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Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka


Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka

r lS S
visual joumey from Fra Angelico ro Andy Warhol
harJotte Gedin .
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
ArtiSI<' I' 0<tr.irs, kf, 10 right:
",I' ",," I'.ul Cz.tnne, Ed, .. ,,] ,\ lunch, \r,nCt:n, ,'an Gogh.
I'aul Rubcns, Angdi", Ka uffi"ann,
)ean_Aug"' .. : Ingn:s, Iknhe ,\ lor i,OI
11Hl::e ern'rll imagcs: D<"t:I.il f",m Tb. Gardm afEnrtbly DdigblJ
hy Ilic",n}""u. ]k,sch: Maria litil by Lco.,."k, ,1. \ r,ne: ,bail
fr",,, Tb. C'bair muJ rb. Pi/" by \ r,,..,rn, ,"n Gogh
Ro"om rO,,': ,,1 ,\ 1.0 oc, , ) "hn_R'I" iS!c Co",t, Reml",,,,,],
, .. n Rijn, Fran<sco Gura, ). ""1)(' "I'n'o.-ct"', P.ul G.uguin,
I la". ,he Youngc r, Ral'had Sami, )<.ol", Scll COh"an,
Eugt:ne Dehcro;x
Arcmms l' ublL'<lling Li m il('<.I
26/27 Bid:e ls Ya rd
1:' 1 1:' 3 Ikrmond('Y S1R'e1
Londotl SE 1 3HA
I'ubli.,lwd in ";Ih
w. Fotll.'<llam & Co. LId,
T h.; I'ubli.shing H Oll" C, Ikntlcm CI05<:, Cipp<: nhatll,
Slough, Bcrl . .J-Jir<: SLl :'AP, Englatld
(SI!:" 16 1.()
n,;, .. d i, , .-i" .. d i" 2IIIl6
C.,,)TIght e 2IIIl6 PUb li.!,i,,!! ti",i,'"
A" Di",,,;,., a "d ll. ';' , 1 .... " h"'y 11. .. ,;, \\',1)'"
D",K''' So,.I,-;' lta hl,..
... c Ikli",b J" ''''
T I", A" ",oI , i); " "')l<" ,,, ", ,,oi,, imi",d ='1" " ")
,1 .. mOl,,!! of " ,,"', "f "' ... ", of p,,,t " f
",d , ",.1< i,.' I",li,,!! ,lo" mo' i"K"f o"im ilio ,
pn",,,,,,, \\'n tt"" "" mi""; , ", "'..., , .. ",, ",. " H'" tl .. . ..
",,,,,"'11)' h. "b"i"" d h ... " ,1 .. pu l' i,I .. , iu .. b u"" (, ;. .. 1v""1" al ...
tu < ... ti ", )'ul"-.I,.,- if iu d,. ,ht ... ... ,he o, Kality ,{
""id, ;, tu be ",",t. rt llc"
Un"'h , H",ol .. !!u< ",,,ni ....
Ix . .. i, fn . .. ti .. ".iti.!, I.il ... ,'f
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
lntroduction 6 Giotto di Hondonc
Pecre ... CJ3rJ
Giron. Tho"",. 7S Picas,." Pablo
Angdico, Frn S Goya, Frnncisco ro Picro Odia Frnllcesca
Anguissola, Soronisb. W El Greco S, Pollocl Jadson
Arcimboldo, G ;"''''PI'''
Grnc"'a1d, ,\bthias
Popo"a, Liulx", 156
Bdlini, CoiovalUli
HaL<. Frnns SO Poussin , Nimios
Blake, \\r,lIiam
Hiroshigc, Ando SS Pu,'is de Pierre-
Bonhcur, Rosa
Hockncy. David 90 Ccile
Bosch, Hieronymus 10 Hodler, Ferditl3lld 91 Ral,hacl S.mi 162
Botticdli , S,ndeo 11 HOg"lrth. \\"lIi ,m
Rcmbrnndr nn Rijn
Boncher, F"",<;<>is
Holrusai, K>l<ushika % Renoir, Pierre AuguSle
Bruegd, Pie,er 10 J-[oll>ei", HallS ,he YOUllger 98 Ron.",.u, Henr;
Can.lctro, Antonio
Homer, \\" "s lo",
Rubcn<. Peler Pan]
C.r<waggio, ,\ Iichel.ngdo JO De Hooch. Pieler
S"",so\', Alexci m
CzaIUlC. Paul )l /-[0l'per, Edward
Schiele, Egon
Cltardin, Jem- H In gres, Je.n-Augu.<le
Seu,.,.!, Georges no
Cimabue, J6 Kandin.<L:y, Wassil y
S!ubb.<, Gcorll"
Claude LOlT'Jin JS K3uffinann,
Tinroreuo, Jacol'" 'SO
Cole, Thomo< <O Klim! , Gustav
Con<!able, John 41 Leonardo Ih Vinei
Turner,Josel,h ,\hllord
Coro!, Jeon -lhl,risre 44 Lorenzeui , Ambrogio
\\r,lIi.m ,"4
COln13n, John Sdl 46 ,\ be, Augus!e
Uccdlo, 186
Courbe! , c,ust,,,'e 4S ,\ bgriue. Ren 120 Van Der Wcyden, Rogier ,"S
Crnnach , Lueas me Elder 50 ,\Jalcl'ieh, K3simir
\'iln Dyel:. Anrhony
Dali, Salvador 51
,\Jane!, Edouard
\'iln Eyd:, Jan 192
D,vid, Jacques -Louis 54
,\bn!egn;}, Andrea
\'iln Gogh. Vineenr
Deg>s, E<1g>r
,\brtini, Simone
VeI.zquez, Diego de Silva y 196
DeI:>eroix, Eugme
,\lasaecio, TOnlll13SO
Vermeer, Joltanne..
Ducciodi Buonin<egn. 00 ,\laris<e, /-Ienri
Veronese. Paolo
Drcr, Albrech!
,\Iichd.ngdo Buon.rrori ,)4
Andy 202
Eakin<, Thomas
,\lillai<.John E.,Cf'CU ,JO Anroine
Friedrieh. ('.:I<Ila/' David ("- ,\Iodigli.ni, Amedeo
\ Vltisrler. J.mes Abbou
Thoma< 68 ,\Iondrian. Pie!
,\b'\'eill 206
Paul 70 ,\ Ione!. Oaude
C,enrileschi, AJ1eml";' 72 ,\ Ioriso!, ReJ1he
GriClUh, Thodore 74 ,\IWlCh,
,\d:nOldedgemen !S 70S
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
e is a plcasant bu[ far from simple tasI,: to pid: one nundrcd \,'Tcat' from hundR..:Is
of otbers. Evcryonc has a rangc of favouritcs, and a gL"{)gI'aphiGl l sprcad is ncccssary [oo.
With che carlysctdcrs, che Europcan 3rt tl'adition crosscd thcAdantic to [ne Ncw \Vorld,
and travdlcd ",icn u'adcrs to che Far East. This 1I00k hclps to show now [hat tradition was rc-
intcrprctcd in diffcrcnt !oQltions. InL"VitahIy, my editors and I had to makc many rc!uctant
omissions, ami che constrai nts of copyright affcctc.:\ che choice of twcnticth-ccntury and
contcmpol'JI)' artists. Howcvcr, che [hat follows is intcndc<i to take on a
"idc-I'Jnging j ournLj' through che smry of wcstero art, ""eh [he aid of one nundfl"{[ cxamplcs
of ies lcading For [he mos[ pare, [hL]' have traincd, inspired or inl1uencetl one
another from the thirteenth century to the present day. It is a fJscinating, Lver-tlL"Vc!oping
part of our ives that we sha11 never ti re of looking aL
Majar crhihitions are a feature of g'dll eri es in every principal city now3lLiys. CUl'dtors put
years of pbnning ami negotiation into assemhling shows of both old and
modern masters, whose works are horrowetl antl tl'dnsportL-d a11 m'er the worltl. ye[ we must
rememher that we can go to the S3me g'dl kries at other times, smply to Vil"W their standing
cxhibitions; and the youngest of gall ery visitors are often b"ven a special wc!cotlle. N ational
and provinci al gall eries not on!y house hnmus works hut also b"ve us the opportunity to
tliscover the paintings of less wc!l - Imown artists. These peopk frl"tluendy \\"Orkl-d alongside
the b'Teat natlles, sharing ideas ani! techniques, sometimes in
che rok of teacher o r pupi l.
Standing in front of a Renai ssance picture hy the likes of
Botticc!li Of Mantegna, for c.nmple, it is hartl to itllab"ne that
the painters and sculptors we admire were o rib"nal!r
cbssifietl as 'mere' Cl'dftsmen. ,\ 'Iost came from humble
backgrounds antl were acceptetl into a studio around the age
of nine. At first, they earnetl thei r keep by deaning and
running errands, graduall r working up from apprentice to
jaurnLym,n and fina11y master. The fresco painter Qnnini
has kft this tl aunting account of the Renaissance apprentice's
t l'Ji ning SChl-duk 'St art fin"!: of al! by grinding colours,
1"N!ail [rom The ,\ Iystc N:ot >; ty (/500) by
Sandro BamUi
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
hoiling up giue, mixing pl aster, then going on to prepare pands, re-
touching them, polishing them, applying gold leaf, learning how to
gl'Jin. Then another six years to .. 1:udy the w;e of co!our, the
application of to find out how to paint d!"aperies and folds
and how to work in fresco. And aU che time you muse p!"actise
drawing .. work-tby and feast-tl ay.'
If an artist b'faduated to sct up his O\\Tl studio, me proccss beg:m al!
over ag-Ji n with ,WJrms of apprentires "uIToundeJ hy me too[s and
matcrials of me in pUl"!.uit of lucr.ltive commissions. The
ma"1:ers who became Court painters had rJther moresecurity - as long
as thLj' pleasL-.:i tbeir patrons - but tbeir WJS orren tbat of a
selVIDt o r r Jbce workman. Some fresm paintel', ror c.\::Jmp!e, were
p:li d only by the amount of wal! theycovereJ. OeGIsionally, an astute
artist like CI'JlJach or Ruhens was elL-vatcd to the rIDk of diplomat.
The more we examine tbe b>Teat artises of al! perioas, che more we
appreciate that, no matter how suhlime their work, thLj' were
toUChl-.:i hy the L-venes of histol"y as much as the next persono Their
lives were disrupted by wars, tl'Jnsfofmed hy scientific discoveries,
{ut short by tbe tlll-.:iiL"val p!3b'lle or twentietb-century influenza.
To treat our subjeces as fu Uy as possible, each one occupies ther
/"N,,,,I ,,,Jml r"", M .. rie de
Medici Di scmb ...
M"rseillcs After M:.orri.oge
To Henry IVof Fr .... "" by
p,," P"u! RuJm" (1622- 2 5)
own doub!e-page spread cont'Jining two pictures, a commentary and a timeline that poines to
the pri ncipal L-venes of his or her life. The sc!ection of some !ess familia r picturcs will, I hope,
hroaden appreciation and encourage a frcsh approach. OCC"Jsional!y, I have combinl-.:i a par,
where the connection is particu! arly interesting o r useful. \Vhere the commentary mentions
an anist with his or hef own entry in che book, chat name appears in bold type fOf easy
rcference. Fo r tbe same feason, the arr.mgement is al phabetiGl I, incidental!y making for some
remarbh!e neghbours.
It is hope.:[ that this book may he enjoYl".:[ as: rl"ferl"nce by student.s and pr.ctising anises,
and a comp:mion to tbe genera! reader who !oves looking at pictures anJ is intercstl-.:i in
finaing out bow ski ll s and personal st}1e come through n service of the creatve process.
Charlotte lOO,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n Guno di
iR Vi"bio di
MUg<Uo, TW<lmy
EnutT /)(}mini"m
mORMlrJ al
Fi"d" JUar
Papal pdiri,u"ik
monh ro F()h'gR<J,
in Umbria
PlaK''' dr"" ,b,,"
ro Corro""
R"""", long_tu,"
lo Fi"d"
ha G;',,'anni
Comm'IJiORM ro
paim rb,
C"mmiIJioJUd Ir
C",imo tk' MulSd.
dmm"" Cm''''''
01 S/VI \JlITco,
Int'iud 10 Rom, Ir
Po/" Eugmiw Iv.
Pain" ponrai, </
VII </
B'gi", fr,x<n in
Cap<Ua di S/VI
Bri=io, On'i"o
TriR .. d"o Ro,",
,;:itb pupil Go;::",li
10 paim pJ<fJU 01
ss S,,!,bm and
un::r"',, in
I llriam', Cap<Ua
R"ur'" 10 Fi""k,
&,,,d Prior
Rmum 10 Ro,",
,;:b", br di"
Dqtosition ofChri., (d"ai!) (14J6-4f)
Tbr fr"''''' in lbr "m-mI </ S/VI Marro drnJnl"d botb ,b,
"',"munal 'P""I mili ,b, nun,' pit'"u alb. ,;:b,,,, rbry
"."" dmg",d '" ,nrourag' m,dil",i"". h a Ang<h',Q"
'7'-;"'" '" an il/umi"""'r ,IMt.":! in bi, lbin. pro"
appJicarion 01 paim. 1, "'a, /VI itkal ,""bod lo.- dw';ling
"'ingfalbff'! /VId ,,"bro<dny, and ".,1/ ""ud ro
baaground fa"'"", ", ,/",,::n in lbi, d"ail

Angeli"" and his I",,,'cr No. hi"g is Imo",n uf Angeli",,'s cadr

ioincd .hc Dominic.n O"kT "f .cach<:rs, omc' .h.n .hc influc,",c hc sJ,o",s uf
.ogc.he.- in 1407. A. m<:ir .he Sienesc sehool. Angelieo .nd Ikn.,lctto
in Fie,ole, .he }'oung men ",en: I'mbahlr m.de .he lO foll.,;""le fn:s""
di ",,,,,,l lO illw"in .. ing manusrnl'ts, .nd i. is I'.iming during .hc fi,,: J'cars ma hci, o,de.-
I)( ... .her "' m.in"l in artistie I"".""rshil' ""!S cxiled in .h<: U mlri.n hill 'o",n uf FoIig"'J.
fo .. ,,""" of .h,;, li".,.. Giotto's f",seo.,. .. Assisi ",ould h,,'e been
F ... Angelico ' OOn gain"l. "'I.,n,;o., ;"r his wimin <:as' 'c:teh .nd ,hc bmmers a'" ",-",nin 10
,cehnical ,kills in ""ml. "i,io., colo", .nd h'l<: ,'isi,,,1 ,hml.
,,"" I'nJmo.,,1 lO ",.::rsl.::ing busr "" ,.- 1..>11'1' 0,,<:<: he h.d m01',,1 lO Flo,en<:<: .. ,he
in,ide ,hc Ordcr. His ,digious ti,le " ... , F.. imi .. ';on of Cosimo de' ,'l"lici .nd surt<,1
Gi'l\'.nni hu, ,he omer fri.rs nirlm.m"l him d"""a,ing ,hc COI1l'::n' of S.n ,'hrco, F,.
'Angelico' li>r his pil'y.nd ,h<: be.utiful ",o .. l Angeli",,'s h.ndling "f f<l< m, PLT'l'l-ct;,'e .nd
,h .. he p",du<:<:d. Ile is "'1"" ,,1 nc,'::' lO h".:: ",lo", d""clopcd e"'n further, )k""d<:t'" is .. id
.hen:d '" n:n".,h"l.nr ofhis pain,ings, 10 hOl" ",o, k"l alo"g,id. his bru,he, on ,he
bclic,ing ,ha, 10 d" so ",,,uld ha,,: bl"n 'lrin" S.n ,'la"'J ",mmi"i"n, .nd one of ,hci,
G"d's ",ill. 'pl1"Il';<:<:' " ... s ,hc J<lung )kn<lZw
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
TIte Al bl rpiece of ,\1:>""0 (/ 4J6-4f)
F TU Angdi", bad an apprOilcb ro co,"p",i,;"n and b. , T,di"d t::i,b
lb. </ ,b. S;Crl Comer.;; ,jO.,,,, a d"-r, ,,'bicb plum all lb, Jigur"
in a /",iming d_ lo '"" aTlOlb<r, a, tbJugb in rom-mllli"", Allbougb lb,
{,nai,,,,,,,, ,",anl a rtrfmg mil:', "'t::aror buman;"", ha Ang,lic.', "",*
maimai",d a [ir," '''-,.,-Nl,", for lb. Cbrim',", id,al
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I H2(!)
Bon> in CrmlOfIIl,
daugb'" </ a
.",b" "lid ri/J:
Stutli" art "lId.,-
Mimd""",/( in
Appoinu CM"
pain," by
Pbilip 11 </S/",in
,11arr;" Si"lian
ndH,man D""
Pabrbo d<
l/o.u:wla, t::idtJ,::<d
I{mum ro
C"m""", M=i"
,hip', "'p",iR
Ora:;;o L"mdli"",
unh in G_a.
V'"d by 11m
Dj" in Pahm"
Philip II of Sp:oin wi,h Ihe Order uf the Golden F1eece (1565)
Ar/guinda)- lifr al ,k Spanisb C"ur, kgan in I 559, ,;:h", ,b. ';:al imrod"w
IH "n arriS! ahady tror'by ",b. bigbm nganJ. AngtUIRJIa malk ,"",b "" .
,b. balf-Imgtb p<nn,;, tbrUUglroUI b.,- "',,,,r
0!tJniSb' Anguiss,,1, ,..a. ooc of Se,"n gitls 10 I",ntos' Slu,lios hec:"",, ""ct:I ....
ehild"'n _ six gitls :!nd hoy _ ",hase ]-Iow<'I'<"'-, thcyWL"rC sdl ,." "lIo",,,t 10 bec .. llc
cnlightcncd father had his EI",ily wor bh0l' "I,,,"'ltius :!nd worl a[ongsidc the
cduc:l.tcd in :",,,,,d ,..,h Rcnai<S3.nre hw"anist mm, "!ni. "rty much ' '''tri",,,! ",(. "m in the
principl"" "In .. ,,,,uI,,,1 in ",,' "fhis ,hughtcrs, ,hL'Y muld 1" in, _ no nude malcs, fo<
S"f" nish" and Elena, going lO s'udr f", _ .nd s<' Anguis.,,1a found h ..... niche in
,h,ce J'car< ",i,h ,he ,c!",,,,,,n,,1 L"mbardr ponrli,urc, She g'\'c e.dr no,iec nf h.,.
arti't.llcrn."lin"C ... in'na",i,,: app""eh ",i,h an unu'ual doublc
l n.nb 10 ,he p"'g,,,,si,'e a"i'udes "f ponrli, m,i,lcd Bnnardino Ca,"pi Painring
's f .. hc':lnd the adnssiol1 " f S<fonirlm AnguiIJllIa.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Anguissol unique s'rle w.s also
historicallr significant. FirSdr. she undTI11ned
,he rigid anificiali,y "f I_mrlirs:
and s< .. '"n,lly, >he ,Jc.n>n"rl,ed wha' 6:,11 .. le
s.::ns.it.ili'r c"uld I,.. ing in <he way of e,m,iollal
can,k,ur tu ,he ttsl.: <lf c:t p' uring a lilCJle$.
Th'ough he, many s.::lf_pon,ai,s. >he was
C:I. ", fui nJ Clllphasiz.c hcr Own refined ..1 .. rlC"' "
in ,he"e "il'Ting ,imel, ir was "iD i"'I_,nan' 'o
,,'mcy m,,,le"y and ,i,rue.
TIte of Che (1555)
7bt-" . ,b< AnguiJJda ,ir,,", Lucia, Euro/", ilrId Mi"""a, play eb"" ,,'bil,
,b,ir loo}, 0rI, Tbr dd" Jisur S0fonj,ba, 0'" . tb< fim "'""'''' lO
gain an i"',rnati""aJ r'P"tarion a, a painftT; bad a maru<U"", abiliry lO
alp"''' b" ,ir,,,, '"pr"Ji(J''' and '0 "gjrr" rbr "R(Jti(J'"
Anguis'ola's tt k:n' made hc:, lit ,mUS all "\' "t
Eumpe, b,inging he, in'" "",'a<1 wi,h
Michcl:mgclo a, ,he sran of hcr care.". and
Dyck nca, ,he md. In betw"t:n. she waS
appointed no' only QlUrt l>1in''''' 10 Philip II "f
SI>1in but also lady-in_w.i,ing lO 'wo ,,,,,,,",,,si,e
qU"ns. I"", re .. ingly. she ,cc<"in .. 1 a s:rla,)' OS
bdy_in_wai,ing; h"t ari''''''rl,i" "a'us
P'''''CJl,,-,1 he, fmm s.::lIing hc:, w,,.. ls and ,hc:y
w"'c always l1>1d<: a< ;iflS 10 ,f.,s.:: "oll<cmed.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ HS
Bo.-n Giw'PP'
Milan, ..... <la
m"king tlJ fam.Ti
amnant ilI Milll1l
i"NIigm lapmry for
Como Ca,b<dml
Mo,..,- lo Prag'u,
/!<rom" painUT
lO F=linmuJ i
R""aim COl/N
paint" ,-obm
Maximih'an il
J'U,,,,dt hrdinll1ld i
Trm .. dI lo ilaly
Pr."nrr ;\faximilill1l
il ,;:i,b SC3S<lnS and
Four Elem.:nlS
Orgll1li= 11.." rayal
R.maim C(JlIr'
painur ,;:bm Rudolf
ii J'Uccudt
Maximih'an ii
Ennohl.d by
Emp"oT Ruoolf ii
Prag'" for
SmdJ Vertllmnu< lO
Prag'u, .k,,,,d '0
Coum Pala,iIU
Di" of kidnry
di"a" in ;\filan
"enumnus (/k'ail) (1591)
A magniji,ml PiKtrait of Ruoo/f il aJ tb. Il1Ilm, Romim god of"'K",lIion Il1Id
lb< cbanging ""."".. Venumnus 1::aI aIJo ,b. 'Y"'bd af wmmffc<. 711.
"np"ar 1::aI /kligb"d ,;:itb ,b< i/ka afbimu/f ar lb. "nbodimml of
frUitfoJlUE, barmony and a nrong """"'y, IlfId pr"mplly m;:ar/kd
Ardmbdoo tb. ,i,l. <lCount PalatiIU
iu:I" e Ar<:mboldo "'as an arti <lf
g'u, ingenui,y. I're_,!.,ing ,he
Surre.li"s b-' m"cr 300 yc.", . his
C(Il'pos.i,iollS of p.in",d Aowcrs. ,'egeubles.
and o,he, more hiu",: ohjeetS 'ook ,hc
,ix"'<:n,h-c<:n'ury l lap,burg Coun by "nnn.
llm:c suteessi,,, empcruo , Jicrdinand L
,\ I:<ximilian 11 and Rudo1f 11 , b<:C:tmc ,bu,,,,,
of h .. extr1(JIllinary 1_",rai, :ries.
In 1562 , Ar<mbuldo a,.;,.-rt,,1 an
imiu,ion H.I Id", ,\lilan fo< Prlgoc. Then: he
a""umcd ,hc I><JSt of Cuurt l",in,er and
d<"()<al<)<, e,"nts (,.-pniu:" eostwne ,k:,ign.:r
amlal]..",un,] ,n "h'is.::r.
Thc Uffiri in Flon: ,",c has, red le.,he,
10 Rudolf 11. Inside are 148 of
Ar<:mboldu's l"'n and "'"iSh dcttiling
UlStwnes 'nd '1''''1''' ,"!rious rus,,1
(Ifl da<siC3I.1kg<lry. 1nc: c_"" g-'nzas wc n:
designcd 10 the l lapsburgs ' dJ'nastie
110wcr 'o hundn:ds of high_ .. nking guc'ts.
' 11><: Uffiri i" ,'LTy,.. re i,em, as
little of A'<mb"ldo's s.igned \\,()< k ,ulVi,'cs,
",)< he 1C3": 'ny w,iting., ,khough he ..
known '" haye heen highl}' "Iuca,ed. Ili.
... bu. ']l.nn,,1 ,he ans, scicn"'s, <:ngincrting
'nd l'hilo'0l'hy, he " ... , trut ' Re""i'",-n'"
man. y", f( )< nO o/"ious n::I5<))) , his wurk sank
Along ,,'i,h ro) ... 1 ",,,Idings, feSli,itie,., in'" o"scu,i,y un,il in ,hc
Court L'un,isted of l'.gt:'nt< and I<-.J m'ment.. nioc''''nth """'UI}'.
W2t er fro," ' Ine Jiour Elem"nlS' (/566)
Al- a y<lilng man, Arcimbdoo painud nailUd gI= for Milll1l ,atb.drul hut j, ,,'ar
,IJ"'ugb tap"'ry d.rign tba' biI ricbly arrlllln",,,,1 nyi. "n"yd. to mili",". in tb<
painmJ "rj"0f'SC3S<l<IS' und 'ElementS'. Ardmboldo 1::ar lO ron \\'''<"1 many
'"'''',fo.- gifr lO impmrtbT mipimrr ,,itb tb. gloryofrb. HapJimrgr
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
l 44f(')
/ 4 0
/ 460-68
/ 4 70
/ 4 7!
/ 4 7f_79
/ 4 S'i_!
B",n in J
Jacopo B.llini
Gi"' .. armi and
brOlM Gn/ti.
"'Kin te..-} /lJ
Jopo', amrtll1llT
Man"gTlll maro"
,br rirm- and
/N("",,, "n"'g
In P",lI", ,;:ilb
tl'..-h '"' fiIT!
majJF ",,,,mi,,i,,,,,
';:orhbop. Vi,;lT
Rimini and
Pum", ,u> "...-}
a[lin> tkr IIrydm
N,m'b ",bniq'"
t;:bm Mm;""
i"'roo,.", .xl
flm ...... ,j""
paiming ",,,,,,.
in "il gl",,"
Pa;nlJ panrailJ
ud aJkJrj"ar
"',0 ar "ligi_
Giorgi"u and
TiN'an ant'"'K bi,
Viriu by Viirrr
Dj" in J 'mi"
Doge Leo n.:..rtlo Lored:.n (e. /5a 1)
71N rul.,- "jI Mi" ""an goJd "ma,} rob<s. "" impa"<
[abri, ,bar rigni;_ lb. proJp<rity <f J mie, ara ",,",",,,ia}
"", .... B.Oin; n!pruduaJ tb.1frcr by painring lb. nuf""
rougbly in onl" li' alttb ,b. liglll
im."nn; Ikllin; i. re'I><Jnsiblc ror
.... i,ing ,he st3ndanl of ,he \ 'entti.n
hool of l",in,ing 'o ,he I><,; n, ",here
,he ci,y ,i,-alled Flo,en," as Centre of
Re"" iss:tne<: =dlen,". llis f.nhe', bro, her .nd
bro,hc:tinb", ""Te .ni,,, ' m, bu, i, is ,he
laner, An<l,c:I ",ho ir,i.lly Si",,,,,l
Ikllini On 'o poin,ing bnd=p'" and dcfining
,he ,,}(,od of a picrurc.
Lile.1I his hali.n "m'L'''I.",,'';es, Ikllini
",as acm.,om"l lO ",or king in ", .. ,er.bos"l
"."I"pera, ei,hc:, on ",o,,,len ponel, o, pl,,-,,et
" .. lis. Ilo",,,,-er, One<: he had ,.,en ,he ",on: of
Rogier , .n de. U'erden, he " .. s .... ger lO trphe
Flm,i,h o l glar.ing ,cchniqut brough' 'o Venie<:
byAntondb,h,\ lessin. in 14;5.
" .. s al ""y, cxperimenting. No,,", ",ith
,he ,ich tnnslue<:nce of oil gbu:s a' his
fingenips _ ''''-c:lling ne", ,lep, hs n, ji""ilia,
rol ou .nd dL,nanding diffL"ten' 'YI'" of
b,ush",o,k _ he un""'ercd "'c:llth uf
I",ssibili,i",. \ Vhcn lIellini lcarned ho", lO
,nn,b", ,he \ 'ene,i.n pi.}' <lf ligh' be,,,,e,,, ,ly
an<l " .. ,et, he h.d ,he key 'o all ,he subde
han"oni", .nd I. illi.n, ",Iouts ,ha, ",ould
"'me lO signify,he scl>:lOl "fVenie<: f,. ,he neXl
",,' ",-n'uri",.
Ikllini innutn=l the cnu,,", uf Eur(" can
p.in,ing ,hmugh ,he )',ung poin'e,;
apl. ""ie<:d lO his "(.k.<I",,. "1' "", "f the "lO"
;, mOUS ",,"te Giorgionc. nd Ti tu. n, ",1>:,,., la,er
";"all)' ht "l<ll in his ,,";de. On a ,-isi, lO \ 'enie<:
in 1505, DiirtT "1",.. ",d, 'he is n:ry and "ill
he i .. he 1",,, poin,er of mem all".
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
,\bdont1.:.l ofthe (,,/5(15)
&Uinil Mat/()nna!;;.y" tOrtua/1y bi, rrad'lnllTk. a!;;"", lb, m'l'niry and
lmdrrn= t::i,b ;;,'bicb b, porrr"pd ,b'In, H,.,., ,h< ,bild J= Jk"" HirrfillJy
Il1IlkF biJ ,"",b,.,.)- K"'" t::bik daily Jift K"',on Ivbind ,b'In in ."". ",b,
''''l";,i,, landmzpl'!, Only lb, brooding rm'm and ,b, ",""n po""1 ,h< VJt-gin
binl a' rh< day m o,/:,ilT)', t::bm lbi, 111m, ron ;;,'io Ji, d,ad in h<r Jap
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 70
/ 77/
/ 774-87
/ 789
/ 790--91
/ 794
I S()(}..()]
/ 818
Born in mdikl,
RlR ola 00,;' ..
Apprm,,, for
Y'iltT lo
mgr"""'- B",i,.
Op"" and rum a
L(J"'J.", pi! 'bop
tuttil a.atb <f
broIb.r Ribr,
Maro" G'Mi",
B()iIro", bi,arn'st_
aIJirtllrll. P"hJiJoo
fim bookalpanm,
PO{"tiCl.I Skcn::ho::.
PubJ"b" SOflg<
"f lnm>CCncc
Engrat" hy pro"
"'.".-J:, "In"
,\hrriagt: "f
llc",'en .nd ]-Idl
Puhlirb" Songs
illduding 'n,.
Tu", up by
parron Wioi"m
Hay!q. BJahr
ro Pdpbam,
,,,.,,,un Ilt
Chic/m",. and
PuM,M ,\ 1 ihon,
B/J: t:.YJrJ:
gatbffJ Y'""'K
i.apJn, indlllJing
Su",,,,1 Pub,,"
Di" in /"nd(Jtl
\rorgin md Child in Egypt (/8 /O)
(hu "11-- "",ilar paimingI mal Blal:. ,"ud< in gra!itwk ro a p"""'"
71xJlnilS Bum, ,":ha ,,,ppo.-,, hi," by =tding bi< w" for dnn::ing "''''IJ. Blal:.
,"'ugbt j, mor< ,,'jeal ro rain! in "'''/''Ya, a ';:am-_lN=d ""'"'"' ,ban 011, ilJ
j, ,",'al m"ff "mmding al ,b. arti,,., ,h'lI
illia", Rlake cngr""" I"inte" Ile ""un'ed Ro}' .. 1 ,,,, .. de,,,i"ans John
l. '''' and "'}'SIi" ""io"a,)' w,ote, Ha",an and 1 len,}' Fu,di a",ong his ck,,,,,,
illu'''a,ed and p,in,cd his ()wn friends, n Cn ,hough he had
hooks. It "",, his bdicf ,ha, ,he i",agn.,ion lO"" hi11l",lf. RI .. kc d .. i",,,d nl ha,'c ""'n
'up<Tio, 10, and ",o", 'C11 ,han, the "";" nali,," gho'ts .. nd a"gels sintt ehildhood ,,",'en ,ha' he
and ",a"1"iali,," uf his da)': he found hi",,,,lf h.d s p"k<"Tl 'o ,he \r,'gn '\\ .... )" S<l it is cica,
finnl}' ou!Side the rukur11 ",ain'"C1''' in ,he ,ha, Fu",li', fa"...,}' .. " lO"" in 'une "i,h a"d
Al:" of Enlib""CJl"'CJl'. Ile ".,,, .. !so a supp,Jne, inAuenttd his own. T he ",uscula, nudes of
of the F "'neh ","1 A"'<Tican Re,,,I,,,;,,n.<. ,\Iiehel""gclo a,e "no,he, elC1' inspi,a';"n,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
N""1on (/795)
In rbiJ lar"" 1K",,"pJ'b.d ",/our pri"" Ir""e N"::ro,, i, ,bm:.n Inl1ily
lb, un;"""'" ,::itb lb, ,ud {JI a paSr"1 "''"{HU"'' Blah dS,'idd ,b,
/Nxkground into "'" brigb' and on, dark ",ti ... , impJying tbar tb. gr,a'
ma,bnnariliilrl and plr!,i';" b""'gb, no, mligb,m1nm, 1m, a nigbt_tim"
Blah b.1i<tJ/!d tbal urtiftJ aJo", "'"' ",,,,,1m </ dS,-;", inrigbt and tbar tb, t<JlJl "'o1f
abay' Jtruggling '" fr" imll frUIn ,b, ",nfin" 01 "aro" and ",JiU""
hUI hc h.d Leno",n m.ny ycarS thmugh Ano!hc, of his tcehniqu.s "-!S more akin tn
his e"lle",i,., uf cngravings. monop,in,ing. I le 'ool imp,essions di,e",
llIalc's spccial p,in,ing p"'ttSS invoh'ed fi- om !he I", in",d surfutt uf stoUl p."ebo.nl
'rln,]t,rring '''''","<1 im.!:"s of his " ords and and ", fined !he dotails in ink and Cxtrl
pi",ur.s Onnl <"<JI" '" in 'n .cid.,csisting P"''''rSdy. if ll hkc h.d bcL"n ,ieh L"nough nJ
inl. Afn::, ctehing in acid. it pm"uttd. ,die( .n;",1 lett"'pn:ss p,in,ing and fine p.in,ing
im.ge. "hieh <"<Juld ridd doocns mOR: malL",ial . his ",orlo ,,(lUid su", ly ha,'c loSl il<
llhke .nd his ",ife e",h I" in' idio;yncratic edge :In" ,he tangihle sen;e of
indi,idually. using ehcap e.mdh.i, hrushcs. imol",m",,' ",ith his messag".
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I S4 / _B
I Sfl
I SH(1)
/ 894
Bo.-n Mar;'_
R(J>Illi, B(Jn}uur in
dal/gIl""" a
la,"brap' ""in",-
ExhibiD ugularly
,,! tI!. PariT Sal""
A';:ard<d jim Gold
MuJaI by 1"''''/
,bat indud.
Co.-OI, I"NJalTlJx
and ngrn
Tu" at'.,. [",b..-',
"" @oo!onbi,
The 1 h"" F. ir
,;:inr amaim and
prit'/lU ,.ro by
QUrI Vicr..-i"
BuY' roa"""
N",hall. Mi""
Ji'(..-} ,,/1> cbi<jly
in Englim
i"Natb ofN",bali,
\fi"", Rdllli(J",bip
mJ1hJi,bd ,::;,b
AnTlll FJe"h<tb
Tbrougb EmpmOT
El/gmi., M""'''
ji'" ""'1111111
aran/_ti Grand
e"'Ir (JI hmtb
Di" n ,ud"",
Ploughing in (1848)
0'" . &nhrorl '""" "Mffaud painringy. 1, ;, Im,, "n Bonb",r', m.."11
r1Iuli", ami al", imp;".d by Po""' a .. mtury /)r"cb i11limm
""im", Tb. nobility O[Ib." bUK' lahouring "",,"ah "pp<= lo _pan- lb.
1ftahnuJf(Jftb. 111m drit:;"g !1m"
he cIdcs, of IiJUr childn: n - all uf ,h.,,,
ani,u _ Ro", R<lnheur ,k:cid"d early '"
'1',,,i.li,,, in I .. in,ing and sculpting
anim.ls. 11", linher mcourJ.g",1 her b.'alkJ",ing
sh,,,p lO be Lel" On ,he b:. k: u.,y of thei, sixth
noor I'.ri, ap1rb1lm,.
llonbeur's une"m.:ntionali,y "'''S" Le}'",'e
lO h ..... He: 4e ",ore cr'1'l",d h.i" ,moL,,1 in
public an<l , whm ,'i,i,ing ,hugmerhou<t:' a,.1
mHLctS lO "udy .nim.1 an"lOm)', C3,ried
au,hur i""iOll b)'!he Paris Pn:: h::<ttJ,e 'o w/:"l"
m"n's 'n" ....... s .nd Mm,.,], in puhlic. The "'me
Outfr, worn lO ,be ,hC3tre dn::", loud ..
fmm a m'n in the nex< IJO>: , until he ",as ,okl
,ha' 4e .. ",s ,he Etmous a,tiSL
llonheur "Jmmunica,ed di"''''ne .nd
hone")' ",i,h h ...... nimal subi"''', so
fi-tt fnJl1l ,he social "Jmcntiuns
,ha, ,he h",J lO "lll'end with hersdf as ,he)'
... ere. Ile, worl .. "'< .",hi"",d b.' ,he S"luns
.nd she m"de goud li,'ing f,om i" ",hile
",,,ring el"", uf !he ,,,,,,imm,.li,}' uf
,be age.
' Il>c n:: ,,",s nu sen,imm,ali,)'., her
eh.",.u whe n:: >he housed" mCt>"gerie ,h.,
indudcd. p.i, uf liu.,<, "ag, C3nle, num':mUS
and. P'rtlJL ' Il>c eh",,,,,u ...... als" ho,,'" '"
fn::e "" ,eh,., !: 1I000 h"", .. ,,,,, s}'ml"thetic
,cacbc" juSI as he, f.,her h.d beCt>. She .. ""
he, gencr",i,y ",,,",,d. ani,,, in
,lifficuhya,.IIi>, m.king p,,,,isiun
who "" l< L,,1 fo,- he,.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Buftolo Bill (/889)
A porn-ai'"ICo/mu/ JtiUiam f: Cody, ",/m-t,;" .b",,,.,,
'" ,b. ,bm:-",an 'BuffalJ Sif. n;, por1rai, "'a, ",w/. afU,.
Co,ryl- ,'Ji, Jo &nb"rrJ roa',,"', during lb. E",-op<= "'",- 0lb;, Wild
JI '51 &b'itil6l in /889. AlU,. &nNllrl- d""b, i, "'''' "f""duad '" a
po51" w/"<rliJing lb. ,bm;,', JoM" 1905
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 486
" ..
Bo.-n Himmym'"
t'll1I AJ:m in 't_
1f""'gmixJJ<b, ",n
GayafftJ rnQ dm
Mun. -m'"
Joim Brorb.,-b.lod
0fOllr LuJy
La" Judgcl1lcnt
w,","irriotU by
Pbiip I o[ S""in
in 'r_
King Ador..t ion ofthe M:.ogi (&""il) (151(.1)
&,J<b', '",r ""rh tkpicud "lid larg" jig"'"" playing OUt
Q Jingk r.-m'. Caspard , "tU </ rb. Mag; in &,.,) ,-<ni", o[
,b. Ado.-ariorl_ B.bin;J bim, bit p"g< 1:'<'1lTT a bi=arr, ,bom)'
Immdr=. 'Y,"/xJic </ ,b. ooly T,,",n ,bar Cbri" ;;:ill r.',,- '::'IIT
CtOo}"1lUS Rosch no' be Iit",iliar I'r",."ms t() <,<",unen, 00
C3 tcg<>rzcd. llc linb b.ck 10 ,he ,ht hWllan Jli. ,,,,,,,,, .. tioo< _ '1' ",,,<1
",in1Iur" oaru,i,'c< secn no aeros< ,hOll<;inds nf ,,<ti,-dwl fgun:< in <he
illunn.",d ",""useri!,,, ., ,he SI"''' time H
anticil'"ing <he pOIS .nd 1" '" ofDubCh gL-n,C
I'.inting. Jlis f.milr wrtc lay ""'I1lI,cr< (Jf ,h<
Rro.hcrho(kl of Ou, Lady in \<_ JJcrtogent..,,,,h.
1""i. enholic gruup wo, h,1 me eul.ural
brncfi. of me d.y ... hen: Ho",h tiH:d and ,tied.
Ho",h'. unbridl .... J imagina.ion cxplo,lcs as h<
dcpicrs life aS a eon.in ... 1 struggte bcrw<"t:n m'n
and his inncr na.un:. Thcre are "'an)" .h<'ories
ab",n his a"oni,hing ,-isi,.., : OllC of me mo"
persisten. bcing .ha. his <J",boli,,,, ene" des.he
d'lCrrinl>\ of a he n:.ical ('""".ic s<-e. ""tbl.he
Ca. ha"'. \ \'ha'''''e, H,,,;ch 1.<: had an
aeute a ... an: nl>\S uf hwnan Jle uses
.<:cnng p.nels ofhis .rip'Jd .. - a,e continuatly
,urf:teing, aS if ti) .dmoni,h .he ,-ie ... er o,
p,ocl.im a n:H:la.i()fl, and .h<"I'I .living again
inn, .he .wnul . Jk,,;ch I"intt:d al/a prima, .ha.
is Unto a gruund wi.h no und'-TI" in,ing
o, gta>cs, which ""tled (xpen
h.u<h ... ork.
' Ir..: registcr .ha, """nls his de:tth describes
Roseh as a \Iis.inguished pain,cr'. lIe ,,"'s
<:cminly a strung inn""n<:c un Brucgcl the
Eldcr and his atlegoril>\ of ,-itlagt: lill::. La,cr,
Ro",h'. 1" i",ings we n: a,-i,Dy collecr"t 1')' J'hilip
11 of SI" in. ,he J'ro.e,t:t n' Rcto<ln.tion
finatly di'misscd him ti,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka

The or E.orthly Ddights (c./500)
an. </ lb. bm hI""", </ &J<b', paintingJ, !bi, ir ,b. "n", p",,,1 </ a huy
pmtoril",ic triP'Yeb. 711. "''"f'O'ilion , mll5t.rfiJ in ,b. lCtry ,. ,"arlipu'''', IN
picr __ pJ_ Ivram ,,. ,i",'", an diJJ<,.m, </ actit:,ry in lb. picrur.,
Argumnl" ",,,ti,,,,, .,.,. &><h', intm,iom ,::itb lb;' te",k, 1vtt."1I tlx", t::oo
INlir-.', jr ,b.m', a ""rld mgagro in ,infiJ pJ'Ilffl'" muJ ,00.. 1::00 lbin} ir , bo1I'
bU,"ilnity ,";gIl! Ji,. 'l:,itbiJU, ,b. PilO "lAda," an h ',
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
144:; Bo.-nAI,_ndrodi
/46 / _
Mariano fl/ixpi
in Plorma. "JrI o[
a 'ann<r
Apprnui,, '"
Fro rj'lippo Lippi
A",..," PoI/aluda
and J m-o..-bio
1470 Sm up " ... hlxJp
in r/orma,

/472 B"","","mro!
SI LaJ: Guild
/474 Pai"" SI
Scllliti.n lar
s"nr" .Uaria
Maggior" N ... nI"
/48/ _82
/49 /
Ir / O
Painlf ",,"ral! </
Giuli"". . ;\1,dri
In Rom" tkora'"
,bllp<l (JI Po/"
Sirtu! V, laur
TIIl,", lb. SistiIU
Pai"tT al/_gorjeal
Painrr altarpi"',
Florm"n. dmm"
B"","" follot."" al
Tbrot....- ,,..-h orllfJ
Di" in florm"
(tk,,,il) (c.I478)
Tb. grtIC" colooring il1ld drap<rin O[lb. N(Jf"Q figUtl! ".= ."mro
from f 'ih'ppo lippi. &",,,I/i\ ,arly la/mI for traJ proiNlhJy
fa5t", by lb. PoIlatI()J. brotbffT, ,::,.". ",..-k al gddmtitb, an
mgm'YT'J uquirro drafO'mambip rf a bigb oro.,.
uring hi. lilt: w"" oonnce,,,;I
wi,h ,h,.,e m.j(l< I"'ilo'0l'hics. Ili.
c.rlr I'ic"m:s .,., .tlnd. ,,1 ,\ 1a,tlnn:l<,
k:.so ..... "1M 1,,-";(.1 ;dbl llottCt:Di's n:lebn 't,l
'1");In' worlo;, 7b. Binb<!J&w .... 1 Pritlfllt""'.
hcr}'thingch.nge<l.vin in 1491,
m,,1e guilds .nd 1'';,.", dienlS. IlowCl'cr, ,h<: <I" .. h of Lu"nzo. Giro!.mo S""n.ru!. ,
Rotti"dli's rch,io..,shil' ",i,h <,o",,,n,ion.1 f.n .. ic.1 ,'i" .. r_g.::ncr.1 of ,he Domini".ns,
Christi.ni'ru .. .rri,'cd 10 d.im Florenet: I .. el 1(" Ch,;".
he won ,he I'.lton'gc of Horcnl nI: rulcr, i"-,,i'UI,,1 mc inf .. ",,,,,s 'lIo.., fi,.,s of
Lorenzo do::' ,\ 1"lic. ,he V.ni,ics .n<l llottiet:lli, nOw o..,e of his
De:' ,\ bG<i o.<l,,,cal1:<I hwn .. nO;Jl\ mru"gh ,h<: ,hn:w :l'c",1 of his Own
o.",_l'1anu,ts. me gnlUI' of men h<: dN",ing< .nd I .. in,ing< inlO ,h<: A.mes. Tho::
.,,,,, .. 1 him. T1K;r .i", ".,,, nl m .. ,rr ,.,m.ining I'i",urcs of his c.,., ..... . ,., notic""bl)"
d.ssical I'hao"'I"')" ",im Gris,iani,)" mo .. " s<"'''' in nlnc.
cntirdr n ..... ';L'W uf ,be uni","",,: (lrle ",hcn: lIottiet:lli'" mO'" EUllou;; I'ul'il "",,, Flil'l'ino
I"vni'm ",as tc.<llC<:"b.,1 ... 1 .. Ocg"rr taugh, lifc's l.il'l'i, S<lrl "f Filil,)(l.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
T he Mystic N:rth'ity (1500)
711. i"JlTiprion "ftrri"g ro tM APOCD/Yt= and 'tTlJUhktof ItaJy" i, in ,,"th 'd"u}
and Luin. Botti"Oi haf u"d an ttrroai, d" .. ie. tha' magni/i" 'M VlTgin and
Child; aJmg.rhN", ,h. pie,.".. ;, eaJlingfor a murn ro ,""Ji" .. al miKaJiry
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Par;', JOn
of an "mlmNdny
Apprm!i"d al an
mgral'''-!O Can,
/"'" m'm nlllliol
W;", lb, Prir d,
Srudi" in ROin'
Ad",i,,,,J m tb,
AGllJimr Rayal,
a, a bi,mry pai","
Maro" M"ri,_
J'''''''' Bu""u,
'bry la," bat"
,b= cbildrm
BrnJ",,,a M,mb<r
oftb, ,-J.oom'Y
Profroor and
G",m pa"""ag' "
Mada"" d,
BrnJ"''' dirumr </
,b, Ro/al G""-lim
JItad, Fim
Pai"'N" ro I1mi,
Di" in Pari,
Od.oli"l ue (1745)
Boucb" oo",ir.d ,::}"m "",} b, n,.iro and r.pod""J ilJ
mgrat'ingr in biJ youtb. ,b, "",,,al odali'quu ,b", Boucb" prud""J
fo.- JUiJ XV and t'ario'" ()tJm- pit'"" elrn" 'In,", a far <ry from ,b<
Acadnny-appr"'-ro pbnll:, 1.."bi,b barhd !nx} ro an "a " rot",ly 1"",_
iJ "dt .. ,,-, 1""ng "WJf/ln ilr' ",,,,b of ,b';r .,,'n ,"',: 'Th, p"'y ,bing
i, ,b, "'u} of,b< ag' _ anJ ,b, gmi", </ B_b,,'
,enCh ,tr, of,he righ'ttnth Ct:n'ury ,ook
its cue &om ,he hedonistic oourt a'
Versailles an<l espttiallr fmm Louis
",-V', mi,rress ", .. dame de ",h"oe
f,,,'uri,e "rti" "''1S F",,,,.,>< Ro..,he"
Rouchc, ",as ,he supn: mc cxponen, of
Roce.::o, a lu_m,ious d<-,::o1'1,i,'e <trie, which
sensuous, ligh,_hea'Il:d subj<:crs:
godde><e< "nd cupids cO\'ortil1g happilr
.11l(lng" ,he douds mim,.-ed ,he sdf_
indulge.-.::e of ,he F,ench a,;',,><1''1<:)-'.
,""'dtmic ohjt",io.,s ",ere ,ais .. !, h",h lO
Il<,..,he,'s subjccr matter and use uf bu,
,he: ",e,e aS much agains, ,he :If_madc
domina,ed ,he "'I::tlthie" home in,erio". "' .. rqui: de Poml"doU!'. I"""etfull"trnnagt:
Al n:adr an cxttUen, he rrained aS "pin" Il<JUche' him:lf. After aU. ",as i, .. JI
",i,h Len",}'.-.::. ,he ttiling ani" a' \'crsailles: u'uallr ari,,,,c'a,ic ",m who commissioned
fnml Lmlo}TIe 1-.:: l<:":l.rn",l" ,'erS:t,ile ,cchr'lue pictu"'< of enticing. pc.rlr nudes?
,ha' he 'o aU ,he de",,,,,,;,,, 31ts he .. "1< Il<JUche, .. "1< "LTr ha,d ",otling: he ",ould
engagt:d in. &,. " ttl""")' tu I",.-ttlain designs. of,en 'pe.-.I ,,,,eI,'e I-oJurs , dar a' hi< ea<el and
Af,er ,hn:c J'e'1rs in Rom" . IkJUch<T ,ri,,1 1'1n" bu>r Studio ",here F1'1g()fla,d ,,"1< on< uf
dL'llonsrra,;ng his :riou>ncss ",i,h a Il::", hi"B'Y his p"l'ils, Ile ,lid h,,,, a heautiful ... ife ",i,h
p,intings, RUI ,hey ",ere no' 'o thc curr.", tt"e ""p"n,i", t,,-,,es tha' he ""1< ohligt:d nl picase.
o, f",hion uf the ,;"'t . so he ... en, f,,.- the nl(";' bu, dedan:d he ",ould ne,'er ",i,h 'o cxch"ngt:
lucnti,'c <"",nssiof1S and ",On fa",e ... i,h his his Ca",<'1' foO' 'n-' o, her,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
M:arl:.me de Pomp:odour (J"ai!) (c./758)
7br-OIlgb &"d=, ;\fatl"m, tk Pompaootlr "'''' a ,",am </ ponraying h,,""/f
ar Fra", IImbarrllOOr </ ,h, arU. /-1, ".", T/(J' J..m <In paiming pon",;!> ""J
in 1m"" ,h, c<lnfitkJ 'my ".", T/(Jt ",1Jt1 h'J:m,<= bu, r Jida 't mhu! '" <lng
'" thry propuJ lh, righ, hRag'. /-1," Jk i, ar a ""m"" </Iim-ary
atUJmpJiJbmmu, E'..rp<rt rmd<ring oflm- K""'" "mindJ '" that, ,,ith hi,
falr tm "Rbronny J"ign-r. it iJ liJ../y that Bouch,r = aad haadkJ fim
fabrie< from an ,arlyag'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I f2f(!)
I HO(?)
H H _54
I H 4_ff
H 69
Bo.-n in Bru<:b./
Apprm,,, '"
,ading Anrarp
ani" Co1: '-/l1I
B"","" a Marur
l !aJy
S"'p in Ro,""
,,,,,-d, 00,", ,.jo
S,::;". Al/"
1I ... h in Ar/re,"p
,tb Hi""''Ym'"
Cod, rogrlt1'ff
and mhJb<r
Piro painting,
]>" ,,-c.- h,
;110m" Mayl:m,
daugl,," <le_k,
,bry in
Binb" ..... Pi,,",
A"IIliuJ t::udtby
parron. NiroJa"
8irrb </ ..... Jan
Di" in Bru=h
of the Bli nd (""il) (1 568)
A dnail frl/m Br""?'!'f lar! majo.- ,,,,,* rifffTing ro Q qu",ation from
Martbro', '11tb. Nind /rod ,,. bJind, OOib moll [all ;rlto ,,. dirrb . In
,Ji;' ",km" aU'KOOY lar ,b. btunilrl Ti!""';",, ,b. '1rir/g o[ unfon'''''''' P'"pJ"
,acb by dirlgir/g bJintOy lo lb. na:t, aH jopardi=ing ,b';,. 0"'11 tuk-arion ra,bN'
!han t.."rking , oUf for
"' l1larlal>lC ra",.bout Pi",,, , Brucgcl is ]'I. nti n ,he I'ri ntrt . nd me eng"" .....
"'a' .fte, 'rl",lIi ng e.<wnsi,-cly in l ral)- So i, would be mi,,,,ke lO eonfu", him with One
he retumed ]y""c 'B ,hen "" ID"e wor k of hi. 1"''''''''' figu "'s,
in an unahe",d Flemish Slyle. Il i. 1,.lian Ile hegan p,inting c<,mpHa,i,-dy la,e,
sle,ehbo"b "ere full "f ,he grand<"U, "f ,ht Pn"",'br ,h'es fmm 1558. lt :t. I .. "em f, .
AII'" !h.n col';e. of Ren.i",an"" combini ng , cali.m and imagina, i" n, d"u],!lc;;s
1I' ''''g.,] ,he Elder .. "1< nidrnam"] '1'<"1<. " t" in<pi , ,,] by lIo",h, lI, ucgel".
he""u'" he li ked 10 g" in di'gui", "f'en po, n' lO morals and m, ke
o nlinary worlng Il e ""1< act"" Dy Oroe oh", ,,,.,i,.,,, On lik, altt.lugh IImegcl"s
of gmul' of di,ti nguished Flemi,h hw"ani,,,, al'l,,, .. e], i. ra !her ".,'" gen!le tha n & ",h .
""hieh indudcd !he gc"graphcr Olldu., a!so "llUT" ",bus, ='1, ,;ons a n: Th< PilO ol,b.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
R.Iv/Ang.b, TN Tril,,"pb.[O,,,,baml MadM.g
(Dull Crin). In fae" ,he f,SI nigh'mHish
im.gc wa< anrihuted lO Ro",h until rd"rlming
:;jgna'un: . Ilis ,,,ngdiJl Mad
I/'g may be n: h:, n: nCt: lO ,he 'crmlS of ,he
Spmish In'luisition.
lI,uegd m,,1e sc.,;.I.nd 1. ,lirital p"ltc,,, 1<
rc:t,tily 1< he <"lch,Jtcd ,he jO}S "f liling. In
pain,ing hc l'itllme.ns uf ""prt:ssing his
inncr and (Ju t<1" lisio.,: 'In .lImy "o.- b ,hcrc
,,-a< mOn: ,hough' ,h.n p.inting:
ehi Idr<"tI 's C."..,. (/560)
Brtugd't <kil/,,itb gm,.. ,""., ,uro '" tbjj "'''. d,,",ling buru/,.d, . li,rI.
propk acting out a ,illaJogtu . p,,,,i,",,, "'a, Jx-d 1::bi/. N 1::'" an mgr"'''''
,,itb tb. Ann;:"1'pub/islm; Himmy,"w C.d-, Hi, figumar. ",/n,;:itb h'rr/.
m"ikl/ing but tbry aY< ""<J1uJnfu!/y Ii,-.Iy; and ktond ,b. [",ti""li"" o[
idm,ifying aD 'N gama and anit',i". IN "in:"" i, "'.a"d t. a "",,';,Iling
nmt /'"'f'';'Y <NI tN rigb', and a ikligbrfo/ gI;,"!= "[':piro/ N,,"iJb
/amkap."" ,b. kfi
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n Gio'.nmi
Amonio CIl1lllk in
,at" pai"'<r
Trat,.h",i,b f",bn
lo {(Ji'" "" ,b.1l1,",
NIl,"' rMJnJ. in
J """iIlR pain"TT
Fotlr '-"Olrh
C(J,"",iIJo",d /ir
,""cb"n! Suf_
Smdio ,,,,,*, for
,k Engli,b mllr!..'
Tr",.<!, B"nla
C"""I ""::ard,
Pajn" f{(JRIlR
ruin< for
r'nt "i, "'
f{""",, hri'jly ro
umaining in
EJm. ro '""ilm
Di" o[ ft"'r n
Eton College (e. 1754)
TbiJ "in;, "1 ,b. ,,'"",.,- &glirb puN, rdxxJ lUar
Wind",r t. .... , p/llr,ud tu;;"llrm lb. md "1 Cllnm"'o I
"ay in EngltmJ, ,::bid! bi>d h<gtm in 1746
nwni<J e'n,j",,,, eh,.,,, 10 p.in' his The < .. ",rt" tseJf ,,"1' ,..dl lrwwn, and fi,,,
n3li,,: dI)". Vi:rcc, Ln<",,'ing it "<luid """,,1,,1 in 1 550. Canal"t1Il 1:1 ught "thcrS h"",
mala: him n.,ne. Ili. lO use i, ,hu. "' nde,
_ m'",<eS of det.il .... J .",hi,,,,,,u"', shimmering {'('mncinglr, Ilis n<l,he ... , Ikmordo ]kllottIl ,
.... 'ers nd bloc skies _ wm' down wdl ",h ,he p",,'ed.n en::ellm' 1'''1', 1 and c..::ntu.llrl'ain,,,1
English nobili'r doing ,he: G,,,,,d l iJU', So wdl he:.d .. 1I o,,:: , Eurup'"
,h." ., Ooc "'g.:: , J' '''''ph Smi,h. 'oc IIri,ish Wor in Eur'1,e in 1740
{'(,"suJ_in_""iting, w1.. acring as his .g.::nL ,,,,,el .nd i, w .... ,ime n, s.:t:k ou, Engli,h
In ,ime, '..analet'" ,cr.nod his ' JUq'u' to <u' dients ., homc, FnlJll 1746, Cana letto lin,1 in
,he marloe' e,,::n His "' p"noi", g"'w 'u London fo, .1",os, ,en rears, wo,king It:.,
indude popu1o, Vene,i.n feSli,.ls .nd p"rons 'ueh .. ,he lhnOl'e,i"" Duke
""", m')flies .nd he " willing 'u 1'" im 'n emi ", of Richmond,
series of ,.n/u" (ci'r ,e".) in si,"", n) AI".}"S ,he beSl ""snlJll<:rS uf e,,,.I,,,tI), the
furnish.nrstt,.::lrh' M"c, sole of ]oS(.' ph Smi,h's en,i,e {'(,lIecrion lO
C.n.b", m.de no -cret of his Ofl George III in 1 i61 bruugh, 'o Engl.nd
,he "",""a J,"tIt'a (<<"t: P'g.:: ,k:6ni,iofl ,he world'. fine" sdccrinn of hi. p.in,ings
of thi. de,ce) , e;peci.II)' ., sketchl)(lOk Sttg.::, .nd d"'wings,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
B ~ s i n of St ,\hrk 's Squ:.ore, ",,"ice (tkurH) (e. 1745t)
1'b. ,-inI! tbal ro many Gmnd Touri", tT",'dkd ro '", and
buy _ <PI ",m'a,. 11 "'a,n<ll unhwl::njir ,"Ib",.iamedimn-
ro Ulh ,b<ir Canal",,,, 00,", iNjir, ,b, paim bad drid
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in
Car,,' .. a;rgio, JUar
Milan, _ <f an
Orpbll'U/1, rrQlU
",,,kr P""zarUJ, a
pup;1 "Ti,;'",
G"" ro R(J,"'
Mu". fim parrlltl,
CarJilUl dd
fij,-;r pllhJi,
Im",k-, in
crimiTlllI/Km.'j,i .. ,
JI'" Rilm, for
Tnn-,h lo Mal,a,
Sy"''''''' M",iTlll,
Pal"",o and
Napl" Ilgai"
R","" papal
paroon. 0;,,,1
malarial "," in
Porro ErroJ,
Hoy \\r,th B",ke, o Frui t (1 59J.-4)
Th< hoy. ;;:00 i<Jol:, ilJ lb. could k oJ}",ing bim"lf ro lb. ,.i""yr a/(Jng ,;:ilb lb,
frui" 'p=iblya "I/-porlr"'t. D"''''aggio ,;:ouJd hnar()Und 21 pan </ ag'
bU! ahaJy d,m"ID1I7l,d an "'_Il1I'" in blllldling lb, ,,,,,,,",,,,[Iigb' "lid mOOiJIJJ
'" chi. m'cUfo
"", .. ggiO'S url)" cduco,ion in
Lomb,,,ly g'l'<: him I',ssion ror
an<l a nf id""li"";",,,
later. in Rome, oc ""uld ,li,.,o, ..... ,h., ,hese
,.-ere "','olu,jonary con""]'''. The l110dds
chus.:n roo- ,.,in'. and ,ul" licants in his rdgious
pie'ure. we re gt:nuine p"o;ants ... i,h "'gs,
wtinlJes and <tinr fttL NO! surprisinglr, ,his
ul' "'' ,..-,J.:"lo% I'"""ts and m<."1"b ..... , uf <he
publie alile, who p",ferred ,he con,ri'Td
depna: "f "'.n""lism 10 Ca,,""ggio'<
w_c>rth ot..LTla,ioll.
C"'a,'aggio himsclf ,ery mueh "dmit"d
Mid.., l:"ngclo Huona"o'; and I'ai<l h,""agt:
'o him "" ..... al ,imes. "Ihe angel'. hands in 711.
"'pira,ion "/ S, Maub""" p,in,,,d fo, ,he
Con", re lli Chapd, reeall. God', Cua,io" o/
Ada," 'lfl <he Si"ine Chape:! eeiling: and in S,
Job" lb< Baptirr (10mb ,::,b Ram) , ,he bnr I","es
eX3.e,lr lile One ()f ,he ig"adi, als() ()n ,he
SisI ne eci ling.
It "1" C:lrS ,h .. C.,."aggio'. ,..0; lO
p,in, directlr fn"" his modds, ... i,h no
p l,"ato' -y d,.,wing. Thi. <he u: ()f
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
T ite Su pper 3' (d""iO (/596_/6()2)
711. gmu,n in IhiJ picn,r. ,,11 "'" g"'" tkal. 711. outJtT<trb<d h"ndr o[lh.
diYpl. on tb. righl, and Iba" o[lh. ",hff gripping hi, ehair, "'P''''' lb<
imm"Jia" '""""'" " "rognition, /lJ" Ih. /mm/la< Y"",h Ibry '"" aJ.mg lb<
rooo "'-.alt hi,""I[I" k tb. ",,,,,, .. ud Cbri" by hlming tb. ,".al Th.11ill_
lift "frui, ,"ah, hibli",1 "["m,,, ro "11(Hd Ii[. a<ld "1'uwiom fiJfill.d,
,::hi/'> ,h.appl" _ rymoolt"[ '''''pta,.,n _ ,,,nain hligh"d
lenses a ..::hnieal aid. Ilis p""'n, Canlinal Cou n,e ,_ Refo,ma,i"n '00, as ,h/:)" hoped
del ,\ loo,e, is ln"",'n 10 ha,'e had Some cxpenisc: ,ha' drama,ie i",. ge,)' in ,hei, eh urehcs
",i,h op,ics .nd m.y h"'e 1"",'id,,1 ,he could he usc:d 'o 'emp' people b,d fi-om
... ,iSl ",i,h "quil_"cn' ,h" ",ould haw dour I',o,csnn,ism.
pnJi<"Cted ,he im.g.::s (li,ttdy 0.,10 ,he e.m"". Car" .. ggio eombined ,hon, ",ild,
hell,; ng 10 "'1", .. lu'" I. ,ints o( high eO., 'r>S' "",,,,,ion.lly criminal lill: ",i,h an i"'nc.::I''-'Iic
and forcsho(t"ning. anirudo. Ilis in!lumce li,,,d (Ifl in ,he stu(lios of
By upholdi ng his "",n .cs,hc,ie ,alues .nd 'oc G""ilcschi family, l>1niruh rlr lb., of 'oc
.,.oiding .nr con,,,h,,,,)' app",,,,,h 'o his r.", ... k:tblr 'alm,ed A"emisi. Ge ntil eschi.
suhj"ctS, C"'''''ggio qui,e li'erollr ph",d rt Ca ... ",.ggio'. ",orls co",inue 'o ,eM'n' ,e,
in a ne", ligh,. The f",sh immediacy of his Sl'<..::ifcallr ",i,h film_m"kcrS such .. 1'.",lini,
wo,k sui,ed ,he ai",. of ,he C.,holic )"m.nandBrt'BI",<:1.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
B()rn in Ah'_ro_
P"".roa, ron of"
Smdi" al CoU'g'
Boutbon ,::itb
Srudi" latr! Q' Ai ..
1861 Srudi" tlT' in
Par, murm '"
Ai ..
1862_70 R<j"d by Parir
Salmo "ran .. _
PruIrian t::ar
dril,,, bim ro
/'&""JI. Mm,
Hon",,, Fiql'
Binb </ _ PauJ
1871_79 In Pon",i" tmd
,b Pirrara
1880_88 in /'&"''l''''
"nd Ia",,- ro
1886 Mamn /-Ion"",
Fatb", di" /,a,.ing
bim an inb"i'ana
189f Fint oo<-man
,hatri ", Ambroi"
J ,,,,U<ry,
1906 Di" of pmumania
inAi ..
5till Li(e with Po", and Fruit (/890_94)
A rtudy </ rba",_ ",",,,,", and roliJllr, all mjnnuly "rrangul, to iUusrral'
pnfrly C"",nno'-"tI "",11" 'Tua' nam" by m",m oftb, rylind<r; ,b,
;pb'''_ ,b. roJl<', ".-uytbing brougbt inro pr"f"r ,dirud
"''''aror a c""ral point. '

",os sh}', ",ere n'JI <J'ml",heric lO his idul "f'me

",h", di'''''uroging stan in ,ho: d""c!opmen' uf e,'crphing ",e s<'<: an<l fec!
earl}' 1860s - fa,her. ,hr<JUb'" ,he snr<l}' ofn .. ure', lt " .... his d",i re
examin .. ion litilun: S,lon rct...,ls <$Sen,ial harmon}'. e<pres.:d b.'
se<111ed <lestined for bsting recogni,ion, a< ,one. ",hich drew him b,d 'o his bdJl',,1
Acc],im " .... h:tnl ",Un. taling O"" ,hin}' }'cars Pr",,,n,,, in 1 SS!, ' In.: "..::Iuse who wishe<l
of disciplined "",l b,re his first one_m'n male uf Imp","';oni,,,, ,merhing ,lid aud
exhihi,ion in 1895: ",hich. }'<JUnK"r duroble' e,'en'uall}' ",en' much funher.
anisrs liLe ,he N. bis fon",,1 "" enthusia"ic I><o, 'i<ling the Cubismo Ab"r.ction
dique. aler, 10 Cunne 's pushing uf ,he an<l ,he gamut of .van'_ga"le ""pcrimcntation.
buun,b ries b<)"nd airr Iml><"", ionisrn, R"noir a4,,1: ']-Iow un eanh ,1,,0$ he du i,?
Cz3 noc Lne", ,h .. me meo.- i", of I>"isian 11<: < ... nro" pu' 'wo touehes uf rol(JUr (JIl n, 3
"".dm,i"" and eri,i"", le' .I"ne publie 0l';nion. COnviS ",imuu' its b<;ngab-cadr.n .chio::R,,,en':
In the P. .. l ofClt .. Noir (c./S95)
C'=<InJl<') 11lrIll.cap<roftbi, riod """ roh'dly huil, fum plaJUt of ,oJ(JlJr. hut
'moduJation' tri...- at.::"Y' C"'''''JI<''r k.p:.'<Kd ilrId b. tri..-hd paub., </ ruhtl,
,arrb bUd rob.,-""Iy a/ongrid, ITrong"- too,,' grrl and for a .n"dy
imagiTUl"'" r.,'()(at"'n </ bir TUl,iu ,oumry,id,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/7/ 4(?)
Bo.-n in PariJ, Ji'"
01" rahi"" ",a}.,.
SUlrtJ !raining
"lid t:'<1rking aJ
/724 Ad",i,u ro ,b.
AauJi",i. ti<
/728 Di""' .. md by
,Virol", .
Largilli"', al
Sal", . Jrnm=.
EJuJ ro F,nl<b
/71/ Maro"
T!lrnJ ro :mI?
i"Na,b "I.:il' lUId
re" daugburr
/740 Pm",,,u,LouiT
Mam" FrtmuiJ<-
Marg,,,ru P""g"
f{""",, lo
paiming m'l/lift
B"","" ()Dieial
bang" al Par;'
i"Natb"1 J,'"
Pi"r __ ],,'"
Di" in Par
TIte )Uy (/728)
0'" ol'" pair (lb< olb.r ".", Le ,ha! Cbardin fllb",i,,, lo ,b.
I"rmcb Aallkmy ,;:hUl Niedar . Lm-gillii-,.. firrt di,..,,=d bi", ""'''''g
iJlb..-Y"""g lxJp'foh. '" lb. SR.", tk J'UlU!:J<, P"'Pk haJ ",i""k", lb.
cant"",,, flK fik",irb rU Ji!" and tbry 1::," ro",id.,.,d ,_gil ro go
flr.::ard i",,",diluly ar Chan/in', Jipi","" pi""
h."lin .. "1< ,he 1.,." (-",cnmiou< uf ()wn I""it ho"",hold .. en: his
eigh,ceo,h_Ct:o'ur)' F,coeh 1" io,er< .od made ,h,;, " ... )' oonJ <he ,..alls of wuhh)' a"
but isoftm ci,ed, ""ith .. ,he Io,'ers all m'er Eurupe. Ilc h.d ao irostio'" fe. "
grc,,,,,,. La"" .. dmi,crs of his ,1J1nc;;,ie s"""cs ,dliog ,he eu", n.'mm, wheo. Io"k ' l< gc;;'un:
WCn: Cou rh.,t, Gogh .od aun"". c"uld he crrstalli ",d fo' po"cti,)'. ' I(Jgt:,he,
Thcre is 00 hio' "f Ro""eo g-Jie')' in ""i,h ,h., gif" hc h.d /:l'ol,'cd spe,;al
Cha,dio's I'ic,urcs, despi,e ,he emuher:toCt: ,Ct:hoi'l"'" using ,hiel br<TS of pigmeo' and
sho""n hr o,he, ""i"s <lf his dar such H ,hin, luminous gb",s to pmduCt: jus, ,1>< ,igh'
Boum er aod La""rcL ,crturc ,..lplar ufligh'.
'Ii, hegio ""i,h, he pruduCt:d of eha,dio's haodliog of 'onal nluc. "'ellO
aoimals aod simila, lO <he I" i, ,h., w,., eoough, hu, ,he ,,ti,er Diden"
him his pbCt: a' ,hc F,mch AeadCtnr. Thm < .. lIed him ',he gllOa' so,eer", hecause his
ca"", his georc peri,.1. ,..i,h" ood to ,he Dutch I'ie'utes offellOd So mueh mo,e. \ \r"hou'
seho,,1 hut oooc <>f,he hcavr humo",. prc.ehiog 0< fulse sm,imen', hc lapS ioto
F<l< ,;ght rnrS, ,hc acr,i,ic;; of Cha"lio's h"p",d out" .. ,,1 al" ""'" ""c;;.
Thc \ o ung Artist (1718)
Cban/in', ""'n 'OO, Pi,,",,]_an, around tb_ ag_"[ Jrt'nl. Draud in a bJt
"",*ing apron, k , picrurd tritb a rrirh[ trbi" rball' in a boltkr, rrudying a
drlrdng in [ro'" o[bim, J-"" did in [IXt gr(l"'; up to k an lUn'" and
"'/lT ;,.ing in I mi ... i" 1 767 "'hm h_ di_d in ",yruriotlJ tir""""a_,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n enm; dS
P'P" in Norma
in R",",
in F/iK"'ct!
aruJ kis
in Pi",
Di" in Pi",
The Snu C ruce CrudrlX (,.1272)
Tbaruafirio" o[ Cbri" ,,'/le a majo.- ,b"", for Cimllin" and br ir Iv/in"d ro
bar, p";"u lb. mbj<cr ""<1",,1 rim", Th< ""'00, o[tbi, gracifuJ figur, ir
hd by ,b. griif ofrb. moUYnn, in lb. ""nde <NI rb.,- rid., Sr..'.,.,ly
"magd Ir tb. AnIiJ jlood in 1966, lb. <rufir ha, rin 11" Ur1(JHd
,o, .. nm Cimabuc ' -I,><<:o'm<: 001: uf his p.-io<:;I',1 wo,k; is ,he s .... "f
p'm',,! 1nd ",osa,c", "'.... frescocs th:u he 1nd his l .. in' .... 1 ro< <he
(o.-crunnc' uf ,he Rcn .. ,;s.n<"t lncrc church ,,(S, Francis., Aisi , l! 77 and
are Il::,.. ",,,,.-(10<1 ,k:t:lils uf his lill:, lo", he did 1281: "nOlhe! is his al'''' ",osaie in ]'i ..
,,.,,,,1 nI Ro",e in 1172, whcrc C.th<dr.Ldcl'ittingSt)ohnth<:Enngdistand
rcligious ,.."l' in ,he ai, und", ,he new in 130Z. \Vhil" ",m,ining litithfulto
( Oreg",-y X. C"'g<"l' waS' ,mn uf b rge ,1><: Rp.an,i"" rradition, Cim,hue "m"',,,1 10
idea,;. Ile eall<:d fo .. ' Cen< ..... 1 llmeil in LplflS, gi,'e f"rms a new (limmsioll, ",lmJ",I"lging
",hieh tur""d Ou' 10 be a high_w.'cr mari of tI><: 'I'ae<: and distane<:.
,\li(1I1eAg.:s. So ,he ma>ter l"n,1 thc his """t
Thcre in Ro",e, Gm.bue ,lis"",(,.,,1 th., &"'OllS I'ul'il. Giotto. It is said th., thcy "lO'
e,,::n the .ni,ts ehange. ,\Iurllists (lfle (by on the ,u,d. Cio"" was ,
"ere " ... ys uf bringing mo.-e ",.Iism sh<l,hcrd hoy. seN,ching ,he I'ieru", uf a ,he.."
innl th<:ir wod. T he", " ... " Slmng (bite lO onlO. roel and, ,ccogniring his ,.Ien"
mm" '''''y !i-om ,he ,n,litional n. mess of Cin,.bue i"",ed him nJ he",,))e his '1'I'I"<'n,ie<:
R}".antine .n ""d Cim.l"", >)'llll",hiu:d. in FI(,,<:ne<:.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
TIte Sant:.o Trinit:.o ,\bdonn.:.o (dUO)
Cimabu pionuring tk,ign J<Jft",d BFantin. ",onll1lurlUlliry alld ",,,,',,"ud
il lo mor< .arlb/y di",mriOM, A/lbougb lb< fo/M" ,b. v,rgjn)- cloa.t ar< "iD
d.;",d ",ilb !f1/d /hUI, tb. dnlfJ"7 bangT qui" n,,"'ral/y; "lid ,b. f a c ~ birl."
",".banf{'d lb< formah'ry" imM for a nro t::anntb " "'pm:Ji""
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bor" ClillJIJ.
StudS" in R'lm,
t;:itb antbrap'"
Ta Namy for
apprmlje.Jbip 1:.'ilb
f{""",, lo Ro,",
Pim dau,,'ork,
bndsC1l'c with
C. tt\e and
JO<RI pain"rr'
A",&mit ti<
B'g;'" Liher
Venta,i,;, a Y<fOrd
Binb </ Mugbu,.
Ag>lm, ,b<Jugb
Claud. "malllJ
Di" in R"",,,
Vic,," ofSu port with Mis! EtTect (c. /6j())
A typiCllI Gil/lO. ""pan ,-in.", ,::irb ",1/ ImildiTlK' f/mking ,b.
cump",iri<m Imd ligb, jkJ(J}ing lb. ".JxJ. ".,,, /ro'"" Pulrlt jUS1 aMo, tb.
oorr;:on. Thi, picmr. al", illum-a," lx1!:J d,/"b i, atbin:. by looJ:jng
"'":IIT/V rb. ba=y bolr;",'" ,brougb a groolml [Qding o[ rbarp out/ir>< and
laude L"'ain's chic( c()fl,ributi,., nJ 0.",1<:'. I'1tIUnS gt:n"'ally came fmm the
d:tssical hndsC1l'c 1" inting ",."" his F,rnch or It.lian aris",<1'1c.-. 11" I"in",d rJ.pidlr
m3S",rlr bTab11cn, of lighL Ahhough &(." n<..:: .. "<Sil)"- hu, ne\(" ncglem:d. ,homugh
no' &1n11allr educa,,,!. Cb ude lnL ... ,he sn",es 1"''llOro,io'' ,hmugh drJ.",ing, c'p<"';. Ur fn,,"
,ha, I1<O, .. id"d his ,hemc' &(. 11 m)'mologr and na'ur". Some';mes he p"in,ed ou,doo", 10
,he He ""uld adap' !he p .. ,,,,,.al """'n'c sunri", and ,un"" a' f!S, hand.
Or {'(' .. "al _ fo .. an 0l"onuni'r to cxpk,i, ligh'
and a'm("'I"'c", (". Pcrhal'" "",,,,h n, a hm:td
hotiz.on. Hu' al",ar<, ,he b .. ,ie in'l,; ro,io" "...,.
,hc Camp.gna, ,hc s,,,,,eh of lo",-Iring
around Ro",e, s'''' pcd in an,iqui,y.
T,;, tc:tehcr, g;'" him Ies.<o""
in 1"'!Sp"",;,'e and eo"'po,i,ion, figurlS and
ani"nls. aaude men p"'I:=,,-,1 to I"in, ""'I"'ns
and, &om around 16040, 10 lmnumen'al
land'Cll"'s ... ith ti, ... s ",i ... ling ,hrough ... 11 ""IS.
Claude and Poussin domin1ted ,hc
""cmeen,h ",murr in ,his genrc and 'p.wn"]
",any im;'"tu .... In 1635, tu l",l' 'tad of his
OU']." and gua,,1 again." Claudc Legan
r"'ording his {'(lllll11iions in a sl",chbool
called !he Libra ltri'a,;" !he '10,<11. of ,m,h.
Fin.nciallr Secure, hc 1,,1 a 'luie, life a"d
'uto .. ,,1 only 'wo srudm's. 11 is worls wen' on 10
in'pirc gcn<n,;ons of arti,ts, lilc
Turner and Cole: nOr should
A d"cadc lan.,., his ""rl b<llle ,tiU "., '" <,lc; ",e m'erlook his enduring inAocnec on
rJ.!hcr ,.,lemn a,.1 mJ"retious and I"in",d On eigh,een,h_ and nine,een,h_een,ury English
large cama"" wi!h a 1"I<"tre. landscapc g;rdencN.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Londsc:>fH' with the Nymph Egeri> (/669)
0'" </ C/aUlk 'Tia",. and largm ",m'a", ,bar::f Eg<ria
in mounlingfo,. b<r tkad broband, fb, king o[ Rom" 711"",, </ gri,[ and
",,,,,,larion ",., I""d tbrougboUt a ,igb'ly orgrrniz,d ",lJ",. ,d",""
,"odularing}Tll" darle '" ligbt. Tht! "",* &m"''' o[ a C/aud, Iand=P' "'"'
unip,d by a "'ft ligbt "r<aming """:aro, ,b, t ' i r ~ . . , . , ,;:1"", 'Y" aY< g"'tly
grrn,d arotmd a =-i" </ ""al/, p,,,,ic "ign"'"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
184 0
184 /-42
Bo.-n Bah"",
Englll1lll, ..... </ a
manufa,"'u,- </
lo USA
Srudi" ",
S",,,, in Car5J:iUt,
m-foil rIlk ; Jubon
Ri,',," SdJooI
Tra,..' lo Euro/".
'"UD Com",bk.
TtlT7Ur in umd(Jfl
JI'<..-k broJmn
Rn'irirr Eur"f"
in ,y".:I l"r}
Ni.W"',. F" Us (1867) by ]i "" kTid Chureh
lJamr<! ",,_ami, "",hGl/"J, Cburcb t..",J rb. only paril"1 Gb Imd
"'p"",ihl. for ,,""' 'l:.Ylulnfol imag<t </ p,.industrial Amtriw, in ,b.
/{",,,amic ,,,,Jili,,,,, HiJ Niag"l'" Ji> lis rroJ,.,.., rbil m"" if'lacuJllr
pb,,"'mm.., ,-,i,b a typicaUy impmd mili arr,,"nph',b. bandJing </ gil"
'P"" ,",ti ';:a',.,.
ro' rraining, ,he
uf the ionut"",i,,1 lludsnll Ri,'cr
Sol",,,!. T homasCole, lc:.mc<1 ,he
b .. ics "f "il I'.inting &0111 '0 tinctan'
1" J<,ni,i" in Oh;", 11" "'a' ",ith" self
,"ught d,.".ing I''''grammc: "'a' w(luld ",,,'C 'B
uode",in.1I his land=pe worl.
prugrcss lO liJO w"lS "'pid.
Ili. l"intings "" ulting froon his frS' tril' up ,he
Iludln 10 <he ,\"'untains carn,,] :tn
en<husi."ic "'''''I" i(ln in New '''rl. Jly 1829,
whcn ,;,i,,,,] he w"lS "'V"]",I "lS
Americ:i'. it .. ding p,in'er 01' .",e_in.]'iring
s"" nery, single_h.ndedly fo r
in", .. luting ,he no,ion 01' ,he Rom'n,ic
land",.]'e. As one ",ho h.d grown u]' in
m.nuf.cruring envi",nmen' , Cnle " .. s ,'ery
",,,,,iti,'c lO <he Lfll:crs 01' 'nd
(b ngcrs of ti,y 'I''''wl.
,le rcturncd lO Amcric:i wi,h .mbitious
plans ;"r a hiSto<y_style ,lIegoric:i1 ", rics,
cnti,led 711. C"tI"""1 Empm. his
1"11'--1$ IJI"rt",d his ,'i .. ",. of Americ:in rn ture,
",hich ,hey r<:l'e",d almO<! a. im'gcs.
After 'no<her ,ri]' tI, in 1 fW
.do]'",d ,he ]'rodigiously ,.Ien,] Fr"']erid
Church (18!6-1900) .. his pupil. Follo,,'ing
sttrtlingly carly dcath in IfW8, Church
s!>o",,,,1 him,.,lf well .ble 10 c:irry on ,he
Iludson Ri,,:: r Lile he IJI"'1"ml
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
fo .. his SIU,tio worls with hiking and sketehing
cXJ,,,,litions. A hralian' draftsman and
he n",k himsclf moch fUnhLT "'an his 'c:teh'T;
10 cx()t ie k>C:ttions in South Am<:rica whc rt: he
found" ,cri .. p"adOc. and Ona:: on" 1000g
trip righ, around ,hc >horcs of ,he
"'"Ii,crrlncan Sea.
S'John ,he Bapti., in <he Wildemcss (d""i!) (1827) br 1n ooll"1.< Colc
Pain"d in N ... ", ... .I-. lvt1:.y,n Cd biffiJri, trip up rit,.,. alld bi, jirrt "in, ta
EtIrTJf'" ,biJ d,,",mITra'" tb, H"dmn Rir.-", ScbooI't '"ann,m <f rb, a"yS<!m,
.-Im,.,.i,an t.,iltknl<JJ. 1, niJI "n/y frd ,b, ,,..,tkr <f tra",U,.,.r, ,,itb i" J(Jilring
m()""taim alld pI""ging "'ilurfalh, hu, alr. rrirr.d ,lvir _Ir in ron"mp."i"n
<f"G"d in .""'a,ur"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in &m
B<rgbolt, ..... </ a
conI ,"",han!
Tu" 1="", /ro'"
J()/", 71xJ"'M
Smirb "lid "ur.
Grorg' Frort
Em<n Royal
PainlT Jim union
oflJ<dbmn J"k
EJop<T ';:;lb /VId
Inarr;', Maria
Biclm.lI, ,bry
in Lonmn
TI1< 1 by", ... ;n
,;:;m gdd ,",dal ",
tb. p",, Sal""
Maria d<TOfTB,
,,,,ir/g Comwhk
l::itb ,",'ni cbildrm
EJud a Royal
Pai"u HaJJgb
PainlT SaJiJ!mry
Di" in umd(l/
Study ofSky an.l Trces
f 'lJr Connahk, ,",arlt mal:ing ,mall "'/ muJj" " d"uM. ,-,,b fiJl
RiJU"::r;uU/o,, ,b. INxk. TypicaUy. b.c",".,., ud pri"," in tbrk "roc"
and '",""IT. 1:.'bicb glll" tkptb ro lb. cI"ud fo",,"';OII, Thry
",,,.. Mt lUmmrily pan </ "ny larg<r w"'poriti(Jn, h", ucortkd lb.
uah'ry' ,-"<",b", ligbt and colour in a panicular fH',cb . 'r,
ohn b1<cd his I'.intings nn
s kctchcs done oUld"ors, di'e",l)" (". "
naturc. As .. <tlldent hc had dutifull)"
,he lands<:':lpcs of \ 'an Rui"l.cI and o,her
ma>tC", hut ahhough hc .dmi ",d ,h",,, grc:td)"
_ he ", fu",d 10 <Tc:t'e w,,.- l in ,he S3"l/: st}'1c.
S3Jing, 'h would Il< to wc:t, Ct.udc'.
"'lO' and <:':111 i, mine:
" on'talllc's mc,hod dcpended on using
'di,-id,,1 tonc.' ([JUre roloms iuxtapo",d 'o
'''''<':I,e the ,ibrlnCj' of =<,.nal ligh') hid o.,
wi,h r, pid hrush,n-okes. Such a ,hringlyoriginal
app"'aeh "':IS h)" the English ,"'adomy
hut aedaimed by ,he F"'neh. h "':IS Pa,is th.,
p'''' due "''''lgni,io., and a g"ld
m",t.l when Th. HilJ.::ain ,..1.S exhibi,,,1 in
1814. Dd.eroix and b""'me in..tlnt
,k:"Jn::e< of his Rom. ntie na'u",li,,,,.
Th. I/ ayt;:ain <:':Ime fr o", Co,,"ahle', L"n,kln
"udio, who:: ", he had sin"" his ma,riagt' in
1816. AII the ric'ure< tha' he I"in",d thc,e
,died on skillful p,ep'r1,ion fmm fullsiu:
sien::""s, .nd many of the Cam':lSe< we'" ',ix
f,..:"c'. Only when ""n, .. ble h.d pie""d
IOb"',h ...... sle,eh in sufrici...." dettil 'o 'Lf""h
his meJ,.,')",,..1.S he P"'I",,,I to hegin w,,.-k.
Sa,Hy. k,.. bough' Con. ... blc's wo'" in hi.
liktime, 61rcing him nJ ", Iyon ,he gen ..... ".i'y uf
o, hcrs. Ilis lo"g-a"':Ii,<1 a,bni""i<>n nl ,he RO}':II
,"'",b"yeame in 1 829, ftt ... }"" off.ilu", lO
:tekno"'I .... lge his d .... li<:':l'ion to in,crp", ting the
mutabili'J' of t.nd"" pe: and iu>' whcn I ... gt:
'''':I,he< of i, we'" hcing ,,,':1110"' .... 1 up b.' the
indu,,,;.1 "" "Iution.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Th" Comficld (/826)
Th< inbabi"d 1a<ld=P' "'a, Conrtllhk)- ","'!lml ""d lmM intima" lb"n .
Th. /"". lo lb. ",ynfidd ir tb< JlI1'" .'" tb< tI..,;'1 jOJ/(f!;yd ro J < b o o ~ ,bu ir lb.
SuJjO/Ie ,bal b. CIlJTiro in bu b.an aU biT Jift , "!he Co.-nfidd triX" "Uyal
poin" in tim. a<ld 'f't1'" Th< Uytica/ forma' ITTf lb. t'n,.",.', g""', [rom lb<
1M ", eh. IT""m, ti, ,b. man uaping eh. c<1nl ""d ""Uy, t. ,b< cburro rot.""'-
among lb. !Tus. Tb. R .. nantic po" JI'..-.:!r1:, ... ,b rulnrrihd ro ,b. fond ,ba'
purroa"d ,bu pimm for ,b< EngliTb Natiorllll ('.aU")'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
1848 "lid
Bo.-n in Par;', Ji'"
Q'urr "T drapni
apprm,ict! lo ttudy
an untkr B.,-"n
Pim ,.,, fa R(J"",
t'" S,::i",.,.lnnd
IV;", ",d,, ",
R" .. irirr 1!1l1y
k'QTtkd L<gi(l/ (JI
MU!J ThkuJo"
f{(Jt<=au. EJuu
ln"nh<r"1 SaJon
Mun- Alio"
Vi,;" B.lgi"," and
MU!J Courh<t.
Vi,;" England
Di" in Pan,
The \\'hedl .. rrow (1881) by Camillc Pi"""",
/.jI:< Milln and IM",";,.-, Pi=nu ,b"T<d a pnfotmdmp"" u.-.;:..-Jdng
propl.; mOff Iban ,ba', b. '::a, int-oh-, in "}CiaJi,, poIi'ae" Alrbougb b.
kM.., banJ5bip b;"",! ,"tuI",,1 "",* i, "n',," porrr"Y' aT banb OT
<km'Ming: 'JI ""k j,,, 11WldnfoJ "gula"'r "[",;nd and ",,/y. I flrg" all
"""'''''', gri,' hit"m=/VI I n -m ign(JH ,brin aJ"'g<rb<r in ,k jJy'
""rl:;ng . . H=" ,,"',,"" pa""I1::irb ll1I "nnfu} o[ ,tri,,"., ,mtkr ;;:b",
fUgg<rtJ a rriumpbal "rro, form, by lb< appJ, rrm
he wo.b ofeunille "0'0' .... nll(.,ize
",im ,hc..;e of hi, nin .... '''n.h-ce'''u'y
F,,,,,eh "","'mllO""ics, ",me' lile .he
man himsc!f, ",ho ,..aS lind and g""e,ous
frie",l lO m.nr. his," does 110. J,c!ong ,[) '1nr
sjngle "",ego,,", dcspitt: his lo"" a"lu:tint:trre
",im ,he R.rlJz.on Origin.II-'anr!<:1<,1 by
""'{'fcolouri,, lIoningnln's lightncs' of lOueh.
e on,. ",,,'Sniu,,! me I. ,,whilities of hnd'cape
p.i",ing, .nd th .. ther w'Te 1<10 oh"" igno."! in
fu,,,,,, "f. standard da",i",,1 in'{'fp",""ion,
Af,{'f his 61'S' ,'isi, '" It.lr , ",hich " .. , n,
p",,'e so cruci.1 to his eo,,"
p",duced rieh tonal wo.l th .. :telnowk,lg"!
,he <radi,ions of Pou in .nd Chude .nd
bo..,," ... ,! clemCIl!S "f RDm.n,icism. It IC<I n,
suceess in ,he S.I<Il s .nd ""en innuenced
Cz,.nne a",! ,he 1)(>s,lmp",ssionislS. F'ofl)
'oc I 850s on""!lls, C<><,,. began 10 p"in' using
.. ,,"ny .. 'we",y 'ones ,el)' do'" to one
an"' oc', rc;;uhing in sjh"I)'lool ma'
m.d" ,"-", look l""tiruh,I-' .n"",ti,,,. Cn'o, " ...
gre1tlr .<lmi,,,1 br ,he Imp,cssjonislS, .nd
Ikrme ,\Ioriso. b"""mc (lile of his p"pil during
the 1860s.
'-"mille Pi ,s:.orro (183 1_1903) " ... 1">< ,, in
,he \ \ \::s,1 ",!ies .nd .. ri,',,! in P.ris in 1855. Ile
,\Ionc:' .. 'oc Ac.demie Sui"", .nd " ...
lile moS' pnmg p"in'ctS, br Co,m
.nd Courbet. " o,m' ler "hice nl him " ... lO
'''u<l-' ligh, .nd n'n:tl , .. 1""" exeru,ion .nd
colo", .dd ch .. m', Pis ... ,n, sh"w"d ... 11
<ight Iml""",i<..,i" exhihi,i(lIls .nd b"""mc
"",nn" 'o ' ..h.1nne and G'1uguin. As
",dJ as ,c:tching, he " .. , .I" .. )'S c:tg{'f 'o k .. rn
ne,.. ,",ehniqucs, <uch .. Seu ... . ;; poimilb',m,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Al'Ple Picling in Aricd . (,.1867) by Call1ill<: Co<o.
0,'' of Coro,', n'h'''Y in ;;:bieh ba"!,,,,u, a JI"ring m"'"'111
ofligb' and m""'mro! t::itb ",eh tkliciICJ Iba' biJ appk pid:" rould
alm",' IN 'uro for om"f ,IN "Y'"pb' in a Cla"d, JUrlari .. H" ba=y
pr"ma Im-, =raly binn a! ea",,) la'" ,bJ1J:ing a, a romp'lling
fH'irlt""f porrra'" and ,tudi" <! ""mro
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 800-01
/ 80J
/ 807
18/ 2_12
Bo.-n in Nin::rb,
ron "1 a Til!: ,",,-ar
Srudi" in l.ond""
'/):;,b Girti""clrck
Pim <rbihitioR a'
Royal Ac"'nny-
Toun Brj'ain,
b",,,,, dra,;:ing
JoinJ Sk.ttbing
S<xi,'Y in md""
I{m,,-m lo
N()t'cb lo ,,b,
"rr "r ,"ag<
l ibrary for ,,,ulm,,
;\1arri" .'In"
)iU,,""",b, rbi,jly
Th= roun</
Norrnandy yi,1d
",-,,, ""(J/","" o[
"cbi"I(', mbJirb.
in 1822
R"""", lo
N"t'cb fa uJUm,
B"","n Ji'"
O,-trng M.vm-
al King'r CoI/'K'
&haol, Londikl
f inal t'ir;, lo
Noif",I<, mat.T
ft lllli" for
Di" in mdikl
Pi! (c.lSIJ9--/())
Around IS()4, C(J,man', ro lb. "".[fIa' ""lI<Tof
",,,,Jiu,,,,, colouF ""ti dramatr ligll' and tbad., and k rumbin.d ,k"
'',"nltJ ro Cffa" biT di"inni,.. ,j_1 parurm-. TbiT tk:'<!opmmt
m"IT probabJy a11"< arou, ,brlJilgb biuNJaati"" ,;:;,b fobn J mi')'> a
frUi&' ,",,"IN,- <f rb. L(JfIoon SJmcbing &ia,'Y
ooling h:td a' 'oc age ofsix'r,)ohn Sell which e",l<,1 ,hcir own N", lOlL cuuntTyside.
C".man <aid, ' 1 nncr 1m" ... the .ime Co.mans b.si" 'echni'lue _ induding
when I ""1$ nm f".,d (Jf d, .... ing, . nd I"inting "utdco:l1'S wi.h. lill."d p.lcrtc - ""1$
ha,oe heard mr mo. h", $:IJ' I d n:: "' long h, n:: I Icam<,1 in his 'ttnS1t theopen ,.udioofGirtin,
c,.,ld s pcal,' lnese ... o nls ""nfnn ... ha, we wh""e bricf <'a n::er inAuenttd all
kn"w of e.obnan: the IJOI...! ar "'a"h", up a IIri.i4 " .. Cotm. n ,howed a ,ocrr
circula ,ing lib", ,)' "f "'0 1000 im.gt:< fo.- p.-<'Cise ""n'ml in the w"r he 'hdl ,., , ' his white
""den .. 'B p.-acrise &'.'" . nd h .. ",Ient line a, cas, , a,h", than "'!Shing "ulo", 0' '" all a"d
iJlu",a,i"n extendcd m fine prin'making, ""aping o, 'I_"'ging b.d, 'o .he .. -hi,e 1"1"" a'
"al<'Ting lO ,he ,astl: fo , Eurol"'an ""I'un:: a Ia,c, '''ge. Ili. "hoitt uf par,i"ular
'''lui n::d hy,he.;e who h.d ma,k: 'oc G r.nd 'I"ur. ,;e"'I. ,i"ts, high .nd lo ... , ga,..: "1'" fo' his use
I I"' ... Co. man is oc" Imo ... n a, u.,e "f nf ah'''3<1 p"'<'Tning in a, "'" uf sha,k: and
,he "SIlen,iallr English, No, ... ich S"ho,,1 of n::A"",ioo. l nis, and his "ha",,,,cri,,i,, h""d
hndSC'JI'" l"inl<'T$, which he and 'Old' )<>h n " .. 4es, ... e re ""mp",,1 a' ,he ,ime lO ,he
CnHne 1,,1 flOm 1803. 'Incy d,e ... in'pi ,..,;"., {'Jne<'ging w"rl$ of Chi,., and )ap.n and ' juite
fmm Dutch p.intings of fu, hnd a nd hig ,les, "ardinglr pn: figure "'e mo,lemi"s.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
'rhe eh irk (r. /O)
Tm moommtaJiry o/ ,bit U,ltb "'IU<d,,,, 'aa:mllllllrJ !" 'm drumalir
rmpping; ir< arrb..- arr t/(ubJy mtpbatiz..J by 'm I//W ",,,,,,poi.,,. m!"""rJ in
Im"'/lt" Ir i, bhly ,ba' 'mima". "'ar m,.,lrd,b IIN ",'lO/1m
lucid. _ a pr;,m rhat projuud 1111 imag' ""lO a Jlal ""ti 1{ tira"'!"" pllfltr - .r
tbt M-oIINT o/Cotmm't frimd, ]cJm I lrl'1' blld ""mlly dn:rloprJ " Itlttroptr
t....non. &tb dr"m rtl(l'irt ro",!dr ... ,. ,hll '"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
18 / 9
" ..
/ 84 7
/ SH
I Sf6--69
/ 870
/ 871
/ 872
/ 87J
Bo.-n in o,.-""n.-,
Srudi" m'w in
Parir 1m, <bar/K"
'" painring
acup" Iry Parir
l."",," Virginia
Bir", kilrf bim a
Parir ",""mior!.
abdicar.", "1 Lot,
AIf,, Br"Y'"
SIago ,rbibitiM
in Pr.'ilion o[
f{,ah'rrn, Parir
Trtr.,.1! Euro/"
Na,,",ron I/J
Impri""u for Ji"
,""ntbe, fin. fo.-
U 'J/Utro""ry
netil-i!i" wirb
Par;' Ca,"m"'"
I")"arb o[ J<J"
f]u, lO ,,,jk in
Di" al dron in
La TOUN.-PI::.
The P:.ri nters Srudio (tI"",I) (/855)
Tb,y figUt'" "pp'ilT al lb. cm,,", </ a hug' ",m'lH m,a_inK 12 r 2()
fm. A),b.!"gb b. hall rrudi. lilrg..,,,,k pictt'r<' in lb. u,ttt-r, (Courk,
te'", mfFtly lf'UlUgbl), ,bu Ilmp"Jirion "'ny rimpl.; y" ,,,"'ain "YfJ'ctr
ulx> bhoomirurionfOr R""bmnd, and JHil"'ll=. Many Olb.,- figur"
CTI1!:.-J in on ,,',b.,- rio. ",b. UD pim"" ,::bicb e_Iv, d=rikd ti!
moral "lid plr"i,aJ bi'r<r </ '"y mlllio'
u"".e GJurbn rt .. ch,,! his p",k a<. "f,he shift &,. n.n agn.ri:ln ,n:ln
Re,li" I",in,er in ,1>< 1850s. &.Ii,,,, indu,n-ializ.cd SO:JCn}': '1 "TU" be fn::e of
w:tS n:garded :tS ,bngerous h}' ,he gOH:mmrn,s. The h,,"e m}'S)'"p"hics,
Fn::nch ,"'a,km)" wh" di,lik,,1 anphing l>1in,,,1 Imu" addrcss ,hem ,tir""ly.'
in a 'IHIfl "'nmu<, w,ron'I'""lmanntT. In ,h,"e Courl"" 'u,k &,. " ,1>< R,. "a",ic mOH::""'''''
days, CourlJ<t's 'mle for artistic fn::ed"m w:tS i:ding of ",,,,1 "",)t;o",,1 bu, he
'onlly {'(,,,,i>ten' wi,h his which .. "re discard,,! ,he ct:n'nl mle of ,he
s<JC,list and an",chic. Ile fough, any llcJirting ,ru'" and digni,y 'H'I'e loc.,,,1 in ,1><
org'l niza,ion. h,,'i ng alre,dy gr:tSl'ed ,he {,(lflllllUnity 'nd rcali'J' of lill::.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
P".s:on1S Retumi ng tu r;! :og"y from ,\hrkct (/8 50)
On, </ ,br" R,alirr pictU""bar matk COtlTk" nam, ar ,I!< 18 5()'" 51
Par;' SaJ.m. TI!< o,b,r t:Yr' The: Stont bo-eakLTs, ami bi, [n-n
monumm'al ",m'M Rurial a' Om. ns. AlI ,br" painring' ,!xJchd ,b, puhJic
kcau" ordina'Y !'iDa!."' t:Yr' prnmud in a ttyl, ,ba' nmhd ,b,," t:'i,b
,by 'k"",,', Opinionaud and pr<1tYJCa,ny a, C.tlTk, t: . ..,- p""ing aY!
a' ,b, ",,'ia o/ ",dal "o-olu,;""
\ Vhcn 'oc jW)' the J855 J'aris Unil'crsal ".- his,n,-;cal ,hemcs, Courbe, ''''
Exhibi,ion reje",ed Courl,e, 's Tb, Pain" ou' 'o demolish ,he ,ndi,ional hicrarehies (JI'
S,udi{J , ridiruled him hal'ing SI::' up suhj"'" ma"." and increase ,he cml"' .. is On
his O",n show in a 'P.,.ilion 01' Rnlism' , pun: l-- fu.- mal ,'alocs, Jle fel, ,he :tenlal Cam"lS
I lo",e"' r, One "fhis ,." supl><}( "'''' , Del ....... ,;.., and p.in' ... ere :tS moch his suhj<'C' ma"cr aS the
publie:tll-- ,k.::bred: "Ihe-' hal'e re;.",,,,J ooc 01' ""'ne he de!,i",ed, Such ideas ",ere ... dl ahe.d
,he mc..;, outsttnding I"in,ings of ,he times,' 01' ,hei r ,ime and Cuurb", 's d""l .. a,ion uf
R-- gil'ing ',hings :tS ,he-- are' ,he ere.,i,'e ind<l,endence opcned a dom for
monumm'al ' ",a","'n' non"allj' .".::o"le<l 10 ",,<1 ,he Imp.-cs,i"., i, .. ,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 4 72 Bo.-n LuC/n
S""oo- in
Kronam . ...., "a
un Illld
H 40
;\["""'- lo Vi"''''',
in aNKiation ;;:;lb
Ta Wi,,,n"''X iD
c_, paln," ro
r d.,.itk I/J,
FJWiK o[ Saxilly.
Muo- muJ ""ro
for Mu,j" Lmb,r,
airo MU,"'I fity
cOiIrItil1or in /51?
Hi, larg' 1::orhlxJp
"nployr J"'" Ha'"
ud u,./H
Vi';" lb.
E/roro ro
1I'i,,,n,,, '""."
,::itb prin",-'t
,,,,il.;/ Elmn,. Job"
Di" in n;imar
SdfPortr';t (,;""jI) (1550)
7bi, "If-porrrait, maM "'1::11111< tb. md 'CrilrllKh',
Iifi, ,fu"" a rypraJ, f'"bP""'" h"'K"'nast<r 1m, ""
hf",,!biJ Jmiitn-<t.w, "lid ",a diJuinlll.
enmaro Imul,d a thri:-ingt."YJrhbop, l.."hicb b.
{n",d (Jtl ro h...., amI Ial< lb< '(,mK"
" .. il. (lf Locos Crlnach's }'oUlh are 50 re:"", during ... hich time he "' .... ,1,,1. IMm",:
hUI it is I',.;sihlc ,hit he and ",eh,,, ()f ,he Electo.-'. cntirc (.",ilr and o, h.,.
Sludied under <he s'me I'fUmincn' figure, bo,h C"holic .nd l'm'e>t:tnL
mOS!!:r. Wk" C,.,n..,h mOl"d 'o \lienn. in In \ \r,"enberg, enn..,h bec.me do",
ISO! , he pn. luet:d ",,' fine I.l<tr.its, Une uf ,he friend uf ,\ I.:t nin Lumet and dc.<igocd ,..oodcu'
R<"(1u, o(Vienn. .nd ,he u, hcr of ,he illu<,n,inn' fo< ,he fir., Ne .. ' Ihumm' in the
""ifi:: of ,he I'mk:s'or of La .. . Ile .Iso p.in!!:d his Gcrman lo nguage. The RJn".,ion sign:tllcd.
e.rlie>' rdigiou' 'ubjttt , 711, Rm '"' ,b, F/igb, ne,," en in maSS eOl1l l1lunic:uions ,..i,h
irllO Egypt, in me SIrle of the llinuhc ,he coming uf ,he prin,ing p"',.; Il<,. "o,ing
Cnnach h.d d,":trlr esttbli,J",1 his ,he rapid cirmJ.,iun uf ideos. Ani,,, lile
rq)IJ,:uiun when in 1505 he .. -..s im'i,ed 10 C,.,nach and Drer Soon di""""",d ,h., me
\\r,ttenbcrg os e.oun p.in"'r .nd mcch.nic.1 repmduc,ion uf ,heir pictures
ab"'n' n, F""lcrid,he \\\sc.llis as.ri.,ionwith ,hem 'n eXl,., _ .nd l'cr)' I..,,.,,i,.., _
,he EI,"(1'l<SofS:txon}'wo .dd ",,,,inu< ,)IJ'1ct 'o, ,..i,lcr
Cupirl Compl.:tining 10 V"nus (,. 15;0)
CrarlllCb d""/op,d ,b, g"'u o[ ,b< "'Jlr nud, for a "h, hand <f pri:-a"
roUmrr. G",,,,,d/y rIIl,",d 4'''' llympbr or godtk=- foran .tn"m, o[
rU!,!Ilbih'ty _ rraMparm' drapny. ,labora" ba" and j"",b- on/y '"'" m
n"pbari=, ,br "alud",,,, Tht! J/,ndn; Mann",;" "",N", <f rb< hodY"'ggmr
rbar Crantxb t::orhd "",rom a /it" ,"otk/ but fr(J'" nyli=:Ld mgm";ngr
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 904 Bo.-n in Figtl"''''
RlR ola nOlary
/ 92 / _13 Studi" palming
and drm::ing al
Cj.:"k th &aux
ATIJ. Madrid
/ 92f Fim OlU-1l1aR
,bo1Il in &raI011"
/ 928 Mo,.,.,. lo Parir,
IV"':", ,,""'play
for Sn",n Un
Chim Andalou
"lid jJi",
/ 914
/ 9J9
/ 94/
/ 948
/ 974
/ 992
/ 999
C;,.;/ marriag' lo
Gala (HdUl"
for h"""" br.ah
'witb Surmuim.
S"',, in USA,
11,/",,, R,,"nan
Firrr r.lr"'Proit ..
al \JU'''"R'
NnI! ).-}
f{""",, ", Spoin
Opnu uarrn
MU"'J Dali in
Di,.,. 0lb_ar!
failu" in figlMraJ
(d912) by Juan ('..- s
In ,buitrly 'arla/yic' pb= </ C"},;',", Gri,'
paJ"" t::IlTCOOUy limi"d. Arutmd 1912, bi, to_
grr", ricb.,. and b. _d rt<=! bro,,'rIJ and Y'''lnY
t::bitn In additj(Jfl, b. "'<lilld ,,ppJ_ lb. rurfaa in
,"'uin M'M, all al,;:bicb marhd bi, ''''''-Nnm'
M:ard, Cuh;,,,,', 'I)'mb"r' pb""
"I""dor )),Ii "-!S an irn::l' ",ssil>lc ,elf I,f, Ameneo , n::turning 10 SI"in in
puhliciSl and ,he eu!ti".,or of !he an 1948. D.li's fame ", .. s al"-,),, contr<lI'e,$ial.
world's mOSl famous mou>t.che. The ,haols n, his 1""'''<:":I,i,,, crhihi,io., i,,,, as much
brilliantt ""i,h which he could I"i", as t() !he mc,lia. "" in his own lill::timc, h"
and draw g"'<: him cqual faeili,y fo, Ilp ula,i,y sUPllned 'WO mu<l::um\ ,blica,1
'Cj",,,lucing "ari ous sl}'les. fmm Reali'm, crdusi,,:IY'IJ hiswods.
Imp",,,,ion"m and Cuhi,,,, 'o ,he \f""firitll of
,he Italia,,< de Chiric" and Ca" ... Ilis ,,"'s:t,ili'r
and ,lills also ext<:,,,k:d 10 seulp'ure .nd
fib,,-m. king.
The se",enpl.), he """'tI: Ruilutl's Un
Cbim Anda/o" admitted Dali t ,he Surrcali,lS'
group ""hen he m,"',,1 t() Pa,is in 1928. Tis
llili's i",,,. lochon 'o Cubi'm .nd me an uf
",Ilag<: <"Ame .h"u' m,ough a fellow SI"ni.,,1
Ju.n Gris (1887-1927). lIe was the mOO'
prlc,i,ioncr of Cuhi'm and e,,,hed 'n
al" m.ch ,h,ough grid
drlwings (he h.d o,igin.lly studicd
<"Tlgincrting). On arri,ing in Pa,is in 1906, hc
c"in<,k,1 ""i,h his ,lise'JI,rty"fFrcud'< mC'''yof senl,,1 among Pc:>sso's <::i,de in ,\ """nan,e,
,he un"Jscious: 711, Inurprn"rion"1 ""hich includcd Aj,ollinai "" and ",",s
O,.,,,"" led 10 D.li's ""phasis ')f) d,cam imag<:ry champi"n,,1 1.' ,he ",ri,rt Grtuudc S'<n. In
and his memod. I.,e, }<: ar$, Di.ghilev {'(,,,,,,,i,,,ion,,l him 10
lIowe,'er, ,he aniSl's righ'_wing ,k:sign f, ,, !he R.lk"tS Rus:s. Unfo<nJ.,dy,
,'iews <:":Iu,.,d an e,"Cn'u.1 spli, ",i,h ,he Gris ,uff",,,l eh",nic d'l",::,,;on and I"'ysical
Surrcali,lS. As w"l' l<1Omcd in 1939, he and G.I. illnes<, which b,-ough' hout his carly ,k:.,h.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
In ,;si [,Ie Afglun "ith Al'f"'rition on of of in
Fonn ofFruit Dish with Threc Figs (19J8) b.' Salndo< D.li
Tb. 'pilranoiat-Tirica/' ,""bod ",NI in Da/il- 'bil1ld_pain"d dr"'1n
pborngrapbr' imok.d p"",,it-ing '""" rban '"" ima in a ronfigura,i"", Tb.
d"""immt ima N,", ir tN fa" roTl5trlKud fr.m an Urn aud re" ,"m) Nadr;
,b. figr ar. fonn.d by ,b. ""h hryond; aud tb. "Ul/in. of lb. Afgban IxJtmd
tlli:" ,ba!" tbt-uugb ,::inm'::",' cloudr, ilr b.ad "rring"" tb. diffi and in paL"J'
"" lb. umd Da/i', frimd. tb. po" Lona. bad "m h'lI.d in lb. ::'pani,b Ci,.
Jj-lT in 1916 and lbir may "'plain bir 'appari,ion'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
1789 ')4
Bo.-n in Par;', Ji'"
o[ a ,",,,barl!
Studi" palming ",
Par;' R")'al
Viro. ,::i",. Prir .
S/Udi" in !Illy,
ftnaJly ,,,,.nI! lo
Cbar/,,'" Prnu/;
'bry la," hat'.
fo1lr cbildrm
P"iTtrJ Lall" XV!"
<(J,"miman Thc
O"h o( the
Polirically im"k-"
in f',,,,tb
R<volution. umil
arrm and narrlfoIl
<Jcap< fr"m .alb.
/)i!'<1r"d by ",j[,
Rnnarri" t::ift
Muo- Nilf'"lion
for por'rai, ',ring
"Wdtk on fallo!
Napdron, jlm lo
Di" in Bru",1T
N..>olon Bo n"':lne Crossing tite AJ I" (1 Sal)
Tbirlit'<ly propagar/M f"'rlr";! t:;aHopiro "" n:."" man /our ti"," by
/)",.id lrlId bi, ,"u/il. n,. "'gg<sud ir Iba! ifNapo/i()n am atraek
,b. ,;:i,b mro "giJtlr. ,bm b. riU nop ", _bing
hen J'''''lucs- Louis ])"' id Cal11c
hack lO F .... ntt fm'" in 17 BO,
he ,c'um<:d ",j,,, 'Hong ide.ls
" .. ",ti m ,he ,ul,,,,,,,1 ,'in""s of a"cien, R,. "e.
Ile ,,"aS "Jlllll",,1 nl Nco .. da",ici,,,, , ",hieh
de",.nd,,1 ,h" a"i,ts ,houltl ,.Le ,hci, subjeets
and SI}'le f,,,,,, anti<l"" ",,)(lels, aS Pou";n h.d
150 }" a,s p""iou,ly. Tne F"' nch ,esponded by
d""ing U,,'itl 'B h,. h ,he Acade",y and ,he
S.lon. lIis highly fini s hed line, ",Iou, and
"''''I"" i,io., ",en: W"a'y a,bni,,,1. ,\Io.-e ,han
,ha' , his St}ic ,,"as I", ,,,,,i,,,d ""
",",clng ,h" coun,rr's "nod fo, an "ntl n,
a,i''''''rl,ic roITUI" io., a",l. ""urn 'o the SIr,n,
p"riobe ",orals of ''l,uhliC".ln R'.lle.
UP'ln ;lining ,h" Clnwntion,
nn'itl ll,,,,d fo .. L.,,, XVl'sex<"CUbo.,.lI u, ')f) the
,bth uf RO""'I';.",.e and the cntl uf ,Iv: Rcign of
"Ie,m" he waS g.ol,,1 and "gh, h"" h<"n
cxce"",tI 1<"', h.d ls ",ifi: "'" int<:n'm,,1
with th" nL'W 'E"'ptTn,', Il<lnal",tt:.
n nid b<"a""" ,b',,,,,d It:.llov.w uf
He a' ,h" heigh' ofh"
inll""r<:"t: ... tI pi"",1 Irnighth<1Od in ,Iv: n<:w
Lcgion ofllo'''ur.
Exaed 10 lI,us,ds /"t ..... f.1I fro""
Ix''' ..... in 1816, n",itl _ an ,., tstt r-.ling 'deher
_ ('('ntin""d 10 ,,,in }"ung p.in'crs, including
Ingres. Ilc ,,",s ,he ,'inual . n ,li=to, ofF,anCt:
gmcrl,i')f): his infl""nCt: s p.-cad 10 &shi')f),
IUmirurc tlesign antl inte<orS, and fo"ntl ce",es
in ,he ,1c,t:I'1"1lL"n' of ,,.,,alphik,snl"'Y'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
al IHII'''! (/ 79 J)
711i< , /)II.'id', gr,am, ""...1: aoo "'/1""''' mtmpl, of poh'ri(/ll
paiming. 711, radical rn"'mi"""r:'f ir slxm'n pi .. .... C'",./1It1t
Cardll)'- a GntuJi" _Nl lrirhd w'I:'q in. ",i,"btnOU'NI bt it
1/ill balding. ud 1/abb<d bim i" b /M,b. Tbt mm"," Jf><ttr .b't
Mar..," btad lbt tuill bt Itft. ""lb n Ibt
(III<U ud " tht lifr of b [rimll IMI,id. The DC>lh (lf ,\ bn' NS .'"
,.." campanJ ",ilb I'j"",; " al< of _"'",.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bor" in Par;', Ji'"
o[ a Imnhr
G;,." up
Studi" drtrng
,::itb ,,,,o,b..
arrmd, rruJi()'
lo ",Iy rtudying
and painring
Par;' Sal", tklmt
Tra,..' ,::itb
brlllbff Rmi ro
Nn., )i.o-k ""ti
Nro 0.-1,,,,,,
H,Ip, organi=,
fim ""p"",i""ist
Tua pa,", in
,,,,bibitio"', iNlr
Vi';" !>pain.
Ettbing t::i,b
Pi,,,,",, and
""p,,,r. </ """'"
Tu" up
C'ilJ" t:'<Jrk ti", lo
Di" in Parir
TIte Ope .... (/868- 9)
Th< fim </ a =-j" " ,anra"," foaturir/g orromral ,"usia,,"', ,b;, i, a
""r1n1ir' D<W'" nm Dirir; Dibilll, IkmoTatirolly plaad "mong ",b.,.
ln,mlm-T ' lb. ortb."m jusI "i<J", a brigb, fri= o[ dlltl=-r in ,Ji. rIIlg<
OO,ligbn. Tb. te'..-} , rdam'.ly ,,,rly aJUJ binrr al Ingrn and o.NUTlJir,
hJlb admiud by iJ<ga', D<gilJ "nd iJ<//Jffilix bad a J{jm,ifit "'"'" in
",lJ", ,brory iltId pig'"Ulrr
<lgar ])ega,' 1""S<lflal wealth p,"e him of ligh' and colou,. ,\ I.tne, m'r or mar nO! ha",
f,.,,,I,. ,, to de,,"" him,df lO arto IIc ,uggt:",-,I. ne ... apIJr""ch to him bu" a'
>hunn,,1 formal rraining, prdi::rri ng nJ "'e, he did introdoce Dcps to ,he fu'u '"
"udr ,he R"".i""anct: ,lvough h'locn' rril" nJ Iml"ess.i'lflist ... Dcg;s exhihi,ed wim ,I><:m ,igh'
ltalr and _ 'lfl his own ,hu-sre!, _ cop)' ing in ,he &'. 11 me <ti n in 1874, almough he ne,'"
Lo",-,.,. Thcre in 1861, he and ,\bn<::t me' in :lCe'-l"ed ,hei, docr,ines o, ,eehniqucs fc.'
fton' uf. Vi::bl.<locz. O<--ga" who nC,." ceasoJ hi""df. Ile 'lfllr,ign,,1 hiswurls wh"" 1><:
im""ig-ning C\'crr ",ehni" .. 1 asp"'" of I .. in,ing o, cm ihi,ed ,hem, ,hus '-''''trol! ing ,hei,
and drlwing, h.d Spcnt ,hrt:" r"" rS on me rusies nWllhcr .nd ,'aluc in <hc
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
]-lis subje<1s COme f". " his o",n
badground: ,he high.hom f"'tl:rlty of the
ra""uJUr<C and " pe'" h,JUse: ballet rehear,",l,
ancndul as a I"i"aeg>'d ,'i,in", and <he nud".
,rtmingly ob",,,'<'1, a< he said himsdf,
'th"JUgh <he Degas \\'1$ .Iso
by Japanes<: prints, whi<:h in'IMml him 10
.. Dtps' ca"'tic ",i, lo" him
'me Llund,.esses (,, 1 8N)
Notbing rould b< mueh fortb<r frl/m tb< glamGllr </ ,b. Op..-a tban ,b< roil
</""0 ""ary Jaundrm<Y, Imt ,b< ,troog dia!1Ul </ ,b< ironing tahk iJ
r,-minircm, </ tb di:' </ tb. "ag', HiJ otb", inspira,i"" for ,biJ pirrur.
"'al' tb. m'i"" </ D"u",i..-', pot1r"YaJ </ "",ying Jift . l'Nga"lJUnud
al,""" 2()()() Daumi", printr ","ong bi, pri"a" ilT' roJlurion
many friends and he C'me '" old age,
"" his higgcst \\"1< al","!ys his failing
c'e<igh" I'e,hap' ,h .. \\"1< ",hy he "'ok "p
Ilho,ugr:tphya, ,he ag>' "f 6 L ,he camrta being
efl'e<1i",ly a ne", p.ir of eJ'cs, lIis exprtt
,,,n,ure in'o I""els \\"1< anothrt an",,,p' 10
",o.-k 'fU" .. 1 ,he HUI his la" reson \\'1$
n, make 'mal! "':IX ",wptures uf dan""'s and
1>:,,,,,,: ' ,,""" S<"tS ro' IOfl grt cxctl" in """u,.-y,'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/79S Bo.-n and 1'aimJ a,
Rln </ a
minirur; p""ibJy
TIIlrn",1 ",n </
ISU SrndS" tuttkr Nro-
e/arria" Guron,
m"n ,,,riCIlkIt
I SI6 ERltr, L 'Ecol. d"
B.aux.-A1'n, m"n
IS22 Finr a,ap,ana '"
ISIr ViJi" Boningron in
England, ",ah,
ISl1 AI::ardd ugi(Jfl 01
ISJ2 &,..n Frnl<b
Ambo"".Jor ro
ISH_n Pain!1 ",any
IS1S-+I iJoram- pan 01
ISfO--fI imo.-am "ilingol
ApoDo Galhy in
Lo"' ...
ISU 48 "",*, al
ISO E/mro '" f',,,,tb

IS6/ Fini,l1<, mural, for
cburtb </ SaiRl_
Sulpia, Pari,
IS61 Di" </ !tlim"Ulo,i,
in Pari,
Women o Algic rs (d""i!) (/814)
In /8 J2, Ddacroir 1;:a! among lb. ""mdSng ,b. F1'nl<b
Amba=oor'tt';,i, '" ,b. Sul'an </ Monxto, and 11< fr.q"",tly drr,; up ...
,b rp<rinlC. for inrpi1'",i",,_ Thi! tkUlil oo"ORst"'", ,11< uebniq'u
adopud by i'NlaToir, Jin" ""un.ing CORstahl Un </ 'd'-itkd co/ou1" and
in "braRl 1fim

DdaCTuix IJt ided him,df ( lfl ,he

<l'e<,1 .. ",hich he could work: ',kilful
cnough 10 slcrch. man falling ou' uf.
",in,k",,' durng ,he time i, ",les him 10 ge, ,.n,
,he gmund: And no,onlrdid he luim. ho: 10" .... 1
music. "'ad and "''''tI: &scina,ing
nd iournalsabout hi< lill: .nd ,imcs,
Dd"CTOix Sludi .... 1 ",i,h Grie.ult unde,
C uc,in and sub:qucntlr 11O,.,d his fricnd as
,he pmne figure On ,he Raft _/rb. u"/",,,, lne
picrure p""id<,1 impe'us lO Dct.cmix's O",n
CTca,i"I)-' hu, he nen'" """<1",,,1 ,he Roma,,';"
hho:l. obstina,clr insiSling ,ha, he ",'as '"
1"'''' dassicist ' . I-Ie grca,lr admir .... 1 and <:,<'pi<,1
,\Iiehdangdo. Vcwt>CSC a,.1 Ru'"ns in <he
LO"'TC . nd al",ay< made ""r """, fui
IJt<l,a'""Jtr drlwings .
Lil1<rty ading ,11< P.opl. i< Ddac",ix's
1101i';"al mastI:'pitte. an allegu')' p,in, .... 1 in <he
",ale of,ht 1830 Pars I le includ,,1
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
himsdf bcsjdl: ,hl: i"oni" Libl:ny figu '" as ,he
an,,<,1 m"" in ,he "'1' hot,
Dda"'o;x had <:'Oo"p"" .... 1 ,hc iournq fn. "
"orrling, in,..""ti,c .... n, rc<p<"Cted "Ide,
an;', by <he ,ime he el me 10 innum"" "". Icm
m1""'S, lilc Ch."" ..." Deps, Va " Gogh .nd
PiClsso. As long a. hc lin,1 he .. -as, as ,hl: I'oc,
n.uddairc ",rOlI:, 'l':tSsjon>tdy in 1",,, ""i,h
p,<.<i oo, "nd ,k:tcrmincd n, seek ,he
""" n< '" cxP"''" p:tS.<ion in <hl: ,,"nner ,isjblc',
,\Iusacre 3' eh;", (/824)
Inrpi"d by ('"ri,au!t)- ma',""" </ lb, lb",,, "mjfmng, l"NlaTo;r
1'"""" a billTm::inK ",n, fr"m 1M ('<Tu} "MOian agaiTl51 1M Turh, 1::birb
nl""d ,"any Eu"'p<aTlJ" (indudinK By"n) ro ,b,ir ",,,,.. Tb, p"mnK 1::,,,
"""Kb, a' rb,Sa/(m </ 1824by ,b, Frmrb K"'trn,""", rbapJby
TaOryrand in ,m..,-, "'pporl ofbi, JOO. Signifia.mly, a' ,b, JI""' Salan,
DdaTiNr mroun,",d C",,'abJ 1 by",.in
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I J08_11
Bo.-n in Sima
Si",,,, Inlmi"pal
wlnlnirrion for 12
'/):oodm p",,,1r
Mam" 7;'";"",,.
,br bm-.
w,"mi"i(JtUd for
Sama Maria
App"i"u '"
C<lmm;"" o[
clltb.dral non.-
CiH",",'m'otU for
ehap.! in Pala;::;:"
PaYIn"'! "..,-J,
for ,\ !.te,ti for
Si"", CIllb.dral
,b. only.'" rigmd
by Dtu:ao
Di" in Sim"
A S.in"fr.o" ("aif) (1 JOS_JI)
"n,. Si",,,, painun bad a r"",lrJ:abk fo<;nfl,for ,",our and al",
;mlnms< ,!:iU b.Jth in p",uming and lb. applialtion "1 gold
Tht! ronlnlIT kM:.Y'" ,b. palnring al lb. h'lxJp) fa" and biTt'mm"'tJ
i, in lb. BroAm;'" nyl.
"""in lluonin.<egn. ,,",-< ,he ",rli"" OnCe tt" rd"using tu s ....... r .lIegianCt: ,,, the local
",: .. ter "f ,he Sienes<: Lile ",ili,i. , and "Vin ror rcfusi ng lO fgh' in
Ch, .. !.u" uf Flo"'n"", he ",."". "'.",,,un . N""<Tthc::lcs'. Duce;" .rt"'< 10 "",,'
RcnaiSS3.ntt fo ",r unner, his art marking" had considerahle Sta'uS :IS own<:r of a largt:
''''n,ition &,." IIrl..1ntioc lO G,.hic. Lo,c".., tti house and ,-in<)"1rds.
and ,\brti"i ",ould build on his lepe)" by O" Olle glorious occasion in 1311 , ,he e",i ",
d{ .... d<1' ing the l"tl:rnational G,.hic st)"le. ci,}" st0l' '''] "",1 10 """""I"n)" ,he Mamil in
Little is .c'uall)" Imown .hout Duecio, I)!","' <:ssioll ,hmugh ,he 'u,,,, .. fn"" Duccio"s
,hough "'n'CI"I,,)!"a,)" ",,,,,<ls ",,-cal he ha,J "udio 10 the <"1thedra!. wh<:re the bclls rlng
se",n oCCJ.,;joll.llr rln inn, ddlt, and "'ntinuouslr. lrorcallr coough the ",an
""",,,it,,,] ",i,.." ci,ic Ofl"L."ttS. llc ,,"1' fined who ",ould no' exch.nge a I",in,bru,h a
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
.,o, d, ,he Al"",,,, ,,",-< l",in,,,1 10 "dd","e
milira,y ,icrory ,h .. h,d .. ,'ed Sien. f'om
im'a,ion. It h.d 1",,,, th,tt }" "" in I><q",,,,iofl
and 'ub;'::cr 10 a SIricr SIa,ing ,h .. ,he
enti , e piett ""ould he Duro,,'. O.,n un"led
.,o,k , and ,ha, he .hould .cecp' no o,her
",. "missiofl wttil i, ... aS finishtd ,
The ,.,0 T u<c:tn citics. Siena .nd Fh-""", ... ere
scriouun6ti" ., th .. time, 1Ij.' th<: tllm of the
n<:xl ttntu,y, Ho",,,tt h'I<1 <'CIj,,.,d Si"", .nd thc
.. ",inena: <lf I",intcrs Dutcio "-,,. 1 .... ' ..
'Ju,bs' liss' and Pr.}", Ufl ,he ,\ loun' of ()ti,'cs'
J'nN" ",,,,,.ti (1
O"U;O', ,\ t:tc;;ti! ';:al diJuhJ,rid,d, Tht! frlRll " . ..,. ,b, ",,,,,ti! iud/. MadiJnna
and Cbild ""bnmd. "'i,b <rn"",ing pa",1r abo", and a pr,d,Ua (lb, bar, on
"'bicb tb, altar "andl) b<1il!:J. Tht! clRlta;",d 26 ,/,i,w" /mm ,b,
Pa"ilRl o/Cbr;n, originaUy for lb< 'Y" o/,b, chgT dJl". Tht! qri",d" uad
h'h a f'O'tic grapbic muJ d,'mOrlrt"''' lb, narr"';," pot."<t'T QJ:JMa,d
1:-i,b ,b, Si",,,, mol. and Out"" in pa"imlar. 'n" ,\ laeru ".'" di,manrkd
in I n i, ro b< ,,,urUrlg<d",, rt:.'(J "pa"''' altar!. Oamag' " .... i",,',ahJ,. ''''"'
pand, te"", rdd t>broud and ",b", """,1 ",i"ing ""iuly
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
1 fOf-U7
1 f20-21
Bo.-n in
Nu,",mOO-g. ,on o[
Apprm!i"d '"
painur and ""od_
cUt illl<51J7lror
Mamn Agnn
:"ry o[ 'YIlT,moo-g
Vi"" ",Iilm Alp
and muli"
;\fanugrlll in
AI',)C:lI}'p: ,u'in,
pain" Vmdm
Srndi" in lmi"
and Soi<Jgna,
In 'ff1'r,!o
Marimih'an I
Excbang'I t::orh
,,itb Rapbad
;\fun- Manin
Lu!b..- in
TIJiIn Nnlm-Iand,
,,itb Agn .. , m"O"
Sd f_ Ponr..lit (/498)
Th< rompositi"" o[ ,biJ p_1 pomujJ foil",," lb<
N..-mlin, nyl<. In i" lb< ci<J,b", bairrryk i11ld
di""", "ir", o[ m",-"-wPI"d m(Ji/mai",. all inditau
Ibu! Diir, r rom'd.,.,d bi"",I[ Il dignifi,d m"" o[
,b, ""rld, i11ld "" m", prot"inaal Tafoman
Ibm,h, .. "1< ,he ani" Eu"' l'e - bcarng his ,li"n",i,,, 'AD' mOfl('gr.m
of ,he No<thern Rcn.iss; roce. I le <"'me - his bme ""1< :>, sur,,] ... hen:wr he ... cnt.
from Nurembcrg, uscfull}' si'ua,ed De'pin: c(."l'hining ,h" oill"inting n",k
halJV",,}' ,he "nd Ital}', up ",,)<e ,ime than i, W-!S financiaD}' wonh,
... hich ""ahled hil11 n, ,,,,,'el ... i,h case in ... ithe, I',in,ed nume",us alta'piece. and
di n:",io.,. Thc no,io., of ' R""aiss;nCt: ,," n' I'0maits. In ,ime, he .Died him:lf lO ,he ideas
al'l'cabl lO Dtcr, who: sclf_pon", it< - " n...... o( ,he Rdi>nlla,io." and ,h<." n: ,,"1< blcn,ling uf
ideo in i""lf _ staml'ed his imagc on ,he no.thern n:ali>1" ... i,h ,he Rt",,,issantt ,isio., .
d""c!0l,; ng Eun1,can ,,,,di,io., . D,cr ronsc"'ed his w(. b on p1p'-"',
Af,er. ,'is.i, lO \h,itt in 1494, he "."I"ain"] , .. ,b.] and "''<"1' wi,h no'e< on ,he
in N un: mhe'g fo , ,he nex' ,en 'cacs, bus}' suhjtcr_ma"cr. I lis wo,,]s ha"e su"i,,,d '.-.:l, in
p,odocing woodcuts and cng'a,'in gs ,ha, ICttcrs and and al", n the C(Ji/n, "" lb, An
ma,k,,] him 'S ()f)e of ,he mai(. p,n'l11ak ... rs of . ,u,,,,w-ing, Oro: of the fi'M b(.,1o; on the usc uf
all ,ime. I lis I)< ints we n: disrrihu,,,] ,hroughout "",h<.""",ics in a 'nx: Rcnaissantt " " ic.
Four Il o"",men of the Af>O""l rJ><C (/498)
Viir.,. ,ba' prinn- ma<k biJ aY! "",lilabk ro lb, "'i<klt posJibk puhlic
and biud an agml lo ,,11 IImn in lb, ["'rT and marhn-' EUfiJ/,,_
The AI1OC:IlyI'sc "'a, D;,.,.', ,arli", ma}lr =-i", illl<51nlring lb, llool uf
R",'ch tion ,,itb lb, Strip"''' .., !b< Fr.",,_ HiJ ir",rpr"arion . lb, four
1xJnn"<n _ JI'ar, P"",im. P"ril",,, and iJ<alb _ bal nr.-.,. h<m ""P"n-.d
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in
Pbiaddpbia, "'"
o[ a "aro.,-
al L' &01.
d" B,tlllr-Ant,
S/Udi" pri,.",1y
una.r Bon""!
Vi,;" S" .. ,O,
PainlT The Cm,,,
il/un- fotu" ,,'ift
SUSilN Mlial,,;:dl,
h<girn ""tbing '"
AaltN1I1jof Fin.
Buy, ji'" camnu
Mad, Dim:",T,
AcatN"'yo[ fln<
Arttand PnfrD<Jr
of Painring
R"gII! [mm
nlllk hfr ",olM
PaiTtrJ ' Ine
Agn ...... Clinic
Mo,." lo Norrb
Di" in
The Fainnm Roge,.,; Four_ in_hmd (d" .. il) (/879)
Tb. p",iri"", o,b. 'K' (JI ch. four-in-b"nd ilr' CIllcul"u by EnJdm [ro," lb. puh/b,d ," o[
Mtrbridg<)- Ixm, plMtoffapbr ,ba' b. a,::rud &Jrn', p"'rvn, P"irman RtJgn, "'al
m!b=d tmd im',, Mtrtbridg' 'o gh" """' Iml"." in Pbiladdpbia. Afrr-.::ardt. ,b.
Unn',.,-riry" Pmruy/:-ania (J"'T""d Mtrbridg, lo a",tin", biJ ,,'..-J. lb",
""ding Rc:llist , Thomos
'rlin"l in Eumpe in ,he la",
1860s hu, ,tid no' ,'m'ure "g"in.
Ilc ,.-.. s inwn,i,cly o,"'upi"l fo. " d"""de &,.n
1876, ,caching.' ,he PcnIlSJi,'.ni:t Ac:ld<",j' of
Fine Ans, Ia",r bec<Mning ",crlll Di",cro ...
E.kins ,.-as horshly cri,iei,l during his
,enu", fo .. his inm,,'",i,c ,e"ching m<"thods. I le
in._i"ed i, ".,,, I>e<' hi< srudents ,n " o .. k &0011
from dissecrinn: .nd 10 oh"'n'c moti on 1",
watching ",hle';"s. He wan'ul ,h<"J11 10 describe
rcali,)" "ithout ,hc in,,,,,,,cntion of """,kmic or
foshion.ble Jt:.rmula.. Thi. "ppruach, he
hcIic,cd, led 'n .rti" di ",crl)" nJ ,he interior
rc:lli,ics nf hum.n eh",""'er, Con."'qut:nd)", a
,he sitler. Eakins highl)" for his
rc.'olu,ioMI)' principies. I Ic ,.-.s fo"'ed lO
",,,;gn &0'" ,he Ac:ld""J' in I 886 fo .. Il<cs<,,,ing
" n"ked m .. le ",,,dd 'o mixed
gt:nd<r lfe da<s.
]irum ,he 1880s, E.kins worled "i,h
l"'ot<'W"phj", OS ins p'r1,inn, OS'n "n ""d
Jt:.r 'rlcing p"'j<crul im"gt:s Onto L'ann', ,\10"
import"ntly. he 'upL"n'i",d 1"'*'" fo r ,he
imprO\cd in collal. "",inn "i,h
Ead,.-card Mu)' l..- idgc, who I'iontt",d motion
picbJ"'<, JI)" mc:lllS of a re,,,I,ing did O\Cr me
I<n<, i, m"de ""crll exp'X urcs On" single dr}"
mc", b.' ",,,,, .. ding "'qum,i .. 1 i",.gcs of
in "crion,
p<.O"'rli, should he pen<"tnting, not n",,,,ring, compo,,;'e pJ.,cs in' p'",d
ahh,.,gh i, should ne"" sacrifice the digni,)" of NIlIk iJ<Jcmding a StlliTa"' ,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
TIte Agnew C1ini e (1889)
Tbi, buI(' pitm" ga'-' ,b. Pmmy/:'ania (Jni,.",ity ,",JitaJ mmm" a p<K'nli,
bolb </ ,br miring pr</mvr (I'ft) and </ ,b",,,,h',, al lb, rurgical lb,a'u
audimt<. But lb. ttlbjw ofmartw(J"'Y 1:' ... d"m,d 'rl<Jl cbrfol for /adi" la
loo} at' and il "-al ba""d fu'" ,b, I'mmy/:-ania A",dn"y IIxm,. 711, "",*
tontinu" lo "" d,ba", cbi41y . ' ~ r tb, IHUaJ irnpliwtiorlJ", ,,-bitb WI"' bdir.',
ar, "ptumJ by ilJ acaptll1lt< limply al a dOCU1lJml illurrnlting lb. (lbm)
",oJn-n ,",diall proc,dur"of """rnb.,ia and ami"fHi,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 774
/ 794-98
/ 798
18 / 6
/ 818
I Slf
184 0
Bo.-n in
Gr.ifr.::ald, _"
a "mdk-muff
S",, in Dr-rom
k'QTtkd pri=< by
W,jmar h imtH"f
B_K;'" ""rJ. in o#h
BrnJ,"" ,"",."ro!
B.,-lin Ammry
Enr<n Dr.,.;."
Mam" Cnrvli",
B,,"m,," in
B""mn "mITa'"
rroft=,. Ilt
)y,mm Acadnny
Su!!",,, ,tr(Jiu
1m! rollti""" ro
"''''-} i""pia "mi
Di" in Om",
TIte Riescngebi rge (18j(;-4)
dJtring a p.,-iOO ofbappy rrability in JiiJ lifr, f 'ri.dricb Iolllrf /mck
.., il ,"oumal" !Our k miZa. ";:m'Y:1"'" ,,,rli.,. "lid rrnJlk<n il
pa_amil "tranquiOiry. 1-1<,.< lb. ,I:y '""" tI!. borizon in " bknd " "'ft
pU(J>;) and ,-;ok" il ,""ud ""Ir"lIT ,ha! j, ho. in ,Ji. ddie,," eI"Ut!
rrudi" aM"
"'1'''' D.vid Ji ""lrich st"dic::d I'.inting I'.-i, .. tr chal"' !' Fri .. lrich'. ",'(.oled <he
and ""'UNI hsto. y in 0 , 1'''''ho Km bUl 'piri. "f ,h< Crucifixiofl. Sh"dcd by his uS(: uf.
c"'ntually eh"." w li,,, in Dn:lcn, "'miar Sttnt lO conny a rdigiou' mes<:lge,
",h(.o;e beau,iful i"' pi n:d so many """",1 <:ri,i", ",en' os f .. os """","ng him uf
of hi. lands",,-pc,. Drcs<tcn "'''' .Iso ,he <:Icrilege.
huh of ,b.: Rom. ntic n_m:men' in German-' "nd Ahhuugh Fri"trich ,ricd hoth p(><O'.i, w(l<l
nO' onlr did Frio::drich m' le ,he '''lu.intt,..,c of .... d "rchitcc,urc, he .I",.y< rt: 'urned W
p,inter Philil" O no Runge, hUI also mc' se,,,,,,1 lo nd"'apc<, whcre he "ould 1" in' ruined
I)(lets the rt: , churcheHnd tonel)' figures in ".IS' 'l"'ccs, ofn: n
h >< nine r""-rs, he workcd only in I",,..,il or ruthcd in s)",bol ic Fri"trich 'ufti::rt:d.
"'1';'" his r.lnging frnon ",a""'lle' n, ,trule in 1835 .nd ",a. limi'ed fro", ,hen
",ounrains, uften a, ttrttin ,imes of <hy or ()fl " ... rdsw"1,ias1en::b.:s1nd" ... ,c,,:olours.ll"
changcsof",a"'n.A,,,,i,chn, oi lp,intsh<. ,,,,,1 immedi"e innuentt " ... s confin,,] w. fe,,"
his creati,'i'r and in 1807 he eau,,",l :1 "'n<:l,ion StlJ(lenrs, hu, his "'ork ""OS rt:(li",("'er,,l ., the
",i,h Crarr in tb, ;\Iountaim. DC<gn,,] f(l< a <:ndufthcc<-n'ury.
Aoo,'e the Sea of Fog (IS18)
7N ,::ild_bai",/. ",Iitary figur, ;, Fri"lricb bi,""II.:/ro, in ,babararur"1
rb, mmd"" Ixx",d and "id: in band ba< dimbd "mO a roc!":! p'ak
alxJt" tb< ,""tullIlin mim. ()nJya ,ban ,;,"' ab,ud . tb, Ammtll1l
'mhJnn, arrimo f"ri,drirb ba, /(Jea"d bi, Gad in "'",u,," 711, ",t",,,,
"''"'"'' tb< a'nrk ",d: and ,b< ,,::irling ,::bi" log mak" tbh qu"
an It!:-."",", prUJpt for tb, ,'in:.", /lJ" ",,11
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/74 6
Bo.-n in Subury.
ron "1 a ,lJ,bi,r
and a ""inu,.
SnI' '" Londikl ro
ftllllyart. ",,,,*,i,,
,-lITi" '" rt Illli""
Mam" b';,-",
Marg.'rn BIlTT
and w, up r1Iuli.
in Ipndtb
Binb </ daugbu,.
BinJi" dnugb,,.,.
Fllmi/y,""'-" ro
Bu,b jo.- por<rai,
fiotmding ,"n"hn-
ofLmdonl fillyal
A auJ",'Y
P"mily m"'YI ro
B<ginr "","<rolu
,(J,","irriont for tb.
royal fllmily
Toun LtJ:.
Di"ri". 1';';"
Rni", frum
TIte 1 "' .... es, Wagon (/ 767)
C(Jnfi",d ro GainrlxirlJUgb "'ro Jrn; CandlNit ,"o,M I/Ultkap,,", "p
in b" ,,,,di .. /-l . ,ir,", ro IlpprillU Rulvm and ,k Duub mll5url- infl"n/a
"''' '" ,,,<ud b.,." in lb. jlum'Y"/ Ji", and ,b. "al. </ lb. hd! "J. Tb.
gro"p "" tI!. can '"ay h< Imu OR Rahm, D",.,.,nt fr"", me C"'S<
hOl1la. Cain,'oruugh,.."lS a I,, nting 10 1" J<tr.its and hit "pon the happ"
memher uf Lon(k,n's Ro)'al Academ)', 01' p",ing dientS (Jfl ,hci, "JUn'ry
togethe, ",im Jo,h ... Rqr.,lds, Rom CStt"'S, ",hich also .lIowed hirn lO ,iew ,I>.:ir an
were '''''H''plished po"ni, poin,en; hu' ",II"",ions,
Re)'nold. mo(lelled him,df on RemIJr. nrlt, eains homugh'. mo, 'e lO L"ndon in 1774
whereos Ca in.horough, hOl;n g frst ,'udied OItrlCtl,,1 ,he anention 01' e..,0'W lll. Liking hi.
and V.n Rui"hd, b"", me d .... liC1tt:d info'm.li,y .nd "](HY s}"J1p"hics in "']ual
admi n:, D)d. mC1Surc, ,he ling a.ked hirn n, poin' the my:il
Lile m' ny anis, Gain,b.:)(ough su!:."ined E. nlr, I'l'poing the offici:ll eoun poin"', wl.:,
lO ,he ')'''UHI}' 01' socie'r p()(,ni,u"'. ] le w,o,e happe""d n, beJo,hu. RLynolds. Thc 01,1 ri,'al.
'o, friend whosc "ife's ponrai, he had .lrcadr werc "..:'oncil .... l" G.in,huruugh's final illne,
bcglD1: '] ha,,, no OftL'1lCf I,"'nscd mr<df ,he ",hen he f.mou,lr cried fr o", hi. 1,,,1: 'We.n:
Plcosu'" uf ,i,ting down '" [fini,h ] i, hUI S<H"e all going lO Hea"en ""d Van D}'ck is 01'
uglr <TC1bJ '" 0< ()1her hOl'e I", ,'d ,1>.: c(."pony.'
,h";, ] leads in mr W'1r :!nd hind",d mc',
No wonde, he .. 'os in demand, his
r""arlahlc .hili'r lO ""hic,,,, a lilenes.> wim
'pon"'nei'r and fn:shncs. h.d httn Icgcr>da'r
sina: hOJ'hood. Funherm()(c, Gain,l)()ruugh
"'uld "'n(Ie, :In)' tt:Xlure 01' lithr<: , fmm muslin
lO s"in. he "iD pn:ll::rr .. 1 bnd'C1pe
TIte Bl uc Boj' (I n O)
Th< hoy , Joolltb"" Bmral/, lb. ",n " a frimd"1
,b. _'r. Bydrming bim in Q ruir" ",rin,
GIlinrlxirollgb iJ P"Ying bomllg. lO I im Oyd:; aJUI
by muing , a ruir "bJ"" b. i, cbaOmging
Rry1l<Jldr "'00, in.", "biJ di,."",,,,, dmllud rba!
'lb. main ma" a pictttr. _Id niJIlv bJ",'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Par;', JOn
Pari, rtocH1roiur
Maro" M"".
A'''pud ar Pari,
S'f'i'r"u, fra'"
,;:if. Imd ,bildrm.
j oinr ",lollY in
Pont _A,.m, mur;
Emil. &rnard
Trat -.Ir ro Pana,""
and Martiniq'"
In Arl<n:,'irb Jm
v,'u iJniuna/
Erbibition, Par;'
Sal, ro Tabi,i
f{""",, ro Fn"'''
f{""",, ro Tabi,i
Po"," and Jid:,
ro Hit -a_Oa,
Di" in Marq"'''''
Pon, _Awn (/886)
Tb. ilTtirtt' to/(/fIY in Pont_A,"", raJ1;:h= GiWguin fim ,ri.J going nam-.,
r.aring a fi,b<r1I1ID1" ,,"od: a<ld e/ag', 711. B,,,WI ,"'",mmiry r .... oomi"d by
,b. artirtt fo.- itJ fo/k tradi,i_, 1:.'bieh in eh';,- ',ro di",,,,,,d ir frw" urbIHI
n 1S89, Paul Cauguin ,,""alrady ntheran
cxotic figure. I'an "f his childh,. ,d ,,""
'p"'" in Lim. ",i,h his P.-r",'ian m", he,
ami he had al, ,n,,,II,,1 widdy in ,he n",y' nd
on bu;;ines<. Ila",C>cr, his q""'" an
111ndi: hep ., ti-.: Uni,,:rs,,1 Exhal tiof)
in Pa .... , wh= ,he uf. ,iD.g.::
i"'ll ml him nl "","ch bL),,,,d ,he an;,;ts' co!ar",
he h:td ""p"ri""",-,I in ]inn"".
Sculp,ing an<l carving ",cre Cauguins
e.tlie" a"i<tic ou,lc". \\r"h ,he
,hese in"'nse nCW imaK'" marie' and
Gauguin ,,-:t blc finane<: his fir" ,rip 10
Tahiti in 1891 , ano, her in 1894. l lccnd,,<1
his daJ'S in the ,\ br<ucsas, ",hcre he h:td """'<"<1
10 ",'oid ,hc ,,,,in of gOl"rnmcn'
h.m,au<:1":l.C) a"d thc m;';,i,,,,. ri", ,'" Tahiri. 'He
""". I"'g.n and he so", nHun: with ,he e}'cs uf.
111Jf1n' so id Le ,\Ioine,' kilo", exp"ria",.
e .. uguin's final yc:t1'S ""r<'" Im g, dnwn-ou'
"TUgglc ",i,h an<l ,hc cffectS of
s}' phili" rdie,'cd only by sdf_admi ni<tered
en<"<,urogclllen, (Jf I'i.<:t "o - hu, al .. """ I!hinc. Ru' i, ,,-:ts ,he urge 10 pain' ,ha' k'l"
non<: &,_" ruS "wn family _ 111in,ing <"Jlahl,,1 him ali,'c .nd "",-< all ,h:t, he li,,<"<1 ',\Iy
him 10 tale " "ci of himself in relati"n 10. a"i"ic e<:nb"e is in "'y bnin, oowhere else:
I/:ng,hy ... e"ern ,rodi,ion ami 10 ,un ]i"lIowing hi< de:tth, C.uguin a"ained hLT"C
I",,,,,,,,ing hi. own unique ,'isi,,,, . ]ionun. ",Iy, ,,,'u;; in ,h/: c.'es of Cerlll' n EXI>rcssi,,,, i,ts.
Contcs Bu t.. rcs (prilni,it.. Tal,,) 1902
.;",,- m'iJi=arion ir yo'''' di""",. 'Irj barlmr;,m ir "'y rrnorati<Jtl ro b.al,b, I
"'" a "''''g<. ' Gauguin', bdJ, ,,,,n_na,,,,,,/;,,i, ,-tyl. ,"-oJ'-ro ,;:bi/. t."(}i"king
1:.itb J"n GGgb', frimd. Elnik Bff"rIIlrd. Str""g tk",,,,,,, .. Ji"" and fla',
brigbr ",lourt1:."" impi,..d by rimpJ. t."<JOOtltt a<ld Japan= pri""
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
B()rn in R_"
J""gIl""' "nirr
Q",=i. Gm,iI'Tfbi
Rap<d by tu,",.
During "lid 4""
yaf" ""inrr
Judith amI
Mam" painur
Sti",,,,i, Thry
ro Norma
'/):h= daugbur
Prudmtia , ko-n
II-<.o-hat Nr",,,
AauJ",'Y ofAI1
"lid iJ<,ign,
/N("",,, fim
';:"miln m''''Nr
Mo,." t. G_"
!'i" Rom,
P"inlf =onJ
".ro"" "
Sus:mnah and the
Eldc".. R'Y>
<(J,","irri.m in
Imi",. ;\/",,, li11l

m ... .h in Ro,""
''Param fyom
bu>hmld "lid m"""
<ln ro Naph
Engagro ",
C"un (JI
England al
C;,-;I Jlh {<tu""
ro Napl"
in NapJ"
S"s:lIln.oh the Elders (1622)
(J", "&mih"bj', 1,= ,-.,lnI' Iml In"IT mm-ing magn S"","""b i,
d'fJicud ilT lb. ,';tri", o[ um;.,/ltI,, """"j(k/ ratlm- Ibll1l frNn lb. paillt of
,-ir/:) </ a p"ping TI/m
n ... ",isi. Gcn,ileschi's carl)" <,h.,.,ion he.- tUI,. Ag .... tino T,,-<S. Jle' r .. h ..... ,u .... 1 .nd
c<,.,sistrd <"n,i",ly of I',inting, in f"", ,herc a sCl'en_mon,h triaL during
,he couldn', ,cad O< write until ,he ,,"1< ",hich Cen,il esehi was aceused of being
an ",Iuk. She <ludi,,1 ini,i,lIy ",itl> hcr p"in'e, p". l1iscuous, subie<1ed
fa,he, and in ,h" war >he me, e"'mina,ion, 'nd ,hen tonu,ed ",i,h
",hose ehia""",,uro "rle ."p"".,.,,1 hcr Su mueh ,humoo<n:ws ",hile gi,'ing ""ide,",e. "Iits,; ,,"1<
,h" >he was dnwn 10 Ibro"ue d"m' and imp''',,.,ed " juSI ()ne J'car.
cxp",ssi..::ness. She ""1< her ()wn n".ld Aftcr ,h" hunli,tion. C'.cntil<."\Chi ,narri .... l
f<s' ,"osi(Jfl of Sw"rmah "mi ,b. EJdff', l"in,,,1 ,,",thcr p,intcr, Stiancsi, ami the
when >he ,,"1< (Jfl ly .c.'en,cen. I"i, n"Jlcd n, Tho::y both ""rl .... l., the
nu, ., nir.ct<"t:n, C'.cntilesehi "",-< rlped 1"., A"a,lemr "f An and Design, whe", Crntil<."\C1
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
h..,.",,, ,hc fir>t "ffici.l ""lttt:ln
>Uj'lu..,d 1"., h.'f p"'u,. C",i",oll dc' ,\1"lici.
G.,,,il ... ,,,dli " .... h.ilcd lI"nius ."d
r""lu''tttlr dc",icd. bccIOIse shc I'"Sjcsscd
", .... ti"e ,.k,,, Itelic .... I!<J be ""Ic.
h .. ",,,,,d}'. ,his .lid n,,' he, I",,,b,cing
",,rI,", (J( ker i"'l"m.nee .nd c'cn g.ining
I",,,,n0ll" ..." Ch .. 1 "r Engbnd. Re.,,'"
",-'huloMil' h;i'S dcd,,,,d ,h., Gcnrilcschi
n .. "",,,,Ir 'o go<><l """, .n I'.inl<'f hUI une <Ir
,he " .. jo, ,; .... 1 thinkc", oihcrcn.
Judith o"d II"lofemcs (/6/2- 2/)
IIlunTtning 1M d.c"pilllli." rf ,b, A"Yrilm "fIP"=r 1101.[ ...... , by 1M
]"::Jb btnJiM ]uJilb. Ibi, i,. pl1lJ.trfid 'Xf"'mian rf lb. mini "",n
"n",ianal/unn,,'I. Th< r.ali1", and """'Ha/ir ,b>'_ruro utily 1II"lrb
Cartn"fl.Ki. or Rnbmr. ,,,,,,il,,,bi pttinud [n', OIMr , ..rno.u; lt u.",. ,bmlt
,ba' pttrtirolarly apptal.d .. 'M H<KtrI'ir/6 u'bo u ..... oft." '" .. alm,d by
m<K' fJ'f/"<Tj'uJ 'Ul"J, f'<K 'M ar,in. i, u'", "" dDi"HII,ian rf ,btl1rr"ff"b (J[
WllltrI in dlll:indr rf ah'rrtity
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/79 / Bo.-n in f{(Jam
/ 8 / 2 PainlT O fr",.,- of
/ 8 /4 Pai",,"!ne
\ \\)und"l
/ 816_/ 8 Vi,;" l urly
/ 8 / 9 PainlT T he Raf,
of ,he ,\ 1"lusa
,::in, goJd m,dal a'
/ 820-22 Vi,;" England
/ 822_2)
Pain" f"'''rai" a'
LA Salpiwi""
/ 824 Di" in f{(Jam
foUo,::ing a fall
from a 00"-'
TIte M.d"onun, <he ' Jlf en. of (/822_J)
IVbi/,1 in Engl",,,J, Giri"lU}' biNl mad, "udi"of rb, f"''''rty and mimy
lO Iv found on rb, rtTmr </ Jndikl, In tb< TI"''' ,-<in, on biJ rmun lO
Par;', b, ,',i"d lA SIl/pi''';"., an irlJilrl< wyhnn, ,::b.,., b, matk
f"'",ailTOftb< inmll!" in a co,"""mona" atmnpt lO "'pt tlr, and
tmdn-rrll1ld ,b, imag' of mmtal i/lnar
i'hin , short lik, Thodore The lik..g",d \J,J,,,, is, highlr charg,,<l
(;ric.uh ,rronglr inAut'flttd his wu.- k ,h., mix'" Rcalism and R'Mn.n,ici'm. lt
fi-iend Del:>erou. , and Id, a ",en, On '}l()", in dnwing hugt: crowds
.uh""'n,ial mark Un Europcan p.in,ing. . months. ('':ricault I"in,,,l
Gric'uh a",1 Ddacro;x ",<Te bo,h IlUpa. of his ,brl tone< wi,h hi 'wllen -. """,mn
Guo'rin and 'J<l the litmu .. " ""ji </ ,b, mi'tI ke., ,he ,ime tha' r",ults in ,brkening and
\J,d=: Dc:bcro;x 1. "ing:tS 0.-0:: <lf the ,i<1ms. "'ntrlCti'J<l Crlcling - and ,he Cinl'a< is now te.)
GriCiuh snrdi,,1 " J<l'scs and in'c"ie ... ,,1 fi-agile 10 lca", ,he LlulTe.
'u",i"", in (",1", 10 "'pn"lutt ,he hOIT<lfS of GriCiult wi< 'n arden' admirer of ,he
,he \l,dusa, The l>1inting w.s. IlfO''''' apin" English sch",,!. ",he", and efree, ' '''
,he F"' nch g","mmt'fl"""""p",d " ,,'<T_UP of undn .. m d and kh', and ' pen' ,",o }'cars in
,he ... ",cled frig:t ",'. ,nre fa'c, The Cip'ain had Enghnd whe rc he pf<"luccd li,hogrl phs,
CU, 1 50 adrif, On' m.keshift r'lf .. and ,hc ""'<T",I(", rs, and .. "di", of t'lCc hor;e., which
fifteen suni,'o ... h,d had 10 r"" lf ' 10 nwrdcr he Im"d. Unfo<t un.,clr, l>1ck in F".nre, i, ""s a
and <'annib.li'm n, Stl)' ali,,, . riding accidcn' ,ha' Ci lIS,,1 his carl)' dca,h.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Qfficcr of tite 11 uS"' '''' (/8 /2)
Girieaull'nJrt"fJrion lo OOnu and radng g"'" bim an u","ing 'Y' for lb,
animall/i", and ,,,,,",mml, and i" P''''"ff ic ',"pb",i=,d rt'm In"", in lbi,
pitlUr' by rh< Iropard_,J:in ITrapp<d "",,,,b lb, mddk, Th, rid.,. r-drtll. [tIC,
rb, ,.i"'"ff as b' OOr" rrubn ",,::a,.,1I lb, ""OC, and /I"'""' 00"/" Tb,
rompos;,i"" uw/h lb, t ' i ~ " ' r (J[ Rubmt' OOu/.and bu",ing ""'n
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I JOf...(J6
H J4
Bo.-n in
m..-h in Ro,", ""
fr"'" flr Uf"''''
Pai"" fr'"'''' in
Arm" Cbapd,
P"intr ;-,xot!,
in .'lniJ;, Patl""
aruJ Rimini
in Flor",,,
App"inud arcbj"C1
"lid ,"",u,.'
,,..-h for catb.drlll
and dry 01 f],.m"
1I''''h in Milan
Di" in Norma
J esus Ikfore me I ligh Pri es, Coif.h:as (1 j()5...()6)
So",' Al'''''' Cbap,l Pamm
Ci",," lb. k1l1lf<d ,,hng oCaipbiH' ,b"mlv,. /00.1: h'h lb. lid . a
Jlrongbilr, it;, "b";otlJ eh.,., , ,., ""'p'. So ,""eh ilCt"iry jmtl" for TfHK'
,bal ir 'U" a ,"",,,ni, ro piek out j"w' Jrr""-fiJ gmn" w'::ltrtU a ba/f-
biddm P'''r, ,::b.J hin jun tkni. Iving on< <f bi, oipJ"
''l,u"",Hr ,lis""", .. "l Gi<JtnJ
H shcl'hcllf hoy ." ... ,ching the
I'icrurc uf" .t,,,,1' on a !c.::l. F,o", ,h .....
on, ",""cm:ln a nL'W ",,,,,se. l nc 1 .. "..
prob,bl}" ",o,kcd fil'S' on mos.", in ,he
Flo.-cn,inc R'p,,,,,,rr h"c his in'ere'" sl>rc:td
'o p,inting, seulp'un: .nd ",chi",crurc.
b"",,": 'u<:<:<:s,ful bU)ine"'11l.n 'm, running
bU)r wo.-bh"p .nd 'uw"rting eigh, child'L-n.
II"wncr P""'P<:l'<IUS '" no, Cio"o's
c"n,ributiof) would h,,'c h....,n inll"ca'ur'lble.
Ilis ""'<"", Gmabuc had worlcd 10 ''-'1m:>'"''
fo .. m in i,s own SI"'''''', hu' i, "'.,,, Gio"o whu
finallr di"""ded IIp.:tn,ine ,,,,di,ion and, in
imi .. ,ion of nol""ly, '''ok ,he I"l<'r:t}':il of
hum.ni'r nI ne ... bc!s. There isan .u,h<:ntici'r
of cxpn:,.,ion in ,he L'Yes uf his figures and e,,:'}'
g>'stun: is cO'n'inci"g bccou'" ,ul b"dics
inha hi, ,h<;, elothing.
It S<:t:mS no cxp""-,,, ...... 'pa",1 with c""lr
ultrlmatine pigmen' I",in,ing ,hc A,m.
Chapcl in I'.du,. Thc glo,ious bluc lo""
in'pi",II',ou" 'o describe the cffi:cr aS 'r'ldian'
,br . Thcrc i< s<' mueh uf ,hc outdoor< in
Cio",, 's worl ,h., i, would be ''''pti,ing if he
ha" no' 'l'm, his childh,..,d in the c<"'n,'}"Side.
Ami he makes us ft..:1 ,h<TC is ,ueh :t ,hing 1<
innc:, 'p""" toO, WC an: cnc:ourJg<,1 to n:'I"JIld
emotionallr lO cl'e,y d"",il of his d .... ma,ic
Giotto p"",d on hi. ma"c,y of fn:sc<,
1'" inting ... "IJ' 'o his pupils. Almo" Ct:n'urr
Io,er, his W' l< k in'pin:d M; . ... roo and I.,c, still ,
,\ Iichd.ngelo "' .... "',ystudring his leper.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
The Resurrect:ion ofL .. ",rus (1 J05-06)
N""b moJI, Arma Cbar.!, Patilla
u,,,,,r"', rb. brorbn </Marrba and Mary; ba, km tkud fo1lr daY" HiJ Ji","
ba'>. t;:i"ly ro,>".d tby """rand m(J",b,t'bik tb< t,,"tlb ir o/"'Ud aJUJ J"'"
mir",uJ"",1y '",,0= bim ro li/<. Gi",,,, ba, pJa"d J"'" aJUJ lA"""" itl JUeh Q
"'''1 ilJ ro ,tlirror .",b (J'b.r; rb. m"Yl kitlg tbat Ivjir. J.mgJ.JU,tiU di.
and tmtkrgo il "",",el"" "'"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in mdikl,
RlR 01"
Apprm!i,, ro
Edt;'ard Day"
Firn ,rbibition Ilt
Londtm. Ji'ii,*, in
LondM 'I:.'i,}'
Turrur lar palTllll
Pim ind'f"ndmt
'"'''" trithin
A"md, {ftTt
,"",ing </
Shttbing Soc"y
Mam" ;\1,,'7
Ann 80fT'"
Binb '_
Tboma, Cak-.,-,
E "'<"t ro poi is.
Di" "1 a"b,"" iR
TIte Tithe B3m. AhbotdlUry (1797)
Girti" oftm ,inud ,b. ,htcb" tba! b. ,"oo. in lb. Of"1' "ir, Illrbcugb b.
",,,aJly limi,, hi""'f'" or 1M" cdoun. Mil")' form, tb. ha';,"
/i,,'b.d ;;:aurro/()Ur1/rnt, '" tb. JgTlllrur. b= mgg,m, biJ "Pu'at""
,",,,lit ,ba' ",1I",rorr t. .... '" ,;:i/ling ro Imy biT Ih,d", too
homos Girtin m.ried a high I",;nl in
,he Engli,h schm] uf IandsCl.l'c
In his dar. his ",,,rl
",as al,.."),, oo"'l"ml ",,h ,h., ,,( Turner. ,he
ConsenSuS bcing ,h" T um..... Iohourcd
10 I'wduct: a heno fini,h. bU! th.,
Ginin's '<b ring and ';g"mu' e"CU,iofl' ,,,,re an
indica,iofl of !\"nius.
,h<:m. It """,, m",hanieal tasl bUl bom }"ung
mm ",in .. j much fmm i1. ,\lomu's Lon,kln
hou: "",,, a I'b<:<: n, ,,(,.-k.
"udr .nd soei.lizc. From ,hese gamerings.
I'n,fessional 'oeieties "ere Set up and
crhibition< o<pniu:d.
A hu!\" oil.p,in'ed pano""". of L,n(k,n.
called me Eioo,""",!",l. p""id"j Girln ",i,h
Ginin lcarned 'o dra,.. .nd eolour his bigg<:<t eh.llmge: he eon ,."j 181 <qua re
'ol><>graphical .nd archi,ectural ,i .... s aS an ra"js oC ean,,'s frst ",ith a dettilcd graphite
.ppre nti<:<:. Often. this mcan' '"",king up' fr,. " dra",ing and ,hen colo", ,ketches. nl reguhriu:
.noth<:r ani's slcteh. Nor "",,, it lig\>' and ",ea,her cl'li::ctS Ofl ,he ",,, ,..11 ,ie,...
'wo .ni,,,, 10 mgagt: On <he ,",me p'e<:<:. In the Gir ln e<Jnducted an open air as he
mid-1790s Girln .nd Turner "ere '-""l'lo)'ed "'(J<k"j up and (k>wn llri,..in (Colman became
by. p"",n. Th(Mnas ,\lonro. Girln (Ifl C ofhis pup, ls) e""uring ,h., he p"",,,j on his
drew ,he outlines from sketches by ,he kn<",'ledge his unlmclr dc.,h ., ,be 'b'"
hnd"",p' ).R. COl.<.'T)s. and Turncr
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Durh:am C. thedr.1 and Bridge (1799)
. Bri,ain t.....,-, m"" p"""lar ,":bil, lb, tear teitb Prima
"'ntinmlal ,,,,,-d. 1, ';:/U airo ",,,,id=d patri m'c for ,b. "',al,by lO c""",,,imM
pietura . ,b,ir "'::n "",ional mM"'","D,
Gir,in trould manipula" rb.ligbl 'o "..,,., any mood "quiml,
fr"lrI "orlrly lo lnmquil. H, U'JoJuli<niud lb. udmiqu' 01 ';:aurrolo ttr by
"""i,,ing umkrpaiming and appiying ",lotlrT dirwly lO lb, pap"o SpilliJ1
pap="'= ra'" trlId ilr,im teould paim M all kirttlr. Canridg', for ''-ilmpk.
te..,- likd for ilJ rougb ".-rur,,. i"original ptupo" "'ar, 01 courr., for
romaining gunp"';:dn'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 746 Bo.-n in
Fumd",xJ"" J>J" </
a giltkr
/ 7f9 Srutli.uzn IImkr
LUzDn i" SaJ7lga=
/ 76J_66
/ 771
/ 774
/ 780-84
/ 792_91
/ 808_ /4
18 /4
/ 8 / 9
/ 828
m..-h ;11 ",ulia (JI
Cour, /",;IIr.r
In Madrid,
painring t"Pm'Y
c","ro,"u for Royal
EJ",, ro f&JyaJ
AGlIumy al San
BrnJ,"" Coun
pai"u .. ro Cbarl
IV o/SpaS1I
Sr.',,", ilbw"
im-a,;"" </ Spain.
Pai"lT ""nTa;' </
Paintcamjlicr in
The s.,cond "f
Mar, 1 808 "lid
T he l"hird "f
,\lay_ 1808
Mor" lo 00"'"
outJiJ, Madrid.
paintr lllad
rmiKtl!;on </
PmJilllm l'TI
"ruin in

S .. um De.'ouring hi o Sons (/8/9-21)
In 1 S 19, G:Jya mUilud ro a wli'ary /XU" "",rid<
Madrid ,-oh,,", Iv fill_tI lb. ",allT t::irb bi, llhck
]'. ntings, tb, lar! and darhn prod"", </ a
bau"ud gmius. Sa,urn , "m "Itb. ,"115t
b(JITifying picrur n -.,- painud, Jlatmting lb.
,n!binJ:ahJ, /iCIT . infamritk aM amnilm/"m, .,
GlJ"" "NI Ja,-;.,. Ti,id biJ fa,b<r atbi,,',d p"'"
rbrougb '''f"nring bh 'mm fiarr in paintingf Ibar
h< c",,1d confrom daily
"'ociseo COY' i< ,he firS' gr-e1t I" in,e,
uf ,he nin .... em,h <"<--n'u'y, a '" ... 1"'0'
",,'-<l1:r who has ionucnco;l couo,le'"
aniSlS. lIe lin,1 in a ",,,,IUlio,,,,,y pL-r.,d. io
Sp.io. 'oc le"",, mligh'<--ned Eumpcao cou,,"y
a' 'oc time. 110,.."""'. Coy" fi"d a lioc,..l_
mio,k:d fa",ioo in Mad,id. ,..ho ,b,ed to
",itiri", the cst:lbli<hmcn'. 1, \o, .. s io ,\ l3.<lrid too
,ha, hc cocouol1:n:d 'oc "",ks of YeLuque, ..
Ile ooce <lcela",d: '1 ha,'e had ,h",/: ma>lerS.
Natun:. \'elazqun. a od Remhraod,.
Hu' Coy' could Oen1" juSI si", io'o ,he
arl rraditioo. his ion-n,i,,:olSS aod
,brl ob""sio.,s al",.ys "" him ap.n. As o.,c
",holar ",'o'e: 'Tne darl""", in his wo. ks is ,ha,
of de'p.ir. .. ,errifj.'iog. No mJ">,cri(-.J; gI/:am uf
ligh' appurs aS a ,,,latt ..
G:lJ"i al,m'1Ched the horro of corruptioo
ao<l injus,itt . no, fmlll ao elll p' y_g.::>luri og.
1)(,li,ical aogle bu, aS ao io'ui,i,'e ani".
bcli",'iog ts illlag.::s <"uld briog aboUl a oc",
"" ... al uoderStt,..ling.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
"!ne <ssen,i.! en,erg"! ,hrough hi.
o",n !"'ysi",,! sufl"cring: One ",intc' in An,h!u,i.
hc fdlp"'y"" ,errifring illness, whirh left him
dcaf and k.ring ins:tnity. \\r"hou' ,his ,,,,lc.1.
hc m.y ne"" h,,'c ,k"pen,,1 Out ,'i,ion wi,h
gn::a' worls lile n" TbinJ 01 Mil)". I sas: n"
,,,",Ution"l,k d1",tkrr" MOOn'd: '" wi,h ,he
811: PainrinW dauhcd in oi l I"in' di n:: <1ly nnlO
,he pi"" ..... ,,-,lis of his lonc!y hous<:: .nd ",t.lle
,."ics of <1chings " ." ,lisnrrbing nl be 1",l>I ishcd
in his liktime.
Ch,...les!V ofSmn "ith (ISoo)
n,iJ gro,,!, fH'rTnlir, &arly i"'Pmd by J a"=q"'=' d<pierr a ,"00,' _
,Jxugb lar /nA" /vautrftd - I"mily" ,k Ag' oIEnh'gb'''',"'''t. 'Tb,
rorntr ha1:", and biJ t::ift afur t::inning tb, """Y: aJ ,b, Tiric Gautin-
lat", d=ri/vd rb,,", "'/lf do/m"'ly "'JI Jx", G"1a inrnul,d ro fH'rrril)"
Cbarh I V and Mara i..Jlirll. Ar C""rt painur; bYopinionbar ro /v
tkJi'""d ,,itb lar mo," mb,I,'Y, "'bicb ir "'by k bi,""II'prudmtly"
in rb, rignaJling roa' b, t'in::r tb, Tutb fro," tb, iUJitk "'"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
H 4 /
I H7(1)
I f6f(1)
H9/ _
/6/ 4
Bor" in Candia
(,.,'" Hm,Hon)
Train, in a
'"""'1Jt<ry iD ""
ron pain",-
\fa,",,-'o IMi""
injlumad by
"lid 7in",,,,,,,,
m..-h in Ro,",
,;: it bGil , Km"
"""'<J". opmJy
Ato,...,.,. Madrid,
bid falIY for royal
Mo,." la TJ,J
]mm;,na . 1m
CUrt"/H #..,- biT,b
Pa'" "he
Pbi/ip JJ
,\ 1anp,ll1l of SI
,\huria: fir
PainlJ lb. Hura
ofCoun' Orgaz
Gaim In,",Y
CiH",",'m'"m in
Td." and MadriJ
Di" in 7iJkoo
s"in, IX ofFr. """ (1586_94)
u,u' IX, King </ hana, <::/lJ in 1297.., tb. id.al Cbrim'"n
,"onarm. El Gru" pai",, bim for lb. C."",", Riformati<J1l "".",.
A},bGilgb lb. [tIC, , tnuJi,jonally r otlic ,::,.,}, bigb roukbowtand r1l1ring
darl: 'Y", El Grro) p/= L()U;,' body in ,k farbionabJ, ,bt--qtulr",.
P'''' and gil'" bim lNautifoUy band,-
hen El G,,,,,, me cm ,,,in,er left poin' he,,,,, th.n ,\ Iichd. ngdo. I'roud .nd
Cn::,e fo, \'cnice. he wos self",ssLT,i,c. he l., ..... h"".me emhmiled in
{"(", fmn",d _ qui,c lite,.,lIr _ h)' long.,e,m I1wsuits. ' Inc nicln.me 'C,e{"(,'
ncw IlCrSl'e<1'cs. ]-Jis fr,st m.jo' influtn"" w"ls irled him n", .nd he alw"ls ,ign .... l his w,,,. k
Tition: ]h."",o ""lS "ln",he,. ]-Jo"""". ,ht-rc Domcnikos 'Inco'okol'oulos in C rcd.
"lrc strong i .. licuion< ,h .. El C n::c" ""u:tllr S<JI"e,imcs Krcs ("C,ctan').
wol"led ""d<"I" Ti ntoretto. llo,h "lrtislS m"ldc N",c nhdcss. while in Romc he did c')fls"li,b,e
coml"",i,ional ske,ches fr011l eI'r o, ",."1X ,he 'c,;.,;ene.:: of llr,an,iul11' ""i,h It.lian
S'a'ucneS. "lrtifci"lllr I i,. And T in'o,etto's "'. n""tism. I lc c' _"pn::""d 'po"" "lnd 'wist<,l
inAuence shines ,hmugh El C reco's Cbri" his fO<ln>: hc l11:1r ... dl h",c "",,1 Icn"" "lnd
Orit'ing lb. Troo", F r<H" lb. T,,"pk. mi,rotS 'o ,b'clop mese drcC!S.
In Romc. El C ,eco h.d linle surccss.
perh'l'" due ,n h"1tTOg"ln' daim ,h:t, hc c"uld ,ho: """": ,n SI"in did no' El Ct<"Co's
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
rcligi .. "" rny>Iical <':Iugh' ,he
m'MMI .. r SI'.in'$ key e .,OOIi<: ei,)', which
,,'i,h ,he e"',nte .... Rcforn .. ,i"n 10)'
gcnemusly in ut, Ilow
fonun.!e ,h .. ,he of SI"ni>h
.h>.picccs offered .. 11, norro'" p.nel. 10
!he d"ngotc<1 figu"'"
El uni'l"" st)'lc h;,,1 no nd
""lO f,O' ce",,,ries, A gro"p "f.n
I",c cdisc,,,CO'td hi", in ,he nineK..,nth
""ntul}', n">e h lO m" ... 1",; ... 11;(., "f ",hers likc
DcJacl' ... Dc!"AS, Channe , Van Gugh
:m,! G:otJ guin,
,r .. w ,,( ,.,1""" ( (/ 197-99)
In rb. .,.arn. a.y o/ro/!', immonBIi::.nl b.,. .... _[," .... /irn .... J
m<>rt J",matic in rrfl"" "", I'J C"rr_ found. 'Y"'w,btric
cird. o[ in.d/",,,,,/ frimdund pB ... ", .... d buH,. p .. fi'.,,j" .........
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
1470(') Bo.-n \/",bi,
N"tbarm G(Jlbar'
in JVur.:burg
1480(') Apprm,i"d '" a
gdd.J7/fi,b in
SrraJfuurg, laur
,,-o.-h in
",Idio in Cdm/U
1490--98 JI'<.o-h in BilJ./ af
"-oodm, i/hIDra"''''
1 rol_21
Propri."'r </
"-o.-hbop in
HOJ &rlim l:TWt:;n
,,'..-1:, ,\ locking of
HII-26 m..-h",,,,ttrtof
ArrobisOOp </
HI2_/f Painlf lsenhci",
Abrl';ett for
OOspiw/ roap.! </
S, Ambony 'r
MOrlamry in
HI4 Mu". Dimr
/fU E",brilaf
Lutb<rin/f. C.",,,
p"iming, F/"f ro
Ha/k, tr..-h '"
/f2S D", of ,b. pJagt
in Hall.
Cruci thion Is.,nheim Aharpiett (ttnt,e I'0nd) -./ 5/ 5)
n", HO'Pi,all= ,a",d for rimm, </ incurab/. di",,,,, lih St Ambooy',
Fir. (<rg(Jl;"/f) and I)'pbi/if, '" rbi, "n.'n/y mdini, i",ay rf un"rtmJ/'
"'''mm' and p"in t:"uid bil!" ",i>d." ,o",<>Iing Jinl: Cbrin and
,bui,l:. Tb. ""nJ,of ,b< i1lJrrJ'ptilRl .' H. mun i""""" hu! J ,,,,,n
dY'''''' ar. ''''pbari".d by tb. disproporriorlau ri'-"L' ofJm" and ,ha<.
gatb=d ilroand rb.croJJ'
" lfl 'CI"I"":")' o( BoscIt. Cr"""ch and
Drer. Grn<:w"ld "m,jdcn:d hjs OIm
"' I'UI:I,j(lfl se"lfl,hry n, the ,digioll<
and s<>Cal mcs<:tgt: o( his I",inring<.
Fn"" I 511 . Grnewald w"-< CI"l'lol,<,Il-' ,he
archbisJ,(1" of ,\ hinz H ,hci, C.ourt 1'0 inte,. h
was ,hc Cl'a of ,he Rd'o<l"a,i(lfl and the ani,,'.
>)'I"I',thie. "'all}' lar ",i,h ,he I'nltcstan, cause.
bu, he ",'nag" lO h-ep his unril he
di,elo",1 hi. SUI''')(' Ii:., the l'ea .... n"s in
1525. Hc ",as 'nd f,u", ,h<J) On
e",hrattd Lutheri,,,,. exchanging I',in,ing f( )(
ca"'CI' as h)"lraulic engin<-.:: r,
G, nc" ... ld is seen as ,he g"' ''
I'",curs", <lf ,,,,en,je,h..,en'u')' Gen,,'n
EX)( cssi(lfl i,,,, . hUI thi, w-1' not ",.Ii""d un,.iI
,\I(.lerni,])) I"'. "I''''< re""""lua,j"" of his
",ork:tS 'n .he.-n.,j,-e tu da.s.ical ide.li,,,,.
Grn<'..-ald hi",self did no' seek n, un",,':: ' anr
K'ca' .,ti.tic HU'hs Or 'o h",.k ne..- K' ''und ",i,h
his ,t}-'Ie, Wh., he did was Ii" ,he I'loin
underSt:tn,ling of ,hose sufl'e,cr< and ,hei,
""rCl" "'00 lnd, in !i-(lfl ' of ,ht .11:1 rS ,h., he h.d
,k:"" .. ",d. Iljs im.gt:s. S<lrTo",fUl 0<
. "d his eXlr1()(,lin.ry use uf
su']'"" tht nec< f( )( ,.-",ds,
S.oin, AntbonyofEgrpt's Vi.i, toS";nt the Ilcnnit,
I"",h<;m Ah.'],i",e (d""iJ) (,. / 5/ 5)
Tbi, ,ro? "'(luid bil!-' hn familiar'" "'''Y''n. trOO prayro in ,b. Cbll!"Jof
St Antbooy', H"'PiraU= in I"nb"",. Tb. old bn7/fi, ,dI. ,br p"tnJn ",im
abwt tb< ril!'m "-00 ba, ",iracuJo",Jy frd bim ,,-itb ba/f a I""f ofbr.ad " '''7
dlrJ for rixry :1'11". n", binJ tr...- doubly ohliging tb", dlrJ and brlJl1gbt a
ration f..- S, Ambony '" ",,11
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Ann::<rp,
RlR 01" ,Io,h_
Srudi" wuJ.,.
,aJillrl _traind
J ll" M"mr in
Mar"" "S,
Ld", ,,,,ikl
Marnd lo
Ah/, re" cbildrm
horn h<fon 1m-
PainlT foro grMp
fHmrai, a,-je
;\1arri" Lyrlvrb
Rryni"" ,;:h.
h<an bim gbt
Viri,, by /{ IIImrr
and,llluf; J'Im
Vi,;" Amrurd","
Po=IDan, ",Id al
allCtj", fir tiro,
Dj" in H""rkm
Pon r.al o f s"r. Andriesch II essix (1626)
711. ,miMntly r<,/,roahJ, Sara Hm;", i, portTilj'J "" ,,. OCWITIII ofbn
40th '::roding armi:-<r511ry. H.,. b"sha"t!, ,k "ic/U Mim".
"pp<atT in ti ",,"po";,,,, pi",
rlnS Ibis :lnd (van Rijn) groul's, \ \r"h no ror dc",,,,<:d
wcn: both c<,n<UI1Ull'''' intcri o<s ,. rdigious I',intings ., ,hc ,i",e,
1. ,rrra!6ts, bU! ,""h ''',,'' ""y DlJIch "ni,ts wcrl: leL." lO IrJ in onler. ;", gro")l
in th<;, \\'h",e Rernhnndl is ,ti""".... IlOnr.its. FnHn Ihe $ .... &"" of lhe:: &nq"" <! ,11<
.nd inl""!'e .... i,", Ibis' ,iltt:r< a,e h'lu<:nd)- OJJiatT o[ ,11< (,i:-ir Gtulrd o[ S, Grorg' '" me
bUrSling ... ith ChanlL ddic:tle ai, of Ihe R'gmwJu <! ,b, Old Mm',
Ilis pon",its .... ,,, he::en call .... 1 AbmOO_ al H""rk,", Ibl. ,,"1< El<ned ;", h ..
hhough, sina: he:: "",-< con .. anll)' in debl , I lal, """""'IC lik.,,ssc,; of cach m .... nb ......
him,df had linJe ,eason 10 be chce,fUl. \ \r,thneimus.ke",hes,"ltundcrd ...... ing,he
"'n ehildn: n or p<XJrl)' I"id b), his I"obabl)'...,d optis n, map Ihe fc:tbJ n:. ontO
dien .. , ... h .. e,-c, Ihe ,casOn, numetOu' Ihe c:tnn<, ... hile COnl-ering 'ponlaneity
commiion. could nol "" 'e him fmm.n IhrOUgh ,kilfUlp,,, ing ofme b,.Jr.
imllO'-et"h .... J old ag<:. Ibis' inllucna:can he Srt"n in)an Sn,en', ""rJ. ,
In hi. da)', Ibis ... as unri,-all"J .. " I"inl'" of ... t., in l-laarlem during 1-131. ' final )" ar<.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
'n,e G } ' 1 ~ Y Girl (/628- JO)
0'" o/HaN ' mlrraf'P,aJing porrrilits, ,b. ,,"'.! in ",h;,h b. hllJldl" lb.
In-r<rbtrork m&gt>t' ,ha, b. ,uidrly uiz.J _ f/'ing ;'nf1"mion. Tb. gi"r
"ddong gli"'" 'Ol::ardr __ 1m; """'" ~ ir" d.tou ,lo", I"'r0ft'" "'",
,.1fit .. ,;", ifill'"" fha, "" ..... 111' ""n rf" .... "'.[r K",b.ring. 7 gi"r
immoJmly d"p ... dr/n, rU&gt1lr 1M r "'. itl /, " proni,,,,,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in EtJ.J, Ion of
a fin o::arom
[/lagat-a Toyohirn
('"aUI prinlJ <f
",,,Ji,i,,,,,1 rnbjlJ,
induding "I<'k"'- <f
PuNb" wmpl'"
,Jilion Filty-
11",::e Sra,iol1S of
,he "Lido
p,u ofpopuJariry,
Trmpo Era
a",uriry aflrol
quah'ry of '::<irk
bJrbltlUl/ f(Jrma'
for umitll/
Rice Pl:.nting in tite IUin Ono, Ilold Prmince (c_/8 H)
/-lirolbig' U-al' Mt afraiJ ro "" u-"'n'Hryk /""Pro'-" b"" ,b,
ti [,,/dI n",ub au-ay t(J ,b, fOOt <fa min_ro''''-.d biD.
\I,aTl1:.'bik rain-drmcb,J u",*m- pi"'" Uf' rif/,;,-, "Iuar<r <f
U-a'" o::itb rboo" <f ric<, in a 'uurifiJ/y ,"oduJa",J pattb!:.",* <f
gr"'" and f{'Tf1
ndo Ilirc.lhigt: w"lS a lcading expo.,e", ",hich ,aised ,hel11 ah",'e an. The)'
nf ukiyo-' _ 'l'ictu,es of ,he Ana,ing ",<Te p.-i""d n) ,ni, ,he p(d,"tS of
_ duting ,he la" half.cm'wy of ,,,,des,,,"n. a"i<.ans and ",e",ha ntS. Paintings
it< existen"" "lS a Jap'nese an li:-:.n". Uli}"_e ",<Te ",se,,'<,1 fo .. ,he wcalthicr ,,,,,b.
o,igina, .... ! in ,he la'" se,'enteen,h cen,ur}', Iliroshigt:'s nJt,,1 Output ,,-as inu"mse, ,.. "e
d .... Jicated nJ me pw'ui, "f plea'un:: in C'I''-'1-,h}' 54(('I"';nts. He ""dicd d",,,,ing fi-(. " childhe.-,d
urfun He :lnd b.d on I><" ub, id"ls takm fi-(. " and ,,-as al""",ti",,! 10 ;U;;' (lfl<: ",a",". Uttlr"-'
,he "'nb of ", .. ne<.ans an<l "",,,.-s. "Ii')-,ooiru. Iliro.hige ""B""! fo .. (,,-<T ,,,,,"')'
The colleClable uki)">-e ",oodbk,,,k p.-ints }" a.-s pro.!"';ng me series ,ha, esttblished
(b-dop"d along n::Ia,i,,,I)' lines of his n::putatio.,. f'ifry_tbr" Sta,",,,, <f ,b, Tol:aido
,hei, o",n. ,",'i,hin , Jal"n<:<e of &!ad: an a",hiti( .. s ",,,'dogu" "'a' the
ha''''(lfli( .. s and gn",ful "'lO"p(,.i,io,,- grt:a, highw.}' be,,,,,,,,, K},,,,, and Edo.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
\ \ \l,king In ,hc ninetcen,h ccn'ury,
Ilito,hige and ll oL:u .. i e""h I><de"ed 'o
<Tc:tn: la ... I",ap<:< ""he, "'an I_>n,aitsnf ""'BIS,
.,.,.::stlrtS, l'0etS and Cour'CS3 lIS. Tbe in .... Ir ]o,'e
(lf ,he Jap.n<se f, >< all "'1""" uf ,he na'u",1
world ensured ,ha, bo. h a"iSl' had an
enthu,i,,-,,ic Ahh"ugh he m'r no'
ha"" matchcd J-Iolus;,i's draftsman<hil"
lI imshige a' hi< be i< un'utp1Ssed in his
poctic ,i,i(ln. I 1 is abai'r 10 e",le ,he mOI.1 uf a
p.nicular platt .,i]] ha' unfailing app",1
'o w<sn:me",.
Nigh,Snow al K:onl .... a (/ 812_14)
A '":""d hJ<Jd: rom ,b, =i,r Fftr-Thr<":: Sta,i,." uf ,he ',bid" R .. ,d
Hit cbarlKtnirrieaGy rbad,d rry ugirrN"J r/igbt ot',," a m()tlnrain t-iGag'
mgulftd in ""'''', tbrougb "'bitb tM" /,,"p" al'< rrrnggling 00,"" Sn({".r,
rain ()r mirr ar, Itrt"<J",.,d INxkgr""nd Il,llIi,;orn agairn, 1::bitb Hir05big'
u" bit m,,-dkrr, ofim tkpicud T(1<Jing ,atb (Jib=' p",br, mtpbari=ing tb,
'rilrlJima 01 ",i"ma
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 931
/ 9fJ_f7
/ 9f9..{j]
/ 961
/ 964--68
/ 970
/ 971
/ 978
/ 982
/ 984
/ 988
/ 99f_96
Bo.-n in BradfonJ,
RlR 01" el,,}
Studi" a!
Bradford Scbool o[
SrudS" '" Royal
CoIkg< o[ .'In,
Lond,m, m,'"
PuN"b" Rakc's
I''''gre;s ,tl:bi"g>.
Fim ,.iri, to Nonb
AfriCQ, Mm,
Andy nnrl>.J/ in
Nro ;..-}
T,,,uh, painrr,
,,,,bibirr ron
Rm'!J"P'cti!, ",
Galhy, L..uJikI
and toUn Ellrllf"
Ato,...,. lo Pari,
S"',, in Lar
I"mnr" painting
"fur tbtu'Y,ar
bm,l. B_gint _in
,uajor ""'-a<f"Cmu
,ha,;:n in USA and
UK. Sm up muJio
in ;\faJjJm
... r.lTT1<ptit ..
(JI dr"t;:ingt, Royal
A auJ",f)', Jndon
&bibiIJ ';:aU,.
';',hbiu ""tN,,!,.
Smu fr"m TM Rlllu i Prng ...... , San F nm'"" 1982
H()a"ry fim mgad ,::irb ,,_int<rprning HoglITtb', Rale'< P'ogr<:ss ,;:h",
k n"lmrt.J "" " mi" (JI ".hin", in 1961. In 1975 b. tkJ'jgru tb. "' and
e""',,",, for lJr Stra,imJ:yi- "P""iI {lITt pnform.J a! ,k
Glyrllkbour". England, Ilocl:nryl ,b.a'" ''''r} ,"i"" practicaliry
,::itb '''''P,iooal ,.irion, Yo ,ba" ,::ha ilCctmd bim"/ "'gh,ing f"'n'ng, Ji<
upJi.d; '/',.. nr.-.,- rtl!a"d ,Ji< rb.a'" al a rid.Ji"" n",bing J do , a l<li",. '
"id Iloclrney is Une uf "."t ",rs.,ile
a"is .. of his gene,ation. many of
",hom ha"e no, dncloped H
in,ere<tingly &,. n ,hei, C,. nm'lIl "'o" in 1"1'
An. l lu-oughout a long c:t,,'. Ilodrncy has
manag,,1 both nl mun " lIlt"",."1"SY _ through
his am,m:t ti,'c h"OllO-CrutiC 1'" intin!:, -
and 'o b."C' Mne :t lI,itish ""tional ' ",asu",. as
",itne,,1 1". his c"'''tion :ts :t F'ccm:tn of
his hom< lO",n. IIc has ""in"in"]
'Hong tie< ""ith Yu,-lemi", and ''-''mtly
10 m:tle gmtle of the hnd=pe.
The<e exi" in to!:tl ",n'r"'t 10 h .. ,,)(lnummtal
tTc:t'mcn' uf ,he GT'lnd e an}"' lIl. oTigin.lly
exhibit"]., Londoo's Ro)-",I Ac:tdcmy.
No' only is Il oclncy ,lill,,1 d"ft'man. he
has. 11o pmdu<"d ,-",ehin!:, 10 illuSlT'l'c Si" Fairy
Tal" o/ ,b. Brotb= Gr;,m" and c.P. e,,,,,r.\
Po"",. During the 19iOs he ,"ntu"'] inlO SI'ge
,k:.ign ",ith ""twnes .nd "' .. Srr,,'ins k}'s
"[1" {{ah', Progr'" .nd '\\O.OTt'S "[1" ,uagic
fl/l". I"Mh ,ta,,,,d a' ,\hny soy
,ha, hi. I", inting ,tyle has brncfi ... ] &'"n the
bn,.drning ou' ,h., ",,,,s 'c,]ui",d fr.T SI'gt:
,k:sign. When IlodrnL"}" t<".ol up I"'onlwaphr.
he pursocd m."Ch.rucal image_"",ling thmugh
1''''''''''''''. &' Mn I"'otog.-aphic ",U.g.:
and pl-oJt'lC'1'Jing 10 ciglee (inlj'-"').
Tne debate continue. m"T his 'pp",cn'
.,-{,i,bn"" of 'ubjec" s""h os ",aT, I",,'ertl"'
<iclrne ",..1 injusti"". ",hethe, onc c:tn bc a
g.-c:t, ani" ",ithou, ",,,,fmn,ing '<eriou" i,socs.
lIut II'lCln,-)' bdie,"s it i. ,'i!:tl nl """in""
Iwling .nd Ic:tming. ",ith the ,k:<lic:ttion of.n
"'00 sus p""" ,here is so much ,m", 10
al. ,ut an it.",lf.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Mr 3M Mrs c:L.rk 2nd PCr<)' (d""il) (1970_71)
Orrj, OilTH fla,dng dmgns rombind ,::ilb e,lia B i r r ~ ' d r , prinud
"",il'I produ",d """' o[ ,b, mor! dmrahl, gan",nrr o[ ,,. la" 196(b-
and "rrly 197&, Hoco"y pJaY' ,::i,b aUUJ.,ns '" i[ b, "'"' a R""';"an,,,
p","lraiD'sr. Th, Ii/i" ilIJ<JCi/Ud ,,'ilb il/rr Oa,* rtand for purity Imd
inrorrupribility; and ,b, e/U P' Frf (a ,Iang ""m [ar pmi!) ,iu boJ,
uprigbt on ;\Ir Ciar}, Torro an'a. "[b, <""pk oaupy "''' dimMl bah,.,-
",b, eam'a" ,,'bieb e",,1d k dit:id,d ,arily "",ugb, Thi> '"ay ar ,"ay""
rifka ,,. [aa tbat ,,. Claro ",= d" .. rmJt::irbin 1M" Y'ilrT
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
ISH Bo.-n in &m, ,oo
1871 Mo,." lo
al L'FAd.
'I B,tlllx-Anr
untkr Mm"
1887 Murr &'-,bll
Smch Augus'TI<
D"Pin gr.." birtb
'o"," Hu"'r
IS69 Mllm" &nbll
S",c.l:i, ;"(TCI!J
b.,- 1891
1691 Vi":,, "lid ",bibilJ
in Par;,
1894 ,l/u,,- &rrk
Jilell'''s, IIfilTTi"
b.,- 1898
IV;", gold ,",dal
al MUllid!
Aa",;",,} ro Bn/in
W;", gdd ,",JI
al Pari, JI';'rld
iJ<1l,b o[
AUgU51" Oupin
V"kmiM GGtk
f)m! binb
li' dlltlgbur
Pllwi", Valm"",
iJ</ltb /ro'" "11Iar
o[lid"""" GOtN-
/),-trng, G",r..'1l
Ar! ACiUN-lIfy
Di""1 p",,,,"onia
in G"''''1l
Poster IOr 19th Art Exhi l>ition of he
\ro"n .... Sttession (/'XH)
H(}(/h ,,'I1J K",n </ b..,,_ al ,b./9rb &bibition .
,b. Vimnll Thi, ""'r ,biny </ bi,
"",oh and " . ..,-"TI< </'""":1 QC",II"I" b. u"r..,
"th "f hTdinand ]-I"dl<-r's parents had c3 rli"", 'p"boli .. wo.- k, 71" Nigbt , hos slccp
di .... 1 ffUm 'uhe"",I",i, hy hi, f.f'''''oth p<efiguriog d"a,h, bu' ,he ma)"" of Gen<:v.
binh,h)", aloog ... i,h six of hi, sit.liogs. fail .... 1 10 See he)"JOd ,he nal .... j budies aod
Ilis experien"", of d. ath io ,he &mily "'aL:.:: i, b.oM,j i, &om exhibi,ioo. The ,e'ultiog
n, his ,,,,,{ "i,h ,\Iunm, bUl wi,h ." ... "Is &,. " F rlo"" , Gen".o}"
"'p,ie aod ,he",es wen: "'. """ lfl aod AuStria, secu,ed ll'HhT's io,em.,io",,1
duringtheintm,:pLTodlrn:,woas,hefind,rim.. n:1'",.,i'lfl. Ilis innoco"" <":lO he O'a""d io me
1I00lIe, in Geo"". unde, lI.rthlemy wn .. l of ,. herS, lile M .. ti sse a nd K1i", t,
,\kno, a fo..,,,.,. I'''pil uf lngre<. lt a",,}'
'I"l,ti,i'lflal cd"",tioo hu' i, 'augb' hi", 10 <Ira,,'
",di aod CX])(lS,,1 him 'B me hstiog ioAuenee< of
Re",I"-. n.!,, Ilo ll>e in aod Durer. II"dlc,
... o,{"d ioitially aS' 1'<Ty """'1"''''0' I",..trai,i".
Ilc <",'m'uaOy ,';'i",d I>a,i, lO oL ...
ideas a,.j SIJ'les aod 'I'cdally adnrt,1 tho", of
G. uguin aod Seu ..... Ilc ha" de,;."j his owo
... hieh he calbl I"rllk:lism. 1I,.II",s
La,e, I'ie,ures we n: 00 a s",alle' scale.
H"dlcr ",.de ",.or ",lf_l'0nnitS aod, ... i,h
>hade< of his childho,. l. he ,h<::u",cr",,1 the
liogniog death. of 'WO l",crS, I",m nx"herS
of his childreo. llis 'uC""" io s<, ",aoy
ca'cgmics "'JO,ioucd: his la" }'eHs ... en:
dc""ed 'o drca"'r laodseal'es. ...hich
s:tti,fJioglr e"",,bio .... j ,he S ... iss ideo,i,)" wi,h
i ",agt:s o f 'I"loscmdm"".
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
,\Iount:.in (/909)
u,n,'."p' paiminK ';:aT a memf,,1 ",.,Q for liodl<r durinK biJ final pan. Tb.
roliJltn b. ",..,J for ,"o"",";n rtl1lf{'s and gr"" mlJnK"" and d.arn /lj" biT
nyi. n;J,.d Ii. mllnaf{'d ro pr''''w Ira", . ,b. grand So:iu imag< ",i,bin a
biKbly p""",,,al. ,.iriiKIary ny!. llnd lb. muln te," partirnJlFly "PP.alinK lo
,b. ,"any ,,,,,nm ,;:ha biN! jotlr7lry.d on lb. ,"""muin
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 697
/ 7/1
/ 720
/ Uf_SS
Bo.-n in mdikl,
RlR ola Llrin
Apprm!i,, '" a
rih'ff nlgntt'.,-
Sm up al <"f'P"
produdng hook
Tbornhill'I fu ",.,
daugbur; JaM,
B"",""" partTlli,
painu ..
SUlrrr painring
''"00"" mOnliry'
Rum biJ 0"'11
acaM".! in Sr
Manin', lA", .

guild for
profmionnlt "lid
,.bool for Y"""g
, ''1',U,d frwn
CaJai, "n' '1'Y
Puhlisb" I",ati",
Thc Anal}",.is of
Ap[HJinud S<rj<ant
Pai",.,- ro ,b.
Di" in umdon
n.e Shrimp Girl .174J)
ni! /;"<1.1 porITai, "'''' Tl<Jt d(J'" for a <0,""'1"_"'; Hogilr,b k'P' il for bi",,,'!
/, , Im,, "" 11 popumr ,b,,", hm:.'1IIlJ ,,. O", ofLoodon, ,;:Im-. diJj''''''
m-m 'rotkrr " ... '" ponr"Y' in a =-jn </ pri"tt. /, j, a rapidly <""uuJ oil
,ntro, un u"""",1 i1f'Pt"'Icb ro partnlitur., bu! i, gr."" jurr eh. rigll' i1l1prmj(ll
. a [tIC, glim/",d in t-ring. Hogarrbl- 1::iJo", ,I,,":. ... d lb. pi",," ro t,rirnIT ,::irb
,b. w,",""'" 'Tbry ",,;1 b. rouJd "'" poim jI"b. Th= l- fhb and hJood for Y""f'
ith'lIr "inr Lln,k'no, \ \r,lIi.m
Ilog.nh has .. 1""" 'wo cbims nJ
t"nc. Fi,<t, ,hrough his own
in SI ,\hrln's he:: did
mo<C ,han .nr indi,;du:tl lO e"abti>h.n Engli>h
,d..,ol "f t" iming. And "'''lndt}" he t" "du=1
f,,<ounnerS "f ,he grlphic n,,,,eI wi,h ,",,'oal
,.,les on 'mode rn mor.I. ', ,he 'wo t",,, Im"wn
bcingA RaJ: Pr()grm .nd M=iag' a la Mod<.
Ilog;.nh's grca' ftiend , Ilm'r (.",hor
"fTom ]()WJ) 1'''' it t",rfectlr whe::n he e.II,,1 him
'. conc literl'Y t" imer' . l n,uugh sol re, bo, h
.nd 1l'>ganh eX]"",,,1 ,he <.'Vil. "f ,hci,
'g.:: , u , grting the mCOn, e:ik::ub,ing n"...-ati'r uf
,h"se who lO"" ,he 1- "'CT'r and mise'r "f o,he::,s
as 't<'plJng " O(les nJ ,h<;r own "h', ntt g.::.
As &, as 1I'>g.rth was c,.-.ctm<,<1, he:: ,,',tS .. Iso
'b",i"" ,he:: "bh: 6" F", .-.eh Roeoen
(he w1.. an =<1 "f Boumer)
which he ",don,,] ,,-.s undennining ,he
Ij,'dihood uf EnglO;h ."islS. Ili< .ttitude was 00'
b.' his in C. bi. 6" 'l')'ing, .fto
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
brin; C:lugh' ,lcn::hing ,1><: 11On's
In 1753, Hor.nh publish,,1 a Ir"'" call,,1 Tb.
Ana/pi, 1/ B,uuty. This "'-.s partly a n: bule
aimcd a' so"c.II,,1 cnnnoS8cuf'S being
in'ufficicn,ly inlOnncd abo'" an, and I",nly a
nluablc ron'Tibu,ion 'o ,hc discus>.on 01'
ac;;,hctics. Iloganh had a !hco"y''1I a 'Iioc 01'
bc:t "'y' in ,hc s .... p" uf an 'S' "'''''' inttinsic 10 ,hc
SlrocbJn: 01' a picbJ"'. Looking C:lrd'ully in'" ,hc
Painur and bi, Pug wc S<"<: hc has dnwn ,hc
famous 'S' On his 1",lc,,,,.
Ch"ring ,he ,\kml.er
'An EI",tion' ';:/U Hogarrb', Ji""/ moti"" morak =-i". IU""rI",d in f-
parIT, ,bit iJ ,b, firllll '''''', ,;:bm d<:moar" inro ario'. /-Iogarrb
I/'m ,"a, r/y ufo""'''' ro ,ar/rr biJrory paiminI(' ,;:i,bin bi,.;;:n; ,bit ,im,
i, i, Cbarl" Brun', \r,"""-y 01' AICx:t ",k:t ,,,'cr Darius. l <I>uOO of ,b,
iJ"p'ria/ ,agl' rigni/jing !'''ro'JI /-I"f{arrb b", a far flying ",'", ,b, b,ad
l/lb. n"" m,mb.r"f parfiamm' 11 J'tigg<r1J mal biJ ,oorributi", ro d,har,
,dI/IN no IN"", ,bllrl ,bar hird'r CQ(}fing
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Hon',
Edo (JiJJ.yo), "'''"1
a mirrar pdisb.r
L,,,mT t:.'OOdhJod:
Srudi" and ""rh
in mulio o[
r1Iuli. "jm- .",b
co",i""" rrtllJying
ud uaming

!"Ratb "1 firrt ,,:j/<,
.",ir/g ,.", "lid
Mam" =ood
SUlrtT landrcap<
!"Ratb"1 <Id", lo'"
B_Kim puhli,bing
llokus;; ,\ hng;
Thinr-Six \r,cws
() f ,\1(Jun' Fuji
PuN"b" )<lurn<1'
10 ,hc \\\ucrElUs
Di" in Arah""

Tite Poctcss Orlo no KottUchi (e./S10)
Th< """'''p''nying uliyo..- c prinn Ul}u
, .. r.,,,, fon" . 11.,., "n ;'""11' o[ ,b. Japan=
1-"" On" "" Mmaebj ,::irb '"" "[bn p""m,
qlMJudt:.vrdfor'wonJ. 71J.lm=</h<r nll"" aH
al", in ,b. ,,",/iIUT </ b<r f'K"'"< ""ti ,b. 1rr1l
"lusa; ,,-,,; r"'pon";b]"
I'hmu",<nal 30,cm "'(I' \; uf arto 11"
lin,1 ror noming else and "' .... dri,'""
'o perfc<1 his s'rle wi,h c":'y nCw undt:rnl.ing.
Ik'w""n ,he agcs uf and s<:,,:nl}'"'""
he had lIur>t of <1"c:tt,'i,)' ,h .. ' lSuhed in
se,,,,,1 m'io' se,ics uf "oo<lblod p,ints,
711, 711irry.Si" Vi",:, ofM",,,,, Puji.
As a }'JU,h, Ilokus.i ""'S on COfl 'Un' 'lUIS'
for his arti>tic nichc. Af,er ,d.t,'elr long
p<1"i,. 1 under Shun4o, hc Id, ,he
,hc mastc,'s duth.nd _ Cl'C'
curiou; _ im"stiga'ClI "h., ",h ..- seh,,",ls h.d n,
offer. I n ,he p"'<:<:ss, hc <:-.U"I: a"'-oSS cumples of
'" di'pl.)'ing wlS'em inAu""<'t: tha'
h.d orign.lI)' fihc",d ,hmugh ,i. me Dutch
'rJ<ling l. '" in N.psal.i.
"1" al,,,,:cia'c thc il11pa<1 of 'ueh influtn<:<:, i,
is ne<:<:""rr 10 "' ''' .... "ber ,ha, )'p.n underwm'
polic.' of N.ton.1 SCdU>Ofl &,." 163910
1854. ]iorcign 'nd<: ll .... >triedr li",i,<:<l.nd me
)'p.ncse ,hcmsd,'1S for biddcn 10 "",d . ],'o;ld.
The pie,u",s dcri,'cd f"H" Europc:tn
""gr,,'ings in'I",<:<llloklJS:l i fin.lI)' 10 be,",,,,,,.
bndsC:lpiSt a' me 'ge of,hin)'-<:igh'. Ilc Il<-g;n
",. l .f""h, c>:p ..-im"",ing wi,h "e"ern
pe"p<:<1;''' , m.king <-n,lless oh.en,.,iofls; the
"",uing work w"'" inn, ,,,ch'e ,-ohu,,1S of the
Ilolus:ti "'.tnp (sl<1l:hb<xJLsj pul>li4o::<1 in 1814.
Hu' i, waS ,he u!iyo., _ 'pie,urlS of ,he
Ao1ting w(. ld _ m., m"de ,he 'Cl'","", journ<:r
in ,he b'e ninc,<:<:",h ""-n'urr lO
ci,de of inAucn<:<:s .nd """.1 'o (k:ligh,,,1
the gl,. ilS <lf ,he )'P111IS" p<inL
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
A on Los! Lo>'e (/815-6)
0'" "a =-i" mtirJ,d O ne ll undn:d Po"",; EXl'hin" By me N urs.::, ,bi,
m"""pi"" 01 ",.b.r priming ilkmra", " p"nn by Sanji Hit",bi. HoJ: II,,'',
iMau ,=< "1 proportion 1muri" " .. 11 ;;:i ,b biJ dr:-'"pmmt "'-""UnHtyl'
P""""ti,-,; and J'gur" " all kind" '" ",...-Jo and 1"_,, lro biJ in<atiabl,
mt brui",m 1...- d'fJitting lifr in all in "'f"C"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 497
I f26--2S
I f2S_J2
Bo.-n in Au;Jmrg,
Ho/lviR lb. EJd"
Srudi" ,-,,b f",b"
in AugJmrg, lbm
In""" ro Ha,.!
B"","" mm"''-o[
lb. {],' anirn'
Pirrt lo
England, 1:.,j,b
imroducri ... '"
TbumaJ ;\10n'
fr"'" &-/lJmU<.
PainlJ p"nrai'''lt
,b. Tildo,. ro"'-'
I{m,,-m lo ,::jft
and "'" cbildrm
in 8",,1
Ahanoom family
in B""I. Smh, in
An",b.d lo
Eng/iIb C.",.,
Di" 01 lb. plag'"
in Lo""n
Sir Rid ... ru South"d] (1516)
IVbm lbi, porrrQj, U'M painud, baJ
Iv""b"iff ofSuffolK aruJ Noifoll: fo,- m-o pan,
'JfJ" lb. !ac' Iba' b. te' .... a rom-jeuJ
Holh<in Cotlt'ryl Q ur",in ""pI_"""''''',,, abo", ,b.
man 1m,. aT/';:ayr, in bir dirparri""il" rtyk. 711.
ja1:J I!<kJt; biJ muring ,"oulb drot."! lb.
ri"ur'T ",,,,,tion ro lb. Kan on biJ ,ud:
"lIS llolbcin .. "1< une "f ',..0 gift .... ] northern Eu",l''' ' n:ligiou$ magos c:tmc undcr
sons tnincd by ,heir ",tis. &,hcr a't:l.d in Ihsd and ,tis<",le'n.:: n m" .. ,ened mc
llans Ilolbein ,he Elde,. 8o,h to,..ns food sUI" I}". Artists enT}",..hcn:: we",
sra",,1 moL des.igncrs an<l alus" .. n"s fo, seeling al",rn. ti,c ,,,,,l .nd Ilolhcin decid"l
,he le.ding Germ.n I,.. in"" Fn,bcn offuscl. togot()Engbnd.
hUI ,he m}" in 1518. In !hose <I.}"s. Ile sailed in 1526. h.,ing
p,in,erS ,..ere publisherS '00 and ,hri, El"1smus lO ,..ri,e le''''' of in,rodurtion n,
wo,kshops ,..C,e m ..::,ing p!.Ct:s fo , !he lIenr)' VIl]"s T,e"'u,e,. Si, T hom .. ,\Iore.
in ,el le<1u.1 eommuni,}". F'ohens "mee Ilolbcins .d"ssio., lO ,he Engli,h Cour' ,.. ..
altl"1e",1 ",.nJ seho!. ,s .nd So ,he }'lung ,1><: h-y mo",en' ofhis ea,eer .nd J,ef,,..e long
Ilolbrin me, !he Du",h hwn.nist E'1Smus.
Ilolbcin I",in,ed his filSt officialpon,..,its in
fusel _ of. burgo m""" .nd his ,..ife - lAu.
despi,.:: ,hri, surruss. he ,estrie, himself
'" 11<" 'l"1i'ure. Ile " n::.,,,1 a 1"'1",1" SL"tic, "f
""1<l<Ib!o"ks ".lIed IJan" "11"Na,h. design,,1
s .. ined gl25S. m.de mo(k:ls . nd
p.in",d ' ,.ne ,eligious sub""'s. Ilo"'L,."t. in
1525 . .. ,he R,m,.,ion sl' ,c:td ,hroUghOUl
,I><:)" h.d '''''''1" ,,1 lm .. ,heir le.ding. nist.
Ioge,he' wi,h his ",sl'0osibili,ie. Jt:.,
Ct: , cmoni.1 .nd Il::sti,e o<:easion, a' Court .
Ilolbein p,,,,i<led 'n "''''''''p.nim''n' t()
11,,1V}"s seral m"r.ges ,..i,h his p,,, rr.its of!hc
kings .<1ual . nd p,o'l'e<1'" I" ides. Hu'
,hese ,..ere me,c h.ndful ,he onC
hundn::d o, so. ineluding "ni.,un::s. ,h., he
1" inted in "".1.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
,\uu" of CI< ... 'cs (/1 J9)
1M Tudar p<riod ra,"", </ imrig'" tmd <kap,i",,_ ' " ,bit "",,,,i, </II,,,,y
J 111'. founb rifr, prrbapt H(JIl<in did ""0("1, al'.,. rirb bit ,""iruJwr. hlt"''d
hr-uJ"'T(Jku.ha<. fraron. ,hlJt "lUtd 'm hng ,. ",,{J mr'm ' ..\ /" .. </ /01""'',,
... " m Jn.d mrt h<T. H,,..labora .. drm .. ,.,IIinl.!oll,JiJi_ h<T iJtxpmtion.
Sbould .hat 1nI,, wm a d ... " Ho:::": .... 1ry tbt tim, m ""d t ln", Trt1T '!rnJ. II .... ?
10..- mon ... !tu ..... tJ:r ",mmimo.. I I " " ' i ~ , poma"' . hit fifth '!rifo
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
l,tU -n
1 SU
Bo.-n in &mm.
IIH, ..... ,a
Apprmti,, la a
Spn"k rb. par in
B"","" maga=7n.
Sm up,tudi. in
N"" ,.-}
Arrignd eiljl
JI'r uni"
Vi';" Parir
B'ginn:'YJrkiRg in
';:aln .. oIa","
Mo,-,.,- t.
SI"" ds ""lIT
,::murf /ro'" ""'"
on in filonda,
Baba,"", muJ
C ...
PUl"tr lb. ('", Ir
Di" in Prom
I lome. 5"ttt Il ome (/86J)
.- a '::/U anirl, Hllm<Y ;,,,, "m""K ,b. ",/di", "lid in rbi! picrur-, b.
alp"'r" 11 tcm. 1I:irb tt:'O fttkral infa"'? pri:",,,, al "'PP<Tti,"" Tb. lNmd
in rb. Ji"""" j, JU/'P""dly pJaying 'H",",. 51."' Ha,",. Tb. mm',
'brogan' j,.,()ltar. bnn::n, ,::bid! , bo1IJ tbry ';:<r, "Id. SoIdi", t. .... '"
rurpa"d ro appJy boiJl bJ} ro tlmn. bu, afim biNl mor. imp""am u,i"
by "'J'
'In ,he futurl:
w.,crcolours' Although \ \r,n,low
110"'''' frS' lIS,,1 "'<: who:n he
was a m'bJ ' C "tist, hc signifi< ... ntlr
.... ised ,hc I',,,filc uf in Ametica .,.1
,hrough '''''c,,1 hund, cd wo, b bec.me i,<
aclrnowl("dg.:.-d ma"c,.
1I,. "c, '. '" ,raining cOfl sistcd of
""i" ",<::Inl exp"litions '" ,he \r,rgir. fi- Ofl '
whrt<: he .,."'ml>led. which fu.- m,,1
,he ba,is his fi,st iml. , .... n' oils. Unlile
Whistl ... ,.,d 11,.,,.,,. _ ",;,:: n,,1 . nd
lD1ostcntltious man _ ,,,,rl,,1 '''''-;,])' in A"Km
.nd I<:fi- w.n,.g;.,d" EunlJ>C1n mO,,'mm" li1z:
'" 1",,,,,,,,1 withnu ' him.
I li. carlr ("'r(llcd I' ",-Cilil-
al'l' ''' ntie.:.-shil' "'. lith0W'I,""e,. Once he had \ \'a, rurll and <tI,.1 in m"tra" nl his " ... ,
bccomc 'n iJlu,;,,,,,,, fu, Ha'P"'r U'"kry in "'I. ,nag<:. lncn I lomrt wen' <tiJl fUnhet _ lO
Ncw Yo.- l , he Stt"',,! ,k,stincd nJ ", m"in S<l. ,he ,wo ),,",s, in fa", _ .nd
a }'car's .ignmcn' as a (:j,-iI \ \'" I'".!u,,-,! a ",res has,,! in ,h<: r",hing I-ilJ.g.:.- of
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
CuUc",,",ts. S'C1m rr.",lcrS had .I",.dr 'egun
lO "'phcc sm.llc, r"hing c",ft , but Home'
pc,s.istcd in 'rt:o,<ling ,he old w"ys "nd
,,,,,li,i""al ,kills, aS in \/",ding lb, "'",.
He "1(JI',,1 'n p,Out Nrt:l, ", .. inc, ah,. hi<
,ctW'n n, New Yorl. lt 1"-""",,, his homc 6" the
,,:<, uf hi< life, al"''' &,." ",,,rking un
,he NL'W Enghnd in the Adirood.cks "nd
Quebc::c, "nd .he ",int,,., th .. he 'p"'" in w"n"'"
dimes, ]],. "", I",inlrd .he se:. .nd its
"1",,,,,llr until. fimOr, ht o"'tt:d Jtl
f.",ur of the ,""n<:SS of the , JCc:I n .Iooe.
Fishing (/885)
H()m<r "'ar "'" Am<ric [mt >p<ning aniJl 1m, b, did kc(J,"' mart<r </
lb< gmr',jusr "'b,,, tb< ni",,,,,,,b.CnIrury tburro' </ ,b, l1lhJim,
/VItNi1f" "' .... trarnform,d irlta tb, gr,a' iJUtdoiJIT /VId rk </
manJy ",;,)""",,'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 629
Bo.-n in
R"tunhm, "''' </
a bricH'Y" muJ a
Studi" in
Haarl"" untkr
B.,-rotm "lid

165:2 ,\1",.,.,. lo iJ</fi,
,"un F"J,riti",
and lum,"
/ 6H m ... .hllf pai"rff
and ,",'1lfI1 ro
Jinm ","'roant
/ 65:4 Mamn'"ugb,"
ola marUr [/lim"
(potury) ",ahr
/ 6Sf BrnJ""Im",tkrof
Ddfi guild. &m
Pi,," i, hor"
16f6 /)augb'" Anrlll ir

/ 66/ ,l/o,.,.,. la
.'1m"",!",", painrr
"}jI"",, d"","';e
/ 667 iRa,bof.:;I_
/ 684 Di" in llfI 1Wl<u
"'Y/u", in
AMus",,1 (1m)
A "'pbirtiCilud inurir, p",,,ud darHy during tb. artirr', Am,unJaJn p<rioJ,
and binting '" lb. dlilU o[ ,b.IlJjIl"", di<!'" i"ro tlU!&JY ",'wa'''ga''''
7],,,. ir pambJy """' ir",um;Jo """eh.tI lo lb. "1""- king ojj,=l lo ,b.
t:.",nilll in rd
<"'I''''''''CJlth-<'rtltwy rusnll"C::rS uf DUlch
ani,lS (':1,,": frOO1l "'<: mcr-ch:mt cbs:;es,
IBllilc o, h...,. Eur",C1n ""unrri", ",h<.TI::
church .nd ari"ncr:>tl ,..e", "jll tI><: ""ti'),-
I"""n<. This mean' Outrh I"nter. ",<Te he 'n
che.,,,, an}' genn: _ ,ueh '" I ... tnirun: ,. still
Pie,e, de 11,,().::h'; bcS! gcnre w",k "' .. s
.... 1 " .. rlr in his ca",,::r, in Ddf, ",hen:
he F>bri,ius (a ]>u]>il "f Rcmbr.ntlt) and
Vcrmccr. Gi,-en ,h., Dclf, ,..aS ,he
manu&cturing cen,,,, nfhigh len",s, i, is
likelr th., all ,hn:" m,,1e usc "f So
m"'t:nicndr 'o hand. l h"m<s :tSSocia",d ",i,h
,1><: Du,ch _ n'wn ,ew; .nd do",,,,ti.::
inte,iors _ ga'-c s .... ,]>c ",,]>criments in
1><:<SI',,,,,i,,: and ''1m,ducing ,-arious ,urt.ct:s.
"'pan fro", the well_ued "',"""a """ura (s<:t:
I"gt: 198). ,hen: w ..... " magnifying a",1 mlueing
len:s, .nd mi.TO<S, anr "f which "ould be
...."]>Io)-,,d in 'end ..... ing mcDo",' b,ick",,, .. k, 'il .... 1
.::ourt'1rds, and rdlc",i()f)s in gbss ,. m' .... 1.
Ik,idcs ,cchnical l,,06.::ien<:)", de no"ch's
gif, lar in his " :nsiti,-i'r n, human n: b,inn,hil"
and es ]>c.::i.llr, ',ho: silcn' momcntS
",hcn ... m,io.,s an: rrigg.: n:d by .. gcs'un: ,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
se' of ,rining ei""'mstan"".', Sa,lly, de 1 Icoch'.
Ia'n 'ca,. ",,,,. a d,,,li,": in his p"',,::rs. 11" "'"lS
de""lSta,ed a, his ... ife'< dca,h in 1667. Hu'
ab-cad)' his mo, 'e lO ,\,,," ..... d.111 in pur'uit uf
wcahh)' dicnts h.d bl 'o coarscr w,,.-l on
larger se.le, cn'CutI:d ... i,h " ,h,le, p,lenl:,
rcinf,,.-cing ,hc feding ,h., de Ilooch's grn'c
ligll' no longt::' s!>Of\".
'me CMUrtyanl of ~ lI ouse in Ddft (/658)
Typical (JI tk Ho",bl- bantlJing 01 'fHK' mili P"'P"'ft" , 1::,.,b lb. long "irra
,brougb lb. ttrro and ""ri"", dOOrT 'ft inrriguingly ajar. 711, JWw in""iprion
m>tl" '711i, ir SI J.,-"m , 'al, il y"" ,::,b lo "p,," lo [NI,i"'a mili ,"uJ:"",.
p(Jr "" '""" [1ITl d,stmd il"'" "'b ro Iv ra"d . Do" , m'i" u"o rompar'
,b, c"",,,,ud ,"o,b" mili cbi/d in ,b. du".,-,d bacJ: yttrd 1::i,b lb, "'","an
und.,- ,b, "'''' mcJ: arcbt::ay- p"mI lo '''p out in bff Ivrr dotb,s?
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Nt'I!! )(T}.
mn"1 a rbop}"p"
Srudi" iU",rra,iun
al.""'t1!! ..-}
w,",""aal ilT'
""iming al
Nro ) .-} Sebo"'
Tbrn upara"
''';1'1 ro Etm1fJ<,
,bi,jly lo Parir
Mam" ]"'<pbim
JimiU. N;,'i_
BuilMbo= ",
S;,u,b Tn"", Cap<
COO. R"""pu,r.,.
al MUR"," "1
Mod.rn .'In, Nn"
Pit'. ''P''I7l'' lTifJJ
la Mn'e.
EJ",, ro
and LL,,",
Rm0'P'cri!" o[
Mu""", "lAr!
Majo.- "!T{J!fp"'ti:-,
", Wbi,"'J'
Mum_ 01
A","iam An,
Nro );..-}
;\fajo.- US
upr,sm""ir, al
Sao Paul"
Birou,,}. _ D, in
Nn., ) .-}
The AIKinthe Drinker (1876) b.- Edr.r Dcps
/)"gaJ' im"gi1llltion accitkmally tr_formM ,b.
up"",tiOTIJ <! . bir friOlJ, ,;:irh lbi, p;<tUn'.
Th< ,"""'n/m ir actr":t El/m AlIar", ,,. lIJan a
painm- cal/ro iJ<Jboutin. D<gilJ partrayrtb""
lirring 01' i n ,bougbt, 1m! daim. b. id "'"
",,,m ro p,-fray 'Mm al t/;rripa"d and d'gnuud,
t."bieh raJ bill:! lb. mria fJ<Tcd .. , ,lmn
he I"in,ings f Ed ..... rd 11,,1" ..... an: ,nditi"n.nd. ,,i'"r nl Paris in ,hec:trlr 1900s,
I.ndmarks <lf Americ:tn Reali,m, . lI"pper n: mained un,ffi:cred 1')' m","ments
s'rle he ne,,, r abmdned hu, lileCubi'm, ju" ... heavo'dedAb"",crionb,cr
nO! f"lIo",' merdr in ""Ier 'o reproduce (JI) in
,he ,'i,ihle. A, he ... id, 'No 'm"un' "f 'Americ. s<:emcd .... fullr crudt and "' ...
,kilful in'<:n'm,ion c:tn ,he essen,ial ... hen I gm b,de " he adl1ln"L 'C, i' ..... ,I-o'S<:
elm,m' "f imagina,ion. 'luali,ies ,h., rootcd I lopper'< di"luie,ing
Fif'r 'ear< s'1"""e Tb, AJ"j",b, O,.j"hr ,siun, ,hmugh ... hich he com'es ,he SmS<: uf
from Auu"na' bu' DCg">s >ti rred Hoppers alienation ,ha, I",-""Ie. a "l' hig ti'r.
a .. "1 n: n<:SS of wh:t, ,he Am.,-ic:tn aniSl c:t1l,,1 lniti .. llr tnin,,1 a< 'n illlL<,nnlr, .... s
fmm "ur idea', wi,h ,hc ,"JI a go,_II"intcr ",chnic:tD)'. Hu' ,he s<:n"';'r
sta'Cmen!: 'h's much better lO dn... 3nd haesh illumina,i(JI) f his a,ml"" i,ion<,
fmm ... 111<m(")'. h"s "an'kmn:!,i"n in which l"' IKII.",d b.' figures ... ho a' ,imes al" c:tr
imagin.,ion ""Ibbon'e' .. One "'1",,<lu"". scan:dr 11)()<e .. Ii,,, than ,he fumi'ure , d", .. ,
onlr ... ,he n<,,<:ssarr.' '"""cr, in with . a"' )(.<; phen:. Lile all
Ahhough "Iuca,cd Jn ,he European significan' ani,ts, I lol" cr COn. ... ithout a 0-""" of
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
sentim""'ali'r, m.lc p"'ple I,.,l a' SUmc
cU01lmunphcc im.gc .nd prttti",: ,hci, o",n
in ,"" littt uf ,bily cri"""tt.
Fu. 0":: ' Ilu]" rt "'1Smarricd 10
Jo Ni,-isun, his in'l'ir>tiun, moJel .nd
in,dlc"'ual ma,ch. Ju ",as 'n arti h<-rsclf,
",huse d''Ido]. "cnt ",as ,h"art"] br I lu]" rt'.
dcmands un hrt ,ime. T hq had Stu,liu
a]""n,,,n' in N, ... ",rl and ano,Ir, h,."c a,
C'pc Cud, ... hc'c Ilo]" c, "'p,csen,cd ,he
sun.minc as!hc .n,idu,c ,n mc],ncholr.
Auto"'." (/ 927) br Ed",. "l lloppc,
A "Y!1mm ri" al"", ,,itb a ,up ",ol}'-. JI . ,"" only gl"" if !b","P'Y ,bair
"PP"ri" m,am Iba! ,b<'r 'X"f"'ting or indd ""(Jwd ""1,,,,", lb,
arrnaJ 01 ""Y0n, at aB. Plaling bn in i11l aJima,ing nr.ironmml "'b", ","",'
con"'" onJy "'itb u<nding HOf'P" mahs un " din""" ""d
d""chmmt _ painud and imaginary _ lo CW,U a rimation ,,b.,., tb< "i"ar
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in
Mon"",ban, RlR o[
il ",jJ.r
Seud", wuJ.,.
Da",} ""dtri",
,b. Prir tk Ro,",
Srudi" alld "",h
in Ro,"" &giru
lb. oJalirr1M uri"
Mam" Matkln.
mili ""r.o-
in Plorro"
{{"ur'" lo Fnma
Dirmor' h""Ji
AGlIumyin /Wm,
In ,,,,,ti,,"a}
Tkatb "1
l/aro" /"N/phi",
Di" o[ [Im,""";a
in Pari,
Loui s_Frm,,-ois &rtin (dnaif) (1812)
S.a",} in il Ii,"pk ehair agaiTl51 " Alh<T hIlcJ:d",p, B.,-"n lb.
flJUntkr lVId rroor o[ tb. Journal des D<'b,,-<, lb.
lilm-aJ hourgroir1' and ",ah/'bmmt, Tbi, mxrhJy tklinw.
por!ral ir ",,,,id.,.,,} ,"1<"1 lb. Ji"'" 01 rb. ni"""ntb <rnrury IlfId
,.,,,;n/y a by Ir/K""
<:an_Augu;;t< ])Ol1unJ'l"" lngn::s ",,,de hlS
,cl'utatlon In I" )<tr.;,,,,,, , ahhough he
bc),c,,,d ,h:u h""'1) I'.inting would bring
him losting '{"(,('gni,ioll. 1 ',ing won ,he l'tix ,k:
Rome, he I,-"I in Ita]}" re:lls,
'<"turning n, Pa," in 1824, ThtTC he found linle
in C""u"On ",i.h his F"'nch
",ho h.d mc:tn",hile 'h",a,h,,1 <he a"""l'hcre
of Romm.icism, Ing'es Cilled his }' u.mger
,i, .. I, Dd"eroix, ',he "po,de of ugliness'. In
retalia,i"." Dehc",ix deda,"] Ingres had '00
imagina,ion 31 .11'. Indeed, Ing,es had nO
in"in'" na",ni,,, and his.", IleCt:s ,uff,,.
i . UI' do"' , <he", is" m>SS of info.- m.,iu., hUI
no "'nnccting energy,
He h.d a h"urgt'os and his
",orh ",..:,al, a. Ihudclai,e admi",,!, 'a
"'nSuoUS na,ure'. This is ",hy Ingres i, so
ad"",l. Ilis Ileru",s a'" p.in,,,1 ... i,h .mnin;
phy,it'3li.y: and he ", Ii>hes e..:"y uf h ..
wc:tkhysittets' d o, hes "nd "",dle,y. A ,ul" .,,,e
is JItad",", ,\lo;",';", in h<:, f1or11 g"wn,
",hieh ,,",l .wel", }'c:tts n, I"in', Ilcr linle
<I.ugb"" ".,ts 10 h"'e been indudcd in ,he
I,mn.i" bu. she had grown up hy .he ,ime
Ingres fini,hed.
Ingn:s "'bJmed 10 R,. "e as Di",,,,,. of <he
Freneh A"ademy in 1834. A ... "y from ,he
ron,mn' "ri.ici'm in J>.ris, he un"'l'1pl",1 his
... bu fo.- .c:tehing. Lile rus "wn 'UI,,,, D" .. id,
he "hnCi,ed dl'1",ing ah",,, .. 11: 'Ifl h.d n, pu.
a sign "''', my d"o.-, I would ... ri,e "Sthml
"f Dra"'ing" and I'm eenain ,ha, I ",ould
<Tc:t'1: p.in"'ts
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Thd i s Imploring J upitc' (/ Sil)
in tbi, iUU!trlllion from Ho,",,",, lIi.<I, "n,n;, MI:' JUpiUT ro "!,alr tM
Gruh' injusri" '" 1m- '"" Acbil/". Ingrt> eiFrr Th"iJ in ,b. familiar mould
. Q1/ '/OrIg<l"d odali"!",, b", body arlJUnd ,b. ",lid arcbiuflllral f'Kllr'
,ba' ir M"m,::bik, JUpiUT' imp"i()U! p"" botb m,.,,, Ingr" '
Nroe/aNeal '"a,,,,mt 0f"hl. ,I,,,n 1 (/ SrJ6) and fo",boo",', tb. Al',)t hoo,is
uf 1l' . llcr (/827)
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
" ..
Bo.-n in 111",,,,,, ..
RlR </ a "a
Srudi" /ir", lid
"OII'lmio al
M"""", iJnitw"riry
V",, Imp''''';"";,,
,,,,bihi,iun, dnn
ro h< a painur
FiJII,"b Pbalanx
Trm.-,h ro Ita/y,
N"b.,.larllJJ "lid
ahnnut in
C<>--foutllb DT
Bbuc Rclcr .:irb
hirtb <f Al"
W...-h in
\Jo,.."", al Propl
Co,",",,,ria, of
D<a,b </ ron
Vm;}od uaeoo
at &rlin &ubaru-
Co-foarllk Blouc
\r,.T t;:i,b
Jm::l<tI5/:y and
Mo,." 1:.',b
Baub/lUIto 0."""
Mo,-,.,.", hall
1::bm Nciulo"
Di" in Nrnilly_
Man- n<arly at.::i1jJ indud. animal, in bi! rit,d picttlln far bi,", animal,
"f"""",Nl lb. i,,_ma aM ba"m",y 1:.',b "'"" ... ,ba' human Ivh'gJ bad as!, ilrId
b. jir,"" bdj,,-, tba' ar' _Id bridg< rb. na",,,,1 and ,b. rpiri"lIll "",1tU. \Jarr
m<d in bank a' "ni"" in 1916. 0"'"1 bi'ilJl " .... oh, Figh,ing Fu' m.,
rrJ1::anJJ abrrraerion unoo- ,b, injllUrl" </ KnmliRSJq. Tbt! ",'o ar,;,rr roHaboraud on
Der filau" Re,e, alm,",,,,aml ,,,,bibitiom in 1911 ami 1912. Tb, profi",d d<Ji"
</ lb, group "'al ro 'lvbind lb, t'l </ app<arilrlt""
OSsil}' could he1l
""loulS. This c"ndi,ion _ Imown
OS _ "'os le}"'" hi ..
and he Cl'en named SOme of his p.in,ings
'i is:" ions' . 'l}'riCi l' .ml '"" ml""i, ions' os
,houb'" ,hey "erc I,;e""",, of music,
pionttring dc",lolw"cn, of . hstr.", p.inting
1",.,llthl his n",,1 10 cxp.-ess col,,1lrS .nd os
if ,he.- wen:: pW,-,1 fr"m the "'mc .ir thmugh
which JUI"I "",e< trll"l. !-Ic '-'1,ir-<-o:l 10 'pu",
I"iming' th., ,,,,ul.1 bring "'" l';"Wcr 'n ,he "',,'"
'-""''';'lIl.l os I"'ming nJ a S}11l1>h:lIl}'
is the lL-y. Thcc}t: is the hallul1e::.-:n-.:: souI
is thc piano with its m.,,}' ch<lflls, The an>;, .. "'"
h.nd 1' nu.,hi"g th .. ,. ,I-.:u ley. S<'tS ,he >uI
lilnting 3lJn)O,,:o:ic:lII--:
Kandinslr ,,-os thi"r bcfore he began 10
p.in' .nd }'" b"c.mc 'lIlc of ,hc moO' ,.igin.1
.nd innuc::nti.1 anistS of thc 'wcn,i",h ttntu'r.
In 1901 he IL,I 'n m",",,"'n' in
,'lunich CiDcd l'h.J.nx. lI",h schm l .nd.
i, fr' )O":tn =<k:,,'J---
domin. ",d "' wo.-Id.
K.ndinslr h.d long_,cnn ,cla,ionship
wi,h 'lile of ,he Ph.J.nx studm. G.h.- icle
,'lun'e::.-, whose l'ision .ml "-'I""imen""ion
innucnttd hi< strle d"m.,ic.llr. Up 'o ,hc
oud",,,,k uf "''l' in 1914. whm K:tndin,ky h.d
'o le'l'e Ge'm.ny. ,'lun,e, ""!S p,e<e", .,
""ci.1 mO"lOnts in his C","<'I': his filS' .b",.,,,,
I"in,ing, .nd ,hc of ,hc Exp,essillni"
!NI' 81_ R,u,. (lIIue Ridc') g.-oup wi,h Ji,.,nz
M.,c (1880---1916), Shc led him 10 :tn
app,eei:t,jon of ehild .n. whieh K.ndinsk--
ofl'e::.-"I:t <k:<-l' >I,;,i,ual unde",unding
through which all hum.nkind migh' gmw.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
lmpression '; (19 11) br Was,ilr
IVl1uJimkyi- rry/, t..".,./m,, M ,b, __
"f'T'"",,,,iooaJ prO!'"';" O<Km and ,o/OUT, UJ,
ro 'X'f''''' ,b, ul/ nlllg' O b ,",,"ori,,, "motiom
and imaginatiM
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Cbur.
""gil",." a
mltral painu,-
Family mot', ro
Sdr.::ar.:/m-g (""ti>
T,.",..h '" Ro,""
Mila", Imi""
N"pI" "lid
No",,, finally
jolnI Sr LtltaT
A altN1I1j. I{'I,"'
Mo,-,.,. al EngllVld.
marri,s Antonio
Zllrrbi. a Jhu,;""
painur ""rl:ing
,::itb ,b. Adam
F(Junbr ,",,"Iv,.
al /"ndon I R.Jyal
R"""", t. run
ma:=[ul r1luli" in
Di" in """,
hmily of Feruin""d IV (/7SJ)
An ",",,, .. dillllrily larg< painring in t::bim ,b. r"1"/ "mi/y o!Sidly and
Naph "pp<ar lifrriu, !xmd agaillSt a landrrap< r",bff tban ,b. rieh inurjo.- "
a pd",. Bringingtbildrm upin ,b. fr"dom and h<auryo rtlral mrrowuJingr
jr a njlmion o[lb. pbil<NJpby "IJ,,,n-]iIC'Iuu Rotlmau
ngdiC. Kauffillann "' .... a I",,(""'o>n:ll Im;,j lo ""',he "ife ofthe Engli>h
" non'n in ,he 'gc of ,he :I",,'''."ur and Al1lb:l<S3.,k" in H . ..,"". s"" I"",,,<I numCmUS
<he nJ cho.llrnge seriou,I)",he m.le I'0nn.i,s in he, fi,st J'ca, - One si'tt:, "''''' me
d,. "ina,iofl of histo,y I"inting. Dc::'1,i!t: llL"ing famous acto, .nd ,he:!"e m.nage" ])a,'id
ha",,1 m." drl",ing ,1><: m.le "",Ic_ ')f) ",lch thc Ca"ick _ until she h.d 'ufF'icient fimds 10 huy
"'mt:nti')f)s uf hi,,,. )" I'.inting n:,tt:d _ shc hc, own house and muld 'urn lO histo,)"
und", ... ",,, S<"'I"",I J'carS of in ltaly I'.in,ing. P'O"lOt<,j by Joshu' RL")'nolds,
Kauffm'nn became , fOlmder membe, of
A< a child pmdig)". Kaufr,,"nn 'po"" L')f)d",,'s Ro)" .. 1 Acad{"m)" of An, contribu ,ing
langu:tges, 1'1a)",,1 music. nd al><",:: all ,hc coukl no fi::wer ,han fou, da,;siCiI C<lO"I',>s itioh$.
her fi,st m"u"i",ion"j "" . l Zofran)" 1" intI:d 711. AwJm,;aa"'"f,b. Royal
.. ,he age of 'wel,t:. She 'rl"eDed widel)" ",ith AewJmry in 1772 lO m"u"e,mr.tt: ,1><: o",,,si,,,,.
he, fa,her, filling in the b:u::kgruunds nJ his 1,,,,,iCiIl)", i, .. "" dt:cid,,1 th., ,1><: "lCmherS we n:
mUrlls. Sh., "mtinu<,j lO m::..::i,,, "",u"iS"0h$ lO be a'rlngt:d a"'und, nude male model. so in
ami estt bl i,hed. "'I", ,.tion in her ,,,,'n ,.,k:, nJ indude ,1><: 'wo w,."en aCi,k,,,ici'ns _
following ,he NeoclassiC"!1 examl'le uf ,he ,\la,)" ,\1ose, and K.ufr",'nn _ ZofEtny
Cerman I'.in'cr ,\1enp.
EJi>.:.lbrth 1hrtler Il ennione in A Wi"u,.. .. T,,/, (e./ITO)
E1i=<llNtb /-I l1rrlry U"'- ,,,,, . lb. ,"o" e&hr"ud actr.""",, lb. Llkldon "ag',
and 'P"iali;:rd in tragie Sba'P'arian bt't"Ond. Mujfminln ,"lIk" tb< ,"",t
ofb.r Itriking rro bait-, Imt u'i,bom a bim . ,b< ellll1pJ.xion ,bat /-Iarrlry
b""lf d=rib<d grapbiCllUy III 'fr<dl.d al a tlJlld', b<1Iy"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in
Ballmgarun. J''''
o[ a gold "'K"" '''-
Enrou at &bool"1
ATo and e,.a/",
PoiT", t"/lri"",
c(J,"mirriOTl! for
uih'''and ,"'mur
and brotb,r
B""",,, jirrt
Chairman "
V;",,,,, &",rion
W;", gdd ""JI
al U",/d', Fa",
Vi,;" R,,' .. rnrlll
r-da for
By::arllin. "'(FIlia
Rmgm from
S:",ion, 1Jro,""
JI'<.o-hb.:f, rr.aUf
lb. Sn.clct friel./:
in Bru.uIT
Poi""Th/: Kiss
Piro pri=:L '"
"'""",;""" Ar'
&bihi,ion, Iill""
Di 01 pn",,,,onia
afura J1fllJ... in
J udith 11 (d",,;f) (/909)
Th< 'Kunsrxball' marl:<d Kli"", ullnbip "a nru
",,,t"'"m!, afur a iJ-puu ,;:,b ,b, S."xionim.
Judith 11 i, in ,b, J"gmdsril (C,,,,"an arr 1Ul"'",,"')
1/1"J, 1m, ,&m., "JI"' injl""'" fr"'" Scbi&',
drl1l;:ingf, ,::bi,b Klim' parly "ti",",,}
1cadingCXI'O. K"Jl'Of,,,tn<,lJ\.cau,"mng ",hieh he " ''''IS c,'crl"hing: And .hhough
\r"'nn' Se""ssjc.,i,u, Schiele I.,e, his own handling
Gu"", KI im' fn:'luently I","'oled b.' difli:: n: n' mcan<, he toO ""!S iml" ""'''! when
an,agoni"". TheEmpc:m,Frlnz)OM'phll",'cn he firs, 'a", Klim" s "o,k a' ,he 1908
fo.-hade hi, dri,'CrS 'o go 11<"" a ny sf.,,,ing 'Kun' .. <chau '. Klim' hclp,,1 ,he }"ungcr man
SectS,ionist an. The ""cetion, wt"I"C nO! n, c<'n,idcrlllly o,," ,1><: nen 'wo yca <S.
Klim". SLO"P' UO"< use of gold and Rp..1n,ino:: F:tr fmm Paris. K!im' 'l'em e,c,)' ,ummer a'
ornamenta,;on, hu, 10 ,he b"cly ron"".I,,! ,1><: Attt:,set: _ Ausrria's biggt:" !ale. ]-le hmd
emtici'm in his Ixt in';ngs. me bndsc:ipe in'l'iring, and "-",,1: of his l>es'
K!im" s cffe", on o,he, :!nisu .. "1< mo,e kro"TI ""rl; wen: Ixtim,,1 ,hen:, inch.J(ling Tb<
Ile himsclf had b<"n influ<:n""d by ,he IVIT. Klim"s won.s on ca", ...... en: C<. "lxtr1,;"dy
Swiss Hooller, who ,hc li::w, he n:g;,ded himself mon, OS 3
s:t};ng: '1 Io,'c his f""""es .. me fn:"I,." ... hich had hecn his prime ,n"tI: n, ,u"""ss.
Threc Agcs of\\'o"", ,, (/905)
Th< ,br ag<' r'f""_""ting lb_ ryd_ . 11ft an "' in a "a ol"'k',,, huM/u. Th<
,b",,,,k-,, al'< 1m"" d_1y rurroundd by uJhrting KI;,nr', in,"'"
in lb_ .. ima 01 miiTJ,io,"gr. A li"k ""arrb ""'ah lb_ rbap" jI(Ji1,ing
,b_ )'ltmg<r .:oman ",,,nhl_ ,oI""i" 01 INxtm'll, ,;:bil_ ,b_ old..- "'" nanM mnid
,b_ d""gaud pro"'""a iIDoaaud ,;:i,b tkatb ud d""'"l-iti""
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I SOJ-06
I f06-12
Bo.-n in Vi"ci, "",
ofa notar f",hff
"lid ",amm
Tum lo 1"." ,;:;,b
fatb<r in Norma
Apprm,icd lo
",,,Jio "1 J "",,mio,
,::itb GbirlaJUJio,
BiJlritini, PffilgiTI<J
am! di CmJi
BrnJ,"'I m",Jvrof
Sr Luk Guild
ErtabJi5b.r 01:.'11
mulia 7:.',b If,did
Mo,.,.,. la ,our, </
Du!< 01 Mil"n.
Pai"lT \r,rgin (JI'
,he Rods
Pai"n T hc L3St
SUI, lt ..
Tnn-,h lo
FIOrnlCl! "lid
R"""", lo
Norm", P"i"!T
,\ 10,,' Lis.aji.o-
h"naJ<ll tkl
Giocotloo 1m, k"p
Fr<ncb JjnK off=
parnmllg' in
Milan. I'ainrr
",vnJ \r,rgin uf
,hc Rooo
Trm .. d, lo papal
cow-t in R_,
R"im ro hnu:b
,our, in .'1",001"
Di" in Amboi"
Lo Snpiglim (150S)
A ddiea" 0</ r1udy. pn-bap Il l/aoorma, h",,,,,, IlT Tne Lady
... i," Di<!,,:,,dlcd 1 hi,
,b \r,nci "'ain"hsanani't:lnd
=ftsl1lan hu, '"lo" I".",,,d him,dr,
seim,i" os ",dI. lt is no' Im"",n ",h<TI:
he learn"j cngin",ring: he migh, e,"n ha,'e
'augh' himsclf ,he ,"'S of meehani"" ]-lis
notl:I..-..,ks re,"al me sU' p" ofhis or igin,li'y"",1
a n: fUlI of aquisi,e denil. E,"rything is in
1t"lian h<"CiU: uo""nlo laelul La,in, ",hieh
"",,, I" ("',hly an a(h'ant3gt: sino:: his "",k w"ls
mot<,1 in h" own n,her ,han ,hc
'c:tehing> of omer<.
No' a 11 idc:tS ",ere ,u"",,ful, I li,
eh, r!Ctl:riie de,;", of ifumata ('in ,he mannC'
of sm"le) depcndcd on si",,", "" refUl
modula';on uf lib"" and <hadc _ ,n Leofla"k,
s'rung eontr"iSt.< eonfUsed ,he ere -
whcrc:ts mcthods uf fresco I"in,ing
'<'lui",1 'apid wo .. k Ofl w<"t pla"cr, So
a nc", u . "I"", ,,,1 ,n I" ime ,he waO f, ...
Th<mSuP/'"' it nci,ho::r hcld me
I",in' "' ... 1 .... '''-''''-,1 i, fr"on ,mi'ture,
I la",e," r, ",ha, ,c)))ains of me fn:sco
,len"",,","" L<""""lo's al, ,,,,,eh nJ
R;,hcr man C hri an" ,he
al"",dos in a >tri<:t r"w, he groupcd mL,n ""runOy,
eleh gt:"uring in rc:t<:t;"n 10 O"" .. SI,. .... ''''nt
ma' ()f)c of th..", ",ould S<)(jfl hcr"'y him, Thc w.y
tha' ,he SI"'''' al" c:tr< lO ren:,1e bchind (J,ri"i;
""'-d "a da",i" "f pL"TSp<'Cti,,,.
U()f)a "lo is (JI)C uf ,he g n:atl: 1'" in,er< .))(1
mo" ,""a,ile gt:niu<es In hist<l'Y: ,he
.... "b<. limm' of ,hc Eur(1l<":t n Re"" i"",ne<: , 11 is
por,ieip"i(JI) in a dcb"c a' murt , he,,,,een
"l>resenn,i,'cs of ,he ans and seien"'s, is
rellOrtl:d admiringly 1' Va",ri: ' [hc] silcnc .... 1 thc
It":tm<,1 a nd u )f) foundc::d ,he li,'elie" in,dlc"' :
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
The \rorgin C hild with St Anne (c. 15 W)
711< rt""," "hfr from ,k kiNI 0[51 Ann. d"-"n tbrougb ,br"
:m,.,-atNIJ in an intrrau n::irting manna .h"","n ... ""nI""I' '''''''
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 290(')
/1 / 9
/ 125(')
/ 11 / _12
/ 117_J9
Bo.-n in Sima,
y...,ng"'- brollm- o[
lb. anirt PinTo
R(KJ<d a, Iit-ing
in Sima
PainlJ fr=-[o.-
,b,,!,," rou" o[S.
Fl7ln,,>ro, Si"'a
Enurr lb, ,,,,ild
a' Florrn"
Pain" fr'"'''' in
,b, Pa/a=o
Di" o[ ,b, pJagl
in Sima
The Life of S.in, Nichol
(J"ail) (c.lJJ2)
AI hirbop o[ Myl7l, S, Nitb!/a, ir ,hat:.'"
"" .. ing lb, "" .. '" [ro", ["min. by mira""o""'y
Jryingand mllltiplying ,b, tach o[t:.-bw ,bar
blMl [all", intu tb, "ti
he'C an: Il:w hard El"", .00llt
Amb"'gio lt .. "".<\, liLdJ'
th .. he ","", a l'''l'i l of Duccio. n'gnhe,
wim h .. h,n, ho::, and ho:: is Imown n,
h.,.: 1" id "' le,,,, ,wo cxt",,,hl '";ts lO ]010"'''''''
fr(. " h .. "'",,1: in Si<:n1. Ile ".,,, dca, ly familiar
no' onlr ,,,h thc " OB (Jf Giotto bu, al<o:, ,h:1t (jf
Giono's 11orcnt;"" 'u""""",,,,, and hc is
""min Si<:""", inllu<"Iltt:s (Ifl ,ho::
a" of I'.rtirubrlr in the arca (jf ,.,,,11
de",, ;onall';"" "''''
Bo,h Arnh<ogio and l'iClto n:nd towa, ds
n., rH;,e , a,hc' ,h'n dccora,;,c wo, k, .nd
Amh"'gio - ,he more in,"",i", of mc 'W(j _ is
he .. _known his freseo"s in ,he gtand eouncil
eh.mher of Sim . dcaling wi,h ,hm,cs (jf W)(. l
and h.d w""rnm"'" and ,hcir cfll:"", ()fl b"t h
ur""n and rurallife. 11 .. dcligh,ful <rencs. n:
"'am"1I:d wim inci<k:nt .nd .n:hi,eClural
The)' an: ,hc rrr .. I'.no"'mic "i<:ws uf town and
cou,,")' sin"" das.ical timcs. and dC'nln .. "ItC
,ho:: n: ""rbhlc cun,,,,l of s"""run: . sl"ee and
achic",d in I ti n I',inting a' ,his ,imc.
""im Ambrogio:lS an "I.an<"d "' ... "'.
ln.: L, n: nzctti ho::ot hcrs Io,th dit:d in mc
gt .... J, I'I.guc ofl 348 . ...-hieh killo::d 'wo ... thi,ds uf
,ho:: 1"1, uhtion of Sien' . indu(ling g"''' ,,"nr
(jf ,hc a"<1""'"1<).
TIte Effects ofC.oooJ Go ... er nmo::nl in Ihe Cill' (J""if) (1117_J9)
n,iJ J""il affortb a glim!= o[ "JI!ryJ", lift in " t:.V!II _g"'-,nuJ "ty. M", Qnd
tr"m'" riJ, arout on m,-,,/mck, a 'bop rtlltUJJ op'" [/Ir ln"itU" and il1l
i",.,-",jng ""nion o[lb, t""'" arcbi,mur, , r,,,al,J, fiJl o[lmttkmm" and
boleoni,,- Altrougb Sin'" ri:",U,d Flor"',, in pr"'f'"ity at tb. tim, o[
p"iming, it i, prolmbly a" iJ<aJiuJ "pr"mta,illil ro con"."" ,:.-irb lb, '1mJ
g"'"""'"''''' [r.Jl1J in tb, """' ,ba"br. ,hatring a dty J"'artll"J by ["min.
lUId m"",Urr [allingfr.- ,b. 'ry
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 887
/ 90f
/ 906
/ 907
/ 90S
/ 909
/ 9 / 0
/ 9/1
/ 9/ 2
/ 9/1
/ 9 /4
Bo.-n in IJ,xb.,.,
ron"/ ti cn .. iI
Srum" ar' al
V",, Ita/y.
Anrod, Bia/in
,,,,bibi!.,,, in
Vi,;" B,lgil,,",
N"b..-Ia",J, and
Vi":,, Par;',
' mpr",.miITI.
M",.,.,. lo B<rlln,
mm,,, untkr
Vi,;" uzlyand
Mllm" EJifllh<,b
Mare. ]m::kml:y
and K","Jimryin
Dc.- Rhuc Rei""
MUIJ Enm and
KI in B(J,m
Vi,;tI DdilU""yin
Par;' '!:.,,b Marr
Binb <f ron
JI'''''JK''''K in Bonn.
Vi,;, from
V",, Tuniri" t."i,b
/(1. Dj" in /mtrl<
Pie rrot (/ 9/J)
A],b<JUgb gmmuly Flltlt'ist in bi, ","'uing and Cuhi" in fixm, 111...-,1-,.
bad niJI y" bad "m, ro aNmilau /lO ,k "jiu",,,, k biNl ", .. u"u,..
during bi, In"' rir pan- ", Il poinl"
uguS'C Macle "' .. s lud)" cnough t() I'articularly s}"lll'"he,ic lO ,he
mjo)" financial s<"CUri'r. and ,..aS .. I,..ay< ha,monics of ,he O'l'hic Cubi" Delaunay.
ITtt tu "udy and ,r,,el. I le als" Vin .... 1 '\\"cke nlOk an indel'endcn, line wi,h the atl
,he p"ron'ge of his ,..iks unde. Ikmha, d "fhis ,ime. I li. inll:""" wCTe figu",ti,e n"' .....
Kochle,. in ,e'um fo, a(],ising him on hi. m}sticol . u<ing bo-igh, colo", in bn,.d outlin .... 1
>r,c"lI",tion. a, <::IS . nd avin". multic"lour .... 1
,\ladee fir$t S3,.. Imprcssioni" p.in,ings in mo,.,icin the"rleofDcbunay.
Pa, is in 1907. The ... in ,\ l unich in 1909. he m"" On E ... "" ,\lon(by. 1914. KI<"t: ""d ,\ ladc
Kan.Hns ky .nd ,\ b,c. of ,he a, rin,1 in the Tunisi"" ,ill.ge (jf Sidi Roo S!.
Exp",,,ioni,, group i"Nr Bl au. f{.iur (RI uC ,\ lacle sl .... ch,, the ou,,"de of a cofe befo.e ,hey
Rid ..... ) ""d wotled wi,h ,hem lO 1''''1''''' ,he hurried on elscwh"", . Si .. mO(l ,hs b ll: ' he,..as
.Iman.c firS' exhibi,ion. fL'" kill .... 1 in ""tion. I lis frie",1 ,\la", _ who would
-ea, s. ,hrough f-quen' 1t.",1 and pe, sonal mtt' ,he Ume fue 'wo -carS (Ifl _ w,n, e ,his
"'n':t<1S. ,\ lade h.d cn"'WltCTed e,c,)" m'o, ."il:ll"" .\ \ " p.in,<1"S Imo,.. .. he V,c a br ib<h' .....
modern a" o"""",en!: ,he F,cn<h Fa",e. .nd pure, sound 'o ",l o", ,han an}' (jf
(i,..,luding '\\21 isse). the Cuhi'11l lIS, he V,c i, ,he d.d,)" and bo-igh'ncss (jf hi.
R"'que. ""d ,hc Itali.n Fu'uristS. I le was
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Womm in (/91 J)
Painud a! Ld:, Thun in S"'ir .. ,,land. ,biT f"mo'" picttlr, ,b",::, a parriculnr/y
'''l5itit-, tmd baT"rnoni"", arTUng,,"m' of fix'" and "Jmr. 1, i, ",,,,in ,bar
Maa, """,Id ba,., """In, a ,,"am-aITir1 ifb< bad rnn.-it-ro. A.- Marr raid:
'JI", biJ frimdr, "., hu," "'ba' mani" ,biJ man of gmtl' UfT"/y b." in bim. '
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in
ron ola 'ail ...
1\lo,b.r comm,
SrudS" al
AauJimi. tkr
Bru=/r, iNcom,r
wIRm"cia/ arci"
Maro" GfiTgm,
B<rp. Impirro by
Cbiri,o'J T he
Song of Lm'c
MUD" DadaS""
"'or}n:,'i,b Arp,
Sdn::if"n, T""ra
and Man {{ay
PaintJ Thc Lo"
in Pnma,
'"UD" Ernn, lJali,
B ,mm andEl"" ni
{{mu7IJ lo
Bru=/r. Stunalirr
,bat.." in Pari"
l.""don. NnI! )0'*
Cbang" paSnfing
JryI" 1m! rr..",D"
rycln in Krwkh_
/, _Zu, and
{{m!J'f"ctit, a'
Muy"m 01
Motkm AY!, Nn"
B'gi", "ulpmm </
Di" 01 panoufr
,anar in Br"",/r
Fan,om:.s po<'cr (1925')
Tb, ParI!Uma, Ap=ciacian Soci''Y "''''1",,,,00} by
,b, at"anl_ganJ, p!Xl Apollinam in 1912. {{mi
Magn'" and bi, brolb..- Pau/ ,bar.d " p=ian for
,bdian!O,"", fibm, ,h<n::n in 19 /J and 1914 and
ba"d "" lb, "",,Ir by and Allain. Tb.
jiccionaJ <r;",;naJ brol,", a "J"re, .Iimpira!ian for
\Jagri,,, and ';m J11gg<"ro bit cboj" ol,i,l,r
nl'le mO" of h .. fdlo", Surreal"ts
Rcn ,\1:tgrntc 'n
una5$wllIng, .... ther dulll,fcs'J le n'le
docs ,hc c,i,k:nce of our """n cJ'es
mL-an an)""" n: ?
Hut Magrittc ""ill not let us dodge ,his
lo""pmfile ,,"JS his "'''rof ensuring tha' he m.... ()I),laugh" nor allo"" :lnr sit ... ,ion 10 ", main
""i,h as li"le in'etfcn:nct: as p"",ible ""hilst blindlr a=I" "'1. I lc "'.nipula",s tin'le, sc:tle
conct:nrr.,ing (1) ,he Surrc:tli" n,k of 'b.rring .nd ,ie""I.,in' "1'C3 ",dl). Ile 'urns night into
fmm J"ur mind all n: nl<mbo-anct: uf ""h., J'(JU d'r. Il c ofl"crS mirmr im.gt:s ,h., sho"" the
h,,'c "n, .nd hcing alM)'S (JI) the n:",rSe of ""ha, ..-c CXl"'ct 10 "-"'. Ile <:rea,cs
""h., has nncr 1",,,,, ' . ,isttS ""(JUgh ""in,k,,,, fi-amcs jU_<laposed ""ith
T he rricLs puns l><csen,,,,1 in M'h"i'tl:'s <"nva",s, 'uggt:,ting thc uf finding
p.intings communica'e on a b'cl ,h., rc.lit)' through ,he A.,
C(JI) 'cml. ' .... '1 ,ie""crS undcrSnnd "''1' ""dI. ,utf.ct: uf . picturc: J' .... ,he ,'ie..-er muS! see th.,
We Imo"" th., ,hing< an: no' al"'''J"< ""h., ,h<y it's 1" inted. 'b"rJ"hing '"'c "-'" ldes
se",,, bcc:tuse ""e are ,uLected dailr 10 another thing, wc al"'''J"< "'''n' n, s.,,, ""h., is
,hOUS3 nds of Il'ledi._gmerl ",d im.ges. \Vh., hi,klm br ""h., ""e "-,,, .'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
TIte 1 ""1'f'Y Donor (/966)
Magriru 1::a, ah::ap ",,,,,ioo, tb", tbingy b a ' ~ a /ip rid< n-m mor, fUno",
,ban ,lvir facad<. In onl.,. li' rmd<r rb, 'dar}' Jid< ,.iJibk, "".,-al of
Magrinrurring m""ft ar< arrrmbl, bu.: """'I,,,ba"' Mr A1'<rag<, tb,
m,"'dio'" Otrhll (,::i,b aItoci",<d cbYJ imtI tb, n'oc",;'" bol= '" r.::iligbt_
Bngfool, al"'"" '" ro 'cbifi otlr ga::" '" rlv pbilOJopbn u"m "r,,", t.
n'mnmlly '" rbingT for 1::bat tbry uaDy ar. by ,uing ",bat ,b'Y ually arm 't
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in /(jrJ,
ron "1 Q fiXrory
Srum" al /(iro
SdJooI "IAn
In M""OIr, "l<Ili"
CuJ,ism and
iJ<'igm un muJ
CI,m,,"" f"'"
\r,C!o.y (JI'LT
,he Sun
Exhibir> ,::irb
Tatlin 11m! Po"""a
in T,,,,,,...::ay V'
and IIlack
S'lU1rl: a' '(j. /(J'
PainlT \Vhitc On
UacM al V,,,"'d:
.'In 11151,"'''
\\'orld os 1>1<..'-
V,silI QlId ",hibi"
in Jlnnat.7and
B.,-lin. Mm, Arp,
GaN, iL
Corbwi<r alld
Sd",un. V;":,,
""b,, al Ki",
S",,, .'Ir' Insriruu
Di" "1 cm'a.- in
Lmingrad (""'"
SI P",,,lmrg)
Thrtt Li ttl" Girls (1928_J2)
A},biJilgb painmJ in lb, pujad </ Socia/in R,aJ;,m impau by SUllin.
lb", ,btu figur" <cm, lb. dd Supr,,"atirr formaliti,s "nd '""1 al", "frr
dirtly!Nxk '""'" </ Mal" .. icb', ,arl;", ""rh, lb, 1'1""cr Cid" 19M
as;,nir ,\1abich ,lid no' ""ribute anJ'
use: Or I''''l)(.<\c tu "n .nd it his
bdicf ,h:u arti,,,, ,hould be ,piri'U:lII)'
ind'l,,,,,d,,,,, in ,,,,Icr n, Sttning ",ith
simple d", ... ings, h" gt',. "crrie "lU:l "', eross
and reenngle ",e", in,ended '" sho ... ,hc
'sup(em.<)' of M:tic,'ieh ini,i:t,ed
SUI"",,,.,i,m in 191 J ",i,h his sc'" :tnd ""'umO"
f, ,, the Fu,urist '11<.,.a Fi,,"')' ",-.,- lb. S,m,
",hieh One of,he h""kcl,. hs "'"iS' hl.do .nd
",hi,c "lU:lre. lIe 6n.ur exhibi,,,1 ,he i"mie
Bina s."""., ,hc '0.10' ,ho", in Pctrog",d in
1915. Thrcc }'ur< I.,er, he p'odueed his
f.mou< Wbi" on Wbi", .dding m}'"ie
'nnoun""m""" '1 h"" emcrgt'd in'o ",hi,c.
&sidc me, eonlrldc pi lo", ... s",im! Tbc f",e
... hi,c Sc:I , infini,}", lie< hcforc }'ou.
This S'a,emen' .n,ieip"ed "'inim.li'm by
6f,}" )" .r<.
P,"".re",lu,ion, ,hc }'oung S",;e, Union
sccmed fcr,ilc ground Ii" .niSls, .nd
Sup"'ma,i'm bccame ,hc SIrle Ii"
fmm 61m poster< '" "" .. mie< .nd ,extiles.
,\tob'ieh,. man ,,(gr'''' eh.n" and. brilli"",
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
<pe.ker, hdd tc.ching ],,)Sts in ,'a,;ous
in<ti'u,jons and ,,",-< ",,,de Cuntor ..
,he 1("",lin.
Hu' bcyond ,he "arly 19!CIs. ,he Sto,,,
tightcn<>] ts gril' and dccn:cd ,ha, ,he arrs
should glo,ify and s .. cial ideal<.
01"",,,,,,<1 and marginaliz.cd _ ",Cn arrcstcd
"oce _ Mab'ich ,...,eh,,] ... hi!c Stllin ;"'I. ,,,,d
Sociali" RcalisJ11 In 1931 . nd I"nishcd
ndependen, .n l1l(lll'I11CnlS fi-Olll wh., h.d
bttn ,he world's """" I'"Jgrcssi", enuntry
11".lcm al",,,,,, ano
SUl'rcnuti st Composition (/915)
An ''''''1/pI_ o[ rb. m-aigbtfort'ard ",,"binar;'" o[ g",,,,n,-ical &'""'''
,ba' ,ual" .. icb pain,, "'n.'"" lb. um'/ing oSup,u",,,i,," in 191 j
muI lb. 'Wbi"an IVbi,,' ,.,-i" <! 1917_18. If.ba,imnxltl"d ",I<JtIT; a
ud ,riangk app"'rT, rmang/" broJm, 'ra!,,"''''''' and ,b". ir Itrong
',"pbaJ,.n ,b. diaf!f'rIIll
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Par;', Ji'"
o[ a judg<
Srudi" in Parir
tmtkr C""",,",,
Trtr.'.h ,;:iddy
Binb </ [",b,,"',
ilkri"m,," ....,
,l/u,,- iJ,,/uroir
Muo- &udd"i,..
Pim painring
"Ine Ahsirnhc
Murr /)"ga'
Mam" Suz""",
l.nboff, Lion',
,"",b". Exhibirr
Djcwler 'ur
Exhib". 01)"111';'
il/un- Ci::"",,,
"ud M"w
\fu". &rtb.
S",," in Nlltimal
Exhibir> "Ine
Sein" .,

AI::ard<d L'giun"1
Exhib" llar
Ikrgercs ", Salm
L_K Ilmputa,,'
Di""ll)'pbi/iJ in
LoL:. de \'.ole ne<: (1862)
LoJa ti. liz/""" ,,'/l' ,I!. kad dan=- in" m",!"
fum '\/adrid,;:bo pnfixmd Il' ,b. Por"
IJallpbi", during lb. ""m"" """'" . 1 862
douard M.ne' "' .... a
"'Jlll lln"';"n "f ,he ",,,,lutj(lfl'u)" :lni"
... h" =,-,-,1 "f1'cial gold med.l" ,he
<lchon.i, m.n_.bou'_'o",n who uscd
>l.ng: .nd ,h" lih<:r.1 who .'''nted n)
go home 'o ,he c,. nfo,roble consLTl'",i,'c
life,,}'le lO ",hich he "",,, .ce"'''Jln'''1. 11<: "",,,
h.nd,.lOl ,c, ",in}' "nd genc",'" lO fri"r-.k wl>:)
indu,k:d R"udchire .nd Zob. And he lo",h,,1
,he hJl'ocri<J' of pe'1, Ie like hi< o",n f.,he"
pillo, of ,he lepl csto.hlis hmcn' wi,h "n
ilk-gitim"" "Jn, ",ho ., "'.1ne, m"ITi,,1
himsclf, o,",c his f.ther ".,,, ,k:"d.
He "",, One of ,he gcne""jon reguhrl}'
cxclud<,1 from ,h" P",i< S"lon. Rcj'''''ed fo,
both ''J'le . nd COn'en' , ,h" litmou,l}'
OJympia and Dii""'<r rtlr L'H<r1v
end<,1 up in the S"lon ,k:. Rduss, ahhough
re.lI}' h.d n<. "nticil"'ed ,he 1"""'" uf
o pinioll 'h",inst him. ":1, as fa, as hi<
P<",s "ere c'lOl ccmcd, Dij""ur m",kcd ,h"
dawn of ,\hne,'s
sixlrcnth..::m'ury engr"ing of. lo"
d ... wing by Raphacl, <::t1l,,1 7N JIlllK'mm, o[
Par;'. RJ' re in,crp,c,ing ,h" wo,l of "
R""aissance m.stc" ,\ ,,",s q""sti' lOl ing th"
I"J<sibili,}' of h<:li<:f in "nJ"hing one once
,rust,,1. ' Ini, p,in,ing "",,, thc J" "'
"flr' ,he dca,h uf M.1ne,s Enhcr, ",!lO "",,, bo, h
a judge "nd.n aduhr' ......
IIJ' 1874 ,\ ""ut:t tion ". cxp<"filllcn'al
",ti" "nd lcad", of th" I ,,",s finnl}'
e,roblished. 'Ine C.1i' G uc,bois, nu, his
R"ignolb sttJ,lio, 1.oo::":lIne ,he pbCt:
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
fo,- ,\Iontl, Renoi r, Si , ley, Dcg-... and Pi, ro
and .lthough "'ane, p, e,idcd ""e' ,hem
, egularl)', he would no' p,,,i61>1'e in ,hei,
exhi hi,ion<. 11<: ehose in<",.d nJ mnain Orused
on ,he Sal,." whieh he Cllled troc fdd "f
'a"Ie' . I lis ">1in influ,-",cr. had al,..,,)'< h<..::n ,he
SI'.nish p.in'crs Vcl:.o"luCir. and Goy,,", hUI it
during ,his ,ime - when he aCbJall)' went
p.in,ing m pI';n alr ;'(Mn ,\ Ion"", bOl' "udi" _
,ha' he Clml: el,.,;,:" 'o ,he Imp .. "",i,., i" ,,)'Ie,
Di euner sur L'I krk (/86J)
711. ",,,,"an'r bdd rtilT< cbilUmg" lb. /l1!J c<K'arning b.,. rIilhd pr""'" and
,bill . ro. o,b.,. "'uman (1I1i".d "',bing and 1I1llIiry . : .,.. ilkgaf) . /1 bar h<m
rugg""d ,ba' ,h< fa" ir Ibal . ,l/amI', ,"otkl Jlicrorim M",rm" 1m, ,bal ,k
oody h<kmgr ro S""mu L""IroJj: 1I1Olb.,. "fbir baif-brorb" Imd rbor,1y lO k
bi,,";fo, Tb. anH"pim)'ing mm a" S""anm', brOlIm- FmJirlilnO, il rmlpwr,
and Mam' J br.,b.,. in an 'arn'rtic' foz. Tb. bulljincb _
"".,.b.ad _ ""/ll' a ""pular CIId r<mgbird in Parir al Iba' tim., p<rbapr lb.
'igbl . "m '" lilm-ry aMr '''lra rignificalla lo lb. JUm
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
14 JO
, .. ,
, .. ,
u nl
B()rn in Ud. di
Canuro, "'" </ a
Apprm!i" ro
h","" iM/opti:.,
W..-h ,;:i,b
"ulprnr /Joon"U(J

Par"u fr=ar for
Cburm "1 lb.
Er"",'u,,,i, Padl'"
Mam" Niro/<Jria
"51N' </
anin Gj(mmni
BrnJ,"'I COi'"
pai"",- ro
Par"" fr=af for
CamITa deg]i
Sp("; a' PaJ""""
,"omunn",,1 ",.i"
Ti-Wlll'" uf
PaiTtrJ in
1,,,,',,,,, B./,.tk"
Paiu" ,\
ddl. \r,,,ori:l
Dj" in MIl"'u"
Lwlovioo Grrtting 1 lis Son Goniin.:. 1 Frmcesro Gon1::lll"
(dmil) (1471_74)
Th< [m" in ,b. C. m'"'' Sposi (bridal ,bilmhff) _,b. dJuaJ pala" in
Mil",ua iIY' rrriJng <"il1l1pl""ff',,,mb-c<nrut] iUUJio,,;,m
hcn Andrca ,'lantegn. ,..aS"
Jumg m'n, ,hITe w.s hugc ho:"ntt:wo.-!",I"'''''''I''''-"Jlti"".
in.""", .ruund the nnnh It.lian ,\ lan,cgna'< m.jo, slill lar in his uSC of
dI}' <lf P.du. in ,he colkcrjon .nd studr <lf illusionist I'crSl'ccri,'e 1.o,h fo ,
Rom.n.mi'lui'ilS.M.mcgn.ln ...... m.nrof'he "",ion and l",dground sccne,y. Thc p,ime
uni"'rSi'r and .n,i'lu.ri.n< .... J in is his f",sco l'"in,ing in me Cil"'"il
,his ",ork .nd ",h", he lc:im .... 1 frOI11 mCI11 he tkgli ";1''''':. M.n''''' .... hich insp" .... 1 .nd
f""Ud"ly ,.,m"luttd mmugh his.n Co,-," ggio .nd ,he wo,-k of mc ma"crS.
In turn. ruS l'.inting< Ji:...1. gmwing in","",,, in The S,Zrn".lt:t'p<:tt in \hon:t is.nom", fine
,he of da5<iC11 ThnJuh<hout his eDmple. The sp",i.1 construe,i"n of ,he
C1""-,. he m.de fn:..qucnt "-{...,..,,,,,,,,u R","arK'}ic I",in'ed hall in which ,he is displ.J, .... 1
assh'''''n "im C.C<1' himsclfin me .,'c fits me .CbJ.1 f'rame. ",hich itsclf simul. "'s me
sui",. me Triu"'pb <!C",-,.,r. ,\ lann:gna's fro,-" of a
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
"!(,ge,"", "i,h his b",ther-in_b", GiOl'anni
Be llini , Man,egn. " ... !:trgdr 'c>ponsi!>le ~ "
,preiding ,he ideiS "f ,he e.rlr R'miss.n"" in
no,mern ha!r. No, ()n!r ",<."re his p.in,ings
highlr "'p"I,,1, his "'gra,'ings also ,.. 011 ,he
a,hni", ton of Drer.
\ Vhen he dio::d in ,\ !:tn'U1 in 1506, ,\ !:tnt<:gn.
,,,,,ci,'''! the "' ''' hOIl()ur of h"'ing a funerll
ch' pd d"lic1,,,1 10 him in ,he church
ofS.n,And", .
UMnento,ion ",'c. the o . , . ~ d Chri st (,.1490)
Munugna ba> frill,,,d tbi, '""finro 'Pa" in u """Y,ba! arcbiucturally
d,ji"', ir ""b< ,,11 "[a m"IX"'; antl, lrurud ", b, "' ..... in lb< rrudy a[
dameal mo(M" b< am:ry' un imprmn" ,,"'J<t"ity ,-"irb b Cbrirr jigu",
HE '"""""y" o.."bonming al", mmu, ,bat ,-"ba""'" ,b, angl' "
apprOtlcb, lb, ,.,"'""" uliU1mUn tb, pi.,."d [m. 711, draxri" ilr'
5barply d'fin,tI, pain"d - ir i, ",id _[rom Manugll mOO<l,.[ foJdd
puxr and g"'m",d [abri,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
11/ 4
Bo.-n in Sima, JO'"
Vi,;" A";g,wn
Painlf ,\ 1aCStl in
PaJ""w PuhbJi,o,
Vi,;" Naplu
Painn polyptycb
for d"'reb in Pi",
;\1arri" e."-,,,,,,,,
di Filipputcio
PainlJ "'IVIy
,burro ud
"'_' I"u,.
Annun<=a,io01 for
Sima Ciltb.dral
,::itb Lipp"
S",I" in At'K"'''''
!He","" frimd .
Di" in At-ign'"
Angel Annunrution (;/",';f) (1 JJi)
Th< fl/'Itkr, ar' j, ,,'dm, b"., JlTihing tb.llng,1)-
t:.vrd, rilO tb. mllft ka[ iNxJ:grOUlul JV,tb no
tlrTmry /aL.", pr<",ionaJ goJdlNllurrcould g"
0/-'" (JIU b,mdud kll:-" (8. 5"" "I'Ul1") .lIt 0[11
ringl< dual'. ,,. goJd Colrl . ,",dincal ItaJy
i,m,," ,\ I.tnir t ,he 1"1,,1 coun in and dill wi'' Duttioand Amb.-ogio Lorenz.ctti.
Avigno", .ftcr 'ucccssful a"d ,,"ell lt is 1' ''''u''' .... 1 ,ha, Duce;" ,..a. ,\larti,,; 's
... arded lill:: in ,he ,""vice "f tel.ch<:r. Jle d",,,I'1,,-"<1 Durei,,'. Ir"'-tlnen. uf
inAuen,iall''''''ns. I lis surh ,h" h.: sp.ct: .nd ",Iwne . nd mastl:n:d the Gu. hic
h,d ,I , ..... dr d",..n ul" will . 'nd his gt:nCT,,, i'r SIrle so lI,iOi'ntlr th .. his "1,,,, .. ion spn:.d
and lo,,: his extended f'milr ,n: ele" fr Of)) 'CT'''' Eumpc. ,\ la, tini no" howe"". h:t,,,
,hc ,beum<"n'. lle waS much k,,,,] in n:tu,n. Dur<os inSlinct fo .. d"'m,tic n"",ti,c. llis
cspcci,IIJ b.. his wir.: ,..ho ' L""in"] skill waS aS , and in "'m"Jing <hc
in full ,oourning him. cleg"lnee of tichl)'""chd figu"" in gt'nd ::nings.
Inis 'Yl'e uf e,idmct: is <carct: fmm.h.: <he prtr.:ct Coun p.in.rt. ,\l.1 nini .1,
founem,h ct:ntu'}" 'nd. in Con,ra". ",.hing dirccted, ",,.. bhop in Sien'. undcr .. king
dctir,e is Imown uf ,\ 1.1 nini , life 1 J 15. o .. w,,.. k. surh as nd hrt,ldic
whcn he 1" inted 'nd sign<:d h .. Ma"'' in SiL"a. ,biccs. I lc was ""nSunun"e h'ndlL-r of dL ... il .
J udging frolll ,he importancc of ,his ,..hu ",uld as n:adilr I"in" n:aliSlic town.<C:t pc
commission. he was . In:.dr a diSlinguish .... J on ' w.1I as he ",uld illumin:tn: ... ingk: I"ge uf
p.inn:r. and 1""llol>lr "'g"lr<hl as "lual in "'nk his fricnd. ,hc I. ,e. I'ct",,,,h.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Soint Louis ofToulouse Crowning Robert of Anjou (/JI 7)
A oouhJ, coronarion ",}" plac" ,,'bil, UJi';' IX </ Pran" off"' bi,
",nbly ero"'" to bi, brotbff, M r,;';', tM Y < r ~ ' n of "';",bood. Man;n;'f
gr,a"" ,J:ilh 11ft' "n d;'play ",tb Itn:'b ros"""", a roat..,f.""",, larg'
'1"""';"" </ gdd ",f, a!ld JrJ1"' d",,, /""'fJ'f';,.,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/WI Bo.-n Tomma", di
Gi"'.'",,,,; di
Si,""", CIlidi, in
s'm Ciot'iumi
J1lldarTliJ, ..... </ a
/W6 Tkatboffatbn
/422 S",I" in FkJrma,
Corp,mm'on tI.g/;
/424 J"'''' Guild o[S,
LuJ:" rrum"
""a.r arehj,ut
/426-n PaiTtrJ fr'x(}S in
Bn"",,,a Cbll/"I
in Santa Maria
tI. C"min<,
/428 Trat.1r lo Ro,""
Di" lb,,",
M:.odonn.:.o Child "i,h S,oint Anne (/424)
ni> fIT""P te..,. a ro/laboran"" h<tt:WR Ma.'a,,'.
and MiNJlino. Tb. """p",iran ",k m"jor figu,""
,Iw!:.', tba! tbrt ".= M"",a-"" c"", .. ilmlo",. TIN
Mooi6lr1a) rgIl, JmupuJJ<tfon:ard tbrougb lb,
fabric<fb<Tdr=and tI!. band 'StA",,, urlm ro
"'1'I<U ,b, tI,!"b (J/,b, pimtr'-TfHK<' By rontroJ1,
Masoli",,', ""K'h ",,,ain r",1m- j/Ilf and /",/<, ';:;tb
rcarr,lynwugb rtrmgtb in ,br ,Imtkr blDulI ro
bold rb. ronaiR up "t ,k hac}
(.,"'''.''' " la,,,,,';,, I,'cd "hand_",_ (lisca<c. lns"'''l, he leh bchind. 1,,_lr of w(lrk
l1loUlh existenct: wi,h his widowed ,"" lile Giot ro's him, p,'e ro:w life 10
,m,hIT in l<lo<l::n"". Ilis I",SI dotltes weSlCrn art. Along ",i,h 'wo Flo,cn,ine
' e;id,,1 witlt tite I"",nbmlcr, and he <"uldn't "on''''''p0l"1ries, ,he a",hitI:et lI,undl/:<chi _
10 I"r his ""i,un' , who clt:ntu"llr ,ook ",ho t:t ugh' him l't"t'l'ttti,'e _ and ,Iv: srulp".
him 'o law. A ",,,,,,h f(. f",sJ, p"mnage mar D(.,a,eDo. ,\ "" aroo cmb"",,,1 tite of
ha,,/: httn whr ,\ Ia ... ""i" ,u(11""ly Itf, Ii':t, Rome human i'm rt/:,Dy. Il e 1'1"",,1 ,h/:
in 1418, 10 ,<:turn. Onc "' 1_'" 'I",,,l< of &lliblc indi,'id ... 1 antl ,hc ,<:al \Oiorld a' ,h/:
dc:ttlt by I",i'"ning. whilc CJthers sar h/: fdl ""ntrC of his ,'ision, tI,a",ing 'ubj<:crs !i-(. " lit;;:
,'ietim nI ,he plague. a,ound him r"hcr ,han !i-um "",die,,,1
,\1a=<:o "ould ha,'/: 1",,,,, jus' one of ,he m(.lds.
"" ... 'tI who ,trugglcd 10 ,u,,'i,'/: antl ,h"" In 1416, .. -hen his fo ,me, "ullabo'alO',
,'ani,h<,1 anon)'mousl)' ,hmugh conAiet o, Id, tite III"1""aro Chapd unfnish<,1
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
. nd ,,"cn' 10 lI ung"Y on o,he, hu,ine$<,
"'=roo n"Jl !he (JI'er. 111e frescoc.
,h .. he I"intl:d !hen: ,,"e n: not only gn: .. ly
supL"fio' nJ "'",olino's bu, m.y bc .. id 10
h,,c ,1:1,,<,1 !he Ren.i"",,,",c ,..i,h his
ma.tl: 'Y of I'=pecri,., and uhscrntion uf ligll' .
During a h, ie( Ca, ee" ,\b=cio
ga," Flon:ntine ... , !he di n:crioo i, n:qui n:d.
A Icg.<) .. hio R,:tnc.cci f, escoe. bc""me
,he adnowbll!"d ,nining seh,,,,1 of
gL-ncn,ion< ofFlon: ntinc p.intl:rS.
The Rcntlering of me Tribute Monq (J"uil) (I n6_27)
An .m.,tk ro," Mattbn;'r J'1"I- 711. tar ,o/Iroo.- a' lpn-n"',,,, rkma,,,h
pay",mt otM "",pi. !ar. luUJ' anrt:.", ir lO onl", P"n ro ,,,,eh a ji,b, and in
ir< ",o",b tbry ,::ill jind a ",iraUlo", rik"" ",in_ Hirwrilltlr Ivli',,-. ,bi, picrt,,-.
allurk lO a ,onrnr..-<nial Ulr rifo,," in Norma. Ma",,.-';' ,"ay ba'" ",llllkd
bim"lf a"'''''g ,b. gr""P o ap""lu, prmibJy ar St Tboma!, "" tb. rigbt. TM
ap""I" JUlnd in a d"ti"'t ,,,,,,i .. irrl., J<Jlidly ,mxJ.O.d in ,br GruJ...rryi.
ttmirr and doah Tb. landrt:l1p' in !b. batJ:gro"nd ir pain"d in xrfit!
p'rspror.u 1::ieh U<"N:" pi",,,! </ di"""" and 'M ligb, t'ny d.arly <oming
/ro'" olU ","r"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Born in U
Cal "UI _C "",brin"
ro" o[ a ;rain
Studi" la",
En"n ,tudio <{
Mor,,,u "t :B.o/.
ti" B,,,ur-Am,
Birrb <I'"ugb,,.,.
Maro" Amili.
Par""" ",,,,b.,- <!
,\Iarg,,,,.iu, tb'Y
1"",- b",', J Ir
Group ",,,",ti Les
Fomt:s 4'''"
,X'bibi,ion al tb.
SaJ.m da""',"'"
V",, N(J..,b Alric"
&cbangn f"'int-
ingr o::itb Pit=a
Vi,;" Rurria
;\1",.,.,- I'"'"""",1Iy
'" C(JI< J'A""r

J1I'X"Y, ""'" lo
/xoJ ilJu,rra,i""
!J.",iniam cbll/"I
al "'''''''/Mm, du
R"rmu, J ma
Di,.,- (JI"",," in
The App:orition (1874-76) b.' ('.u"",'c ,\ lo",.u
G""at', Mo",al< lb. ..... al" Parir arcbiuC1, hwl"" kM.,. al,11<
Sy",/xJim, Impiml by lb. fiftunrb."'nttlrJ lraliam, b. " . ..,-" r,,,rnr <f
baUuciTlllm'Y '-"<Jrltk ba,,' "ti "'y,bt "lid tI",,1If!. ;\fa,iN '1"'*' </ biJ
,,/Xb.,- atan i"jluma. alrbollgb lb. arr "",bJisI",,,,,,
di"'Pprm."t!d olbir ,""bod" 'H. did oo' "' '" "" ,Iv rigb! ruad" 1m, off
,bnn, H. di"'ubd ollT cumpla"'''y, ' Mor",,,', latj,b "" 01 paim gm'.
ri" lO "x:rur" ,ba! inrpir.d Ma,i" la'" d.,.",n,. te'.,.}
enri ,\la,isse .nd Pablo
sh"'ed anistic p,e_c minenct: and
I. 'pula,ity fo' l11uch (lf the twenriem
een'UI)". hu, ,hen: .. "lS huge difk,cnee
bcrwecn mem. Again" PiCi",O'S un,dcrlting
,\ la,i"", ,b'd<" ed slowlr a",1
mcthodieall r . and nncr set ou' 10 be
eon'""c,,".1. Ilc or<:e litmou<lr ",id he wi'h .... J
hi< aft n, be lile a'mehai, to n:bx
in ., ,he end uf. busr dar, lkhind me nude
d.neerS ""d ,iO! of {'(,Iour. ,\h,isse .. "1< 'n
UJlosh.m"t bourg<"is,
,\Iatsse n><>l e.rlr rr.ining f,om Gu<t:Il'<'
,\Io",au (1816-98) . ... ho ""{'(,urJ.g<,t
his "udenrs 10 'lue"ion and 10
:t<h'lnee thei, own opinio"', ,\ I:ni"", srudi"t the
"'orls of '\\:.one t. V.n Gogh and
a u nne. Then he cxplo,ed
Ilin,illi'l11 ,hmugh Signac, Hut it .. "1S fnJln
19O+-7 ,hat he gm 1Ogt:,he, with DerJ.in.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Still Li fe o f Fruit Bronz.e St:.otue (19 W) by ]-Ienri " t. tisse
,I/atir" aUo,::" tb, ((JoUTTaftlN" objrr ro ictar, tb, fiTllll "'mp",i,ion,
ll'ima. gJif-ngfrui" and brigbt urami" ,ap oUt from ,b, ,,,,,1 bkgriJUnd,
ar ,IN "'m, tna, ffmaining in"gral 'a tb, arrangnamt, Mar;"" rj:l,, in tlN
"". nn::1y in"",,, pigramrr and ,IN ffJIDrari"" . <oLM', pil!:.Yr
Vlami,..,l, IIra'JUe and othe' stu,lents, he had m'N"lperm.nmtly lO the e"", d'Amr,
10 cxpe,imen' in ,he vi,id c"lour< .nd his plcosurc in no1ting Ilf-igh' ' lfl 'O
euggen,,,1 SIrle ,ha, ""!S c.II,,1 Fam'ism. Cam'H culmina,ed in SOme of his 1110"
"'a,isse "a,-dled snu,h OnC ,;ummer wi,h su=ful wor L<.
De",in lO and ,ha, ,,'" where hc SrS'
had the i,lea 6" his Ixt in,ing Tht! Dan", while
wa,ching fj,hermcn dancing in ci,de on
,hc hC1Ch.
After ,hc Fames. ,'Ia,i>.'" hegan lO worl
wi,h h"ld", >hap'" and Sb"' lflg Ixt ncrn<. Onte
As .n old man , ,''',ic underwen'
abdominal surge,)", which Id, him qui'e
disahlcd. Undaunted, he <."n,e ",d J'e' anothe,
phas<: uf c",a,i,i,}" wi,h sjmplc co!our,,1 I"pc,
cu'_outs and so, oftcn h .... Jrid,len, he c:tmed Un
maling an nJ ,he 1,,-,,.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 4 7f Bo.-nin Cap.",
RlR ola H"'rltiru
/ 4 S/ iJ<",bof,"",b<r
I4SB Apprmti,,' '"
Gbirlandai" in
/ 490-92 Lr.,., in Iro_bold
o[ Jrm=a ti.'
/496-1 roo N(Jf"ma.
I fOl-04
I fOf- /6
I f 42_fO
H 46
S"rI" in Ro,""
<culptJ lb. Pietl
Sculprr D,,'id in
SmlptT figum for
' .. ab olJuJillJ 11
Tkatb offatbn
HiKma for
good Rd",iombipT
"'nhJi,buJ ,::itb tk
C", .. ali"i IlfId
Vi,rnn'" Co'mna
PainlJ T hc L"-,,
iArr pain!ir/gJ,
CO""<:rS.on ()f SI
l>.u] lUId
C",cif",iofl ,,(S,
Mad. dJiif
arrbir' 01 Sr
p".,.', Barilia.,
i"Natb, . Fi,rnn'"
CoIon"a ami p"pil
tI. Pi"m!xJ
Di" "la fu," in
TIte l loly "ith lnfm, SI)o"n
the B-.ptist (lJoni ""00) (e. I W6)
P"inu' for lb. hirtb <! Ag""lo /J.Jni and
Madddma Stroz=iJ daugl,,", ,bir , a Ji'"
,xampk "Mjtb,lanf{'lo't ttalprum 'Y' for
inurrt:,'ining kxJj" tmd tI!. pJay (JI ligb, ... ,""",la
and dJ7lp<ry. Hil fmal. f'Kura aH ''''ailingly
m"",mar brol"" Micb.lllrIg.lo um1 mal. motkk,
daiming ,bar fmala roarg.d mo,"
ichdangdo Huon'ITo,i - like his Michehngclo "' .... in ",,"';!:Int d ... ",and
H"':n,ine "'lfl "'''I. ''''I)', U:on:..rtlo 3nd al"'''rs "di ",,,..,,,k:d. Thmughou, his life,
d:.. Vinri _ is One of art's mo" h ... i"" ... " ... d ... i<elr in p'''perty his
l,ctSI,ile geniu"". P<>s<it.lr the gre ... ,,, m' "'le hro,hers and p, ... css .... J .. him",lf .. me
sculpnJl' in ,he ...... stL.,.n ,ndi,i()f), he "' .... . 1", a ofhis deam.
m"'er p.in'e' .nd Hchiu'C,. Jhd he onlJ' Jlis 'esl'0nse lO ,he Si"ine Ch"l'd
sculp'ed his firs' Pi"il , p.in,ed ,he Si"ine a;gnmcn' ,,-.. ,n I'ro'''st' 'I .. inting is not mr
Ch .. l'cl o, dcsign ... d S, J'ell:rs in Romo:: , .nr ono:: .. rt'. Tho:: "''' - 3S "e 1m,,,,, _ is hi"o<r. Fo<
of,h"", .. chielem""'" ... ould h1l, ...... n'ured his highlr unromfortable rear<, ,\lichclangelo
I'J.re in histo'}'. struggl"J lO ' .... nsfo.m "n ,.Id..,hal'"d, l ..... ky
Mi<:hdangclo's .bai,}' n, judge t.lod of l'3Uh ""i,h SOme uf ,he ,,\<>s' 'uhlime .. "d
ma,t.le "' .... lcgen<hry' ,,"'''' elen ... id ,ha, he m,-",,,ouble i" .. ges in ,he ... orld.
"',uld sre ,he .. 1 6gu'''' in'id .... Jlo" ... "'" As an old m'n, he <k:"', .... 1 ,he 6n .. l cigh'rtn
fo , his IJa,'id, ,\1 iehcJ.ngclo "' .... ged 'o rear< of his He n, St Pe".,.'s Ha_ili" ... ' Ine do",e
, ...... o,k .. fort}'-rear-"Id blod, p,el'iouslr ,ha, he <lcs.igned "' .... not fini,h<, in his li({"Jime,
ab.nd()f)ed b.' . n,,, hCT scull" o< bu, he "ould be ... ,i,fi,,1 ,h .. i, is nO ... a ... o<ld-
Leading up lO ,he """lI1ssio., ,he Si"ine :, ImUS ",ehi""'u",1 J.n,b" .. ,k.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Christ , the U .ot J udgernent, Sistine C1upel (d"aif) (1541)
Thi, fr'x" ga'" ri" ro confrll'-''''Y /ro'" ,h, 'u"', Cbri" "anding, ra!b.r !han ri!ling '" ,h,
Bihk "aw, " .... !b< eh;'[ prohk,", AJ!b<Jllgh !tIlnding =-,ainJy ''''M il mr, au!bor;,am',
"",i,ion, in u'Ponr< !o ""r " , , ~ againrt nudi,y, aTI(J!h", palnr<r add,d 'Ptlriow d"'p"i",
Ln', trith Cbri,,', kfi foo! rin eh, martyr-.d S, Bar,bolom"", holding hi,o"'" jlayro d,in,
711, ,kin ",mai", \/ich,laTlylai- "I[_por'mi!
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
1829 Bo.-n in
&U,ha,"p"''', .Al"
01 m,,"1= "
J=ry Mili,;a
lB#) EnutT Rlljal
AallJ",,'Y ScboolT
/848 C ... fourub fh_
Brorb"bood ;;:i,b
Hum "lid Ra,uni
1849 Exhibir> Lon:nzo
and l .. t.clb al
Royal Ac",my,
/sro Exhibir> ehri" in
,he Jl ouse or II is
Par""", al Rlljal
Aallumy, umdon
Isr] Pain"SidllaJl",
0l.hclia <rbibj"
a' A auJ",'Y
Vi":,, Srotland
1::itb Rus};",
Mam" EJji,
RUJoR af"" b.,-
P"mily unh in
S<JU,b K""ingtoo
/86f T",tn ,aJy
W;", ,""/nI,,,
Par;' Un;,'"", 1
ao::anJ<d iLgion
fij,-;r IIni" '"
M'lm, &roru,
EJud fh,itkm
o[ R",al AcatNmy.
Di ol,broa!
canar in Ulnoon
S<np Atl",rtiscmcnt Feoturing Bu!>!.]cs (1886)
Mili";, grimdmn, IVi/b'"," Jam", ,,'ill lb. 1mJtl</ for ,biT
pim,r., origillllDy ,i,/ro A Child's Wo.-I,l Wbm bwgb' by
PUlrT, Mili";, p","irrion bad rtiJl la h< .b",iT"d fo,- ,b.
aMi';"" "la 1m""1 "'ap, for "" ti!" all am.'.,-,i",""".
Bu!>b!'" "'",lmo'" o/,b< '"0" i""i,Qlhmiring 'Y,"006
n'.,. dn'i"d, ""d '""":1 o/ ,b, ,oI()Ur printf ,ba' P"ITT la,.,.
pubJi,b<d bung in 00,"" ar()Und ,b< t:.'(Jrld
n 1840, .g.::<I onl}' ck",'cn, Jo"n TI", lili:: of the Bruthemood ",,-< f.irl}' shoJl
,\lilhi. I>""",,e ,he pUI,;1 L",'C< .< }'carS_I .. " S]lCll' undL"t .,tacl from I><"h
.<lm itled 10 London's Ro)",1 ,"'"lem}' I></SS ]luhlie, Mill.is' Cbri" i" Tb, Ho'"'"1
Sehools, \ \'hil" ,here, he me' Ilolm.n HiT Par"'tf d,e",. ,,,nomouS rc,'iew from
who I",can", lili::lUflg fritnd, .nd .!so D'n'" Didens. Thl: flOS ,caeh"j ,he carS "f Ruslin
Rosse,ti. AII ,h,ee agrced ,h31 ,he ",ho ""lO'" 10 n, Tmm in deli::ro::e of ,he )',<:-
Acad",,}' h.d stiA"j nritish JI " . , IUflg with il< R'phacli'e n""hLTh,. ,d. This p"""d lit ",fui
'murk}' ehi","""""",', So in IfW8, O\J' of ,heir con",-,,,,ion f, >< ,\1ilhis, ",ho fdl in 1",,, wlh .nd
"dical di"'lO,ions, the Raphacli", Ia,rt m' rriL,j EfSe, Ruskin', ",,_wife. l-""}' WL"Tl'
B"" hcmood ""ttgL,1 'o ch.lltng.:: ",thodox}' on n, h. ," eigh' ehildren.
",ith a cok,wful r<"tUm to l" c.R""aissanct: , '.h.J/S. ' 1-"" p:tSSion wore off ,..hen
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
,\ lill.is ,i,..,d of 'l'<nding .11 ,b}' p,in,ing 'n . ,..,.
'no b rgcr th. n f,, 'c shilling pieCt:', He d",idcd
10 I,.,::n up his bru,h",o.-l and scltlc down 'o
bcing. firs,-da<s .. c"demic p.inl1:'. ,\ l ilbis "-!S
a brilli.n' "hrei:.tn bUl oc ,,"'s no in,dlc<1ual.
IIe p.in,cd poli,ici.ns and sen,imcn,al
n",.,j"cs ",i,hou' traCt: uf <ynicism. IIe
enjo)' .... J ,he wuhh and a" ... nls ti,., his ,alcnt
ju,tI}' hrough' him: On his f.mil}, .nd
lcp' ,he lo}ah}' and .ff",tion uf his fricnds .
ti,., uf his il::lk,w. ni,ts,
0l.hdi:.o (185/_2)
Tb. P",Rapba'i, ,, .rp.rimm"d ,;:ilb "."] ,"'" pigm.'" ,,:xJi/abJ., gla=ing
,bnn for mllX'imll1n "'mi1l(J<iry, ""'a cam'"," pr;'n.d 1::itb nc ,;:bi", Opheli.
hud, /ih" <uI"ur m",manl 'TCalaJog"" ,;:i,b irr robaJ, hI,,,, m"dd", laJi.,
cbrum. pI/m;:, cM","i"m ""id. and pUo"" Milla" kgan paiming lb.
backgrMnd MI <! 00111, n<iU' Kingrrrm,up"n. Tham". Tb. painring "''',
cumpl".d in London lb. [ullo,,'ing ",in"" Li=i. Siddnl lb. l'r.-RapbM/i"
mw., ""aring un "nriq'" broa>d. K"t::n, bad ro Ji. in a halb o[ "'a",., b.a"d
by oj/I"",p' [rom k/ot." Tht! ,"Id ,b. "ltlgbl a' u ""d, brougbl lb. lM.al <!
dnmagd ugainrt lb. artirt fru," b", [alb",
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
1884 Bo.-ni" lit"mo
/902-OJ Srudi" in f](Kma
/906 ;\["""'- lo Parir
/909 R"""", lo Lh"(Kr/(J
ud ro Pilri,again.
il/un- BnmIlJi,
did., lo h< a
/9/2 ExhibiD Jcu1p,urt>
at Salm
/9/4 H,ai,bh<gi"''''
fail ,ur", frwn
"uJpru" ro
/9/ 7 ,\1",.,.,. la Soutb (JI
Franu, mun-
J,amu Hdrn,,,",,,
/9/8 Birrb</tlnugb,"
R"""", lo Par<
lnmingi,i, in Parir
s....",ed in Bluc (1919)
A lNaunfoUy umk"",,, porrrai, in a limj", pal""
,bar ",mi')'I a ln.JiU/m" mood Tb. ruh,. ""Iml
ro"" _J in lb_baaground '"'" ro uj/m JI!. in".,-
'P""' JI al/m milld, and al", "_pi"",,,, ,b.
"',"para';'/< flmu" " rIN jI"b lO"" ,., lb. Titur'T
rae" nul:and b"lIlY
IllCdCO '\\odigli.ni I'roduccd sueh
d"incri,'e worl ,h., w"ndcr
how - in Pars .. ,he '''Ir' "f ,he
tw""'i .... h ""mur)" _ he rClllaincd unnJuch .. IIl)-'
"ithel Cuhi'11l or ]i'''I\';'I11. I ,...",.<1 uf fn.cruring
his mago: 01 ",nling in hcigh,ened rolour, he
te.,k a decidcdly "1"csentt tional al" mach.
,\l()digliani nnet had any in,ere" in <he
ab,,,.,,,, and 6,un.l no amni,)" ",ith I'i<:":l. s.s<l or
,\h,isse. Af,er hcftiending ,he Romanian
seulpn>r llrlncu<i, hc m(), "IIT,. " ,\l(lI,tI"'nTe
'o ,\ lonql1rn:ts.: , ",here llrlncusi h .l a "udio.
,\lodigliani, a. an ltalian, Et,'ourt,1 <he "o.,e_
c:tn'ing ,ndi,ion, and ,hc rcbuilding uf
'\!on'p.rn.sse mean' he could heg plen')"
<lf li""sto"" lTom si,cs. Ile establi,h,,1
his don);"ed "yle ",i,h a ",res (lf d<pn' head.
,ha, he cxhihired in ,he 191 Z Salo., .lAu'nmne.
lio.(l years h'er, ,\l().ligliani ab.n,l>ncd
seulp'ure On he,lth groun.l . Ili . p.in,ing.
ron>." alme .. ' en,i ", l)" (lf p()( b".its al.1 nudes.
The I.mnitsofhis lTicndsare st'liu:d hu' 'luite
recogni<:tble. T hc nu(k:s ",ere 1,."k:I., 1" id fe.'
by h .. dc:tlcr ZI .. m""ki , ",ho oftcn SUI" li,,1
I"iru and <:":1.))\''''' te ... TI", ,Iendcr, ma"ncr,,1
figurlS I,,"ame ,\ lodigli.ni's ,ndem" rk: the ",'al
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
he.d ",i,h linca, fcatu n:s. indincd (JIl long
ncel. ",i,h ,he body quidJy bru,J,,,1 in oehre.
,\lodigli.ni ".,,, destroying himsdf ",i,h
dmg> .nd bu' Stib .. tr.eti"c. aS onC
fm,.lc sitt.,. d<.-,,,,::ril><,I: ... "'ith """Icd
hai, nd mc mo" bcau,iful hol. <hrl C)"es . . his
rcd silk ",,,f ca,elessly knotted "ound his
ncel. Ilc "'"lS m"ricd ",ith a sl1l.11 daugh"" .
hu' sJ,oelingly. ,",o <hys .f, ..... his untimdy
dcam. his l" cgn.n' ",ido,," Jc.nnc c(. llmincd
suicidc b.lcal'ing ffUm. fifth_Aonr ",indo,,".
Rcclining Nutl c (1918_19)
Em-Iy in 191 7, in Zhorol.",J:i' aparrmm" Modiglii1ni pa;nud a =-i"of
",u'" ,ba' msur,d biJ f""". ,,,,l/ay mcnff, 8.,.,b< Wl/ gat',bim a """ _
man ,/W in i"N"'mlvr, d=n'bing ,b, mu!" '" fUmp''''''''. Tht! polr,
",mmirrio= rapidJy ,/,,,,d ,b, g"'lny, outrug,d !ba' ,b, figurI!J bad 'bair',
Modigli""i) nlllh ar. t>o/up'''''''' in ,b"r >calp''''''' ,lIr1YS 1m! ""'ff
;"dumt. H, painud ;numTt>dy in ,b< I"st pan "fbi, Jif', rifining tb<
f,m"', fo .. ," in uniq'" Il'"p",i,i"f/J ,ba' achi" .. , a b"rmonroa, Iml"""
h<n....,m ,b, mJl;, il1IlI tb< ""rbt!ric
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in
.'1,"nTI'oorr, JOO"
a koomarur
Srudi" fiM aY! a'
IVi", trln-,lIing
pri=, [ro," Ani"
Ami,,.,,,, SOO"y
l. ,aml p.in/il/i"
and """"
,hniqun al
an ",Iorry
]","$ n,"""pb1!,
hr'aKJ t::irb
En"",,,u Cuhi"ln
11' <rbihition in
Mot-" ", Parir.
InurTllltional fll,"'
afrr in
Par;"",d Bfflin
f'""dJ Dc Stijl
gro"P ,;:,b J'Im
f{""",, lo P/IT;'.
Puhli,b" Le N",
On Hirkr'dirr"f
'tkg""YIlU art'
Mo,." lo Lal/J.m,
ami Nrol",,,
S"',, in N"J
Dj" o[ p"",,",,,,ill
in N"" );"-J:
Interior (1919) by Th ... " ,'an ])ocshurg
An arcbiuctul7ll '""1M in D< Stij! rry. ,b.,;:ing
","rhd ri,"ilari"" ,;:i,b \[,,1Ukiilrl', prindph
</ tkJign
iet '\\ondrian (". " a dCl'oU!
Cal,'inist familr uf k<..::n l",intcrS an<l
l11u,icians. Hu' ,he;' rCI"cssi,'c
discipline led 10 his reje",iofl uf a stcady an
S,randed in ]-Iolland b.' World War L
,\ londrian Th<"O Van Docsburg
(18S3_1931) for m"l group .nd
mapzin<: calbl rh Stij/(The S,}'le). The wri,er
'caehing car<"r in f.,,'ur of ,he lilt: itself, Seho<"Tlm.cler's idC1. of 'p("iti,'e "'}'stiei,,,, '
and la "'r stiD, n, his ",,,br,ee of Th<'<''''I'''y.
This mr<tical bclic:f sy''''m _ in humani,y\
nls sl'iritu.1 unity_W"lS 1. '1", 1 .. in
,he \ \'i:s, a' ,he nO! 1<"">1 .. mngs' the
piontt" of .tlStrae, .n, .nd
'\!ondri.n's meount<:t ",i,h Cubj,;",
in 1911 .. ""S ,he eri,iC11 I",int of his .rti>lie
d",<:I(1.""''' ' ",hm he ",,,.,,,,d n."m,1 fon"s
fmm his Ilen"i.1 ",cahul'I)'. 'l(,gether wi,h
Th<"", ,,,)', i, 1".(" dl,,1 hil)) into the rlnLs of,he
" an,.ganle. The ot.;cure Dutehm.n Id' f(".
P.ris, ,he frrs' s"'p "",""rds n in":'Tn"()flal lfe
,ha, would ha"e a las,ing in'I"'''' ()fl wcs,ern .n.
"ere dire",ly ine"'por.,ed ,\!()fl drian's
aesthe,ic beca me ,hcir guiding force ,
",mmi""l 10 pu,if}'ing mode rn art .nd
hringing i, 10 e",,)'on<: ,ia arehi",,,,u"' , pmdu'"
dcsign .nd 'llOgr:t I"'y.
Tne ,'el)' Tm, NeoPI"lS,icism, ,h.,
'\!ondrian adop'ed for his gcomc,rie
ah....."ions in 19!1, ",'aS b<>rmw,,1 fj-om
Sehn<:n" .. ckcr. \ \r"h his l)'l'",al
arrlngemCJltS uf <qua",s . nd "''''angles p.in,,,1
in l".i""'I)' ",Iours b.' blad b.nds ()fl a
"hi'e gmund, '\!ondrian s,,,,,e
'rlnscmdcntal cxl'ericnce and pu", ha"mny.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Comf>O<ition with Red, BLock, Bluc:lnd Ydlow, 1928 by Pi", ,\londr3n 1871_1944
Mondrii1n k'P' ",ictly lo borizon,aJ li""Of co,"p",i,;'m ,,"d broh 1::irb
J im 1H,lntTgfir imnxlucing irllo biJ 1::.,.-k in 1924. Wbm Mondr;"n ,"il:',d l.
N,,:! )rk, in "'fu,,,,, lo bi",urg"ic nn." rtlrroWU/ing>, biJ /in" fqrm,d ,b, "U_rolour grn,
b, caJkd 'boogi,-",-'oogi"




Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I S'i9
/ 861
/ 881
/ 887
/ 892
/ 908
/ 9/1
/ 9H_26
/ 926
Bo.-n in Par;', Ji'"
Muo- muJ ,,,,di,,
'/):itb Boudin
Enro/J al
AallJimi< Sui""
Parir. Mm,
P;'TIlTTO ami
Pai"Hen pl';n
air 1::itb M"M'
and &zilk
Plcin:tir rrlllli"
1::itb /{"",ir
Marri" C,miU,
i"Mnan<r. \["""
'" LiKlOOll. iJ</llb
offa,h<r; f{"",=
Iml' rcss.;o n
!"Ratb 01 milk
L,um bom, in
Exhib" in NnIJ
Marri" Alie,
Pai"H'" Gi",my.
Vi';" Lundon,
Tkatb"1 AIi"
Ji'(..-h"" W .. cr
Lilics un"
Di""lltmg ca"'"
in Giurny
Lllte Summer Il:.oysucks (""i!) (1891)
AfiN" lb. GaJe Saint-Laz.:tn::. M"w ""'''qllmtly "mbarhd on otb,r
=i"_ baywch. /(OU'" ltb,dral ami tb.1::/lurh'/sa' Gn-<nry _ ",eh
a painrtaking tkm<al!tra';"" Iba' atm"'Pb.rj, roA",,, c"",, by cbanK" in
,,. ligb" CIm modula" a nJj, ,brougb ,,. mti" rpror","
bud" ,\1o.,e, is ,he cm,nl figu '" of
Iml..-eioni'm. "Ine ng
mOyemen' h.d i,s sc:ed in 'n
enCOun'cr be, .. een 'en.ged cari""bJ'\' a nd
10",,1 p,in'cr, .. ,he sMp of ,he ,.,Ir picru,e
f"'me, in Le I-blTe. "Ine"" r oung Monct "'..,
in,mduttd 10 Eugt:ne A""demr-
'rli""d, hu, One .. ]y, liL"j 10 p.in' his he""h
seenes in ,he ",en ai" in d.l", of pure roIour
.. i,h "" .. e, ddi"",e 1n., 'uune"
Roudin ttught ,\ lonct 10 d",,,, and pain,
f,om n"ure, 'in ,he ligh" .. i,hin ,he
"mo'phe,e, jus, aS ,hings . n:' . "I(J honour
fi'udin , the Imp<essioni,u induded him in
,hei, fi,., P"iscxhihi,ion.
In AI..- il 1874, a gmup uf an i,u _ all S.lon
rtiecu - muun,ed ,heit sho .. in fo nncr
1"'''''W'phic S,.ne of ,he nam'" ",ad
no,.. lile a ,ole uf h,.,our: a un,""
,\10'"'1, MOriSOI, P\"'m', Renoir .nd Si,k.,..,
,\10" cri,i", .. ere sca,hi ng .nd ,he 'LTm
'Imp,essionisu' "'.., un""ininglr coined br
One, Louis Le,o)', .. ho ,eSL'n'ed p.rticula,
se"rn fo,- ,\ I,.,e,'s Imprmi()rl Stmr. Turning
,he joLe b.cl 'lfl Le"'r, ,he artisu "tJp",d !he
n'me penn.nendr,
SI""rn Tr.in, Lo s"int_'-"ure (",Jil) (/877)
0", o[ a Un" o[ M."t!/:" mih'''Y rtIltion pictUff', 'Ha,, al JjjJmnr o[lb, ay,
Flr bi, mort ","bi ,i_ rtluly" lb, urban land=p<, M""" d"". Sainr_L=au,
gam::"Y lo b "'''',., Nir,"andy, H, c""anrra,, .., lb, foU-'P"lrU," ,jJ_cn o[
ligll', J,,"o"" and ,"'rm, building e/oUt! ,ba/", '/):i,b curly \f""" ' ::/U a
,"",Ur al aJapting rtroJ", ro Jb", Jw; ligll' afflJ Ur'ur, and for,"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 860-62
/ 881_8J
I S9f
Bo.-n in &1Irg<f,
J""gIl""' "ni ...
,;,,/ ",,'Il1I'
;\1orb.r ditkI
B.,-rb. rhould
r'nt ,,,,bibirr in
Tnn-,h in Spain

Mari". brotb<rof
&bibiIJ al all
,ba"",, bar /879
Binb <f daugb,.,-
Par;' bot= hui,.
arrntJ ,"",mg
i"Natb "1
Di" o[ n/k""""
in Par;'
Young \\'o"",n Po"dering He, F:oce (<<la,!) (1877)
0'" ua_ Mori"" j""' lb. 'mf'Y",ioni", ,"ay !v.n !IN" r,,-,r.al
</ ,,. g"""' ""'" Impr",,,,,,irr ,"m bad abando,ud "'_pi,,, birrory
""r.tr, ,::bid! uquj,, Mmpkr mll/io arrQnK,,"m", and ""'" pain"d "0
I'lc:in air ay 1:.',bin a hGllrg"''' d'lm",i, ",ring. San" rom
""" lb. 'uriwry al anim ofixJtb "X"
<T,he Mori so' l>roduttd n,,::r 300
I"intings. Thei, prinripal subjecrs are
"omen and childrcn: .nd largc
1''''llnjon ()f thcm i:: .. urc h'T si .. t..-, and thei,
or her own ,bughte" Julie, wh,. " soc
,egularlr ,tt,,.-,k:d, Ii-,." ,he I",b" in JI;', ,\'un.
to 'oc in Juli. Dayrl,,,,ming.
M,,.-i,,,,'s own ,m'ocr ,.-aS n:'I)(""ible
(e.;,ering ,he .. I""IS ,,( hcr a"i>tic ,bughtelS,
ncr,hc .nd Edme. T hcir ,u,or ,..aS ,he
hnd",al'is, Coro" who en{'ouug .... J them n,
work ni pln air and male p,in,ing ,rips ".-al'
li-om Pa,is. Summe, 1861 ,he whole
(amilr ,iding mules ,h,ough ,he Pyrences
hecou'" Ikrthe .nd Edme ,,'uld not gu
unchape"", ,,t T hci, (a'ocr _ highlr I",id
gmemmcn' of6cial _ ",en buih "u,Go in
the If'lllcn ;.,.. and OC:ind his "ih:: frequL"Jldr
rntcrt:ti""d I",inll:rs,.,d mu<icia",., ,hcir h,. ,,,,.
Mo,iso' bt"C.mc grcotly .,tr:.c,ed lO
Ed<ll.I1,d .\"'net . IIe indu,k:.1 he, in hi< 1869
S.lon pi"'ure Tb. &lro"Y' btt.me hcr men,or
and, ","cn'ually, hcr brothc,inlaw. OnCt:
ma"i,,1 to Eug(,"" ,\ ,\ loris," "'"-"ru",,,1
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
ni>lr <:irdcs ofher ,,"'n. Al ,h<;r ""'" housc: in
llourinJ th<" B,,, .. Jr<'gub, ,;(l;n:cs !O, .,tistS
."d ,..ri",,,,. 'In'.'g ,h n Ikg.os. C.illd..."",.
MO" C1 . l'is .. ,n,. Whi $Iler. Pu .is de
C lu ... " ,,<-s. Renoi r ,\ bll"ln.
No ltc, \o'c,hh)' h,dgr<. ,ro;l V.'e
,\1< .. i,.. Il..'}', . ,d Ih, ,c (ti Iw
\0',. ,,<'11. 11" .. 'c'c ,. >hc "...,dcd "0
I .. I'rulCdion tu.O}' h._Ift.,kH}' \o'm
,he in 1874 .... 1. JcSl'ile !he
Inioogyni";" oi. ",,,. 17..110,,' , ";';1S. >he
nl .... g..'tl1O pumiC .00 >u;toin pro.:si.io .... 1 nolo.
TIte Uutlerfl}' Il un! (l8U)
.\larir .. ) mUr &1m, ud M J"ung lbjldr .... .. /869
"...rl:rJ Ibr rnd .[lbr ristrn' pllinring pllrt>1rnbip. Sbr ",roU rll'M
ID 8mbr: 'ou,- lift mtu1 br lbllrming .. ,ID ,all: ID,\I. 1)r1fI rrhll,
bim dnl1,". lo "ugb Man". '" philatopbiz, ",i,b p""it . :IIR)br lbr
hu"rrjly in lhit paintir1g ir "", ,br ""6' ,Imn., objttl in l"lm d""
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 886
/ 892
/ 908
/ 9/ 2
/ 9/ 9
/ 910
/ 931
Bo.-n in i.Ju". ,..,
01 an "r"':J ooctiK
D<a,b o[ /Iforb.,-
i"Na,b"1 n',ur
Studi" ilT' in
Kn'"iil1lia (""'"
05-"), injlumad
by frimd Kmbg
Tr",.d, lo Par;' '"'
xbdanbip Jo.-
,btn 1!""h
Tkatb offatbn
V",, Par;' otI
ru",it ..
F.xbibirr Frie", uf
Lill:: in Bn-lin
Trtr."' in Euro/"
Trroud for
d<prmion in
Dani,b =>aro"to"
bwd:rbrGIIgb in
CoIogM <rbihi,ion
A';:artkd gold
,",dal in San
Hi,kr J/a,,, bi,
,,'..-k )/<gnura'"
Di" in Ehly
Rc.'cri c (18 70) b.' o.lil(",
Odilon (.don <c .... il grapbic artiJl inId ,;:ri," al
,-... 11 il! a pa' Symb<JliJ1 paI"u,.. nJlummJ by
Cw""t muI Corot, b. " 'n/tImUy ,=/"d fr"'" ,b.
1/tJ " an unbappy cbiJdbooJ, J" '" biJ 'Pikp'j
,h"lrd ,\I unch', ,-isi tu Pars b .... wcrn
lB89 3nd 1891 ",erl: ,ital tu his
partcularl)" os "imulus
fo .. Gcrman EXI'",ssoni'11l. lle "udi .... :! ""n
Gog h and me G"uguin, "'e.'C3u
and Odilon Redon (lfWO-l916). The fi,st
"ct,ion of Tb. Sa-.am 6,Dow,,1 in 1893. T he
,,,'itling lines of ",I,-.J' a,e ",,,ni"'en' of V.n
Gogh's hndscapcs: ,he ago"r "f ,he S<-.Jn,lless
", "'am """cs dirernr lT,lO" ,'l uoch.
'Fmm ,he mO"",'" uf mr binh, the angd,of
anue'r, '''lITr, and dea,h sn". ] a' mr s ide,.
DC3th ",as. ,ccuning 10, the a";st , bom
his lu,en's and 'wo ,;hlings di,,] nrlr. ,'lunch
sUn'i,,,d into his cigh,ies hUI suffcred f"lO"
chrunic anxie'r, pS)'cho'"",a,ic di", .. es and
alcoholi'm. ll is dep",s";on onCe led lO
hO'pittlit.:ltiofl. ,'luoch's ,h.,,,cs Ii, ,,,,ha,k'w<,l
mH'r of me 1"",..::ru,a'I'!lS uf the 'wL"n'<:,h
cen'urr: lonclincss, .Iim.';on, neuro";, a,,<I
scxu:tli'r. A no' e fmm his ,li.,y ' """'unce,, 'No
longt: ' ,hall 1 luin' in,criOfS wi,h men ' C3ding
and ",,,,,m lnitting. 1 willlu in, li,;ng
",]y, I> ",.the .nd kd and sufre, .nd 1",,,: lle
no ]a,ting h:tl" incss in eimcr ofhis Own
lo, 'e .f!':ti,s, akhough he """"><:m,,.., ,,,d ho, h
"" lO""",, in 711. FriruofLifr.
,\Iunch's an ,,"1< cmi hi ,] ",on
.,,a,d. an<l '''rlctI:d mll",,,,rS wi,hin his
liktime. 1 n 1937. llide'. n::'I'<Il'" ""1< 'o strip
his p,in,ings f")I" gallery ",alls, along ",i,h
, ..... '" of o, hcr 'degt:ncr"e ")(,,km "U"cts.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
The (/89 J) by Lh"1r<h\ 1 unch
' / "''''''',,/}eing aJ(JrIg tb. road o::i,b 11:0 frimd" . "'rol. 1\/Untb, '1'bt! n", Tb.
'J' Mm"." bJoody rd. And 1 folt a _eh o/md=bdy_ / ffiJod /""ud O"
,Ir< ",iling, d.tM! timi 0'..,. lb. bJ1.hJad fjord and aty bung bl!od and tongt",
o/fin \/y frimtk ,,aJhd an"nd / n"y.d "'bind, "",,Jing ,,'i,b frigb', And /
fo/,,, pa' unmding trr<11m !=,ing tbrollgb TIat_'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Ann::<rp
Pai"lT Ji'"
rmmJ. pim,r.
Painlf "I[_por'mir
\ '.ni.os
Dj" in Ann::"1'
T:>[,I" \Vith Pie. G:>ttoe ,,"d Ol,-es (;:.16/ 1)
P"urr' ",,,,* valop_tI rwriaahJy fum 1m- ,11Th",. C<lllliol<Jly !n1ditiooal
c(J,"porlti(JrIJ, ,,,,,,,ud fro", a bigb "Il1I!afl' poi"" lo ,/iJ(JI7lU
arrang,,"m" li1:< IbiJ _. 711. t'll1I!ag' point , /"'::" and a ,&c,;on (JI
ItlXtlri(JUJ W", "H plaad "" ti mi""uly ",Id "-oGuk UlbhdiJIb, aO
"' agai"" ti dark hlXl:WGlUld for maximw" 1fm
hC ,en" '.,ill [ill::' had no' b""
imu""j whm Ch" ]'<'t:tcrs' Ca'ttr
llegan. 1 k,- 'l'pe "f I'icturc w .. s
grnc,ally Clllcd 'brcakf"" pie""- (onrbijtj,)
he""u'" it dcl'ic' .... J bread .nd Iru . More
d"ho""c H"ngm",nts "f food .n<l drinl
qU:llif .. j as. hanhrj' (bmquct).
]'cctc",' I',in,ings are highly s kilbL
bdUlifully fini,hcd and f",;zc ,h., dm,a"d,
promincn. AII <"Vid"m::,<: ro her 2S
" l'.-ofL"<Sinllal ""i" wlh wcahhr di"n", and
,h" onlr "1cmi,h """nan nI ha,'c 'pcciali""d So
carlr in ,hi. gen"'. Sh" kf, m'er thirtr w(His,
sign<,1 and (b,ed oo,..."n 1607 and 161L
induding a .<:If_port"i" ,mi'aJ, p,in,,,J
around 1610.
y"" "'" Imo,.. almo" nothing ahou'
perSonallr . 11<1" hinh "rcc'l<,hl in An'",erp in
1594 hUI ,hc ,ime and ofhc, dc:t,h "' m,in
, 111J"S,el)'. She is said 10 I.,,'e left a IMc,ur"
.1"",1 1657, ",hieh ",ould he ,h" b,es' d"c
her, bu' i, is lo". No, docs hc, nallle al" car on
'nJ' guild ,hhough ",omCn h,d J,een
li"edsincr 1602.
lt mar S<"t:m iml"ol"blc th" a girl of thin."n
c<luld h"" p"in",d so cxperrlr, bu' Angelic.
K.ou tTm:.onn her firS' "'. nl1us.,ion
" ,hc ag" of '",ch/:. T hc 1607 IMc,ur" is a
wedding pi<"e: ,he green hcrkcmL")'er and
H_""",ian ",inl: gla$s "'I"CS<:'" hu,bond and "ifc:
a gold ,;ng lie, neH , li, candle: sp,;g< uf
",,,-,,,al)' signifr fdcli'r. lt "'(Juld h"',, 1",,,,d,,,1
1'""",rS ",ith a channing dehu, and ,hc ideal
he'amning ,kiU.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
T""l e "hit of Flowers Dried Fruit (/611)
Thi, a.",rurit .. gm,. g"'-' arD'''' tb. OfJP(Jr1Unity ro ,00'" <JI th<ir !"in""",
tal",,,._ P"UTJ a,"ply a.m"""raus b", abifity ro rmdn- artmJi" and ,""al,
ilJ 1."dl al H", oil 'ubniq'" "'a, rangingfr(Jin
gI""" ro imparto. /In ",und troining "'ggm! ,b. ,"ay hun ,b. pupil (JI
&m or Jim HulrdiJ1Uk
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 881
/901 -06
/906-- / 4
/ 9/4-1 8
/ 919-4f
/ 9H
&m in MaJaga.
.... . a m-1l1:.,jng

T",, .hhm:;u"
&r,,/"'Q and
Parir, finally
,mi" in Parir.
'8/", and '{{_'
Painrr Les
(/906). ;\[m,-
Sra,!"', Tbry
m-m, CuhiY1" and
pi""," roDal{'
Ji'ii,*, ,;:i,b
C"fU"", Sa';. and
n;'"h aT J<uJpror,
'I:.'Ti,,, in J1ltna/in
"Y/., Painrr
&hihi,jM, 1917
In hall for
WIV/J ,;:j,b
Saharrh, Dora
Mil"" la'"
han!",,, Gi<J,
Bir,b o[ J.m
(1awk and
tlnugbu,. Pal(Jma,
bolb by Gil""
11M, llJ ",,,,i,,,,
;\1"" ]IlClI'"lilU
\Jarri,s Ro,!'",
\JO"'f ro ,\[()Uim
lDm,., """
Dj" al Moug;'"
Figure (1912) by Ul1lb.,.tt, JI""";,,,, ;
UmMrllJ Boca",,; (1 Il fo",,,;,,. "/,b. F uturist mil:''''''''', "" '""
PiCiIDO ,brougb Sr. .. ",,,; in Par, in 1911. Th< dialog'" hm::1I \Jil""",
Fururi,m and Pari""" CuJ,i,m trllJ fruirfol Bomon; ah",rlvd PiCIlfJU 'r
'ulmiq'" </ filJingfigllT' and barl:gn,md, ,;,,,,,,"jng tradj,.mal
and mujng ,,,' "tunnJ motl,Oing. Pi,,,,,,,', p<K'nl' D. oid_] ko'l'
KahowLik-r te .... a majlr inJl"''''a
, E aCh ,ime ] had "",,,,,hing to sar,
soid i. io ,he ] feh ,..as
Difl"....-L-n, motifs d....-mnd difl"tT<-n'
,echoiques, T his does nOl impll' ei.he,
e,,,IUlion or ll<ogrt:S< bUl an '1"'0"] be.wertl .he
id"" .h" Ufl e desi n:s n, ""p,css and !he "",anS of
exprlMing i .' Pahlo ]'i=",'s wot<ls ""I" es<
wh" "'''''l' - ho. h cn,ies ""d ad"rrtS - find so
elu,i,'e and c"pncious ahou' him, ] Ie ne,'er
\b"lopcd' in a SO linea' pOlgrc<sico'l o r
s'aJ'cd wi.hin a sl}'lc Ufl "" i. h.d e,'ol,'cd,
]"-,,ca,l, as one an hi"onan wrO.e, he "'as lile,
'pider 'who sits ,..a,ching in ,he <'m,re of a
web."fOlm .i",e 'o .ime he l)()Un""s .nd ,he
di reetion uf his I"Junce is usualll'
PiC".lS<o's ,'rtl,ures into c ....... mies,
seul p' u", and pnn.m.king w....-e '111 unfailingll'
in,-en,i,'e; in flet , f, oo" ,he p.in.ing of L"
/)"",6UO,S d:4"gtum oo>,..ard, ,irru.llr no ani,.
could <:'""' 1''' his inn""n"",
Lt,er on, Pi="J "fcr''''] lO .. ti histo'r,
ct""ting "!ria,ions Ofl carli....- m .. "erS' worls
,hrough a ,'a,ietl' "f """lia: pnnl<, dn",ing< and
I"iming<, A pnme is !he S<"ties LA,
MmiTlllJ, PiC:iSSO orortl 'umed 'o a 'pecific w'lr l
be""u'" he idrtl,ified wi.h i. I""sonalll' .nd, .. a
SI"rsh ani", he had .I" ... ),s fch .ies
",i!h El C rCf:O, " cl' ''l uez and Coy",
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
U'c"f'ing Wom"n (1917) by Pablo Pica",,,
Th, ,"oJd for tb;, im"mly ,"o,'ng pi""", >e .... JUTualirr pborograpb..- Dora
Maar (TbroJora Marh,icb), PiamfJ" ,"irrnIT and '""" for ,,'mI Y'iln kfor'
a ,roJ7/ry "fHIr",iln tbat kfi b.,. bro!m and rrowin lih ",b.,. I'fi ,;:ing
'Y,"patbiun in 1917, tb, ",,,pi'" 1....,-, on tM m'il t.'ar in Spain. \fa...-
pbotograpb,J PrilJJfJJ ofGucrnit. tb, iCM _ t.'bicb >e,,,
painuJ in " rruJio ,M bir,J in r", J" r<Tund,_Allgurrim-
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
1410fU) Borr/;" &rJ
Sam<pdmJ, Rln'
a '.IIn<r
m"king in
Plorm" und.,-
TiII:.'1l rouncioor in
Borgo S"""f'Ohm

,\1 ,...,."",li" in
Borga S"""P"hro
Po;nu fr='" for
churro (J/St
JI'<.o-.'ng fU.- ('aun
"f R,,"i,,;
PaiJ fir 11"r}
(""'''/00) in
II<"-hng for Duk.
sro,-"", "ife of Federico d:.o Mont dtro
Balf"'. Sfor-..a " . ..,- a ,",,"lvr <f ,,. ruling Mi/a"". [a,"i/y.
Sb. Ixir, P.dmro m'm daugb"rr.lId a ,,'" afU,. ,::1"", hirrb
ro. tb',d M"" birtorian, kll,,-. lbi, ponr";! - "'" (JI a
diplJ<h - te'" paim. po<tbuln"urly. Th< iNxkgr"muJ '00 .. ..,-
{irhiTl() lUId lb. rum",,,Hng ",u"tryrid<
ero deO. 1''''0''''''''' "1'1"''''"w h,,c Icd.
quict I'<Ol'incial life. Although
Vm"';"nn w1.S his ",OS,er, he is nO!
""('<,,,1,,1 , .. hdoflging 10 ",)' worhh'1" and
'pCJl. mo" of his time <;thet in Ar<-uo n, Rorgo
S.o"'I. ,bn. Ile S"'::mS lO h",,, fi-t"lan,,-,1
fo. ,hnn l",ri,. ls io Rom." Ferrar1, U mi,.., and
Flo,m<:.:: , perh.ps juggliog olDllher of
assignmentS ., .or (lfle ,i"",.
Delia Fr1o<:,::sca'" ",o,k io ,he fleld of
",ehi''''''urll ion.",j()fl w()uld h"" m,,1e him
mueh s()ugh, ... f,,:r, It:., he ,.."lS .Iso "" . ""
ge' l<ll",riei.o .od ,he .u,ho, of a le.roed
Ire.,j", 'JIl ,he rules of pe"pe",j,.::. Sueh
cxp"ni", wi,h ",,,le .od p"'l"mioo m.los his
I"imiogs ,'i,,,,,lIr I,nwerfui. Wh., m.kes ,I><:m
OS well is his genius o'g-.nizing
e"lour m'CS. ca,cfuilr h:tho,-",,<I.r.ins, h,gc
p.le are"" 10 ""hieve uoi'r be'weeo '1"<:'::
and ligh,ing.
Dell. FrloeL"<C' "" l<k,,1 ,Iowlr. Fo,- . f",se"
p.ime" ,his nnnll.lIr p()SOS pn,t.!em' bUl he
hlDlg ,;heL"tS ","er ,1><: pl""L"I"" oigh' So he
enuid "" uro n, i, ,1><: oc'" ,by. Oill" in,iog no
",ood _ suth os he h.d 1'0,1" t.!r Srto io Urhi on
_ g-H" him 00 'ueh ,muble. Del!. Fr1o<:,::",
''l'le ,eAe",ed ,he I"" u!.,i'r of Flemi,h oil
p,io,ing .mong ,he I""'JOS of ,he p,,.iod,
",hieh m.y "e""u o, the lo of CS,eCm .fter
hisdcath, wheo "'-"cs .. t.!)' eh.ogcd.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
1'.1. ,\Ion, efd,ro (/472-74)
The R'L ..... al",'],i",,,, ,\ hd,. ma and child ... ith angel,;, <:Iin.s and Federico d.
,\lonteklrro, Dule of UTllino Th_ DuJ:_ 1a5t b" rigb, 'Y_ and pan" b' ""'_ in a
",u,..,,,,,",,,, and o::a, ah::ilJ' ,b.1:.'n [Qting I_fi , Thi, 1:.'Q, proImbJy tklla Frmlm<Q'T lan
1:. ..-} IN[..-_ biT 'Y"''gb, [a_ 1m, biT ,"il"''Y "f'1PiKn'oM , niU ","ilrbbl_, Tbt!
","ieh _gg bmlgingfrom ,b< ,b<U in ,b_ ilf'S' lb< tirgin b",b and , ub._ by
lb< <fIiill" ,b_ Mad""n b<ild, pla,, in ,b< p=i" """_ o[ ,b_ ",,",,,,,iri",,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 9/ 2
/ 929
/ 9J4
/ 9J8-42
/ 94J
" ..
/ 94 7
/ 9fO
/ 9f2
/ 95:6
Bo.-n Paul]acbm
PoJ.,d: in Cody
Studi" "nd,.,.
Bro'"" al .'In
SrudmtJ' L,agtM.
Nro ;"-},
"/hm'ml by
Rulvm and El
G .. ",,,, Miro Imd
S",,,, in Nn"
II-<.o-k; for F"Ju,,
Arr Proj<r.
Inj1um .. d by
Pie",,,, and
r'nt na ,IW!:J
NnI! ;"-k. Turne
pro/mio"" h: ,b
Marri"",",rt Lu
Firrr A.,io"
ExhibitJ al
fij,-;r Id" Uxr.J!
Pari" C ... "nbn-g
,,"ro'f"Ctit< in
Di<, in car
acrnm' on UJ1/g
. .r

rr '
I '-
N . ... jo Picture
PoUod "',Iop<d biu(6"f"J''."u by "Um::ing lb. mago] lO ",oh,. 'P"num","'y,
,-,j,bout p,,,,maptioflJ", /-l. caikJ lbi, rn:bniq'" 'dirut' pain'Rg and ciH"f"lud j, '"
NIll;'-' Am,.,.j"m Indian _d painring. m"tk by tricJ:Jing !hin /i"" o[ r%u,-I!d rrmd
""ro a boriz.., ,,, rurf"<', PoJ/ock daimn, !ba' for bim ir "'a, 'a m,a'" .
arrit-ing'" " ,"'"mm"
an,on Poll ocl's groundbrcaking "' .... h"d
hclped Ne,.. York 'o suppbn' Paris H ,he
a,'an'.g:t,de "apinl of mudern art. Hr ,he
end oH\'o .. ld Wa, lL i, ,..aS ,ime ""Iru,al
eh.llengt: f""" ,he Nc,.. World. ]'oU<>ek
dcda"'l, '] do.,', :t: ",hr,he 1",>1>1.",. of modem
I",irning can', he: ",,,<1 as "di h<--n:: :r; dll'"-h",,,.
and h<-g;n hbrin; a 'r.il 'Jl h<,. Ab,"a ....
EXP'L",io., i,ts. Etcn De (" o., in; adnrittt'!. ']lc
bmke tite ice: Dt: (oo., in; .... 1 Pollocl. "ITe
fritndlr ti,al" i, ".". tite critics ,,-ho li L .... I 10
cha1111';o" 'lflC og;illS' ,he ,>thL", HUI De IVlf1I1ing
captun.,1 ,he publie imaginati'lfl as
,lid "hen he "".Le ,,ith ,nditiot1.
]'ollock's A .... ion I"in,ing ".". innucnced LJ'
,It.: Su, ,,,.li,ts 'I"'Jchic :tu"Jl na,i,,,, . R ... jo:: .... in;
" .. ",1 and p.lette. and "i,hou' anr 1'",limina'r
he 'p,ead unpri"' .... 1 eam'as o"," ,he
noor and Ix,un:d I"in' stnigh' f"JI" a can. o,
he drippcd and aitk .... 1 i, . using hrushes and
stid. . Som .... im'" he ineo"I."a",d bmkm gla
(JI ",i,e ;." a,H::d "'Xlun:.
PoIlock is litmo"s ,he ",ild drunkcn
It.:h:t,;our ,h:t, kiUed him. he " ..... a
'oli,arr mJl 'lflC ,he gro" ps or
tIt., hondcd a,ti,1S in ,1.:,: ,b JS.
"as fn::t: of thc 'an-l""rical' al,,,,,,,el\:
un,.h;;'ic:t' .... 1 and in",lItttuaUr unu""I>lica",d.
lschicl" UJf1 trihuti'lfl 'oan " ..... n, cxl" essmlOtim
and ll' r1S:tti' Jf1 ,h,"ugh .I""nmo",
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Undul.oting P2ths (/947)
Hit larg< Tall. 'dril' paintingy' au PoJ"tk't mast imprmi'a ""r.&,
"'bicbb< produ"d bm:n 1947 tmd 1952 (poJ"tk almain.d fr"in
aJrolxJ /ro'" 1948 lbrougb ,"on . 19 W). \Joring rbytbmically, b.
""uM ro"'r lb. ,,boJ. e/"'''''. quiddy inr"-"'''''''ing paturn and
roIour; lb< proadur. "'M ah::ayuilIIrroJl.d and far fro," ",nd .. n
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/921 _2J
Bo.-n LiuixJv
S""K'Y"Tla Eding
in M"""""
daugbu,. </ a
SrudS" und.,-
) ,""
T,.m .. d! arlJiUl
Rwria "lid ro ,aJy
Srudi" in Parir,
,"'t',1r in Frana
and ludy
ExbihilJ t::itb
Mal" .. irb in
'Tra1l11::ay V' and
'0. /(J' in
JC#nI ;\1aInTcb',

,,,,bibiting and
Ib.a'" tlnign
Di" 01 "arl"
in \fa",,,,,
ArchitertonicCompos ition (1918)
A la," Ilimract "Y/" pain,, in bri/h'a'" rollJUrT
on rlJilgb j,.,ard; :rom'frie rbap<s al? rup<rimp""d
"" a,u /lr/(Jtb.r ro T,a" tkp,b. JV"b Jlfa/,,'id! and
Ta,lin, Pop.",,, " . ..,- rb. mor! (JiIrrtlltlding pai"'<r o[
tb. t-,.1914 f{uIJian absrramoni",
aughtcr "f ",cahhy <lrap'" in
,\lose,,,,, .. Liuh<Jl' initially
s bJdicd:ln ",;,h I'ri"ltC 'u"'rS. Shc
al,,, had ,he "I, ,(),nmity 10 tr",d a grc .. deal
""'und EU"1'c and ","" intrudurcd 10. b",ad
rangt: "f in!hx:nttS. &(Mn Russ;an con< and ,he
lt"lian Rt:naissan"" 10 the Cut.i,ts and F "'uri,,,,.
When 1>"I,," 'a wa' fOH,t,1 10 re 'urn I.:JI"e a'
,he "",break of World Wa, L she ".". no' a bne.
drnam ic 8"'.""" ic c'." po,i,ion .
In ,he carly 1920s, Pop",a's fa",in:< t"n wi,h
Con"ruc,i,i.m rt:suhed in he, gi,'ing up pure
p,in,ing in fa,'our ofindusrrial d",ign. RL{Ort:
h", untimcly dea,h a' ,he age of ,hirty.r,,,,. >he
had ",o.-led in ,hcarre and eo"tume de,ign and
,,-.. abo luding ,he de,ign "udio ,ha' sen'ed
,he "ilS' S",'" l atle Fa",o,y in ,\ loscow.
Acm Europe, in ,he carly 'wcn,ic,h
Unlile a ni"s in o,he' parts of Eu,ol"" who ""nnu)", w,."cn "nists we re ",,)(C a",i", in ,hc
we rt: di'p",,,,d, ,he Ruians fow,,1 ,hem"'},'", ,'i'ual and perfo,ming an" ,han ,h!)' had e""
r<"1.mi",d, ,hcreby f, )( ming thc moS' becn befo,c. No' only h,d ,hcy g;.ined ",id",
a, ... n'.ga,dc. A, firs" I'<'I>o" a ".". oCClJlJed with admiion '" ,rai ning hu, ,hey wC,e in ,he
wo,li ng ,h ",ugh ,he Cubist and F u'uri" of all ,he n('wan "."'(,,,cnts. In p'''''_
in'pira,;on. ,ha' >he had , e""i,'ed while , ..... ,olu'ion"'y Russia , women a"i.ts had
studring in I>aris. I lo",e,,:r, by la 'e 1916, she eq'" li,y w i,h men and ,hei, contrib",i ,., ".".
had joi ned ,he Sup,ema,i,ts and " .... p.in,ing ,ital 'B ,he "'ene of an and designo
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
$eated Figure (/9/f)
Pop<r.:a)- CubjJ1_impiud c(J,"po,;rio" iUllJ1rar" lb. Rtroia" appro",b ro Cuhj"n,
t::br b wuJ.d w!::artb i>h,rr",rion and r"'M<rrucrion, "n,. jiguu rNnaj", tkjin"'.
rbruugb PoPO" "" </ ","ancing and uading p'ma "1 grad""ud rolour
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 6/ 2
/ 621
/ 624
/ 624-10
/ 629
/ 642_H
/ 66f
Bo.-n in Uf
A",My<. "'ti 01 mi
mpmd by J-rin,
tmtkr Lmlnnald
in Pari,
Trl1'.-,h lo Ro,",
t"a ""i",
Sm" fJ"7n1Dlnltly
in Ro,",
O,-,n::, anriquiri",
,"y,JxlograJ "ni<>.
In/hln'ml by

E.rp<rim"'tJ ,::itb
Bar0'l'" nyl.
;\1arri" A",,,,
Mari" /),,INt
P,,;nlJ birt<ry
Janu. Inj!un/ud
by Man"gtlt1 11m!
B"","" Frrnm
Cour, pai"," ro
L""" XIII.
R""",, lo Ro,",
P,,;nlJ land""/,,J,
c"",i""" birtory

Hudrb dlinn
Di<, in RiH"'
The Sh'1'he rus o (d,,"if) (16J8)
In ,b. mid_/6 la., Pourrin ,rpJIJr<d ,b. " . .,,-j. (JI Rapba,l, R(Jman
arcbi'urun. tmd h,;n hoohon moral ronduet. FT"(lm lb", b. aoopu lb.
pUn!, d",rical i'io," ,ba' b. ""J for ,b. m' </ bit Jifr. Tb. morip,ion 'fu in
A=<h ego' iJ a q_a,i"" fr"m lb. Lvin po" Firgil P"'min "",indr '"
Iba! ,hff. , "" "a,!" [rom ,",h, n'''' in lb. pairo '::(K1d (JI Ar",i"
,rolH )'ou.",n fo nnula,ed ,he
Pr<C<lltS of Ftench 3nd
an In ,he behd" ,ha,
,hrnugh his an he "pie, nohle .nd
nles. He unden()ol hi.,o,ie:!1 ,e",.rch
n:'po",ibly, tnining himsdf in .nd
p,in,ing ,hould a , .. ional .nd ,he .,udy of eo;ns, .nd eheded
in ,d le"'u.1 I'I':Spoo'" in ,he ,ie ... e" nO! me,e ,he. uthen,ici,y nf e,c,},thi ng. Ile on"" "" "'e
plu'ure. Ili s ""he, 3l1S'e'e, .u,ho,it:t,i,'e in. l<"t,e" '1 3m by my n .. u,e 'n .... rds
'l'p<o3eh 10 .ncien, histo,y .nd ehssie.1 ,he'Hllerly."
mythol ogy innueneed I" in,ing" f:lr .. ,he As 3 p,in,e" Poussin wo,ked p,o<ligiously
ni n<"teen,h een'UI)", and mOSl Frcnch .nistS ha,,!. I'I':.ched. highlye n: .. ilC ins p; ml
f",m D .. id 10 a un"". 1"" '" in his ndfonies. Ile ",..,.,'ut1ed "". leI.
Poussin ..... >n., l"nicuhrlyin,cn:" .. 1 in ,he of wood .nd ..... x f",m which he m.de
e,CnlS ()( perS,"'ali,ies of his ,im" .nd the ,.., Iy p,dimin.')" <letrhes, .nd only then did he stl n
p,)(,ni, he <.'\'C, ,lid ...... "f him",lf. N", ... aS he I .. iming. Ile 01>",,,,,,1 ,he ""ml",';,i"".1 ''J'les
>p"p,the'<:to,he1rsefl"';Ofls,l.t,heli'und of M .. and and 'urned 10
in Rom". In his opinion, ,he ,\bnncristS "e,e "litun fo, ,he s'ud)' of "'I<les. Il is h,cr ,'udies
"'o aff<"",d .nd ,he N, tu",lislS "en: ni n: fin,,1 uf Sun."t nd ,,"'ming in the R"m.n
en<-.Jgh. I>oussin's grC3' I",ssion "",,s hi.,o,y, nd 'n: <o me uf his pUmI' .ehi",.m'L'ltS.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Echo ""d N.r<:i ssus
Fa.- Q xriod offn, pan, P"""in t.'YJrlmJ on lb"",, from damca/ myboloK!
and lb, Rmllrrana po"'. A, ,b. """' ,im" b, cam, undn- lb. painur/y
infbuna f,b, Jm.ti"" Tilian. Pictllr<rlih ,b and .nd
Armid. "" Tm",wTCiJ!()Un Qnd Tbot:! Irl f"lingjir Ib';r p",tir _rr"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Lyon, "'"'
01" ch'i mgin"r
Srudi" in Parir
influm .. d by
&11ibio )'icci a!
SaJ,:m, rubmirriOrIJ
r<ju lar "" .. , 7
Sla" purma=
Pe",,", fr- Sal"l!.
W'" di1llllud lo
mah pair
Hirtory f"'inring
CiH",",'m'otU fU.-
IRnKa", Poi,;",
,""." ball
Exbibirr Sumiller
purrbm-, by S,,,,,
Co,"miIJiOnM lO
painr Lifc"fS,
G....,c,ic,,, in
Par;' Panrbion
iJ<nK"m Par;'
fM:ara," Parir
City Hall
Pai"" ,"",-aJ, f"'"
PuM, library,
8""(6/, USA
Maro" Pri1ltm
Dj" in Parir
The Poor Fisherm:.on (1879)
Submi,,,d ro ,b. Sa/(m </ 188 1, ,}'i"",,1 painring ,,,",,ti ron,ro!'''')'.
pr w'", judg<J, lb. la",,,, of ro," '"oo. " d=r ro tI""ya';,-" ",rbn
tban 'fim arto Silla ,bm, IbiJ "''"/''''ition _ n'OC/lfW< of ,,. HoIy
p",",'/y - bad"co,"< un, al Put-j, mor! mduring ima'
"",:.etcil.:: PUls de eh.,'annes ", .. ,he
leading muralp.in'rt of his ,ime. 11<:
" .... eyen admircd br ,he rounge,
genera,ion, which included V" n Gogh,
and Seur" t, H wdl as ,he
Gau,ie'. Ahhough a con,empo,a'r of ,he
I'",'is' pracri"" ,em.ined n"""l
in ,he 1,.,li.n frescoes he h.d encoun,e,ed 00
his ,ro,'d. as J'oung mano Pi ero dclL:.
Fr.tIrtSC:I'. woti in An: u.o ha'] i""pi,,,ll',,,'is
10 hcrome an ani" himsdf.
Ve, his na" <hadowle;., decn""i"e st)'le
aroused establi<hm"n' m.nr J'car<.
The est1bli<hmen' se"",,1 no' 'o apprroatl: his
,ctrten"" n, fresco p,in,ing _ I'tn,is uscd oil On
Cam'a, fo , his mUr1ls. ra,he, ,han applJ'ing
pigmm' 'o pla"e, _ and attuscd him of
no' lno",ing ho,,- t() paio' o, dra,,-. I lis ",o,l
st,ong lineH demen!: his
palctte, howenT, al",ar< n: mained p.le and
<u Mued. U"I><' pula, ,h(lUgh i, " .... in ac:tdcmic
ci,des, his ,cchnique exen"l. sltong in!luen""
ul><)fl Gauguin .nd iml"CI<,1 on ,he
<le", l"pmcn' of ,he N.his, a Sj'mboliSt group
1,,1 br D<"tIis, JI"nna,d and Vuilb,d.
I'",'is' ,wi,ch"l dram:lticallr in the
la<l 'wen'r J'ut< of his li!l:: , ",hen a fa,.sigh,,,1
Di,ecto, (Jf Fine A,tS (keided 10 commission
,he monumm",1 Sr Gro"'h,, series in ,he Pa,is
l'an,hon. In 1895 Ptnis f"und himself ,he
gucs, of honour a, a grand banque, p,esid.,,1
O,'<T bJ' R(.lin: and !he J'c .... ftrt his dcath, !he
Salon m(Jun,,,1 , uf
\ o ung Girls by the Se" (1879)
Put';, conjur" "p /lJI at,"o'fJh"', </ ","""
amiquiry iu ,::bid! tb, girh ''''" """"u, iu
"",,,,1 p'a", "au'Y auJ fa" ,,",,,,b.,.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 481
/ 4 9/
/ 494
I fOf-U7
I f09_20
H/ 4
Bo.-n Raffa, SiltIl
in Urbi1UJ, ..... </
Gilfliarmi s"mi,
Cour, pai"," ro
F.tkriro da
Mo"ufrltnJ, D,,*,
I")"arb o[ ,"orlm-
i"Na,b "1 fatb.r
Apprm,i,, ,.
P",ug1"" in
\fa,",,- lo Norm",
"udi" Lronaroo,
Barr%,"", lUId
Poi""" "T'- rf
Pain" lb.
Ca1kd lo R'lm, by
Po/" JUIiUT /J ro
paim tb. Stanz.:l.,
"f Athen<
]uJiw- 11. Pai"tT
S"inc ,\ 1ad<ln na
Mad, arcbit1 al
Sr P",,'J, R(J,"'
Pai"" lb.
Di" in R(J,"'
s"in, .. ,.. . Si stine ,\bdon "'" ("ai!) (1 512)
Sal", HariJar" J.xW,- OUI al ,b. picttlr, [ram< "'!::ardr tb. im"gin"'Y
",ngnga'"" al rb. fOOt </ eh. ",.donn . Sb. j, ilJ <xquiJ" al "ny 01
biT MudonTlaJ", for 'I:,bom Rapbad m-"", <NI a ",'jtk rlUlK' </ ka""" b. hM
hI",::n, B",b ,b. r%uring and "''"f'O'irion o[ ,biT paiming typiIJ RaphiN!'r
R(J,""" p.,.iod
he p "mgt:" of,he ,h".., gi.nts uf,he
JI.lian J-ligh Rm.issancc, Raph.d is
be., kno",n fn, his V .. ican frescos,
numerou" ,\ ladonnas and &scinating I. "rraits,
induding the bc.u,iful l f'(JrTlllrina (ro,,,,
as Raphad's ,"", ,,,, ",ife) and the
h.un,ing PoI" ]uJiUf /J. Sun "f. Cuurt I",in,e"
Ral",.d ",''s b,,1i'1 into ,hc righ'
an ani,tic ca"", and, d"-'pite bcing 0'l,ha""d a'
ck"V ..... , his I"""riuus 'aJcn1$ "",,, ,,-,1 hiss"n, ... 1.
] h,'ing """ple'cd his app, m ,ittship ",i,h
]'<:rugino, Raphad mOl"d nl Jil,,,,, ,,,,,,. lncn: he
hu.,,,1 h .. art n, ,he Renaiss;tntt i,Jcals ofbc:tu'r
and han""nr. al though his gcnius ,,"1' ti,,] br the
d"ma,..1s of I"'''un<.
Raphacl . s,reng,h lar in his dr! ftsmanship
and, a' ,ha, ,ime, d"",ing ",aS con,idered ,hc
Ounda,i()fl "f.1I ,'isual art<. Fo, ,he las, S""Cn
re". of hi s lifc, hc cmplo}'ed Marcan"'nio
R.imondi in his Romc "udiu, cngr,,ng ,he
b.ddog of d"",ings ,h., he bdcd ,ime lO
Com'ert in'" p.in,ings. lt ",as Raimondi 's
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
,cnderi ng of R"I"'ad'. Tb, ]udg,,",nr o[ Parir
,ha, ,hc pose of ,\bne" s fgu,lS in
Dij""'<r Sur L'H<rk (,,'c, ,h",c ttnbJrics l. "',.
\ Vhcn 2<Signcd 10 ,hc Papal Cuurt, Raph:td
".,,, gi,.::n eh:t r;<: uf allmajo, nu' unir
p.in,ings but a,ehi",,,,u'" and ,hc p'L":n,.,ion
of an,iqui,ilS. Raph.d wasn'! a grca' inn","uo,
o, di""".:: "" , l'" whcn hc dicd a'
his." ,howcd an cmo,ional dcp,h ,h., migh,
"di h."c m"'urcd 10 cqu,1 ,h., of Leo"",.!o
and Michel:,.ngdo.
The D<:po<ition o{Chris! (l 50?)
Rapba' pap oomag' la Micb,langdo', Doni "",do _ paim,d only lb,
Y' '''" INfor' - t::ilb ,IN Jm"ling "YJ1n"" rdiling iNxk, h'h Micb,langdo',
Virgin. /-li, d'fKJ"rion group b", dir"'nd i",l[ fr&n lb, "''''
o[ d""b on lb, bill ""d ,b, body tb'Y "n'J' i, "'"Iy marhd 1, iJ a pirrur,
;;:ilb a/J lb< qua/iri" lbal /J.:/"roir en", lit",d a, Rapba,n moil
adm"ahI,; 'bi, milY1',II<J", J<Jbri"y; biu<Jil5Ulm m,a"",; "" nrrlt:'agana,
n. ,,,,Igarity, "" lri"iality'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/606 Born;n i1idm,
ron "1 a ",jll",
/624 Srudi" in
A"'ITmJa", unr
/62f Sm"f'ftudjoin
L.idm, pupi"
i",k"k D""
/61/ Mo,." lo
b","" _=fuJ
parlra;!;n. S"'rIT
/614 \J"rn"S",J:i"
"'"' /Jjmlmrgb
S",h'" gr.,,, binb
lo fo1lr cbildrm,
"'" ",n, 71"",
i"Na,b "1 Swh'" ,
PainlJ T hc
HmdricJ:j_ Stoffik
i" "',,,,h'fm;
la'" '"0,1</ ""ti
Sinb" '"ugb,,.,.
C.,..",fi" by
IlmdricJj . Pain"
l lcndridjc
/NlnJ:r/lpt , Paintr
i"Na,b "1
Di" in
oft/te )"Oung Sa<kJ" (/6H)
S",kill ",ay ha'" ,mrn ,bu <Uri"U! ba' in puNir. fina
R""branOt "fr." painu' b;,m'/f ""d bit ["",i/y ar",,' iR ,,,,,tic
ca5"',"". 7b. /Jureb Un" " "., e rif"' ro a "P'aal 'YP< </ picn".,
in"tUl., a, a cbara,ur rrudy ""b.r Iban a J1rajgbt !"mrai,
Cl1lbran<h ,-an Riin's du, cmp,,,h)"
,..i,h human condi,ion malcs i,
surpr .. mg 10 It":!,n ,ha' hc ne,c,
tJ":!,'clled ou,<ide ]-Iol!. nd. I lov .. c,T, Lastm.n,
his ""IS' innucn,ial 'e.cher, h.d h.."n 10 ltal)'
.nd ,>1,,,,,,,,,1 the wo, l ofCar''''ggio. La""'1n
'augh' his 1"'1'; 1 ,he ,cchnique of rbiilY"'UTTJ (,he
,endenng of ""trCme ligh, .nd sh.de) .nd
Rcmh.-and, 'luiclJ)" le..-n,,1 10 handlc i, ",i,h.
,kili fe", h",'c Cn'" m"chcd.
T hc anist's p<.,.,onal lifc ,,-as a catt loguc of
mi<fonune. I li. f,,, wife, Sa<kia, and ,h,,,, of
,hci, child,rn dicd ,'c')" C1rl)". Rcmh,and"
.hhough su""cs:sful. h.d no hcad for bu,incs:s
an,i'lui,ics ,;ho",,,I. collectio<l ,h1t indudcd
Leorurdo, Mie hcLongdo, R.ol'h:.ocl. Ilollo" in,
Titi"" .nd Rulo"ns: and hc h.d "0' '''' of exotie
dothcs, om'mCnlS and 'nnour, ",hieh he u",d
.. 1" ' 1" in his p.in,ings.
Dunng Rcmhr md,'s long ca"" hc cng"lgc<1
in dtawing, c",hing a nd 1'" iming. 0,,<.,. 2000 of
his worls still ex", ."d .Ithough he is l',ul",bl)"
best kmwn for I_mnirun:: , particuhrl)" his o",'n,
his subectS r1ngc ,hro"gh biblie.1 ,hemcs,
e,c'l',h)" life. I.ndscapc and nudes . In caeh
genn:: he cun,ey< a I1xtUn: of 11". ,ds_ he would
,'udr his Own cxpn::s:sion. in mc mi.-.-o, - .nd
'uch de p, h of f",ling , ,h" hc endun::s .. one uf
.nd di .. ",ous!)" ""pensi,'c tastes. A, his ,be ,,.,st s)"'p"hctie .nd 'PI" ""i",,1 of.1I the
b.nkrup'<Y, 'n im'cn"")' of his an .nd gr<":!' .ni,ts.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Ardungd R.oplud L . , . ~ , ; n g the F.mily ofTol>ios (/617)
Th< Arrbang<1 Rapbad b,1pr Tobi", lo ml!Jr< biJ [lllb"1 Jigbl llAlI ,bm jli"
off in a &roqu, j1uny o[ for"bor"mJ 5mbJ, ,;:ingT and JTll/"ry. BIII In""
imprm', . aH iT R,mbrandt)- Inarurfol tbiaro.turo
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
184 /
Born in Um0K'T,
roJl"/ a '''JliT
Apprm,,, ro
painr "n,lai" and
=ya';". ;mm
]","$ A"li.,-
Gky., mmr
8",,U., Mo"",
SilIry. Cbmu
and PiITllrru
Exhib" al Sdm
Sba= rrudio ;;.,jrb
8",,;0., En I'lcin
"ir rrudS" tri,b
JI'<.o-h and "bibi"
ar lmpr,,,ionist

Trat',h taA/pia.
Spain "lid Ita/y.
njlumad by
"lid J'/a"'l"'=
Binb </ ron Pi,",
Exhib" in NnIJ
Mam" AH",
Si,,}'.f "" J"'"
S.,.iQUJly dimhJ.
by ar,bri,;,
Binb <f ron
I")"arb al Ah'm
",,,,,,/ in o,grt<r_
Uphill Through LongGr:><s (1876)
A latld=!" v:i,bfigur",JTom R"",ir)- purm Imp"IJi(l/i"p<riod
R,miniJaRt "Mon,,', \\%I l'ol" ics, it ;;. .... probahJy paint.d dtlTing
"'" ",k ""m,,", Iba' ,b. arrim '1"rIt wK,tbn al Arg"",,,iI
,h ,he of ,he ral,.. .. y. ,he J-Ic,k"id"d .. s nJ "",he"''''.n' oo,
b.t nks uf ,he Seine ht:}'ond I'aris ,1-.: ,,",I<,r, and ,h., he w<luld .n"'''I'' lO ""p,ess
I",c,,,": pOIJUla, :So,, ;", ci,}' mon: "" n:fUlly b.' tonal ,eb,ionshillS. No'
worle:rs. L> Gn: nouilll: n: ., CmissY"",1.J,_Seinl: ,h., he. he,ed his 1" Il:ne: R""oi r l'l" lO ,he
,,""'. ,estouran' buih fmm s<:n:rll OO"S Lrigh' "olour< he h.d al",ays f,,'our"l. In his
IOg",hcr, p" ,,'iding dan"" noo, in ,he b'e' ",orks, Reno,,'s ""p"ri",,,,,,,,ion bmugh'
e,enings. T his "",s ,hl: destina,ion (lf Pierre an oUI]. Juring of monumental nudes ami
Augustl: Renoi, and Claude ,'lofle, Ofle d.y in sensual y(Jlmg wom"" wi,h lumine,",en' skin.
1869, ",h"" ,he 'wo }'oung friends s<:' up ,hei, U""" . "prumisingly, R""oi, had al"",y" p.in,<1
easds tuge,he, m pkin "ir and ini,i .. ed ,he wh.. plea<ed him and, ,ina: his days
bn: .kthmugh lO Imp,cssiofl i'm. of d"'o,a,ing fans in ,he SI}'le of
Hy 1 SSI , ,he y<",r hl: 'Ufn,,1 fO" yand bl:g;n F'-'gonard ami Bouelter, his i mm""'" sli 11
'ra,elling IlJund Eurol'" and North Afric. , and ,he .bili,y '0 comey eha,m rm,.ined
Renoi, lnew i, w.s ,ime fo, a ,eassesSm""'. m,i n: lyundiminll-.:d.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
\\'o"",n Combing Her ll:.oi r (/907-08)
Gabri,/k Rmard ;;:a, a dimmt rotlJin ,::1xJ "''", a, bir ",n J"m', nun., and
"1IY,d OR a, b"""J:"P'r and no,M flr RnllJir Wbm anbri, "dllad bi,
bandr to dl1l::J, Gabri,lI, '::mf'P,d tb,," in fJ'f'1,tN"d K " " ~ ro pm .. ."t tb, ,J:jn
adbn,nK' /JiJl1b1,d as b [atb<r ,,'as, OIl1td, RnllJir "",3,d 'ippinK
pai",brusb" h<tt:Yn'I bi, [atb<r', [inK'" ro ,lIRh/, bim to W'"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
1844 Bo.-nin u,raJ, .....
ola pb,mlvr
I S64-M Ar"'yu",,,ar
dnr;,,"';" in
uWm"'lIll hand
/ 869 S"rI" in Pari"
Maro" O,mm"
BjiJIilrd, tbql","
bat'. tbr" cbilthm
/ 871_9J
/ 886
/ 888
/ 90J
/ 90f
/ 908
/ 909
/ 9 / 0
n",h in ,JI_
n",;Otl f(Jf" ,ro"
'"'1". Nid;"",",
(UffiJmT iffi-)
Pim <"bihin ",
Sal", ti"
\ \ 'all in ,he
Slttl'ing ('0)'1"1"
\JanT" R_Ji<
JO!ipbilU Noury
iJ<atb "/ /{"!iJi __
Fin! ,,,bibi,, al
SaJ.m d:4",,,,,",,,,
Thc ll ungry
PiCilJ'" Iroldra
NrIiJ"" in biJ
;'rJ(J"""'nI' in
",,,,k fr"u
Di" al gilTlgm"
in Parir
n.e Footl .. U Pl:.oyct'S (ti"",.,) (/9()8)
In cI6Iw",' la hi"""ti, rubj<m. Rou=au nljay' ftaturing lb.
"'<ryday q, o[ P'"Pk ""'"", b,,", rbaring lbr Iil:-' "pan"
ll1IlI all killlh Tb. r1ril"d foiJIlmJkrr look '"IN"< '" il
tbry aY< p"fo, ming a ,,,",,,limO,,
n cnCOunt<"f ",th llenri 'DoU1nic, ' Dchunay Apollinai ",
Rou,""'au r<1'c.I,,1 '''''nge mixture of .mong h is ""qu.inunccs _ Rous"'au hc!>, n
un",o<l,Hy shy""'" :Inri. Ci,,i,,)n bc6cf 'ubmini ng 'o ,he S.lon ,k:s lnrll"'nrl, nI<, lO
in hiso",n >rtisticulen'. llc h,d und ..... gu"" ,he ",hich he "' m.in{"(llo}':il fo,- ,he "'" ofhis lilt: .
u'u:! I e!L'''''''ta'y bUl a' Su ne I. ,in, he Rous,",au's 1" in,ings >re ,erm{"(! 'ni,\c' bu,
beCime {"()m'inc,,! ti,., 1" in,ing his "De ,his imply <ha' ,hey:l n: in"in"'ua!. On
",>C:t,ion .nd cJ.imed ,h., his 1'''''''1<' I)()""'y ,he C()f) tJ'1 'y, he I'I.nn,,1 his worl with cxtt""'e
h.rI I""eh](!"!.,, ""h",,!. Ci re, usi ng nume,Ous ske,ches .nd piC'D'"
La,er, wen' .he.d .nd oI""incd. ",f<Ten""'. Some m,ldcd hirn 1(" going aS f>r
eopyi,,'. Cinl 1(" the Lo",'''', "'h ..... e he sl'cn, a 2S taking his sinelS' mCi'urL,,,ents 1(" p,"'nilS,
lo' of,ime stu,J.'ing ,he urly Itali.ns.]-Jc mc:' 2S if he ,.. ..... e 'ailor, bu' he waS ma"eling
,he I)(J<"ts Jarry anrl de Gourmcn" ",ho ana"''''yanrl l" ollO"i')f) ,he be" ""y he Ime ....
e,. nr"i",i')f)erl li,hograph !i-n01l hirn f, ,. ,h,;r Once p"" ,he pr"l"""" y ,u);:es
re,'ie ... , L'/magin, anrl hcfo", long Rous", .. u im.gina,ion "'ul off, anrl ,he unre""rlable
found hi",,",lf a,b"i",,1 'o ,he w,,. lrI of wri' ..... s one_,i me 1011 colltt",r hecame ,he cxo, ic
anrl a"islS. Encourlg"! by ,he of ,he story,eller w ho", un ique imagt:s are no,..
,,'an'-gan!e _ in <he c:nrl he 1"",rI ,ueh n""OS aS "'C()gnizcrl anrl .rlnr<,! e,crywhen:.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
The S n ~ k e Cru.rmcr (/9(fl)
Tbi,l()ru mwician rmndr lih a dark E, calling ,,'" all ti" '''1'''''' /ro'" b.,.
moonlit paradi", f{()!ro"'" ""uld <1m> tah bir ,htmbook to tb. Jardin d"
PliW'" iWd _ tbiWh ro a "' ... t arriWK"""" ,,,b ,,'" <1 tb. gartNn=_ draOi'
for OOl'" Il1Rong lb. jungl. ff"'u'Y <1 tb. oo/'bou"" 11 " . ..,- tb. "'ar'" b.
""uld n'tr w,". ro n:p.,-i",cing a tropical land=p'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I f 77 Bo.-" in Si,K"',
RlR 01" 1""7"
I f9 / _9f Apprm,,, in
1600 Vi,;" I mi", '"'
" .... 1: fTi,ian "lid
I ffO ......... Vi,i'I
/ 60/ Vi';" R'IN", ru,
"''''-} </
/ 60J

/ 609_ /4
/ 6 / 0-20
/ 62 /
/ 622_2f
DipJ(lmatic ,.Ji, ro
f{"ur'" lo Rom.
Mam" Imb.Ua
Bn"", unlu in
Anrarp, b", 1M"
cbildrm. Pai""
w,"",irriorIJ for
m"ny C",/robe
/)jpJ"inutic =t.e.
for lfapJmrfI,Y
Co,"tnimom in
Par;' lUId
/ 626 D<atbof ",bdlll
/ 628_10
/ 61/
/ 640
N_g",i",,, "'tia
11<11:."" Madrid
"lid umd"".
Knigbu by
Cbltrl" J. M=i"
H.lma P""rmmt,
ha, fr.-, tbildrm
Knigbu by Pbih'p
I V. ""ir" /mm
Jipl'lmlll;e '''''''
["ilu" in Anfl::"1'
The Str .... 1 h t (,.1625)
A p<rtnlir "S_lma Fwrmmt, Ti,,,,. </ Ruhm, =l1IId '/;:ift, 11&1111.
Rabm, 'ilJ' picr",",> """' p"i"wJt;:'Ib ti "I"", pi"",", in ,,. rnbjctJ
ro h< found da" '" b&",
etC!" ]'"u1 Rul>ens "",,, ,he 1"'<Se""" "f
I'henol1H:nal giflS, IOge,hc, ",i,h the
phy$eal rnc'gy and o'g:tni""ional
abili,)' 10 cxen:c<c ,h",,, . A< ",di as bcing an
CXP'IflL"n' of,he Iu;;h lla"',!ue St}ic ,ha, hc had
acqui , cd in Italy ,,"as a lcy
innu<:nct: , ",hc"c work Rubcns eon,inu<:d 10
ehampion ae", nOrlhcrn Europe) , he ,,"as
Rom:!n C.tholie, muhilingual. .nd al""' n' .... :!
.ml .. fo' ,he l lap,hurg , ulers of,he
Sp.nish ,,"e,hcrlands. J-lis Sta'uS aS Court
p.intt:r Rul ", ns r"'m 1",)ing':!_<eI.,.1 i,
als" fn:1 him f"'m guild rub: he ,,"']d
witOOut n:,nieto,ns, ,he hugc 'tu,lio ,ttlf n",-,ll
n, ca"y "ut.D his "'onllssi'lfls, man-" "f ",]-.""
had ,hci , o",n 'Iroalitiel.
Thc", ""'lJ"is$ oll s ehicny eonsisted of
dynamie imagc,y des.igned 10 ,cmp' pcoplc
a"..,y f". " ,hc "'. nb", I',o'c'tan,i'm of ,he
RL{o<J"a,.", . It ",as ",ha' ,hc Ca th"lie Church
and Eur' 1,can ro}..,I,y "''lui,ed fo, ,hci,
Il<,, "gan,b Purl. ':<, Drl",ing "p"n his Latin
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
schm l "Iuca.io", Ruben.< p"'''uttd seo"" "f
cbbo,..", aharpi""es and allego. i",,1 ttilings.
l lc ,..". ade p' " p"in.ing SUPI. ,::,lly ehristi"n
"inuc bu. gi,ing i. a sub,'cr$'" sinu",il}" .he
It,a.ures ofhi, nudes. '" dclib<.,. .. dy
cx.gg>' r:l.,,1 10 .... "Ilh""iu: and
f",,,I,. ,, fr,." ",-ant .
Ruben" sl}'listic innucntt ""dured (Jl'er
.h",e ttn.unes, fr,." Dyek and ,\l urillo,
.hrough \Valle," u :l nd G.insoorough '0
"",1 Renoir .
,\brie de ,\l"did Di scml>:orlcing '" Mu'Seillcs After ,\brrl:..ge
to I lenry IV ofFr.nce
0'" . ,,. <y,k . 2/ painringr for ,b, Palai! tk Lux",,"'tug, nH",",'m'o",d by
,b, fim,m oo1::aI{'r '1""" Mari< d, M,dici '" tkpicr b", /ifr, Rub.m pr'f"'rd
bund"dJ . marur ,hub" fir bis "udi. lO ""r.l- fro",. 1, 1::..,. no ,ary laJ.I-
diplom",i",Uy lb", tin" lb, qtlrl "'aI" quarn"","" lar rom and
bad "",,,d buI{' amounrr' mil1uy "i,boullKbi,, .. ing allyrbing rnna,*abk in
b" lifr. To RuhmI' ",dit, b, kfi " ""itji,d cusr",n" M ",mpl,tion
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in \Jo,,",,',
ron of a m",bllrll
Studi" a' \J",,,,,,,
SdJooI ofPainting,
Smlptur< and
uacoo lantkap_
Mo,,"'" Scbool af
Pountkr mN""'r

Tra,.dling ;Ir,

&bibi"d The
Rools I b,'e
Di" in \Jo"",,,
By the Whirlpool (Dttp .... ) (IS92) by ls:"k Le,i .. n
'1 "-il1It '0 di""".,. and 1<=" in "'y aI::n <ountry tb_ miJ5! ","pI., '''' miJ5!
imnnau, ,h_ mor! ""m"""pM" and rb_ mor! N"ilIi""aJly ,"",'ing; that
,,-bicb ofun "lt",,, a """ of m_/=bdia_ '
k:xci s,,t:tS<'" ,,-.s ,hc 111('" lyri",1 - eh_. of S,,-ra,v a' the ,\lo"",,,,'
and named 'litther' _ of ,1-.: Rus,ian Sehe ... 1 ofPainting, Le,; .. n "",<:red ,1>< Sehe ... 1
bnds"'pist., ]-]e ""aS a ng ., ,hine"" .nd s'udicd ,1-.: ", ,en J""'s b""
memb<:r of ,he t:tdi",1 W.ndc:rerS group in ,,,,,'dling lO I>",is ",he", he Came urol ..- the
1863. IOgr:tl-.:r ",i,h Klod, and Shishkin. lne crc:t,i,'e innocnCt: of ,\ lone"
group formcd in re,'oh .gainst ,he st;Aing Le,'i"'n ", ... s abo. lif<'long fri""d of ,he
in'<:rna';onal neo __ cl.ssi<i'm ,ha, preniled ChelOl', Ho,h men kh cmotionally
against any Russian g<:nre. "'.::,ing "" a eo_ oourol ,n ,he R",-,ian and ronS<ous
opet:t';,e. the \ \'an,k: ", rS organi,-,-,I tnI"dling ,ha, thc ""un,r)"s histo,)' ",-.s ",rin"n upon il. A
exhi b';of)' of their ",orl. --ln<r 1"'nlflS ",e", lO ke-' e>:ample uf Lnit:tn's '1",,,. 1' hndSCt pc " o,k
b-c found amm g ,\l(j'<"<'w's me",h.n' ela. i. Tb_ V/admirJ:a /{(Jil d. ,he high", ... )' n, Sib<:ri .
many of ",h,." "en:: disu:ming arl <"<,De."o,s.
I ... l Lc.'itan (1860_1900) .nend"l ,hc
along ",' hieh so many prisonerS " ... 11cd lO
,I-.:ir ,le"hs.
T b-c Rooks 1 b ,'e Returnoo (IS 71) by Alcxei S.v",-,o, '
Tb_ "mun of ,bnooJr; ro a r,"",ly fr""'" land "gnaJftb_ tran,ilion fyom
"-im,,, lo 'f'Ying aJ lb_ hird; rrouild tb_ r(J()}ny_ Tb< Ilrtist bad
,,-itkly in tb_ nonb"", pra"nen of /{",'a and b_ fr_qum,/y pain"d ,,-im,.,-
/antlsaJ/"S and tM ",ming tbtr",
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/9/ 4
Bo.-n in Tub'n, ,,",
ola raih;.,it]-
na';oo marU,.
F"mily rnot" I ro
Vi",,,", . o-atb </
Srudi" ",
Anr, Finilla
En""'rlfu. KJi,",
Vi",,,,, Ktmmcball
Injlum .. d by
IVi"",. JI"'.b"""
,l/u,,- 1111";,
(Jl/ryJ N.,l
Tbry ,n,y lo
C.nt'icu <f puhJic
&bihi!J al
Co/ogr", \J",,,
Munid! tkakr
Muo- &Ji,b
fij,-;r "'<-mil"
<",bibitioll in
Vi"'''''. II/iltT;'I
&Ji/h. jo,,,, arrny
Rq",,,nrr Austria
in K",'.,-nrnm,.
,/, __ d
<",bibitiort in
Sllla}xlm and
Majo.- <rbibirur in
Di" "1 info",'=a
in Vr"""
SdJi' pruning lfJiltiifatti(J1l i:! _ Iil:< lO m""Y <f bi, pa.., _ '""" proNhJy
an "1, Th< i1nag" b. ,""tk "lbill"'lf ", ,biJ ti,"< bm::n
,",Iod",rn,,';c ""ti ,ina", ilJ k ",ud a ,",J'ipliciry o[idm,i"" "lid
in"'T fo</inW
gon Schiclc. lile his Gus",,' K1imt,
,wk C",tiCi'111 as. m.jo .. ,hm,e uf his
wo .. k, lt Icd nl .u::usation. uf his hcing
sex obsesscd' .nd hc onU:: him,df in
I'tison btidly fo .. 'cxhil>i,ing.n <TUlic d ... wing
in a pi""" lO childrm', ab",in liLc
Klim' , the UJlqucstion ,hle quali,y (Jf Schiclc',
worl ",'cn'u.lly found.n 'I, ,,""';ati,'e .u,lienu::,
and ell::n gOl"rnmcn' SI'0nsorship when !he
sexuali,y and 'upcrb tl:chnic:il slills, Ilis mo,her
d.im,,1 tha' he e<luld d ..... , his ,.,colld
hirtbd.y, and his d",,,'ing ability was
,ha, Schidc hOr<:d ,i ", lcssly "'roughOut his lifu
un,il hc ..,hi"""I. n .... Jr&ultlcss line, I>ain,ing
hc Icss c:t.y, csl'e<:ially in oik, but he had
a facili,y app""ehing a nlC,lium .nd tlking
i, .... iftly be}"Jnd a ,echnic:il challenge lO
sty6.tic m'cry, whieh he did lO ma,,'dlous
au,hoti,ies ... ished 'o I)(xl<t Ausn-i'" cfree, ... i,h gouaehe .nd .. ""crrolour, Tha'
in,ernational imasc, mi""'y ","r a mc,tium ",as ,ital nl Schiclc _
Sehiclc's un""nl" omising .... JndoUf in his n(xhing should iml",le his 1" ''1: '''''' ""'''' "l. !he
'",a'm"" of,he nude figure _ bn.le .nd malc puti,y of ,'i';on and cssm,i.1 ttuth tha' he fd,
_ offurs an unsettling nx'ure uf ... ere thc IUIrI"";':: of his an,
Wom:.on Uttdrcssing (1914)
Al ,biJ ,im., Stbid nulh brolm. y" mor< voJup,,,,,ru-.
H. ""d ,. 1J,'",b ,b. figur<, brru-bing brigb'
alurlt, f ,oJour <NI '"f' f ocl1r<, 711. m,mipJ. foldro/
/abri, alt""""" ,b. mil:'"",,'" o/ ,b. t."(Jmllrl tlJ rb.
",'riggl"/= f,b. dmr
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Par;', Ji'"
ofa 'KaJ iffiaal
Studi" und,.,.
L,blrlar'" (a
for,,"" rrudm, (JI
Ingm) al L&J,
ti" B,au".ArH,
Parir. Vi';" .. ,b
Mi/irary ""-,,, in
/)rtn::ing "!,,,d
"t Salm
Exbih,!> Il1th",,"
.. A,nil.-rcs a'
Ji'" , bJ, "
&diri tk, Ani""
Exhib" Lo
Grlndc J:utC al
Sth Imprmionirt
<",bibitiIJ" QlId
Sakm ti"
r 'ITt <",bibirr in
Bruml,,;:i,b L"
Exhib" in
Bru=/r ,;:itb L"
Ving!_ M",,,
Bj"b" _ Pi""
by Maddfin.
Di", ,::irb JI'"
Pi" ... ,,,
dipbtbm'n in Pari,
Thc Sidcs ho .. (1887_88)
A 1::ontkrfoUy alm .,.ic, tJ,/I!uJly ,","paud pimlT< ala """,/linK
fair; t::itb lb. {Jil and g'" lamp ",h',,.ing lb. g!OOlrl"l" t::inur'f rt"""'g
and ""'p,ing tb. tlIIIJi",,, '" ,<JI"' ""'pirr ",,",aim"nI!
COrgCS Scun.t'. n'm' .. l'",c"c.lI}
s}non}'11()u> ""h ,he "o,d
'1'01n"lh'm', ,lil1>Jonlst I'.mbng
method ,ha' he him>clf ""lIed oIJli""lp,in,ing.
S ..... " .... "1< a N<"-lmprC<S.or,,. \ \r,th Signac
ando carlr (lfl. Pi<s'm,. he engag..>1 in an anal)".
of the ,,,,hnque. "",,1 b.' the Impn:S<.ic.,i,1S 10
'q,,-(.Iutt: light and
S<',m,t's go.1 ,,"1<' It:.nnul. It:., the c n::tti<ln
of Iwninous ",I(-.J, Un ""m'as br p,inting du.s
of " lfl ' .... "ing nen lO one "n",he,. Tne
elr"" ... aS 10 he oro<: <lf pun: mlou'. hle,..bl
li'<Tallron the ,etin. of the he!.:,ld<.,,, nd "'JI ()fl
,he p,i"",,'. 1",le,u:. It is n:a"'n.ble 'o ask ... hr
an a"i" sh(-.J ld ",el ,he cn"-,,uin' nf, fo( mula:
,he anSwe, could be 'el uf c<.Ol fid"nce in
handling 1" im. or ".,. ,igid rr.ining ,h:tt "';':",s
anphing irregular (.o" impu l";,,,. O, pern,p'"
lile (Jlhcr highlr l"imelS _ Del!:..
Poussin and .\ loMri"n. It:.,
ex:tmple _ Seu,." ", Ii,hed ,he in",lIec, ... 1
<h,lIeng". 1000"d 10 wo,l 'scien,ifi""lIr' and
<-"njo)'ed ,he 'I><.o" ious p",,,:ss nf I.o"n, 'ing his
,heu,)'. U i, a"'mllr work: :tt
1"", .. oo, as p",dic",d.
Ap'" fmm "n gra,1' of exi"ing
",Iour ,h""i" . Seura' 'nd Signac didn',
que,tion ,he pun'r o, n:Ia,i", ",hr. uf
,he pigm<-"nts ,h:tt ,hey u",d. ' Ine ' L"<Uh wa< ,.."
'oc rumino,i'r ,hey h,d hoped As Signac
.<lmine.!: ... ,"1 dots and gr<"n ,km make an
'ggn:g"ltC which is gre)' and ",k'urless.'
Of mulSe. Scura,'s wor ks are n(JI c"lourless.
bu, nO, '''' ,hey ,.,inh"w bngh'. I"-,,e.d. all
, .... '" I"in, .. kinglr du.s I'mdu<c the
m ,isual s<-nsation uf" ligh' p'" rlr ha.
o, g,.,in. which has hecome Seur:tt's
mark ,ftcr all.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
A Sun.uy Ar,e moon on Lo (1884_86)
Srorat'J mas! fam"," painring. tb, prod"'t 1/ mlllly pr,/",ratory dm,-,ingT
alld painud hb,artlllJ, alld tb, "nlT'Pr" 1/ tb< 8tb ,"prutionirr
,xbihition ;;:bu. j, ftm "PP'ilr,d. His fJ<i#ntilb'" tbni,!,,, b/lJ """'EfiJly
=aud lb< d"amliJ:. nupmtion l/ti,", alld m(Jiion Ma ';:arm, mnny
afi"""on "'d, ,b< riI' ...
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 7S6
/ 790--91
Bo.-n in /.it.-.,-p""',
ron ola Curri<T
Pupil <f Numl"
P()rtrai,irt iR
R()rrlm-n Englarul
Smtli" and "tlCb
alUlwm)' al ,,*
Vi"" 1",1)' by boa'
and M.".""" 00
r,mrn ,..".ag<
Grorg' by
Mal)' Spro"T
Famil)' lit-" ""
la,,,, in R()rtb""
;\10'" '" Lond"".
&uiru Tllbjm;
'rpand '" indud,
pi'= and ,::i/tl
An:I "u"y of the
E.xp<t-immIJ ,::itb
roa",.!,,,,, m7l,";rr.
""ti 'o: ..-h
t;:itb Ja'ab
,u"nlm- <f
I.""oon'; R"J'al
commjrriom fum
P,-jna 01 n;'l,s
Di" in Jnd""
,\Lores F",,[s in a Ri.-er (tI,,,,il) (1 76j..(iS)
SfUbbs matk a "Ti" (JI rtudi" <f /mod mar" and foalr "' agai1lJ'1 a
t-ari,'J' olbaaground" [rom "-"<XJdr '" m""maim. Nir ''1'"' """"'mjcal
kR(),::f,tlg< "",N,tI bim lo p"" lb< bim Om;',ngl)' in a pJ",'ng
tI"'gR. N, usuall)' pajnutl lb< ""i,"ah fim and ,bro fiU,tI iR ,b<
mrnJ"nding landJ<ap' fum biJ imagiRll,ioo
eo'g.: S'ubbs had a p""sion fo'
an> nu"y, bo,h human and animal. 11"
'''criyed linJ" lTaining bu,
knL ... enough uf ,he subje<1 '" ,eaeh i, 10
m"Ji",,1 stu,k:nts ",hile in York: and in I iSl , he
illu>,r.ttI:d Dr Jolu, Runo.,'. Erruy 7"::a"lJ Q
Cumpk" Nro S)"i"," <f MiJl::iftrt. lIun(lfl " .... a
nO!!:lrious Jr()hite, ",hit]" by a>.><:-i:t'>:lfl, muld
Stubl..' uf ,he I h"''''<:r,.,s .nd his
l,ruklflg<>J ", fu;;al of U"'U1ssilfl.< frOO1l ( "">rgt: R.
S'ubbs' cxquisi'e .na,omieal drl ... ings
f'lrm",J ,he b"-';s "f his exp"rtise '$ hOTSe
p,in,e,. For eigh'een mon,hs he 'en'ed
rL'1lotI: f.nnho"", ",hcre he "',ukJ
",ork undi"urb"d, dissc<1ing 'pceimens 10
di"""", ,h" fun<1i (lfl of e,"'y booc and mu>de.
' Inis led '" his publi"",i'lfl ofTb< AlUl"""Y <flb<
N""" ",hieh b-c""mc m'jor rek: rcncr f'lr
anists .nd n"urllists.
In ,ho, day<, horsc p,intings ".c'" rlnk",J
lo",cr ,h.n bndscap<s. Ye' , ",i,h <irde of
p"ro"" S'ubbs ke. bu<}' C1l ough,
Iniming racrh' lrscs foo- .ristoerltic o"'oc"
.nd b",,,,Jcrs ",ho ", .. n,,,,J. pi<1o.-ial ",('(",J 10
"'-"'. "I"ny ,h<i, ;tud 11<. ,k I .. tings . And ,.hcr
",mmi"';ons fo' families I' (>s ing in
,hei, ho.--st:-drl",n ""rri'g<s.
Stubbs .1,0 L-nju)'cd p.inting. ,"i<1Y of ",ild
.nim.ls, induding lioos, ,iger<, gi .. ffes,
mo.,ke)s ",,<1 ,hi,..,cr",s, ",hieh he ohscn-<>l in
I" i, .. 'e mcn.geties. He oncr
'rl,'elled lO ,\loroc"o, ".hert: he ",itne>.",d "
fir., h.nd a lioo Stl Ilcing a h' lrsc.
M.my of S'ubbs' p;etu"'s " "'" ex"""tI:d in
,hin oils .nd exi" no,,- in rl,her f .. gile
('('ndi,ion. Ilo,,<'Ve', "")S' ' n: "ill p,i,'"dy
o"-n,,,J by the families f' lr ",hum thcy "en:
'lrigin.lly I"in',,].
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
T"o Foxhountl. (1792)
A """mirrion fm," lb, R,,-.,.md TbumaJ J:y,,"of
linrolmbit?, ,;:ha ';:a! 1111 /T.'id '1'iK!3man Imd
''''P''"! hmd.,. offorbountb. n,iJ t!Jg I111d hitd! in
an imaginury IIlnd",,/J' '1:.""' pruhahJy fr"'" !b<
Enr/ </ ;"-borougb', r""''I:.""d Brod:/,J,y pael:
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I HO(l)
H 4S
I f62-66
I 'iSS_90
Bo.-n Jaro!",
Rolmrti in J 'mia.
Srudi" wuJ.,.
Tiria". 'l"arrdr
aruJ ka,..,- ,,,u/;,,
PoiT", SI ,' lark
Frc"ngthc Shlt:
for s.U<J1a Jj San
Mam" fil/",i1lll
. J tbry
bat'. [It.
daugbuTT trlId
Pai"" ,\ 1 '-"dc< uf
SI M.rl
iJoram- Se",,/ di
s"n Rocro
Pai"" P ..... ,lisc
for IJog Pala"
PaiTtrJ La"
SUI, lt .. for cbttrm
o[ San Giorgio
Maggior" Di" {JI
in .."i",
T ltd"t of the BOOy of St M:.o r L: (/562-66)
Tb,u paiminW O/lb. mirad" </ Sr M..,.-} "',.,., matk for lb. Smola di Sim
\JIl,...O, H.,." ,b. C'brimam" Akxantln'a ux'"' lb. ",m', hody. und<r''''"'''
ala ,tofflf. 711. "'TU /van- all rb. baU1I1arh </TI",".-",,,: druma,;c
c"""p"riti(JlI and xnpm'l!, bigb con"'/lJ"! Ilgbting "lid for"lxrunng
in",.-",to so nidnamc: l1lC3ning 'li"le "Ij'l'icolly cr>:,ugh, he \"<,k.1 nJ worl no
d}'LT'. As achild. tht sto,"}" K()CS ,h., he alon<: , consol.b,ing wh., he hod l<:1m .. 1 fmm
made ch"",ool <tr.",ings on the " ... 11, "lI,ian "i,h hi, o,,",,"'a,ion, of Michd. ngdn.
ofhi, f",her's ,h", in \ b,i<" and ,h"", JJc ",ro''', ',\ l ichdangdo's dr,,..ing and T iri. n's
in with dJ'cs. JJ<lpd"u1ly. ,he drer "PI" ""i"",] ",I<lu r' on ,he " ... 11
his Son 'o Toti"", . Hu' T irian and T inn"",u Tnton:: ttocnj,')'",]cxpcrimt."ringwith' pccial
qua rrdl,,1 n, soch degrtt ,h .. the 1,,') " ... Il,,] lighring dlcctS. Jlc <lwncd =1" m<ldel uf ,ti,,,,,,
<lUl. Some heli",'e,he m"-"'" ",a"",d 10 he ridof from ,he ,\I",lici I<Mnhs. made b.' one uf
a ri,'al ti 1""" ho"c"". l,n'<l""'" ,k'I>\ sec", 10 ,\ lichdangt:k,sossi,tlnts. Th"", ",ttt ,he !Ocus uf
h""e gonc ,hmugh lill:: ",i,h a his lant<:m_li, ""I",ri""",,,. Jlc "'''n hung ,hem
bcing .",k" ... rd. up So ,h:t, he ",uld ol>;en" figwt:S in I,.,';"n.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Tinto"'''o li" .... :I a,..1 wo.-k,,1 exch.J,i,'dy in
Veni", . b'e'}',hing he did was o,dcrcd by
,he \ 'cne,ian <tatC o, "Hious churchc.
and confrHcmi,ie . \\r"h ,,'cr_inerca<ing
cUl1ll1lission; , hc callcd On a hrgc band of
a,;,-;i"ants. including his daugb'''''' Maric"" and
; ()fl D(. "cni"" whe,;e SIrle d "sdy Ollowcd
,hcir ;nher"s. A< a ,\1anncri" ",i,h "' l1larLtbl"
, kal in d"l'i",ing and light ,
inAueocc h.d . "e iml"'" on both El Creo>
and Rube ....
The Origin ofthe Milly \\'ay (1570)
Wirbing 'o immorUlli=, bir inf"'" "JfI 1I<r,u/", ]upi'<r biJlth bim ro ,b,
br'astr f rb, ]UJI(J. 711, mil} lb", 'f'Y"f up';:anJ, flJr/lfJ lb, rrnn of ,b,
Millr Ji'')\ lb< dr"p' Iba' faU ro ,ar,b INrom, lili". 71"'''''''0 ""inrnJ b'li"
al ... g lb< 1=, f ,b, pai",ing 1m, a' JUI"' ""i", ,b, origiTlllI cam'", "'a,
rrimm,d. 711i, ""r} irofU lbal ""''''- mOSl lo lb< injl""'" f71rian
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 488
I f07_1O
I f 4 f-46
I f 4S_f1
Bo.-n 7i=iilrlo
J-dli in Pin-. di
C,mor., ,.., </ a
Apprnui,, lo lb.
Bdlini, ftlllli",
.'ImITa'" ro
SIartJ .,,'" t:...-k

,he \r,rgin
Potad {JI majJF
,l/un G;n=aga,
"'roo"",.., '"
ebarl" V
,bty bat-. fo1lr
,bild"n hifO" Ji.,-
.",Ji in 15 JO
Co,"",iIJiOnM by
J "ti",,,
Apmnrd Ca'"
pti __ "' Clurh V
P,,;nlJ \'rnu$ "f
C","",J:rio",d by
,k Film<" in
Co,"m;rrio,ud by
ebarl" V in
for Phi/ip /J
Di al lb. plag'"

Pope 1Il. AJc.untlcr (154J)
AkraM"- Far""" rb./asr ofrb. RmlliJJilTl P"P" il1Id a U","an
""h',jau. H. traT ", .. "'ty-fn', al rb. !im. Tirian pain", ,biT porIra;', a
pa""" O[11N artJ and al", a ufo"'''' '0:.'00 laur ""m"(J",d lb. Caundl (JI
Trm,. Thi, 1::,,, ,k P"P' r<'P"nsibJ. /ir ,""',n,"Imicil,ing Hmry JlJJI </
EnglamJ fro," ,b. Romim Q,bolrcburcb
i'ian hec.me ,he 111('" cdehn,ed
p,in,e, in Venic", following ,he
p", ma'ur<: dc:tth <lf Gio<gion<: fro."
,h<: plague, Roth wt"I"C ' .... in<,1 by ,he Bdlini
hru'b.::rS, bu' Titian found ,hem unillSl,;ring
.nd h>d jo' n .... 1 Giorgio.,<:"s "udio ()f) "" his
app<en,iceship ",aS OlW, T he l>lir were so
.... 'ml>ltible ,h .. P .... could no' ,di
,hcir woel al"n,
l"ian <:",I,,,d "'p,dly as a pun: p,in,er, with
nO 'Rcn.issancc mano di""",i o., s such aS
sei"""", po,:t,}" 'lr arehiu"Cru"" Th<: Arrtl1nprion
o[ ,b. V"gin , p,in,e<l ,he Fr .. nciseans,
.. tr.c",d <I'E"e, DuLce of F .. " , ",ho
<",Iered ,hree mythologiC31 "udics from
'lI,ian's ",oel,h0l' his perSo.,al gallcry, T h<:
Dulc"s rttuliJlo had .lal",,,e, "'"1l1s and a
It ,..as col1uniS$on ma, ,,,d 0., 1)" by
ESIl: himsclf, who'" manne, ahemat< .. 1 h"'wttn
Aattcr)"and bull)"ing,
La,er in his <:-.. reer, when his worl h.d
ma'ur,,1 ,hruughou' ,he dem.nds and adulation
uf s<, m.n)" king<, prin<"t:s and pop"s, l "ian
C3me ,n ,'aloc ,b.:: "f ",Iour al><",:
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
any ",he, as1"'''ts of art. AII his life he hod
known how 10 CXI,..,'" ,he he" from his
ma'erials and he a,han",,1 nJ a n'nall',inting
"rlc. using no" onlr brush"",l", hu' also his
fingL1"s a ,..ll'i<"", of rlg (1)<: daimcd he did mis
10 a",id Iwking lilc Ra ph..cl). Th< l"Natb </
Aetaro" and Tarqui" and L"CT"ia are 'wo
ou,standing confi,ma,ions of Ti,ian's la'c,
sUI' ''' m.<). which I. Jin' fon .... "l n, mc 1><:irS of
his innuence. '"l<lng ,hcm 11l<'" no'ablr
DdacroJ<. (0)"'l. Re noi r ,
Rubens. V"" Dyd. ""d Ve1. "lue>..
a.""hus :lnd Ari.dne (/522)
0'" </ rM" mytbdowcal mbj<clJ pai"ud for ,b. D"h </ fmara .
bm:.w" 1518 and 1525. rir tbiJ pi"","" TIria"}in! pai"ud tb. barl:gro""d
i" fiJl. F.acb fimgrotlnd figur", .. ", tbm fiO.d i" ",." a rilJxJ""" </ ,; .. bin
grotmd, for ,b. ricbm edoUt" 11"' . HiJ pak,,, i",ludd mor! </ ,b. pigm"'lJ
ro ,I!< t:.-orhbop, o[tl!< day. TI!< '''"poJiri"" </ ,I!< painting iu .. "pkr
bIlt '" rJ:ilfiJly acaJmpJiJb.d tbat """7 d",jl o[ ,I!< rtJJry ",,[dtk J7Ro",bly ar
rh< 'Y' rra, .. d, ",,,,,d
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
" ..
Bo.-n in mdikl,
ron "1 a harhff
,::;,b '",ek in
E"ut'J Rayal
Acad",'Y StbooIT
,hubing tiJilTI in
Fin! 0#1 ,ha'!:.", a'
Fi,hLTI1\CJl a'
Seo, njlllrnad by
IVil_ alld
'!:.,jtb mirrr,
Sal7lb IMnby, ,b.y
ba,., f1!'a
Aaukmy. Fim o[
many ,-iri". ta
Euro/" (Parn muJ
AIp,j, "j/un/ud
by Ga1llk u,rTai"
Oprnr Jlldikl
,"ar Tha",,,
a' bl<v:o..,b "lid
r'n1 "i, "' /<al)'
iJ<atb "1 fatb.r.
Pai"n R.in,
S'c31n .nd Sp" .... !
in md""
Crossing the Brook (1815)
Thi, o..'o",bi" ,.."" bar km git'", tb. 'C/a,J, ''''''111m, ro
'X'f"Y,ly tba! rural England (}iJJd ,,,Ji/y k minahn liT Italy. Tt,mff
bad .anu t. drtr'" "lid .",our "'p"grapbi", ,in".,,- in tb. mid/79/J,
o:.'bm N aru! Ginin "'"' ""pJ,,,ro "'g,,1m- by ThomM MOllnJ
hc n'me of ).M.\V. Turn", .. dosely
aS!'<><.,ed ,..i,h Londons Roral
A<=l<IClllr. Ilc l><C1me fUlI
,..hen u.,ly ne"" Ils,,-,I sl>:,,..ing
a' the ""nu.1 ""hilti"" . "d ",,,,<,1 as 1 memhe,
hoth of ,he Cuuncil 1nd the hanging
committee. IIc e,,,n lectun:d in hndsC1pc
p.inting fo .. ""'en",,n rC1rS. Turne,
sounds like ,homughly
AC"Adcmidan who could he n: lied upon 10
p,,,<lu"" tI>< son ofbmwn gr."y 1" inting- that
,he Iml' .. cs,iu.,ist< n: jtct,,1 h.lf. ""ntu'y b,er.
Turner"s fdlow ,\i;::.demici.ns
<JIl V.mi,hing D.ys could ,di. , c ry differen,
sto 'y. V.misrung Ih}'S allow,,1 exhil:oi,orS 10
n:rouch tl><ir work hu .. ., the ,.,ni,h wL," <JIl.
TurnLT wuuld .ni,,:. with rol' hat . 10
.ttend 10 "" " I"1II'.lIid C1m'",",S th., look,,] Iike
ch.os 'o.-e the c n: ation. and "'t 10 ",o .. k ""ith
.11 ,1>< Ilrigh'cs, I'igments hc eould 11r his h.nds
on .. un,il ,hey li,cr.lly hh""d ,..ith colour."
,\Iany iU::"]L"cian< loole"l ,.;b.n"" ., TUl'nlTS
'I, ,,,ent bd of social gru:<:. ,'" 10 h.ng ncxt nJ
rum.nd ri,k b<;ng by Iris ",,00 ""as 1 lit",
they aU dn::t<k:d. El"" 00 Sb"lngt:r nJ
critiClm ofh" own t.ight .n:t>ty gn:cn .. " ... s he,,,,1
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
nl L...,bim, 'lle's ju<' [lI:<'Jl h"", .nd 6",,[. gun:
Turncr h.d indn,] fin:d.gun-o. " .nrN,e
st:trti ng pisto! _ t" ,he run up 10
lm[>rcs,;""i,,,,, Around 6ft}' J'c." b,cr, in
Ro""n, ,\lo"'" se, up his ea",1 ., ,hc ""'''' HI _
n"", ",in,l,w of. sh"p '1, [x"i,e ,he c:t,hc<lrll
He h.d dceidcd 10 ,hc cumple of
Turner, ",hosc g"u.chc of R" uen
Ca,h<,lrll hc h.d m ec seen i" L""t", .nd
n<,'er f"<g"''''n.
Firc 3' .se.. (/815)
Tur",r ooor,d tb< "a lUId "",nud it in all itf mooo" 711, roip at tb< ""lT' of
tb alUlrrropb< i, tb< IndiamlUl O,on"' .. It ,,-..,. ROt tb< "a ,blll d,rrroy<d
b ... Imt a ImndJ, , ''''''!} '" ah'gb, by 11 "",dI. in ,b< p"",ri Jtor,. TtlnIn'
,,-b;,u tb< ,,"oh and /la,"" inro o'" bui:' t.."-,,,,- ,,-i,b tb, "a and ,J:y. Tb,
maD , ,,-bit, and gold in ,b, fo"grourul ",,,,aiRJ TO".,J'offJgu", tba' -"'*
h'h """' kind ofbun .. mJy Ixm, u",il ,b, ,-in:.yr "ali;:<, ,,-i,b a jok ,blll tb=
aH tb, 1ud:1,,, p,,,,mg"', lorrng tb,;, rrruggl' againn ,b, majiK
&,"mtfoffi" lUId "-a"'"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Born Pool. di
1).,,,,, in Flor"'"
Apprm,,,' '"
.. ulptor ,,J,ibmi
JoinJ lb. C(Jmpany
painu ..
JI'<.o-.hin Imi",,,,
ma,U,. ,""""Cm
W...-h on fr'J<fJJ
"lid rtairlRl g/aH
V",, Padua.
Pai""T"" Flmd
Pa'" "Ine JIo nle
,,(San Romano
LitTnga' UrhirIJ
Di" in Norma
llo.-semen. B:>ttle ofs"n Rom:.no (tI""i!) (/455)
So n Rom. "" ,,'/u on'gilUlUy 11 ,btn-pa'u pi= w,","ri(Jnro by tb.
Mroj';. Tbir i, pan "/,b. rigbt_band >tion ,bo,;:ing lb. rollt "1'M
Si"UN by IN F/(),.m,in" in 1432. UndmillhJy, fomb<Jr"ning Ka:-,
UcUo ""al" amb",', probk"", h'gb, iltId ,bad. " quir-ro ,.,'"
handling. Bu! ,bit ruhtk ",J.ur,d p",urn <llana" klmm muJ
rrappingl, abo,., a [(Km o[lx",,,- <gl, mu" 11 pI,,,Jing ",'gn o" " ",::n
muJ ullffirm; UROO)- unfailinK 'Y' for tb. "",,Om ""ji
'01" Ucccllo 'JUalifics as one "f tI-.: m"<lt "lhe I'.intct ,\13"''''';0 and ,hc scul p'o,
,'ers;.ile fUunders of ,he Eorly Don .. ello ore ho,h wi,h in,]>iring
Renaimnct: , ha"ing bcgun his ca """ Uc"dlo 10 ",le up ,he "udy of P=]>''':1i""
wi.h ,he "'3 n who p<oduct:d ,he Doors of ]-Iow<'Irt, no O<le - es]>cciaUy his IO<lg.'uffrting
I'"",]ise ,he Jo1o renc" B'p.iSlery. he ",ill:: _ could ha,'e how engro""d he
pl1lgrcss,,] 10 .he in",n,i"" of ne,.. """h(.]s of ",ould he",me in .he <uhjee. ",i.h ,he
,endrting ]>rt'p""i,'e. """,ur:tge",cnt of a ,..,!<,I",a''e"" tician call,,1
The 'r1ining ,ha' Ucct:llo re",-;,,,] &"on .he "I"SCi,,,,lIi , By all aC""untS, Ucct:llo PrlCti,]
Flo<en,ine scul pto,Ghihcrtirootshi",fn"lyin dra",ing fo<esho."'n<,] nigh' and day,
,he d"c"r:tti,'e In,cr",tion,,1 Go.hi" Slyle: ()f)C and SCi,ct:ly lool,,1 up if an}",.,e "PI"(ldCh,,1
,h:t, ,.."lS ,ha,,-,] hy Fahri:tno and I'is:tnello, lt "... ",hile he ,.."lS w, estling with his la,es, 1"(>1>1..,,,.
Pi",,,,,U,, who ttught Uttdkl nl I",inl. Ucct:llo's "'cti""lous p,,,,]><,,,;,'e drawings
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
undc'l'inocd.1I his I',intings. In his fi-<sco <lf
Tb. f'lood .nd ,he ,h""::'I'''nd {kml. o[ s"n
Rom_, he g"l"c full ,cin n, ,he '<...::hni<'01 elr"""
he h.d mos,er,,!. Unfortun.,dy. once ,he
no",ltr ,,'O, hi, w(. k Ii::II fi-(. " Em'ur .nd
he r<...::I ... ;,'e "Id 'ge. N",,,nhelcss, in
,he long tun, U<...::ello's .ehi"''' men's were
s.ignifiC".ln' , .nd his sJs ll:m " ... furmer ttitd .nd
,,,,,,,d by """",.ion uf Rm"",nct: ."i"s,
Piero de l!. Leorurdo Vinci
and D rer.
S, Georgc 3M <he Dr.ogon (,.1456)
V,,,I/() uD, lb< ""'7 </ SI ''''''K' in rr", Gomi, "YI . Tb. n,liam hligbr'Y
d.ooly 11lrI" linn up ,;:ilb a rtorm diJUtl h<bind bim. v:bicb rould 'gnify di"i",
imu,'mn'{JrI. A, ,b< """. ti",., i, projm fin;:ard inro ,b. pirtU" pI_ b.lping
ro rnahlirb a cbr",dimmrionnl '1''''' roandv:bicb ,b. &gllrll d",""I _ ""
l{JrIg" d'rr",d _ pr,/",m 10 1.00 lb< roflqun-d drag{Jrl. li1:. a p" t!>g
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/ 426
14 J2_J5
U fO
14 B
/ 462
" ..
Bo.-n in 7urnai,
ron "1 a ma,U,.
Ho""tlrro "r
Ma"" RtJgrrd.
la Pastllr'
Maro" EJi=akrb
Giffl1m, Tbry
la'" bllt" __
Studi" in 1."Orlo
,bopo/ ROOm
Cmpin, hmmm
Mal"'- in
P,,;m",' r",ild </
Lr.,., in Br"K",
"""'OIlUT1::itb Ijm
P,,;nlT Dcsc"'"
f'''m ,he Cruss
for Arrbm' Gtld
S",, in BrUJu/r,
,""ti< Ciry Plljnur
La" Judgcl1lcnt
w,"nrirrio.ud by
Cbllna/J.r Rolin
Trllt"' la ,aly
f{"ur'" lo
paintr N.,,ttr
"lid n""jUC
D, in BT1lJJd,
Tbe N.ti,; 'Y (",,;f) rom Tite .\Ii ,...dlorcs Ah"'l'i" ('<-. 1442)
By -Uf), l'ltl tkr H'rydm', "p"tlll;on ",xb.d '" fara,S!",i", '":h",
King}'um /J <! Canil. found, rb. mon","ry ofMiraflor", mar
Ae 11 filUllroum, b. d"""ud Il1Illltarpi, by '111",_ Rogi.,-,
,I!. gm" "lid famiJUJ fikming'. 711i> {NI''' Mary r,aring rbi"
'o 'Ymbdi7L b..- puriry, ... ora iJlb", "kbm" b..- ,irru" <f ",duran"
(in a"d ruh<for pain) tmd fairb inhl",)
ogiCr l"n dCI Werdrn beClmc ,he de6ne. Hc rnlol lcd in w,,.- k.<h0l' in
single n"." iml'0l"'n' Flo:mi,h I" in,el ' ;>urnai , .... ncrging H a M..1"cr aftc, 6,'e J'e.rS
<he d".<h "f\'.In E}ck. Since and "."ing nJ Rruges, ",hen he ".", I'",rublr
he signed nonc "f his wor k.<, Iit",s conct:rning "'une undel <he inAut"Jlce ofVan E}'d.
,hcir .u'''''ntici'r .nd chroool0!l:r h"" 'o he After 711, D<""" of 143;, Van der \\'i:J,lcn's
ga<hc",d fi-, . n "',ml"f'on ",ith o,h<"tS and ,he fs<: lO f.me w"lS "'I'id, 'aking him litr .nd wide
r"","d< of ,h,.,,, who c,. nmissioocd rum. Thc in l'urSui, of one 1' ",,,igiOl1S c,.nmi",iOfl af,cr
,tan <lf \ '. n d", \\'i:},k"Jl's CI ",cr is ""siel nJ .no"'",. Whcn ,he ch.nct:llo1 nJ ,he Dule ()f
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
TIte Deseen! from the eros. (d4J5)
Fu.- '"" o[lb, mort ,moriorllllly cbard pim"" in lb, birtury o[ iU"1, 1 '1m
da JI,J"'''' ba!((mpr<Jud ,b, ,,"" intu a painud imi",tion "a gjltkd
cbrin" ,::bicb "'1IC"'tnlln lb, IVi1 and d'Jf'air o[ niM mdi,,;, _
abRort li[..-ri=d - figuro JUJ7lJllnding Cbrirt', hody. n"" aH niJI ltal"" ,
'brya" ,acb grin:ing in lb';ro"." "'ay, TbrilUgb l,m dn'
lfrydm', w, o[ rbylbmr /in" ",lo", and "",um, lbry rdau l. o," ano,bff
in an &gai, ,bain " Rll'fU'"
II urgundy. Ch. nedlo, R"li n. f"undcd his Angdieo. "tI<"'" SI}ics ",en: ncan:SI hiso",n, V.n
11(";pi",, in Ilcaulle. V.n de. W.ydm w'lS calbl de, \ \ 'cplc'tl's b't" ",,.- k ".,,, ttnainly .nrieh .... 1
ul_'" n, ,km""c ,h. ch.pcl In Italy. h. ,,-.. by ",ha, hc "'" "f ome.- "'a''''''.
l<l" bu>y by 'oc ,\1.,lie" in Flo,m"" .nd ,hc The Flt,llish p.in"''' ",ho 'uccccded hi", _
Estcs in F<'IT''''. \ \fha" m"", . he .],;,;) ,hc RoutS. ,\ klllling .nd V.n der Go"s _ ",. n: .11
"hnique of I"inring in "as. " . ,,,,ming" ",hieh in,k:I d 'o \ " n der WL'Ydm. bu, his inAuCJl""
Flcll.h I" in"'" were 1" nicuhrly 1<k1'" pers.i" .... l "'t:n Il}(,n: ",iddy n:1ll.in,k, of
Alth:)ugh oc f"'our,,1 hl,,- iano .nd F... 'oc cm'ur}", in Frln"". Gerlll.ny . nd SI"in.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I f99 Bo.-n A",..,;" ,'1111
Dijdr in Ant11.""f!,
roR"/ ti Til!:
/609 Apprm!i"dw
/621 _n
HUldri} t'1l1I &/'"
in Ann:.Yrf'
Pai"" ji'" por..-ai,
Man,.,. <! Ant11"'P
Guild o[ Pai""TT
R'Poru in ,,,,di.
of RuNm
Firn riJt lo
I{m,,-m lo Ant1.Yrp
ciH",,,i,,,j()m in Ita/y
f{""",, lo "'''-} in
Anr.c"'P. PaintJ
parrrlltI II1Id
rdigi(JUJ rnhj<rr
W",*, n JnD.lll.
App<N"uJ C""n
painr.r "' Cbarl" I
Rm,rm toAnn:.YrfJ
Rmum ", ""k in
Maro" Mil"
RUllr.-m. tbqba'"
,''u daugb'"
Lonoon, Ann::np
and Paru
llcnrictu of Frmcc. Que" n ofEnglaM
I,m DycJ: bad 1111 'Y' /ir lb. "",ur< offilU ["""ja
rom" "ny nzrly ag_, Tb. qtln', '",,"
"PI"arana in ,biJ m"gnifi"'It y,/J.", g<I"'" ,"ah,
;, dipicult 'o /Vli,,-, ,"{arm"" /ay ab."d "b.r;
"'QT il1ld ,k ,,,,,,,,ion o[ bn- bwlNmd
n 1632. Anthony ":ln D}'cl heca",,, en"n Charles. Ilrneio::.tl ,\Ia,ia and ,he rOjal childrcn
l"io'LT h)" im'in,ioo uf Ch.rles 1, ... ho _ ... ith .od ... i,hou' thei, ,klg< .od ho .. ses. 11 ..
I,..eseo,ed ,he cclel>o-.. ",j Flemish ani" Su"""'" ",..,; eonfinned b}' inc",a",d odelS f,om
... i,h ao .llo ... aocc 'od, ,i,'elSide house io 'oc .ri""crJ."Y. Ih"ing ... "rlocd ... ith Rullt:os,
Rhelfri.lS. \"0 D}d ,,,,".io<,1 io Vao DJ'd knL ... ,11 .hou' bus)" ,'udi"s. Ile
11",\1 "f,he "''' ofhis life. o'g-.oi,1 his 0 ... 0 'o lcep 'p.ee ... i,h ooe
Ilc .od ,hc liog uodcrstoo<ll:1eh o,he, 11Om.i, 1"" ... cd, m.kiog faci.llilen",,,,, uf
pcrll::ctl)". Ch.rles .... mcd. o image th ...... s 0 0' 'oc ,itlelS himself, h",: i""tructog his oclprts
jus,. lilene,.. hut sPllbolie ofhis tigh' tll rule, 10 p,io' ,he g"m':otS, ... hieh ,h,y moddbl 00
... hile \"0 Dp::i _ litmili" ... i,h ,he nohb of dumm)" figu,"'. V.o D}'cl ,hco .dded ,he
Amwc,p .od Geno. _ .. ..,; .mhitious ",' C:t kh fioi,hiog n"",h",
.od StlbJS. J US, th".., ,moths .fu:, his a,ri, .. 1 io \ Vha, L,nergcd "' ... s a 'p<:CtlrulH bod)" of
Loodoo, he ",eein,1 loigh,hood .od. w,,.. l ,h .. chmoieb ,he de!>"" Ca".lie, SIrle
ni ... ble eh.io aod m<:<111. Ile l. tt:, 1",..O'.),<:<j .od I,..ofouo,llr ionu<:oCClj p("" rli'ur<: fr., OH"
himsclf holding thc eh.io .od p(lo,iog <:co'ur)". Ld)" .od Knclirt owe mueh 10 \"0
juhihotl)" 10 ao em"' ,mUS 'uoll"w,,.. D}"l: aod his 111(";' "deo, eib""<:<:o,h-ct:n'ur)"
\"0 Dd p.io'ed dozens of pom.its "f .. ..,; G";oshorough.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Lorus John " n.llkm:ord Su.:.rt (/6J8)
J im I)yd: ",..,. "'p<rl al ","nparing lb. doubJ, portraj,. Tb. r<>phuJml Stuarl
btu,bu .. pr"ml ,br"-'l"ilrlff "'U <! t b " " , , h ~ T lo lb. 00/0"*",, al ,b. "'m,
m", [aang u"b ",b", ilJ j[ 'bry ",= abo", 'o dana. Th< ""pry glw, b,1d by
mJ B"'rIIlrd iu w,"m"" d" .. jet! ro ,"ah ,b. finf{''' o[biT lifr bllfld /0"*
long"- Pictur,d b"" ,bort/y bif'lH a ,br""Y,ar wur <! Eur"f", botb ""',b",
ulm"a,dy did for ,b, roya/irr cau" in lb, en.lllm-
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
H90(' )
/ 42f
/ 426
/ 4J4-J6
Born in Ma=yck
DipJ(Jmat fo.- Jllhn
o[Ba'-ilri" in Th<
App"inud C",m
la Philip lb. G.od
Sm,o" dipl"m"/r
milrri"", Iniman
'" Splln lUId
allilrpi"" in Sr
ud ,\ h,kmn.
w,h C hanedl",
Pai"nl nc
,\I"do., n. wlh
C.non Joris
in Brug"
Thc M:alonno "ith CononJori s , -. n der
(tlnai!) (1416)
Tb. lid",.", <! lb. c,n.:",', ffJUld" ir rignifi,IVI' ,
&ing t..",altby and 1....,U .. """"'''d, I im Eyd: alma5!
,"Ulinly had ilCcm lo 0p'all aith_ m"",,, and
1m", _lo lID;" /t imag<-muing
hC (ore".,,, Flcmish I"in"" <lf ,he
fiftcrn,h-ttnn"r 1,,1 "doublc lil<:
<he frSt halr uf his Jan ,'an
EJ"::l's al' l'0inbllCnt OS e n" n I"inter .nd ,-"b
lO ]'hilil' <he Gn",1 <lf Hurgundr w"lS a ",,<.fuI
<,<wc.- .... diplom.tic "ssiolls 10 S"in
ami I'onugal. I lowe,'e" .f,e, his ",,)\'e 10
ll,uge<, ",he'" ,h.,y ",dco",ed him aS h"t h 'n
aniSl nd a ci'y c"uncillor, he prod"",,1
s.ignc::d and da,<,<1 ",o.- ls ",i,huu' in'LTruption.
I lis p1tHJns indud,,1 Chane<:lIo, and
Canon nn de, I'acle, for ",hom \'an E)'cl
p,in",d 'wo ,' !.t,lJnn:ts.
Van EJ'eL and his bnJther I luhen _ ",h,,,;(:
dcam Icf, Jan n, eo"' pl .... e ,he G hent Ctmed,al
ah",],iece _ are usually e, edi,ed ",,h ,he
im"n';on uf oil I"in,ing. T he 'ru,h is ""he,
mu,e cumplex and romes &"m Van E)''s
de,i , c tu pe,fecr I'igmen'ed "il alreadr
('mpluJ'ed n, ,in' d."",.",,,, merals.
,' luS! iml'nantl)', \ 'an EJ'Cl ,uli",d ,h ..
1" in,e,," ,J",uld use l''''l",rly ", fin,,1 drJing ui"
lile pOI" )' (Ir lins.cd. Glaz.ing la}",," p"e Stt l>Ie
<,<,Iou,,", dC" pe:r ,h:tn ''''''p'''a, bu, ,his """Y_
!al'ct,-,I oi l "",mod n(cd,,1 p1time<: . ' lcml"''''
had ,he a,h'anttgt: uf bcing quid-'h)ing, Van
E}'cl's genius romhin .. 1 ,he 'wo, '1" lying b" ,,"
of "il colour O\'er a ,cml'c.-. gtound, T his
)'idd"l. full ,..ngt: of ""uta,,,1 hu"", also ne,,"
mixtu, e<, h(""IN: "'''''' ,he p,,'clel ... e", ro .. ,,1
in oi l. a,h"r:\C ",.crions he' ...... ,n ing"" lients
",etC ",,,ided. Sueh ca ", """ ,he ron";'""nts
""'1.>",d ,h .. \"n E}'Cl's ",Iou,," ,.",ain .. f",sh
aS <he d,y he: d,""'n his brush.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
TIte Amol6ni Port r.rit (/414)
TbiJ i, pruhah/y "'" a mll1Tmg. porIr";t; d,.il ugi,,", in U/k J" Gi{f<'anni
Amo/fini', "",ffmi:' ar 1447, ,b;"tun Y'atT laur, s., ,,'ha ir tb. "..,mllrl in
gr=? Om tbrory to An",lfini', Hlmbt-. do,k, arul mgg"" it , a
tribu" lO llrI .arh'", "/ati(J,,,bip ,bat nuJ.d ,,'itb b.r dmtb in cbildh;"tb,
St Marga"" tb. pa"'''' ""'" (JI cbildb<aring it am,'ro u/",n ,k bdposr, IlrId Q
,;ngk candk bum, in tb. CllrItklabra for tb. up(m ",b. m(Jtb.r', _/
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
/881 _8J
Bo.-n in '.rOOl _
Z",,,Jm. _"a
Ouub R,fix'"
JIt".,,. d.,.l; al
Goupi amJ C" in
Tb. HagtM
W..-h for Goupil
in LomJ." and
uacoo in ERg/md
Studi,.,- tlmJlofJ
and p,u,",oo in
S/Udi" tlT' in
Sm "p mullo in
Tb. Hagt, aoop"
,""tkl Siro
H(J(}ffIiJ: and
R"UT'" lo par"'''
in Numm. iJ<atb
in Parj",'itb
brOlbn- n.o,
Gauguin bi111,
indtknt fol/(Jt...,
J pa,i""
in Sajnr_Rt'my
\fa,"",,- lo Am",.,.
11I1_0i". Prod","
76 pict",.". Sboorr
hi"",I[, ti;., re'"
Tite Ch.:. ir tite Pil'" (1888- 89)
JJi" ("'gil) ",::n ';;:bi" duJcbair', painmJ al Q
p",da'" (eo,"po"ion pi"') ro Gau:uin', ",,"roan:
80th roa"" " ... '" rymOOJic p<Jnroirr" tb. n,,, mm,
p",,,ud in Q rar< f"Yioo ocalm, dxmlya[m-
Gaugwn', arrr.'Il1 a' tb. ),U(l/I) HGIlJ< in Arl"
unA",.cr., Stlrry mgh's "Irt<>1 ea,
.nd 'Ule"lc a eompdl"'g m,xturC n,
'1I}lIne look"'g ti" an uf ''''We
gt:nius, And if\r,ncrn, nn Gogh'. I .... ss.ions an.!
diffieuhic. "c mil clea, enough fmlll his
C:tm"1<CS, "e may .Iso ,cad ,hc lelte", he "m'e
10 his. n dealcr bmthcr, Theo.
Van Gogh's ti.-s, jo" ,,"1< as an .rt deal,..-'s
,-<si'tan' in lne I hguc. Ile 'augh' himsdf n,
.1,.", e.rli'T hut didn', p,in' ulI,il his h,e
'w<TI,ics . 1'"" f.iling n, he"",,,,
I",,,,ehc,, th.nls lO ,hc c,n,ie bch"iour th.,
bligh",d his ,cla,i, .. ships,
Fil' 'wo )'ea'" ',he Dutehm.n' li",d in P"is
wi,h ' In,,<, . ",ho ,,':tS hell,(u! in inrroducing him
'o ""ny anists. i""luding ,he Il1lp<c.,iofl i,tS.
'Inei, e'l<"bincd innucncr V.n
Gogh's su "b", p.le,,,, lO s<,"""hing
','c'y mueh .Ii,'e, ,'c'y <Hong in ",Iou' ... '
P.in,ing a' a fan'asti" n'e. \I.n Gogh
achic,,,d his W"'"'''' ",o<ls during ,1..:: h 'wo
)'ear< 01' his lit<:. Fm", ,he bli.,ful Summrt
"",,""h 01' I'"',,,n"" in 18S8. hc ,k"b ",d: '1 'm
mI< "'n:<cious ,,( m)'Sclf any ""I<c.,.,he pietu",
"'m,:< n, me as in a .1""111 .. .'
Hut outbu", fullow'ing G.uguin's
"ri,'al in Aries led n,. yea,'. V.n Gogh
in Sain, _Rmy '-'J'IUI1L La"" . Th<:o """'cd h ..
bromc, nonh .gain. n, D, G.chet'< in
Au","'-su,_O i,;<:, VID Gogh di,,1 ,h,TC in July
1890. from a sclf_inAietcd gun ",ound,
' I" gcthc, "i,h 11.. "<eS ,,( )" 11,,,,' n,,,,,c,,, mund
his deathb,,1 in a ,iny "'m a' the inn. ' In,YI
Imingly ""'ngcd no fcwcr ,h.n ,;<:v<:n'y_';x
p.in,ings. \"n GOb""S " ", .. i,'e enc'gy h.d
p".lu,,-,1 ,hcm .11 wi,hin his final ,hys.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Sbrry Nigh, O", rthe Roone (/889)
11m Gogb'r d.siu lo pairu a rwrry nigbl rry ';:af ro,""bing b, mmliotud
"p'audly in biJ I"'.,-r IbroagboUI 1888. Tb, uJUIt te...- lbir muJy </ Arl<J, ar
b, d=rib.d i, ro Eughu &tb, '711, gtl,r4ln:mJ in ti
0:'.,- i, ,b, wny 'ky ,;:ilb ,b, Gua' B,ar _ ti ,parHing </ pin} and
gr"" on lb, rolm11 bit" {"Id o/ ,b, nigbl r.!y, ,;:b,,,...- lb. ligbtl o/,b, ''''''N
and itI ru,blm ujlroii8lJa" ud fl/'Id ami bronud gr"'"
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in Sn'iU,
Apprm,,, '"
Marri" ]l1mIa
App<Jin", Cou"
painr<r '" Pbilip
IV iR ;\Iadrid,
nJlum"d by
App<Jin,, king',
gnu/unan ",1m-
\[UIJ Rllhmr on
Ini"ion lo Spanirb

SabNtral in ItaJy.
rtf/un/ud by
Ti"", .. ",,, in
J mi",. S""::(I"I:
and ""pba. in
RO/n'. """mI ro
Madrid rO. .""'apkt
PairltI panr";lJ,
r,ligiour alld
clarrical mbjwr,
and bunring ,cm"
To Italy. ar1
cdlutingfor hn/{.
Murr """mn and
B<ntini. Pai""
lnm>CCn' X ud
Rokcby Venus
f{nllTm lo
PainlJ p<!nrai" </
"'''' qtl1l and
,bild'nI, induding
La.,\ kninos
Di<I in Madrid
,\brg".n bI Teres:;, in 81 ue Dress (<lail) (1659)
IN ln/mI,a Margari'a _ 1m cbarming cm!ral {'K"I"< fr"'" Los
,\ lenin'" (1656) _ b". ,m,,, rnn,," and impri""u by b..- formal ,aun
drm. 1 aa::'l'u" t::aT inrrr",,, ro paim ngular porrrai" al1k pri",,,,,
,::bicb ,,'.,., ,m, ro lb, A",tyi"" ",ur, ro Tord b.,- gnrdng up. Sb, bad
km INfTlJllNd ilJ a baby ro Princ. uopold
iego de Sil". y \ 'd'UJuez wen, 10
M,drid ",eling my"lp"mn:tgt: "nd,
with ,he hdp of ,he ling's minis"" ,
Coun' Oli" """ m.n"gt:d n, Sttun: , ph"" '"
,he Sp'nis!> Cour' bct"re his 'wen'y.fifth
bi n h,b y. Cuur' l>linter<, h", ... t:tlented, h"d
10 be a.," re "f ('()"'pl"" ri'uals, H:hUJun
, " .s:tiled into ,he rur n: n' ,h", had bcL'J'I running
dcep ,hrough roy,,1 ponr"iture ... ,he publie
im"gt: "f me Sp'ni,h l-Ial',hurgs [had b<"C,. "e 1
eodifi<,1 mrough me in,,::rl"Tt:t,ions uf T,i"n
and Ann",is ,\ 10.-.'
lt wa< an "h"nt:tgt: ,h" \ 'd'UJun and
IV we n: bo, h }"ung. T hei,
friendship mUn' ,h" ,he "niS! w"s no'
o, '''''wed by M,drid {'tiquene and fonun"dy,
his 1_",ray.1 of ,he ling won ae""p"n""
s,raigh"w"y. Vd ... que' ca,n'" wen' ;'"m
S!n: ngth 'o S!"'ngm, using me 'leen eJ'c "nd
pmdigious Etcili,}' wi,h ,he bru,h' ,ha, his
,cache, "nd hiogr"phcr P""heo no,,,,1 fmm h ..
'" <lies, days.
Hu' hc p<.", ,,,s,,,d mOrC ,h"n poli,hed
,,"Chniquc: Rube ns I""i",d his .. ,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
kin,! ,,( .ummily. gift
iden.i(}'ing. oo",,,,,,nicuing . nnh u(
Ihrough his "orb. Oi "'dl '" .he
oh"i,"",!, ahilily lu record,. lih11e .... lle """.,, '"
in'<Te!H"d in Ihe h",mn """lili,., uf. t.a"d of
C"url d"..,rfs "'i he ..... , in di",I",i"lI cl.e rumies:<
cdgc of 1""""",,1 X.
The ni;1 11..".,
"<:.k .. ! un his 'M'" ... uf
l'op, ,,,,,,,",,, X, '1
ul"'I:SSt"<! il h.""u me ..... ! "1' .... , "1'.1 ""MS
of ft,clings ,,,,,I v,,,,s "f ... "'.ginOlk,n in n",.'
Old \\'O .... n Cooking . :U!i (/6/8)
Tbir 'JI" "1 pictlln i, k1ldi:"n IIU I .dcgn. lit,,""''' SJlllnish fr ',,,, ....... ' bu,
g",""By m,"ning rtifl/il' Imml O" 11 ki.dmr 11:"". AlI .bubjtctu ... n"mxty
li. /ro'" .b< J'ront "M mromtrl1" 11 n.ri,'J . rwfl1m ud ',,,,',,,"tT. /1 ir
Ib<JUgbl Iba. 1 a",,'f"<= p"inu Ibi, '" 1m a/rrti"",,,,, for bir ,J.jllr. "lid tv<>I..
i. t::itb bim t::b<n b< ' .. rol Madrid looA'"xfor ",,/ronag'
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bon> in Ddfi, ,on
"la 'fJ:
No un;rtb in
i"Nlfi, rraj1lJ in
litrubt al'

Paintt birrnricaJ
"lid n/jgi"'"
inlm-i" f"mily i1l1l
Lulr ,,,,Id.
Bol"", ,b'Y b","
,/r.m childrm
Birrb . ji'"
""gln" Maria
CbilllK" la
painring gmrt
rubjtJ, injllMnad
by D"" "nd J!m
Birtb </ fim ,..,
Burin<JJ rnfftrTOlI
;ml<h im'aYion"
,",mal bt"ltb
".,-"'ra",. Di"
in Ddfi
Gir/ JVh" l'earl EArring (e.1665)
711, ""h!,,;m gir j, d"",d orimUlI_rtyIt in a turban, ,,'bicb ,""ms lb",
lb, picrurt , probohJy a ""nie, al' cbarac"r rrudy. In irr fr.Jb Jimpliciry
and dirron"J, ir ir"", . J ","r', ,nlJ5t p<Jmlar imag"
hC DUlch uf the ",,'en'ttn,h his n:al_lill: .itu,,;on: he and his ,..il<:
""ntury l'",duc,,1, in cfre"' , h.d ehild", ,, . Jlow",cr, ,her/: i<
of "-< pe", "f thei, ,h., Ven"e..,. buih hi",sdf. SI"'''''
<hily li,'cs. Eoeh p.inl1:' h.d his ' peci.li,}'. &OOll in'" ",hieh, in S<:l1Se, he c<-.J ld tetrC1' _
",11 ,hips 10 d".d l,""e1<3nl<. Joh.nncs \ hmtt ' ca,",,"a oh,.ura. 1, 'lOod "' One end "f ,h.,
"",, chieAy con""rned "i,h in,eri" ... :!nd ",ith familiar n"JnI , .nd Verm, .".nged his
"nI: ,o,,,n in l",ni""I ... It fca bJ rt:s in So m.nr " f 'ubjectS ., ,hc ",hL"f.
his ca,cfuilr ",,, .. b , li, &,." me Id, Fi , st "h'oca,,,,j .nist .. in ,hc IHOs, mc
by ,,,,o win<kJws, i, has ,il,,1 neo:) , . nd nne ca,""" oh"ura can be: m"le 'o .ny <i",. A
m'p_hung "'"111. within ,his SI",ee al",a).. darlen",j bOl: , i, h1S. pinhole ,. _ in Venn"", ',
S<:Cm intcnt Up,)f) ",ha, ther >re doing hUI in. casc _a Irns in ,he <ide. Thc im.gt: of.n ob;':'"
""'1' dc,ached ""'y. o",<id" I"'$(:s ,hro"gh ,he 'p..,.,ure .nd 'pp'::'rS
Venne..,. s p.in,ed 'I"lnquil im.gel did "'. ul',ide down on a bhnk cant'1S fi.",d 'o ,he
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
in,erior ", ... 11. \'crmttt ... ould the
projc<1ed im3gc in blacl .nd whi,e, X'''r
. n.lysis "'I""ls it ben .... th ,he h}",s.
Then he woukl emCtgt: fi-, . " his 'c.mCt' 10
p,in' slo,..ly .nd meticulouslr ,he finished
",ni"n in full <hr1igh'.
The Astrono"", r (/668)
Thi, paiming ","intk ,.,- tbat J ff,"'" li,.<d in im ay " ,mtifi, di,.""rry.
H, gr<'""-' up in IJ<lfi ,::irb rb, im-rn"'r" ,k mimlJ<Up<, toan 1.ntlt."<RNrk,
,::Ix> af"" J"""'",.'r tlu,b, iNalm, trUst" for biufUlU. Tk asrronomrr', gla"
"'a, matk by /-IoRdi,.,- in 1600. 1, Ji" '"' il ,abI, tlrap,tI 1::i,b an ,,,,,Ji, ,Ia,b antl
,b, aJlro""m" 1."fi,n a JIo,,'ing go""', a, i[tb, ,drolarly ,Jim,ifi' U"'r< ba,
niD '0 ronuRd ,,itb lb, JIIp<ntitio,.,- paJI
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
I f4fJ(!)
I f62_6J
Bo.-n Pool"
CQgh'ari in
Idona, ",nofa
Studi" und.,-
Antonio Badil. in
Poi"" fr=s in
,\Ia"'lIa C",b.tlraJ
Wi,b Z.'",i,
pairltT';/ingr in
IJiJg P;}ac,
D<.:o.-a", cburro (JI
San S.haJtiaTUJ,
Poi"" fr""XJ in
V;II" BilTNro,
Poi"" ,\ 1arri.gt:
.. Can.
\Jaro" EJ.""
BiN/ik, ,bry b","
",,' f_
Poi"" L",
SUI" '" for
e""""" o[ SS.
Gi"'.""rmi, Poo"
Tri,tI for irnt .. ,..
"'''' by Ho/y OJji"
Poi"" Pieti
Di" o[ Q ,,'" in
Ph.o ... D.ugher: T he Finding of ,\Ioses (ti"",.,) (/5 7fJ- 75)
Tb. EgyPlian prim", and b" ro'_ag<_ ",,"pkU ,::irb dt::aifj"',T.
ba'-, mm, r1raigb' fu'" Q ga'oo-ing al Q I n,,,ian pala"",,; t::ilb ",1m
aD1lTa"", 1"0'''''' lr""''P''m ,b. Bihl. J1lJry and ch. ,'irk"ff ro biT m::n
'Proal t:"rld. Al b. ",Id lb. I",/""i,;"" tribunal' 'p";,,,", ,al:. lb. Jl11"<
lih<r-tilY QI po'" aM j"UtT. .
0gt:,..." ,..ith Titi "" aud Tin'orctto, n: ligiolJS SC<."nes in a \'cnctian ",ning ",i,h the
1"010 VcnJhcsc domina'''] ,he Sli n .. in silks and j<:"'cls, .,..] .. khough " . 1le
Vene,i.n a .. scene during ,hc "-"1"o,ched him fo , i" o,he,. admi,,,] ,his
sixIl:en,h<t:n'wy. Ahhough .. na,i"." Of\'i:,-Oll" Aattt-ring l'0ttrlj,,1 of ,hcir ci,}" SUIl:.
Vcmn"'" of ,hc ,\ le", SL-renc RCl'ublic Ilght In 1 563 , \'crnn"'" the Marriag' al
h,,'c been a fi,ting ,i,lc for him. ll is w(lO"ks CilTIa , sigll,lIing ,.Ien, fo , .rehi,cc'urll
exhibi, .. 11 ,he 0l'ulcnct: ,h., Vt"Tlict: had sc'-l'icct:s. Soon, mon: onlcrs ",Cn: f(lO"
g:t thc n:d ,ht<JUb'" ct:nbJric, of ,-"<,,"mCrec .nd ht I'ictw'" .nd in 1571, ,hc Dominican
conq"'-"st. Hc ,hough' nothing of I',in,ing ,-"<,,,,,-" nt of SS. Gim"1nni e n:<U"'Il:d,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
"1,1,"'''mcn, m Supp<r ;", ,he Ti ,:. n thq h.d
lo" in. 6",. Vero.,e", pruduced. n .. gni6cen'
wn,-k uf .",hes. pilbrS .nd st:tir<":l.<CS. busding
,..i,h pe",le. do!!:s. In
,he mi,1l1e. <I ..... ,6:,d br ,h<;r surruunding<. si,
)e,us .. nd the "po"lcs.
&6"" lo.,g, \ 'eru""", 6'und him",lfbcfore
,he lIolr Omce of ,he In'luisi,ion. ,..ho
obje",,, lO his '.Mt Supp" l>ecou'" i, inclu,h
'me ,\hrri-..ge '" 0."" (d""il) (/ 562-6J)
Tb. """,ion </J._' Jim mirad., cbllrlging "'a'.,. to u:i"" tu" pJae. agllinsr
a morltl1lurltal ""cl:drop o[ diNral roIonfllldn Tht! main pla)",," in tbi, "t _
pa dr",,,a u:"aJ,1 ba'" hn uadily urognizabk. ti",. I h"",,, indtukd
porrr,,,"o[Fron,1 </ha_, Ma'] </England and Cbarh V o[Spllin. Tb.
mwici"m "n R(J'" iJlb.,. ,bilfl Titian, I bim,,1[ pJil)'ing tb< "iola, bi,
brotb.r &",dmo, Tin",,,,,,,,, Ja"lfJ" Ba"imo llrIlI Pall"'}io
i""""",en, elemen no< men,ion"j in ,he Jlible.
lile ""<"I" ,..i,h .. porro' .. nd drunlcn Genn"n
s"I,licrS. V",,,.,e,,, "outlr dcfcnd<,j an .ni,,'s
righ, 10 u,", his im .. gina''''n n, 611 up ,he 'p.ec
Un his .nd .. "'''''I""", i", ... as ,=h", hr
.hcring ,he ,ide 10 """,JI in ,b. H",,,, </11, .
...hich ,he Jlible s"J"S"'as OItl:n,lcd b-'
.nd sinnerS. Ver"ncse "'''lS ", I ..... ""
10 ", bJm 'o his pol""e.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
B()rn Amkm
JI'lrb.J" in rom'
City, "''' o[ a
i"Na,b "ffa,bn
Smdi" at
Co,",""",,nl aran
,::irb Voguc ami
1 lo 'l,{'f'< 11'<1"'
G"" "" ' ''KId trip
PaiT", fin' Coca
Cola b.Jrrlu
Pai"u fin.
C","plNU', ",up
tim. fin! rro"
Fllctory ame
Ma},.,. jirrt film,
colj"bor,,"s ,::irb

Factor Ji"
Sbot and ",'=Iy
injur.d by "ahit
m..-h"" t'nro
ta/" and pri"a"
caN. TI'
Ma-,"-, "" /'Ti,"
Di follot,j"K
rou"ru --1{''Y n
Nm ,,-}
Crime Scen., ofr> . .. id 'TIte Brttle' B.,..dle (/919)
A "''''4.o-im. ,bol by 'Jjt'K'" ,b. pbotagrllplur 1::00 "'pi,",,1
Jl'arb.Jr, "'/hrr",, prino- o,-iol"" """f norj", Juro il! ri"" alld CM
oprnly ""''1'ura",1 ,b. pbOOlgnpbj, mag< "", bi,
al Il 'nn, 1::bm "",pi- ,::"' ,"JI fU" ,;:h"b.,. pblIograpby and arr
<""Id b< mmti(k/, in tb< "m" br,atb
(1' a,tis. And)' Wamol's carlr dar< "". Undugtound - ... ho fon",,! his , .. "i.1 S<'t .nd
conu"erri.1 .ni" p,im,,1 him fo, the f""'u .-cd in his film . W"hol's film_m.ing
... o, ld of a,hcni,ing im'''''I)' .nd dieht.1 !Onll,,! OH,- s.ixtr p".I..,tions. Ilis dehut. Slup,
edebri'r.h .. he so "JODr inl-"k.1 in ,he 1960s. la"ed s.ix hourS bUl .ctu.llr rep""ed
11)' ,he end of.h .. dcc:t<k: he h.d m"h.! ou" s.ingle 'wen'r_minu'e S"luence _ lile ,he
new a",n' of "".il-i'r, ,he essLrlti.1 clemm'
bcing ,h .. he should be the o,'" n, (k:<:idc wh ..
scrcC<lp,in'L,1 (k,IIa, l. lis _ un,il ,he mind
swi.ched from looling in,en,lr 10
h'ppenL.1 .hrte. A, his New ",ri "udio ""II,,! I" s,";l-e a""' pnnce.
Tbe he"'I)' he and his a";sttnts, qui.e li",nllr, \ \ '"hol's ne,,_f.tal sho<Jting br Vale,ie
"l"odu:d ,he Amrt;;::an sta,e of mind. Thc' one uf .he F:t<1ol)' WO, lLTS, ler. him in
n.nen<,1 i. unto a mesh, "lu:>cd ink through ehmnic Inin f""" 1968 on,..",d . I le did
i. and hung i. Ou' 'o dry _ "'Cr "nd oH" apin. p".lu: mo,e s ill<ert..,ns and l-i,b ... bu, h ..
Uniquc ""wori ,,"1< a ,hing of,he 1""'1. "ra,egr h.d "I,cadr w(lIled, ,he.-c b)'
T he F>ctol)' ,,"S ,ulIe ,J.tn a ,,'oripla: , i. demon"u.ing ,ha' ,",cond- and ,hird-h"nd
bccame a fa,hi onable dml>-in :nrre ""i,ts ""I",rien"", a.-c nlO oflrn :iCttp, cd fo .. .-cal ones.
and musicians "nd home 10 ,he ' \ Varhol ,\10'" ,h"n a nr o, h.,. .wcn.i .... h..,cn'urr figure,
,upcr<tarS' _ inch.Jding ,be md b'nd Veh-.... he I"'n""nendr al", ,,,d ,be con:p' of arto
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
,\bo 197J (/971)
IIhbd wllnUd ro band_painting in c,,"nbination ;;:i,b ,i/J:Jrr1l '" produ"
,b. M"" T,...nmg , " i ~ . 711. Cbin", rommunist /.atkrand bi, 'II-on"' _
}"""", ""d Jdd "'-''7,;:b", m lb. Link R.d Roo} ~ bwJ a cuJ, foJlo,,'ing
am""g)ll""g "'",",,",. \J",,', unliJ:.ly a'P''''''' inro a capitalin wfi.ry "'a,
nIOugb for Jl'arbd '" iTlCk"k bim in bi, gaUny .//""',,'" b.wJ,
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in
J'illmcimJU>, roJl
o[ a ro<l"
;\["""'- lo Pari"
run.n,,, by copying
Duub marUn
Srudi" und.,-
GiDol, lb,atri",
A'u/nm al PaJ"
ti, Lux,mhourx,
injlum"d by
Admi,,, ro
",,,,eh AallN"'Y-
failr Pri"d, Ro,""
y,mm< lo
B'K;'" "",-! on

R"""", lo Par"
hrj,j1y 1::,b
parron ero"",.
B'KilI, painting
MnJlM- <! f'y""b
Vi,;" L..uJon,
diagMu. Pai"lT
T he 1I:1li.n
/),- M,ad
Rm,rm lo Par;'.
PainlT Enscignc
de Gcrsaint
/), "I,ukrru/<Jrrr
T"o of Lo>'"",. Eml .... b tion IOr Cyt h" .... (tk,ail) (/71 7)
Cytb.ra ir lb, jaN,tI irland "Iil:" for '!:.'bid! Nnbark hu,
anTu. Tb. [=rorul ""ing ,uKil" lT impo,JibJ, dr,amJ o[ cM,i"g
f(Jrmaliry asid, in f""oor" 'P""'Im,ity. 711, fris."n hm,w" tb." fo1lr
iHubtl" IxuJi/y cOllUut Il/'/"an camal and J" rb. rilJ:Hnd ,",k.o
,bry al'< ',-"aring Q" "dtkm.ly lixtil.
"'hing "'. ,,'" 0< ugly is n,
,he p,rklaod p,,..dis<: nf A"lUioe
\ \'a'll:au, majo, F,eneh p,io'cr and
piofleer uf R(){'()m. Ilis genius "'Jllll. "i,i()fl
fills sof, laod",apes ""i,h clegao' .il k_dad
counicrs, musitiaos aod eheruh. a, play. A, ,h<
SI m" \\'atteau's id}'lIic wo.-Id has an air of
,hC1b"icali'r, cxpbio .. ll')' ,he &e, !ha, he O<l""
wo,ked wi,h a ,hutrical desigoe,. Cilio'
dcsigned deo .. aod e,,''''meS ,he Opera aod
w .. s a p,io'e' of ,hc fashiooable ltaliao
oCw offcr 1 .... 1 him w Audn.o, CurlnJt .. !he
Palais de Luxembourg. No' m lr did Aud,ao
ioiria,e \\'anC1u i"n, ,he ,km",t,'e p,io,ing
"rl< of cbi""'"ri. , he al,o int". h., .... 1 hilll 'o !he
lIlagnifieen, ,\blid q'de, prudoct:d 1')' Rubens
,h< gt:, 'lu'..::n ,\ lari".
Ruben. p,ob,bly p'Ol'ided ,h" 'l', rk fU,
\ \ 'anC3u's cn:a,o <lf !hep" gaJan" (ka>' of
eounship). a gen re So oc,," ,ha, ,he Freneh
Ae1dL,llY had 'n (b'L'" !he Il:tlll ""hen !hcy
a"'''l'll:d Emba,*atioo for Cytlm-a as \Vaneau's
w,",""Jia d<llar" <'ha,,,,,,,,,,, ""hieh \\'a'll:au diplollla pi"'e. \Vaneau's pUll l, Lane re,
ofteo used. .od PatLT per pe'u:t,ed his St}ic , hu, the pu
F" .. ,u "e ""'-"JO, ,heir l"rtncrShil' e"'t .... 1 !{<llanu 00' las, lIluch hq'ood !he R.:){'()eo
afte, four }TarS, .hhough \V.neau was peri !. Ilowc,'er, Waneau as eolouri"
his irrirahility a",1 io'ra ""igenee motou .... t to in'pi re p,ioll:rS 1$ la'e as !he Neo-
tow .. "I. organi .... ,jo<l <lf .oy liod. ]-]oweVL"t, a llIllll"cssio<l i,ts.
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka

lIit,u." ,"ay pai"ud tbiJ il1 Jign for tb< <11ft ,,,,,d by IIrI/ni . n ""'"
rba plaJ'd tb< rol, o[ ""lancho/ir Pi ....... }'ro'" lb< r<;II""dia dril .... ,..
Omtrlming lb< gnt,.iry o[Gillrnlb lb< b ... ".....,.,r gnt"P ""blnd blm,
11 ;'t""" ka bim opan in a coI""rl", nrld o[ biJ 0'/:'>1'. By Ibi, /1"". 111m",,,
r.r fUi" i/lri'" ttlbrrctJarir a",l ptnJildy mu/;" lo lb< <rrtalnfJ ,ba, .11
lb. r"//'J pirlltll"'J.'" "..",1""
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Bo.-n in J".,4,
raih::ay mginr
;\[0""'- lo Par;'.
Studi" und.,-
Gk]n B.gim
S",I" in Lo"'!"'.
PrOM'" Tba,""
P"i"lT mi",",JJ
]""nna HiJjm.an
",'me Li,dc
White Cid
T,,,,..h '" Soutb
B_Kim Tha,""
IRnKa"I P,,,ax:}
R""", for Lry/md,
qtulrrdJ, Jom
&bibiIJ F.lling

S"', RwJ:in for
lilvllltld ,::in,
BillIb-UP', ;\[0'...,.
'" Imi",
Orl<-,"il1l fbm::, in
Mam" &/ltri"
'T,iri, God,;:in
S.II, ro firmeb iU/d
Sm"iJb ro/k';"",
\fa,.,.,- lo Parir
1::itb B.lltrr.
B.arri" di"
Di<,- in mdiJtl
Noctume in Bl.ck 3M Gold: Tite Rod "' t (/874_n)
Wbisrl.,-', Tb","" Nocturncs, pain,, during ,b. I 870J, o"'" tbF
impirlllion lO lapa"''' pri"", Thi, Nocrurnc, ,":irb in rpangkd rJ:y, glr."
,j" ro ,,. fa,"o'" dS,.puu Ivtt:wu Wbi",- and lb. crj,ic Jobn RwJn
in Pars &' MIl ,he USA in 1855, Specula,ion al. ,und,,1. \Vas ,he in" 'ranet:? A
Ja"'e< AbJ..m ,\ k"lcill Whisrler ,,-.. nCHUUS }'oung h,idc? "r, e",r}'Jne Whi,tlrt
'urmund,,] 1". " se:! of a"istic talentS, p,'e his long'tan,Gng ' Thrte is no sto.-}'.
which induded Courl'd, Deg-.. , Fan,in _ Hu' an cxe,es<: in shades of ",hi'e ",aS
La'our, and ,'udi,,] under in"M"pn:hcnsible lO ,he \r,cro.ians, a nd So ",as
GIL)"e, wi,h Eng6sh studm's who n:li<h,,] his 'his ahhoITence "f naITa,i,'e, his ,<:fu ... 1 lO
na",l><'J"net: and <h.'], ",i,. Ycr, h"hind ,he ",o",liu: ,hruugh a". his pn:ll::n: net: ,he
d.n,Mi,,] ex",ro, ",," a serious 'pir, wlo> onl)' cxquisi,clr de<ign,,] Il". "en' o, ',,, ,he sliet: uf
"'"1n'''] 10 ",ale a". lill::: thes<: "en: ne",."
\Vhistle, "'<ncd n, Lon,1Jn and <ho""l his De'pitt: Frmch "udio ,nining, \Vhi,rler"s
fj,st significan' w,,.- l, Tb. J.j,,. Wbiu Gir 'tuest inspira,ion .. -as ,he Jap.nes<: prn'. It
(Sympbony in 11':1",, '\'0. 1) . a' ,he Ac"dc"'r. info"",,] his Ia,cr p.in,ings, ineluding ,he
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Noct",.", ,ha' p",,'oled Ruskin's lit:..::llous
cO""nen, .hou' ,he '1"" uf 1'" int ,h"'wn in ,he
public faee'. \Vhilers T,,",, ohi,u",")"
,ccountI:d wl}'Iy: 'rhe O'ial w"1.< p.inful,n many.
amu,ing 10 mo,e: in ,he end ,\1, \Vhistle,
ol"ained '1Oe fa"hing dam.ges, Bu' i, also
.ffinned: 'lIe ..... s Se' UP'1O "I'.in,ing .nd
e,chin; wh., he sow, wi,h no uI,cri,,, th()ugh, of
o, I"'pularit, o, wh1t ""lUld "h"lnce
him in 1""i,i'1O .nd <S'CC",. Art" .. ,he
docO'inc that \ Vhilcr 1",(<:ss"I. nd I" .",i",d
lO ,he md:
n Grey:l M Bl: .. :i No. 1: The Ans,'. ,\Iome. (/871)
H'oirrl",', "".,.priting, purium ,"otb", arrit"d tmim'i"d fr"'" ,b, USA to
lit'",:itb b.,. 'm::n d,ar bllt'njly" in bi, Ch<I"a Ix",,,, and poud /ir bim o'"
dayt::b", h< bad "" mOIM. StIlnding1:"oUbard /ir bn; '" h< "a"d bi,mo,b",
in profil, _ and an iron 1:"aI h<nI, If-itb Japan,,, /xx" li'Oirrl.,. puin"d b",
a, an IUl""" arrang',""'t "lOn<!. H, ""d bJlICk a!1h< Im,i!" bi! ptU"" lUId
,"",b 'urpm,;n" t::birb JIlnk in", tb, unpupa"d CIlm'/H lO git, a dul/ing
1frcr ,bat pJ,a"d bi,". 1, , lI'oi,,/.,.', '"" "" "nti,"",, appr""cb,
tbat b", ",,,,,,,d hff tim&Jr approl
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Il1lag.s ''1,rud"""d "i,h I'Cfnssiofl fro", ,he
Art Archi ,., (Picrun: ))",;1):
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. H ]5 . 16. 17. 19, 1O.lL n . H. 1-1,
15 , 26, 17.19. 30. 31. n H. H 35, 36. 37, 38. 39, 'H,
-13 . 44, 46. 48. -19, 50. 51. H. H 55 . 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
61 , 61, 66, 68. 70. 71 . 74. 75. 76. 77,79. 80. 81 . 81,83,
fW. 85. 86. SS. 89. 91. 94. 95. 97, 100. 103. 104. 106.
107, lOS. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113 . 1 H 11 5, 116. 117.
liB. 119, llL lB. 124, 115. l!6, 1l7. H8. 119, IJO.
131. lH, lH 137, 138, 139. 140, ]-11. ]-13. 144, 1-15.
146. ]4S, I49, 15L In, lB. lH, I55. 158, 159, 16L
161. 163, 1M. 165. 166.167. 169. 170. 17L 174.176.
177,178, 179. 180, lB!. 182. 183 , lfW. 185. 186, 193.
194. 195 . 199. 100. 101 , 103. 10-1, 105
AKG Art Lit.r' l)"
BridgCTIl3n Art Lib,... ry:
JI . 18. 40. il. 73. 78. In 133 . 135. 141 . 156. 157, 160.
171,173 , 106
Corbi s:
13 . 18. 41. 45. 47. 51. M. 65. 67. 69. 87, 90, 92. 93 , 96,
98.99. lO). 101. 110, 136. 147. 150, 168, 175, 187 , lBS,
189, lOO, 191. 19!, 196, 197, 198, 101, 107
Edward IloJlfH'r
1'105: Au,"ma' Des ,\ lo;nel An Cm''', I'ennantn'
Pureha",d "i,h fimds fro", ,he E,hnundson
An F"w"h,;Ofl, Ine .. 1958..1
D.vid Hod m"Y
p 91: \/r and \J". (1/IT} and Pmy 1970-71. A,::'ylic ,.,
<"Am'''''. fW" x 110" (') D,,'id 1 k.::lrncy
s"1 .. ,,dor D.li
P 53 (') Sah".d", llili. D:tli Foun,bti"n,
DACS, Lo,.lon 1005
Vtisily K>nd inoky
p 109 (') ADAGP, I'a,i< .nd DACS, Lo.,d,., 1005
Re"," M:.ogri tte
p 111 (') ADAGI', Pa,i, .nd DACS, Lo.,do., 1005
Ilcnri ",,,,ti<sc
p lB (') Su"""<,,ion 1I ,\1:t'lsdDACS 1005
Pi ct ,\I on.dri:.on
p 141: C,,"nf"J,;rio" ,::itb R_d. Blac}, Bb" and );'Iot.", 1928
Oil o., C:tm'a<, 45 x 45 <1n. (') 1005 ,\Iond,ianllloltzm.n
Trust, d" IICR Inlrm. tional Wa,"'nnm \r,rgini.
Ed .. " rd ,\Iunch
p 147: ' Ine Se",.", 189 3. on I>: ,a,d. 83.5 x 66
<1n. ,\Iunch ,\I u,",wn, o.lu.
,\r,,,,,,k: (') ,\ l unch ,\ I"'L"Um/,\ lunch Gmup,
nONO, Osk,IDACS, wn,tm 1005
Phow: (') ,\ lunch ,\1 "'''''m (Andcrsenldt: Jong)
p..[,!o Pic:>sso
p 151 (') Pic:t<.<,,/ 1005
J ""kson PolJoek
p 155 (') ARS, NY and DACS, Lo.,d,., 1005
Anrly W" rfto!
p 103 (') ' Ine Andy \\,.,1.:,1 Ji"unda,ion fo,- ,he \r,""al
Ans, IncJARS, "-'Yand DACS, Lo,.lon 1005
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka
Slo fines educativos - Lennyteka

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