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Workout Date: 11/3/2011 Custom - DIVE BOMBER Image 1 - Start Image 2 - End
1. Start with feet positioned wide and rear piked in the air (eyes looking at your feet). 2. Bend at the elbows and move the middle of the head toward an imaginary line between the hands. 3. Sweep the chin and chest, stop when the chest is lined up with the hands. 4. Reverse your direction, pushing back to the top. Attempt to push back to the top in the same plane.

Set Name Set 1 Set 2 Custom - CABLE LATERAL RAISE Image 1 - Start Image 2 - End

Reps / Time 10 10

at at

Weight / Level 0 0

1. Grab a light (low resistance) cable. 2. Grab both handles, one in each hand, anchor the band under one of your feet. 3. Raise the band out the side. Attempt to get your hands shoulder high. 4. Pause, return to starting position, and repeat.

Set Name Set 1 Set 2 LEGS - LUNGES Image 1 - Start Image 2 - End

Reps / Time 12 12

at at

Weight / Level 0 0

Starting Position: - Assume a standing position with your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Grasp a barbell with a wider than shoulder width grip and place it across your shoulders. Movement: Inhale, keeping your back vertical and slightly arched, slowly step forward with one leg making a long stride, lowering your body down and forward until your rear knee lightly touches the floor. Exhale, shifting your weight backwards, taking several small steps rearwards to return to the starting position. To complete the Repetition, repeat, stepping out with the other leg. Repeat as required.

Set Name Set 1 Set 2 Custom - HINDU SQUAT Image 1 - Start Image 2 - End

Reps / Time 24 24

at at

Weight / Level 0 0

1. Start by standing tall, arms straight, hands shoulder high. 2. Pull elbows back, past the body. 3. Drop hands down behind the butt. 4. Squat down, try to keep the upper body erect. 5. Heels will come off the ground at the bottom of the movement. 6. sweep hands through (past the feet, stand back to the top

Set Name Set 1 Set 2

Reps / Time 15 15

at at

Weight / Level 0 0

Print Date:

11/3/2011 Image 2 - End

1. Start as if you were doing a normal push up. 2. Feet should be wide (see starting position picture. 3. Push to the top, lift an arm, and reach for the ceiling. 4. The upper body will rotate, feet remain fixed.

Custom - T-PUSH UP Image 1 - Start

Set Name Set 1 Set 2 Custom - PALLOF PRESS Image 1 - Start Image 2 - End

Reps / Time 12 12

at at

Weight / Level 0 0

1. Use elastic tubing OR a cable system in a commercial gym. 2. Position the cable so it is about sternum (mid-chest) high. 3. Start with both hands on one cable, position your hands/arms so your elbows are tight to the body and the hands are touching your chest. 4. Kees should be bent, feet about shouder width apart (or wider), upper body is erect and body is "tight". 5. While maintaining your position/posture, push your arms out as far as you can (attempt to hit a straight elbow. 6. Pause in the straight arm - repeat for reps.

Set Name Set 1 Set 2 Custom - TRICEPS EXTENSION Image 1 - Start Image 2 - End

Reps / Time 12 12

at at

Weight / Level 0 0

1. Grab a cable/band while positioning the elbows/upper arm tight to body. 2. Keeping the upper arm stationary, extend at the elbow until you reach a straight elbow. 3. Pause and return

Set Name Set 1 Set 2 Custom - SPIDERMAN WITH SLIDERS Image 1 - Start Image 2 - End

Reps / Time 12 12

at at

Weight / Level 0 0

1. Place a furniture slider under each foot and get into a pushup position. 2. While maintaining a good pushup position, draw one knee to the outside of the elbow. 3. Attempt to make contact with the elbow, pause briefly, blow the air out of the lungs, and contract the abdominals. 4. Return kneee/foot to the starting position. 5. Alternate sides / legs.

Set Name Set 1 Set 2

Reps / Time 24 24

at at

Weight / Level 0 0

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