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Where the grass cover is shorts and discontinuous.

These three categories may be broadly designated savanna woodland, savanna parkland and scrub-savanna respectively. In recognizing this threefold division it should be emphasised, however, that the amount of tree cover occurring within each category varies widely, that they are not distinctive in regard to either their structure or their species, and that the one tends to grade imperceptibly into the other. In general terms, the three types reflect a dry season varying in length from three to over six months. Bordering the equatorial rain forest is a forest-savanna mosaic or belt of derived savanna. As Follock calls it. The high grass-low tree savanna stretches from portuguenes Guinea across central Nigeria to Uganda and then swings southwards and westwards trough the southwest of the Conpolese republic (zaire) to northern angola. Where the true forest gives way to savanna there is much interdigitation, tracts of forest penetrating areas of grassland-with trees. Grass is grow tall and luxuriantly and the socaled elephant grass (penesitum spp.) which are common dominants, have led to the term Elephantgrass savanna being used. The grasses are anything from 5 to 10 feet (1,5-3m) tall, usually quickgrowing , coarse and difficult to penetrate. Trees are characteristically decidaus, though some evegreens may occur; the trees are usually no more than 30-45 feet (9-13,5 m) high. The most typical trees are acacias with their flat or umbrella-shaped crowns and other members of the legumi nosae, together with the baobab (adamonia digitata) with its large, bottle-shaped trunk in which it stores water (see.fig.101). The acacia-tall gras savanna stretches, generally speaking in a great are bordering the high grass low tree savanna it occurs in area a of slightly less rainfall and where there is a longer dry season. Tussock grasses, 2 to 5 feet (0,6-1,5 m) tall are dominant and form an almost continuous ground cover. Trees are scattered with deciduous species of acacia and combretum being most common. In western Tanzania, zamba and south-eastern Angola there is an extensive area of what is known as miombo woodland; this consist of erachysagia-isoberlinia, with trees 30 to 40 feet (9-13,5 m) in height, and a grond cover of tussoelly short grass. Eyre and linton class this as tropical deciduous forest. The savanna parklands gradually give way to the third category of savanna, the acacia-desert grass savanna, sometimes called the wooded steppe. This occupies semi arid areas where the rainfall is below 80 inchies (76,2 mm and the dry season is prolonged, being of six to seven month duration.

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