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eeling Your Way "

My Dear Friends,

There are many of you.....more than you know........whose primary modality

for spiritual connection is clairsentience---that sensorial connection to Earth
and Spirit whose literal translation is "clear feeling." Clairsentience links
Spirit primarily to your emotional body, often to the exclusion of other ways of

Some who operate from this gift may occasionally hold themselves as
inferior or disconnected, because they can't brag to their friends about Visions
of Grandeur, Physical Meetings with Interstellar Beings, Voices from God, or
Ghostly Apparitions that move upon the stair. What they experience is a myriad of
expanding SENSATIONS about life, which can often seem quite frustrating and
nebulous to them.

You must remember that "signs" are given only to those who need them---or
who have contracted to use their sensational stories as a means for bringing faith
to those who cannot yet find it. You might call them "billboards for spirit."
And that is certainly fine. But the work of the Intuitive Feeler is far more
pervasive than that......and it, too, deserves respect.

Our purpose in writing you today is to counteract this notion---the

inferiority/superiority of certain gifts over others---and to encourage you, once
again, to embrace fully the person you are, rather than deriding yourself for not
being someone else. Those sensations you experience are actually PEOPLE, unto
themselves. Guides, if you will. They live and move and have their being IN YOU,
as you host them into this dimension.

Remember, it's ALL YOU---everything and everyone you see and feel---seen
or unseen. Why, then, would you concern yourself about a particular aspect of the
"jewel" you inhabit? Why question the wisdom of focusing on some things but not
others? The 3D experience is all about FOCUS, and about learning to appreciate
and integrate specific elements of The Oneself Body......an alchemical process
which requires VOIDS to be present at some levels of your being so that gifts and
powers may be nurtured at other levels, as compensation for what is missing.

Our definition of ILLUSION is as follows: "The belief that what is seen,

in any physical space, is ALL THERE IS that exists in that space." If this be so,
then there is NO ONE in your 3D universe who can physically manifest all traits
and abilities, yet EVERYONE has them, because each of you is Holographic in
nature. What happens to one, happens to all.


The Sense Modalities to which we are referring are doorways into the 4D
Corridor and Beyond. Sometimes the doors open in one direction, and sometimes
they swing both ways. In other transmissions, we have referred to you as
"closets, with two doors." Gateways between worlds. This brings to mind the story
of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," does it not?

When you access a Sense Modality........Clairvoyance, for

example.......you are "cutting and pasting" an image from some other dimension and
transferring it HERE to the universe of your current perception. A door opens,
and an image appears on your view screen. Some people can see them and some
cannot. The distribution of the gifts is according to need and conscious
itinerary, not ego aggrandizement.
A Clairsentient Person is able to penetrate the Veil and gather vast
amounts of information into his (or her) sense receptacles--juggling tones, like
orbs---examining first this one, and then that one. The insights that are gleaned
come quick, easy, and are amazingly accurate PROVIDED that the reader has
confidence in his ability to perceive, and is willing to stand behind his
perceptions with conviction, confidence, and clarity.

Clairsentience moves like fog through a dark and restless night. It flows
beneath doorways, through keyholes, in and around windows.........touching,
tasting, intuiting.......gathering sense impressions in tonal batches, rather than
images or words. It takes everything in, and holds onto it for some appropriate
time when the data can be down-stepped into words or thoughts.

"In the higher vibrational dimensions, words and thoughts are

replaced by clear unbroken tones. If one picture is worth a thousand words, one
tone is worth a million pictures. They who can hear (or feel) these tones---high
above all other sounds--can never be deceived. Words can be obscured, thoughts
can be misconstrued, but in unbroken tones here is no place to hide............."

The key to using this gift to its greatest advantage is using your whole
body as an interpreter for the tones. Your sense of physical attraction or
repulsion can serve as a guide. If something draws you in, creating interest and
desire, move towards it. If something pushes you away, realize that BOTH SIDES of
the energy stream are sourcing this. A "no," that is spoken at any level of
interaction is being spoken by all, even if it doesn't appear that way. What you
may feel as repulsion may simply be "pricklies" that are being extended out from
the other person. If you honor this, things will go well with you.

For example.....In Oneness, there is no such thing as unrequited love.

Love that is felt on one side of a relationship is being generated from ALL SIDES,
even though it is not always recognized by all. Whenever love seems to be
withheld, it is because those involved are more interested in exploring specific
energy dynamics, rather than physically collaborating in 3D space. In every
dance, each manifestation belongs to BOTH.......and whatever dynamic plays itself
out belongs to both as well. There is no "me" and "you." There is only THE

Using this knowledge, no one need ever feel "rejected" again. Your
overall worth and lovability, as a being, are never at issue. Instead, what is
being played out is an illustration of how certain energies relate within each
"side" of the configuration. Everything you experience OUT THERE is meant to help
you understand more fully what is happening inside you. The most powerful
universal healing a person can generate is to consider the manifestation of
SHADOW, as it reveals itself in the physical world, and apply that reflection to
self---exploring, if only in a metaphorical way, how that reflection might apply
to him or her.


If we were to view your conscious mind as a City, your Internal Sense

Modalities represent Gateways into the heart of that City. Though all will
eventually reach the heart, many will use different paths to get there.

If you are Clairsentient by nature, your whole being is a sensory "womb"

of compassion and energy awareness. Your body resonates with nearly all
vibrations circulating through any given space. You don't examine things with
just your eyes or listen with your ears. You surround them, or climb into them--
intuiting what is there from the inside out. Or, you leave them alone entirely.

Clairsentience is akin to Claircognizance (clear knowing), and will

eventually turn into that (as will all Internal Sense Modalities). However,
because this particular branch of the Tree of Knowledge is highly experiential in
nature, many choose to focus here for a considerable time---because they need
personal intensity to fulfill their journey within the World of Form.

The world in which you live is still not completely "okay" with those who
live their lives using feeling as a primary sense orientation. People are
entranced by "logic," and many of them still require "reasons" for everything they
say and do. Giving voice to a feeling is so much more expansive than focusing only
upon a single concept. Ideas are "boxes," into which a certain measure of logic
is poured. They are neat and concise, and they do have purpose, though they seldom
take into account the total environment of the space in which they appear.

There can also be a clear difference between Clairsentience and practicing

The Gift of Consolation, since the former is simply a Modality for perceiving
while the latter is more of a Life Mission. People who develop the modality,
early in life, frequently do so to protect themselves in hostile home situations.
Then, they carry it forward by habit. Some forget they are even doing it. Though
it is rare to see a Clairsentient who is not a Consoler as well, the situation can


One of the accumulated powers of Clairsentience is the ability to practice

Trans-Physicality, which is an advanced form of what indigenous peoples refer to
as "Shapeshifting." Intuitive Feelers put people on and take them off like coats,
using their clear connection to their distinctive "First Person Essence" as a
point of comparison for sorting through issues represented by the object of their
interest---whether a person, a situation, or a physical locale.

Before they are completely awaken to their power and their importance in
the Oneself Body, Clairsentients can experience weaknesses in their energy field,
which makes it possible for needy or manipulative folks to pull them into
uncomfortable situations. For this reason, most Clairsentients eventually shut
down until such time as they are ready to lay aside their human persona and begin
functioning from a more Reconnected Format.

The first question a person must ask, when he or she begins to activate
his Sense Modality might be: "Is this person, object, or place" something I
genuinely feel attracted to?" In short........is it someone or something you want
to be with? Keep in mind that a Clairsentient can FEEL the effects of a "tractor
beam," whether or not the person emitting that beam seems desirable. Do you WANT
to be there, or do you just think that you "should?"

The passing of the Piscean Age also signals the passing of SELF-SACRIFICE
as a theme for functioning within this paradigm. We don't do things FOR others,
but we can do things AS others--provided there is a genuine need (on our part) for
making the exploration. Look for the words "should" or "ought" in the command
line of your motivational center. If it's there, you are probably being "hacked"
by someone outside your core. The Clairsentient must learn to ignore and remove
these cords or he or she will eventually shut down again.

People absolutely HATE being pitied. If pity is your motive for feeling
into someone, you are functioning from a program of separation and it is probably
a good idea to pass on the interaction. However, if you genuinely resonate with
the root vibration of a person or place---whether or not he/she looks or acts like
you---then there may be some powerful lessons to learn.


When you enter into someone's space, do you long to go further or are you
inclined to pull back? If the latter, we would advise you ALWAYS to pull
back......at least initially. In that way, you can reposition your energy to move
forward again. Giving yourself permission to move in and out (like waves against
a shore) is an excellent way to cushion your entry, building a bridge of respect
between the feeler and the person or object being integrated. During these
powerful transitional times, you will want to clearly establish who is the
SUBJECT, and who is the OBJECT. In artistic parlance, this would be the
establishment of what is known as FIGURE and GROUND.

If what you feel seems too much like yourself, you will tend to be overly
subjective in your interpretation of the essence. If what you feel seems too
unlike yourself, you will naturally hold it at a distance, and your impressions
will seem too objective. Getting off-center in either direction can be tenuous in
regards to a pure soul connection. If you're overly subjective, you may project
things that really don't apply. If too objective, you may become cool and
dispassionate about what is being experienced---like a scientist in a white lab
coat, examining rats in a cage. This is NOT the spirit of Clairsentience. Respect
and Compassion is always the key word here.

The use of a certain languaging, called "The Oneself, WE" is a helpful

addition at this point. Many doctors do this when they enter a room where a
patient is waiting. They say: "How are WE feeling today?" By so doing, they
create a rapport between the examiner and the person being examined. They become
a "we" instead of a "you" and a "me." The energy OPENS, and all that is there can
be laid bare. It is only when the language shifts back to a pointy objectivism
that the rapport is shattered.

Clairsentience is an outworking of an ancient spiritual adage: "Love your

neighbor as yourself." In days past, this powerful concept has been down-stepped
somewhat, by shifting the interpretation to "in the same way you want to be loved,
that is how you should love your neighbor." It's a nice idea, but it falls short.

The only way a person can effectively CLIMB INTO a person or place is by
BECOMING that person or place. Love your neighbor AS yourself. Do you see? And,
once you are there, the decisions or observations that are made would be quite
personal, since the two of you are now one. This can be somewhat confusing if we
consider the "subject, object" nature of our discussion so far. How does a person
maintain perspective while in the process of a merge? Do let us explain.

If you were in Greenwich, England, you could encounter a wondrous line

which separates time zones for the world. When you are on that line, you are in
observance of "Universal Time" which is the gathering point, plus or minus, for
hours and minutes on the Universal Clock. In Clairsentient Connection, there is a
place which one might call "Greenwich Mean Mind"......which takes the brightest
and best of both YOU and ME and mixes them perfectly into WE.

When two (or more) souls set their consciousness to "Greenwich Mean Mind,"
.........blending soul, spirit, and emotions......the distinctive effect is the
complete removal of DOUBT or FEAR. As it was once written: "Perfect love casts
out fear." This is true, and it is exactly what we are referencing. It is also
from this place that Conceptual Reframing becomes most effective.
To the extent that he is able to effectively sidestep the "you" or the
me," a Clairsentient Person can work freely and easily to solve any problem or
find any solution. It's a balancing act, to be sure. How do I fully comprehend
"you" without forgetting "me?" As the poet Sandburg once put it: "the fog creeps
in on little cat feet." When people FEEL THEIR WAY, there need be no POINTS of
contention. There is only soul resonance, and the comfort that it always

In these final days of your transition, let those "little cat feet" be
yours. Avoid pushing yourself, or allowing yourself to be pushed where your Inner
Senses don't want to go. Kitties are independent, and hate being told what to do.
If you feel strong enough to handle what may appear, and you ARE curious about
what insights a person or situation may hold for you, try not to hold yourself
back from going where your energy inclines. As was once wisely channeled: "If
you don't follow your spirit without hesitation, you will end up following your
hesitation without spirit."

And so it is. A form of SPIRITUAL DARKNESS is descending at this time

upon Planet Earth. People feel confused, doubtful, and baffled about where to go
next, or what to do. At the same time, a sizeable infusion of "feeling energy" is
being brought through to every heart. To some, this will seem somewhat "toxic"--
like an alien intruder from afar. Having lived most of their lives up "in their
head," the idea of DEEP FEELING CONNECTION may initially crash their nervous
systems, making them feel fatigued and listless.

Depressed = DEEP REST. If your system crashes, let that be a cue for you
to allow the mind to REST for a season, will you? Stop your planning, thinking,
and considering. Use the increase of emotion to feel your way through these next
days and months. Forget about how things in your life look or sound to you (or to
your friends). How do they feel? How do they make YOU feel?

The first step towards feeling better is becoming better at


We are not saying that rationality is dead. Not at all. But like Adam,
in the Book of Genesis, your logical human mind is now being asked to "go to
sleep" for a bit.........so that a "helpmeet" can be fashioned and installed.....a
"twin flame" to help light the way on your Journey Home. This "flame" is none
other than your intuitive "Feminine Self"........bringing with her a nicely
upgraded SENSORY CONNECTION to life on the planet. Initially, the pain and
discomfort of this upgrade is caused by pre-programmed resistance to this
particular "side" of the energy spectrum. Remember.........Pain = Resistance.

The Inner Critic and Pusher Selves are in the last throes of their reign
as "chairmen" of your Motivational Core. They are not necessarily being ousted.
Rather, their dominance will begin to be moderated by the contributions and
feelings of ALL OTHER SELVES, which will begin to seat themselves around what
appears to be a huge Round Table of Collaboration. You can expect that this shift
will produce changes in your feelings, behavior, and goals in life. Roll with it.
The Guardian Spirit is firmly in place. You will not ultimately be harmed by any
of these shifts........though you may be in for a wild ride!

Touch things. Feel them with your hands, your feet, and that tender bare
flesh around your arms. When appropriate and possible, RUB UP AGAINST THEM
(either physically or energetically) asking yourself "How are WE feeling today?"
You'll be surprised at the result. Surprised and delighted. You may even get
hugged and kissed.
If you are not, by nature, a Clairsentient or a Consoling Person---the
upcoming exercises will involve an installation for some of those qualities, in
order that your overall system might come into balance. The Feelers have suffered
much at the hands of Focused Thinkers, over the ages. The time for rebalancing is

As always, we remain your friends and servants in this journey. There are
many truths we cannot tell you, lest we spoil the surprise! There are other
elements which truly remain hidden to ALL, save the "Gathering of the One."
.....at which level all "facts" become superfluous anyway. Call upon us and we
will come. Share with us, and we will be expanded. Most of all, stand with
us..........as Partners in Spirit, that all may be edified and united.

Be well. We are always here.

<end transmission>

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