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September, ________ th 2009.

2nd _____

STUDENT : ENGLISH SUBJECT: ____________________________________________ UNIT :3rd TEACHER.: Juscilia Prado W. 5,O




What will the weather be like in the 21st century? If you want to know what the weather is going to be like this weekend, ask a weatherman. If you want to know what it will be like 100 years, ask scientist. The most significant influence on the weather of future is the global warming. The emission of so-called greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane () () The next hundred years, most scientists, agree, will see the earth heat up even more. How much more is open to debate. Scientists predict a rise of between 1.8 and 6.3 degrees by 2100. If the change is 3 degrees, then man will have a challenging time; if it is 9 degrees, man will have devastating time. And certainly, temperature changes will affect weather in roundabout ways. An influx of extra water form melting glaciers, for example, will probably disrupt the Gulf Stream, an Atlantic Ocean current that brings warmth from the tropics to Western Europe. Without this current, England will probably get as cold as Greenland in the winter. Water evaporates faster in warmer temperatures and because of this there will be more hurricanes and heavy storms. Melting glaciers will also mean more flooding. The prospect is enough to drive a person in doors forever. However the future will bring at least some good news. Meteorologists are getting better: Ten years from now we will have a forecast of seven to fourteen days at a level of credibility that people will know how to prepare for bad weather. The weather of the future wont probably be good, but least we will see it coming. New English Point Book 1, Ed Saraiva.1 edio, 1999.


1. Em relao ao texto marque somente as afirmativas corretas:

a) Os cientistas concordam que, dentro de 100 anos a Terra ficar cada vez mais quente. ( ) b) Os cientistas concordam que a Terra sofrer danos que sero reversveis. ( ) c) A temperatura elevada diminui a evaporao. ( ) d) Um fluxo de gua excedente provavelmente dificultar o curso normal da corrente do Golfo.( ) e) A Inglaterra provavelmente se tornar to fria quanto a Groenlndia no vero. ( ) f) O clima no futuro provavelmente no ser bom, mas pelo menos vamos poder antecip-lo. ( ) 2.Associe fazendo as tradues:

( 1 ) A forecast is a prediction, what is expected to happen in the future. ( 2 ) The weatherman is a person who presents weather forecasts on television or radio. ( 3 ) A Glacier is a large mass of ice moving slowly. ( 4 ) A hurricane is a violent wind storm, a cyclone. ( 5 ) Flooding is an area usually covered with water after rain. ( ( ( ( ( ) Geleira uma grande massa de gelo movendo-se devagar. ) Uma previso esperar o que vai acontecer no futuro. ) Um furaco uma tempestade violenta, um ciclone. ) O homem do tempo uma pessoa que apresenta a previso do tempo na televiso ou no rdio. ) Enchentes reas frequentemente cobertas por gua aps as chuvas.

III - GRAMMAR 3.Retire do texto: a)Uma frase no Simple Future: b)Uma frase no Immediate Future: c)Uma frase Negativa no Simple Future: 4. Complete as frases abaixo com Future Tense dos verbos entre parnteses: 1) Tomorrow it _____________in the North-west. (to rain) 2) My friend ___________12 next Monday. (to be) 3) Hey John! Wait a minute. I _____________a word with you. (to have) 4) She _________her boss next week.(to contact) 5) I think you ______________this job. (to get)

6) They _____________at about 6 pm. (to arrive) 7) The teacher __________this exercise. (to explain) 8) He _____________the bottle of water. (to drop) 9) Lots of accidents __________in that weather. happen) 10) She ___________if you show her the spider. scream)

5. Agora escreva estas frases nas formas Negativas e Interrogativas: a) You will get up early tomorrow. N=______________________________________ I=_______________________________________ b) We will give the money. N=______________________________________ I=_______________________________________ c) They will live in the United States. N=______________________________________ I=_______________________________________ d) Your team will win the game. N=______________________________________ I=_______________________________________ e) She will take your bag. N=______________________________________ I=_______________________________________

6. Encontre os adjetivos correspondentes em ingls no jogo de caa-palavras (horizontais) abaixo: bom bonita caro barato interessante quente magro gordo esperto feio mau grande pequeno forte esquerdo maravilhoso limpo inteligente frio


7. Escreva os verbos no Immediate future (going to). a) Mary to drink coffee. ______________________________________________________________ b) The girl to buy a ________________________________________________________ c) Danny to eat a _________________________________________________________ d) The girls to cross the ________________________________________________________ e) The man to read a _____________________________________________________ f) Paul to smoke a _________________________________________________________ 8. Traduza as frases fazendo as associaes corretamente:

magazine. sandwich. street. newspaper. cigarette.


You are going to read a book. You are will read a book. (3) She is going to eat an apple. (4) She will eat an apple. (5) The boys are going to play football. (6) The boys will play football. (7) I am going to close the door. (8) I will close the door. (9) You are going to read a magazine. (10) You will read a magazine. futebol.

) Ela comer uma ma. ( ) Eu fecharei a porta. ( ) Voc est indo ler um livro. ( ) Voc est indo ler uma revista. ( ) Os garotos jogaro futebol. ( ) Ela est indo comer uma ma. ( ) Voc ler uma revista. ( ) Eu estou indo fechar a porta. ( ) Voc ler um livro. )Os garotos esto indo jogar

Be Successfulll!!!

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