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Counter Strike Source Binding guide Buying things at the beginning of a match can be a flurry of numbers hit, or a v ery

slow process. Possibly even a deadly process if you are Terrorists on Dust 2 . Binding greatly speeds this process up, as you only need to hit a single key t o buy what you want. It doesn t take very long to set up, and all you need to watc h out for is that your fingers do not slip while buying, or else you will end up with something you do not want First, you need to be able to get into the console. In the game, the key to get to the console is the "`/~" key. If you cannot already get into it, then you rig ht click on the game and properties > set launch options > type in -console

In CSS, the format for binds is as following: bind (key) buy (item)

in between bind and the keycode, there is one space. In between the key code and the command, is another space. The command is surrounded in quotation marks. Following are the keys of the numpad, and the names of the weapons. Numpad kp_slash * kp_minus kp_home kp_uparrow kp_pgup kp_leftarrow kp_5 kp_rightarrow kp_end kp_downarrow kp_pgdn kp_ins kp_del kp_plus kp_enter Weapons and Items name (console code) Glock (glock USP (usp) 228 Compact (p228) Desert Eagle (deagle) Dualies (elite) Five-Seven (fiveseven) Pump Shotgun (m3) Auto Shotgun (xm1014)

Mac-10 (mac10) TMP (tmp) MP5 (mp5navy) UMP (ump45) P90 (p90) Defender (galil) AK-47/CV-47 (ak47) Krieg Commando (sg550) Clarion (famas) Maverick M4A1 Colt (m4a1) Bullpup (aug) Scout (scout) Krieg 552 (sg552) AWP (awp) D3/AU1 (g3sg1) M249 (m249) Single Clip of Primary Ammo (buyammo1) *this and buyammo2 don't need the quotati on marks or buy in front of it. Single Clip of Secondary Ammo (buyammo2) *this and buyammo1 don't need the quota tion marks or buy infront of it. Full Primary Ammo (primammo) Full Secondary Ammo (secammo) Kevlar (vest) Kevlar and Helmet (vesthelm) Flashbang Granade (flashbang) HE Grenade (hegrenade) Smoke Grenade (smokegrenade) Difusal Kit (defuser)

For an example of binding, the code I have for my numpad is below. Each differen t line is a separate line in the console. bind kp_slash "buy vest" bind * "buy vesthelm" bind kp_minus "buy defuser" bind kp_home "buy AWP" kp_uparrow is open for a choice on a whim kp_pgup is open for a choice on a whim bind kp_leftarrow "buy m4a1" bind kp_5 "buy ak47" bind kp_rightarrow "buy mp5navy" bind kp_end "buy hegrenade" bind kp_downarrow "buy flashbang" bind kp_pgdn "buy smokegrenade" bind kp_ins "buy usp" bind kp_del "buy deagle" bind kp_plus buyammo2 bind kp_enter buyammo1

Radio You can also bind radio commands. These probably won t fit on the num-pad with you r weapon binds , and a lot of the keyboard is taken already, so the function key s would be best. Their Key codes are F1 to F12. The radio commands are: voice (console code) Cover me! (coverme) You take the point! (takepoint) Hold this position! (holdpos) Regroup team! (regroup) Follow me (followme) Taking fire, need assistance! (takingfire) Go go go! (go) Team, fall back! (fallback) Stick together! (sticktog) Get in position and wait for my go! (getinpos) Storm the front! (stormfront) Report in team! (report) Roger that!/Affirmative! (roger) Enemy spotted! (enemyspot) Need backup! (enemyspot) Sector Clear (sectorclear) I'm in position. (inposition) Reporting in. (reportingin) Get out of there, it's gonna blow! (getout) Negative! (negative) Enemy Down! (enemydown) Switching Weapons Switching weapons can be a little clumsy if you are using the number row, and ve ry slow if you use the scroll wheel. To switch weapons quickly with other keys, you bind a key to that weapon. Key codes for all the letter keys are that letter. For the misc. keys, like ;, ' , or [, the key code is the lower case character on that key. To write the bind to switch weapons, type the following bind (key) "use weapon_(item name)" The console code for the knife is (knife)

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