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yeat; Asia Voight!

Indtilgence 'in N:eenah to
meet with clients face to face and share
messages from their loving pets. Asia' is
a gifted animal communicator who has
clients all over the globe. She is able to
get in touch with aniril.alsand trans-
late their messages into human terms.
Asia's story is available on her website at
I first met Asia 5 III years ago when she
came to visit my shop. I have to admit
I was a skeptic. I had been volunteering
with Timber Wolf Biologists in the early
90's as a zoology major in college and
doing animal behavior studies on captive
1tumpeter Swans in the late 90's. All the
hours I sat and observed animal behav-
ior over years, not once did one
of the animals speak. to me. (Or I didn't
hear tiJ.em if they did.) It did not take
long after sitting doWn with Asia the first
time t9f!ealize she was actually connect-
ing WiW: my animals and could see
what they could see. She not only could
.... ,: "
vidual behaviors perfeotly, but she ooula
descnbe my home, 'current and 'p'revi- '
ous, in detail. Being a client and friend
of Asia's now for almost five years, I have
seen the joy and emotion she can bring
her clients through her gift in communi-
. cating with their pets. Recently we shared
some time on a dolphin expedition of
which Asia was a facilitator. During this
time we interacted with wild marine life
on their terms.
Asia has done many interviews on her
animal communication skills and has
spoken about some of the interactions
with clients' pets. Up until now, no one
has discussed with her how communicat-
ing with wild animals is different. When
asking Asia about her communication
with the dolphins, she replied, "When I
arrive in Bimini (location of the Dolphin
Expeditions boat) I put out the inten-
tion and desire to communicate with the
dolphins and invite them with an open
heart and mind to share their wisdom.
Then I sit back and wait for them to
our 'neW'store
opening June 15
Botanical Indulgence is a Natural B()Utique featuring specialty
essential oil based products, mineral cosmetics, artisan
,eweltj iinJ"certified professionals to answer any questions.
c!I.omestic 1:n"t1:lal :Y:Otloa,nnC)t push]
your energy on the wild a.ri:ifii.aJ.s,
states that we are in a society that has
proactive intentions and our domestic
animals are used to this forward energy
from humans and they respond well
to it. Sea life such as sting rays, sharks,
dolphins etc. are aggravated by being
pushed or pulled energe'tically.
This article is to share a very different
perspective of an animal communica
tor as she works with wild marine life in
their habitat and on their terms.
Dolphin Communications
, As the facilitator on a trip such as .
Dolphin Expeditions offers, Asia has her
best connection with the wild animals
on the first day or last day. When asked
why, she said that the participants on the
trip put too much energetic pressure on
the animals by their thoughts and desire
to connect with them. At the beginning
of the trip, the participants are recover-
ing from the travels of their destination

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-----.; 5 minutes south of
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Bi!MiIi!lSiSll'-_____ . Exit Winneconne Ave. 'in
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10 Ncrture's Pathways I June 2009
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fit tqe end of the trip, they let go . of
expectations from the
and this allows a better energy
fld'w between the dolphins and Asia.
... has swum with the spotted
aMp.hins of the Bahamas and the spinner
CiMphins of Hawaii: She had very different
experiences with the two species. She said
Vte dolphins have the personality
to a poodle border collie cross in
'ciJis - very playful, very intelligent and
, "
sensitive. The spinner dolphins in
Hawaii present the personality similar
.t, ,
to a cat, somewhat aloof with a "what-
eil.er: attitude. n The' spinners are easier to
fihd and she found they don't mind you
swimming up on them, but they are not
as;playful in the water as the w:ild spotted
dqlphins. The picture of Asia with the
. spinner dolphins was taken when Asia
aatually asked the dolphins to slow down
so the photographer could snap the
picture - and they did.
. The messages Asia would receive from
1;he spinner dolphins were more practical
and consisted of directions among the pod .
of dolphins and not directed at her. She
shares an experience in which she was
swimming along side 10 spinner dolphins
and keeping herself as peaceful as possi-
ble when she heard the lead dolphin say
'We are now turning to the right' and the
entire pod turned right; then he said 'We
are now spiraling down' and then they
dove down and were gone.
. The dolphins are amazing animals
and when asked which she preferred,
she said with out hesitation, am most
attracted to the spotted dolphins of the
Bahamas. I have never felt such giving,
joy and love from another species; I can't
get enough of them. The sensation of it
not dwindle. '" .
in Costa Rica
Last November Asia was drawn to visit
the Olive Ridley turtles of Costa Rica.
She and her friends stayed in a small
rural town called Playa Ostional where
tens of thousands 'of turtles come to lay
:their eggs once a month during the dark
moon. The event is called Ambada,
which means "the arrival. n
The timiilg is important for the turtles
because the dark moon and the high tide
allow the animals to lay their eggs at a
point just above
the water line
of the high tide.
Basically the
turtle swims up
to the shore and
walks a few feet
from the edge of
the water line at
high tide, lays
her eggs, covers
them and then
walks back to
the water to
swim back to
the ocean: The
entire process takes' about an hour. Asia
and friends arrived three days after the
perfect timing of the tide. The older and
disabled animals were left to follow the
reproductive call of nature. The old and
disabled turtles are slow at digging and
some have back fins missing from boat
propellers that maimed them. In these
cases,' an hour process can take up to four
or more hours and the tide has receding
forces them to walk 50 feet to the water.
Add to this hundreds of vultures in the
morning hours waiting for either turtle
eggs that didn't get buried or turtles that
are ready to give up the fight for life.
Asia heard the vultures at one point
and she descnbes their voices as that of
cartoon characters as they spoke to the
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injured turtles saying, "No need to put
it off (death), you know we are here to
help you." The turtles that were feeling
too exhausted or hopeless to continue
on would be surrounded by the vultures
and the birds began pecking at the turtles
until their final . death .
Local guides watch over the turtles
and Asia noticed two men gently lifting a
turtle and carrying it to the water. When .
she approached the guide and asked if
they are allowed to do this, the guide
said at this late time of day they will help
the turtles so they can survive. That is
all Asia needed to hear and she and her
friends were off to assist in the long walk
to the water with the disabled turtles.
In each case she mentions she > > 58
408 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Appleton 920-380-:4700
) u ne 2009 Nilture's 11
> > Asia Voight from pg. 11
asked pennission to assist the turtles.
Asia said sht; explained what they were
doing, and she could feel the hope and
life' 'force return to the animal.' As they
got closer to the water canying these
150 pound sea turtles, the animal's flip-
pers would flap and energy was restored.
They helped 13 turtles to the safe, life
giving waters of the ocean.
A few weeks ago when Asia was on a
Dolphin Expedition in the Bahamas, she
and those with her had an encounter with
some in the Gulf Stream. The first
shark was a 12-foot tiger shark. One of
the participants was only 10 feet from the
shark, and after a stare down, the shark
turned and swain on. As it swam away
from her, Asia was struck by its beauty
and grace. Another 6-foot Canbbean reef
shark swam up behind the captain who
was diving down deeper than the other
participants. The captain was not aware
of the curious visitor behind him. Asia
was above looking down through 'her
mask and said that the shark came up to
the captains back, sniffed and she . said
\t looked like the shark shuddered and
turned to quickly swim away. The shark
really is not interested in humans.
I asked Asia . if she received any
messages from the sharks and she said
the tiger shark did relay a communica-
tion. It was filled with great sadness for
their species. They know how important
their species' existence is to all life. Asia
said this was one of the most painful
sensations she has ever felt in her life.
The greed and ignorance of humans
depleting the oceans hurts them deeply
- they want us to stop and begin support-
ing ocean life. The shark is fully aware of
the of all life. They
do not want us to fear them and they do
not want to hurt us.
When asked how Asia felt after this
experience, she said she sees herself
sharing the message to stop the needless
killing of the shark and to support the
cause through education and financial
support to organizations that are proac-
tive in shark conservation. It is time we
get rid of the myths about the shark and
realize this is one of the most important
predators on our planet.
from a Sting Ray
I asked Asia if she had an example of a
message from one of the wild animals on
her trips that stuck out in her mind. She
shared a message from a sting ray to a
participant we will refer to as Lisa. Sting
rays, by the way, are very giving animals
and Asia mentions they want to share
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their gifts and wisdom wiiliM.t They are
I, ...
not to be feared but respectem " ,
Early last year during a sting ray inter-
action in the Bahamas, Asia got a message
for Lisa. The picture Asia kept receiving
was Lisa's stomach and the' sting ray
kept saying 'no, not now!'. 'When Asia
asked Lisa if this meant anything to her,
she blushed with tears in her eyes, and
said that she and her husband have been
trying unsuccessfully to get pre'gnant for
the last three years and she came on this
trip to make some decisions on what she
should do next. The sting ray's response
was, 'Let go of the desire for a baby and
pursue dog training. The baby will come
naturally, but for now let go of that focus
and work on dog training! Ironically, Lisa
had been contemplating dog training as a
career. She left the trip with a new focus
and some peace of mind. A little over a
later, Lisa and her husband have a
beautiful baby boy.
Animals see us as energetic beings and
we hold images that they can and
understand. According to Asia, differ-
ent species of animals commuhicate at
different levels and varying depths of
soul awareness. Once you sit down with
Asia and experience the gift of animal
communication she has, you can never
look at another animal the same ;Way. As
a person dedicated to the sciences and
a student of animal behavior, I :cannot
deny the information I have received
from Asia through my animals or the
messages others have received from both
domestic and wild animals through l\Sia.
It takes dedication, discipline and
constant practice to do what she does, but
we all have the potential. So the neftt'time
you are visiting a beach, relaxing in the
sun with a good book and hear a vqice in
the distance talking to you - don't push it
off. Who knows, there may be a dolphin,
or sting ray or even a sturgeon trYirtg to
give you a message!!! All you have:to do
is learn to be aware and listen. rt.:> .
Sandy White earned her bachelors degree in
Biology through the University of Oshkosh with a
plant emphasis. she is the owner and founder of the
retail store Botanical Indulgence. For information on
upcoming classes and events, visit www.botanical-
indulgence. com. '
920.209.6900 I

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