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CHRIST EMBASSY ACCRA GHANA ZONE: Meeting with Avenor (Church 1) Leaders - How do you enhance the growth

of your fellowship?
Posted by Martin Benjamin-Addy Aug 10, 2011 Hello Brethren!

Greeting in the matchless name of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. As per our discussion, in this our maiden meeting, we shall share ideas on how to enhace the growth of our felllowship.

Kind Regards.

Deacon Martin

http://www.yookos.com/groups/ce-southern-af/blog/2011/08/02/everyday-with-pastor -oseoyakhilome--3rd-august-2011#comment-19713
Attachments: Discipleship.doc (27.5 K) 66 Views Aug 10, 2011 2:43 AM COMFORT NTOW

There is a lot we can do to enhance the growth in our fellowship....Pastor thought us in one of our leaders meeting on Understanding People.

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CHRIST EMBASSY ACCRA GHANA ZONE: Meeting with Avenor (Church 1) Leaders - How do you enhance the growth of your fellowship?

He said if you understand people,you can influence them and impact their lives in a positive way. I started working with this knowledge ever since and it has gotten most of my James Bond members committed. For example i have one member who listens a lot to Pastors messages but is not regular in service.I got him close and made him understand his presence in church and in fellowship meetings makes him exercise that which he knows.He confessed he is the shy type and doesnt like crowd but i started making the right friends for him and he was now bonding with everyone.

The people will come but we must make them comfortable as much as possible by identifying their need.

Aug 10, 2011 3:26 AM love Adiamah COMFORT NTOW in response to

Indeed. We need to understand our members. Pastor has also thought us to be PATIENT as well as CARING. The esscence of the PCF is CARING. I personally decided to care and followup on my members instead of leaving it for my followup cordinators and there has been tremendous change. I want to take this opportunity to thank my Pastor for his great teachings and as well caring so much for us. Pastor, we love you.

Aug 10, 2011 5:41 AM John S Adokpela

Thanks alot Deacon, for this glorious opportunity to interact and learn from each other. I will like to point out two things among others that we need to give attention to in other to enhance growth in our cells and fellowships. 1. we need to show more LOVE AND CARE for our existing members, reaching & communicating with them on individual basis and getting to know their challenges and addressing it with them outside the general meeting will go a long in helping them to be more commited to the vision. 2. paying more attention to FIRST TIMERS & FOLLOW-UP. especially now that ROGHA is on because it provides us with a wonderful platform for reaching more people thereby enriching our contacts and database. so with effective follow-up system in place in our cells and fellowships growth is inevitable. God bless U all.

Aug 10, 2011 12:13 PM Martin Benjamin-Addy COMFORT NTOW in response to

Generated by Jive SBS on 2011-08-11-06:00 2

CHRIST EMBASSY ACCRA GHANA ZONE: Meeting with Avenor (Church 1) Leaders - How do you enhance the growth of your fellowship?

That is great. Pastor Chris also thought us that God gives you the people you are prepared for and not the ones you wish to have. Let us as leaders pray for our members and care for them. They drink from us and therefore we must always have something for them.

Aug 11, 2011 4:59 AM Martin Benjamin-Addy

We as leaders must as a matter of responsibility raise more leaders from our fellowship. Imparting our vision, skills and qualities to them. They will in turn pass on these qualities to their members. A leader is is one who has the ability of replicating him/her self in the people he leads. Also as leaders we must invest in our members by means of studying the Word of God and teaching them what you have been taught by the Holy Spirit.

Aug 11, 2011 6:17 AM COMFORT NTOW Martin Benjamin-Addy in response to

Indeed,replicating ourselves is very important.I remember what Pastor once said.He said he always has his bags packed because he can be called at anytime to move to anothr country or anywhere.

From that I learnt that i must ensure to make impact in the lives of the people i lead and shepherd.You must do things as though you will be on the move the next hour or day. Thank You deacon for the inspiration.

Thank You Pastor for impacting me greatly.

Aug 11, 2011 6:18 AM Evelyn Kanyoke

Thank you Sir for this opportunity, Ive been attending the meetings on behalf of Dr. Harriet Boateng and Ill say one thing that Pastor said one time, No one cares about what you know until they know how much you care I agree with Sis Love. Care is very important.There are some members that sometimes show up after a long absence all because they were shown love and care while in our midst.
Aug 11, 2011 6:36 AM Obehi James

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CHRIST EMBASSY ACCRA GHANA ZONE: Meeting with Avenor (Church 1) Leaders - How do you enhance the growth of your fellowship?

I believe that in enhancing growth in our fellowship, maintaining that FELLOWSHIP WITH AND IN THE SPIRIT is of vital importance. The Holy Ghost is our secret for success and He is our Strategy. He is more than the Strategy Giver, He is the Strategy HIMSELF. Also th enhance growth, we must be filled with an overwhelming sense of God's Love for us, this makes us bold, courageous and fearless. It also keeps us in the love of God and increases our love For the Master such that what we do for The Lord comes from Love and we know from the Tapes, Walking With The Father and The Beautiful People Of The Beloved Country that The Spirit can only support and sanctify that work comes from our Love for Jesus. No wonder in the old Testament, the priests (leaders) were asked to eat the breast of the Lamb so that could have strength for Service to the Lord. We know that these are types and shadows for us in the New Testament (NT). The Breast of the Lamb signifies The Affection and Love of Jesus

John 6:57

As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me.


Aug 11, 2011 6:39 AM Fiahenoo Jonathan Eyram

Thank you Sir for this opportunity, I think we can only grow our fellowships when we set and follow the systems already in the church. cell system, follow up, visitations and fellowship meetings etc

Aug 11, 2011 7:34 AM Martin Benjamin-Addy

Great Bro James! He is truly the strategist and therefore we have to pray continually.

Generated by Jive SBS on 2011-08-11-06:00 4

CHRIST EMBASSY ACCRA GHANA ZONE: Meeting with Avenor (Church 1) Leaders - How do you enhance the growth of your fellowship?
Aug 11, 2011 7:36 AM Martin Benjamin-Addy Fiahenoo Jonathan Eyram in response to

Yes Bro Jonathan, we have to follow the already laid down step inspired by the Holy Spirit through our man of God for our growth.

Aug 11, 2011 7:43 AM Martin Benjamin-Addy Evelyn Kanyoke in response to

Care is very very important, as stated by Sisters Love and Evelyn. We must be caring and loving as our Lord Jesus is, because by so doing we will have a listening ear and a caring heart to nurture our member. Pastor Chris said cautioned us that, the church is not a place for PERFECT people, it is a place for perfecting people. So Let us all be caring and loving as our master and saviour JESUS.

Aug 11, 2011 7:46 AM Martin Benjamin-Addy

Brethren, I am still expecting many more of you to join this meeting and contribute to dis discussion as I will like all of this to be collated and printed for sharing at our meeting on Tuesday. Every leader must contribute.

Aug 11, 2011 7:53 AM Martin Benjamin-Addy

Lets continue to use this medium for our meetings and discussions


Aug 11, 2011 7:59 AM love Adiamah

It's been a wonderful meeting today. Please let's all make good and regular use of Yookos. Please check out the "DOCUMENTS" page as well. There are more of Pastor Chris Books and Messages available for Download. Its good to have all formats of the same message. God bless u.

Aug 11, 2011 8:02 AM love Adiamah Martin Benjamin-Addy in response to

Generated by Jive SBS on 2011-08-11-06:00 5

CHRIST EMBASSY ACCRA GHANA ZONE: Meeting with Avenor (Church 1) Leaders - How do you enhance the growth of your fellowship?

Yes Deacon, it will be collated and printed. Another easy way is to click on the "View as PCF" under "ACTIONS" on the top right coner of the page. I will save it also under the "DOCUMENTS" page of the "CHRIST EMBASSY ACCRA CHURCH ONE" group.

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