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Title: What are dreams To inform my audience about what dreams are and give them information as to what

may cause dreams. Everyone has usually more than one dream every night, but they may not understand the meaning behind their dream or even how the dream came to be in their mind.~~~ I. Introduction 1. I would ask you to sit back and close your eyes, but then you may fall asleep. I would prefer you didn't do that so you will listen to me, but if you were to, you might just experience every thing I am going to inform you of today. Dreams.~~~ 2. There have been many times in my life where I have either woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare or woke up in the morning trying to remember what happen in my dream.~~~ 3. Dreams are something we all experience every night, whether we remember them or not. 1/3 of your life is spent sleeping, and in that time, you all will experience thousands of dreams.(dreammoods.com) 4. Everyone may Know the main idea of a dream, but dreams are more than just a simple random thought in your mind.~~~ 5. First, I would like to discuss with you about the History of dreams, I would like to tell you about some of the different types of dreams, and lastly, I want to tell you some interesting facts about dreams. (Lets start With the History of Dreams) II. Body a. As stated on the dreammoods.com website The Complete Book of Dreams by Julia & Derek Parker, Dream interpretations date back to 30004000 B.C., where they were documented on clay tablets. For as long as we have been able to talk about our dreams, we have been fascinated with them and have strived to understand them. In Greek and roman times, dreams were seen in religious context. They believed that they were messages from the gods or from the dead. In ancient Egypt, Egyptians had a process called dream incubation. If a person was emotionally disturbed, or wanted to ask the Gods for help they were put into a sleep temple and the priest would interpret their dreams. Greek philosopher, Aristotle believed that dreams were a result of physiological functions.

Dreams were able to diagnose illness and predict onset of diseases. b.So what is a dream. A dream is an spontaneous action caused by the mind during sleep. A dreamer will experience emotions, visions, ideas and even sensations (Now Im going to discuss some of the different types of dreams) The different types are, Daydreaming, nightmares, epic dreams and progressive dreams. DayDreaming which is often a Ignored and mistreated aspect of dream study because they are often overlooked as fleeting and wandering thoughts. The content in your daydreams are also helpful to the understanding of your true feelings in fulfilling your goals. DayDreaming occurs when you are semi-awake. Studies show that you have the tendency to daydream an average of 70-120 minutes a day. Nightmares which are subcategory of dreams. The gap of a nightmare is its terrifying and/or emotional content. Because of its terrifying nature you are most likely to remember your nightmare and the vivid details. Some Studies show that people who are more sensitive, creative, or imaginative are more prone to have nightmares. Epic Dreams are so huge, so compelling, and so vivid that you cannot ignore them. The details of such dreams remain with you for years, as if you just dreamt it last night. And the last one is Progressive dreams which occur when you have a sequence of dreams that continue over a period of nights. The dream continues where you left off the previous night. Such dreams are problemsolving dreams and help to explore different options and various approaches to a problem, situation or relationship. 1` (Here are Some interesting Facts about dreams) In an average lifetime, you would have spent a total of about six years of it dreaming. That is more than 2,100 days spent in a different realm! 1. Dreams have been here as long as mankind. Back in the Roman Era, profound and significant dreams were submitted to the Senate for analysis and interpretation. Everybody dreams. EVERYBODY! Simply because you do not remember your dream does not mean that you do not dream. In fact, you have several dreams during a normal night of sleep. On average, you can dream anywhere from one to two hours every night. In addition, you can

have four to seven dreams in one night. 2. According to a New York times article by Anahad O'Conner in Dec of 2008, he states that some people only dream in black and white. One of the reason for this is because of childhood exposure to black and white television. He found that people of 25 and younger say they almost never dream in black and white, but people over 55 who grew up with little access to color television reported dreaming in black and white about a quarter of the time. (In conclusion) Dreams are something we all experience day and night, whether we remember them or not. 1/3 of your life is spent sleeping, and in that time, you all will experience thousands of dreams.(dreammoods.com)

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