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Abstract: The article discusses the initiatives by the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama for the regulation of greenhouse gas (GHG) under the Clean Air Act. It cites that a U.S. Supreme Court decision in the environmentalist petition Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) led to the mandate for a federal regulatory authority over GHG, and among such measures adopted include new fuel economy rules and emission control policies. It also presents an argument why technological innovation is the best approach to climate change mitigation. `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

The 2008 US presidential election: Obama and the environment

Abstract: The article examines the implications that the 2008 election of U.S. President Barack Obama have for environmental protection and legislation within the nation. Sustainable development, renewable energy, and environmental accountability were all driving factors in his platform. The author contrasts Obamas platform with that of his Republican opponent, John McCain. While Obama heavily favored fiscal appropriations to support biofuels and scientific research, McCain was a proponent of nuclear power and offshore drilling for oil. Alterations made in policies that had been instated by former U.S. President George W. Bush are discussed


Threat messages in partisan media and job performance approval under President Obama
When President Obama took office in January 2009, he entered a climate of support that reflected the bipartisan and ethnically diverse coalition who elected him. By April, a partisan gap in approval emerged that rivaled that of his predecessor. As presidential approval among Independents and Conservatives dropped over the course of 2009, so did support among White Americans as a group, while support among American racial minorities remained strong. This paper investigates why job approval of President Obama became so immediately polarized among the U.S. electorate in 2009, in terms of both political ideology and race/ethnicity. It is predicted that messages from the Rightleaning media information environment may have played a role in the decline in support for President Obama among target groups. Drawing from political communication and political psychology literature, FOX News coverage from 2009 was examined through content analysis for messages that describe the president as a threatening figure, including the use of racial appeals. Results showed a strong presence of threat messages, including the use of highly polarizing partisan rhetoric, and subtle racial characterizations of the president as being "Other" than American. The U.S. economy is also examined during this timeframe, as both an alternative and related explanation for the trends in support

Obama, Ryan, and the Future of Regulatory Reform

The article explores the implications of the proposals of U.S. President Barack Obama and House Representative Paul Ryan to reduce the country's deficit for regulatory environment and reform. The plan of Ryan, known as the Path to Prosperity, aims to reduce 6.2 trillion U.S. dollars in government spending over the next decade. Meanwhile, the president's proposal seeks to reduce the deficit by 4 trillion over the next 10 years. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

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