
emphasis focus on

Unit one \ Lesson 4:

integrated joined integrate separated
facilities things that make
learning easy
accommodation a place to stay in
residence house resident
recreation enjoyment
excursion journey
1- What is a placement test?

2- You’ve recently joined an EFL summer school. Describe it.

3- What are the different course levels an EFL school offers?
4- What facilities can you find at schools?
5- If you joined an EFL summer school, where would you stay?
6- What recreation would you enjoy if you joined an EFL summer school?

Unit one \ Lesson 5:

Word Definition Opposite Derivatives Arabic meaning

remote Distant Close
determine Decide on Determined
intentionally Deliberated accidental intention

1- What would you do if you lost your way in a foreign country?

2- How can you explore a country for the first time?

Vocabulary ( unit 1 )
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c and d :-

1- A: Mona , What type of films do you like to watch ?

B: I enjoy watching ……………………………… films .
a. enclosed b. placement c. humorous d. remote

2- A: I have joined the ABC Institution to learn computers .

B: What is the ……………… of the course ?
a. reservation b. duration c. demand d. firm

3- A: How can I ……………………… my writing skill ?

B: Why don’t you write letters to English pen –friend .
a. improve b. equip c. express d. pick up

Fill in the spaces with words from the list :-

( communicate - excursion - spacious – critical - brochure )

4- A: When are you going for the ……………………………… ?

B: We are going on the 15 of this month .

5- A: Which are the other interesting places in Cyprus ?

B: Why don’t you read the detailed ……………………………

6- A: How is your new house ?

B: I like it because it is very ……………………………

7- A: Mr. John didn’t understand what I said .

B: You should ………………………… in English with foreign people .

Match the words with their meanings :-

8- native ( ) important topics

9- offer ( ) teach or give
10- issues ( ) person born in a country
( ) not busy
Complete the sentences with the opposite of the underlined words
11- Talking your native is enough. You've to learn a……………………language.
12- I didn't hit her intentionally. It was totally ……………………..thing.
13- This car is so …………………………… We need to buy a spacious one.
Communicative Structure
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , and d :-
1- A: When did you see Hallo?
B: It was ……………… my birthday , a week ago .
a. in b. at c. on d. from

2- A: Do you know that man ?

B: Yes , he’s the man ……………. brings milk in our area .
a. whom b. whose c. which d. who

3- A: How much rice do you need ?

B: Just…………………………….I'm not fond of eating rice.
a. a little b. a few c. much d. many

4- A: …………………. did yesterday party last ?

B: About three hours .
a. How much b. How big c. How long d. How far
Correct the verbs between brackets :-
5- A: I tried to call you but there was no answer .
B: Yes, I (work) in the garden when you phoned . 5-………………

6- A: When did you feel better ?

B: An hour after I ( take ) the medicine . 6-………………

7- A: How was last night’s programme ?

B: It ( go ) on very well . 7-………………

8- A: I'm very nervous.

B: ( Face ) your fears helps you to reduce stress. 8-…………………
Do as shown between brackets :-
9- She will clean the tables . ( Make passive )

10- My friends are very excited , …………………………? ( tag question)

11- I completed my course two weeks ago . ( Form a question )

12- " I want a glass of water" ( reported speech)
My mother said……………………………………………………………………………………

13- I save money to buy a new car. ( so that )

Language Functions

Match the utterances in ( A ) with their responses in

( A )
1- I heard Mona had an accident last week .
2- Abdulla always complains about health problems .
3- Can you help me decorate my room , please ?
4- I’m getting bored .
(B )
( ) I’d be glad to .
( ) I don’t like pizzas .
( ) Why don’t you watch a movie .
( ) You should take an appointment with a doctor .
( ) How sad , how is she now?

Read the following dialogue , then pick out the utterances that
realize the functions given below :-

Ali : Can I go for a walk , please ?

Father: No, you can't go out today because it’s too cold and foggy .
Ali : But Dad I promised my friends to watch the match with them?
Father: Alright, I'll drive you. Be careful don't go outside, stay indoors
Ali : Thanks father .

No Function Realization
5 suggestion
6 Asking politely
7 warning
8 Refusal
9 Agreement

What would you say in the following situations :-

10- Your aunt bought a new dress for you but you didn’t like it .

11- You saw a man throwing waste on the road .


12- Your father told you that your family will travel to Paris.

A) Translate into good Arabic:
Your body is like a machine. You have to look after it well. A new car needs
petrol, water, oil, and air. If you look after a car it will run for a long time. Your
body too needs many things. Look after your body and it will last for many years.

A healthy man is one who suffers from no illness, has no pain or aches and
has enough vitality. Health is the most important thing in life. It’s equal to all the
wealth in the world, for you may have money but if you have not got the health
to enjoy it, what is its use? Follow simple motto “ Early to bed and early to rise,
makes a ma healthy, wealthy and wise.

Outer space has attracted man’s attention for so many years. Many experiments
have been made to explore outer .At the beginning man succeeded in sending
dogs, and then he started sending human beings. Luckily, man was able to walk
on the surface of the moon. We won’t be surprised to hear of man’s landing on
other planets.

Who does not like to go to the cinema? Before television was invented, people
looked forward to going to the cinema. Films provide relaxation and fun for all

‫‪those people who have to work hard. In just few hours films can take you to so‬‬
‫‪.many places‬‬
‫‪B) Translate into good English:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬تحتل اللغة النجليزية مكانة مهمة في جميع أرجاء العالم‬

‫‪ -2‬لماذا ل تحاولين مشاهدة البرامج النجليزية من دون قراءة الترجمة‪.‬‬
‫……………………‪ -3‬يتطلب الحصول على وظيفة جيدة معرفة اللغة النجليزية لذا يجب على الطلبة‬
‫الهتمام بدراسة هذه اللغة‬
‫‪ -4‬يمكن أن تحسن لغتك النجليزية بالستماع إلى البرامج النجليزية وقراءة القصص والكتب النجليزية‬
‫‪ -5‬لقد تقدمت بطلب وظيفة في أحد الشركات المتحدثة باللغة النجليزية‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬لم ل تشترك في برنامج تدريبي مكثف أثناء الجازة الصيفية؟‬
‫‪ -7‬أجد صعوبة في التعبير عن نفسي باللغة النجليزية كما يصعب على فهم ما يتفوه به الجانب‬
‫‪ -8‬يمكنك قراءة هذا الكتيب لمعرفة المزيد عن اختبارات المستوى‬

‫‪ -9‬هل لك سيدي أن تمل هذه الستمارة من فضلك؟‬
‫‪ -10‬تقع مدرستنا في منطقة هادئة وهي تحتوي على فصول مجهزة ومختبر وغرفة كمبيوتر‬
‫‪ -11‬إن تكلفة السكن هي مئة جنيه إسترليني تشمل الفطار و وجبة تقدم يوميا‬
‫‪ -12‬تقدم المدرسة الصيفية الكثير من النشطة مثل النزهات وتسلق الجبال ورحلت أسبوعية‬
‫‪ -13‬إن هذه زيارتي الولى لهذه المدينة البعيدة وقد صممت على التعرف على أهم معالمها السياحية‬
‫‪ -15‬أن معرفتي باللغة النجليزية سهلت على التواصل مع الجانب‬

‫‪You wanted to join an EFL summer school, so you met the school‬‬
‫‪principal. You talked with him about the courses the school offers, the‬‬
‫‪school building, the fees and the accommodation. Write the dialogue‬‬
‫‪that took place between you and him. (6-8 exchanges).‬‬



Read the following passage then answer the questions bellow:

Man today expects to live many years longer than his forefathers did. What is
called our expectation of life has been and is still increasing. A hundred years
ago, it was much less. Today epidemics are rarer and less violent when they
occur. Fewer babies die, more people reach old age. We enjoy healthier lives than
our ancestors did, and we should be grateful to those who have taught us how to
live, and whose discoveries have so greatly increased human happiness. They
have discovered disease germs, vaccination, penicillin, radium, and very effective
medicines which cure people of many deadly diseases.
The better health of the people of today is due not only to doctors and their
researches but also to a great improvement in living conditions. We are cleaner in
our habits our houses, factories and cities are far superior to those of our
ancestors and our knowledge of what to do and what not to do to have good
health is more widespread than it used to be.
A: From a, b, c or d choose the correct answer :
1. Today epidemics are rarer and less violent because………………
a. fewer babies die.
b. we enjoy healthier lives than before.
c. more people reach old age.
d. our expectation of life is much less.

2. Vaccination……………
a. protects people against diseases .
b. threatens life and people .
c. causes many diseases .
d. is a dangerous disease .

3. The word “violent” in line three means………………………….

a. fearful b. hopeful c. dreadful d. powerful

B. Tick (√) or ( x ) of the following sentences:)

4. Our expectation of longer life is decreasing. ( )
5. We enjoy better and healthier life nowadays. ( )
6. Life conditions nowadays are worse than those of our ancestors .( )
7. We can face and overcome epidemics nowadays by using modern
technology . ( )

C. Answer the following questions:

8. Suggest a title for the passage.

9. Why do people live longer than our ancestors?


10. What does the word " it " in line three refer to?

A pickpocket steals from people’s bags and pockets so quickly that people
don’t notice it. If you have a camera with you, be careful, especially if you carry
it over your shoulder. A pickpocket can cut through the strap with a sharp knife
or razor. And be careful too of the third arm trick. A pickpocket pretends to be a
tourist, carries a map in one hand and his other arm is at his side, the hand is
empty. But the other arm is false. His real arm is inside the front of his jacket.
He says to you. “Could you help me find the way to the museum”? He shows the
map to you both look at it. The thief’s real hand comes out of the front of the
jacket and can easily steal anything from your handbag and pockets. Sometimes,
two or three pickpockets work together. For example, you’re walking down the
street one afternoon. Two people, walking together in front of you, suddenly stop
and bend over. You almost fall over them. A third pickpocket behind you takes
advantages and steals your wallet or purse from the back pocket of your trousers

In four sentences of your own, write the different tricks pickpockets use
to steal


We sometimes think that money only can make a person happy, but this is
not true. We often notice that rich people lead a hard life. In fact they have rich
food, expensive clothes, fashionable houses and cars.
It doesn’t always bring happiness, but usually brings trouble. A rich man cant
sleep although he lies on a comfortable bed. Rich people spend most of their time
thinking of their money and counting it. But poor people have nothing to think of.
They lead a very simple life, enjoying what they have. They are happier then rich
people. Its true that health is better than wealth. The only way rich people can
be happy is to help the poor and not to be selfish. Their wealth should be used
for the good of others. They must be useful for their country. They must help in
building schools, hospitals and clubs for the youth. They must pay zakat for the
poor. They must share in the country’s development.

In three sentences of your own summarize how a person can live


Unit 2 \ Lesson 1:
Word Definition Derivatives meaning
librarian a person who works in a library
to look up to search
index of the library
classification system of grouping Classify \ classified
reference refer
1- Who is a librarian?
2- How can you look up books in a library?
3- What is a card catalogue?

4- How many times is the card catalogue written?
5- How are card catalogues organized?
6- What does the Dewey System mean?
7- What are reference books?
Unit 2 \ Lesson 2:
Word Definition Derivatives meaning
dictionary word-book
alphabetical in the order of alphabet alphabetic\alphabetically
meaning significance mean
context words come before and
after a word
usages using Use \ usable
encyclopedia Books giving information

1-What is a dictionary?
2- What will you do if you don’t know the meaning of a word?
3- What do you need to know in order to benefit from a dictionary?
4- How is a dictionary organized?
5- What does a dictionary contain?

Unit 2 \ Lesson 3:

Word Definition opposite Arabic meaning
internet world wide web
up-to-date modern old
search engine a tool for looking information
website position on the internet
topic subject
scroll move up or down
click make a slight sharp sound
1- What is the internet?
2- What is a search engine?
3- What do you prefer to use the internet or the library? Why?
4- What are the steps for searching on the internet?
5- What should you do if you want to search for specific categories on the internet?

6- How can you move to the site you are interested in ?

Unit 2 \ Lesson 4:

Word Definition Derivatives Arabic meaning

research study search
wonder surprising \ puzzling
king male ruler kingdom
terrace raised area
Egyptians the people of Egypt Egypt
tombs graves
pharaoh the king of ancient Egypt

1- If you were asked to write a research, where would you find the information ?
2- Name the seven wonders of the ancient world.
3- Who built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Why?
4- Why were they called the “Hanging Gardens” of Babylon?
5- How were the Hanging Gardens irrigated?
6- Where are the Pyramids of Egypt?
7- Who built the Pyramids of Egypt ? Why were they built?
8- Why were the Pyramids of Egypt built on the west bank of the Nile?

Unit 2 \ Lesson 5:

Word Definition Derivatives Arabic

kingdom a country ruled by a king or a queen King
cure make healthy again \ medicine

order command

officers person who works in the government office

take off x
remove from the body
put on

1-How can a person live happily?



2- “ Health is wealth” Explain.


Vocabulary ( unit 2 )
A) Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:
1- A: Can you help me look up information on the internet?
B: Try searching with Google . It’s very useful……………………….
a) search engine b) seven wonders c) WWW d) modem

2- A: The Minister of Health gave…………….to build a new hospital for the children.
B: That will improve the health care in Kuwait.
a) filaments b) hypertexts c) orders d) officers

3-A: I'm doing a research about the latest medical inventions.

B: Try these books. They are ……………………………
a) down to date b) up to date c) to date up d) date up

4-A:What’s Sara’s phone number?

B: Check the phone-note, all names are arranged in………………………order.
a) structural b) alphabetical c) annual d) final

B) Fill in the space with the suitable word from the list:

take off \ king \ cure \ queen \ websites \ usage

1-A: The…………………..of Saudi Arabian is trying his best to stop terrorism in

his country.
B: We should all do this. Terrorism is against Islam’s principles.

2-A:Don’t …………………………your coat, it’s very cold outside.

B: Then I’d better stay inside.

3- A: Internet is not only for chatting.

B: Sure, there are many useful……………………………..

4- A: My English is bad. How can I improve it?

B: Any language can be developed through…………………………….
5-A: A lot of people are dying of cancer.
B: Scientists allover the world are trying to….......................them.

C) Complete the sentences with the correct derivative:

1- A: These are the modern usable software in United States of America.

B: Can you show me how to…………………………………..them

2-A:Who is King Arthur?

B: King Arthur was the king of the United …………………………of Britain.

3-A: I met Ali today.

B: You mean Ali the ………………………………who works in the public library.

D) Match the words with their meanings:

1- to look up ( ) words come before and after a word

2- context ( ) subject

3- topic ( ) command

( ) to search

Communicative Structure
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , and d :-
1- A: Whose book is this ?
B: It’s ……………… . I bought it yesterday .
a. mine b. my c. his d. me

2- A: ………………………… is it from your house to the school ?

B: About 2 kilometers .
a. How long b. How far c. How much d. How many

3- A: What do you think of our manager ?

B: ……………………………he is young, he is very talented .
a. Although b. Despite c. Because of d. So

4- A: What did your mother say? .

B: She suggested……………………………to the cinema
a. going b. went c. go d. gone
Correct the verbs between brackets :-
5- A: Where’s Laila ?
B: Look ! she ( play ) there . 15-…………………

6- A: Please , Ali hurry up .

B: OK , I ( be ) ready soon . 16-……………………

7- A: Where did you go yesterday ?

B: I ( go ) to the club . 17-……………………

8- A: Where are you?

B: I ( study ) in my room since one o'clock. 18-……………………
Do as shown between brackets :-
9- I'm a bit late , ………………………………………? ( Add a tag question )

10- She drives fast . ( Negative )


11- I water the plants everyday . ( passive )


12- The weather is very fogy. We can't drive. ( too……to)


13- If you practice more. You will be thin. ( the more……the more)
Language Functions
What would you say in the following situations :-
1- Your friend is getting too fat .

2- Ask your teacher politely to explain the lesson again .


3- Your friend doesn’t come to school today .


4- Crime doesn't pay.


Read the following dialogue , then write down the realization
of the functions below :-
A: I’m so tired .
B: Why don’t you take some rest ?
A: You’re right . I’ll go to the bed .
B: If I were you , I wouldn’t push myself so hard .
A: I ought to have some rest .
B: I can't believe you said that

No Function Realization
4 Opinion
5 Suggestion
6 Agreement
7 Advice
8 Obligation
9 Disbelief

Match the following utterances with their reactions :-

( A )
10- Would you mind giving me your book?
11- It’s too late. I must go now.
12- I’m bored .
13- I’ve bought a new dress.
( B)
( ) Why don’t you go for a walk?
( ) Please stay for few minutes.
( ) Not at all .
( ) The colour is very nice .
( ) That’s incredible .
A ) Translate the following into good Arabic :
Energy helps us do things. The energy we get from food keeps us
warm and enables us to grow and work. Energy from petrol starts our cars
and keeps them going. Energy from coal produces steam for turbines and
turbines drive electric generators. All these reasons make life impossible
without different sources of energy.

Computers are very important to us. They store information. People need
computers to make programmes for schools, hospitals and banks.
Computer has become a very important machine in our modern life.

Most young people do not spend their time in a good way. They must
develop hobbies like reading, swimming, painting or sports to keep
themselves occupied. Instead they prefer unimportant things like watching
too much T.V or the internet which only makes them lazy.

Cars are very important in our life. It helps us to travel from one place to
another in a short time. It saves time and energy. On the other hand cars
are the major cause of air pollution. Cars send dangerous gases into the air
which make air dirty.


B) Translate into English:

‫ إن الكتب في المكتبة مرتبة بنظام ديوي أي أنك تبحث عن الكتاب بحسب رقمه التصنيفي‬-1

‫ إن الموسوعات والمعاجم تعتبر من المعاجم التي ل يمكن استعارتها من المكتبة‬-2

‫يستخدم الطلب المعاجم للبحث عن المفردات التي ل يعرفونها ولكن عليهم أول أن يعرفوا محتويات‬-3
. ‫المعجم الذي يستخدمونه وطريقة ترتيبه‬
‫ إن محرك البحث هو أداة هامة للبحث عن المعلومات على الشبكة العنكبوتية‬-4
‫ يساعدك البحث المتقدم على البحث عن تصنيفات معينة مثل الصور أو الصوات‬-5
‫ بنيت حدائق بابل المعلقة على سلسلة من الشرفات وكانت مزروعة بالعديد من النباتات الستوائية‬-6
‫ تعتبر أهرامات مصر من أقدم عجائب الدنيا السبع‬-7
‫ بنى المصريون القدماء الهرامات كقبور للفراعنة بواسطة أدوات بسيطة‬-8
‫ قال أحد الحكماء أن السعادة ل يمكن أن تأتي بالمال ولكن بالرضا واليمان‬-9

A family is a unit; each one should work for the good of the whole. The
father besides earning his living should help the mother in bringing up the
children. He should be a good model because the youngers are fond of imitation.
He can help his children in their studies and in this way he helps them to
The mother should help her husband and take care of the children. She
should keep the house clean and comfortable. The children should help and obey
their parents. They should do their work and avoid blame. To sum up, the family
life succeeds when every member of the family co-operates with the other.

In three sentences of your own summarize how a family can be

Reading comprehension
Read then answer the questions below:

On a cold day in winter, a woman was walking home when she saw a snake
lying on the other side of the road. It was nearly dying of cold. The woman was
very kind, she put the snake in her scarf and went home. She put the snake next
to the cooker where it would get worm. Slowly the snake’s body became warm
and it started to move in the kitchen looking for something to eat. The woman
found some food for it. The snake, which was very hungry, quickly finished all the
food. The days went by and the snake was still with the woman. The weather
remained cold, so the woman didn’t have the heart to put the snake outside
again; although, it was better.
One day when the woman was busy cooking her lunch, she felt a pain in her
leg. She looked down at her foot and saw two small holes. The snake had bitten
her. She turned to the snake and cried, “How could you bite me when I’ve always
been so good to you? Now I’m going to die”. The snake seemed to smile at her as
it replied, “You knew I was a snake when you brought me here, I think you were
wrong, why you are complaining now?”

A) Choose the correct answer:

1- The woman put the snake near the cooker…………………………..the snake

a) to kill b) to warm c) to cook d) to cool

2- The word "nearly" in line two means……………

a) almost b) hardly c) finally d) quickly

3- The word " it" in line four refers to………………..

a) the woman b) the snake c) the cooker d) next to the cooker

B) Mark ( √ ) or (X):

4- The woman was wise because she saved the snake. ( )

5- The woman made a mistake. ( )
6- The woman trusted the snake ( )

C) Answer the following questions:

7- What did the woman do to help the snake?


8- Why didn’t the woman put the snake outside when it was better ?

9- What lesson would you get from the story?


You watched a program on the TV. The program title was " How to
spend a billion Dollar". You sister was fascinated with the rich
people's life, which you think it's a face one. Write a letter of 8-10
lines to Al-Watan newspaper about "The real happiness". What do you
think make you happy? Is it wealth? Health? Family? Or what?
Remember, give reasons for your opinion.


Unit 3 \Lesson 1

Word Definition Derivatives opposites Arabic

explode Burst explosion \ explosive

free from suffering,
comfort comfortable discomfort
pain or anxiety
poverty Being poor poor wealth
accomplish Complete successfully
eliminate Remove \ delete elimination
famine Starvation\ hunger plenty
Use selfishly and
exploit exploitation
Find a way of solving a

1- Are all scientific inventions good? Why?

2- How can we live a secure life?
3- What are the conditions of a good science?
4- What did science promise to end?
5- Science is a double-edged weapon. Explain.

6- Mention some scientific inventions and their effects on our life.

Name Effect

Unit 3 \ Lesson 2
Word Definition Derivatives
FAQs frequently asked questions
things needed for a particular equip \
purpose equipped
www world wide web
hyper text transfer protocol
link data in pages on the
chatting talking chat \ chatty
device linking a computer with
modem x old

1- How was the first to use internet? When?


2- How are computers linked on the internet?


3- How are pages on the internet linked together?


4- Why is internet useful?



5- What things should a computer contain to get online?


Unit 3 \ Lesson 5
Word definition derivatives Arabic
mall Street or covered area with
rows of shops
purchase Tings you buy Purchaser
stroller Push -chair Stroll
strap Fasten with a strap
wriggle twisting Wriggly
giggle Laugh lightly in a silly way Giggly
superstore Very large shop
grin Smile as to show the teeth
scold Express anger, criticism
especially to a child
kiosk Small open shop
prohibit Forbidden prohibition

Unit 3 \ Lesson 3
 New vocabulary:
Word Definition Derivatives Arabic
flip click
transplant take an organ from a person and put it in another person transplantation
ventricles the heart’s lower chamber
auricles the heart’s upper chamber
filament thin wire in a light bulb that glows when electricity is passed
through it
glow send out light \ shine glowing
transmit x receive send out transmission\
faint x clear not clear \ weak faintly
receive x transmit convert broadcasting signals into sounds or pictures receiver
 Set book:
Invention inventor When How it works
Personal computer
Light bulb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Unit 3 \ Lesson 4
Word Definition Derivatives Arabic
enhance increase enhancement
gm genetically modified
modify improve modification
genes unit in chromosome genetics \
which controls genetically
organism living being with organ \ organic
organs that work
regulations rules regulate
label piece of paper on an
object describing its
nature and name
1- What does genetically modified food mean?
2- What are genes?
3- Why do scientists modify the genes?
4- What is DNA?
5- When was GM food invented?
6- What was the first transgenic plant ?
7- What do you think of GM food technology?
8- How can we trust the food we eat?
9- Why is labeling important?
Vocabulary ( unit 3 )
Fill in the spaces with the suitable word from the list:
enhance \ topic \ chatting \ malls \ tombs \ faint

1- A: You’ve been talking on the phone for almost two hours. What have
you been talking about?
B: Nothing particular Mom, just ……………………………..

2- A: I want another copy of this paper because it’s very…………………………..

B: Sure, I’ll give you a clear one.

3- A: My daughter is good at English.

B: It's better if she joins an EFL summer school It will………………….….…
her language.

4-A: I invite you to visit Kuwait during “Hala February” Festival. You will
enjoy shopping very much.
B: I have heard that there are a lot of modern…………………………..

Choose the correct answer:

5- A: Have you heard the explosion yesterday?
B: Our neighbour’s boiler……………..………………and their maid was injured.
a) died b) exploded c) giggled d)fired

6- A: We shouldn’t buy products that are produced in factories which ………

animals for experiments.
B: It’s really unfair to harm these helpless creatures.
a) explode b) exploit c) cure d) scroll

7- A: What must drivers do ?

B: They must respect the traffic …………………………
a) context b) genes c) topics d) regulations

8- A: What do most Third World Countries suffer from?

B: They suffer from poverty,………………….……………and diseases
a) famine b) comfort c) flame d) promise

Give the opposites for the following words:

Word Opposite
9- comfort

10- wealth

11- transmit

12- old

Communicative structures.
A) Choose the word that best completes the following :
1-A: Can you help me to hang this picture?
B: I'll call Ali, he's tall……………………………….to hang it.
a. enough b. too c. many d. much

2- A:I Haven’t seen Sarah or Ali. Where are they?

B: They have been playing in the garden……………………………..an hour.
a. since b. for c. ago d. till

3- A: ………………………………….do you go to the gym?

B: Every day.
a. How many b. How much c. How long d. How often

4- A: This cake is………………………….delicious that I can't resist eating it all.

B: I've made it myself.
a. too b. very c. so d. such

B) Correct the verbs in brackets :

5-A:If you (drive) the car so fast, you wouldn't have had an accident.
B: I'll never do that again. 5-………………….

6- A: Where is your friend Khaled?

B: He ( be ) on the farm. 6-……………………

7-A: Have you heard any thing about the result?

B: No. The final result ( keep ) secret. 7-………………………

8- A: Do you mind ( bring ) some papers?

B: Not at all. 8-…………………….
C) Do as shown in brackets :
9- My car is black. (Ask a question )

10- He is very clever. He fails in exams. ( In spite of )


11-The boy is picking a flower from the garden. ( passive)


12- I had eaten the whole sandwich. ( negative )


13- " I can't see clearly from here" ( reported speech)

My friend said………………………………………………………………………………………………
Language Functions.
Match Utterances from ( A ) with their responses from ( B ) :
1- Do I have to write my name?
2- The film was fantastic.
3- Can you lend me your camera, please?
4- I saw a ghost last night.
[ ] With pleasure, here you are.
[ ] In fact, I don’t believe you.
[ ] Train well and you’ll pass.
[ ] Yes, I’m afraid you must.
[ ] Great! Don’t miss it.

Complete the following dialogues :

5- A: It’s cloudy today.
B:………………………………………………………………………………………(Probability )

6- A:I want to help the poor in my village.

B:…………………………………………………………………………………….. ( Approval )

7- A:I always come to school late.

B:……………………………………………………………………………………..( Advice )

Read the following dialogue , then realize the functions below :

A: Hello. How are you?
B: Fine thanks.
A: What’s in the box? Let me guess, Perhaps a new TV set.
B: No. It’s a computer game. My father has just bought it. Let’s play
with it together.
A: I’m sorry. I have to study.
B: But I need your help with the new game
B: Don’t worry. Read the catalogue first. It explains how to play.
A: Thanks a lot.

No Function Realization
8 Obligation
9 Apology
10 Suggestion
11 guessing
12 Greeting
13 Gratitude
:Translate into good Arabic

Who does not like to go to the cinema? Before television was invented, people
looked forward to going to the cinema. Films provide relaxation and fun for all
those people who have to work hard. In just few hours films can take you to so
.many places

Advertisements are very important for both newspapers and readers.

Newspapers get much money from advertisers who want to sell something or
tell people about their services. People can get the service they need easily
and quickly.


B) Translate into good English:

‫ إن العلم سلح ذو حدين يمكن أن يكون نعمة أو نقمة‬-1

.‫ يجب علينا أن نحسن استخدام الختراعات الحديثة‬،‫ لكي ل نجلب الدمار لكوكبنا الرض‬-2
.‫ نستخدم النترنت للمحادثة و البحاث و إرسال بريد الكتروني‬-3
‫ يعمل الهاتف على استقبال وإرسال الصوات‬-4
‫ تخضع السلع لنظام من القوانين لضمان سلمة المستهلك‬-5

Science is a double edged weapon. It can lead to the comfort of people.
But on the other hand, it can destroy earth. In a report of 10-12 lines,
write about the two sides of science and inventions. Talk about good
kinds of inventions and how they helped people. Also name some bad
inventions and their affects on our life.



Reading Comprehension
Read the following then answer the questions below :-
People usually sing because they like music or because they feel happy. They
express their happiness through singing. But when a bird sings, this means
more than that it is in good temper. Birds have more than one reason for
singing. They sing to inform and to communicate with each other: their songs
are their language. The loveliest songs are sung by male cock birds which sing
to attract female hen birds. That’s the way they look for wives.
Birds also sing to warn strangers to keep away from their children or
their homes. To a bird, a tree or even a branch of a tree is his home .It doesn’t
want any stranger to come near its territory. If a bird can’t sing well, it has
other ways to give and receive messages. Some birds dance, spread their tails
or make other signs .
Big birds like falcons or eagles inform one another about the places of
food and water by singing loudly .

A) From a,b,c and d choose the best answer:

1. Most people sing when ……………………………………………………………
a. they have problems b. they feel happy
c. they want to sleep d. they feel sad

2. The most beautiful songs are sung by…………………………………………..

a. birds which are sleeping. b. female birds to male ones.
c. male birds to female birds. d. people to birds.

3. If some birds can’t sing well, they………………………………………………..

a. stay still b. have other signs to inform their friends.
c. speak loudly d. fly high in the sky

B) Tick ( √ ) or ( X ) :
4. A cock attracts the hen by spreading its tail . ( )
5. People sing to inform each other about the place of birds. ( )

6. Birds communicate not only through singing . ( )
7. Cock birds are good at singing . ( )
C) Answer the following questions
8- Why do people like music?

9- Why do birds sing?


10- What does the word "temper" in line three mean?

Vitamins are very necessary for good health. Vitamin A keeps you growing
well. It keeps the skin inside your mouth and throat healthy .It's especially -
important for your eyes, it keeps you from certain eye diseases and it helps
your eyes see better when the light is dim and even when it is dark. Carrots,
tomatoes and spinach are vegetables that will supply you with Vitamin A.
The vitamin in rice is called vitamin B, it helps you grow properly and gives
you a good appetite. If we eat bread and cereals, we get the amount of
vitamin B we need. Milk and cheese have vitamin B in them.
The vitamin in juice is called vitamin C . It helps your body heal when you -
cut or burn yourself. Oranges, lemon , grape fruit and tomatoes have vitamin C
in them.
Vitamin D makes your bones grow straight and strong. It also helps your
teeth. Vitamin D is found mostly in fish. You also get it when you eat liver and
egg yolk. Your own body can make vitamin D for you if you stay in the sunlight

In four sentences of your own, summarize the importance of vitamins


It’s certainly true that the average woman has weaker muscles than the
average of man. In the twentieth century muscles are no longer thought of as
very important.
What about women’s brains? Of course in countries where girls are not
given good education as boys, they know less. But in countries where there is
the same education for both, it has been proved scientifically that there is no
difference at all between the brain of the average women and that of the
average men.
But women can do one important thing that men can’t do; they can breed
children as they love children by nature. They are better able to look after
them than men. Women are more patient, kinder and more understanding. It’s

women’s nature. For these reasons, many women are happier if they can stay
at home and look after their house and family. It’s their own choice, and not
the result of being less clever than men.

In four sentences of your own summarize the differences between

men and women.


Unit 4 \ Lesson 1:
Word Definition Derivatives meaning
editorial Special article in a newspaper edit \ edition \
competition Event in which people compete Compete \
competence \
preserve x Keep unchanged or perfect Preservation \
destroy condition preservative
subscription Fee for membership Subscribe \
seize x See an opportunity and make use seizure
miss of it at once
priceless x Very expensive \ of a high value price
1- Do you think keeping photos in albums is important? Why?
2- Why do people like to have albums?
3- How can albums keep the memories alive?
4- How can you preserve the important moments of your life?

Unit 4 \ Lesson 2
Word Definition Derivatives meaning
reward Something given in return
for work
keen on Interested

pain Feeling of suffering painful \ painfully
\ painless
fall off Dropping down suddenly fell off \ felt off
roller-skate Type of shoe with small roller-skater \
wheels fitted to its bottom.roller-skating
misery x happiness Great painful suffering miserable
1- Which of your photos you like most? Why?
2-Do you like to keep happy memories photos or painful ones? Why?
3-How do you feel when you view your photos?

Unit 4 \ Lesson 3
Word Definition Derivatives meaning
expedition organized journey with a expeditionary
particular aim.
down-to-earth realistic \ sensible
memorable x deserve to be remembered memory \
forgettable memorably
volunteer x Person who offers to do something Voluntary
forced without being paid
porridge Soft food made by boiling
1- How can a royal person be down-to-earth?
2- Why are some journeys of famous people conducted under strict security?
3- How can you make a long trip memorable?

Unit 4 \ Lesson 4
Word Definition Derivatives Arabic
portrait painted picture portraitist
interior x inner part
ancestor grandparents \ forefathers ancestral \ ancestry
stern serious and grim sternly \ sternness
persuade cause somebody to do something or persuasion \
believe something by arguing or persuasive
get rid of become free of
x grip
horrible x causing horror horribly \ horror

heirloom object that has been handed down in inherit \ heir \
a family for several generations heiress
1- Why do some people like to keep things of their ancestors?
2- How can you persuade your mother to get rid of an heirloom necklace?
3- How can an interior designer help us?

Unit 4 \ Lesson 5
Word Definition Derivatives Arabic
tantrum bad temper
suspiciously acting in a suspicious suspicion \
way suspicious
victory success in war victorious

innocent x guilty not guilty innocence \

be off go away

sobbing cry bitterly sobbingly

fitting room a room in a shop where

you can try new clothes
outfits set of clothes
sigh take a long deep breath

sneak at go quietly and secretly sneaky

panic great fear panicked \ panicky

collapse fall down

kidnap steal away by force to kidnapping \

obtain money kidnapper
agony extreme suffering agonize
frantic in an extreme emotion frantically
specially fear or anxiety
buzzing low confused sound of
people talking
smuggle send things secretly and smuggler \
illegally into or out of a smuggling

leap jump leapt \ or \ leaped
cling ( clung ) Hold very tightly
1- What would you do if a member of your family got lost in a public place?
2- You saw a woman who lost her child in a mall. Describe her reaction

Vocabulary ( unit 4 )
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1-A:The manager called the police because the man was acting…………
B: The police caught him stealing from the shop.
a) particularly b) meanly c) gently d) suspiciously

2-A: Have you heard? Amal has won the first prize in the marathon ………
B: She is used to running daily.
a) composition b) competition c) expedition d) excursion

3-A: Lots of people in Africa are suffering from hunger and poverty
B: We must help them. They live in a……………………………
a) misery b) subscription c) reward d) victory

4- A: You've joined an EFL summer school, haven't you?

B: Yes. I'm………………………………………improving my English.
a) keen in b) keen about c) keen of d) keen on

B) Fill in the spaces with the suitable words from the list:

collapsed \ sobbing \ volunteers \ persuade

5- A: These are the ….............who will help us in the clean-up campaign

B: It's really nice of you to help us to clean the environment

6- A: The new building …………………………………during the earthquake.

B: Fortunately, nobody lived there.

7- A: Why is Sara crying?

B: I fond her…………………………………..in her bed room because she'd
broken her favorite doll.

8- A: Are you going to attend the part tonight?
B: I'll try to……………………………………my mother first.

D) Match the words with their definition:

13- horrible ( ) Keep unchanged or perfect condition

14- preserve ( ) extreme suffering
15- kidnap ( ) causing horror
( ) steal away by force to obtain money

A ) From a , b , c and d choose the best answer :
1. A : I'll not go …………………………….……… that bookshop .
B :Why not ? It's a great place to visit .
a . for b. to c. because d. but

2. A : Will you go to the Entertainment City with us ?

B : Sure .You are ………………….. friends I have and can have fun with .
a . good b. better c. best d . the best

3. A : This baby’s parents died .

B : So he needs somebody to look ……………………………..……..him .
a . at b. for c. after d . in

4. A : Where is Jassem?
B : He went to the post office …………………………….post the letter
a . so b. so that c. in order to d. until

5. A: He plays very well,………………………………….?

B: I can't agree more.
a. does he b. doesn't he c. does not he d. he doesn't

B ) Correct the verbs in brackets :

6. A : I’m afraid , Abdullah has failed exams .
B : If he studied well , he ( succeed ) 5- …………………

7 . A : Where did she go last night ?

B : She went home After ( visit ) her friends. 6-……………………

8. A : Where did she go last night ?

B : She went home After she ( visit ) her friends. 7-……………………

9 . A : Do you hear that terrible noise ?

B :Yes, the carpenter ( repair ) the front door . 8-……………………

C ) Do as shown between brackets :
10. He is shy. He presented the topic successfully in front of the class. (although)

11. He is very ill. We should take him to the hospital immediately. [so…… that]

12. An expert has repaired the computers . [Change focus]


13. " I'm really happy today" [ reported speech ]

Sara said……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

14. You always read books…………………………………………..? [ tag question]

Language Function
A ) Match each utterance from “A” with its response from “B” :
[A] [B]
1. How do you like my new invention ? ( ) He's a businessman .
2. Why don't we go to the club ? ( ) Four or five days .
3. What's your cousin's job ? ( ) It's very interesting .
4. How long will you stay here? ( ) Good idea .
( ) At school .

B) Read the following dialogue then realize the functions :

A: Would you stop cutting down this tree, please?
B: But I don’t like trees.
A: You have to follow the rules and instructions.
B: What do you mean by that?
A: Cutting down trees is strictly forbidden.
B: I’m very sorry. I didn’t know that before.

NO Functions Realization

5 Apology

6 Prohibition

7 Obligation

8 Dislike
Asking for
C ) What would you say in the following situations :
10. Your friend is visiting you . You want to offer him something to drink .

11. Your little sister is hiding something behind the door .
12 . Someone helped you carrying the heavy bags .
13. Lots of students hate school.
14. 30 people were killed in an accident.

Reading Comprehension
When Dave was 18, he bought a used car for 200 pounds so that he could
travel to and from work more easily than by bus. It worked very well for few
years, but then got so old, and it was costing him so much in repairs that he
decided to sell it. But he didn’t know how to do this.
Dave’s friend Sam saw that he was upset, so he advised him to
advertise in the newspaper and that will help in selling his car when people
read it.
Dave decided that Sam’s advice was sensible, so he wrote this
“For Sale small car, used very little petrol, only two owners. Just at 50 Pounds”.
After two days his phone rang up and someone said he would like to see him
about the car. “Fine,” the man said. “And I’ll bring my wife. We intend to go for
a ride in it to test it.”
The next morning he got the car out to clean it and parked it in the square
outside his front door, waiting for the people who have answered his
advertisement. A police car stopped just behind him and a policeman got out.
He looked at Dave’s car carefully and then said: “Have you reported this
accident to us yet sir?”

A)From a, b, c, and d choose the most suitable answer :

1-Dave bought the car because ----------------------- .
a- it’s cheaper than going by bus . b- he lost his first car in an accident .
c- it was easier than travelling by bus . d- his father wanted him to buy it .

2-Dave had put an advertisement in the newspaper because ------------

a- his friends will read it . b- it’s cheaper.
c- he likes writing in the newspapers . d- a lot of people will read it .

3-The policeman thought that the car ----------------------- .

a- was very old . b- had an accident .
c- had been repaired . d- was sold .

B) Mark ( √ ) wrong ( x ) opposite each of the following sentences :

4- Dave parked his car near the police station . ( )

5- Dave’s friend Sam wanted to buy the car . ( )
6- Dave bought the car when he was eighteen . ( )

C) Answer the following questions:

7- Why has Dave decided to sell his car?

8- What does the word "us" in the last line refer to?

Summary Making

One of the tallest and most interesting animals is the giraffe. Male giraffes
are usually about six meters tall. Half of the giraffe’s height comes from its
neck, which is longer than its legs.
A giraffe has big brown eyes which are protected by very thick lashes.
Since it lives in parts of Africa which are usually dry with a great deal of dust,
the lashes are important source of protection. It can also cover its nostrils in
order to protect its nose. It has brown spots on tan skin and this coloring helps
protect the giraffe. The giraffe also has two short horns on its head.
Like the camel, the giraffe can go a long time without drinking water.
One source of water is the leaves which the giraffe eats from trees. Since it is
so tall, the giraffe can reach the tender leaves at the top of a tree.
Giraffe usually live in small herds and often feed with other animals. A
baby giraffe is two meters tall at birth. It can stand up by itself within few
minutes and run well in about two days.
Giraffes have two methods of self-protection. If something frightens an
adult giraffe, it can gallop away at about fifty kph. or stay with its strong legs.

Our country is dear to all of us. Expressing that needs deeds, not words! How?
Instead of singing or talking lovingly about your own country, keep its
cleanliness and arrangement. Work for a good future for its people and help
them if needed.

One of the environmental problems is the little rise in the

temperature of the earth. As the world becomes hotter, there could
be serious changes in weather and spread flooding of seas and
oceans. The heavy rain in various parts of the world may be
.considered a warning

Tense Rule Usage Question Negative Key words
‫•الحقائق العلمية‬
•always \
‫•الشياء التي‬ •…don’t + infinitive
S sometimes \

‫تحدث باستمرار أو‬ •Wh… do…+infinitive?

•I, you, they, we--infinitive I don’t drink coffee usually\ often \
‫علىفترات زمنية‬ What do you drink?

I drink coffee. rarely \ seldom\


•She, he, it-----s •doesn’t +infinitive annually \

‫•جدول المواعيد‬ •Wh…does…+infinitive?

She drinks coffee She doesn’t drink occasionally\
‫•للتعبير عن‬ What does she drink?
once, twice \

‫المشاعر‬ every.(time)

Regular verb----ed (walked) ‫•للفعال التي‬ •Wh…did..+infinitive

S •…didn’t + infinitive

I walked 3 hours yesterday ‫حدثت بالماضي في‬ What did you do •Last (time )
I didn’t walk for •Ago
‫وقت محدد و‬ yesterday?


•Irregular verb---2 ‫معروف‬ •Yesterday

She didn’t drink
(drink\drank\drunk) ‫•للخبرات‬ What did she drink last •In 2000....

Last night she drank water ‫والمواقف السابقة‬ night?

I am + ing •I am not + ing •now

P I am drinking coffee ‫•يستخدم للحديث‬ •wh..am I + ing I am not drinking •at the moment

‫عن‬ What am I drinking? coffee


•she, he, it + is + ing ‫الحداث التي‬ •Wh…is …+ ing •…is not +ing

She is drinking coffee.

‫تجري في الوقت‬ What is she drinking? She isn’t drinking

‫الحالي أو أثناء‬ •Wh…are…+ing coffee

•they, we, you + are + ing ‫الحديث‬ •…are not +ing •at the present
What are they drinking?
They are drinking coffee They aren’t drinking time

•Wh…was…+ ing
P •…wasn’t + ing
•I, she, he, it + was+ ing What was she
She wasn’t drinking
she was drinking coffee ‫ •أفعال حدثت بالماضي‬drinking? •while
‫واستمرت لفترة من‬ •when
•…weren’t + ing

•We, they, you + were + ing ‫• الزمن‬Wh…were…+ ing •as

We weren’t
We were drinking coffee What were we

•Wh..have…+P.P •…haven’t + P.P •Since \For
•I, we, you, they + have +

‫ • أفعال حدثت بالماضي‬What have you I haven’t drunk •Yet
‫ و لكن‬drunk? coffee.


have drunk coffee

‫الوقت غير محدد أو‬ •Wh…has…+P.P •…hasn’t +P.P
•She, he, it + has + P.P •Already
‫غير معروف‬ What has she She hasn’t drunk
She has drunk coffee •recently
drunk? coffee.
P ‫• •أشياء حدثت بالماضي‬wh…had…+P.P

•…hadn’t +P.P
•had + P.P (past participle) ‫البعيد أو قبل وقوع حدث‬ •before

What had we We hadn’t drunk


We had drunk coffee ‫آخر ( أبعد في الزمن‬

drunk? coffee
)‫من الفعل الثاني‬

• Wh…have…been
P •…haven’t been +

+ ing
• I, we, they, you+ have ing

What have you been

been +ing I haven’t been

‫ •حدث بالماضي واستمر‬drinking? •since

I have been drinking coffee drinking coffee

‫للوقت الحالي و قد‬

•She, he, it + has been + •…hasn’t been + •for

‫• يستمر للمستقبل‬Wh…has…been+

ing ing
She has been drinking coffee She hasn’t been

What has she been

drinking coffee


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