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use whatever information provided Forget about the contrasting memory explain accordingly

SPM 2004 Q1 (e):

Figure l(b) shows a box of washing powder. Rajah l(b) menunjukkan satu kotak serbuk pencuci.

Figure l(b) A housewife uses cold water to wash her clothes with brand X washing powder. The cleaning is less effective. Using the above information, explain why.(2M) Seorang suri rumah menggunakan air sejuk untuk mencuci pakaiannya dengan serbuk pencuci berjenama X.Didapati pencucian pakaian kurang berkesan.Dengan menggunakan maklumat di atas, terangkan mengapa.

Answer should relate effect of temperature on enzyme reaction: F1: 400C is the optimum temperature// 400C higher than the temperature of cold water (information provided) P1: Rate of enzymatic reaction increases// Enzyme is more active (explain accordingly) F1:cold water is lower than 400C (information provided)

P1: Rate of enzymatic reaction decreases// Enzyme is less active (explain accordingly)


- Optimum temperature for enzyme raction is 370C/ body temperature

(Forget about the contrasting memory) - enzyme more active // less active without enzyme reaction temperature 2. HOW TO DEFINE OPERATIONAL DEFINITION 1. 2. use only available sources to define. information not provided through may be correct but not suitable to be used.

SPM 2004 Q1b (ii)

Figure l(a) shows a reaction catalysed by lipase. Rajah l(a) menunjukkan tindakan enzim lipase.

What can you deduce about the enzyme lipase based on Figure

STUDENTS MISTAKE Reaction of enzyme is reversible. one way arrow . ANSWER enzymes enzymes enzymes enzymes enzymes Enzymes

are substance that hydrolyses fat remain unchanged at the end of the reaction used over and over again have active sites for its substrates are specific for its substrate. have active sites to bind to specific substrates

Enzymes are not destroyed by the reaction they catalyze


2. 3.

Answer according to requirement Extra answer may just ignored Mistake may cancel off the mark obtained. `Not to answer more than required

SPM 2004 Q2 (a)

Figure l(a) shows a reaction catalyzed by lipase.
Rajah l(a) menunjukkan tindakan enzim lipase.

(ii) State two characteristics of P.

Nyatakan dua ciri P. [2 marhs]

1. Enzymes have active sites to bind to specific substrates 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Enzymes are not destroyed by the reaction they catalyze Enzymes are proteins Enzymes are denatured by high temperature Enzymes react at maximum rate at optimum temperature Enzymes reactions are reversible 7. Enzymes are needed in small quantities


Cannot destroyed. Protein Specifi.

(incomplete sentence)

4. CAN THE SENTENCE IN THE QUESTION BECOME ONE OF THE ANSWER? 1. 2. never the same word must not be used again even though that is the correct answer.

SPM 2004 Q3(c)

(c)The pacemaker of a patient's heart fails to function. An electronic pacemaker is used to replace the original pacemaker. Explain how the electronic pacemaker works. [3 marks]
Perentak jantung seorang pesakit didapati gagal berfungsi. perentak elektronik telah digunakan untuk menggantikan perentak jantung yang asal. Terangkan bagaimana perentak elektronik itu berfungsi.

SAMPLE ANSWER 1. Electronic pacemaker functions as sinoatrial node 2. It generates electrical impulses 3. Which spread over the walls of atria causing the heart to contract

AVOID: An electronic pacemaker is used to replace the original pacemaker (same word must not be used again) change original pacemaker to SA nodes Electronic pacemaker send impulse. Spread to atrium / ventricle cause heartbeat SPM 2008 Q2
(c) (i) Name and explain the condition which can cause a blockage in blood vessel S. Namakan dan terangkan keadaan yang boleh menyebabkan berlakunya penyumbatan dalam salur darah S. Name/Nama:. Explanation! Penerangan..

Sample answer: Name: Arteriosclerosis//thrombosis//embolism Explanations: Deposition of cholesterol/fats/calcium// clumping of blood platelets Beneath the artery wall//inside the lumen of blood vessel lead to clogging Causes the narrowing of lumen/blood vessel Lead to Blood clogging AVOID: Lead to blockage (same word must not be used again) change blockage to clogging

5. HOW TO ARRANGE THE ANSWER? 1. Answer not necessary must arrange in sequence 2. But to avoid from leaving behind point. SPM 2004 Q2 (d) (i)
Explain why food is preserved using concentrated sugar solution

SAMPLE ANSWER Concentrated sugar solution hypertonic to cell sap Water diffuses out from food by osmosis. Cell/food become dehydrated SPM 2006 Q3(e)
Ali`s finger accidentally touches a flame. Explain briefly how his reflex action functions to avoid the injury.

Correct arrangement

SAMPLE ANSWER: 1. receptor in finger detect the heat generate impulse 2. sensory neuron synapse with interneuron which will then synapse with the motor neuron.

6. HOW TO LABEL A DIAGRAM 1. 2. 3. A diagram without label is meaningless A label without a connecting line is useless Draw a line connecting the diagram to your label.

SPM 2004
(dii) (i) Lakarkan satu gambar rajah untuk menunjukkan pergerakan bahan yang telah anda terangkan di A8.(3)

Earlier situation
Glucose molecule Water molecule

Plasma membrane

Final situation

NOTES: 1 Label plasma membrane, water molecule and glucose molecule. Glucose molecule size larger than water molecule. 2 Draw an arrow to show water molecule movement in two ways.

Number of water molecule in final situation less than earlier situation and in same number on both sides of plasma membrane.


SPM 2004 Q4(b)

Figure 4 shows a terrestrial ecosystem. Rajah 4 menunjukkan satu ekosistem daratan

(b) On Figure 4, mark and label one example of the following organisms. [3 M] Pada Rajah 4, tandakan dan labelkan satu contoh bagi organisma berikut: (i) producer Pengeluar (ii) Consumer Pengguna

(iii) Decomposer Pengurai

Producer Consumer


Label using lines. AVOID : Label without connection line producer: grass, plant consumer: any animal (AVOID producer and decomposer) decomposer: fungi, bacteria (avoid earthworm]

7. HOW TO CONSTRUCT FOOD CHAIN? 1. First tropic level must be occupied by a producer 2. Second tropic level mostly herbivore 3. An arrow must be drawn for one tropic level to other tropic level SPM 2006
(c) Based on Figure 4, construct one food chain consisting of four trophic level. c) Berdasarkan Rajah 4, binakan satu rantai makanan yang terdiri daripada empat aras trof 1 st trophic level2nd trophic level3rd trophic level4th trophic level Aras trof pertama Aras trof kedua Aras trof ketiga Aras trof keempat

SAMPLE ANSWER Plant caterpillar small birdowl AVOID: Plantearthworm small bird owl (earthworm cant be primary consumer except Producer is dead plant) REMINDER: Food chain must start with PRODUCER

8.ARE THE ANSWER FROM THE BOOK ALWAYS CORRECT 1. 2. not really most important is the logical answer.

SPM 2004
(d) An organism in the 3rd trophic level in Figure 4 has decreased in number. Bilangan organism a
pada aras trof ketiga dalam Rajah 4 telah berkurang

(i)Based on the food chain you have constructed in (c), suggest a way to increase the numbers of this organism again.[1mark]
Berdasarkan rantai makanan yang telah anda bina di (c), cadangkan satu cara untuk meningkatkan semula bilangan organisma itu.

SAMPLE ANSWER 1. Reduce the population of predators by killing the predators 2. Protect the organism in the 3rd trophic level 3. Breed the organism in the 3rd trophic level 4. Supply more food to the 3rd trophic level Wrong answer increase the pest number because not logic.

9. HOW TO ANSWER CALCULATION 1. 2. 3. 4. write down the formula is any show the working step by step calculate the answer unit

SPM 2004 Q4 (e)

(e)The organisms in the trophic level in Figure 4 absorb 15 000 kJ solar energy. Energy loss at each trophic level is 90%. Calculate the total every transferred to the organisms in the 3rd trophic level. Organisma pada aras trof pertama dalam Rajah 4 menyerap 15 000 kJ tenaga cahaya Matahari.Kehilangan tenaga pada setiap aras trof ialah 90%.Hitungkan jumlah tenaga yang dipindahkan kepada organisma pada aras trof ketiga.(2M)

SAMPLE ANSWER: Fist tropic label Second tropic label Third tropic label = 1500KJ = 1500KJ X 10% =150KJ = 150 KJ X 10% =15KJ



2. 3.

must use the correct term Sometimes explanation for the term is. do not use other term.

SPM 2005 Q5(b)

(b(i) Fluid X originated from the blood. Describe how fluid X is formed from the blood. Bendalir X berasal daripada. Huraikan bagaimana bendalir X terbentuk daripada darah

SAMPLE ANSWER: P1. content of the blood plasma is filtered / diffused out of the blood capillaries. P2. part of the tissues fluid formed the diffuses/reabsorb into the lymphatic vessels /lymphatic capillary. Do not use: flow out Point to ponder Absorbed / diffused X /




Must compare between the two differences Dont have to draw table in the structured questions but can draw table in essay question Use but/whereas/while.

SPM 2005 Q5 (b)(ii)

(b)(ii) State one difference between fluid X and blood Nyatakan satu perbezaan antara bendalir X dan darah

SAMPLE ANSWER: Fluid X has no RBC but blood has RBC Fluid X is yellowish but blood is red. Fluid X contain higher lymphocytes but blood contain lower lymphocytes



active site of the enzyme and substrate must be of complementary shape enzymes substrate complex interaction leave no space in between them. products must retain the original shape for the active site of its. Divide substrate into two.

SPM 2006 Q4 (d)

(iii) Diagram 2.2 shows a mechanism of an enzyme reaction. Draw the diagram in the spaces III and IV provided in Diagram 2.2 to complete the mechanism of the enzyme reaction.


Leave no space between enzyme and substrate

Wrong answer:

13. HOW TO ANSWER FROM THE STATEMENT PROVIDED? 1. 2. 3. 4. Study all the information given. breakdown each statement into different component explain the purpose of each component Apply/use science knowledge.

SPM 2006 Q2(c)

In the food preparation process, a housewife carries out the following steps: Step 1: marinate pieces of meat with strips of unripe papaya in a basin Step 2: Immerse the basin in a container filled with water at 400C for 30 minutes as in diagram 2.3

Explain why the housewife carries out step 1 and step 2

SAMPLE ANSWER: Step 1: marinate pieces of meat/ with strips of unripe papaya in a basin Step 2: Immerse the basin in a container filled with water at 400C for 30 minutes as in diagram 2.3 SAMPLE ANSWER . Unripe papaya contain papain enzyme/protease enzyme. Pieces of meat/strips of papaya increase TSA/V. Increase enzyme action . Protease is used to tender/soften the meat Temperature 400C is optimum temperature for enzyme action. SPM 2003 Q2 d(i) As a doctor you have confirmed that a patient is suffering from a disease. Organ S of the patient has to be removed.
What explanation would you give to the patient? In your explanation state the effects of the removal of organ on the enzymes and hormones and how these affect the digestion and the level of glucose in blood.

SAMPLE ANSWER. F1: S/pancreas is an exocrine gland. (1)

P1: Removal of S causes pancreatic enzymes such as lipase, amylase, and trypsin cannot be secreted.(1) P2: Starch, polypeptide and lipid cannot be digested/Hydrolyzed (1) Max. =2 marks F2: S/ pancreas is also an endocrine gland.(1) P3: Removal of S causes the inability/ failure of the patient to produce/ secrete the hormone insulin and glucagon (1) P4: Blood glucose level in the bloodstream cannot be controlled within the normal level (1) Max.= 2 marks

SPM 2006 Q2b (i)

A student eats too many oranges. Explain the effect of eating too many oranges on the digestion of starch in the duodenum

SAMPLE ANSWER F: Oranges contain much acid // Oranges cause duodenum become acidic// Orange reduce the pH value/ Orange increase acidity in the duodenum (1) P: acidic medium is less suitable for amylase action// less starch is digested (1)

14. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENCES? 1. 2. 3. Identify the needed of the question Compare must have similarity and differences differences only contain differences

SPM 2006 Q3(c)

Compare two structures of a sensory neurone and a motor neurone

SAMPLE ANSWER: 1. Both neurone contain myelin sheath, axon, cell body and dendrite SIMILARITY 2. Sensory neuron has long dendron /short axon but motor neurone has short dendron /long axon. DIFFERENCE 3. cell body of sensory neuron is at the periphery but cell body of motor neuron is at the end. DIFFERENCE SPM 2007 Q1 (b)
Erector muscle is a tissue. State reasons why X is classified as an organ and erector muscle is classified as a tissue



a tissue is made up of a group of similar cells work together to perform a specific function.

An organ is made up of a group of different tissues work together to perform a specific function.

15. HOW TO ANSWER DIAGRAMMATIC QUESTION? 1. 2. be sure of the phenomenon separate the diagram if any

SPM 2008 6 a (i)

(a) (i) Diagram 9.1 shows a phenomenon which occurs in the earth's atmosphere. Rajah 9.1 menunjukkan satu fenomenon yang berlaku dalam atmosfera bumi.

Explain the effect of the phenomenon on the environment if the concentration levels of carbon dioxide, CO2, are increasing.

Terangkan kesan fenomenon tersebut terhadap alam sekitar jika aras kepekatan karbon dioksida, CO2, semakin meningkat.

BE SURE OF THE PHENOMENON Green House Effect or Depletion Ozone Layer. Sample answer: Increases CO2 traps heat/infrared/light X Increases global /atmosphere Melting of polar ice/rise in sea level Green house effect

SPM 2008 Q9
(ii) Diagram 9.2 shows the activity of forest burning. Discuss how this activity causes disasters to the environment. [7 marks] Rajah 9.2 menunjukkan aktiuiti pembakaran hutan. Bincangkan bagaimana aktiuiti ini menyebabkan bencana terhadap alam sekitar.

BE SURE OF THE PHENOMENON What is the activity? Forest burning /deforestation? SAMPLE ANSWER 1. release of a lot of CO2 form a layer of CO2 in the atmosphere//imbalance of CO2 cycle 2. Traps heat 3. release heavy smoke/smog/haze 4. smoke/smog/haze reduce light intensity for photosynthesis//blocked stomata 5. thus less yield/productivity of the crop plant // decrease rate of photosynthesis. 6. smoke/smog /haze reduce vision// results in the air accidents or car accidents/difficulties in landing of aeroplanes 7. smoke will also cause health hazards/lung diseases/eye problems 8. destroy flora/fauna

9. loss of herbs for medical purposes/timber 10. lost of habitat 11. lack of water catchments area 12. expose to flash flood/soil erosion/landslide/water pollution

SPM 2008 Q 9(b)

(b) Diagram 9.3 shows two agricultural activities which use chemical products. Rajah 9.3 menunjukkan dua aktiuiti pertanian yang menggunakan produk bahan kiniia.

Discuss the good and bad effects of both the activities shown in Diagram 9.3. The discussion should be based on the impact to agriculture and environment. Bincangkan kesan baik dan kesan buruk kedua-dua aktiuiti yang ditunjukkan pada Rajah 9.3; Perbincangan harus berdasarkan impak pada pertanian dan alam sekitar.[10 marks]

Be careful of the subtitle Title: Chemical Product Subtitle: -Spreading fertilizer

- Chemical insecticides

SAMPLE ANSWER Spreading fertilizer Good: supply mineral/nutrient Increase yield of crop//increase growth rate Bad: excess fertilizer may be flow away/wash away by rain into the river/lake Causing enrich of water//water rich in nutrient

Results in increase/high rate growth of algae / fast growth of alga/eutrophication Increased BOD of water/rate of water pollution/depletes/reduce the oxygen content of the river/lake Causes the death of fishes/aquatic animals in the river

Chemical insecticides Good: An effective way to kill/destroy insects//insect population can be reduce fast Some chemicals are toxic only to specific animals Bad: Hazardous to the farmer if inhaled/exposed to skin/infertility/allergy/cancer Contaminate the underground water/river// water pollution Causes the death of fish/aquatic animal// destruction of food chain/web In the long term , the insects /pest/animal may develop mutant strain/resistance to the chemicals Chemical insecticide no longer effective for the pest control SPM 2004 Q1(c)
c) Human and fish respiratory systems are adapted to function in their respective habitat. Compare and explain the adaptions.[10 marks] Sistem respirasi manusia dan ikan disesuaikan untuk berfungsi dalam habitat masing-masing. Banding dan terangkan penyesuaian tersebut.

Use table to compare for essay questions Similarities: P1: Both have large surface area for gaseous exchange F1: Human has alveolus and fish has filaments P2: Both have surface that increase the diffusion rate of gases

F2: The wall of alveoli in human are thin / only 1 cell thick The membrane of filaments in fish are thin / only 1 cell thick P3: Both respiratory organs have blood capillares network F3: To transport the respiratory gases rapidly P4: Both have moist surface for gaseous exchange F4: to dissolve more respiratory gases P5: Both use muscles to change the pressure in the thoracic cavity F5: Human has diaphragm muscle and intercostals muscles Fish has muscles at mouth and operculum P6: Both have circulatory system to transport oxygen to body tissues in blood vessels F6: Human and fish have closed circulatory systems

16. HOW TO DESCRIBE THE DIFFERENCES? must not answer in package form. Human F:Cartilage rings at trachea prevent the trachea from being collapse Fish F: the water flow prevents the grills from being stick together

P: To ensure the continuous P: To ensure the continuous and sufficient oxygen supply and sufficient oxygen supply

F: Gaseous exchange surface in alveoli are always moist and do not expose to the environment directly P: Position of the organ to ensure that the gaseous exchange surfaces do not dry up SPM 2005 Q7(c)
11!Figure 7.3 shows another two pairs of twins.

F: Gaseous exchange surface is constantly moist by water P: Position of the organ to ensure that the gaseous exchange surfaces do not dry up

Figure 7.3 Explain the differences between the two pairs of twins. Your explanation should be based on the following aspects: . Types of twins . The formation of twins . Characteristics of twins

SAMPLE ANSWER Aspects Twin R Types of twins Identical twin The formation One sperm fuse of twins together with one ovum. To form one zygote

Twin S Fraternal twin Two sperm fuse together with two ovum. To form two different

Characteristics of twins SPM 2004

zygote One placenta two placenta Same genetic different genetic constituent//same constituent//different genotype genotype Same sex Different sex Same Different phenotype// phenotype//physical physical characteristic characteristic

2(a) Figure 7(a) shows a reflex arc and Figure 7(b) shows the regulation of glucose in the blood. Both figures illustrate coordination systems in the human body . Rajah 7(a) menunjukkan satu arka refleks dan Rajah 7(b) menunjukkan pengawalaturan. glukosa dalam darah. Kedua-dua rajah menggambarkisahkan sistem koordinasi dalam badan manusia.

(ii) Compare the coordination systems shown in Figures 7(a) and 7(b).[6 marks. Bandingkan sistem koordinasi yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 7(a) dan Rajah. 7(b)

SAMPLE ANSWER Similarities and explanations : F1 Both need stimuli P1 Stimuli for nervous coordination system is the pin

stimuli for chemical coordination system is the increases in blood sugar level F2 Both have transmission of information to target organ P2 Impulses are transmitted to effectors in nervous coordination system -Hormones are transported to the target organ in chemical coordination system F3 Both have responses P3 Muscles contraction in nervous coordination system

Production of insulin in chemical coordination system Differences and explanations : Nervous coordination system Nervous coordination system involves sensory organs Nervous coordination system transmits nerve impulses Impulses in nervous coordination system are transmitted by neurons Muscles contraction in nervous coordination system Response occurs very fast in nervous coordination system Chemical coordination system Chemical coordination system involves endocrine glands Chemical coordination system transports hormones Hormones in chemical coordination system are transported by blood Production of insulin in chemical coordination system Response occurs slow in chemical coordination system

AVOID: Nervous coordination system Nervous coordination system involves sensory organs Nervous coordination system transmits nerve impulses Impulses in nervous coordination system are transmitted by neurons Impulse Sensory organ Chemical coordination system Chemical coordination system not involves endocrine glands Chemical coordination system not transmits nerve impulses Hormones in chemical coordination system are not transmitted by neurons Hormone Incomplete Endocrine glands sentence

17. HOW TO INTEPRET GRAPH? 1. 2. Get the relationship between manipulated variable (x- axis) and Responding variable (y- axis)Fact. Explain the relationship.

SPM 2006 Q7 (b)

b) (i) An experiment is carried out using substance R outside a cell. The aim of the experiment is to study the effect of different concentrations of substance R on the rate of its movement across the plasma membrane into the cell. Graph 7.1 shows the result of the experiment.

Based on Graph 7.1, state an example of substance R and explain how substance R moves across the plasma membrane. [6 marks]

SAMPLE ANSWER. P1: Relationship between the variable in the graph as the concentration of substances R increases, the rate of its

SAMPLE ANSWER. P1: Relationship between the variable in the graph as the concentration of substances R increases, the rate of its movement across the membrane increases. (1) P2: Types of movement Substance R moves across the plasma membrane by simple diffusion/ osmosis (1) P3: Way through the plasma membrane Substance R dissolved in the plasma membrane and crosses it (1) P4: Concentration gradient The movement of substance R follows the concentration gradient (1) P5: Characteristic of substance R Substance R is soluble in lipids// molecules very small / non-polar/ neutral (1) P6: Examples of substance R Fatty acid/ Glycerol/ Vitamin A/D/E/K / lipid soluble vitamin (1) Dissolved gas such as oxygen and carbon dioxide // water molecule (1)

18. HOW TO ANSWER IF BOTH QUESTIONS ARE APPLYING SIMILAR CONCEPTS? 1. no similar answer in the same question 2. find out the differences SPM 2008 Q6(c)
Diagram 6.2 and Diagram 6.3 show two ways of preserving fish and vegetable. Rajah 6.2 dan Rajah 6.3 menunjukkan dua cara pengawetan ikan dan sayur.

Explain how the preservatives are effective in the preservation of each type of food, Terangkan bagaimana bahan-bahab pengawet itu berkesan dalam pengawetan setiap bahan makanan tersebut

SAMPLE ANSWER. P1 salt solution is hypertonic to fish cell/tissues P2 water diffuses out from the fish cell/tissues

P3 P4 P5 P6

fish becomes dehydrated prevent bacterial growth in the fish tissues. bacterial cells are also plasmolyed /creanated . preventing the decay of fish/fish last longer.

P1 vinegar is acidic/has low pH P2 vinegar diffuses into vegetable tissues P3 vegetable tissue become acidic/has low pH P4 decrease pH/low pH prevent bacterial growth. P5 preventing the decay of vegetable/vegetable last longer.

Terangkan bagaimana ketidakseimbangan hormon P dan Y menyebabkan gangguan proses ovulasi.(3)

NOTES: Hormonal Imbalanceeffect of lack or excess of hormone secretion

Ways of improper functioning state whether excess or lack of hormone

SAMPLE (b) -

ANSWER less secretion of oestrogen/P less secretion of LH/Y /do not secrete slow / no ovulation.

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