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Sungazing Living On Light Ancient Secrets Revealed For Increased Health, Longevity, And Spiritual Well-Being
Forge New Neuronal Pathways Through Your Brain, Awaken To Health, New Insights, Possibilities, And Peace

Published by Creative Counterparts 2658 Del Mar Heights Road, #103 Del Mar, CA 92014 USA Phone. 1-858-707-0496 Email. info@SunGazing101.com Copyright 2007 Creative Counterparts, Inc. All Rights Reserved No copies of this content may be made, including photocopy, scan, computer, electronic, manually, or by any methods, without express permission of the Publisher. All references are listed in the body of this works and in the List of References. All content was researched via the Internet and is based on fact. No reference has been intended to any person, alive or dead. This is an Electronic Digital Book (E-Book).

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Table Of Contents
The Ebook Cover............................................................................................... 1 Title and Credits Page........................................................................................ 2 Sungazing Living On Light ...This Is Your Brain On Sunshine! .......................... 2 Table Of Contents ............................................................................................. 3 - 1 - Introduction To This Book .......................................................................... 4 - 2 - Sun Gazing An Introduction .................................................................... 5 - 3 - History Of Sun Gazing................................................................................ 8 - 4 - Sun Gazing What To Expect When Listening To The Masters.................... 32 - 5 - Getting Into The Light In Everyday Life! .................................................... 41 - 6 - Sun Gazing The Practice, The Process.................................................... 50 - 7 - Sun Gazing Mental, Emotional, Physical, And Spiritual Well Being ............. 58 - 8 - Sun And Soul Sun-Related Exercises For Your Health .............................. 66 - 9 - Immune System Your Bodys Defense Against Disease ........................... 71 - 10 - Vitamin D Deficiencies And Light Therapy ................................................ 73 - 11 - Testimonials .......................................................................................... 82 - 12 - Conclusion ............................................................................................ 89 - 13 - Glossary ............................................................................................... 92 - 14 - Recommended Reading .......................................................................... 94 - 15 - Useful Web sites .................................................................................... 98 - 16 - List Of References................................................................................ 101 Ecover Full Art ........................................................................................... 109

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-1Introduction To This Book

Many people hide from the sun and deny themselves of the suns healing powers. They fear the suns bright light. History tells us the human race evolved and thrived under the light and energy of the sun. Sunlight is free and in many cases, it is readily available. When people avoid the sun, they cause their bodies harm. Sun is indispensable to our health and well-being.

Sunlight is necessary for the human race. We need ultra-violet light in order to function properly. We need sunlight to prevent and heal many common and often fatal diseases such as heart disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis, and multiple sclerosis. We need sunlight to counteract the stress caused by exposure to artificial light, the flashing of computer screens and television screens, and the general stressors and noise of everyday life.

Humans have used light for healing since the time of ancient Egypt. This book explains the therapeutic benefits of sunlight. This book reveals the evidence that sunlight is far more beneficial than we realize.

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-2Sun Gazing An Introduction

The idea of light as an integral part of all life and creation has been evident since the beginning of time. Sunlight, our major source and provider of light, warmth, and energy, not only sustains all life on Earth, but it sustains the Earth itself. (Liberman, 1990). Sun gazing is the practice of deriving nutritional energy by gazing into the sun within an hour of sunrise or sunset.

Other Commonly Used Terms For Sun Gazing

Sungazing, solar gazing, solargazing, solar healing, solarhealing, Sun Yoga, Solar Yoga, sun staring, and Surya Yoga... all are names for the same practice. Most sun gazers seek a higher level of spiritual awareness along with improved physical and mental health. Sun gazing is a fascinating practice with a long history. This book uncovers the history and science behind sun gazing, and gives tips about how to begin and safely practice sun gazing.

Seeking Spiritual Enlightenment

Many sun gazers who are committed to the practice aspire toward achieve spiritual enlightenment. One well-known sun gazer, Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) has achieved the non-eating status, which leads to higher states of consciousness. Hira has become popular for his devotion to the practice of sun gazing. He has existed for long periods as an inedian, or non-eater.

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Sun Exposure Versus Sun Deprivation

It may be true although many would disagree that too much sun causes wrinkles and other health concerns. On the other hand, we need sun exposure as our primary source of vitamin D. Sun deprivation may cause serious health problems. Perhaps no one should be a sun worshipper, but humans should not deprive themselves of the healing powers of the sun.

Brief exposure to sunshine may help ward off debilitating and deadly diseases such as osteoporosis, hypertension, depression, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.

The Sun As Primary Rather Than Secondary Source

Traditionally, human beings eat secondary sources of energy as the plants and other vegetation which depend heavily on the sun for their growth. Simply put, the idea here is to learn how to absorb energy from the primary source, that is, the sun itself. (Vina Parmar, 2004).

Fruits, vegetables, and animals depend on the light and heat from the sun for their survival. Humans need sunlight for health and well-being. They need sunlight for vitality and happiness. If you want to keep your good health or return to good health, you need to welcome sunlight back into your life in a safe manner. Sunlight was a powerful weapon for preventing and curing diseases in the past. This book

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will tell you how you can use it to heal yourself, and how you can help yourself to stay healthy.

This Book & Improving Your Health

Sun gazers from around the world will attest to the benefits the practice has given them. Keep this book handy if you are interested using the suns energy to improve your health. This book is a treasure house of useful information on the benefits of sunlight.

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-3History Of Sun Gazing

A Visible Symbol Of The Creative Power
For untold centuries the sun has been worshiped as the visible symbol of the creative power... From the dawn of history, the sun has been utilized specifically as an aid to the restoration of health and as a means of maintaining and increasing it. The ancient, Greeks and Romans, Egyptians and Assyrians, Arabians, Babylonians and Cretans, the Aztecs, and the early Chinese and Japanese, the inhabitants of India, and most of the other nations that were glorious in their day, derived their superb health partly from their contact with the rays of the sun, and healed their ailments by their aid. (Bernarr, 2005).

The Human Need For Grounding

As humans we embody an electromagnetic polarity, with our feet representing the negative pole and our head representing the positive pole, relative to each other. When we are grounded with the Earth and equally linked with the Sun, our bodies become an open container through which cosmic energies can flow. We can then

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expand out past the skin-encapsulated ego, and connect with larger fields of consciousness surrounding us.

Grounding refers to anchoring higher-frequency energies safely within the body, much like a step-down transformer changes high-frequency electrical energy into a form which can circulate safely through the wiring system of a house. The deeper and stronger the Earth connection, the more powerful the sky connection can be. (Windrider, 2004).

Humankinds Earliest Roots East Africa

The first indisputable stone tools were clearly made and used by early transitional human beings in East Africa, roughly 2.5 million years ago. While the earliest sites with these types of utensils are from the Gona River Region in Ethiopia, uncomplicated tools of this type were first discovered by Mary and Louis Leakey and were associated with Homo habilis at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. There is much evidence of the importance of the Sun in their history.

Mesopotamia And Shamash, The God Of The Sun

We emerged, as a species, at Olduvai Gorge, East Africa. From there, over the past four million years, we have spread out to cover the whole land mass of the planet.

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Nearly every area of land close to the equator gets twice as much sunlight as Great Britain, and East Africa gets nearly three times as much. Our history begins in Mesopotamia, where Shamash, the Mesopotamian god of the sun, exercised the power of light over darkness and evil. In this capacity, he became known as the god of justice and equity and was the judge of both gods and men. In fact, Shamash did not represent the sun, or the sun God, but rather a hero who had the power to stare into the sun, as is written into the story of Gilgamesh

Tablet X: 265: No man has ever gone that way and lived to say he crossed the sea. Shamash only ventures there; only Shamash would dare to stare into the sun.

Tablet X: 307: But there is no one else who can see what Shamash only can see, within the sun. Mesopotamians watched the sunrise daily in honor of Shamash.

(Sunlight.as.ro, 2005).

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Egyptians, Sun Worship, And Sun Gazing

The Quest For More Sun

Egyptians not only performed sun gazing, but also they ingested plant extracts that containing atropine, in order to enlarge the pupils to take in more sunlight.

The Source Of All Life

Similarly with the Hindu Surya, the Egyptian Ra was the source of all life forms:

The gods of the South, the North, the West and the East praise thee, O thou divine substance, from whence all forms of life sprang. (Papyrus of Ani, Sheet 18). (Sacred-Texts.com, Hymns to Sun God, 2005). Egyptians knew that the sun existed before the earth and the other planets. In the Bibles Genesis, Gods spirit was hovering above the primordial waters, and after that, appeared the light. The sun god Ra made all that sprang from the waters.

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Hymns At Sunrise, Adoration At Eventide

A Hymn To Ra, When He Rises In The East: Hail, thou Aten, thou lord of rays, who risest on the horizon day by day! Shine thou with thy beams of light upon the face of the Osiris Ani, the truth-speaker, who sings hymns to thee at dawn, and adores thee at eventide. (From the Papyrus of Ani, Sheets 18 and 19). (Sacred-Texts.com, Hymns to Sun God, 2005).

Great King Akhnaton And Scientific Understanding Of the Sun

Akhnatons Hymn to Aton also shows a remarkable scientific understanding of the Suns role in the functioning of life on the planet as a whole. Some see his religion as a philosophic and scientific revolt against religion, rather than a new religion.

One scholar, H.R. Hall, sees Akhnaton as Historys first scientific mind, due to his scientific understanding of the Sun and its relation with the organic world.

However, those versed in Vedic Spirituality know that true religion is based on scientific principles of reality. As a follower of Vedic Dharma, Akhnaton was aware of this and many other scientific and spiritual facts. (Parker, 1999).

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India And The Sun

The Hindu Surya

Surya means sun. Yog means to yoke (together) or to merge. Therefore, Suryayog accurately means to merge with the sun to become one. If we use the Sun and its immense cosmic energies, we can reduce, remove, change, arrange, organize, and balance the bio-electric, bio-magnetic, and chemical powers that reside within each one of us.

To soak up the subtle energies from the sun for this transformation, the ancient nine-step Suryayog technique is used. This method, when regularly practiced, helps bring about positioning of the individual to infinity. It is this system that is used by the saints and sages in the distant areas of the world, which allows them to live without food... living on energy obtained directly from the sun. (Suryayog.org, What Is, 2005) Surya is viewed as bringing a happy long life and purer innocence, which resembles closely the view of the sun found in the ESSENE GOSPEL OF PEACE, Book One. (Szekely, 1981). Suryayog creates the condition within us to join with the external sun to expand our consciousness and awareness of the life-giving light of Truth, Wisdom, and Love within us. (Suryayog.org, What Is, 2005).

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Capture The Miraculous Healing Powers Of The Sun Through Suryayog

PROBLEMS HELPED : Diabetes Sugar Problems High Blood Pressure Heart Problems Respiratory ailments Asthma Joint Pains Arthritis Obesity Reduced Appetite Eye and skin problems Headaches Migraines Lack of Energy Laziness Anxiety, stress, tension Depression Mental disorders Stomach and digestive disorders ADDED BENIFITS : More concentration More self confidence Positive attitude & outlook Inner peace Devotion towards Nature Expansion of love More Energy & Vitality Restful sleep More concern & care Improved Values in life Longevity

(Suryayog.org, Healing Power, 2005).

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The Yoga Sutras

Through meditation, one-pointedly fixed upon the sun, will come a consciousness (or knowledge) of the seven worlds. (Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali, Vibhuti Pada III: 26). (Baily, 2005).

The Gayatri Prayer

Today in India, millions of Hindus repeat a prayer to the sun known as the Gayatri, which similarly reminds us of the sacred relationship with this living being: May we gaze on the splendor of your guiding power that charges us with light. This is the prayer addressed to the Sun in the Gayatri mantra: Dheeyo yo nah prachodayaath. (May the Sun illumine our intellects in the same way he sheds his effulgence). (International Sai Organization, 2005). The meaning of one of the individual words in the Gayatri: Savithur the Sun, Creator, Preserver. (International Sai Organization, 2005)

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The Amazing Power To Heal

Concentrating The Suns Rays Power To Raise The Dead

The Suns rays have the amazing power to heal. Sun worship helped Sambha, Krishnas grandson, get cured of leprosy. Solar treatment was a well-developed science in ancient times. Its exponents could revive dead persons by concentrating the Suns rays on the dead body. Till recently, Swami Viryananda, Swami Dayanandas preceptor, and Swami Vishuddhananda were experts of this science and reportedly, could perform such miracles. Gopinath Kaviraj has recorded that he himself saw Vishuddhananda reviving a dead bird thus. (Ranjan, 2005).

NOTE: Be sure to visit many pages on the ExperienceFestival.com Web site, as they have many hyperlinked tools that are thorough resources for the topics in this book.

Indias Ancient Sun Temples

As is true with all other temples in India, legends and beliefs are connected with each of the listed temples, below. It is fascinating to note that one of the beliefs

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shared by believers at these temples situated so far apart is that visits, followed by a swim in the sacred tanks connected with them, would bring release to believers, sick from blindness, leprosy, and other diseases. (Templenet, 1999).

The Sun The Store House Of Inexhaustible Power And Radiance

The Vedic scriptures of the Hindu religion refer to the sun as the store house of inexhaustible power and radiance. The sun god is referred to as Surya or Aditya. The Vedas are full of hymns describing the celestial body as the source and sustainer of all life on earth. The origin of the worship of the Sun in India is thus several centuries old. (Templenet, 1999)

Seven Indian Temples

Dakshinaarka Temple at Gaya, Bihar Suryanaar Koyil in Tamilnadu Suryanarayana Temple at Arasavilli Surya Pahar Temple in Assam Bhramanya Dev Temple at Unao Sun Temple at Modhera Gujarat The Grand Konark Sun Temple

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Iran Once A Center Of Solar Worship

It is also said that Iran was once a center of Solar worship and that some of the Magha priests of Iran (Wikipedia, Magus, 2005). had been brought to India to officiate in ceremonies. (Templenet, 1999).

With the Zoroastrians, sun worship was the dominant religious theme although a pantheon of other deities was not excluded... It was not the visible orb which was worshiped as the solar divinity, but the spiritual power or being within or above the physical sun, which was but its reflection. The lord of the solar system sends its septenary forces and substances to all parts of the solar kingdom, thus binding it into a single organic individual. (ExperienceFestival.com, sun worship, 2005).

Fleeing The Advent Of Islam In Persia (Iran)

Magi... The priests of the ancient Persian religion were renowned as being mages. The followers of this religion form a very small ethnic group known, in India, as the Parsis. After invading Arabs succeeded in taking Ctesiphon in 637, Islam replaced Zoroastrianism, and the power of the Magi faded.

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The mages fled the advent of Islam in Persia, or Iran, by immigrating to India, settling in western principalities which form the modern states of Gujarat and Maharastra. As one can only be Zoroastrian by birth, the number of Parsis in the world is shrinking, and the remaining population risks passing down genetic defects as with any small community. Suffice to say, Parsis are very rare, and Magi are even rarer. (Wikipedia, Magus, 2005).

The Roman Empire And The Power Of The Sun

The Blazing Rays Of The Sun A Burning Mirror

The Sun And The Ships A Weapon, A Geometrical Monster

King Hieron asked Archimedes to invent new weapons when the Romans were threatening to invade his native city Syracuse. On discovering that a Roman fleet had set sail under Marcellus, the feared Roman Commander, Archimedes turned to the king and said, I believe I can destroy the fleet.

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By what means? asked the king.

By means of a burning mirror, replied Archimedes.

Archimedes trained a battery of specially constructed concave mirrors that reflected the blazing rays of the Sun directly onto the ships. And lo and behold, the fleet was destroyed!

The legendary Marcellus, on seeing the devastation wrought upon his fleet, is said to have exclaimed: Let us stop fighting this geometrical monster, who uses our ships like cups to ladle water from the sea, and has whipped our most efficient engines and driven them off in disgrace, and with un-canny jugglery of his mind, has outrivaled the exploits of the hundred-handed giants of mythology.

Its devastating power is only one manifestation of the Suns awesome energy. Its true manifestation is in the form of life force. The Sun is inextricably linked with life on earth. Without it, life is impossible. Sunshine is most cherished where it is cold most of the time. In fact, people start talking of annihilation if the Sun is not visible for a few days at a stretch. (Ranjan, 2005).

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Greco-Roman Era And The Practice Of Heliotherapy (Sunbathing)

The practice of heliotherapy continued throughout the Greco-Roman era... the Athenian physician Hippocrates prescribed heliotherapy (sunbathing) for both medical and psychological purposes... Sunbathing for medical and cosmetic purposes has continued to the present time due to a pervasive cross-cultural belief in the healing power of sunlight. (Hockberger, 2002).

The History Of Sun Gazing And The Jewish People

Sun gazing was widely practiced among the ancient Jews. After it was banished, those who practiced sun gazing were sentenced to death. Sun gazing continued inside the community of Essenes as noted in the following quote.

And if afterward there remain within you aught of your past sins and uncleanness, seek the angel of sunlight. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of sunlight to embrace all your body. Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of sunlight may be brought within you. And the angel of sunlight shall cast out of your body all evil-smelling and unclean things which defiled it without and within. And all unclean and evil-smelling things shall rise from you, even as the darkness of night fades before the brightness of the rising sun.

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For I tell you truly, holy is the angel of sunlight who cleans out all uncleanness and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. None may come before the face of God, whom the angel of sunlight lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again of sun and of truth, for your body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit basks in the sunlight of the truth of the Heavenly Father. (The ESSENE GOSPEL OF PEACE, Book One). (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005).

The Ancient Jews And The Sun

...From the http://www.sunlight.as.ro Web site, the author wrote about the following accounts:

The Jews employed watching the sun but the practice was officially condemned. Sun gazing was mentioned in Ecclesiastes 11:7: Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun.

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Sun gazing was referenced in the Odes of Solomon:

As the sun is the joy to them that seek for its daybreak, so is my joy the Lord; Because He is my Sun and His rays have lifted me up; and His light hath dispelled all darkness from my face.

(Sacred-Texts.com, Odes of Solomon, 2005).

Jesus And The Essene Community

According to the authors of the http://www.sunlight.as.ro Web site, most of the scholars believed Jesus was a member of the Essene community and many of his teachings were similar to the Essene teachings. The Essenes considered themselves to be the children of light.

The apostles indicated that they were Essenes when they used the terms children of light and sons of the light when referring to their followers, the Christians. The authors continue with the history of sun gazing by noting quotes that Jesus preached concerning sun gazing, that he participated in sun gazing, and he considered the sun to be his power.

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Jesus Preached Sun Gazing

1JN 1:5 And this is the message which we have heard from him and announce unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

JN 1:7 The same came for witness, that he might bear witness of the light, that all might believe through him.

JN 1:8 He was not the light, but `came that he might bear witness of the light.

JN 1:9 There was the true light, `even the light which lighteth every man, coming into the world.

(Sunlight.as.ro, 2005).

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Other Global Areas With Sun Worship, Sun Practices, And Sun Gazing
We should be quite unable truly to understand how the central myths and poesies originated, if we cannot, in some degree at least, realize the wonder with which men saw the daily and yearly renewed sublime spectacle of the birth, the life course, and the death of the life-and-light-giving Creator actually visible in the Heavens A wonder of eternal Re-birth.

In early philosophy throughout the world, the sun and moon were alive, and, as it were, human in their nature, [endowing] the sun, moon, the sky, or any feature of the physical world admitting of being readily acknowledged with a soul and body, with parts and passions, like their own. (Sacred-Texts.com, sun worship, 2005).

Literally, every area of the world and every era of humankind have had a similar relationship with the Sun, and many of these cultures and places included the participation in sun gazing. Why are we placing such emphasis on the history of sun gazing and sun worship throughout the ages? We feel that in this manner, you will see that current sun gazing interests are not out of line, but rather, fit neatly with a common search by peoples of all global reaches, and for time going back to the

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roots of humanity. You are not alone. These histories will show that you are in very good company!

Next, you will find a list found in this authors research, of such places and practices.

The Inca Empire, Qoricancha, The Inca Temple of the Sun

Santo Domingo Church & Koricancha (Qoricancha, Coricancha - Inca Temple of the Sun) Santo Domingo in Cusco was built in the 17th century on the walls of the Koricancha Temple of the Sun. The uninspiring Baroque decoration of Santo Domingo makes a poor contrast to the superbly crafted Inca masonry in fact, much of the cloister has been gutted to reveal four of the original chambers of the great Inca Temple. The holiest religious symbol of the empire... a solid gold disc, far larger than a man, mysteriously vanished before the main party of Spaniards arrived. It has never been found to the present day. The disc was positioned to catch the morning sun and throw its rays into the gold-lined temple, filling it with radiant light and bathing the mummies of the dead Inca rulers in sunshine which were seated in niches along the walls.

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Every summer solstice, the suns rays shine directly into a niche the tabernacle in which only the Inca was permitted to sit. Along with the main temple dedicated to the Sun, there were others for the adoration of lesser deities the Moon, Venus, Thunder and Lightning, and the Rainbow. (AndeanTravelWeb.com, 2005).

The Inca Empire, Lake Titicaca And The Children Of The Sun
South America, the Incas Island of the Sun. In the early 15th century, the Inca Empire the largest state to develop in the Americas expanded into the Lake Titicaca region in modern-day Peru and Bolivia and usurped the Island of the Sun from local control. On the June solstice, the Inca king and high priests of the empire assembled in a small plaza beside the sacred rock to witness the dramatic setting of the sun between the stone pillars. As the elites paid homage to the sun from within the sanctuary, lowerclass pilgrims observed the event from a second platform outside the sanctuary wall. From the perspective of the lower-class pilgrims, the sun set between the stone pillars and directly over the ruling elite, who called themselves the children of the sun.

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The remnants of stone pillars are similar to pillars around Cusco [Cuzco], which were described by several Spanish chroniclers of the 16th century. Those pillars were large enough to be seen against the setting sun at a distance of 15 kilometers. One such set of pillars marked where the sun sets at the June solstice. Unfortunately... a combination of post-conquest looting and recent urban growth in the Cusco valley has destroyed the area where the Cusco pillars once stood. (Science Daily, 1998).

The Inca Empire, Machu Picchu, And The Sun Temple At Llactapata
The Sun Temple, Llactapata A complex set of seven buildings, passageways, and courtyards, some of which are remarkably similar in scale and orientation to the Coricancha of Cusco. The Inca road that starts at the so-called drawbridge or hanging bridge at Machu Picchu provided an elaborate ritual entrance to Llactapata. It would have allowed the Inca and his retinue to visit Llactapata on special occasions to celebrate the rising of the sun at June solstice and the heliacal rising of the Pleiades some twelve to fifteen days before solstice. The sun temple at Llactapata is not alone in the Inca realm. The Coricancha apparently served as a model for other sun temples, such as those as those at Quito, Pachacamac, Vitcos, Willka Waman, Hunuco Pampa, and the Island of the Sun.

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A further significance of the sun temple at Llactapata would have been that the June solstice sun rose over Machu Picchu. Llactapata may also have been important because it provided a horizon calendar. Of great interest would have been the heliacal rising of the Pleiades near June 6-9, which may have been the first day of the Incaic year. The jagged horizon visible from Llactapata would have allowed precise tracking of the sun and determinations of the number of days before the heliacal rising of the Pleiades and the June solstice. In contrast to the irregular horizon of Llactapata, the smooth horizon at Cusco does not provide natural fiducial (regarded as a standard of reference, as in surveying) marks, and pillars were erected by the Inca to mark the sunrise/sunset positions at solstices and other significant dates. The sightlines, shrines, and buildings of Machu Picchu and Llactapata appear to establish an extended ritual neighbourhood of Machu Picchu, containing geographical, astronomical, and cosmological meaning. Solstice-equinox orientation in relationship with alignments on Huayna Picchu and Mt Machu Picchu indicates that adoration and ritual focus on these special mountains and the sun may have been the primary purpose at Llactapata. (Malville et al, 2005).

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Native American Lakota Tribe And Sun Gazing

Native American: Renewal Celebration ImPurplehawk.com: American Indian Spirituality and Sacred Rites. The Sun Dance amongst the Plains Natives is perceived as a replay of the original creation. Its name is a mistranslation of the Lakota sun gazing dance (Also see the Testimonials chapter The Sun Dance: an Example of Personal Sacrifice for the Spirit). Other tribes use different names. It fulfilled many religious purposes: to give thanks to the Creator, to pray for the renewal of the people and earth, to promote health, etc. It also gave an opportunity for people to socialize and renew friendships with other groups. (PurpleHawk, 2005).

Southwestern Native Americans The Sun, The Almighty

Southwestern Native Americans The Southwest Culture. The people of the Southwest supported full-time religious leaders with shrines or temples. Most Southwestern Native Americans believed that in the universe there exists an Almighty, a formless spiritual force that is the source of all life. The sun was venerated as the power of the Almighty.

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They did not worship the sun, but prayed to the Almighty; the sun was its symbol. (U-S-History.com, 2002-2005).

Scotland, Early Celtic Religion, And Sun Worship

Scotland: the early Celtic religion Sacred-Texts.com, Sun Worship. A Scotch dance, the Reel, still keeps up the memory of the old Celtic circular dance. There is, also, the Deisol, or practice of turning sunways, to bless the sun. This was from right to left, as with Dancing Dervishes now, or the old Bacchic dance, from east to west. Sacred-Texts.com, sun worship, 2005).

Scotland, The Gaelic Religion, And The Sun As Symbol Of Divinity

Scotland: The Gaels Sacred-Texts.com, Sun Worship. Donald Ross, Scotch Inspector of Schools, writes in a similar way of his ancient northern kindred, The noblest strains in all Gaelic literature are in praise of the sun, and which is also represented as the ultimately inexplicable factor in the universe. In the sun, the Gaels found the highest attributes of divinity, power, and purity. Sacred-Texts.com, sun worship, 2005).

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-4Sun Gazing What To Expect When Listening To The Masters

Please keep in mind that every individual is different. Sun gazing has many benefits and it benefits people in different ways.

A few things happen if you perform sun gazing correctly. After approximately three months of sun gazing, you will have increased mental and physical energy. Your need for food will decrease since sun gazing nourishes your body. You will experience tranquility in your life.

Hira Ratan Manek

Solar Empowering: Nutrition & Nurturing

HRM, in an interview in November 2004, was asked if sun gazing was coming back now, because the world needs it. In his simplistic manner, he responded, Yes, people are fed up with modern medicines to cure their illnesses. (Knight & Manek, 2004).

One very exciting concept came up in this interview. When asked why sunlight brings the kind of effect that it does, HRM said, Because from birth we have infinite

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powers. Our brain is a supercomputer. We are moving into an age where computers will be a thing of the past. We will be using our brainuter! (Your brain is your internal computer, and actually much more powerful than todays PCs.)

The power we enjoy from birth is the software of this computer. Then our thinking process is the combination of the keyboard and the mouse.

Now, what this computer lacks is the power supply, and the power supply is the sun energy.

After all, we know that this generates electricity. This light can enter the brain only through the human eye. The eye is connected directly to the brain that is a medical fact. (Knight & Manek, 2004).

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HRM contends that many social and personal ills are due to a lack of sunlight in our lives. Ponder this Transcript of a Dec. 01, 2002 Lecture by Hira Ratan Manek:

Crises Occur Due To Lack Of Use Of Sun Energy

Now days we rarely use the sun energy willingly as we are scared of the solar radiation and treat it like the enemy. Many human crises occur due to lack of use of sun energy.

First major crisis is mental tension and worries. Lack of selfconfidence. Negative thinking. Fear, anger, irritation, greed, hostility, and lack of compassion. All these are ailments of the mind. Can we overcome all these setbacks easily? Can the present human kind each and every one of us, become a good-natured person contributing to world peace?

Yes, if we make use of the sun energy.

Next crisis... after psychosomatic disorders come physical diseases and then lastly spiritual ignorance. We can ourselves hardly liberate us from these problems and diseases.

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As we age, we have the onset of geriatric diseases Parkinsons, Alzheimers.

The biggest setback we have encountered is lack of immunity. Most of us suffer from poor immunity. We have no energy to tackle day-to-day living. We can overcome all this by taking sun energy. It is an established fact that total health includes mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.

(HRM, Solar Empowering, 2002).

Taos Pueblo Tribe, Southwestern USA: Carl Jung In Memories, Dreams and Reflections
Two very wise men within their respective cultures... and the grand realization that all of our similarities of culture and religion, both current and from the past had bonded them together in one fantastic repertoire of history:

Our conversation took place on the roof of the fifth story of the main building [pueblos at Taos]. At frequent

William Victor Higgins (1884-1949) A Review by Eiteljorg Museum, Indianapolis, IN

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intervals, figures of other Indians could be seen on the roofs, wrapped in their woolen blankets, sunk in contemplation of the wandering sun that daily rose into a clear sky...

As I sat with Ochwiay Biano on the roof, the blazing sun rising higher and higher, he said, pointing to the sun, Is not he who moves there our father? How can anyone say differently? How can there be another god? Nothing can be without the sun. His excitement, which was already perceptible, mounted still higher; he struggled for words, and exclaimed at last, What would a man do alone in the mountains? He cannot even build his fire without him.

I asked him whether he did not think the sun might be a fiery ball shaped by an invisible god. My question did not even arouse astonishment, let alone anger. Obviously, it touched nothing within him; he did not even think my question stupid. It merely left him cold. I had the feeling that I had come upon an insurmountable wall. His only reply was, The sun is God. Everyone can see that...

From another conversation with the Pueblo chief:

I therefore asked him, You think, then, that what you do in your religion benefits the whole world? He replied with great animation, Of course. If we did not do it, what would become of the world? And with a significant gesture, he pointed to the sun... After all, he said, We are a people who live on the roof of the world; we are the sons of Father Sun, and with our religion

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we daily help our father to go across the sky. We do this not only for ourselves, but for the whole world. If we were to cease practicing our religion, in ten years the sun would no longer rise. Then it would be night forever. (Memories, Dreams Reflections 248-52).

(RaySender.com, Carl Jung, 2004).

Other Web Sites Of Interest Taos Pueblo & Father Sun

Edward S. Curtiss The North American Indian Table of Contents, at: http://curtis.library.northwestern.edu/toc.cgi Pueblo de Taos, New Mexico Part of the U.S. World Heritage Sites, of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, at: http://www.cr.nps.gov/worldheritage/taos.htm Taos Free Art Site Map Taos Free Art provides an educational resource for teachers & students as well as public domain &/or publicly owned & disseminated fine art suitable for use as clip art on non-commercial sites. Taos Free Art celebrates the Native American, Hispanic, & Anglo arts & cultures of Taos, New Mexico, & the Southwestern region. Located at: http://www.taos-art.org/sitemap.html Taos Pueblo: A Thousand Years Of Tradition, at: http://www.taospueblo.com/

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Treasures from the Smithsonian American Art Museum: Lure of the West, at: http://americanart.si.edu/t2go/1lw/image-frame.html

Niels Ryberg Finsen

Sunlight As Treatment In Battling Disease, in 1903!

Moving forward in history, in 1903, the medical community recognized the use of sunlight as a treatment in battling a disease. Niels Ryberg Finsen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1903.

The award was in recognition of his contribution to the treatment of diseases, especially lupus vulgaris, with concentrated light radiation, whereby he has opened a new avenue for medical science. (Nobelprize.org, 2005).

Sunyogi Umasankar
Inhale Your Nutrients

Another well-known sun gazer, Sunyogi Umasankar, discovered a method of absorbing energy directly from the sun, removing the need to eat, drink, or sleep.

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The Suns Cosmic Energy Rays Touched His Body

Every morning he meditated upon the reflected sunlight. He realized he was able to absorb powerful energies from the suns rays. He experimented by looking directly at the sun. He looked directly into the sun as it was rising and then he concentrated on the sun as it rose higher into the sky.

After meditating for a couple of months, he began to see the sun as a clear hazy ring with soft blue sky inside. He felt increasingly soothed with an indescribable feeling of peace and calm as the harsh brightness disappeared and the suns cosmic energy rays touched his body.

After this experience, he found even [simple foods] hard to digest. His body rejected food, yet he felt fully nourished and energized.

My discovery made me believe that looking directly at the sun is a way of charging ones body cells with kinetic energy.

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As far as essential vitamins and minerals are concerned, the Sunyogi claims that as they are present in the air, he just inhales them directly from surroundings.

I believe that almost all the ailments that our body develops, is because of eating.

And the Sunyogi strengthens his claim by saying that he hasnt knocked on a doctors door since 1988.

(Iyer, 2004).

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-5Getting Into The Light In Everyday Life!

Sun Gazing Tips Let The Sun Shine In!
One of the most overlooked ways to get more sunshine into your life is to let the sun shine into your home. The sunlight will make you feel happier. If you live in northern climates, you can use sunlight to heat your home in the winter and save energy. Sunlight helps you stay healthy. Sun gazing has been used for curing psychosomatic and mental illnesses, and psychological problems. People have used sun gazing for increasing mental strength and memory power and developing the confidence to face problems in life.

In recent years, some members of the medical community have warned people to avoid sunlight. They warn of skin cancer and premature wrinkling. On the other side of the coin, others in the medical community encourage the therapeutic use of sunlight for treating depression and fighting cancer. It is a fact that sunlight exposure increases vitamin D levels and releases endorphins, which promote the feeling of well-being. Doctors have successfully treated Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) with vitamin D. If you experience high levels of stress, you may need to increase your exposure to UV-B sunlight and increase your calcium intake.

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Safe Sun Gazing Practices

Start sun gazing gradually in duration. Increase your sun gazing as your eyes adjust to sun gazing. Before you jump in with both feet, learn the precautions you should take. Please note that we have created somewhat of a mirror of information found on HRMs site, Solar Healing Center. HRMs words are EXACTLY what you need to study and follow. Anything we would do to change his words, except for brief editing, would be very wrong and probably harmful.

Note For Sun Gazing Beginners

Confine your sun gazing to within one hour of sunrise or within one hour of sunset. You should never sun gaze outside of these hours. For example: If sunrise in your area occurs at 6:04 AM, confine your sun gazing to the hour from 6:04 AM to 7:04 AM. If sunset occurs at 8:52 PM, confine your sun gazing to the hour from 7:52 PM to 8:52 PM. (HRM, sungazing process, 2003)

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For All Levels, Follow These Sun Gazing Tips

Catch the sun in the morning just as it appears over the horizon. Visit http://www.sunrisesunset.com to find out when the sun rises in your area. Print the monthly calendar for your reference. You will have the best results sun gazing at sunrise. Sun gazing at sunset is an option although it is slightly less effective. Check the current UV index at http://www.weather.com. Do not sun gaze when the UV index is above 2. Sun gaze in silence. Relax and maintain good posture. Stand up straight. Remove your shoes and feel the sand or the earth with your bare feet. Your bare feet draw energy including vitamins and minerals from the earth. Grass absorbs the suns energy so avoid standing on grass or other surfaces. Blink naturally. Remove your contact lenses if they are removable. Some contact lenses block UV light. Always time your sun gazing sessions. Use a countdown timer.

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Begin by sun gazing for ten seconds on the first day. Stare directly into the rising or setting sun with your eyes open. You may blink. If you are afraid to stare directly into the sun, look at the suns reflection on water or on polished obsidian stone. Do not wear sunglasses. Do not wear sunscreen. Go outside. Do not sun gaze through glass if you can go outside. The glass absorbs the UV rays and you will not receive the full benefit of sun gazing. Gradually increase your sun gazing. On each new sunny day, add ten seconds per day to your sun gazing time. You will encounter cloudy days. Do not add seconds to your sun gazing during cloudy days. For example:

The first day is sunny and you will devote 20 seconds to sun gazing.

The second day is cloudy so you will devote 20 seconds to sun gazing.

The third, fourth and fifth days are cloudy, so you will devote 20 seconds each day to sun gazing.

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The sixth day is sunny, so you will increase your sun gazing time by 10 seconds. You will devote 30 seconds to sun gazing.

The seventh day is sunny, so you will devote 40 seconds to sun gazing. Remember, sunsets are not as powerful as sunrises. When you increase your sun gazing time, you may need to split your sun gazing between sunrise and sunset. You will always have a sun gazing time allotment per day. Never exceed your sun gazing time allotment. For example if your allotment for the day is 30 minutes, you could sun gaze for 20 minutes at sunrise and ten minutes at sunset. Take a 45-minute walk each day in your bare feet when the earth is warm. Practice your walking and sun gazing separately. Walk on sea sands. If you do not have access to sea sand, walk on bare ground. Sea sand becomes charged by the sun. It holds the charge for a long time. Sea sand gives you the most contact with earth and the sun recharges the sand daily. If sea sand is not available, walk on sand, bare

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ground, mud, road, or concrete in that order. Avoid standing or walking on grass, rocks, or water. Close your eyes after you sun gaze. Keep the after images recorded in your mind. Do not take shortcuts. You cannot rush sun gazing. If you exceed the time allotment for the day, you will reduce your sun gazing benefits. Similarly, if you sun gaze with your shoes on or sun gaze while standing on rocks, your sun gazing benefits will be decreased. Do not doubt the safety of gazing directly into the sun. (HRM, sungazing process, 2003)

A Few Other Considerations

Attempt to focus your line of vision steadfastly on the sun, and do not move. The sun will begin to appear unchanging in one spot, in relationship to you. You can blink as necessary, but when gazing, make sure your gaze is firm. If the suns disc suddenly appears black, savor this moment and let it linger. Some say that this moment of the black disc is when true transformation begins within you.

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Sun gazing is a very personal experience, and you should allow yourself to be very open to it. Open your heart to the sensations. Many will experience a rapid heart beat, as loving energy flows within you. This is a good sign, and similar to sensations felt when in the presence of one you love. Consciously relax your breathing with slow intake and then out, of about 5 seconds. Allow your diaphragm to relax in deep breathing. The sensations can be very intimate. Many people mentally say Thank you, or even a deeper thought, such as I adore you, loved one, or something similar. Many people find increasing levels of joy as they continue sun gazing practice.

Sun Gazing Tips For Various Situations

You may live in a city where you do not have access to sand or the ground. You may live in colder climates. You may have myopia or may have had laser surgery on your eyes. Here are a few sun gazing tips for you. Sun gaze inside your home on days when it is too cold to sun gaze outside. Remove your shoes before you sun gaze. If possible, sun gaze through an open door or window. Stand in your bare feet. If you cannot open the window, gaze through a window pane that does not have UV protection.

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If you live in a high-rise building, stand in a box of sand with your bare feet to get the full benefits of sun gazing. If you live in an area with grass, concrete, and roads, remove a section of grass so you can stand on bare ground. If the sun is too strong for you to sun gaze within an hour of sunset, wait until the sun turns large and red just before sunset. The sun will be more at a more comfortable brilliance for your sun gazing. If you have had laser surgery on your eyes, follow your medical care practitioners advice on limiting your sun exposure following your surgery. Wear your sunglasses as long as prescribed. When you are able to go without sunglasses, begin your sun gazing, but not until at least three months after the surgery. If you have myopia, you may see two or more suns when you sun gaze. Time your sun gazing sessions as close as possible to sunrise or sunset when the sun is large and red. When you have achieved 15 minutes of sun gazing, keep your sun gazing limit at 15 minutes for one month and then increase your sun gazing time in ten second increments. If you see black spots during or after sun gazing, close your eyes after your sun gazing session. Keep your eyes closed until the black spots disappear. Also see sun as a black disc.

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Sunbathing in moderation in comfortable hours during the day is beneficial. Bask in the sun but do not bake your body. Expose as much of your body as possible for the most medicinal value. Again, do not use sunscreen. When you are painted or coated with lotions and creams they degenerate and the chemicals enter your body. This is our wrongful use, and why we end up blaming the sun for skin cancers. When the body gets heated up, you perspire. Sweat is a waste product and needs to go out of the body. (HRM, sungazing process, 2003)

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-6Sun Gazing The Practice, The Process

Sungazing is a one-time observance of your lifetime usually for a time period of 9 months. You can break up the sun gazing time into three phases: 0 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months, and 6 to 9 months. The practice includes looking at the rising or setting sun one time per day but only during the hours that are safe. No injury will happen to your eyes during the morning and evening safe hours. The safe hours are during the one-hour window after sunrise or during the one-hour window before sunset. It has been proven scientifically, beyond a reasonable measure of doubt, that during these time periods, one will not experience UV and IR rays exposure, which is harmful to your eyes. (HRM, sungazing process, 2003)

Sun Gazing : From 0 - 3 Months : Achieve Perfect Balance Of Mind

First day, during the safe hours, look for a maximum of 10 seconds. Second day look for 20 seconds, adding ten seconds every succeeding day. Therefore, at the end of 10 continuous days of sun gazing you will be looking at the sun for 100 seconds, i.e. 1 minute and 40 seconds. Stand on bare earth with bare feet.

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Eyes can blink and/or flicker. Stillness or steadiness of the eyes is not required. Do not wear any lenses or glasses while sungazing. Have a belief that the sunrays or lights that you are getting into your eyes are of immense benefit and will not harm you. This will give you earlier, quicker, and better results. You need not restrict any of your normal daily routines. There are no restrictions. You can enjoy your food while applying this practice. Hunger will disappear eventually by itself. As a precaution, have your eyes examined by a doctor. This is to err on the side of caution from a scientific standpoint. Also, you should have periodic check ups. Additionally, you can buy photo sun-cards to monitor UV and IR radiation, which are priced at about $2. When you reach three months, you will have gazed at the sun 15 minutes at a stretch. What is happening as you go up to 15 minutes?

The sun energy or the sunrays passing through the human eye are charging the hypothalamus tract, which is the pathway behind the retina, leading to the human brain.

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As the brain receives the power supply through this pathway, it is activated into a brainuter.

One of the software programs inherent in the brain will start running and we will begin to realize the changes, since we will have no mental tension or worries.

We will have the self-confidence to face lifes problems by means of developing a positive mindset instead of a negative one.

We will become fearless since our psychosis will have disappeared, as well as all the ills of the mind.

Humans have good and bad qualities, which are two sides of the same coin. In the absence of sunlight, we develop bad qualities. When sunlight enters the brain, good qualities appear, replacing bad ones. Eventually, even spiritual ignorance goes away. After 3 months of sun gazing, you develop:

A sense of confidence and know the answers for yourself, spiritually.

There is a balance of the mind, where you are in a position to judge personal answers the correct answers.

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You develop powers that are already inherent in you. Bad qualities disappear, anger, greed, jealousy leave you.

You become a lovable creature. Everybody likes you.

You will do no wrong.

If you are positive or fearless, you will not harm anybody nor pain anybody.

You will become a compassionate person. This is a great contribution to world peace.

A positive approach creates solutions to problems and waste in society. This is the first phase of the method and lasts around 3 months. (HRM, sungazing process, 2003)

Sun Gazing : From 3 - 6 Months : You Are Your Own Master Within 6 Months
70 to 80% of the energy synthesized from food is apprehended by the brain and used up in fueling tensions and worries. With a lack of mental tension, the brain does not require the same amount of energy as before.

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As you continue gazing, your tensions will decrease and the need for food intake will go down. When you reach 30 minutes duration of continuously looking at sun, you will slowly be liberated from physical disease. By then all the colors of the sun will have been reached by the brain, through the eyes. The vital organs are dependent on certain sun color prana. The brain regulates the flow of color prana appropriately to the respective organs. It is important to note that the prana divisions are not the same as what we normally see in the solar spectrum. They resemble the display of colors that we see on the higher levels... in the causal, mental and astral bodies. (dhyansanjivani.org, 2005). All the internal organs get ample supply of the required color prana... Kidney/red, Heart/yellow, Liver/green, etc. Colors reach the organs and address any deficiencies. This is how color therapies work Reiki and Pranic Healing. After 3-4 months, you can become cured of your physical ailments with autosuggestion, which is imagining and visualizing healing your ailments while gazing at the sun. Eyes receive the entire spectrum of the sunlight, which is distributed to the different parts of the body by the brain on a need-per basis. As a result, you are cured from all diseases.

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Photosynthesis (not the type utilizing chlorophyll, as that is only for plants) is transforming the suns energy into a usable energy format. This is how Photovoltaic cells work and electricity is produced. As you continue gazing at the sun, energy is no longer being used up for mental impairments or physical ailments; thus, its storage level increases in your body. You are your own master within 6 months. (HRM, sungazing process, 2003)

Sun Gazing : From 6 - 9 Months : Energy Is High, Hunger Disappears Forever

In 6-months time, you will start to have the original form of micro food, which is our sun. Additionally, this can avoid the toxic waste that you take into your body while you eat regular food. 7 months and 35 minutes of sun gazing is when hunger starts going down obviously. The need for food intake decreases. No one needs to eat more than his or her hunger levels. Hunger comes because of energy requirements of the body, which is necessary for its existence. But, food is not a necessity for the body to function... only energy is needed. By eight months, you should see hunger almost gone, and energy levels are at a higher level. You will sense that the brain is well activated with the sun energy.

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Well done! You are now a solar cooker! (HRM, sungazing process, 2003)

Sun Gazing : After 9 Months : Sun Gazing Ceases, Walk And Relax, Nurture The 3rd Eye
After nine months or when you reach a 44 minutes level of sun gazing, you should give up gazing because solar science prohibits further gazing for the sake of eye care. The body will become discharged when you stop practicing, and it has to be recharged. Now you must begin walking barefoot on bare earth for 45 minutes daily, for a total of 6 days. Relaxed walking only, preferably when the earth is warm and sunlight is falling on your body. When you walk bare foot, an important gland in the brains center called the pineal gland or the third eye is activated. The big toe of the foot represents this gland. It has always been known as the seat of the soul. The Pineal gland has optic nerve endings. The remaining four toes represent glands too pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamus and amygdala. Amygdala for the last 2 years has been gaining importance in medical research. Its a nucleus of the sun or cosmic energy and plays an important role in the photosynthesis via the sunlight reaching the brain through the eye.

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When you walk barefoot, your body weight stimulates all these 5 glands through your toes. This is strengthened by the earths heat/energy and the sun prana falling on the head or the crown chakra. All these create a magnetic field and the body/brain recharges with the energy of the sun entering into you. Relax. Walk 45 minutes per day, for one year and food continues to be not necessary for you. After one year of recharging, if you are satisfied with your progress, you can give up barefoot walking. A few minutes of sun energy falling on you once in 3 to 4 days will be enough, from then on. Strengthen your immunity system by continuing with the barefoot walking. Achieve enlightenment on all levels, spiritually, physically and emotionally. To read more in depth on this topic area, go to HRMs Web site, Solar Healing Center. (HRM, sungazing process, 2003)

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-7Sun Gazing Mental, Emotional, Physical, And Spiritual Well Being

Find Peaceful Cures For Mental Tension, Personal Frustration, Fear, Grief, Irritability, And Anger
Omram Michael Aivanhov Think And Act As A Child Of God

In your thought, with your imagination, try to draw some of these divine particles [of the Sun] into yourself. In this way, little by little, you will completely regenerate all the materials of your being. Thanks to the Sun, you will think and act as a child of God... If you are able to watch the sun with a free, clear mind you will feel that you are entering into contact with it, with its spirit, and that you are absorbing its rays, like so many seeds of life. (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005).

Healing Benefits Of Sunlight

Ancient civilizations knew very well that sunlight provided the power to see, warmth, health, and energy. Their comprehension of how sunlight provides these life-sustaining effects was wrapped up in mythology and traditions of their cultures.

The old German epic poem, the Edda, tells us that Germans used to carry their sick, in the springtime to the sunny mountain slopes, in order to expose them to

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the sunshine. Certain Germanic tribes placed their feverish children in the sunlight on the tops of their houses. (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005).

Beginning in the late 17th century, a new mythology raised its head in Europe, which was founded on scientific principles and presented the foundation for a more dependable understanding of the connection between human beings and sunlight.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the application of this philosophy led to the awareness that sunlight is not a sole stimulus but, rather, a gathering of stimuli of diverse wavelengths (e.g. infrared, visible, and ultraviolet). This insight inspired further studies designed to determine whether dissimilar wavelengths might be accountable for the various effects of sunlight. (Hockberger, 2002).

Sunbathing And Health

Even though heliotherapy (sunbathing) has been practiced worldwide for at least 2400 years, there was not very much objective verification supporting its supposed curative abilities. By the 18th century, reports began to appear in the medical literature indicating that sunlight ameliorated different skin diseases. There were also reports that sunlight had beneficial effects on internal maladies.

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Additional observations indicated that sunlight was capable of altering basic human physiology. Probably the most remarkable claim during this period was the positive influence of sunlight on mental health. This idea can be traced back to Hippocrates who recognized that depression was more common in the winter months in Greece, when there was less sunlight. (Hockberger, 2002).

Among the Roman writers who described the use of the sun-bath were Celsus, Galen, Cicero, and Pliny the Younger (Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus). Sol est remediorum maximum, the sun is the best remedy exclaimed Pliny.

The Ancients, in writings by Herodotus and Antyllus, knew that the sun feeds the muscles. The Greeks clearly respected the significance of sunlight. Their athletes went through training naked, outside in the sunshine, thereby revealing all their muscles to the suns beneficial effect.

Sunbathing Helps Heal Almost Everything

Sunbathing helped heal the skin cancer of Dr. Harland G. Call. His skin cancer was diagnosed by two M.D.s, one of whom was a surgeon who recommended surgical removal. Call employed sunbathing of the affected area. Within a short time, the skin cancer disappeared, after which he reported back to the M.D. who had recommended surgical removal. When the local M.D. examined him, he confirmed

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that the skin cancer had disappeared without surgical removal. (Bernarr, 2005).

According to Dr. Bernarr, sunbathing helps heal almost everything. Visit his Web site to read his perspective on the healing powers of sunlight.

Fasting And Sun Gazing

Fasting is an episode of abstinence either from all foods, or from specific items. You can consume fluids in adequate quantities to satisfy thirst and physical requirements. During the absence of food, the body will steadily cleanse itself of everything except for the vital tissues. Starvation will only occur when the body is made to use vital tissue in order to survive.

Although proteins are being used by the body while fasting, a person that fasts even as long as 40 days on water will not undergo a protein deficiency, or a lack of vitamins, minerals, or fatty acids. As unhealthy cells break down, all critical substances are utilized and conserved in a very amazing manner.

Traditionally, we have an unwarranted fear of fasting; believing that body strength shrinks from the catabolism of proteins from the muscle fibers. But, not to worry! Even during long fasts, the quantity of muscle fibers stays the same. Even though healthy cells may be reduced in size and vigor for a short time, they remain hale and hearty.

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Sunlight Works With Normal Body Mechanisms

Understanding the process whereby sun gazing helps in fasting, we must understand several body chemicals, and what processes prompt them to interact with one another. Sunlight suppresses hunger by using two body mechanisms: By stimulating melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) production into the pituitary gland; By stimulating serotonin production and suppressing melatonin production into the pineal gland. A deeper understanding of this process is found at http://www.sunlight.as.ro/sungazing.htm and do a go/find (keyword) search for the section title, Sun Gazing Helps Fasting.

Detoxification: Allow Your Body To Use Its Own Wisdom

It is understood that rest is a big factor in supporting recovery. It is when your body is at rest that it can direct the most energy toward various mechanical and chemical sequences of detoxification.

When fasting, people experience revitalization at a rate that is much quicker than normal. She is getting rid of toxins and excesses. This allows her body to use its own wisdom to healthfully restructure itself from the base, atomic level. As the toxic burden is reduced, every cells function is enhanced. In exactly the same way

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that crucial nerve energy is stockpiles during a nights sleep, the fasting person builds nerve energy through rest, sleep, and detoxification. Dont ever deprive yourself of necessary sleep, even while not fasting.

Almost everybody who fasts discovers the same thing... that when they fast, they in fact have no hunger, and actually have more energy than in their normal situation. It is certainly liberating to discover that if we let go and trust, we will be taken care of... our bodies become our guides.

Fasting is the simplest, easiest, and most efficient method for finding out that we really do have the freedom and power take control of our bodies, and to heal. You gain self-confidence in your new-found ability to have power over your life processes, to set a goal, and fulfill an intention. The freer your body is of toxic products flowing through your blood and lymphatic system, the clearer is your ability to think. The first stage of fasting can be quite difficult, but after your body has thrown off its cargo of toxins, your brain is supplied by a more unpolluted bloodstream. Your mind powers and your clarity of thinking are amazingly increased. The other senses also become more finely tuned. A person is then simply more alert, and ones thinking processes seem to launch into new areas. Mental as well as physical senses become heightened, and many times, there might be a feeling of euphoria,

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particularly during longer fasts. Some people, for the first time in their lives, will have the experience of emotional stability. It is during a fast that a metamorphosis takes place. The body goes through a tearing down and rejuvenation of damaged materials. Because of this, fasting is legendary for its capacity for rejuvenating and giving the body a more youthful quality. It dissolves unhealthy cells in a systematic approach, leaving healthy tissue. The fasting body experiences an extraordinary redistribution of nutrients. Even though fasting is not recommended in every circumstance for instance, fasting is contraindicated in cancer of the liver in many situations, fasting is the only known resolution. Fasting has been beneficial for:

arthritis asthma high blood pressure lupus cases of paralysis neuritis neuralgia mental illness

chronic fatigue syndrome colitis Crohns disease diverticulitis spastic colon irritable bowel syndrome neuroses fibromyalgia

Fasting will also break down tumors and because of this, many people have overcome cancer with fasting.

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Pineal Gland And Sunlight

The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located in the center of the brain. It is responsible for the production of the hormones melatonin and serotonin. Lets look at a few definitions: Melatonin has a role in regulating circadian rhythms. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland, the retina, and the GI tract. Serotonin plays an important part of the biochemistry of anxiety, depression bipolar disorder and is influential on appetite and sexuality. The circadian rhythm is a name given to the internal body clock that regulates the (roughly) 24 hour cycle of biological processes in animals and plants. The retina is a thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball and it is the part of the eye which converts light into nervous signals.

The pineal gland secretes melatonin around twilight and helps in the sleep process in response to diminishing light. Melatonin is suppressed on cloudy days when the level of light is diminished. When light is diminished to the level of the light on cloudy days, the pineal stops producing melatonin within about half an hour. (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005).

Click here to read more information about The Third Eye The Pineal Gland.

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-8Sun And Soul Sun-Related Exercises For Your Health

Awakening The Sun Within Hollow Earth Model
Often, we simply need to feel stillness, in this world full of stress. Learn to use the Sun as part of your general system for achieving peace and health. This is designed to help you let go of polarity, and experience no separation between creator and creation. It is oneness, as well as nothingness. It is a place of stillness.

Bring your awareness now into the heart, awakening the sun within, feeling it radiating out further and brighter with each breath. Take time to deepen here at the heart. Now, from the heart, make a figure 8, looping front and down to the solar plexus chakra, back and up to the heart, then front and up to the throat chakra, and returning back and down to the heart. Use the circular breath to activate these two chakras fully until each is experienced as a bright radiant Sun. Stay with this for a while.

Now, from the heart, make a figure 8 loop down to the sacral chakra, back to the heart, up to the third eye, and then back down to the heart. Continue until you feel these chakras becoming fully

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activated. Then link together the root and crown chakras in a figure 8 loop, again centered around the heart. Feel these chakras lighting up.

Again, let your breath be slow, subtle, and circular. As you deepen, you might even find that your breath seems to stop completely at times. Let your breath simply follow its natural course. Now extend a figure 8 loop connecting down to the Earth chakra, then back to the heart, up to the soul chakra, and back to the heart. These chakras are at a distance of about two feet below the feet and two feet above the head. Let each of these polarities become merged within the heart.

Once these chakras are fully activated, continue the journey along the vertical axis. Link together the energy centers found about half a mile below the feet and half a mile above the head. As these awaken, notice what happens to your sense of self. Do you feel more expanded, more inclusive, more alive?

Now, again starting from your heart, connect below with the Earths center of gravity. In the Hollow Earth model, this would be in the middle of the inner and outer surfaces of Earth, in the center of the mantle. As you return to the heart, and then move up above you, feel yourself linking the Earths center of gravity to the Moon,

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imagined vertically above. Remain here until this connection feels strong. (Windrider, 2004).

The Sun A Very Important Place

The nearer you get to the sun in spirit, soul, and thought, with your heart and will, the nearer you will be to God, for on the physical plane, the sun is the symbol and the tangible representative of the Deity. (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005). According to the Markandeya Puran, the Sun is the embodiment of Brahma, the world originates from the Sun and is established in it. (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005). The sun is regarded as a very important place, a halting point of the soul in the gradual ascent to the Absolute. Of all the deities who are supposed to direct the soul onwards in its passage upwards, the sun is considered the most important. It is a very prominent location where the soul is not only purified in an intensive manner but is landed in the realm of light as it finds itself in the region of the sun. The soul that is to depart the body, after having completed its career of life through meditation in this manner, prays to the sun for opening a passage. The immediate

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experience after the body is cast off is one of ascent to the sun. (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005).

The Relationship Between The Sun And Individual Souls

There is a very close relationship in Indian religion, between the individual soul and the Sun, which is the center and creator of everything. At the birth, the self, coming from the sun, enterers the new born baby, through the first breath, and establishes its location in the heart. With each heartbeat, the inner self takes energy from the body and grows stronger. At the death, that inner self leaves the body and returns to the sun. If the sun was not worshipped during the life, the soul will feed the sun with his energy and when it will become depleted, it will reincarnate, to regain its energy. The offering which is offered in the fire, goes to the sun. That is the main reason for the cremation rituals from ancient India. The dead body is offered to the sun, by cremation, facilitating the liberation of the soul and ending the cycle of the reincarnations. (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005). Tiphareth is the switching point where divine powers are transmitted into human existence, and where we become aware of our spiritual mission on

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earth, the Great Work. Tiphareth illustrates the unique position of the human race as a healing mediator between heaven and earth. (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005).

Omram Michael Aivanhov And The Sun Within

Again, lets explore the ages-old comparison of the Sun with God. For instance, when the sun emerges after the rain, its radiance bathes us in warmth. To come into a bond with God is to know what sunshine truly feels like. This is the message he has given us to announce to you: God is light and there is no darkness in him at all. (1 John 1:5 NLT). When we combine this with Aivanhovs quote, below, it becomes very clear that one goal of sun gazing may fulfill yet another concept, found in all major religions, that we are made in the image of the Father, of God.

When we focus our attention on the sun, the centre of our universe, we draw closer to our own centre, our higher self, the sun within; we melt into it and begin to resemble it more and more. (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005).

Our personal inner sun shines; our intrinsic enthusiasm for life makes us vibrant and glowing. We begin to express ourselves easily and with self-confidence. Apologies disappear, reticence retreats. We feel special. Our outcry is pure and clear, Here I am! I am ME! Who I am makes a difference in this world.

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-9Immune System Your Bodys Defense Against Disease

Fatigue And Full Spectrum Light
If you spend your days indoors, you miss the ultraviolet (UV) component of sunlight. Glass removed the UV component. The glass bulbs of light bulbs absorb UV. If you try to grow plants under incandescent bulbs, they will die. If you grow your plants under full spectrum light, they will flourish. Some plants, such as trees, need the light of the sun. You can keep trees inside for short periods of time, but you will notice a significant increase in vigor and growth if you put the trees out in the sunlight.

If you work in an office or factory setting, be aware that fluorescent lighting increases fatigue and drains you of vitamin A and energy. Studies have proven that UV light lowers the blood sugar of diabetics (Pincussen cited in (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005). When the blood sugar drops, people run out of energy, become irritable, drowsy, and emotional.

Exposure to sunlight raises insulin level and lowers blood sugar. Sunlight entering the eyes provides a counterbalance to blood sugar lowering effect of sunlight hitting the skin (Relkin cited in (Sunlight.as.ro, 2005). The sun gazing guru, HRM, sleeps for a couple of hours per day and feels little or no fatigue.

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Rainbow Fruits And Vegetables

The sun is a primary source of energy. Fruits and vegetables grow in the sun and absorb their primary energy from the sun. We eat plants for energy, but plants are secondary sources of energy. The key to this book is to learn how to absorb energy directly from the sun.

Vitamin D It Regulates Your Immune System

The ancient civilizations worshiped the sun and used the suns energy to heal their bodies. As we get closer to the modern civilization, we see individuals who do not get enough sunlight. Some of the people work in environments where sunlight is absent. Others stay out of sunlight for fear of developing cancer.

As the research into vitamin D is accumulating, its hard to know where the accolades should start. Activated vitamin D is one of the most potent inhibitors of cancer cell growth, says Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, who heads the Vitamin D, Skin, and Bone Research Laboratory at Boston University School of Medicine. It also stimulates your pancreas to make insulin. It regulates your immune system. (Trubo, 2004).

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- 10 Vitamin D Deficiencies And Light Therapy

Sunlight Your FREE Source Of Vitamin D, And What Is Better Than Free?
What is better than free? If it is also highly effective, then that is surely better! Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is used by the body in the absorption of calcium. Sunshine is a significant source of vitamin D. The body can produce vitamin D after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. UV rays from sunlight trigger vitamin D synthesis in your skin.

A deficiency of vitamin D can occur when individuals have limited exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets and osteomalacia. Rickets results in soft bones and skeletal deformities. Osteomalacia results in muscular weakness and weak bones.

Who Is At Risk Of Vitamin D Deficiency?

The National Institute of Health has determined these individuals may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency: Individuals with darker skin have higher levels of skin melanin content. Melanin is the pigment that gives skin its color. The high melanin content reduces the skins ability to produce vitamin D from sunlight.

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Individuals who have limited sun exposure are at risk of vitamin D deficiency. This population includes people living in northern latitudes in the United States, homebound individuals, individuals who work in settings that prevent sun exposure and individuals who wear robes and head coverings for religious reasons. Americans age 50 and older are believed to be at increased risk of developing vitamin D deficiency. (NIH, 2005).

The Vitamin D Factor In Disease vs. Health

Whats really remarkable is that vitamin D deficiency is epidemic throughout the entire United States, through all age groups. And Ill give you some examples. Its well known that elders throughout the United States are at high risk. And upwards of 40-60% are at risk for vitamin D deficiency.

But we also now realize that even younger adults that are otherwise active and who may be always wearing screen before they go outdoors, or they never see the light of day because theyre working all the time. When we did a study in Boston, we found that

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students and doctors 18-29 years of age, at the end of the winter, 32% were vitamin D deficient.

More shocking, though, was that we also looked at young girls (working with Dr Sullivan and Dr Rosen in Maine) and these are Caucasian girls ages 9-11 - and we found that 48% were vitamin D deficient at the end of the winter. And 17% remained vitamin D deficient at the end of the summer because of wearing all the sun protection. (Adams, 2005).

Vitamin D And Sunlight Exposure 15 Crucial Facts

Click here to read the Fifteen Facts You Probably Never Knew About Vitamin D and Sunlight Exposure that were compiled by Mike Adams, based on an interview with Dr. Michael Holick, author, The UV Advantage. (Adams, 2005). In addition, the article addresses these important topics:

How and why your body manufactures vitamin D How your body regulates levels of vitamin D automatically, even with excessive sunlight exposure Why vitamin D deficiencies are now epidemic in the

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American population How vitamin D deficiencies cause prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, osteoporosis, rickets and other diseases The true cause of asthma Why antihistamines conceal the symptoms of asthma rather than treating its cause Why skin pigmentation makes African Americans and Hispanics especially susceptible to vitamin D deficiencies Why the sunscreen industry has tried to discredit Dr. Holick Why milk and orange juice are poor sources for vitamin D Why where you live on the planet ultimately determines how much sunlight you need How dermatologists misinform people about the real risks of sun exposure Seasonal Affective Disorder: how to treat it with sunlight exposure

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A simple, five-second test that reveals whether youre suffering from severe vitamin D deficiency Why vitamin D deficiencies impair your bodys ability to absorb calcium Fifteen facts you probably never knew about vitamin D A complete list of diseases and disorders caused by vitamin D deficiencies. (Adams, 2005).

Remarkable Vitamin D!

Dr. Holick: Whats really remarkable is that vitamin D deficiency is epidemic throughout the entire United States, through all age groups. And Ill give you some examples.

Its well known that elders throughout the United States are at high risk. And upwards of 40-60% are at risk for vitamin D deficiency.

But we also now realize that even younger adults that are

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otherwise active and who may be always wearing sunscreen before they go outdoors, or they never see the light of day because theyre working all the time.

When we did a study in Boston, we found that students and doctors 18-29 years of age, at the end of the winter, 32% were vitamin D deficient.

More shocking, though, was that we also looked at young girls (working with Dr Sullivan and Dr Rosen in Maine) and these are Caucasian girls ages 9-11 and we found that 48% were vitamin D deficient at the end of the winter. And 17% remained vitamin D deficient at the end of the summer because of wearing all the sun protection. (Adams, 2005).

Vitamin D And The Reduction Of Cancer

Sun scarcity can take its toll on human health... There is some striking evidence that as you go farther north, the incidence of certain kinds of cancer increases... There is more prostate and colon cancer in the north than in those who live closer to the equator. (Trubo, 2004).

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The hypothesis that vitamin D may reduce cancer risk is based in part on studies showing that vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased prevalence of cancer, and on evidence that vitamin D, when converted into a hormone, promotes the normal growth of cells and has anticancer properties.

The current information about vitamin D can be confusing. The skin manufactures vitamin D after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, yet dermatologists say that no amount of sun exposure is safe because ultraviolet radiation can cause skin cancer. The amount of vitamin D that might help prevent cancer, if any, is not known.

It also is not known just how much or how little sunlight is needed to replenish stores of vitamin D. The answer varies depending on the season, a persons skin color (the process takes longer for people with darker skin), a persons distance from the equator, and clothing. The National Cancer Institute

Bone Health, Osteoporosis And Vitamin D

It has been estimated that over 25 million adults in the U.S.A. have, or are in jeopardy of developing, osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by fragile bones, and it significantly increases the risk of bone fractures.

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Osteoporosis is most often associated with inadequate calcium intake. However, a deficiency of vitamin D also contributes to osteoporosis by reducing calcium absorption. Osteoporosis is an example of a long-term effect of vitamin D insufficiency. Adequate storage levels of vitamin D help keep bones strong and may help prevent osteoporosis in older adults, in non-ambulatory individuals (those who have difficulty walking and exercising), in post-menopausal women, and in individuals on chronic steroid therapy. Daily supplementation with 20 g (800 IU) of vitamin D may reduce the risk of osteoporotic fractures in elderly populations with low blood levels of vitamin D. (Trubo, 2004).

Multiple Sclerosis And Vitamin D

Research has shown the immune disorder, multiple sclerosis, is more common in areas with fewer hours of sunlight. For example, multiple sclerosis is more common in Canada and the northern states of the U.S. than in the southern states. (Trubo, 2004).

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What Is The Vision That Drives HRM To Lecture All Around The World?
Global Healing And Peace Everywhere.

HRM: There will be no energy crisis because sun energy will never end; no pollution because sun energy never produces pollutants; no obesity and no hunger; no AIDs and no cancer. All will be mentally, physically, and spiritually fit. Yes, we are moving towards the golden age of Satya Yuga from the present Kali Yuga from bad to eternal good. (Knight & Manek, 2004).

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- 11 Testimonials
From The Forums: Discipline, Peace, and Charity Im A Changed Person
From the Life Mysteries Forums: How To Become Saint-Like People posted by Lumin4000

I realized that with a lot of the Bible-based art, the holiest [persons] had halos. These halos, as I now understand, very well depict a sun behind their head, and shining rays of golden light... Get it? It is as if the power of the sun lies in these people, and shows their holiness.

If we sun gaze, where does the sunlight go? Exactly. If all of a sudden people realize how to become saint-like people, I can see how the world will change. And another thing, there are three things that you must learn, in my opinion, to ascend yourself to the next level. They are very simple, but they are very important. Discipline, Peace, and Charity. Discipline, which can be found in certain ascended masters such as Jesus, and can be as simple as mind over matter, or going as far as being so disciplined that you do not have to eat for years. (HRM!)

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Peace, which can be found in the Dali Lama (did I spell it right?). This is the overall feeling of being one with everything, and breaking the boundaries which separate us from others, which were illusions in the first place because in reality we are all one. Many people have reported peace in sun gazing, as well as myself, because the practice can unite yourself with a very great body. Charity, which is the highest form of love, just giving to others, and becoming self-less (like Jedis!). Charity is talked about on Life Mysteries, and I believe they refer to it as the master lesson, as it really is. Without these things, becoming ascended seems next to impossible; because you cannot remain secular if you want to become supernatural... they do not mix well together. My advice for those on the Web site is to let go of your life of worldly affairs, piece by piece, and become that bright creation that you envision in your mind, because you can do it! You should not treat it as just some ordinary aerobics exercise, as it is not. (LifeMysteries.com, Saint-like, 2005).

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The Story Of Giri Bala, As Witnessed By And Written About, By Paramahansa Yogananda
The story of Giri Bala was told to Yogananda when he met her at the age of 68. This fascinating true story has been verified by many entities. At the time of their meeting, she had not eaten nor taken fluids for over 56 years. She was still living the life of a modest and uncomplicated villager. She had, in her early years, as rumor spread, been taken away to the palace of the leader of her region. There, she was kept under strict scrutiny but was eventually released with the endorsement that yes, indeed, she did exist purely on Light.

From his Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda wrote:

Your nourishment derives from the finer energies of the air and sunlight, and from the cosmic power which recharges your body through the medulla oblongata. When Yogananda asked her, What is the use of your having been singled out to live without eating, she answered, To prove that man is Spirit. Her face lit with wisdom. To demonstrate that by divine advancement he can gradually learn to live by the Eternal Light and not by food. (From Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi, CHAPTER 46 The Woman Yogi Who Never Eats).

(Sunlight.as.ro, 2005)

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The Lakota Sun Dance: An Example Of Personal Sacrifice For The Spirit

Mary Crow Dog tells that by participating in these rituals and ceremonies, some Native Americans gained a sense of who they were, instead of a feeling of displacement in a culture so unlike their own. To dance, to make flesh offerings, to endure the self torture of this, our most sacred rite, gazing at the sun, blowing on their eagle-bone whistles, praying with the pipe. It was like a rebirth... The strange thing was seeing men undergoing the ordeal of the Sun Dance who came from tribes which had never practiced this ritual. I felt it was their way of saying, I am Indian again. The primary purpose of the Lakota Sun dance is to ask the Spirit to bring a successful bison hunt. Although the importance of hunting buffalo is gone, the Lakota still feel the symbolic connection to their past with this ritual. It also celebrates the creation of the world. This is why the Sun Dance contains steps re-creating the mythological perception of time, space, energy and mass all interacting.

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The Lakota Sun Dance is so often misunderstood because of this piercing of flesh that occurred during the ritual. Returning your own flesh and blood to the Creator was considered a thanksgiving (giving back) not torture or mortification. Dancers vow to dance from sunrise to the daybreak star of understanding. The Lakota Sun Dance was a powerful and deeply emotional four-day long ritual involving great personal sacrifice. This was an act of sacrifice for the community given to the Creator. Without this dance, the Lakota lose a sense of who they are and what they believe.

(Thompson, 2000).

From The Forums: The Source Of All Brightness & Love

Ray Senders May 2004 Blog Pages

You wrote: When I use my peripheral vision to gaze, I feel thrills in my heart area, my whole chest, and of course, from that the whole self feels good. Physical feelings, almost sexual... I cant think of any other way to describe it.

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Could you describe in greater detail what you mean by When I use my peripheral vision to gaze? I get a similar thrill in my heart and chest and once had it measured, at first by having a woman friend put her ear to my chest to listen to the change of pulse, but later with an EKG monitor. Definite change of heartbeat was occurring when I sun gazed big speed-up! Id like to do this again at some point.

I used to turn the old phrase Things seem brighter when youre in love around to When you look at the source of all brightness you feel as if youre in love.

(Sender, 2004). Also see Rapid heart beat.

From The Forums: I Wonder What A Full Person Is?

From the Life Mysteries Forums: How To Become Saint-Like People posted by BeholdInfinity

I have worn glasses for over 30 years and would really, really, really, really, (get the picture?) enjoy not needing to use them anymore...

Last week after I finished one of my daily meditations, I opened my eyes and looked at my altar. It was crystal clear and I was not wearing glasses. Then my vision fogged up. I thought to myself, Interesting. I closed my eyes for a

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moment and reopened and, again, my vision was crystal clear. Then it fogged up again.

This, to me, indicates that I already have perfect vision. There is a mental obstruction that I feel is being slowly removed by sungazing. So I remember the clarity and continue...

Also, when I got to 12:50 sungazing, my thoughts started to evaporate. When I first started sungazing, I would pray, chant, sing, talk to the sun, and suddenly, now, there is nothing to say.

There is just being, if that makes any sense.

I wonder what a full person is? With a fully awakened brain, with the awakening of brain cells that are in the heart, with the awakening of the neurons in the intestines, what type of person does one become. This is one of my aims. (LifeMysteries.com, heal eyesight, 2005).

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- 12 Conclusion
Creator And Sustainer Of All Things
In all ages, in all climes, and in all nations, the Sun, under various names and symbols, was regarded as the Creator and as sustainer of all things. (Sacred-Texts.com, sun worship, 2005).

As we researched to bring the most vital, current information to this book, a primary discovery was that if you dig deep enough, data begins to show that sun gazing has always been an intrinsic part of sun worship, in almost all areas studied. The act of sun gazing was the open gate to a personal relationship with the god entity. All other benefits were results of the relationship with god, father, or deity.

We truly must heed the words of the current practitioners of sun gazing, as they are the ones who are living proof that this concept is valid. In the November 2004 interview with NewConnexion.net, HRM had these things to say about attaining spiritual peace and physical health.

HRM: The Development Of The Spiritual Side

HRM: Why are we backward in spiritualism? Because we lack mental health and spiritual balance. We have so many desires,

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desires... They are killing our physical system and disturbing our peace and world peace... What is sin, after all, but harming others? When there is no sin, you are in the spiritual kingdom; the best things will come to you automatically. (Knight & Manek, 2004).

Therefore, all of these wonderful benefits come from being in the spiritual kingdom. Answers for mental problems, or solutions for physical discomfort or disease, are gifts of being in the spiritual kingdom. Sun gazing leads to that kingdom... and the meeting of the king. Sun gazing, then, becomes much more than a rote process that we follow in hopes of improving our life.

As weve seen in the pages of this book, it is a walk, a journey, through establishing relationship with the being that has been core to all life on this planet. The gift of SUNLIGHT becomes perhaps the most important element in your life, when you seek answers through the procedures of sun gazing. More than a mantra, more than a prayer... sun gazing opens a door to intimate knowledge of universal truths. From the Sunlight Web Site, comes this testimonial:

I developed a close and personal relationship with the Sun. The Sun became my friend and companion. In my transmissions to the Sun, I called them talks not necessarily a prayer, or a meditation, I like to keep it simple.

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The kindest, most sincere thing you might wish for someone is not I wish you health, or I wish you wealth. It is simply this: I wish you light. A beautiful quote that embodies this wish was found on the RaySender.com Web site, and it seems so very fitting to bring closure to this writing.

LIGHT by Eric Ashford

Light is your understanding. Light is the knowing, and not the knowledge. Light is being compassionate with yourself. Light is not clinging to anything. Light is wanting nothing. Light is knowing you have everything worth having. Light is seeing what is, in what appears. Light is the understanding of children. Light is your sensual nature and your spiritual reality. Light is your divinity. Light is your acceptance of humanity. Light is your awareness of the love you are. Light is your open and unashamed heart. Light is your forgiveness. Light is the content of form. Light is beauty in all things. Light is no thought in thought. Light is soul awareness. Light is growth, decay, and renewal. Light is gratitude. Light is releasing all that has gone. Light is knowing you are at the very point of perfection now. Light is an awakening from fear. Light is awakening from littleness. Light is the gift of grandeur. Light is the home of peace. Light is the bloom of creation. Light is your breath in God. Light is God on your breath. Light is where you came from. Light is where you are. Light is where your going. Light is anything that is open. Light is recognition. Light is the bud of manifestation. Light is the bloom of holiness. Light is the vibration of infinite energy, infinitely expressing itself. Light is Love. Light is the eternal in the atom of this moment. In all the world there is only you. Shine.

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- 13 Glossary
Circadian rhythm is a name given to the internal body clock that regulates the (roughly) 24 hour cycle of biological processes in animals and plants. Source: Wikipedia

Hormone is a chemical messenger from one cell (or group of cells) to another. Source: Wikipedia

Inedian refers to sun gazers who no longer need to eat any food.

Melanin is the pigment that gives skin its color. Source: Wikipedia

Melatonin is a hormone produced by pinealocytes in the pineal gland, the retina and the GI tract (Wikipedia)

Pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located in the center of the brain. It is responsible for the production of melatonin, which has a role in regulating circadian rhythms. Source: Wikipedia. Visit http://www.crystalinks.com/thirdeyepineal.html to learn more about the pineal gland.

Pinealocytes are the main cells of the pineal gland.

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Retina is a thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball and it is the part of the eye which converts light into nervous signals.

Serotonin plays an important part of the biochemistry of anxiety, depression bipolar disorder and is influential on appetite and sexuality.

Sun gazing refers to the practice of looking directly into the sun within one hour of sunrise or within one hour of sunset.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is used by the body in the absorption of calcium.

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- 14 Recommended Reading
This author recommends these books and Web sites for further information about sun gazing.

Adams, Mike. (2005). The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D: an exclusive interview with Dr. Michael Holick. Retrieved July 18, 2005 from http://www.truthpublishing.com/MichaelHolick.html

Bernarr, Dr., D.C. D.D. Sick? Well? ... Sunbathing helps you and everyone. www.healself.org/sun.html This Web site describes how sunbathing helps heal skin cancer and does not cause skin cancer.

Dwinell, Mason. (2005) The Earth Was Flat: Insight into the Ancient Practice of Sungazing: Insight into the Ancient Practice of Sungazing. This is the only book that Im aware of thats written by a sun gazer about his personal experience with Sun Gazing Highly Recommended!

FalconBlanco.com. (2005). Fasting. This page provides an excellent overview on fasting. The entire Web site is a treasure chest of resources in this books topics. http://www.falconblanco.com/health/fasting.htm

Hobday, Richard. (2000). The Healing Sun: Sunlight and health in the 21st Century. Herndon, VA: Findhorn Press.

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Liberman, Dr. Jacob. (2000). Light: Medicine of the future. How we can use it to heal ourselves NOW. Rochester, VT: Bear & Company.

The Life Mysteries Forum is no longer available online. Some of the sun gazing discussions have continued at http://www.unexplainedmysteries.com/forum/. This was formerly the primary forum for sun gazers and contained an abundance of articles, testimonials, and resources.

Mercola, Dr. Joseph. Begin your journey to independent health. www.mercola.com. Dr. Mercola often speaks about using sunlight to heal various physical and emotional conditions.

Pinto, Vinny. (2004). Sungazing at www.rawpaleodiet.org/sungazing/ This educational, public-service Web site offers the history, information, stories and links about sungazing.

Savur, Bharat. (2003, September 8). Its sun gazing now!


This article, printed in Hindu Business Line, discusses sungazing.

Serrano, Ricardo B. (n.d.) Sun yoga and its healing aspects. Sun Yoga. Retrieved July 18, 2005 from www.freedomhealthrecovery.com/sun.html This article discusses sunlight, the eyes and our well-being. Serrano delivers the reasons why we need UV light from the sun. He raises the question Has Science Made a Mistake?

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Shah, Dr. Sudhir V. Prolonged fastings - how is it possible - a hypothesis. www.rawpaleodiet.org/sungazing/shah-hypoth-411fast2.html Dr. Sudhir V. Shah observed HRM during his 411 day fast. The article discusses Hira Maneks sungazing and his loss of need for solid food.

Schenck, Susan E. (2006). The Live Food Factor: A Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet. The Live Food Factor is the first comprehensive guide to not only the raw food diet, but also the raw food movement itself.

Sungazing group at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/sungazing/ This group is for people who sun gaze. The purpose of this group is to offer support and advice to folks who have chosen to sun gaze, and for sun gazers to share experiences.

Sunyoga at http://anandaproject.org/sunyoga/ is the Web site of Sunyogi Umasankar. He has discovered a method of absorbing energy directly from the sun, removing the need to eat, drink, or sleep. The Web site contains information about the discovery of sunyoga, the basic principles of sunyoga, sun meditation, and links to other resources.

Trudeau, Kevin (2006). More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease. If you have allergies, arthritis, acid reflux, cancer, heart disease, lupus, back pain, sleep problems, sexual problems, suffer from depression, are overweight or have acne - all of these

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problems are addressed via alternative therapies in the book, and the specific products and ways to cure these diseases are listed.

Wolfe, David (2006). The Sunfood Diet Success System. David Wolfe's Sunfood Diet Success System could be regarded as the raw foodist's bible. It is the latest edition of his classic book, updated and made gorgeous by library binding, spectacular Kirlian photography of raw foods throughout, and cutting edge information about raw foods.

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- 15 Useful Web sites

Check the current UV index at http://www.weather.com. Do not sun gaze when the UV index is above 2. Visit http://www.sunrisesunset.com to find out when the sun rises in your area. Print the monthly calendar for your reference. Search http://www.google.com/ for information about UV meters, timers and watches and UV cards. Visit http://www.crystalinks.com/thirdeyepineal.html to learn more about The Third Eye The Pineal Gland. Be sure to visit many pages on the ExperienceFestival.com Web site, as they have many hyperlinked tools that are thorough resources for the topics in this book:

Alternative Medicine: http://www.experiencefestival.com/alternative_medicin e

Alternative Medicine Dictionary: http://www.experiencefestival.com/alternative_medicin e_dictionary

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Alternative Medicine Terminology: http://www.experiencefestival.com/alternative_medicin e_terminology

Astrology: http://www.experiencefestival.com/astrology

Body, Mind, and Soul: http://www.experiencefestival.com/body_mind_and_so ul

ExperienceFestival.com for dictionary, at Google: http://snipurl.com/hlsu

Mayan Calendar: http://www.experiencefestival.com/mayan_calendar

Native American Dance: http://www.experiencefestival.com/native_american_da nce

Native American Spirituality: http://www.experiencefestival.com/native_american_sp irituality

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Natural Healing Dictionary: http://www.experiencefestival.com/natural_healing_dic tionary

Polarity energy balancing massage: Alternative Health Dictionary: http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Polarity_energy_ balancing_massage/id/79835

Prana: http://www.experiencefestival.com/prana

Solar System Dictionary: http://www.experiencefestival.com/solar_system

Spiritual Dictionary: http://www.experiencefestival.com/spiritual_dictionary

Spiritual Enlightenment: http://www.experiencefestival.com/spiritual_enlighten ment

Surya: Spiritual - Theosophy Dictionary on Surya: http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Surya/id/195135

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- 16 List Of References
Adams, Mike. (2005). The healing power of sunlight and vitamin D. An exclusive interview with Dr. Michael Holick. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, July 18, 2005, at: http://www.truthpublishing.com/MichaelHolick.html

AndeanTravelWeb.com. (2005). A tour of the City of Cusco/Cuzco: Santo Domingo Church & Koricancha/Qoricancha (Inca Temple of the Sun). Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 10, 2005, at: http://www.andeantravelweb.com/peru/destinations/cusco/cusco_ city_guide.html

Baily, Alice A. (n.d., accessed 9/2005). Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali, The. The light of the soul: Union achieved and its results - Vibhuti Pada III: 26. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 8, 2005, at: http://www.thenazareneway.com/yoga_sutras_of_patanjali_3.htm

Bernarr, Dr., D.C. D.D. (n.d., retrieved 7/2005). Sick? Well? ... Sunbathing helps you and everyone. This Web site describes how sunbathing helps heal skin cancer and does not cause skin cancer. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, July 20, 2005, at: http://www.healself.org/sun.html

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dhyansanjivani.org. (n.d., accessed 9/2005). Why are colors associated with the Chakras? Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 11, 2005, at: http://www.dhyansanjivani.org/chakra_colour.asp

ExperienceFestival.com. (2005). Sun worship. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 9, 2005, at: http://www.experiencefestival.com/sun_worship

Hockberger, Philip E. (2002). A History of Ultraviolet Photobiology for Humans, Animals and Microorganisms. Photochemistry and Photobiology Web site, at: http://apt.allenpress.com/aptonline/?request=getabstract&issn=0031-8655&volume=076&issue=06&page=0561. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, August 6, 2007, at: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3931/is_200212/ai_n9156 750

International Sai Organization. (n.d., accessed 9/2005). The Gayatri Mantra. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 8, 2005, at: http://www.sathyasai.org/devotion/prayers/gayatri.html

Iyer, Meenakshi. (2004). The yogi who survives on sunlight. The India Monitor. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 8, 2005, at: http://indiamonitor.com/news/readCatFullNews.jsp?ni=3257&ct=I ndian%20Achievements. *No longer available as of August 6, 2007.

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Knight, Miriam, and Manek, Hira Ratan. (2004). Human photosynthesis back to our origins? NewConnexion.net Web site. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 9, 2005, at: http://www.newconnexion.net/article/11-04/manek.html

Liberman, Jacob, Dr. (2000). Light: Medicine of the future. How we can use it to heal ourselves NOW. Rochester, VT: Bear & Company. P. 3.

LifeMysteries.com. (2005). Im a changed person. Topic on halos, saint-like Bible persons in religious art. Forum posting by Lumin4000. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 12, 2005, at: http://forums.lifemysteries.com/index.php?topic=362.0. *No longer available online as of August 6, 2007.

LifeMysteries.com. (2005). Sungazing progress. Topic on sun gazing and healing of eyesight. Forum posting by BeholdInfinity. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 12, 2005, at: http://forums.lifemysteries.com/index.php?topic=218.0. *No longer available online as of August 6, 2007.

Malville, J. McKim; Thomson, Hugh; Ziegler, Gary. (n.d., accessed 9/2005). Machu Picchus observatory: The re-discovery of Llactapata and its sun-temple. This is a longer English version of the article that was first published in the Revista Andina (2004, #39), with the title El redescubrimiento de Llactapata, antiguo observatorio de Machu Picchu; the article was accompanied by peer-

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reviews of the findings by R. Tom Zuidema, Jrgen Golte, Peter Kaulicke and Vincent Lee. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 11, 2005, at: http://www.thomson.clara.net/llactapa.html

Manek, Hira Ratan. (2003). Solar Healing Center: Process Safe Sungazing Practice. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 10, 2005, at: http://www.solarhealing.com/sgprocess.htm

Manek, Hira Ratan. (2002). Transcript of a Dec. 01 2002 Lecture: Solar empowering: Nutrition and nurturing. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, July 20, 2005, at: http://www.theopenline.org/ArticleSun.htm

National Cancer Institute. (n.d., accessed 7/2005) Sunlight and cancer: Testing the vitamin D hypothesis. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, July 18, 2005, at:
http://www.cancer.gov/ncicancerbulletin/NCI_Cancer_Bulletin_062805/p age4

National Institutes of Health (NIH). (2005). Dietary supplement fact sheet: Vitamin D. As cited in references: Holick MF. Evolution and function of vitamin D. Recent Results Cancer Res 2003;164:3-28. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, July 19, 2005, at: http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/vitamind.asp

Nobelprize.org. (2005). The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1903. In recognition of his contribution to the treatment of diseases, especially lupus

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vulgaris, with concentrated light radiation, whereby he has opened a new avenue for medical science. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, July 17, 2005, at: http://nobelprize.org/medicine/laureates/1903/index.html

Parker, Vrin. (1999). Vedik Africa: Vedic Egypt. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 9, 2005, at: http://www.salagram.net/VWHAfrica.html or http://www.vnn.org/world/WD9912/WD09-5049.html

Parmar, Vina, MBA. (2004). Living on sunlight: The art and science of sun gazing as taught by Hira Ratan Manek, HRM. (2nd Ed.). Retrieved from the World Wide August 6, 2007 at: http://www.astralsociety.com/Files/HRM Sungazing

PurpleHawk. (1998-2005). American Indian spirituality and sacred rites. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 10, 2005, at: http://impurplehawk.com/naspirit.html

Ranjan, Sudhanshu. (n.d., accessed 9/2005). Surya Sahastranam: Surya, The eternal healer. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 9, 2005, at: http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Surya_Sahastranam/id/2206 8

RaySender.com. (2004). Sungazing Sun worship quotations and books: Carl Jung in Memories, Dreams and Reflections. Retrieved from the World Wide

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Web, September 12, 2005, at: http://www.raysender.com/sunquotes.html

Sacred-Texts.com. (n.d., accessed 9/2005). Hymns to the sun-god. [From the Papyrus of Ani, Sheets 18 and 19, page 136.]. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, July 20, 2005, at: http://www.sacredtexts.com/egy/tut/tut11.htm

Sacred-texts.com. (n.d., accessed 7/2005). Odes of Solomon, Ode 15. Forgotten Books Of Eden. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, July 20, 2005, at: http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/fbe/fbe209.htm

Sacred-Texts.com. (n.d., accessed 9/2005). Sun Worship. [From Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions, P. 190.]. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, September 10, 2005, at: http://www.sacred-texts.com/pag/idr/idr22.htm

Science Daily. (1998). New archaeological evidence illuminates Inca sun-worship ritual. Source: University Of Illinois At Chicago. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, August 16, 2005, at: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/09/980930081949.ht m

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Sunlight.as.ro. (n.d., accessed 7/2005). History of sun gazing. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, July 18, 2005, at: http://www.sunlight.as.ro/history_of_sun_gazing.htm

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Trubo, Richard. (2004). Vitamin D: Vital role in your health. WebMD Health. Published Feb. 26, 2004. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, July 17, 2005, at: http://my.webmd.com/content/article/82/97439.htm

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