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Internet vs. intranet vs. extranet -?

what are they and how do they differ, interact and overlap


Information Worker Activities

Interruptions 10%

Searching for and reading information 30%

Meetings 20%

Creating information 40%


What questions will we try to answer?

What are they? W hats w rong w ith using a single ap p lication for b oth? Why do we use the same applications? W hy cant I p ub lish once to all app s?



T h e Internet usage, the n sim p and the World is th Web are id synonymous: the Internet Contrary to some common(also knowInternet ly as th e N et)Wide e w orld wnote, pub licly accessib le is a system of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching collection of interconnected computer networks, linked by copper wires, millions ofcables, wireless using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It consists of fiber-optic smaller business, connections etc.; the Web is a collection of interconnected documents, linked by hyperlinks and URLs, and is academic, domestic, and government networks, which together carry various accessible information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, and the interlinked and using the Internet. The Internet also provides many other services including e-mail, file sharing W eb pages and oth er d ocu m ents of th e W orld W id e W eb. others described below.

A very common use of thepossibly the public telecommunication design thesecurely share part connectivity, and terms "Intranet" and "Extranet" is to system to "private part" of a of an "registered-on-site people" operations with its employees. and the website, whereorganization's information or can navigate. The "login page"Sometimes the term authentication refers only to enable them. such as clients and servers running on same"employee mechanisms the most visible service, the internal website. The for concepts and technologies of the Internet Generally in the sense that Intranet isthe Internet exclusiveprotocol suite are used tofor "customer/supplier exclusive contents".protocols are contents", and Extranet build an intranet. HTTP and other Internet
commonly used as well, especially FTP and e-mail. There is often an attempt to use Internet technologies to provide new interfaces with corporate 'legacy' data and inform ation system s. A n intranet is a p rivate com p uter netw ork that u ses Internet p rotocols, netw ork

An argument has been made that "extranet" is just a buzzword for describing what institutions have been doing A n extranet is a p rivate netw ork that u ses Internet p rotocols, netw ork connectivity, for decades, that is, interconnecting to each other to create private networks for sharing information. and possibly the public telecommunication system to securely share part of a business's information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers or other businesses. An extranet can be viewed as part of a company's Intranet that is Other veryextendeduse of the term "extranet" is to designate the "private part" ofInternet). where "registered common to users outside the company (eg: normally over the a website, It has also on site people" can navigate. The "state page" and in which the Internet is perceived as a way to do been described as a "login of mind" the authentication mechanisms enable them. bu siness w ith oth er com p anies as w ell as to sell p rodu cts to cu stom ers.



Partners & clients


If required

VPN Internet

Local users

Local LAN

Hosting centre


Extranet site

Internet website

Extranet site

Internet website


Not to scale!

O ne for all

W hats w rong w ith using a single ap p lication for all three? Internet
Hyperlinked Websites Email Newsgroups Online apps A website for staff Internal application access Document store, search and retrieval Collaboration Enterprise Search


External intranet access for staff Intranet for partners Intranet for clients


Applications to be integrated with an intranet

No. of Responses Email Search engines Document management Web-based reporting Web content management 350 245 242 221 200 9% 7% 6% 6% 5%

Enterprise resource planning

Security software Customer relationship management Application server software Data warehousing Web development tools

194 176 160 157 157

5% 5% 4% 4% 4%

Applications specific to operations Team workspace management Instant messaging Online meeting management eLearning Discussion forum management Analytic applications Business process management Knowledge exchange software Text mining Categorisation engines

152 149 145 144 142 141 139 102 69 62 60

4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3% 2% 2% 2%

S ouqce : ID S pte mbe q C e 20 0 4 Ente qpqis e P oqta l S uqve y , 20 0 4: A Ex a mina tion n of Bus ine s s P qoce s s D qiving

Content stored in CMS
CMS Authoring
Placeholder Placeholder

CMS content created from PCs on LAN etc.

Some content published exernally



Mirroring engine



Cother content displayed, managed and searched in intranet

CMS extranet
Website displayed in a web part or full site on intranet
Selected documents listed in website, together with standard CMS content Documents viewed, downloaded etc from CMS



Documents stored in SPS
CMS Authoring
Placeholder Placeholder

CMS content created from PCs on LAN etc.

Selected documents pushed to CMS and/or WSS (optionally converted to pdf)


Publish engine



Documents and other content displayed, managed and searched in intranet

WSS extranet
Website displayed in a web part or full site on intranet
Selected documents listed in website, together with standard CMS content Documents viewed, downloaded etc from CMS





Confidential Documents

Business systems LAN

Hacking engine



Client/patient lists

Research and other IPR



Traditional approach

p e n a p p ro a ch O
P ro te cte d i fo rm a ti n : e xe m p te d n o

P ro te cte d i fo rm a ti n n o

Disclosable information

Enterprise search

Publication scheme

Public search engine


What about a single place for my content?

T h e solution m ust store th e content once and m ake it accessib le from b oth the intranet and the w ebsite

Performance Authentication Format

LAN 100Mbps+ AD and SSO Documents and data

WAN 10Mbps or less Challenge response html

Security, Search, Storage, Cost



Are these separate?



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