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Morning Prayer Every day we say Thank you Lord!

! Just this once, Lord I want to come to you with no problem but to simply say. Thank you. For the Forgiveness when I fail, For the sheer joy of sleep when Im terribly tired. For the silent strength of humility when pride overtakes me. For the justice of you laws when people are cruel.

For the remedies for sickness when I am ill. For simplicity or orderliness when I am confused. For the assurance that you a place especially for me when I fell inadequate among my peers. For the joy of helping other when they are in need. For the earthly evidence of your will when Im to find out what life is all about. For the reality of your world when I stray too far into fantasy. For the rightness of reasonableness when I panic too quickly For the fun that refreshes when everything gets too serious For renewal in moments of silence when I am overstressed

Good evening my dear friends and a warm welcome to all the devotees of Infant Jesus gathered her to celebrate this Eucharistic on the 6th day of the Novena. The Theme for todays Eucharistic celebration is Prolife and life- giving not death and life-taking. We know and believe that life is a gift of Gods love and so we are called to preserve and make it fruitful. We also believe that we are made in the image and likeness of God. It is because of the divine origin of the image that dignity and value of life cannot be measured in human terms. Human beings seem to have lost their good sense, Man openly rejects Gods gift of life, harmony and peace It It is a sad world that we live in today, when we se innumerable attacks on the dignity of women, men & Children. We must never lose sight of the truth that each human is a unique creation of God. We are called upon to protect defend and cherish the life that God has given to us. John 10 : 10 says I have come to give you life and life in abundance. My our celebration help us to live and promote life in abundance. The celebration of Pro-life day coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation of our Lord, a day when the most sacred of lives was conceptualized, the Saviour himself. On this day we are called to protect the gift of life, a gift that God gives and only god can take away. From the position of protecting every individuals life as inherently inviolable, modern society is moving directly to the opposite direction of withdrawing legal protection from individuals lives considered as useless to themselves and othersAculture of life is best achieved by living in Christ. The Lord of Life, and meeting the moral imperatives of his teaching.

Introduction Good evening my dear friends and a warm welcome to all the devotees of Infant Jesus gathered here to celebrate this Eucharist on the 6th day of the Novena. The Theme for todays Eucharistic celebration is Promoting a culture of Prolife and life- giving not death and life-taking. We know and believe that life is a gift of Gods love and so we are called to preserve and make it fruitful. We also believe that we are made in the image and likeness of God. It is because of the divine origin of the image that dignity and value of life cannot be measured in human terms. In modern society, we see the fundamental values of human life being disregarded and trampled upon. Human beings seem to have lost their good sense. It is a sad world that we live in today, when we see innumerable attacks on the dignity of women, men & Children. We must never lose sight of the truth that each human is a unique creation of God. We are called upon to protect defend and cherish the life that God has given to us. John 10 : 10 says I have come to give you life and life in abundance. May our celebration on this day help us to live and promote life in abundance. Forty day after the celebration of the Nativity of the Lord, who came as a savior for all mankind ; today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the temple.(a day of consecrated life) As light of the world we too are the little lamps who partake of Christs Light. the liturgy of today has been prepared by the Gift of Love community Chikkuwadi.

Prayer of the faithful : Response : Infant Jesus Hear our prayers 1. We pray of our Pope, Bishops, Priests and Religious that God may make them strong and effective defenders of the poor, the unborn and the abandoned ; We pray to the Lord.R/ 2. That God our Father, so rich in compassion and patient in love, may give courage to all who are tempted by a culture of selfishness thus doing away with the God given life by suicides & homicides ;we pray to the Lord..R/ 3. For everyone who has grown old : that as shadows lengthen and evening comes we may cherish them as precious gifts from God ; we pray to the Lord R/ 4. For wisdom and a love of the truth, that we may take seriously our responsibilities as citizens in defense of the poor, the abandoned and the innocent unborn; we pray to the Lord.R/ 5. That those children who are victims of child abuse and innocent people who struggle for their life because of the anger and resentment of their persecutors, may be protected by God; let us pray to the Lord.R/ 6. For all children & Youth appearing for their exams that they may be strengthened by Gods power to study & do well in their exams ; we pray to the Lord R/

Prayer of the faithful : Response : Infant Jesus Hear our prayers 1. We pray of our Pope, Bishops, Priests and Religious that God may make them strong and effective defenders of the poor, the unborn and the abandoned ; We pray to the Lord.R/ 2. That God our Father, so rich in compassion and patient in love, may give courage to all who are tempted by a culture of selfishness and by doing away with their God given life by suicides & homicides ;we pray to the Lord..R/ 3. For all mothers, specially those who are young and alone, beaten or addicted; that God might heal their broken hearts and seal them with his love; we pray to the Lord..R/ 4. For families torn by violence, anger and pain, that God may preserve them in truth and teach them to sow justice and peace; we pray to the LordR/5. For everyone who has grown old: that as shadows lengthen and evening comes, we may cherish them as precious gifts from God; we pray to the LordR/ 6. That Christ may welcome home to paradise all who, like himself, have been unjustly condemned to death, especially all children who have died by abortion; we pray to the Lord.R/ 7. For wisdom and a love of the truth, that we may take seriously our responsibilities as citizens in defense of the poor, the forgotten and the innocent unborn; we pray to the Lord.R/ 8. That those children who are victims of child abuse and innocent people who struggle for their life because of the anger and resentment of their persecutors, may be protected by God; let us pray to the Lord.R/ 9.

We must never lose sight of the truth that each human is a unique creation of God. We are called upon to protect defend and cherish the life that God has given to us. John 10 : 10 says I have come to give you life and life in abundance. My our celebration help us to live and promote life in abundance. The celebration of Pro-life day coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation of our Lord, a day when the most sacred of lives was conceptualized, the Saviour himself. On this day we are called to protect the gift of life, a gift that God gives and only god can take away. From the position of protecting every individuals life as inherently inviolable, modern society is moving directly to the opposite direction of withdrawing legal protection from individuals lives considered as useless to themselves and others. A culture of life is best achieved by living in Christ. Let us ask Jesus The Lord of Life, and meeting the moral imperatives of his teaching. In modern society , we see the fundamental values of human life being disregarded and trampled upon. Man openly rejects Gods gift of life, harmony and peace It is a sad world that we live in today, when we see innumerable attacks on the dignity of women, men & Children.

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