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Alexander II, Reformism, and Radicalism

Alexander II 1855: man and his times Fairly well educated and trained for his future responsibilities; Romanovs possessed a high sense of duty. Alexander did not process an agile, curious, or creative mind. More interest in hunting 2 personal failures contributed to his strategy: Possessed no clear ideas, no grand vision, conservative instincts with modernizations demands Easily discouraged by difficulties; his reforms did not appeal to the social public and did not bring dignity or respect. oldest son Nikolai died, began a sexual relationship with a teenage lady Catherine Dolgorukova. After the Crimean War ended in early 1856, the countries main problem was its economic and social backwardness. Signed the legislation into law (EOS) 1861; 400 pages of statutes. 1. The right of bondage over serfs was abolished forever 2. New arrangements regarding gentry-peasant relations and landholdings were to be worked out in stages during the next few decades. 3. Peasants who had previously farmed gentry land, as opposed to household serfs, was eventually to receive land. 4. Most of the new land was to go to peasant communes 5. Landowners compensated by peasants payments and government notes 6. Repay the government with annual redemption payments spread over a 49 year period. Major Judicial reform was in 1864 1. Creation of 2 separate court systems: Major civil or criminal cases; for minor cases Justice of peace resided. 2. Right to appeal under either system to appeal 3. Independence of judiciary from the Administrative interference; judges for life 4. Trial by jury for serious cases unless considered crimes against the state 5. Right to a lawyer 6. Open publicity of court proceedings 7. Use of oral testimony and pleadings 8. Establishment of a professional bar. Zemstvo reform: enacted in 1864 to help fill the void left by the collapse of the gentrys control over the serfs; assist in recruiting and housing troops, maintaining local roads, and operating the postal system; local taxes were the main source of revenue. Direct assemblies: elected by 3 separate electorates: private rural, landowner, peasants, and industrial property owners and merchants. 1. One of the main jobs of a district assembly was the election to a three-year term of a district board to three to six members; oversees the work of Zemstvo; election of delegates

Universal Military Service Statute of 1874: make the army as economically efficient as possible; 1. Long range effect of the military reform, including its emphasis on new training methods, helped to modernize Russia; weakened the old order; lessened noble priviledges; contributed to the erosion of autocracy. 2. reduced to 6 years the maximum period of required active service; 3. 9 more years required in the reserves, and 5 in the militia 4. upon reaching the age of 20, everyone are legit 5. University graduates only 6 months.

Emancipation of the serfs & Reforms Nikolai Miliutin: who participated in bringing about the reform, believed it was necessary to end serfdom to increase agricultural productivity and increasing the capital required for industrialization; General Dmitri Miliutin: Composed an army reforming which he indicated the necessity of reducing the size of the large and costly army and create a large trained reserve; 1861 becomes minister of war; reorganized the army structure and improved the training and education of both officers and enlisted men; also taught recruits how to read and write; abolished the gauntlet. Emancipation of the serfs occurred due to: Serfdom was the chief cause of poverty in Russia Due to Russias loss and diplomatic isolation were the ruling elites chief dears after the Crimean defeat, it helped propel the Tsar to end serfdom. Increase in peasant disturbances in recent decades and the fear of massive rebellions in the future. Public opinion and enlightened beuaracrats. Alexander Herzen: founder of Russian agrarian socialism; the bell; delivered news and opinions that were not subject to censorship; exerted a major influence on Russian public opinion; criticizsed that the government consisted of, riffraff, swindlers, robbers, and whores. Formed revolutionary organization, Land and Liberty. Serfs were confused; disturbed at the fact that they had to pay for the land they received from the government; believed that the evil was within nobles and officials who were fucking with the tsars real intention Noble serfowners kept roughly 2/5 of their land, whereas the ex-serfs, greatly outnumbering them, received the rest. Peasants also ended up paying more for the land that they received, whereas working for the nobles before the enacted bill. maintaining local roads, and operating the postal system; local taxes were the main source of revenue. 18,000 primary education schools running by the end of Alexs II reign 1870 government established 2 council Dumas.

Volost courts ( court for state peasants.); usually contains several village communes; peasants elected from among themselves and elected judges; they could impose small fines; imprisonment for several days; or get flogged

Moderate reformism & Radicalism Boris Chigerin: liberalism, would cure Russia of its social ills and enable it to take its rightful place among the nations of the world. (Liberal Statists) In the West, liberalism had been supported by a strong middle class and by those wishing to reduce monarchial and governmental power; feared gentry because they were worried they will just set up their own faction and follow their own interests. (Liberal gentry) Liberalism that wanted political participation in provincial assemblies set up to discuss the emancipation. Pamphlet Young Russia, called for a revolution, socialism, abolition of marriage and the family; and if imperial powers resist we will kill them. Nihilism: (nothing), including family, society, or religion, should be accepted that was not based on reason. Roznochintsy: those who did not fit into any other legal estate. Chernyshkevsky and Dobroliubov: preached necessity for emancipating women; progress lay in reason, Science, philosophic materialism, rational egotism. Dmitri Karakozov: influenced by the ideas of a cousin who said the tsar was the greatest enemy of the simple people; tried assassinating Alex II but failed and was hanged. Peter Shuvalov: head of the 3rd section secret police; represented the interest of wealthy landowners; became 2nd most powerful man in Russia. Sergei Nechaev: murdered a young revolutionary Ivanov; Chaikovsky Circle: group that opposed to having a single leader and thought of itself as a group of friends working together for their own improvement and for the good of the people. Bakunin: believed that any centralized government was incompatible with human liberty and that the state and religion were human kinds greatest enemies. 2 parties formed o Black partition: opposed the use of terrorism because it will cause more distraction for the government in regards for the gov to work with the masses. o Peoples will: were for the use of terrorism Terrorism began to occur due to: the fear of some radicals that capitalism was rapidly developing in Russia and that it would increase the misery of many people. To deal with the terrorism, Alex II reverted previous freedoms of the zemstvos, educational institutions, and the press. Alex II granted the Bulgarians a constitutional order. Loris-Melikov: minister of interior; pursued 2 pronged policy of trying to fight terrorism more effectively. o Lessened the government restraints on zemstvos and press o Sented a plan that provided for the creation of several commissions that would male legislative recommendations in the areas of finance and administration to the tsars advisory State Council

Sophia Perovskai: directed and conspired the murder of Alex II with the peoples Will.

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