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Health & Safety Management System

The key elements illustrated below identify how the company will ensure it achieves successful management of health & safety across the business.

Source HSG65 Successful health & safety management

As illustrated in the policy statement, senior management commitment & their influence in reflecting policy in all business decision will provide a core factor in achieving successful health & safety performance. Trained & competent employees supporting robust risk management routines & enabling prioritised control measures, subject to measurement, monitor & continual improvement will nurture a developing heath & safety culture whilst meeting legal obligations & stakeholder expectations.

To ensure the company achieves successful health & safety management & its policy remains effective, we must ensure that employees at all business levels in the organisation: Are in Control by working to examples set by their seniors & peers, in accordance to allocated responsibilities, both understood & achievable & committed to achieving agreed health & safety objectives, either individually or as a group.

Health & Safety Management System

Co-operate fully with each other in securing high standards of health & safety, the emphasis being on a collective effort. Have access to & are encouraged to use open, 2-way methods of Communication throughout the business. Are Competent i.e. suitably trained, equipped, supported & informed to meet their responsibilities.

Health & Safety Management Structure The Board Designated H&S Champion, in consultation with senior management & the national health & safety committee will co-ordinate & oversee the practical implementation of the health & safety policy, and to manage its ongoing development & implementation. Responsibilities & Objectives All employees throughout the business will be set clear health & safety objectives linked directly to their responsibilities under this policy. Performance Review Performance to specific objective & general health & safety responsibility will be included in performance management &/or appraisal arrangements for employees of Supervisory grade upwards. Performance Incentives The company will ensure that none of its performance incentives encourage employees to take unnecessary health & safety risk or break rules, procedure or legal requirement. Disciplinary Criteria An employee failing to adhere to communicated health & safety responsibilities will be treated as an offence & subject to normal disciplinary procedures, these include: Failure to take reasonable care of oneself or others Removing or disabling any guard, protective device or other equipment provided for the purpose of health & safety. Failure to report dangerous equipment, conditions or situations of imminent danger. Failing to report an accident or incident.

Consultation To develop awareness & encourage ownership the company will ensure employees will be consulted rather than informed about those health & safety issues in the workplace that affect them. Employee involvement in the planning, measuring & reviewing of performance will be supported by open communication policy, hazard reporting systems & formal health & safety committees.

Health & Safety Management System

Safety Representatives Each location will appoint & offer suitable training to safety representatives to formally represent the workforce & make an informed contribution on health & safety issues at site health & safety meetings. A designated union & employee safety representative will represent location reps & attend each national H&S committee meeting. Local Health & Safety Committee The objective of the local health & safety committee is to review the health & safety performance for the site, to promote a constructive relationship between workforce & management & to create a forum for employee & management issues to be discussed, debated & actions agreed. The committee is not to be treated as a forum for workplace representatives to highlight new issues, unless such issues have been communicated to management outside the committee. Management should advise the workforce representatives on progress regarding unresolved issues, employee representatives can use the forum to highlight concerns regarding such progress, either in terms of content or timing of works. It is inappropriate for workforce representatives to wait until the next meeting to highlight important H&S issues, such concerns should be raised as per normal hazard escalation systems at the time of observation. The committee should, wherever possible have an equal number of management & workforce representatives, providing a true representation of the workforce & working patterns. Each committee must comprise as an absolute minimum the location H&S manager, employee representative & union representative (where applicable). The committee should meet at least every 13 weeks & should look to discuss the following: Validation of previous minutes Review of all recent accidents & incidents. Review of latest workplace inspection checklist, progress of actions remaining from previous checklist. Review of any communication, report or instruction issued by Freight H&S team. Review of any H&S enforcement correspondence or visit follow-up. Review of issues, concerns, complaints from workplace representatives, which in their opinion remain unresolved.

All discussion points should be minuted & where applicable necessary subsequent actions should be attributed to a responsible person & timescales agreed. Minutes of the meeting should be communicated to all interest parties. The completion of the H&S referral form should be used for any significant HS matter remaining outstanding & forwarded to the Area Operations Managers/ Freight Safety Team for their review/resolve or escalation to Operational Vice Presidents. All unresolved matters will be added to the agenda for discussion at national H&S committee forum.

We will establish & maintain effective means of communicating health & safety information throughout the company.

Health & Safety Management System

Visible Communication The company will ensure its actions support its commitment to health & safety, in particular by its management leading by example in: The inclusion of health & safety as a standard agenda item for all management meetings. Ensuring management involvement throughout the health & safety audit / tour process. Thorough investigations of all reported accident, incident or near miss enabling the agreement of suitable risk reducing actions. The prompting of employee suggestions or concerns, appropriately handled & including feedback.

Written Communication The company will provide a variety of written health & safety communication, including: Health & Safety Policy, Management Plan & Objectives Health & Safety Procedures Manual. Regular issue of Health & Safety Update Alerts, providing updates for all staff on internal & external H&S best practices, performances, accident statistics & general safety topics. Use of Extra Mile Awards highlighting those that demonstrated examples of high safety standards. Targeted poster campaigns improving knowledge of particular risks or assisting in the achievement of specific targets. Use of bulleted H&S notice boards at each location providing updates on performance to local standards, accident statistics & group communications.

Face to Face Discussions The company will provide the following face to face health & safety communication: The inclusion of health & safety as a standard agenda item for all management meetings. Team briefings to cascade information. Regular tool box talks at which team leaders can discuss health & safety issues with their teams & provide an opportunity for employee feedback.

Management The company will ensure all employees with management responsibilities are equipped with necessary skills & competencies so as to fulfil their responsibilities. Employees The company will ensure all employees under this policy ensure both their own health & safety & that of others during any work related activity. A communicated suite of suitable health & safety training courses will be provided by the UK Health & Safety Manager, both current & subject to regular review to reflect any change in legislation, process or procedure.

Health & Safety Management System

The Area Operational Managers & Location H&S Manager will ensure the attendance of all staff within their control & that all employees are adequately trained, informed & supervised to complete any work related activity. Specialist Health & Safety Advice The provision of a designated health & safety team consisting of at least a UK H&S manager & 2 regional H&S managers, reporting to the Board Designated H&S champion will ensure the company has access to competent advice for all H&S matters & assist in meeting core statutory requirements. The key responsibilities of the team are to: Support, advise & practically promote H&S to staff at all levels in fulfilling their responsibilities under the Policy. Provide specialist expertise in interpreting & applying health & safety law, where workplace scenarios arise. Keep the company informed & up-to date on current & pending legislative requirements & best practice. Assist the Board Designated H&S Champion in recommending & advising on the setting of short term & long term HS objectives & performance standards. Establish & maintain procedures, including monitoring & other means such as review and auditing. Establish & maintain procedures for reporting, investigating, recording & analysing accident & incidents. Compile & keep up to date a Freight Health & Safety Procedures Manual. Provide the design & implementation of robust risk management systems & guide in the selection of physical control measures. Participate in the design & delivery of H&S training where qualified to do so. Communicate H&S good practice, instances of positive contribution, innovation within the company. Liaise with health & safety enforcing authorities. Present their advice independently. Ensure a true picture of how well health & safety management is being managed.

Where internal resources are insufficient to meet requirements of policy, the company will identify & utilise external providers as necessary.

Planning & Implementation

Risk Identification, Elimination & Control The Companies ultimate goal is to prevent injury & ill health in the workplace. The company will implement a robust risk management system in providing a systematic approach to both the identification & control of health & safety risks created at each stage of the business activity (Input, Process & Output). In general terms, this means ensuring the need for risk assessment forms an integral part of our working day, both routine & non routine & included in all decisions made & actions completed, in particular in relation to the following: Input Design, construction, use of buildings & facilities Design, installation, operation of plant & equipment Purchasing & procurement

Health & Safety Management System

Recruitment/selection of human resource Selection & management of sub-contractors

Process Output Storage & Transport of final products Activities whilst in transit to or in a non DHL location Activities with environmental impacts, i.e. managing our waste or emissions. Routine & non routine operation Maintenance Routines Plant & process changes Foreseeable emergencies

Health & Safety Procedure Manual The H&S Procedures Manual will be used to provide standards & procedures for the operation, in particular where it is possible to provide guidance for common occurring, risks experienced throughout the business & defining the necessary precautions to take to achieve effective risk control. The manual will also contain policies & procedures in relation to specific risk issues, and specific procedures for carrying out risk assessment & accident reporting. The UK H&S Manager is responsible for establishing and maintaining the contents of the manual, consulting with & drawing upon the knowledge, expertise & views of others within the organisation.

Health & Safety Objectives & Management Plan All documentation will be drawn up in consultation with all parts of the business & subject to final introduction, review & ownership by the companys senior management. Resources will allocated & timescales set that are achievable, realistic & justified alongside other business objectives. The company will set overall health & safety objectives that aim for continuous improvement in standards of health & safety throughout the business. A Health & Safety Management Plan taking health & safety forward will be provided in order to achieve our objectives and provide a structured approach to the progressive & full implementation of this Policy. The Board Designate H&S champion will regularly (at least annually) report to the Head of Freight on: Performance to the objectives Policy arrangements to ensure suitable & effective

Measuring Performance
It is essential to good health and safety management that our arrangements and performance standards are subject to monitoring in order to identify weakness before accident or ill health occurs.

Health & Safety Management System

Active Monitoring Systems to be used to monitor the design, development, installation & operation of arrangements & risk control systems:Direct Observation Observations of work & behaviour by front line Supervisors to assess employees compliance with agreed risk control systems & associated procedures/rules. Local Safety Tour & Inspection Conducted by location safety manager & team members at least quarterly in accordance to agreed audit checklist. Results reported via H&S committee meetings for resolve or escalation & review by Area Operational Managers. Systematic inspection of premises and equipment Completion of local pro-active maintenance & review routines by designated persons i.e. daily lift truck test, before use portable appliance visual & vehicle driver visual examination. Completion of pro-active maintenance & review routines by supporting functions in accordance to maintenance time-table i.e. Property, Fleet, Security department. Internal Audit CASE (Complete Audit & Safety Evaluation) Led & completed by the Freight H&S team in accordance to audit criteria providing objective standards against which a locations H&S performance can be measured. All high risk locations will be audited at least annually in accordance to audit timetable. All findings will be summarised on the day with the responsible person & supported with a risk prioritised improvement plan.

Reactive Monitoring Systems to be used to monitor accidents, ill health, incidents & other evidence of deficient health & safety performance are:Hazard & near miss reporting to line management It is the responsibility of all employees to report hazards & unsafe conditions. Location H&S managers will establish suitable hazard reporting arrangement within their areas of control. Accident & Incident reporting to line management All accidents, incidents, near misses should be reported via local accident book. The location H&S manager should ensure all entries are subject to local investigations as per arrangements detailed in the H&S Procedures Manual. Freight H&S Team will assist with or carry on out any additional investigation as required, in particular following a RIDDOR related significant occurrence. Adverse Trend & Analysis Measurable data such as accidents, incidents, near misses, employer liability claims, staff absenteeism will be subject to continual analysis by the Freight safety team so as to identify trends & common denominators so that appropriate preventative actions can be taken.

Reporting of Results

Health & Safety Management System

The Freight Safety team will collate and report audit results, accident & incident statistics & progress against H&S objectives, updating management as follows: Weekly interim report of HS performance including accidents data to Operational Senior Managers. Monthly summary report of all accidents, enforcement visits & matters of significance to Head of Freight & Operational Senior Managers. Quarterly accident analysis providing trends & year on year/industry comparatives to Head of Freight & Operational Senior Managers. Assisting the Board designate H&S Champion provide a annual report in review of performance to the communicated objectives & overall plan.

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