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Esta avaliao contm 12 questes. Nas questes discursivas, lembre-se de que voc ser avaliado pelo que escreveu e no pelo que pensou em registrar. Assim, ateno aos verbos de comando. A correo ser feita de acordo com o sentido por eles fornecido. Faa uma reviso antes de entregar a avaliao, verifique se no deixou alguma questo em branco. Faa sua avaliao com organizao e capricho. Utilize letra legvel e no rasure a prova, pois questes rasuradas no sero avaliadas. O uso de corretivo e calculadora proibido. Marque as respostas a tinta azul ou preta. As questes que permanecerem a lpis no sero revistas. Marque apenas uma alternativa em cada questo de mltipla escolha. Bom trabalho! QUESTIONS 1 to 5: Read the two following texts and mark the CORRECT alternative. (0,5 each= 2,5 pts)

TEXT 1 Every day thousands of teens wake up afraid to go to school. Bullying is a problem that affects millions of students of all races and classes. Bullying has everyone worried, not just the kids on its receiving end. Yet because parents, teachers, and other adults don't always see it, they may not understand how extreme bullying can get. Bullying Is a Big Problem Bullying is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing. Two of the main reasons people are bullied are because of appearance and social status. Bullies pick on the people they think don't fit in, maybe because of how they look, how they act (for example, kids who are shy and withdrawn), their race or religion, or because the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian. Some bullies attack their targets physically, which can mean anything from shoving or tripping to punching or hitting, or even sexual assault. Others use psychological control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge. For example, people in popular groups often bully people they categorize as different by excluding them or gossiping about them (psychological bullying). They may also taunt or tease their targets (verbal bullying). Verbal bullying can also involve sending cruel instant or email messages or even posting insults about a person on a website practices that are known as cyberbullying. One of the most painful aspects of bullying is that it is relentless. Most people can take one episode of teasing or name calling or being shunned at the mall. However, when it goes on and on, bullying can put a person in a state of constant fear. Guys and girls who are bullied may find their schoolwork and health suffering. Amber began having stomach pains and diarrhea and was diagnosed with a digestive condition called irritable bowel syndrome as a result of the stress that came from being bullied throughout ninth grade. Mafooz spent his afternoons hungry and unable to concentrate in class because he was too afraid to go to the school cafeteria at lunchtime. Studies show that people who are abused by their peers are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety. They may also think about suicide more. Bullies are at risk for problems, too. Bullying is violence, and it often leads to more violent behavior as the bully grows up. It's estimated that 1 out of 4 elementary-school bullies will have a criminal record by the time they are 30. Some teen bullies end up being rejected by their peers and

lose friendships as they grow older. Bullies may also fail in school and not have the career or relationship success that other people enjoy.
(Disponvel em: <http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/problems/bullies.html> Acessado em 10 de julho de 2008).

Glossary: to pick on= to choose to punish strength= quality of being strong to shun=to keep away from

withdrawn= usually quiet shoving(to shove)=to push to drop out=to stop studying

to taunt=try to make a person angry or upset relentless=continuously cruel

01. Bullying may seriously affect A) peoples health in many different ways. B) people mentally but not physically. C) children but not their parents. D) people but not the very bullies themselves. E) all kinds of people except for the white ones. 02. Bullying has got to do with A) dropping out of school due to mental or physical health problems. B) the use of physical and psychological force to ensure superiority of humans over animals. C) an individuals or a groups repeated physical or psychological molesting of a person. D) obedience owed to older and more educated people. E) guys and girls whose homework cannot be turned in due to being too late. 03. Some bullies attack their targets physically, which can mean anything from shoving or tripping to punching or hitting, or even sexual assault. Others use psychological control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge. The reflexive pronoun themselves refers to: A) assault. B) bullies. C) targets. D) psychological control. E) verbal insults.

TEXT 2 Alcohol is the drug most commonly used and abused by adolescents. It is responsible for the 3 major causes of death in this age group: motor vehicle accidents, unintentional injuries, and homicide. In fact, postmortem studies show that in 45% to 50% of violent deaths involving adolescents, alcohol had been consumed by both victims and perpetrators. Yet, alcohol use and abuse is the most commonly missed teenage diagnosis. Although it is illegal for minors to buy alcohol in most parts of the United States, many adolescents say that getting alcohol is "very easy or fairly easy."
(Disponvel em: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/423495 Acessado em: 20 de julho de 2008).

Glossary: Perpetrators: who does wrong actions.

04. One can assert that in the US A) the death rate among teens as a result of alcohol use is negligible. B) jealousy is one of the top 3 causes of death among teens. C) adolescents hardly ever consume alcoholic beverages. D) as concerns violent deaths, only adolescent perpetrators had consumed alcohol. E) teens consumption of alcohol exceeds that of all other drugs. 05. Adolescents are not allowed to buy alcohol, in most parts of the US A) though they find little or no difficulty in doing so. B) due to its obscenely high price. C) in spite of their social responsibility. D) because teenagers are considered violent people. E) as a consequence of a misdiagnosed scenario.

QUESTIONS 6 to 9: Read the following texts and answer the questions. (0,5 each= 2,0 pt) We suffer increasingly from a process of historical amnesia in which we think that just because we are thinking about an idea it has only started says Stuart Hall in reference to the current excitement about processes of globalization. It may be true that the first documented use of the term globalization in the dictionary dates to 1961. But the phenomenon is by no means new. It could be argued that globalization started when the first ships from Europe arrived in my part of the world (i.e. South Asia) in the 15th century. Some may go even further to see in the development of maps and maritime travel, the collapse of Christendom and the rise of the nation-state certain forms of translocal connection developing between communities. 06- O autor do texto concorda, ou no, com o que afirma Stuart Hall a respeito do fenmeno da globalizao? Por qu? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 07- Por que o ano de 1961 mencionado no texto? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 08- De onde o autor? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 09- O autor do texto cita alguns fatos histricos que podem ter dado origem ao fenmeno da globalizao. Indique dois desses fatos. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 10- Circle the correct alternative. (0,1 each= 1,5 pts) 1. My children love to get new toys. (They/He) play with (they/them) all the time. 2. Ruby lives with her parents in a big house. (She/ Her) has a lot of money. 3. My friends and (I/me) play soccer every weekend. (We/Us) have a lot of fun. 4. A dog is barking. (He/It) must have heard a noise. 5. (I/She) like cats, but (they/them) dont like (I/me). 6. (They/Them) will make (we/us) pay for the damages. 7. Theres a new movie at The Ritz. Are (we/us) going to see (it/him)? 8. Tylers writing a love letter to Liz, but (I/he) dont think (he/she)s going to send (it/her) to (she/her). QUESTION 11- Replace the words in italics with a pronoun. (0,1 each= 1,0pt) 1. Marion lives near James. Marion and James are neighbors. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. My sister and I watch Blues Anatomy every Monday. My sister and I love Blues Anatomy. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Is Lucy doing homework with Tom in the living room? ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Dont tell Megan I lost her favorite CD! ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Whats the matter with Helen? Is Helen sad because of her sick cat?

QUESTION 12- Read the following cartoon and answer the question.(1,0pt)

A tira, definida como um segmento de histria em quadrinhos pode transmitir uma mensagem com efeito de humor. A presena desse efeito no dilogo entre Jon e Garfield acontece por que
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Jon pensa que sua ex-namorada maluca e que Garfield no sabia disso. Jodell a nica namorada maluca que Jon teve, e Garfield acha isso estranho. Garfield tem certeza de que a ex-namorada de Jon sensata, o maluco o amigo. Garfield conhece as ex-namoradas de Jon e considera mais de uma como maluca. Jon caracteriza a ex-namorada como maluca e no entende a cara de Garfield

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