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Welcome to the First Emotional Intelligence and Education International Congress to be held in Oliveira de Azemis, Portugal, on the 6th and 7th July 2012. This Congress theme is Investigate and intervene to change, promoting investigation role in the betterment of practices and acting.

The Organizers
The First Emotional Intelligence and Education

International Congress is organized by the Comendador ngelo Azevedo School, In S. Roque, Oliveira de Azemis , Portugal which is the head of the CIEE Project Emotional Intelligence Club at School Learning to be Happy with the support of the Oliveira de Azemis town council This is our first Congress. We count on you.

The First Emotional Intelligence and Education International Congress: investigate and intervene to change mission is to promote the science and practice of emotional intelligence to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers and professionals interested in emotional intelligence in Europe and in the world. The emotional intelligence and emotions emerging field is turned to the study and practices that promote positive emotions and well being, strengths and virtues that help individuals, prospering institutions and communities. All the participants will have a wide range of opportunities to discuss their researches, insights, ideas, practices and interact with like-minded people who dedicate to study whats best in life and how to create more happiness and well being in oneself and others. It will be a privileged space for reflection and practice, intervention, models and investigations sharing, but also for contacts and professional networks establishment.

Scientific Commission
Anabela Pereira (Presidente) - Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) Carolina Sousa - Universidade do Algarve (Portugal) Carlos Manuel Francisco - Instituto Politcnico da Guarda (Portugal) Daniel do Rosrio Medina - Universidade Intercontinental de Cabo Verde (Cabo Verde) Feliciano Henriques Veiga - Universidade de Lisboa - Portugal Florencio Vicente Castro - Universidad de Extremadura (Espaa) Irma da Silva Brito - Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra (Portugal) Isabel Alarco - Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) Jacinto Jardim- Instituto Piaget (Portugal) Jos M Cancela - Universidad de Vigo (Espaa) Jos Tavares - Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) Manuela Queirs - Agrupamento de Escolas de So Joo da Madeira (Portugal) Maria Augusta Romo da Veiga Instituto Politcnico de Bragana (Portugal) Maria da Luz Vale Dias - Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) Maria de Lurdes Cr - Instituto Politcnico de Coimbra (Portugal) Maria do Cu Castelo Branco - Agrupamento de Escolas de Anadia (Portugal) Maria do Cu Taveira - Universidade do Minho (Portugal) Maria Isabel Pinto Simes Dias - Instituto Politcnico de Leiria (Portugal) Miguel Angel Zabalza - Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Espaa) Natalio Extremera Pacheco - Universidad de Mlaga (Espaa) Pablo Fernndez Berrocal - Universidad de Mlaga (Espaa) Rafael Bisquerra - Universidad de Barcelona (Espaa) Sara Monteiro - Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) Saul Neves de Jesus - Universidade do Algarve (Portugal) Snia Galinha - Instituto Politcnico de Santarm (Portugal)

Abstracts submission and presentation types

The Scientific Committee invites teachers, researchers, professionals, students in any emotional intelligence, emotions, positive psychology and education domain to enroll. The presentations proposals can concentrate in original theoretical models or empiric research studies. The researches and interventions can be presented as part of symposiums, in oral sessions or poster. The Congress online registration is already open: www.wix.com/congressoie2012/home

Join a diversified international audience of researchers, educators, students, entrepreneurs, technicians, consultants, doctors, specialists in medical areas Anyone interested in emotional intelligence and education science and practice.

Contact us for any additional information: Website: www.ebangeloazevedo.org Email: congressoie2012@gmail.com Telephone (+351) 256 870 500 Fax (+351) 256 870 509

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