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Dissertation title Sustainable development Practices Among top Developers In Malaysia, a variety of the concept implementation by the top

developers. Research Objectives 1) To study the various sustainable development practices implemented by top developers in Malaysia 2) To study on each concept of sustainable development practices implemented by top developers from the view of its construction application. Problem Statement Sustainability has taken on increased importance for the property industry in recent years. This has seen a number of property companies in Malaysia take a strong leadership role in implementing practice regarding sustainability (Newell & Manaf, 2008). Documents on corporate sustainable property strategies used by these Malaysian property companies are available on their websites. The public domain documents accessible from website include: Annual reports Corporate responsibility and sustainability reports Carbon Disclosure Project reports

The evidence of several sustainability practices being implemented in Malaysia from literature review shows an optimistic signs that the concept of sustainable development has begun to settle within the industry. However, it is questionable how these reports and documents published in developers website are translated into an actual and real life implementation on the ground among top property developers. In some cases, the developers themselves believe that the level of sustainability practice in their projects is at low and moderate level. Developers may have a good knowledge on sustainable development concept, but they did not put in the practice or incorporating it in their projects and activities (Zainul Abidin, 2009). This research is also undertaken to explain on various type of sustainability practice implemented by top developers as there is a lack in published material on sustainability practices and not much has been undertaken to raise this particular issues, and to answer the question of why and how sustainability is incorporated into the property development project as a whole.

Research Limitation / Scope

This study focuses on the response from developers of their sustainable development. The study shall information on the sustainability practices on the impact of the development carried out and the concept of the sustainable practices. While sustainable development involves the three dimensions of environmental, social, and economic sustainability, the areas and examples cited in this research will largely focus on the environmental dimension of sustainability. Research Importance The thesis is expected to contribute greatly to the Malaysian property industry and some of the likely contributions are: 1) This study allows the evaluation on quality of sustainability practice among top developers and how does the implementation in Malaysia compares to the rest of the world. This will provide and insight how far listed property developers have reached in terms of sustainable development and areas that need further rectification. 2) This study also investigates top property developers approach in sustainability practice thus it can be used as a reference and guidelines to other property developers in their quest to adopt sustainability. Research Importance Primary data Secondary data

STUCTURE OF CHAPTER Every chapter shall be arranged in accordingly to the stage of the research. Each chapter carries information on the stage of the research, therefore it is divided accordingly as below: Chapter 1: Introduction To simplify the research purpose by giving out a clear information on the research itself. This chapter also enables reader to understand the meaning of sustainable development and to what extent this research is carried out. Chapter 2: Literature Review To further explain the contents on the chapter 1 by giving out a thorough meaning and understanding. Chapter 3: Research Methodology The method to run the study. The secondary data which is mainly collected through an interview with the top property developers. Chapter 4: Analyzing of Data To analyze the data that have been collected from various resources and it will be arrange properly. Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation The final findings and to conclude the study with some useful recommendation for the best of the research.

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