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Day # 1, Legs, Butt, Thighs, Chest, Tricepts, and Abs: 6-10 reps for 3 set (including warmups) 1.

Squat (195) 2. Hack Squat (195) a. Hold the bar behind you b. Dont allow your knees to bend over your toes 3. Leg Curl with Ankle Weights a. Same thing basically 4. Leg Extension with Ankle Weights (199) a. Hold on to the bench b. Dont lock knees on the extensions 5. Heel Raise with Dumbells (215) a. Stack two weight plates b. Have toes on them c. Have dumbbells in your hands d. Shift weight to toes 6. Ankle Flexion with Weight Plate a. Sit on the end of a bench with your loegs together and your feet flat on the floor. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle. Keeping your back straight, lean forward slightly at the waist, holding in place a weight plate that rests across the base of your toes. b. Lift your toes as high as you can 7. Stationary Lunge with Dumbbells (181) 8. Incline Bench (120) 9. Dumbbell Fly (117) a. The dumbbells should nearly touch above your chest. b. Back should be firm and straight against the bench c. Dont lock elbows d. Keep elbows at 90 degrees on the way down. 10. French Curl 11. Oblique Trunk Rotation with Weight Plate (138) a. Use something to stablize your lower body. b. Hold Torso at a 40 degree angle. 12. Rowing Crunch with Ankle Weights a. Hold on to the bench b. Raise your feet slightly off the floor c. Bring you knees towards your chest, hold and try it again 13. Dumbbell Trunk Twist (140) a. Alternate left and right until your muscles are fatigued. 14. Oblique Trunk Rotation with Weight Plate (138) a. Use something to stablize your lower body. b. Hold Torso at a 40 degree angle.

Day # 2, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Forearms. 1. Upright Row (100) a. Narrow grip with both palms on the barbell b. Arms fully extended c. Bring it up to your chin elbows sticking out 2. Side deltoid Raise (96) a. Legs shoulder length apart b. Back straight with a slight forward lean c. Elbows lightly bent d. Arms up at the same time hold for a second, then release 3. Shrug (99) 4. Front Deltoid Raise (96) a. Hold two dumbbells at your waist. Bring one forward. Your palm should be pointed down b. Finish a set and switch sides 5. Behind the Neck Press (97) 6. T-Bar Row With Dumbbell (159) a. Keep lower back flat or arched. Never curved. b. Place the bar so it is wedged inbetween two weights or in the corner of the room. c. Place a weight on the end and use a v-handle to hold the bar below the weight 7. Dumbbell Swing a. Do it fast 8. Wide Grip Row (158) a. Feet shoulders width apart and knees slightly bent. Bend at the waist until your upper body is parallel to the floor, without arching your back b. Grab the dumbbell using a grip thats wider than your shoulder length, palms facing your body c. Raise the bar on a count of two until it is all the way up. Elbows should be higher than your back. d. Lower it to your shins on a two count. 9. One Armed Dumbbell Row (160) 10. Preacher Curl 11. Reverse Grip Barbell Curl (69) 12. Forearm Curl (74) a. Dumbbell in left hand, right hard rest on knee palm open b. Wrist over left knee a bit, top of forearm may rest on knee. c. Keep back basically straight. d. Legs wider than hip length apart. 13. Reverse Forearm (75)

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