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Malcolm or Martin

They are similar in that their so called heirs to the prospective black leaderships are known in the black communities as having participated in their deaths. If you read Steve Cokely, or any Betty Shabazz writings referring to the deaths of both Malcolm and Martin they refer to Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakkan as having a hand in the violence that ended their lives. This is the European or Judeo-Christian Model.

The difference between Malcolm and Martin is that Martin was more advanced in his understanding of Life and Death. This is why Martin didnt advocate violence. Not because violence was wrong, but because he understood that he was only a part of a larger plan of God and not that of the World, and that idea of violence was not his task in the plan, nor is it the task of any man. There is a difference between violence and protecting oneself. When people refer to the wrath of God and Judgment, they refer to a violent time. But, the proper understanding is the one of Martin, because the dispensing of Justice to all of mankind is that belonging to the creator, and not individual man. For example, look at the earth, that is what life is. Most people dont bother to view the earth, absent man as living. From the soil, to the insects within the soil to the water, and animals within the water, to the air, and the animals and such within the air. The earth was doing just fine without artificial man made products, structures and waste products. Now, understand that Life with Martin speaks is a bi-product of Justice and Peace, Justice being the main factor. No Justice, no Peace is not a slogan It is an ideology of African custom. As Africa during its dynastic periods enjoyed over 3000 years of a warless governance in a pharaoh ruled society. This is the only time the world in recorded history was at Peace. This is the time during with the Egyptian book of the Dead, or the Coming Forth, which include the 42 Negative Confessions, and came into being, the hieroglyphs on the walls in the Great temples and Pyramids. If you take the teachings of Jesus, and Moses they all were educated in Africa. Jesus said not to hurt them, because he understood that it was not the task of the people. That judgment belongs to the creator of life, not us. To better understand this, you must understand and accept the fact that eternity is the same distance in both directions. If you understand the one, you

understand the other. As long as Moses was viewed as a murderer and such he was okay. When he started trying to implement the African customs of non violence and peace, he was rejected. The people wanted their custom of murder and sacrifice and adultery, and other Babylonian customs later to be described. Remember too, Islam, Malcolms belief, came along as a result of the Christian Era. So to understand that Judaism, Christianity, Islam are all Warring Religions or Customs and Beliefs, and understanding, they have nothing in common with Africanism. What Martin spoke of wasnt Christianity it was Africanism, he was murdered. What Jesus spoke of was not Christianity, and he was murdered. What Moses spoke of was Africanism, and he was not allowed to travel further from the Mount, which is in Egypt which is in Africa. Now, understand also that Malcolm was a product of the system set up in America to destroy the African population. This system first instituted through Carnegie and Roosevelt, Prescott Bush, please read Charlotte Thomas Iserbyt. This very system was instituted through George Bush and Vietnam, the system was re-implemented by the Reagan-Bush Administration in the inner cities through Iran Contra. In this, the government funded CIA and Military projects by selling narcotics within the black communities, using military personnel as in present day Afghanistan. Rather than promoting jobs and education, the system of government promoted illegal drugs. Now, understand the reply Malcolm gave as it relates to Civil rights. So, when you hear Malcolm speak, he is essentially saying give the White children drugs and such too, make it all the same. Malcolm believed in the Quran and the Torah teachings of vengeance, not the African custom of peace. The problem that Malcolms philosophy had with America is he understood that Africans had to protect themselves. There is a thin line between aggression and protecting oneself and only enlightened mind can see such separation.
Remember, to the victor goes the spoils, that includes writing history, untrue or not. When Napoleon found out the truth, He raged, killing Africans. Dont forget, He did it In the name of the Pope, and the Christian religion. As did Mussolini and His Pope during World War II. Millions of Africans. Thou Shall not commit murder, Africanism-Martin. Thou shall commit murder when it is practical -Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Americanism-Malcolm.

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